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II—■■■ I r,aturDay to ifWoitDuiy'#…


II —■■■ I r,aturDay to ifWoitDuiy'# IJoot#. LONDON, Nov. 11. j THE Paris papers to Thursday's date have been I received. The Council of State appointed by the King of the French, to take into consideration the letter of the Bishop of Chalons, has given its decision I against the claims of the Church, and the King has in Consequence issued a Royal Ordonnance, in which it is declared that there is an abuse of authority in the claims of the Bishop, that the Bishop was guilty of afts injurious to the University and the teachers, and disturbed the consciences of children and the con- 8ciencies of their families. This just decision will give satisfaction to all liberal and independent minds, and ought to convince the opponents of Louis Philippe that he will protect them at least from one tyranny, and that not the least galling, the tyranny of the priests.—The Journal des Debates has an article on the late events fit Lahore, which takes a more impartial and unpreju- diced view of the position of England, with respect to that country, than the Commerce, and some other Paris journals. the writer, in fact, admits that the acqui- sition of territory in India, and the probable acquisition of more, has arisen more from the force of circum- stances than any regular plan of conquest. When ^ord Ellenboroiigb," it says, took possession of the government of India, in 1841, his first act was to pub- "sh a proclamation, in which he protested against the usurping policy of the Government which preceded him, and declared that Great Britain wished to shut herself within the limits of her own territory, without I ^"(erfernig further in tha wars carried on by its in- dependent neiffhboiirs. Anu %■<>♦ the new Co»ernor- • General found bitaself obliged to yield to necessities j not of his own creation. He found himself bound to become a conqueror and usurper, in spi'e of himself, It was in this way he was obliged to make a campaign to the very farthest point of Afghanistan, to recover the small remains of the English army which escaped from the famous disaster of Caubul, and to return, leaving behind him the utmost terror as well as hatred of the name of England. It was thus that he was forced to add to the English empire the whole of the territory of Sinde, and to convert into an English province a <c°untry which commands the mouths of the Indus and ftll the commerce of Central India and once more it is thus, that he is about to find himself under the inevitable Necessity of interfering as an arbiter, and probably as a Sovereign, 'n t'ie disputes which have deluged the kingdom of Lahore with blood. The dominion of ^'inject Sing had alone given to the empire of the Sikhs a certain unity, which gave to its communications Europe a certain eclat, but it was evident that after the death of the Lion of the Punjaub, as he was called, this eclat would disappear, and that factitious unity jvould crumble into dust. This is exactly what bits happened. Runjeet Sing died in 1839, and from that tine the kingdom of Lahore has been almost blotted Oot of history. It re-appears once more upon the Stage, but probably for the last time. as an independent country, and just as it is on the eve of being engulphed In the absorbing empire of British India."—The Minis- ter of War has received a dispatch from Marshal ""Ceaud. dated Algiers, Oct. 28, enclosing a report Jr°m Colonel Eynard, dated Oct. 24, from the neigh- bourhood of Miliauah, and another from General Marey, dated Medeah, Oct. 26. They are very satisfactory as showing the general submission of the tribes, but com- municate no particular fact of importance. The latest intelligence from Madrid is coutained in *he following telegraphic dispatch from Bayonnc of the 7th»received on Thursday, by the French Government: On the 4th, the Congress, finally constituted itself. Id. Olozaga has been appointed President. MM. Alcon, llizarredo, Pidal, and Gonzales Bravo, have been appointed Vice-Presidents. MM. Roca de Fo- K°res, Nocedal, Salido, and Posada Herrera have been ?Ppointed Secretaries."—The Madrid papers of the 2d *n*t state, that Senor Bernabea had brought forward his motion against Ministers, and charged them with "Oativ unconstitutional acts among others, the decla- ration of the Queen's majority without the convocation Of an extraordinary Cortes, the contract with M. Sala- manca, and the lawless conduct of the agents of Go- vernment in tearing down certain printed papers from Ihe usual places of publication without any legal au- *hority. Senor Lopez defended the Government, and -aid, the Cabinet, of which he was the chief, had only taken office from A sense of public duty, and had ill all things sought to carry out the national will, and to pro- mole the prosperity of the country. He denied that he and his colleagues had violated the Constitution. As to the Bill for declaring the Queen's majority, it was "rnught fairly and constitutionally before Chambers freely elected and under no influence from the Govern- ment, and added that the Ministers intended to abstain from voting on the question. With respect to the con- tract with M. Salamanca, M. Lopez said that there 'Could be no infringement of the Constitution as it had 110t been signed, and the Chambers had to deliberate !|Pon it. He then alluded to the charge against the Ministry, of having ordered or sanc'ioned the removal of certain papers from the walls of Madrid, and read a Portion of them, leaving it to the Chamber to say whether they were not of so infamous a character as to Justify what was done without the previous decision of tribunal. The speech was much applauded When had concluded, the Chamber adjourned -The intel- "Sence in the Madrid journals of the 3d, is not impor- tant. The Minister of War had applied io Congress to ^Qfirm the levy of 26,000 men raised by decree, when the question was referred to a Committee.-A Barce- 10na paper of the 1st states, that the junta had issued order, forbidding any money being taken out of Barcelona, except it be a sum of less than 100 reals, "ore troops are sending from Tarragona, but ammu- nition is required for the siege of Girona. There is said to be divisions among the insurgents of Barcelona, k Was ?enei*ally thought by well-informed parties, 'hat the insurgents would lay down their arms on 'earning that Saragossa had surrendered. The Little Liverpool has brought intelligence from Lisbon to the 31st ult. and Vigo to the 4th inst. The Qlleen of Portusal returned to the capital on the 31st !lit. The anticipated re construction of her Cabinet Is confirmed but from the absenoe of the Duke de Palmella and the Marquis Saldanha from Lisbon, the official notification of the new appointments have not yet taken place.- The insurrection in favour of Espar- to continued at Vigo; the town is in a state of h'ockade, in consequence of the National Guard having declared in favour of the Central Junta, and, und^r the commaud of General Iriarte, being prepared to defend the town against the Captain-General of Galicia, J?ho was advancing agains' it wi'h 4000 troops of the "tie, Ti,e important fortress of Ferrol has joined the Movement. .The intelligence from Alexandria is to the 26th ult. ^•ehernet Ali was on the point ot leaving Cairo, for P e2» to examine the plan submitted to him by the French engineer, Gallice Bey, for fortifying the place, p*d to give directions for commencing the works. The acha had abandoned the intention of cousmictinsi a ailroad between Boulak and Suez, and was anxious fe-open the canal of Beni-el-As, by which those °wns formerly communicated. In a letter from Alex- ftI,dria, of the above date, we find the following news: The renunciation by the Pacli* of the monopoly of "e cotton trade, which was at first only partial with ,cerf ill members of his family, has been now made general, and d eaiings in this article have become per- I ectly free> This enfranchisement omes very appro- 08 at this moment, when cotton has resumed its favour, ^d promises to play a brilliant part in the markets of ^Wope." The arrival at Falmouth of her Majesty's packet Pn^rutw, furnishes news from Rio de Janeiro to the 7th of September. On the 3d of that month, the be- fothed Empress and her brother arrived at Rio de aneiro, and on the following day the Imperial mar- 'age was celebrated As the Legislative Chambers ?^ere still sitting, and thousand of the most respectable ^habitants of our cities had flocked to Rio de Janeiro, "at city was crowded with spectators, who testified r joy on the happy event faking place, in a most ,q ^•"iking and affecting manner. Fireworks and illumina- lOllS, on a grand scale, were exhibited in the evening; ^ud on their Majesties going to the theatre on the 8th, .'ley were most enthusiastically cheered. His Ma- ry's sister, Donna Januaria, and her Majesty's 'other, shared in the greetings I THE MONEY MARKET.—The Bank of England Re- Urns for the four weeks ending with the 4th inst., Published in the Gazette of yesterday, exhibit a de- ^r,e.ase *n all the items except the stock of Bullion, "ich has received a further augmentation of 20,000/ ■j*nd now amounts to 12,098,000/. The Circulation has j ee.n widely reduced, as there had been lately no employment for such an issue of notes as Quid otherwise, and perhaps will ere long be readily Absorbed. The decrease is 247.000/ the present amount being 19,561,000/. The Deposits have been les- ened to the extent of 486,000/ being now 10,980,000/ nd the Securities by 801,000/ or to 21,392,0001. The Rest, or surplus profits, has been reduced from :3 24t,OuOl. to 3,196,0001 A very considerable de- mand for money has arisen within the last two or three days, and it is stated upon competent au'hority that the demand has been for the legitimate purposes of trade and commerce. The business of the leading discount houses of the City has in fact assumed a healthy degree of activity, and capital that has lain dormant, or nearly so, for a long time past, has again been partly brought into circulation. The rate of in- tetest upon the most approved securities has advanced to within a fraction of the charge made by the Bank of England for advances, except on firs'-rate bills. A bond, fide sale of 100,0001. reduced 3! per cents, yes terda v led to a fall of t per cent, in Consols, the previous rise having been one-half per cent. During the week many rather large transactions were noted, principally real investments.—In the Stock-market business has not been brisk, but there were several contracts for the first transfer-day next week, and prices appeared to be rather better supported than at the close of business yesterday, one cause of the depression then being, as is alleged, a few speculative sales for January. Con- sols were 96k to 96t f for money, and 961 to 961 for time Exchequer Bills 62s. premium, and rather dull. East India bonds realised 74s to 76s. premium. The new 31 per cents, were 103 to 1031-, the reduced 102f to 1, and the 3 per cents. 951 to Bank stock brought 180 to 181.

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