Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

11 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

[No title]


SnUKE OF THE Copri'KMEX.— We regret to say that have no satisfactory intelligence to communicate to readers on this important and interesting subject. he coppermen still continue" on strike," and, as far as we have been able to ascertain, no approach to a Settlement has been arrived at, nor have any overtures ^e.n made by the men to their employers, who, on 'heir part, continue firm to the determination which they have from the first expressed—to adhere to the Educed scale of wages proposed by them, a course *yhich they declare the state of the trade imperatively demands. A few men, we have understood, recom- menced working at the Hafod Works on Wednesday a,1d, in consequence, a body of coppermen, amounting o several hundreds in number, made their appearance In front of those works about twelve o'clock on that day. They demanded at the gates of the Works, that 'he men who had resumed working should be sent to them —a demand which was nut complied with, Some parley thereupon took place between the agents who were upon the spot, Mr. Vivian and Mr. Budd leitig engaged at the time a' the ticketing at Swansea, alld the ringleaders or spokesmen, who, it appears, Were all strangers and were 1101 recognised, and some r ithcr violent language was used by these men. After |~e|ttaining about an hour and a half in the neighbour- ed of the Works, the men dispersed, threatening to 'J'ake their appearance again at a later period of the unless tlie men abandoned their work they did however re-appear. In the course of Wednesday *|'&lit, the windows and doors of two houses near Lan- ( °re, occupied by men working at FJaf'od, were broken. Thursday afternoon, information was brought to the Magistrates that some hundreds of the copper- were assembled on the side of the hit! above Messrs. Grenfell's Works at Middle Bank, in a me- llaeing- attitude, and evidently with the intention of in- ,l>idating the men at those works who were peaceably nt their duties. They called upon them to come out a,1d join them, saving, 'hat some of the Hafod men had gone back'to work in consequence of those at the Iiddle Bank not joining in the strike, and that unless they did so, ihey would remain there alllliht. Mr. Hrrillgton (a County Magistrate), the Mayor, Mr. (irenfei|, who was at the Works, Mr. C H. Smith, ^•iptain Napier, and a party of policemen immediately proceeded to tlie spot, and the men were expostulated "'1111 on the illegality of their conduct, in Welsh and I'uglish, and recommended to disperse. This, they hesitated to do for some time, but after separating into parties, and retreating to a short distance, they formed again. The Magistrates deemed it necessary t read the Riot Act, and before six 0 clock the men dispersed without any violent act having taken place. Such attempts to intimidate men who are content to Work at the wages offered them, and are anxious to their families, are greatly to be regretted, bucb lawless and unjustifiable proceed- ings place the parties who have reeouise to^Jiem en- tirely in the wrong, and cannot fail, if persisted in, to ead to the apprehension of some of them, and subject 1hem to the severest punishment of the law. Many of the men still express their determiua ion not to submit to the reduction, while the masters declare they cannot carryon the trade without the reduction. Several of the. men travel throughout the country seeking contri- lJUIIOIIS, to enable them to support the strike. Y csler- a man employed at the Middle Bank Works made j* deposition before the Magistrates, to the effect that Ve Was willing to work at the reduced price, but was l!Mitnidated by the other men, who threatened to use Violence towards him. The Magistrates issued a war- rant tor the apprehension of some of the parties charged with the offence, but when the police proceeded to exe- Cute the warrant, the man was non est inventus.—The ''°ppermen at Cwm Avon Works struck on Saturday fast. The Marquess of Bute, with his characteristic libe- has, wp learn, granted a site for a burial place to the Hienibeis of the Jewish pft su ision residing in Cardiff. The Nearest btubil place to Cuniiff for deceased Israelites is V'istol, a circumstance dial cannot fail to enhance the con- siderate gift of the noble donor. siderate gift of the noble donor. Lord Jamps. Lady, and Miss Stuart, arrived at the ^"tstle (Cardiff), on Saturday se'nnipht. We learn the Picture Gallery of the Royal Institu- tion will be reopened on Salurdav next, and it gives tis P'Casn e to announce, th it the collection lias been consi- derably emiclied by several valuable paintings by the best fiiodein artists. Some tine specimens of Cieswick, A.R.A., I yiie, Chambers, and P. F. Poole, the painter ot the cele- brated picture of the Plugne of Lointoii," will be tound anion^t ihem. At a Meeting of the Subscribers to the Swansea ^t'fitniaiy, held this niorninu, at the Townhall, Mr. W. jrjar|is Long was elected Visiting Surgeon, in tbe room ot *• Rowland, who lias lesigned. On Thursday, tlie 10th iust the Rev. Samuel Thomas, a'e ot Brecon College, was ord. ioed pastor of the Inde- pendent church and congregation assembling in Ebenezer tllai'el, Newport, Pembrokeshire. On \iondav I,is', the New Infant School was opened at the\i!la«re of Sketty. The fairness of the weather, and "'einipiest felt in behalf of infant education,attracted great Handlers from Swansea alltl the neighbourhood, to witness the 'oimnencement of this useful institution. In the morninsr R-til ninety childien were admitted into the school, and in the afternoon about fifty child en fioni ihe Kihev Scholll Were present, and the sys eui of instruction to be puisued Was explained to the an lience. In the evening, a most im. pressive sermon was preached on tlie importance of youthful ^"liicatioii by the fiev. Dr. Jeukyn, President of Coward College, London.—The collections towards the support of the it^titution at the opening sei vices amounted to about 12/. We observe, that tbe day of ordination at our Cathedral Church of Llandaff is changed from the 24th September to the 1st day of October next. At a Police Committee held this morning, a sub- Committee was appointed, to select forty inhabitants of the town, as a fire-brigade, and a reso'ution was carried, ap- pointing twenty-one additional policemen to act in the neighbourhood of Morristou and the works. These police are to we ir some bade of office, to be paid like the borough police, but not to be clothed The selection is to be made on Monday next. and the force is to be under the command of Inspector Ret s, who is to be supplied willi a horse. A Correspondent requests us to caution the inhabi- tants of Swansea and other towns, against the practices of two young men are going tile round of the country, taking ready-furnished lodging, and board, if they can get iI, without paying for either. They represent themselves as landscnpe paintt rs tor a pt rio ical wot k of great eminence, and aie dressed shabby genteel"; both of Ihem of small siattii e, one v\ith fine dark cnrlv hair, the other with light hair growing on the upper lip. They are, our Correspondent says, real imposters." FIUENDP."—Considerable interest was ex- cited in this town during the past week, by ti e preaching of a hdv, a member of the Society of Friends. Owing to the novelty of such a circumstance in Swansea, the Trinity Chapel was crowded to excess on Monday evening last. |,i <L ArToisTMKNT.— 1 he Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham (Sir Charles Wetherell, Knight) has been pleased to appoint Thomas Hargreaves, of Neath, in this co uity, gentleman, a Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the Court of Chancery at Durham. Mr. Hargteaves has also, we understand, obtained a Commission to take Affi- davits in the Court of Pleas for the same county. NI-ATH HAKBIH.'U.—On Monday, there was a very large Meeting held at the Town ball, Neath, to put into execution the New Harbour Act, passed dining the present session of Parliament. We observed Howel Gwyn. Esq. (the Mayor), Messrs. John Parsons, Joseph T. Price, James W. Lyon, of London, Nathaniel TregeHes, George Penrose, James Evans, W. Weston Young, and about fifteen other gentlemen, interested in the trade of the port of Neath. The day's proceedings were commenced by the gentlemen present subsciibing the declaration of office, and after a few words addressed to the meeting by Mr. Price, Mr. Coke proposed, and Mr. Evans seconded, a resolution, authorising the collection of a penny tonnage upon all vessels entering the port, and half the amount of rate specified in the sche- dule to the Act, which resolution was unanimously agreed to. Several others were adopted with the view of carrying out the contemplated improvement suggested by Mr. H. R. Palmer, the engineer of the port, who will shortly leave London to direct and superintend such improvements. HEBKCC V IN CAIlLl\nHEr-;SHII{E.-In addition to the destruction of Porthyrhyd gate for the third time on Thurs- day se'nuight, when the Rebeccailes compelled one of the constables to turn out in his shirt and assist them, while they made the other promise that he would never again interfere in their movements, we have to record the demolition of Tvllwyd trate, two miles from Carmarthen, also for the third time, on Wednesday last. This feat was performed by about thirty Rebeccaites at nine o'clock in the morning. It is hardly necessary to say, all escaped undetected, though the military are stationed at Carmarthen.— We have just learnt that Cwmgwilly gate, near Carmarthen, was entirely destroyed by a party of Rebeccaites last night or early this morning. REBECCA IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF BRECON. —OH Saturday night week, the FairDerwin,c«oss turnpike gale, about two miles from Brecon (on the Btiihh road), was destroyed by some Rebeccaites. The woik was done in a masterly style, in the dead of the night, and the loss of the gate not discovered till about seven o'clock on Sunday morning.—We understand that the Commissioners of the Brecon Turnpike Trust have given notice for a meeting to Consider the propriety of discontinuing the different cross gales in the trust. THE RUBUCCAITES.—The following Address has been issued by the" London Peace Society" to that portion of the Welsh people known by the name of the Rebeccaites: — BRETHREN,— Ii is with l'erions concern that we have heard! °f violence perpetrated in Wales, and it is now in n |aristtan spirit of alleoiion and of sorrow that we venture to address you.— We inquire not here into the causes that may have r !° '|ose HC'S we do not here seek to point out iho penalties of the law to which _vou are exposing yourselves, hut we appeal to yoy f.n a higher prinoiple, and would place before, 011 the spiritual, the eternal, dangers von incur by such conduct.—You. to common with ourselves, profess to be followers of the Prfnoe of Peace: but how can the work of violence and destruction be reconciled with the meek, gentle, and peaceable spirit of Christi- ftnity 1 N0 iwo things csn be more opposed. You have set at defiance the laws, bv obedience to which social peace and order are preserved — >ou have forcibly opposed yourselves to the COIItJtuted authorities—you have violated the laws of God. Whatever the end may he that jou propose to yourselves, know you not that we are forbidden to do evil lhat good may COllie, The mmal power with which men hare been endowed may be eseried in strict conformity with the Christian religion and if it be directed to a 'rue and good object, it will, by the blessing of Gotl, ultimately prevail.— Pause and reflect, we beseech of you "Consider your ways"—Remember that in an attempt to gain the things of a day, you are risking the welfare of elernily." CHILD SAVED FKOM DKOWNING —A little boy, named Jones, the son of one of the Hafod workmen, fell accidentally into the canal, near the Hatod Works, on Wednesday last. Fortunately for the child, our worthy Member, J. H. Vivian, Esq., was nigh and saw the accident, and at once jumping into the canal, saved the child's life. Had he not been near, the child must inevitably have peiished. Two COPPERMEN DROWNED.—On Monday afternoon, a party of twenty or thirty of the Cwrn Avon coppermen, who had "struck" on Saturday, went to the sea at Port Talbot to bathe, and four of them, named Jo > David, illiam David, Joseph Lewis.and Edward Brenan(the bigli ishman), got some way out of their depth, and the sea running very strong, William David with difficulty reached the beach; Joseph Lewis was picked up by a ship's boat in an almost lifeless state, and conveyed on shore to a small public-house, where he was quickly attended by H. L. Piichard, Esq., surgeon, of Taibachj where ewery means that skill and humanity could suggest were resorted to. and we are happy to say he is fast recovering. Poor Job David and Edward Brenan were seen to sink, and their bodies have not as yet been tound. Job David has left a widow and seven small children to lament their loss. Brenan was a single mn. SWANSEA POLICE—On Monday last, John Hopkins, of Neath, copperman, Evan Thomas, blacksmith, and Benjamin Rees, mason, both of Swansea, were brought up before onr Mayor, charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct, but they were discharged upon being reprimanded. —Thomas Braham and John Walters, privates in her Ma- jesty's 73d Regiment of Foot, stationed here, were charged willi being drunk and disorderly in the public streets. His Worship ordered them to be given over to the Sergeant of the Regiment to be dealt with accordingly. On Thursday, John John, of Morriston, copperman, and Peter Scott, a seaman, were charged before the Mayor, with drunkenness, but were reprimanded and discharged.—George Thomas, of this town, shoemaker, was charged with begging in the public streets. He was also discharged and sent out of town. NEATH P CT ry Siisstovs, A un. 18, Before Howel Gwyn (Mayor), and G. Lewellvn, E<qrs.—Elizabeth Jones, of the pari>li of Cadoxton-juxta-Neath, was charged by Ann Boweu, of the same place, with having violendy assaulting her. The case was of a most trivial nature, and the de- fendant was only ordered to pay the expenses, amounting to 9s. Gd. Paid. — William Jones, Margaret Savours, John Lewis, Catherine Da ties, and John Jones, all of the parish of Seath, were summoned by John Bentley, overseer, tor refusing to p iy their poor-rates. The parties came to an arranueinet out of Court, agreeing to pay the amount claimed, wiih costs incurred.—[Neath, we are intormed, is in a very tranquil state, and the coppermen in the neighborhood aie very quiet.] BURGLARY.—On Wednesday night, some thieves entered the Wheat Sheaf public-house, at Morriston,| and took away a quantity of clothes and other propeity. FORGERY. On Wednesday, he 9th inst., an inquiry was held at the Aniiel Inn, Merthyr, relative to a will 01 the late Mr. Abraham Jones, of Merthyr, naiter. The Magis- trates present were Rowland Fothergill, Esq., and the Rev. Charles Maybery, Clerk. The charge was for forging and uttering the will, and the persons charged were Isaac Jones, a brother to the deceased, aged 70 years, and his nephew, Richard Jenkins, a young man. Evidence was produced n the pan of the p osecntor, that Abraham Jones died on the 11tli July lasl-that, on the 17th July last Jacob Jones went to a peison named Mac Farlan, a schoolmaster at Newbridge that the latter wrote a will at Ihe dictation of Jacob Jones, purporting to be the will of the deceased—thar, on the 18th July last, Jacob Jones went to the Registrar's Office, at Dan-tan, and lodged a caveat against any wiil that might be delivered as the will of Abraham Jones, and on Thursday, the 27th, he went again to Llandaff, and produced a will- that the Officer, finding it was not properly attested, told him to aet one of the witnesses 10 the will to prove the execution. See.—that shol tly aftei wards, Jacob Jones and Richaid Jenk ns letmned, and the lattei made an affidavit to the effect that be had seen the deceased sign and deliver the will according Ii) law.— It was proved that the signature of A brahalll Jones to the will was not his band-writing.—The vtill appeared to bear date in the year 1838, but the water mark on the paper on which it was written was IS.t2.-A meat ileal ot extraneous evidence was entered into, but the above is the piincipal part of it.— Both prisoneis were com- mitted. A BILL TO ALTER TURNPIKE TRUSTS. — A gentleman named Ellis, a banister, accompanied Mr. Hall to Wiles, and formed part ofthe commission. He di; ect sliis attention solely to the accounts and management of the turnpike trusts, and has expressed a very strong opinion against Ihe numerous side bars, which forlll so great a ground of grievance. This learned gentleman his drawn up a bill, having for its object the consolidation of the trus's and the gradual paying off the tally-holder*. The bill, as we undei- s and, provides that the tni npike trusts shall be consolidated and placed under the management of the commissioneis 'esiding in the metropolis, but the trustees will still be tins- lees of the turnpike roads of the whole county. A sinking fund of one per cent, annum will be fonned.and as the money accumulates it w ill he plaeedollr at com poo mi interest. It is calculated that by this plan, the whole of the tallyholders wi;l i,e paid ofi 'n about fifiy yeats. Tbe remainder ot Ihe money will go lo pay the expenses ot the roads. Should there, however, 1101 be sufficient funds to repair the road*, thetinslees will be empowered to call upon the parishes through which the roads pass to repair them. The bill in its detdiis will be tumid to comprehend other objects, but its (>' iuciple features are those which we hate slated. Ot the, accuracy of our information there is no doubt whatever, and deeming it very important, we ale glad that we are enabled to convey it to ihe public. — Silurian. An immense number of calile were sold at Kilgerran fair, on Monday last, but atlowpiices Colts sold well at advanced p, ices. The Daniel O'Connell, Keily, from Dungarvon to Swansea, with copper ore, foundered off the Smalls on Sunday last, having sprung a leak. Crew picked up by the schooner Devonshire, and landed at Swansea. It ap. pears that the leak increased so fast, that the crew Ind scarcely time to take to the boat before the vessel went down by the head. j







Family Notices

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