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The Duke of Devonshire has replied to the National Agricultural Union on the subject of old-age pensions. He hopes that some practical result may yet follow the attention that has been given to the subject." CHOICE DULCEMONA TEA j Young. CHOICE DULCEMONA TEA Fresh. CHOICE DULCEMONA TEA | Invigorating. Is. 4d. to 3s. per It)., or nil Grocers. An ideal tea, refreshing, pure and wholesome. sit I HAIR HUMOURS Itching, irritated, bleeding, scaly, cmstml Scalps, dry, thin, and falling Hair, cleansed, purified, and beautified hy warm shampoos with Cnncrn A SOAP, I and occasional dressings with CuTicuKA, greatest of emollients and skin cures. I (ptictira Ir wild throu;r)iont the world. Hritish I'fpot: F. PC SONS. LOltduH. FIPTTEB LIMN ANF) CHUB. COE)\. olf." Props.. KOTTON, U. S. A. CST" Uow to Cure llair Humours,' iree. H W CI DC with F.e.zrma in«tant!v ro'ieved by UK rlKfc CUXICURAKEMEDIKS IN £ 100 PRIZES. lfft Prize, £ 25; 2nd, £ 20 3rd, £ 15 4th, £ 10 Sth, £ 6; and 25 Prizes of 61 each. CASH PRIZES, as above, will be given away as an for PRAIRIE POWDERS, the uu- xr!ant and harmless remedy for Headache. Neuralgia, Nerrousness, Rheumatism and Tic, among competitors who succeed in turning into the namea of five common ailments the following letters: ACHEHEDA, CANRLEUAI, ESNUOVSRENS, HEMSATIMUR, ITC. Post your solution, together with a Stamped Addressed Envelope for result, to THE PRAIRIE POWDER, CO., Dept. 111. 19, BOROUGH. LONDON, H.E. ITature's Perfect Remedy for all kinds of Worms. WILLIAMS' (PONTARDAWE) w ORM LOZENGES. For over 30 years this highly Valuable Remedy has met with the greatest success. The effect upon Wepk. Delicate Children (often given up as incurable) ie like Magic. Getting rid of his tormenting pests by taking these Lozenges, the thin, pale-faced, inanimata Child becomes strong, healthv, and lively, tbe pride, instead of the anxiety of iiis guardians. 8IR,-I have for some time used your Anthelmintic or Worm Lozenges in my family, and find them a very "speedy and efficacious cure for Ascarides, and their agreeable and convenient form is a great recommeuda tion for cblldreo.-W. HUTCHIMSON. Vicar of Howden. Yorkshire. SYMPTOMS.—Any of the following Symptoms indicate Worms:—Variable appetite, foetid breath, acid eructa- tions. pains in the stomach and head, sickness, grinding of the teeth during sleep, dreams ar d restlessnes- paleness of the countenance, s Jtches in the side short dry cough, and emaciat'on of the body. often mistaken for decline, nervousness, slow fever, and irregul-Lr pulse f aintness, sometimes convulsive fits, often causing sudden death; dizziness, sore throat, and inflammation of the bowels. The above symptoms vary according to the kind of Worms. The Lozenges contain nothing detrimental to the Con- stitution, and are suitable for n. I ages. WiUiams* (Pontardawe) Worm Lozenges are prepared from the Original Receipt by JOHN DAVIES, M.R.P.B., Chemist, 30, High street, Swansea, and sold by most chemists, at 91d., 13 £ d„ and k°x; hy post, 14 or 34 stamps. Protected by tne Government stamp, on wbich are encraved the words Williams* Worm Loaences." HAVE YOU A BAD LEG With Wounds that discharge er otherwise, perhaps surrounded with inflammation and swollen that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves the impression? If so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies vou have tried, which if not extracted you never can recover, but go on suffering tilt death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollenb. the joints being ulcerated; the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there mav he wounds; the disease, if allowed to continue. will deprive you ot the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals and had medical advice, and been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, for I can cure yon. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now being cured. Send at once a Postal Order for 2s. 6fl. to U. S. ALBERT, 7?, FARRINGDON-STEEKT, LONDON, and you will receive box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS, which is a certain remedy for the Cure of Bad rJi Housemaid's Knees, Ulcerated Joints CarbnnctaS* Poisoned Hands.and Bunions.—[Registered Copyright* 31END YOUR OWN HARNESS and BELTS That constantly need Repairs, with THOMSON'S SLOTTED Rivets 1f1T1Tlr Saying time in sending and waiting you Caa do the job yourself. No hole required to bl) punched; simply drive Rivet as you would a tae and cl-Dch. TRY THEM. Price, Assorted Sizes, Is. 6d. per Gross, from all Ironmongers, or from BIFURCATED RIVET CO., LTD., 10, WOOL EXCHANGE, LONDON, E.C. TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL & STEEL pILLS FOR FEMALES. QUICKLY CORRJTCT ALL RREGULARITIE8, RE- MOVE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, and relieve the distressing symptoms so preealekt with the sex. Boxes la. lid. and 2s. lod. (contains three times the quantity;, of all Chemists. Pent anvwhere on receipt of 15 or 34 stamps, by E. T. TOWLE & Co., Manufacturers, Dryden- street, Nottingham. Beware of Imitations injurious ana worthless A MARVELLOUS GUINEA PARCEL .WA .I .,t C-THT Estab. over 100 Years. Containing: 1,?air WWJe Witney Blanket0,7 lbs. weight. 2i long by 1} wide! 1 ?^uifce Hnder Blanket, whippet! both ends, long by 1} wide. 1 Handsome Mosaic design Quilt, fast colours, 3 long by 21 wide. Pair Heavy Twill Sheets, 2i by 2, and 2 Cottota Pillow Gases; Full Size, Buttoned Ends. SUPERIOR QUALITY AND FINISH, Sent Carriage Paid on receipt of P.O.O. BROOKFIELD'S, market- sq., STAFFORD. LLANDRINDOD WELLS.-The CAMBRIAN JU may be obtained at- SMITH & SON'S Bookstall, Railway Station. D. C. DAVIES, Newsagent, Station-road. The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach. Heartburn, Headachp (rout and Indigestion; and the safest Aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WOBLD^ WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECFIAM'S PILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS. SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER, AND FEMALE AILMENTS.) -+- Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in boxes, gid., 18. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, with full directions. Sold everywhere. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDM. A Pure Manufacture well known for upwards of 50 years. When ordering Baking Powder insist on having Borwick's. I & GOLD MEDALS. BOKWIUIVS EGG POWDER, FOR CAKES, YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS, GINGERBREAD,



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