Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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GENERAL ELHCTTON. kV. B. Grey has announced himself a candidate, shontd he be ap- proved by the coimty meeting which will shortly he held to nominate a proper representative. Lord James Stuart, brother to the Marquis of Bute, and L. W. billwyn, Esq.Of Penlierg.ire, are actively canvassing the Several boroughs, and a sharp contest is expected.- His Lordship arrived in Swansea early on. Monday morning; Mr, Dillwyn was,drawn in by a large, concourse about the middle of the day. The friends of each candidate express a confidence of success. Cardiff, June 11, WIS.-Ridy on Monday the 3th iust. Lord James. Stuart commenced his can- vass of the Glamorganshire Boroughs at Swansea, where he met with the most cordial welcome and assurances of support, beyond what his firmest friends could have anticipated, in that ancient and respectable borough. The like success crowned his Lordship's canvass at Loughor.—O11 the follow- ing day, his Lordship and pcÏrty were received at Neath with the utmost cordiality, and his Lordship was promised the hearty support of many of the most respectable individuals o-r tha.t borough, al- though it had been previously canvassed. On his progress to Aberavon, his Lordship was met a mile out of the borough by the united body of that very ancient corporation, and was chaired to the hall, amidst the loudest acclamations and assurances of unanimous support. From thence his Lordship and numerous friends proceeded to Ken fig, where they were greeted with equal cordiality. On their entering Cowbridge the Bailiffs and gentlemen of the neighbourhood and a. host of burgesses accom- panied his Lordship in his canvass of tint worthy corporation, where he met with the.most complete sticces?.pory ieatCUg. the borough the horses were ytken %-ct%ly fr,oin the -carriage by-the popiir lacetj^Ko,rti&w hint/ini.itJst Universal hu?.2as to ihe foothe Stalling Down on his road to C'anJiH' An immense cavalcade, consisting of 12 carriages and bet wixt 2 and 800 tradesmen ;,tnd yeomen on horseback, met Lord .lames near.Coediiglan, .ind escorted Kim to CatdilF where they lodged 'him, with repeated cheers,-in the Hal] o;\th?< Castle of his •ancestors, llis Lordship ad dressed the burgesses ?,e, I e I) Ll I.e s r, from the Castle steps, and earnestly assured ttiem. of his firm intention to attend unremittingly to his Parliamentary duties, adding that he should feel it his duty to rmign his seat, should circumstances ever put: it out of his power tojuljil the important duties if that situation he so anxiously solicited. Throughout Car- did'the most lively emotions for his Lordship's soc- cer were evinced by the bur "esses and inhabit- ants 3rt large. The few exceptions to the general .testimonies of affectionate respect' may be easily accounted furPi This day his Lordship, and an im- mense esctsft pf gentlemen, yeomen and tradesmen, mense esctsft pf gentlemen, yeomen and tradesmen, proceeded to canvass tile borough ot Lanlrissent. j His Lordship wis .there met by nea rly all the snr-1 rounding gentlemen, at the .eastern "end m the, county, who vied with tfj.ejoyal burgesses in general j shouts of acclamation and universal promises .ofl unbounded support. Cardiff, June 11, 1810 --About twelve o'clock to-day Mr. DilKyyn entered this town upon his canvass. A mile from hence he w;is, met by at least 70 respectable Burgesses and all immense I concourse of the inhabitants, with colours,.music, &c. The procession halted, near thfc': Tpwinbull, .when it was stated, that he was most anxious, to do every thing in his power to rescue the. Contri- do every thing in his power to rescue the. Contri- butory Boroughs from their present state of vas- salage, but that he was at present prevented from a persoual canvass, by the .>!hcc ot S .erilF for'the J cotalty, fie -hoped, & owa": *■ ,:nper sedeas, and to return to lf*em petfectfy unfettered i by office. The procession ol Mr. Dillwyu,met Lord by office. The procession of Mr. Diiiwymnet Lord James Stuart and a large party of hii friend?, near' the bridge, and it was gratifying to see the parties pass each other with salutations of pofiteness. CARWAR I-UESSHIRE.—We hear some whispers of an opposition in this county, but we do not think them deserving of credit. The representation of the countv-borough of Carmarthen will be warmly contested by the Hon. Mr. Campbell and Mr. Jones, PEMUROKESHIITE,—This county is not at present likely to be disturbed. Mr. Allen, of Cresselly, will-most probably be returned wiihout opposition by trie boroughs ol Pembroke, Tenby, and Wis'on, vacated by All-. Jones, vvho opposes Mr. Campbell in Carmartlien. Mr. Scouriieid stands (or Haverfordwest, in the room of Lord Kensington, who resigns. CARDIGANSHIRE.—Mr, Powell, of Nanteos, will experience no opposition lor thp coun'y; and ?Jr. Pryse, of Gogcrddan, is eKpccied to succeed the Hon. J. Vallgllan in the Imroogh". Bi>i<:o\ HIKE—This county will be strenuously contested by Mr. Charles Morgan and Col. Wood The ColoneLs Iriends, it will be se'-ti by an adver- tisement in a. preceding column, have determined to bring the voters in their scveralhlllldreds III the poll free of all expence to him. Mr. George Morgan will succeed his brother in the borough of fjrecon. RADKOI^HIRE.— NO opposition expected iu this county or boroughs. It is reported that John Wynne Griffifhs Esq. of Gam, opposes Lord Kirkwali, for the Boroiiith ot Denbigh. Also, that the county of Flint will hi: contested. On Friday the 5<h inst. the Lord Bishop of St David's was pleased 10 collate the ILw. \V d!i'iill Hewson, Vicar of Swansea, and Chaplain to ihe Right. Hon. the Earl of Mayo, to the Ltting of Mantmvl, in the countv of JJ idnor. The Lord Btsiiop l),i bc\ ti pleased to cftliate the Rev. Richard Kv,HIS, B !} ar of Udnbadarn fitwr, Aberystwiih, to a StaU in the L'a- 'he iraiChuTth oi >t J) i,'s | J. Surrogate for. mi' i ^e licences and pro- :■ bates of wills, throughout the diocese of St. David's. ()n the ISOfh May, ;uv iinportant qitestiun on the validity ofcertain ieases.granted by she late Lord Vernon, of parts of the extensive estate of Briton Ferry in Gidtnorganshire and Brecon, now the pro- perty ol the Eari of Jersey, was very fully ar«ued in tlie Exchequer Clnvmber, on a Writ of Error from the King's Bcnch. It was expected that judgment would have been given-on the- lOlii inst. the las! sitting iu Trinity Term; but the Court not being then prepared to deci le, directed, the cause to stand over generaity. so that it cannot now be de- termined earlier than November. The judgment, in the Court below, by two of the Jud:jesv(the other two having been council in. the cause) sustained the validity of the leases. The Annuat Meeting ofthe Proclamation Society for t)teD;occseofSt.Dtvi(rs. was yesterday st:; 1\ night held at the White-Lion inn, Carmarthen.— The Lord Bishop of St. David's, Lord Dynevor, and several magistrates and clergymen attended, and after transacting the business of the day, dined together, at the above house. No public event in the memory of the oldest person now living, ever elicited such general curi- osityas that which was shewn on Monday last to a Masonic Procession at Monmouth, in consequence of the consecration of the Royal Augustus Lodge of Free Masons, lately established in that town. It is supposed that, including the inhabitants, there were not less than 10,000 present on this interesting occasion; and the splendid costume of many of the principal gentlemen belonging to the Lodges at a 11 9 distance, and who honoured it with their presence, gave the assemblage an appearance of military character's of the highest rank. The Society of Arts distributed their premiums, on Tuesday se'nnight, when the gold medal was given to Sir Watkin Williams Wyun, Bart, of Wynnstay, for planting 8-15,500 forest trees. So intense was the heat of the sun on Saturday morning last at Taybacb, Glamorganshire, th tt a gate-post, within a short distance-of Mr. I- iiij) Jones's house, was actually set on fire;, and partly conslifjierJ,before it was discovered. Oil' Friday, June 5th, Mr. Frederic Wood was bound over by the Magistrates of Cardiff Co keep the peace, for having grossly assaulted a young gentleman, son of Capt. Bevan, R. N. On Sunday last, a boy was.unfortunately drowned near Carman hen bridge. On Tuesday se'nnight, as Lieut.-CeL Q"m, a gentleman advanced in years, accompa.nied by a lady, in a gig, was driving from Ilfracombe to Barnstaple, the horse took fright near Upcott, and both were thrown out. The Colonel (a very stout but infirm man) was taken up almost lifeless; his head fractured very much; and-was conveyed to the Fortescue Arms, Barnstaple, where he died about an hour after. The lady (Miss Miller, of the former place) was not very seriously hurt. Forth/even liar hour.-—On the morning of Friday the 29th of May, the schooner Charlotte and Esther, of and for Exmouth, W. Croft, master, from Neath, with culm, was brought into that harbour in a sinking state.—Also, in the afternoon of the same day, the sloop George, of' Swansea, J. Sham-brook, master, from Padstow to Fahhbutb, with slate, waSj by the timely assistance of boats Irom that place, brought in with loss of her mast. Bv this timely assistance, both the vessels fttul cargoes-are pre- served. ¡ Ou Monday L:rl,. (ieuera! Meeting of the Members of thH. Norwich tjnioti Fire and Life lielti iit the Starling Day, Ihq. being called to the ch«r,-tluft Secretary read a Report of the proceedings of ilie Office during the pa.St .yeafv*— vVe citi only briefly notice some of the material points adverted to.—It was stated that the Society continued to extend itselfin every patt of Great Britainr^uo Jess than 14,000 Policies having been issued witliiu the last ye;ir- That ill Ireland, also, it bad made corisidetable progress, though only introduced there k«.,1815 | i he receipts of pretniuiu, from the sister kingdom, v,'5'; already 4,000l. per anniim, and rnallY persoiiis ot consideration, for talent, property, and influ- ence, bad en}bodied themselves amongst its active supporter?.. In adverting to the Committee system, it was reported that, the number of Committees was I gradually increasing; new ones having been ap-1 pointed at Dubiiri, Leeds, Mansfield, Worksop, iluddersfield, Tiverton, Ipswich, Waterford, and other pi ice: 0/1 this topic the Report stated, that looking rouitd upon the numerous- Cuuunittees now in operation, observing how efficien.t their labours have already been, and considering the high cha- racter and respectability of the individuals who composR Uieni, the Directors could not but.attach the greatest importance to this organization of its leading members." I:) In noticing the number of Fires, tt was state, that at least two-thirds of those which had oc- cut red during the past year, had been wilful, either the work of incendiaries, or of meu in desperate circumstances, seeking to retrieve their affairs by the commission of this heinous crime. it such a state of things, the Board felt it an im- perious duty to apply the ariipfe resources of the S.;s!eiy every pussihJ* way for the prelection of the property, and of the lives of its members. Numerous rewards had been offered for the dis- covery of the guilty, many prosecutions carried ou at considerable expellee, and four convictions had taken place.—Turning to more agreeable subjects, the Directors announced, that every claim 011 the InstitlHion hildhcen promptly and honourably set- lied, and that no less a sum than 10,7721. 14s. 9d. had been returned during the last year, to members whose period of re-payment had arrived. fit com- pliance with a regulation-at the list General Meet- ing, ah investment had been ;' of 5,8801. towards the formation-of a reserved capital.—-The total receive(f in the last twelve months amounted to 78.3391. lis. 7d. being all excess of 20,0OOl. beyond the receipts of any former year III conclusion, the Report stated, that the success with which the plan of the Norwich Union had been attended, during a period of 21 years, might be reasonably as the strongest test of its merits, and as the best answer to thecaviis of objectors. The Report of the state of the Life Office dis- closed several facts, proving the rapid progress which thelnsntntion has made ill public estima- tion. It appeared, from the books of the Society, tlla. within the year that has efipsed sinee the last Meeting, the receipts Of premium jipon Life In- surances have amounted to (>ti,370! 8s. 5d. (80001. of which was derived from Ireland).Vnd the sums re- ceived, hi ot SLnnntties. to T2,00i). 15s. ll 1. forming a total of no less than; 88,3751. 4s. 4 1. ttie I)aytiietit. oil a(.,cotitiL of deaths, have amounted to only 17.1051. 10s, and that the capital oi the Society ha* risen to upwards 257,000b being itn increase of above 60,0001. within twelve months. —It also appeared, chat the number of Insurances has increased since June, 1817, from 4150 to 5470 an increase far exceeding that of any other Office: j and that in ten years, the Norwich Union has ac- cumulated a fund exceeding the. amount which formed the Capital of the London Equitable, at i be ex pira.tiou of twenty years, though at a less premium. U .'n s;. ifcely necessary" to add, th..r tb^se Rs- ports were received by llie members with &reat satisfaction. SWANSEA INFIRMARY. Abstract of the House Surgeon's Report to the Weekly Board, fnnii- the 2d to the 8th of June, 1818,inclusive. IX-riOOR P.ittKNIS. Hemamas per last Ueport 5 Ijischwged cured 1 Rel1mj\}!ng. 4 Oijt-DOOU 1>AI 1KNTS. R('I1¡ai'H'd by last. Iteport ¡.a Admitted since. '28 -176 Discharged Cured and Relieved 25 Uit'ot r N'.m-aueild;vnce nnd ir- 3t regularity Died V- Remaining 145

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