Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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Family Notices



CARMARTHENSHIRE SPRING ASSIZES. (Coutilllwd from our 4th page). RIOTS AT PORTHYRHYD. Thomas Thomas, aged 34, farmer and freeholder, and Jam s Thomas, labourer, were placed at the bar. upon an ind ict meut charging ihem with having, on the 5th of September last, unlaw- fully, riotously, and tumultllously assembled at Porthvrhyd, in the above county, and with having feloniously aided and abetted John Jones, alias Slioni Scyborfawr, to shoot at various persons, with intent to murder them, or do them grievous bodityhitrm. In other counts of the indictment the intent was varied, and also the individuals shut at.—This case excited the greatest interest, in consequence of the respectability of the family and connexions of the former prisoner.—Messrs. Wilson and Lloyd Had defended the prisoners. Mr. Chilton, Q.C. (with whom were Messrs. Evans, Q C., and E.V.WiHiams), addressed the jury for the Crown. The prisoners at the bar were indicted, together with another person, named John Jones, not then present, for having fired at certain individuals named in the indictment, with intent to do them grievous bodily harm. lie would state, in the very outset of tne proceedings, that he was not in a condition to prove thai either of the prisoners actually drew a trigger. or that thev were even armed with Ihe intension of injuring any of the unoffending persons who were inmates ot the prosecutor's house on the night of the riol; but under the direction of the Learned Judge who presided, he (Mr. Chilloi ) would tell the jury, that if they (prisoners) went out with that mob. many of whom were armed, and nearly all of whom were disguised, and if they continued acting in concert with them after a single gun was fired, and if, instead of interposing to prevent further mischief, it would ap- pear that either of them had cried out, "SUOOI him, shoot him," they were, in the eye of Ihe law, equally guilty with the persons who took the most active and prominent part in the proceedings of the night. W iIli regard to John Jones, who w as so well known under the name of Slioni Scyborfawr, it was unnecessary' to say- more than observe, that he was convicted at the Winter Assizes of an oilence quite unconnected with the present charge, which circumstance accounted for his not being present to answer to this charge. Tile prtSDuer, Thomas Thomas, was the son of one of the most respectable 1 .beholders in the county, and was also himself a farmer and frepÍJolder to a considerable extent; and most unfeignedly did he (Mr Chilton) reg;et to see a person of his station stand at the bar to answer to such a charge. Were he calling the attention ol the jury to a mere case ot the destruc- tion of a turnpike gate, or of a toll-house, he should feel himself called upon to offer some observations upon the awful and im- portant responsibility of the oath which thev had taken, and which called upon them to disregard all prejudices — aye, even if they considered that no very great crime was committed bv pulling down a turnpike-gate or house, and so get rid of tolls yet, when placed in that box, he would call upon them, as they must answer to God and to their country, to "return a verdict accordin" to the evidence." But, however much opinions might difl'er respecting gates and lolls, no honest man could, by any possibility, sympathize with such outrages as he should prove were coniinitted 11 on the night in question, under the guise of Rebeccaism. The prosecutor in this case was a weaver and small farmer, who had also acted for a nuulher of years as con- stable in the parish of Porthyrhyd, and the only offence with which he was charged was, thai he honestly performed his duties as a constable, which rendered him verv inimical to those who, calling themselves Rebeccailes, had resolved upon exterminating turnpike-gates. In consequence of this, his life was in peril he had received letter after letter, containing all kinds of threats. His boose was attacked, night after night, so that it hiad become impossible for him longer to continue residing in it. He had thereiore left it on the night of lite 4th of September, his wife, son-in law, two daughters and children, remaining therein. On tltat night in thedeadof night, alter having retired to rest —they were aroused by a mob, in which were a great number of persons dressed alter the lashion of Rebecca, armed with guns, pickaxes, bludgeons, and various other implements. They demanded that Evan 1 hoinas should be given up to them. His daughter, alarmed as sue was, got up, and assured them that Evan Thomas wasnotinthettouse. They replied that thev ivouhl hare him, or destroy all who were in the house. They then pulled down a temporary shatter—for the windo w had been de.-troved on a pre- vious night—and p ointed three guns, which it would again appear were loaded with slugs, with their muzzles towards the half- naked woman. This was repeated, and he should prove to the jury that some of the guns were loaded with shot; and it was almnst a miracle tllal the prisoners had not to stand at that bar, and answer to a charge of Illurder-for murder it must unques- tionably have been were any lives lost on that occasion. Slugs were afterwards discovered in the furniture, and a shot bad been extracted from the child's thigh, lie ( Air. Chilton) did not be- lieve that a person of the station of Ihe prisoner, Thomas Thomas could have taken part in such proceedings, had he known the excesses which would have been committed, but thut only proved 10 what extremes and excesses a person might be carried, after commencing a course of lawless association with such characters, The next question would be, how were the prisoners at file bar affected or connected with the proceedings described ? And to that question he would entreat the IIIOSt serious attention of the jury. No doubt could exist but that every person whom he should call before them was in a state of the utmost anxieU, and most serious alarm and consternation, and could not m'lke that cool and calm observation which they would, if placed in a less hazardous situation; but one of them would srn, that he liis- tinctly saw the prisoner. Thomas Thomas, and from his appear- ance he (Mr. Chilton) thought he was not a man likely 10 be mis- ts ken there were not tnanv men of his dimensions and appear- ance, The witness would telllhem that, though he was disguised, he had an opportunity of observing him-tbat he saw him giving directions, arid heard him cry out, "Shoot him, shoot him." Two women, who were intimately acquainted wilb hitn, and knew his voice, would bear similar testimony. He (the Learned! Counsel) would not enter into tbe particulars of the evidence against the other prisoner, but they should hpar from the wit- nesses the testimony affecting him. It was for the jury to say i whether they relied upon il. He would, on the part of both pri- soners, call upon the jury not to be easil. satisfied, for the charge was a most grave and serious one, and they had a right to de- mand that it should be made out to their entire satisfaction. He should tell them one circumstance, which showed that Thomas Thomas took part in the Rebecca disturbances, and ha,1 some influence with those people. Attacks had been made On the house of the proscculor, Evan Thomas, iu the early parts of July and August, and he went to the residence of Thomas Thomas, with the hope ol making a friend of him, and asked him for pro- teclion from the depredations of the Rebeccailes. The prisoner promised to write him a kind of paper or petition, it he called next day. He did so on a subsequent dav, when the prisoner gave him a piece of written paper, and told him if he would get It few of the neighbours to sign it, the Beccas would leave him alone. The paper was written in prisoner's presence, by Mrs. Thomas, who undoubtedly, from the style of the writing. &c.. was a person of respeclabie education. The Learned Counsel then read the document it was to the following effect The undersigned. Evan [ hoinas, begs to inform those who call them- ■ selves Beccaites, that he is heartily sorry if he h is done anylhing to injure any one, and sincereh hopes they will allow his family and sell to rest ill peace fiom hencetorih. He sncerely promises never again to act as constable in this or any other parish, as he is told that is one great objection you have to him, hot will froni hence endeavour to become a comfort to his family, and regain the fiiendship of the country, which he finds he has entirely lost." True, continued the Learned Counsel, the prosecutor might have lost lhe confidence of Ihe country by endeavouring to prevent outrages which, however begun, had lalleilv arrived at such a pitch, and become so disgraceful, as to show "such reckless dis- regard or human life, as had been exhibited on ihe night in ques- I tion. The only questions for Ihe consideration of the jury were, whether the prisoners al the bar look part in assisting the moh to fire, or al least whether they remained there after the guns had been fired. 31r. Chilton concluded by telling the jury lo give the prisoners the benefit ol any doubts which mighi arise in the case. George Thomas was llien examined. Il is unnecessary to give his examination in this case, as it is couched in nearly Ihe same words as given in the following charge of misdemeanor against. thesamedefendants. At theconctu-iou of this witness's evidence, the Learned Judge intimated his opinion that the charge of shooting, wllh inlent, I had not been made out. Undoubtedly a riot had been created, but if there had existed any intention of doing grievous bodily harm, that intention might very easily have been carried into I effect. Mr. Chilton comcioed, and staled that after that observation, be would not press the felony, but proceed with lhe charge of misdemeanor against the prisoners. The jury, by his Lordship s direction, then acquitted Ihe pri- soners upon this charge. They immediately leiL the dock, and took their seats as defendants below the bar. M r. Chilton then pi oceeded to si ate t he case. The prisoners, he said, were acquitted of the serious offence, and were now tried upon the minor charge of liaiing been present and taking part in lhe riot which took place al lhe prosecutor's house, on the night of the 4th ot September. The Learned Counsel's statement in this case was very similar to the last — omitting his remarks re- lative to the felonious intent. George Thomas was then called, and examined by Mr. Evans, Q.C.:—-ram the .son-in-law of ihe prosecutor, Evan Thomas, who was a conslahle in September last, and lived at Portliv rhvd, in a collate adjoining the road. M\ wife, s?tf, and child, slept in his col!io house on the night of lhe 4th of September. Mary Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, and Evan Thomas's wife were in the house. We had retired aboill leu o'clock. Soon after retiring, we beard great noises of blowing of horns, &c. The l1Ioh were passing ill the direction frolll Llanddarog to Swansea. We heard firing. In a short time after, when they were returning, I also hetrd firing. The mob were calling for Evan Thomas. Witness lighted j a candle, when he saw three guns pointed between a hoard o> the j window and the wall. Thl; board was then pulled down, when wilness perceived that it was a line moonlight night. Isawa lartre crowd of disguised persons; there were from i i i i i I v to fifty people outside. After niv mother-in-law opened the window, she said, I know you, old fellow. Thev called his wi'e to come out, and go on her knees before them. She said she would not, i* she were lorn to pieces. Witness then went to the door, and 'he mob called on him to bring out Evan Thomas, or lie should suffer instead of him. They then commenced shooting at the house. I saw the defendant, Thomas Thomas, there—I am so e he was Ihere; had known him for two years, and seen hiin often before. J went up to the defendant, about ten days before, to ask a favour, on part of my father, ahout Rebecca. Defendant said, if he asked the favour for himself he would do it, but that all the couiitrv was angrv to his lather lor being a constable. Cross-examined by Mr. Wilson: Thomas Thomas wore a white gown down to his knees. He wore a straw h.-M. I well knew his voice. He told them to shoot my wile. lie spoke English. Witness could not speak English. He spoke Engl j-h, and said, "shoot him." (Laughter). This took place on ihe 5th ol September. I cannot s iv when 1 gave (he information. I fill, k it wasaweek before the Winter Assizes, J hone alwal's been confident that he was there. I never told Elizabeth Jones I'1 at it was ioipo.sMhle 1° recognize one ol tile parlies, in conse- quence of the Mnoke. I do not remember seeing her, iu com- pany with two others, by a school-room, "hell 1 lold Itt.r, r die if [ knew one of them. I could iml, in consequence of the smoke." I never (old her so. I know David Jones, LI vvyninor. 1 might have told him that I knew none of them, as f sn.-pected his servant was there. I never lold Margate Robei Is thai the devil would not know llieui. I never lold Dai id Da- ies, Ponl- laen, on the evening after tite disturbance, that "f could not know one of them, as I should answer judgment, because the house was so full of smoke."—Willi ss was cross-examined al considerable length as to his hiving told several people, in con- versation with them, that he could not recognize them. Re- ference was made to conversations wi:h about a doz.M, poople. I told SOllie people, said witness, thai r kn, III them, allrllo olllers that I did not, because I was afraid ot them, and Suspected Ihlll either thev or their connexions were present. Mr. Hall cross-examined witness on behalf of James Thomas The exauiiiiiii ion w as principally directed to prove that, in con- versation, witness had contradicted statements given by him i;i evidence. Margaret Thomas, llie last witness's wife, nexl gave evidence: — She positively identified, first, John Jo> es, alias Slioni Scybor- fawr. She said to lames Thomas, Ah! old fellow, who gave you permission to come it, l,e.e?" He then smiled, and turned round [ have known him. said witness, from a child; have 1 spoken with him hundreds of limes Could not identity Thomas c I humas s person, 1,01 was sure of his voice. lie was at a dis- tance, and had a while shirt and a straw hat about him. Witness said, "If I have done anyiliing wrong, send the law towards me." One of the mob said, The law is is now nearly all in lbe hands of and her daughters." fitness was examined at considerable length by Mr. Hall, who put in evidence the witness's deposition, taken before the committing Magistrates. Mary Thomas, sister of the last witness, slept in her father's house on the night it was attacked by the moh. Heard a person crying out, Siloot, shoot him." I will swear it was Thomas Thomas's voice. Cross-examined:—I will swear I slept in mv father's house i that night, I did riot sleep with Martha Vaughan on that night. I had slept with her a week before. I never told David Rees that I had that night slept with Martha Vaughan. Elizabeth Thotnas, the wife of Evan Thomas, was examined, to prove that the last witness slept in tlif- house on that night. Evan Thomas (the celebrated Portbvrbvd lion), was next ex- amined :-is 56 years of age. Has acted 16 or 17 years as a constable. My house was attacked in August last. I met TiHJS. Thomas and his wife on the road. I told bis wife thai I wished to have quiet with the 'Beccas— that they destroyed my things. Mrs. Thomas said the onl y objection the country liad to witness was, that he was a constable, and she added, that he must give that office up, and the would leave him alone. She also asked him to come 10 the house, and she would give him a paper. He said be could not that day, hut if they wished assistance at the hay-harvest, he would gne it. He went lliere, and worked a day. In the evening, Thomas Thomas lold him that he would tgive him a paper. His wife called me In, and commenced I writing. She gave me a paper to protect me fro.,n I have got the paper. [Witness then produced the written paper, whjch is given in the Learned Counsel's opening statement.] Mr Wilson now addressed the jurv on behalf of the defendant, J Mr. Thomas Thomas. The jury bad heard from his Learned Friend, Mr. Chilton, that his client, Mr. Thomas, was a man of respectable station in society, Jiad borne an irreproicb- able character, and, in addition to being a considerable farmer and freeholder himself, he was the son of as respectable a free- holder as any in the county, and, therefore, the most unlikely to he connecled with the outrageous attack which undoubtedly had been committed on the hoiiie of the poor man, Evan Thorn s on the night in question. The Learned Counsel read nearly the whole of the evidence, making comments thereon, and contending that the witnesses must either have been mistaken, or grossly perjured, in swearing so positively to the identity of the pri- soner. Mr. LIo\ d Ha'I then addressed the jury for the defendant, James 1 homas, contending that the statements and manne.s of the witnesses lor the prosecution were not such as to entitle their evidence to the belief of the jury. He then proceeded to state that James Thomas was a Iime-buruer, in the employ of R. M. Philipps, Esq., and that, on the night in question, he was en- gaged at his work at a distance off at the lime of the riot. Elizabeth Jones, servant to lhe defendant, Thomas Thomas, was then called. She remembered the night of the riot al Evan Thomas's house. Saw the defendant and his wife shut the bed- room door. She siept next door to -'Ir Thomas. No person could go out of the house without her knowing it. He did not go out that night. Cross-examined bv Mr. Chilton :—She generally slept so lightly, that she could hear a cat go out of the room. There was a seamstress and another person in the room. By the Court :1 got up about the same time the morning before and the morning after the riot. I got up the previous morning at five, and retired at twelve. The seamstress was called to prove that she slept with the last witness. Remembers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas going to bed, about twelve o clock. Heard great noise of horns and shooting before JHr. and Mrs. Thomas came into the liouse-nei(lier did go out afterwards. Elizabeth Jones, David Jones, Margaret Williams, David Davies, David Jenkins, Esther Jones, Thomas Davies, John Thomas, John John, and others, were called as witnesses, to prove that various statements had been made by George Thomas and other witnesses, contradictory of tfle evidence given by them in Court, snrh as saying, "The devil himself could riot know the people there, as tliev were so disguised" — if p was to answer judgment at this moment, I could not recognize one, as they were so disguised,-and that George Thomas said, that he was ready to swear, before God and man, that he knew no person." John Thomas, falher of the prisoner, James Thomas, was called to prove a similar statement. Remembered he had a job about the .5th of September, which required the repairing of some Incl., and that bis son brought them to him at such a lime, that he must have been engaged in repairing them on the night of the rint. Mrs. Evans, wife of the Rev. Stephen Evans, Curate of some parish in Carmarthenshire, gave evidence relative to a conversa- tion, during which Evan Thomas declared he did not know any person at the riot. Several witnesses were then called to sustain the alibi on be- half of James Thomas. Margaret "Vaughan and David Rees swore-the former that Mary Thomas, one of the witnes-es for the prosecution, had slept with her on (he night of Ihe riot and the latter, that she in- formed him thai she had slept at the woman Yaughan's hoiise. Richard Rees, Esq.,Count\ Treasurer, and Eliezer Wi liarns, Esq., Surgeon, gave llie prisoner Thomas Thomas a good cha- racter, hilt admitted in cross-examination that iatteilv he had been a reputed Reheccaite. Mr. Chilton, Q.C., then replied to the evidence adduced for the defence, in a very able anil energetic speech. Lordship then summed up the evidence, observing, that with respect to the first question for the consideration of the jury — whether any riot had taken place on the night in question — there could be no kind of douot. The next point was, whetller the prisoner, or either of them. was present. His Lordship oh- served, that there was nothing either in the evidence or manner of the witnesses for the prosecution, to induce an opinion that (hey had perjured themselves; but if the witnesses for the defence were believed, the jury must come to that conclusion as to some points Willi respect to the evidence of the witness Vaughan, she might have been mistaken as to the night on which Alary Thomas slepl wilh her; but if it was on the night of the riot, the latter must have peijured herself. HIs Lordship (hen I pointed out the various points of ev idence given in defence, rather corroborative than otherwise, of the prosecution. His Lordslllp I most carefull y recapitulated the whole of the evidence bearing upon ilili case, and offered some observations relating to alibis. After his Lordship had concluded the jury retired, and re- turned in less than ten minutes, with a verdict of Not Guilty for both defendants. SENTENCES. Mr. Chilton. Q.C., now prayed for the judgment of the Court on nlllhe parties convicted under the Government prosecutions. Thomas Jones (23), David Jon< s (17), who had pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary, in the parish of f Moihfev, were first brought up for judgment. It appeared, the prisoners had disguised themselves after the Rebecca fashion, and entered the house. The two former, after a suitable admoni. tion, were sentenced to transportation for Ten years, and the latter, in consideration of his youth, and the probability of his having been misled by the others, to Twelve months imprison- merit with hard labour. John Harris, David Thomas, David Williams, Jub E-'ans, Isaac Charley, and John Lewis, convicted of the Workhouse riot, were then placed at the bar to receive judgment.. His Lordship observed, that they had been found guilty of i creating a riot and distui bance, which might have been pro- doclive of consequences thai they never had anticipated, per- haps even of murder, were it not for the timely interference of the militarv. The case of the defendant Harris showed, that there were to be found persons somewhat above the lowest grade in the ranks of the Rebeccaites, though he th-ught that there j never had arisen a popular agilaijon produced bv such g-ross ignorance. As Ilarriesou li t. from his station in society, to have known his duty better than to allow himself to become the ring- leader and instigator of this proceeding, some distinction musi be made between the punishment awarded him and that awarded the other defendants. Harries was then sentenced to Twelve months' imprisonment wilh hard labour, and the others severally to Eight months' Im- prisonment with hard labour. Jonathan Jones, Howell Let vis, David Lewis, David Davies, and Jonathan Lewis, corn icted üf Ih", Tülùg riot, were next brought up tor judgment. His Lordship observed, that thev bad been convicted of a riot. It appeared, thev had disapproved of some legal proceedings, and had resolved to take the law into their own hands. Police and military had been brought into the couiitrv to put a stop to such proceedings but much larger numbers must necessprily, be brought in, if the men of Carmarthenshire thought that, bv means | of Rebeco .ism, they were to get the upper hand in this great countri. Thev had shewn a greater ignorance of the laws which governed society than Ihe greatest savages but no ignorance could be so gross as to make them liiink such conduct was not criminal. All the prisoners were then sentenced to imprisonment with hard labour for Eight calendar months each. Thomas Hughes, John Jones, and Benjamin Jones, convicted of a riol, and the destruction of Pont lech e Gate, were nexl bi ought up. His Lordship, in passing sentence, remarked, '11ey had been convicted of having, with violence, broken down a turnpike- 1 gale; but though tried for that offence only, it appeared that they had also pulled down the bouse, which offence amounted to a felony, and which would subject them to transportation. In that case, lhe pr^oners would have lo be tried by a common jury, and perhaps lhe prisoners might have been led lo hope that amongst them some Rebeccas might be found. Il was a shocking thing lo think thaMhere were grounds for imagining that there were some persons oi a disposition lo sympathise with such depredations, even of the stations in society of persons eligible to serve on juries, who were bound by their oaths to support and vindicate | the laws of their country. ll0wevei. the prisoners must bear the a wantage am ^isadvanirige of such a morfe of proceeding. e sen eime o the Court was, that each ot them be imprisoned a"d kept to hard labour lor Twelve calendar months. lomas OKe John James, Evan Davies. David Evans, Thos. lomas, o n 1 homus, and John Thomas, logelher wilh David nomas ie accessory before Ihe fad, were now placed at the bar. il '"r V' s"'t',l"ily addressed llie prisoners, and told them ia .seven o i iem had been convicted, under most serious and a_grava nig ciiciimstances, of the crime of having broken into a louse i nrmg night, and st leu money therefrom; and I)a>id lomas, as an accessory before the tact, hid been convicted of ie grave offence of having persuaded a :d procured the seven <■ ier prisoners lo commit the act. He had prevailed on the other prisoners to meet at his honsp "lid wo frolll ,hence, a dislahce of ten miles, lo ihe house of Daniel Harris.and compel him 10 pay, or give security, for a sum of monev, the for which he had purchased from Gwenllian Lewis. Though they did no! proceed tbat night, still thev went, and with greal violence, all of ihem being in disguise, and several of them armed with gnos, pistols, and other offensive weapons and in the most t ri rilic and inti- j mating m <ntier, thev took Ihe law illto IIlelr own hands, thinking, he presumed, lliat all laws but those of Rebecca had been re- pealed. Such a gross inst nice of llie defiance of the law could not |>e endured. 11 was a lamentable thing- to contemplate, that this act was committed by men who had hitherto home good characters. It was a great 'aggravation of David Thomas's case, that lie was an individual of some s'anding and station in the world, and must have known that h- was guilty of the IHoSt flaj rant violation of ihe law. They had all be.-u guilty of bur- glary, and lie (file Learned Jiid'ge) consideied this a worse offence ill an an onliii rv burglary, where persons broke into a house during the dead of night, and silenily canied away pro- perly therefrom. In the majority of such cases, the person escaped molestation, but in this case the prisoners went, armed, into the bOils.; of an old man nearly 8* years of age, and had been guilty of the gross outrage Such aels Ihe law must put. d o w ii, whatever lhe risk -whatever the expense incurred The county had already been involved in a very great expenditure; 1 -it itie bn(, however, great the expense, wrongdoers would find, how- j ev er numerous mid strong I he> might lie, lhal the well-disposed and peaceable part of the communitv w ere si ill stronger. There* lore, ifany person, on the ground of interest, felt anv sympat iv towards Rebecca, i| was verv much misdirected indeed AM persons who permitted or encouraged such outrag-ous proceed ings, or winked at offenders, were not only enemies 10 their country, but also to Iheir own interests. These observations Were 1;01 iulellded to applv so much to the prisoners as 10 others, lor lhe prisonei.s would not, lor main years, have ao opportunity of carrying them into effect. As heloie stated, the Court felt itself bound to inaik. by a considerable dillerenoe in punishment, the crime of David Thomas The sentence of the Court was, that Thomas Powell, John James. Evan Davies, David Evans, 1 hos. Thomas, John Thomas, and John Thomas, be transported beyond the seas lor the term of Ten vears, and that David Thomas be transported bevond the seas for the term ol veais. Immediately after the last sentence hid been prononnced, the- scene in Court became most alleciing—perhaps awful would be more expressive ol the ellect produced upon ihe minds of the spectators. Nearly all I tie prisoners —w ho, iliough tliev had before shewlI no carelessness or disregard, vel had manifested no greal concern at iheir situation — now burst into his of inconsolable agonv, while in different parts of the Court, women were seen in hy sterical (its, and otlu rs of both sexes gave vent to their grief in loud cries, and, in some instances, in terrific yells. The officers loud cries, and, in some instances, in terrific yells. The officers btdtotuediNcutty in removing the prisoners. A sentence of such sererify was apparently quite unexpected, both by the nrisCnerg and their friends. if l^efn"rse °f 'he evening (previons to pronouncingsenlence) 1 Cliillon, Q C., informed his Lordship, that there was amiiiier indictment against the last-named prisoners, for entering, under, into Paatvfen, on the 23d of August": out as the purposes of justice had been fully answered bv the conviction upon lbe first inc,ictment, no further proceedings vvou d J.? en' so '.ar flS *'ie °iher was regarded. The case of Thomas Davies, Phillip Thomas, and Joseph Cletneiif, ctiarged wiih_ the destruction of a turnpike-gate, was respited to tlie next Assizes, and their enlarged to that period. n oat five nisi prins cases were made remanets cf. J his concluded the busim-ss of the + On Sunday afternoon the Learned J.idge ieft Carmarthen f.>r the purpose of reaching Hrecon, in ti!,?- to preside it; Atouday morning. HR ii •; > s l i E K .\ftSIZES. Ii.-e Assizes for tins County commenced on Sa-'ur- (jay st. ol f. Justice .Maole being d-t lined at Carman! -:i by the truis arising our of the recent .!Kt„rl,anceS in th-t county, the Commission was opened at five o'clock bv Mr ^ergeant Jooes «ho vv.a8 met two tniics oat of tow,; ,'iv t:,« high 5d)ei.ti, I.ovve. v-vvyn, Esq., with his javelmmen", a:i i a long line of carnages and horsemen, and escorted to ihe Tow nhait, where the accustomed ceremonies were jron« Ibrough, and the Court was adjourned to ten o'clock on Monday morning, aii« r which the High Sheriff and his friends sat own, at six o'clock, to an excellent dinner. «>•->- vided by Air. Evans, at the Castle Hotel. Ori Stn.-hv morning, Mr. Sergeant Jones was accompanied to St. MaiVs Chin ch, at eleven oV!o-k, by the High Sheiiff „nd ;he l retinue, and an excellent and approptiale sermon was .:e:i vered by the l?ev. David Haniner Gi iffith, Chaplain to ioe Sheiiff, from the 2Gih verse ot" the 24lh chapter of Ac-. Air. Jnsiice Manle arrived at .Brecon on Snnd-ij, and w Hg ill (,of) it a tit'll (),cli)ek on file t'()I!O%Vili,, Tnoinill- Tha Grand jury, 21 in number, of whom C. M. R. AIor» = r Esq-, M.I', tor the Botoogh of Brecon, was foreman, were then sworn, and, after a very short address from his Lord- ship, they retired lo their room. Tiie calendar cor,t;:iii. t the names of eleven prisoners for trial, and two othns sonendered in Court. TJiey were disposed of as fol- lows — Against Patrick Lac! y (52), shoemaker, charged with tiai in.- on the 24ill August last, at the parish of Garthbrengr, assaulted one bl;zaoetli Vaughan, there was no bill preferred. Joan havenhdl (22), mason, charged with having assaulted and stolen rill", of tlle Talue or two shillings, from the person ot Cecilia Davies, was acquitted. David Davies (22), labourer, charged with having, at the parish of Aberl!unvy, maliciously and feloniously stabbed, cut, a.i wo¡¡¡¡ded one George hin. was fOQ!ld guilt) of all ass1ult, and sentenced to One inonlb's imprisonment. There was no bill found against David Price (39), labourer charged with sheep-stealing in 1836. The original bill havi. been lost, a fresh one was preferred, and ignored. Against Mary Jants (21), servant, charged with having stolen on the li»th January, 1S44, from the dweliing- house of Thomas Bomloro, at the parish of Hay, eleven five pound notes and three sovereigns, lus property, (here was no bill preferred. Lletcel't/n Pome'l (25), farmer, was found guilty of hav i-; at the parish of Llanthetty, stolen one ewe sheep, the" property of Mary Overton, and sentenced to One year's imprisonment whi. hard L.I¡Ollr. /,i«e John (21), was found GniltJ of having stolen, at the pari-h ol Llywell, one flannel apron, lbe property of Gwenllian Evans ana se! te.tced to Fourteen days' imprisonment. Eean Edw«rds (22). labourer, changed with feloniously break- ing and efllering- a certain building of the Rev. Thomas Vanu-han in the borough of Brecon, and stealing therefrom one coat" one waistcoat, one pair of drawers, one t-nir of leggings, and sundry outer articles the properly of James Bishop, was"found Guilty ami sentenced to S.x months' imprisonment with hard labour. ,Pow«11 (4o), charged with having, on the i.ith February, iP-i4, at the parish of Llanelly, sto:en one chair, one teakettle' one shirt, and other articles, the property of Thomas Price was Acquitted. Rees Williams (23). mason, charged wilh haying, on the night of the 4th of March instant, broken into the dwelling-I,ollse of Margaret Jenkins, in the borough of Brecon, and s!eaiin«- there- from two sovereigns, one half-sovereign, and ten shillings was Acquitted. Against Evan Williams (56), mason, and Rees Williams (the last prisoner), charged with having, on the 5th of >larch instant sto!en a "overe; from ¡lie dwell in. bouse (\f Jo!nl Cd,logan, il! the borough of Brecon, no bill was preferred. William Davies (20), shoemaker, and William J. Martin (2^,) grazier, were charged with the manslaughter of a man nam^j James Price, by riding over him on the highway near H;;y. Davies was found Guilty, and sentenced to Two months'impri^ soninent. Marlin was acquitted. At the Xisi Prins bar there was one special jorv cause (the only cause entered for trial). It yyas an action brought by Sir. ^v in. Jones, of Belle ue, Brecon, surveyor, against the Rev. los. aughau, Rector of Llandevailog-fach, in Breconshire, for work and labour performed by the plaintiff for the defendant, in respect to the commutation of the lilhes of that parish. The piatntiu ciaitned 361., and the defendant had paid 14 guineas into Court. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for two guineas bey ond the sum paid into Court. The business of the Assizes terminated on Tuesday evening.




