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WANTED to RENT, a COTTAGE and MANOR, or Right of Sporting, with from 10 to 50 Acres of Land. Particulars, by letter, post-paid, may he sent (o Mr. Bevir, Solicitor, Cirencester; or Mr. J. Bevir, Solicitor, 17, demerit's Inn, London. WANTED a COOK (where a Kitchen Maid is kept) who perfectly understands her business in all its branches.—None need apply without respectable reference to character. For further particulars (if by letter, post-paid) enquire of Mrs. White, Circulating Library, Carmarthen. N. B. The Lady is her own housekeeper. ANTS a SITUATION, as~VALET* or as VALET and BUTLER, in a Family where a Footman or Boy is kept, a Single Mail* 28 years of age, can be well recommended by his present employer, with "whom he has lived near three years. For further particulars apply» it by letter, post-paid, to to H. C. at R. Lloyd's Priming-Office, Cardiff. COAL, For the use of his Majesty's Dock-Yard at Pembroke- NOTICE is hereby given, that the respective Officers of his Majesty's Dock-Yard will be ready to receive TENDERS, on the 20th November next, from such Person or Persons as may be willing to supply, for the use of the above Yard, such quantities of BARNAB\ PILL COAL" as may be required from time to time. The Tenders to be addressed to the respective Officers, with the words Tender for supplying Coal." No Tender will he attended to after the above, day, nor any that does not express the price per chaldron in words at length, including all expenses, excepting unloading. Security will be required for the due performance of the Contract. The Tenders will be forwarded to the Commissioners of bis Majesty's Navy, London, for approval. Pembroke Dock-Yard, Oct. 18, 18^2. AT a MEETING of the INHABITANTS of the Town and Neighbourhood of CARDIFf, lield at the Town-Hall, Cardiff, the 18th of October, 1811, for the purpose of taking into Consideration an Intimation said to be given for Discontinuing the Post Office Packets between Milford and Waterford, and to adopt such Mea- sured and Resolutions, thereon as might appear expedient, THOMAS CHARLES, Esq. Bailiff of Cardiff, IN THE CHAIR; It was resolved, That we have heard, with much concern and alarm, the leport that notice has been given of the intention to dis- continue the Government Packets between Milford and Waterford an intention which, if carried into effect, will, We apprehend, be attended with the most serious injury to the Commercial interests—to the local and general pros- perity and improvement of the Principality of South Wales -10 the County of Glamorgan in particular—and also to the adjoining English Counties. r /< First—Because these Packets are not only of direct and immediate importance in themselves, from affording the only well-conducted, safe, and regular communication be- tween South Wales and the Southern parts of the Sister Kingdom, geographically connected with each other, and each containing numerous and populous Towns, between which an extensive Trade is carried on, and out of which numerous dependencies have grown essential now to their Inutual existence ;-but as affording also the only national communication between the two Kingdoms, in competition with that through North Wales from Holyhead to Dublin; and also as having in connexion with and dependence tlpon them, the several Mail Coaches, and other numerous public conveyances, which pass through the different Towns of the Principality, and of the English Counties adjoining, and by means whereof the intercourse between Town and Town, and between Individual and Individual, is main- tained, and their mutual wants supplied and the, conti- nuance of which public conveyances must be endangered or destroyed, should the Packets be discontinued. Second.-Because the Commercial interests of the County of Glamorgan are not, we apprehend, inferior, in point of consideration, to those of any part of the British Empire;—its Collieries giving employment to a large population, and being a chief source of trade to its Towns: and Sea-ports ;-It is, in an eminent degree, the principal national seat of the Iron and Tin Tradesand its Copper Works (confined almost 'exclusively to this County), pro- during Copper to the value of near a million sterling annually:—it is therefore of the utmost importance to these Establishments, as well as to the County, that a rapid, certain, and regular communication and intercourse with all other parts of the United Kingdom should be maintained. But should the Packets be discontinued, and the continuance of the public conveyances connected with and dependent upon them be as a consequence en- dangered, the communication and intercourse between the Principality and all other parts of the United Kingdom Jnust be interrupted likewise, and the connexions and de- pendencies, which have grown cut of the existing state of things, be broken off. Third.—Because, should the Milford Packets be dis- continued, we could not refrain to attribute to the Govern- ment an indifference to the present interests and prospec- tive improvement of South Wales, as contrasted with the liberality shewn by it towards North Wales; where, with- out any natural advantages over South Wales, but, on the contrary, inferior to it in respect thereto, the most favoured attention has been paid to the interposition of its great landed Proprietors, in deference to whose influence the thoroughfares of North Wales, communicating with the Paekets from Holyhead to Dublin, have been made, im- proved, and maintained, on the most approved and ex- y tensive plan, at the public expense; while South Wales is indebted for its progress in improvement to its own exer- tions alone, unable to obtain from Government any assist- ance: the pressure arising therefrom is however severely felt; the roads in North Wales not being burthened with the payment of interest upon debts created for their im- provement, are travelled at a cheap rate, the tolls being proportionably light; in South Wales, the trusts being burthened with heavy debts, the tolls are consequently excessively high South Wales has not however sin unk from the competition, but a spirit of improvement is still active within it—solicitous of making and offering to the public a communication between the Metropolis and the Packets at Milford, not inferior to that through North Wales, between London and the Packets at Hotyhead. Resolved, therefore, That it is earnestly hoped Government will on nn ac- count discontinue the'Post Office Packets between Milford and Waterford, but that it will, 011 the contrary, assist, with its powerful aid and influence, the exertions making in South Wales for the improvement of the great thorough- fares of the Principality, oil which its prosperity essentially depends. That a Copy of these Resolutions he transmitted to the Lord Lieutenant of the County, to Sir Christopher Cole, the Member for the County, and to Wyridlumi Lewis, Esq. the Member for the Boroughs, who are respectively re- quested to make such representations 011 the subject as may, if possible, effectually secure the object thereof. That a Committee be appointed to correspond with Gentlemen of the other towns of the Principality interested I therein and that the following Gentlemen be requested to I form such Committee, viz. Hon. W. B. Grey. Thos. Charles, Esq. Walter Coffin, Esq. Richard Blakemore, Esq. Whitlock JNichoI/, Esq. j Richard Griffiths, Esq. j E. P. Richards, Esq. j That a Meeting"of three of (he Committee be competent to transact business. That these Resolutions be ad vertised in the Cambrian, | Gloucester, Hereford, and Felix Farley's Bristol Paper; j and that they he likewise printed, and copies transmitted to the several Noblemen and Gentlemen of landed pro- perty connected with the Principality. THOS. CHARLES, Chairman. The Chii irman having quilted the Chair, liesolved unanimously, That the Thanks of this Meeting be gi ven to him lor having complied with the Requisition be given to him for having complied with the Requisition handed to him bv cullin" this Meeting, for having presided thereat, aud tor his guild tie t in the Chair. AT a MEETING, held at the Wyndham Arms, BRIDGEND, on Monday, October 14, 3822, to take into consideration the ESTABLISHMENT of a DISPENSARY for ADMINISTERING ADVICE and MEDICINE to the POOR, GRATIS, and for PRO- MOTING VACCINATION, VISCOUNT AD ARE, in the Chair; Resolved, That such a Dispensary be forthwith established, and that measures be immediately taken to carry the same into effect; that a Subscription be entered into to defray the necessary expenses, and a Committee be appointed to promote and manage the same. That Lord Viscount Adare be nominated President of this Institution. That the Benefit of this Institution be extended to all Poor Persons having the recommendation, in writing, of a Subscriber; but Subscribers will not be allowed to recom- mend the^rown Family nor Household Servants, excepting Servants in Agriculture; and onlv those Patients shall be visited at their houses who shall at the time be within the town of Bridgend, and who shall be unable to attend at he Dispensary. That all Subscribers of Half-a-Guinea a-year, or Five Guineas in one Donation, be entitled to have One Patient constantly on the Books, and so in proportion for any larger sum and that Parishes be invited to become Sub- scribers to the Dispensary, upon the same scale, and under the same restrictions as individuals; and all absent Sub- scribers may recommend Patients by proxy. That a General Meeting be held annually, upon the First Thursday in October, when the Accounts shall be audited, and the Officers elected.-AIl elections, unless unanimous, shall be by ballot. That Subscribers shall be considered as continuing their Subscriptions for the following year unless notice in writing of withdrawing, or altering such Subscription, be given to the Treasurer before the Annual General Meeting; and that all Aunnal Subscriptions shall become due on the First Thursday in October in each year, in advance for the ensuing year. Mr. J. M. Williams, and Mr. A. Verity, Surgeons, having liberally offered their gratuitous Services in aid of the Institution, the Thanks of this Meeting are unanimously presented to them, and their offer gratefully accepted. That it be recommended to the Committee to complete forthwith the hiring and arrangement of a Room, and all other necessary preparations; so that the Dispensary may be opened with as little delay as possible. That the Rev. J. Harding be appointed Treasurer. That these Resolutions be inserted in the Cambrian Newspaper on the 19th and on the 26th inst. and be cir- culated amongst all persons connected with the neigh- bourllOod. Books for Subscriptions are opened at the Savings Bank, Bridgend. (Signed) ADARE, Chairman. SOUTH WALES PROVINCIAL GRAND jteoiuc iHeettug ann procession. SIR C. COLE, M.P. K.C.B. P.G.M. for South Wales, thus publicly announces to the in general, his intention of holding A PElOVmCXAXi GRAND MEEHId At CARMARTHEN OIl WEDNESDA-Y, the 30th inst. when the Company of any Visiting Krother, with proper Masonic Clothing, will be esteemed. The OtIicers and Members of the respective Lodges in the Province, are particularly requested to be in attendance. The P. G. Lodge will be opened at nine o'clock, A. M. at the Lion Royal Hotel; and, after the Ceremonies, the Bre- thren will proceed, in Masonic Order, to Church, where a SERMON will be preached by the Rev. Brother Win. E N%r HEWSON, P. G. C. A MASONIC ANTHEM will be sling, written and composed by Brother It. PIJILIPPS, Organist, of the Union Lodge. A Dinner will be provided on the occasion by Brother GEORGE DAVIES, at the Lion Itoyal Hotel, precisely at four o'clock, r. M. TICKETS, KA,2«E'-A-G1TIK"S3A each, to be had at the Ludge-Housa and at the Carmarthen Library. t> JOHN FRANCIS. P.G.S. ¡ j New & Elegant DAY-COACII, From Swansea to Miflord. THE Public are most respectfully informed, THAT A COACH, CALLED IBB PACKET, Leaves the WHEAT-SHEAF INN. SWANSEA, at six o'clock every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, and passing through Pontardulais, Cross-Hands,Car mart hen, Narberih, and Haverfordwest, arrives at the NELSON- HOTEL, MILFORD, early in the evenings of the same days. The above Coach leaves Milford, on its return, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, and arrives early hi the evenings'of the same davsivt Swansea. Performed by WATKKYS. Swansea, EDWARDS,") JONES, Carmarthen, MUSSON, 3 HOB BIN-, Haverfordwest. N. B. The Proprietors will not be accountable for any Parcel above the value of Five Pounds, unless entered accordingly. II,! New & Elegant DAY-COACH, From Swansea to Llandilo. rlpHE Public are most respectfully informed, JL THAT A COACH, ran MClS Leaves the WHEAT-SHEAF INN, SWANSEA, at twelve o'clock every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, and passing through Pontardulais, Cross-Inn, and Landebie, arrives at the KING's-HEAD INN, LANDILO, early 111 the evenings of the same days. The ECLIPSE Coach starts the following mornings for London, posing througiiLlando very ,Trecast)e,Brecon, Hay, and Hereford, and arrives at Worcester at half-past eight o'clock the same evening, where it meets Coaches to every part of the kingdom.—The ECLIPSE leaves Worcester on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arrives at Landilo in tIe evenings of the same days, where passengers may stay the night, and start at nine o'clock the following morning for Swansea. Performed by WATKEYS and MORGAN. j N. B. The Proprietors will not be accountable for any Parcel above the value of Five Pounds, unless entered j accordingly. 1 Aberdare Turnpike Trust. I NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS due and payable at the several Gates and Chains III this Trust will be LET by AUCTION to the best bidder, at the Black Lion Inn, in Aberdare, on Tuesday, the 5th day of November next, 1322, between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for such a term, and subject to such conditions as shall be then and there agreed upon. By order of the Trustees, WATK1N POWEL, Clerk. u SAMUEL 11. LONG, Sfttrftoneer NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, BEING appointed AGENT to those popular Establishments, the COUNTY FIRE OFFICE and PROVIDENT LIFE OFFICE, under a full persuasion that those Offices afford to the Public solid and important Advantages, which are not to be found in any similar Establishments, begs leave to offer the following statement: Their Capitals, exceeding a Million Sterling, afford the amplest means of indemnity to Sufferers. The disposition of the Managers has kept pace with their means. Sixty- four Thousand Persons have sought Protection in the County Oflice, and have found it. Claims have been paid to Fourteen Hundred Sufferers, and not a single litigation has occurred with any Claimant. Exempt fiom the ex- penses of lawsuits, and also from the sacrifice of an enor- mous Commission to Agents, to which some new Offices submit, to induce them to canvass for business, great accumulations have been made. In these, persons who now insure, participate equally with the original members. Returns of 25 and 20 per cent. in consequence, have been invariably paid to all persons continued insured seven years, upon annual, as well as upon septennial Policies, and whether they have been claimants for losses, or other- wise— £ 36,001) have been returned in this way to about 20,000 persons insured, within the last eight years-an important advantage, which no other Insurance Office ex- isting has afforded. Acting on these principles so many years, in uninterrupted harmony and unrivalled success, it is not surprising that the business of the County Fire Office should augment in a degree altogether unprece- dented—an enlightened public naturally preferring se- curity and benefits, which have been long approved and enjoyed, to ill-defined schemes and untried promises. The Provident Life Office, founded and conducted on similar principles to the County Fire Office, enjoys a si- milar degree of public preference. Its benefits are nu- merous and important. Bonuses offl3. Bi. and 1-26. 12s. percent, have been divided during the last fourteen years! No admission fees are required, nor is any charge made for policies.-Military men are not charged extra.—No extra premium is required on passing to the opposite ports on the continent. In case of death by suicide or duelling, the benefits of the policy are not wholly Jost.-Besides otheripecuhar advantages which are detailed in the pro- posals, to be had gratis at my house. SCHOOL of PHYSIC in IRELAND.—The PROFESSORS will begin their LECTURES and HOSPITAL ATTENDANCE on MONDAY, Nov. 6th at the following hours:- At TEN o'Clock..Doctor CRAMPTON, on the Materia Medica and Pharmacy. ELEVEN ditto..Dr. BOYTON, on the Institutes of Medicine. ONE ditto .Dr. MACARTNEY, on Anatomy and Surgery. Two ditto .Dr. BARKER, on Chemistry. THREE ditto ..Dr. TUOMY, on the Piactice of Medicine. CLINICAL LECTURES will be delivered on Two Days in the Week and the Clinical Patients will be visited each day at Twelve o'Clock by Dr. CRAMPTON and Dr. BA nKEn. the Lectures on the Institutes of Medicine, Materia Medica, Practice of Medicine, and the Clinical Lectures, will be delivered in Sir P. DUNN's Hospital. The Lectures on Anatomy, Chemistry, and Botany, in TRINITY COLLEGE. DEMONSTRATIONS, bv Doctor MACARTNEY, will commence at the ANATOMICAL THEATRE on the 1st of DECEMBER next. Operating Pupils instructed in Ge- neral and Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Chemical La- baratory. Dr. ALLMAN's Lectures on BOTANY will commence in the last week of April, and continue to the second week in July. By Order, WM. STACK, Register. THE LONDON GENUINE EA P AI. 23, LUDGATE-HILL, LONDON, ESTABLISHED FOR THE SALE OF THE HAGT XNDZA PACKED IN LEAD CASES, (The only undertaking of the kind in the Kingdom). These Teas have stood the test of Public appro- bation since the commencement in 1818, being now invariably preferred throughout the King- dom; the best possible proof of which is their unparalleled Sale, which averages Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Weight daily, And which has so long placed the Tea Company at the head of the Trade. The Company, therefore, beg to .caution their Friends against the deceptions of the host of insignificant imi- tators of their Establishment, and especially those persons who are imposing upon the Public Bohea, and other inferior Teas, in tin canisters and packages, made up to imitate, externally, those sold by the Company and their Agents. Families are particularly requested to see that No. 23, LUDCATE Ihu., is printed on the Wrappers, and the Teas secured in Lead Cases, which are sold in Pounds, Halves, and Quarters; and they may depend upon having the Genuine Teas of the East India Company, pure as imported, by applying to any of the following S 1 AUTHORIZED AGENTS OF THE London Genuine Tea Company; Miss J. GROVE, Wind-street, SWANSEA; ABERYSTWITH P. A. BOWLER; BRIDGEND D. THOMAS; CARDIFF •• W. BIHD; CARDIGAN C. LEWIS; CARMARTHEN J. BAGNAT.L and Co. p CARMARTHEN M. RUSHFORTH COWBRIDGE T. LLEWELLYN, Jun. CRICKHOWELL. M. DAVIES; DOLGELLY WILLIAMS and DAVIES HAVERFORDWEST.. J. POTTEH; HOLYWELL J. JONES; LLANFYLLlN J. DAVIES; LLANGEFNI W. OWEN; NEATH J. BENTLEY PEMBROKE WiLMorandBARCLAY- llUTHIN R. RonEnTs; SOLVACH J. HOWELL; TENBY J. STEVENS; WREXHAM A. TYE; WREXHAM It. D. EVANS. Post-paid applications /01 other Towns immediately answered. • ■" a NOW LOADING, At Carpenter Smith's Whaif, Southwark, London, FOR Cardiff, Newport, and places adjacent, THE jHlllS! BRIG INDUSTRIOUS, Capt. W. PiEREGRINE, And will sail/011 the 30th instant. Application for Freight to the Captain, on board or Messrs. Jones and Co. Cardiff. London, Oct. 16,1822. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By J. BRIGGES, At the George-inn, Chepstow, on Monday, October 28, 1822, at twelve o'clock precisely (if not previously dis- posed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), BRIG JOHN GUISE, Register 113 Tons, built at Gloucester in the year 3814, together with all her STORES, STANDING and RUNNING RIGGING, MASTS, YARDS, &c. &c. For a view of the Vessel and other particulars apply to Capt. M'tee, Chepstow, where she now lies. SHIP FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Freemason's Arms, in the town of Newport, on Tuesday, the 5th of November, 1822, at one o'clock in the forenoon, riT TIIE FINE BURTHENSOME Brig SA RAIl and ELIZA, T0NS AGISTER Built in the year 1806, but has lately had a thorough Repair, and is Copper-fastened. She must be sold to close a concern, and is well worth the attention of any person wanting such a Vessel, being well adapted for the Coal or American Trade. The terms of Payment—One-half Cash, the remainder in Three and Six Months.—For further particulars apply to Captain Mortimer, on board, at Newport; or to Messrs. Robinson and Co. Newport. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Cardiff-Arms inn, Cardiff, on Saturday the 26th day of October next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, the following most desirable FREEHOLD ESTATES: Lot 1 TP1 HE MANSION -HOUS E and A. DEMESNE of LANISIIEN together with the FARMS held by the proprietor, and sundry FARMS in the immediate vicinity, let to different tenants contain- ing altogether 756 Acres and upwards, of rich Meadow, Pasture, Arable, and Wood Land, situate within the pa- rishes of Lanishen and Lisvane, in the county of Glamorgan, within four miles of the town of Cardiff. 'The land is"ex- ceedingly fertile, in a southern aspect, distinguished for the salubrity of the air and varied scenery combining rich inland and marine views, in a good neighbourhood, and every facility for rendering it one of the most desirable residences in Glamorganshire. There is an excellent pack of fox hounds and a pack of harriers in the immediafe neighbourhood, and the Estate affords a very excellent preserve for game, with which it present abounds. Lot 2. Sundry FARMS, containing altogether upwards of600Acres, on part of which the Abernant Iron-Works are erected, abounding with Coal and Iron Stone of the best quality, lying in strata capable of being worked by level, situate within the parish of Aberdare, in the said county of Glamorgan, extending from the river Cynon to the summit of the hill, which divides the parishes of Aber- dare and Merthyr-Tydvil. The Estates will in the first instance be offered for sale in the above lots, and if not so sold the same will then be offered for sale by public auction, in such lots as may be agreed upon for the convenience of purchasers. Particulars will be published in due time previous to the day of sale; and any further information may be obtained on application to Mr. Richard Wyndham Williams, Solici- tor, Cardiff; or Mr. Meyrick, Solicitor, Merthyr-Tydvil. MONMOUTHSHIRE. — Minerals and Fire Brick Clay. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, IN LOTS. By Mr. GEORGE BREWER, At the n cath-Cock-IIlIJ, Newport, on ThnrsQa.y, the 31st day of October 1822, at four o'clock in the afternoon, A COPYHOLD ESTATE, held under the manor of Rogerstone, and lying within the parish of Risca, in the county of Monmouth". Lot 1. A W nod called Coedygam, and the several Closes of Land adjoining, caled Gwain Vach, Cae yr Finch, Cue yr Gwaidd, Cueyr Pond YChll, Cae yr Pond hlia, Cue yr Mean Ddud, and two old Houses ancHhe Gardens belonging, with all the Buildings and Erections in the said land Uie whole containing 29A. Oil. 181J. or thereabouts. These Lands abouiid with Coal and Fire Brick Clay, to which a Level has been opened, and a Brick Manufactory has been estab- lished thereon the Kiln and other Erections connected therewith will be to be taken to by the purchaser of this lot at a valuation. Lot 2. A Messuage, with the Barn and Out-buildings, and several Closes of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, containing together 56A. OR. 38P. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Alr. Philip Cocker, as tenant thereof. Limestone, and it is presumed Lead Ore, are contained in both lots. The Brick Manufactory stands on the borders of the Monmouthshire Canal, and is Considered to be the best situated of any such work in the county. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Mr. Thomas Edwards, Solicitor, Pontypool, where a Map of the Lands may be seen; and for a view of the Lands apply to the said Philip Cocker. Dr. Radcliffe^s-Elixir. FOR a general alterative Medicine, this value able Elixir stands unrivalled and the Public cannot have recourse to a more efficacious remedy, as a purifier of the blood from all humours, whether contracted by too free living, or from jaundice, surfeits, scurvy, or humours after the measles or small-pox, &c. For all obstructions in the intestines, and for the cure of woons in children or adults, it will be found equally serviceable. It assists di- gestion, strengthens the stomach, and has been found of infinite service to those who take long voyages, as a pre- servative against the scurvy. Kf? Observe that the words Dicey Ci)." are printed in the stamp affixed to each bottle, as'counterfeit sorts are offered for sale in almost every town. Sold by Sutton and Co. (late Dic"y and Sutton) at the Original Warehouse, No. 10, Bow Church-yard' London, price Is. Ifd. per bottle: also by E. and G. Jenkins, Edmond, Lisler,& Dawe, Swansea Rees, Neath Llewellyn, Pyle; Llewellyn Bridgend; Bradley, Cow-; C. Vacheil and W. Vachell, Cardiff; Edwards, Caerphilly: Davis, Haverfordwest; Wyke, Abergavenny Pritchard, Chepstow; Probyn, Jun. and Jones, Pontypool; Wilmot and Barclay, Pembroke Prothero, and Blatliwait, Narberth Hughes, Llandilo Rees, Llandovery; Vaughan and Williams, Brecknock and by all respectable medicine venders. Of whom mat; also be had, Dicry's True and Genuine DAFFY's ELIXIR, in bottles at 2s. and larger ditto at 'is- <)d. each. DICEY'S Anderson's or The TRUE SCOTS PILLS, Is. IJd. the box, BETTON'S BRITISH OIL (the only genuine), Is. 9d- the bottle. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTIO.LV, By Mr. MORRIS, !'le ■^n £ e'nn« 'n l'ie town of Abergavenny, on Mondays the loth November, 1822, at four o'clock in the alter- noon* unless disposed of in the mean time b.y Private Contract (ot which due notice will be given), subject to conditIOns then to be produced, A Valuable and very desirable compact FREE- HOLD ESTATE, calle GKLLY, situate in ihe parish of Llanvetherine, in t ie county of Monmouth, ad- joining the turnpike-road leading from Abergavenny towards Ross; consisting of a good substantial and con- venient Messuage or Dwelling-Hou&e, fit for the accom- venient Messuage or Dwelling-Hou&e, fit for the accom- modation of a respectable family, with Barns Stables, Cider-mill, and other necessary Ou;t)uildings detached, and containing 113 Acres and 53 Perches ol rich Meadow, Pasture, Arabia, and Wood i and, of which there are up- wards iif 17 Acres phmted with choice fruit trees, in full perfection, now let at the annual rent of £ i6i 2." clear ot taxes. The House is pleasantly situated on a gchile elevation; commanding diversified and picturesque views of the sur- rounding scenery,—in a good sporting country, dis ant from Abergavenny four, and from Monmouth ten miles, both capital market-towns, through which the mail-coach. and other coaches pass to and from London daily. For a view of the Premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr, Baker Gabb, or Mr. Thomas Davis, Solicitor, Abergavenny, at whose Office a Map of the Estate may be seen. Valuable STOCK of LINEN DRAPERY, ELIGIBLE PREMISES AT ABEHGAVESNV, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. J. WADE, ("BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEE), THE entire STOCK in TRADE of R. P. JOiVES, a Bankrupt, on the 13th of November, 1822, at One o'clock, on the Premises, in ABERGAVENNY, in One Lot. The Stock consists of a m'stexceitent Assort- ment of LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY, HABER- DASHERY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c. And, at the same time and place, will also be SOLD by AUCTION, the EQUITY ot REDEMPTION 01 those valuable and well-situated FREEHOLD PREMISES, in ABERGAVENNY, in which the said Trade has been carried on, and usually known by the sign of the RAVEN and of the HOUSli adjoining in the occupation of Mrs. King, at the yearly rent of The Premises lately occupied by R. P. Jones have been fitted up at great expense, and in the most perfect manner for carrying on an extensive Trade. The situation IS uot exceeded by any in the Town of Abergavenny. For particulars, apply to Mr. W, L. CLARKE, Solicitor, Bristol. The Stock and Premises may be viewed on Sa- turday, Monday, and Tuesday, preceding the Sale. N. BiThe Debtors to the Estate will have an opportunity of paying their respective debts to J. WADE, on the Pre- mises, 011 either of the said three days, if not previously remitted to him, No. 3, Queen-square, Bristol. Caution to Perfumers and Mcdici/te Vender#. A. PRINCE, the original Proprietor of the RUSSIA OIL, is constantly receiving inform ition that impostors are travelling the country with counterfeit Russia Oil, and, to deceive Shopkeepers and others, have made the covers of their Counterteiis exactly like Prince's; and even printed on the covets, Prince's Russia Oil," and copy Mr. Prince's Affidavit, made before the Lord Mayor of London, and to deceive Perfumers, Medicine Venders and others in the Country, say they are Partners or Travel- lers of_ Mr. Prince: he begs to caution Perfumers and Medicine Venders against purchasing Russia Oil from the impostor who travels the Country. Mr. Prince having neither Partner nor Traveller, recommend* Perfumers, Medicine Venders, nnd others in the Country, to have the Russia Oil from a respectable Wholesale Perfumer or Medicine Vender whom they deal with in London, they will be certain of not being deceived, as the principal Wholesale Perlumers and Medicine Venders in L nclon are Agents for selling Prince's celebrated Russia Oil. Shopkeepers ought to be particularly on their guard, not to buy counterfeit Russia Oil, as Mr." Prince has had the opinion of Counsel, who informs him that if any one sells Russia Oil, with "Prince" on the wrapper that is riot Prince s, subject themselves to an Injunction Irom the Court of Chancery, the same as was "ranted to Da v and Martin. In short PRINCE'S CELEBRATED RUSSIA OIL is so improved with an extra valuable ingredient, through which it has made the Russia Oil the greatest nourisher and pre- servcr to the hair in the universe, wiII make it grow thick and long, and prevent its falling off or ever turning grey and is such a nourisher to the roots of the hair, tii at ii" it even has began to turn grey will restore it again to its na- tural cololH, and ifused often, it will ncver turn grey again, and is sure to clear the scurf, from infancy lo old ageTaiKl will always keep the head and hair clean and beautiful. Gentlemen who have lost their hair, and have the least sign of roots of hair remaining, by using regularly for a few months Prince's Improved Russia Oil, with the extra valu- able: ingredient, will be sure to reMore it. and produce a fine head of hair, which hundreds have experienced. Even Medieaj Gentlemen have published, in the Gazette of Health, that Prince's Russia Oil is superior to any Oil for the hair, and will do, in cases of baldness aud weak hair, what can possibly be done.—Ladies will find Prince's Russia Oil. preterable to any other Oil for dressing their own or false hair, as it gives it a natural gloss, softens sn.nt curls it. Gentlemen wearing powder ought to use it in- stead of pomatum it promotes eyebrows, whiskers, &c. and through the extra ingredient it wiil now always keep pleasant in all climates. Proved by affidavit, the 24th of November, 18t4, before the Lord Mayor of London, that A. Prince is the Original Proprietor in the Universe of the Russia Oil and therefore if any Perfumer, Medicine Vender, Hair Dresser, or any one else sell Russia Oil, that is not Prince's they are im- postors, as they sell counterfeits to their customers. Ask for Prince's Improved Russia Oil, and observe Prince on the wrapper and seals of each bottle without, it is not genuine, and cannot answer the purpose. The ounCf; bottle 5s. or a large bottie, containing five ounces, 1. which is a saving, or six large for £ 5. which is yet a greater saving. Sold by the sole Proprietor, A. Prince, No. 9. Poland Street. Oxford Street, near the Pantheon, London; and by most Principal Perfumers and Medicine Venders. < ONE HUNDRED YEARS' EXPERIENCE has proved the unfailing success, and fully estab- lisheo the excellence and safety, of BARCLAY'S ORI- GINAL OINTMENT in the cure of that disagreeable Dis- order, the ITCH, which it never fails to effect in ONE HOUR/s APPLICATION of this Remedy, which has been in general use for upwards of ONEHUNBRED YEARS, without a single instance of its r having failed to cure the most inveterate cases. It does not contain the smallest particle of mercury, or any other dangerous ingredient, and may be safely used b v persons of tiie most delicate constitution. THE PUBLIC ARE REQUESTED TO BE ON THEIR GUARD AG A} N ST NOXIOUS COMPOSITIONS SOLD AT LOW PRICES, and to observe, that none can possibly oegemÛnf unless the names of the proprietors,BARCLAY and SONS, are engraved on the stamp affixedto each box great danger may arise from the neglect of this caution. Sold wholesale and retail by Barclay and Snn- the ¡(mÍ1! successors to Jackson & Co.) No. 95, Fleet-Market, Lon- don, price Is. 9d, duty illcluded and by their ap point- ment by E. and G, Jenkins, Cambrian Oifice. Lister, and Dawe, Swansea; Hybert, Neath Dyke, Merfh yr-Tid vi I.; Vaughan, and Williams, Brecon; Davies, iJridgend; Vachall,and Jas. Bird. Cardiff; Price and Wvke, Aber- | gavenny Price,Crickiiowel 1; Harris, and Evans, C?! raarthen Davies, druggist, Haverfordwest; aud most v venders of medicines in the kingdom