Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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KITTIE TMORbE S CAREER. Kittie Morse talked into her schoolroom that rainy Monday moraine with a lagging footstep and llIlnlling heart. She was sick ei teaching, sick of working—' sick of livinj," abe told herself, with a. mean htrle smile. StM hail had an unusualiv tiresome .-lass that 7ear. and she was worn out in soul and body. At mich times, wherj bitter thoughts came without invitation. she always remembered Jack Farnsworth's wurcfis:— "Ail right, Kirti-e. dear. Go and be in- dependent. Be or;e of the new women Hive tt :m99ioii and 'iJO hte work, and refuse to ham- per yoiur career with a husband.' But if the (tune should ever come when your work pills on you jjkj you want a big. clumsy fellow to lovy you ard taace care of you. if you think you can care for me, just let m", know. I'll come, dear. You believe that, don.' you?" "And Kiotie had. answered yea. But that was years ago and it seamed tea to Kittie. had iftarted out to tind her lire work with enth,->;9'asnri a vc-y slim pocket book, and plenty of encouraging triads. First she tried th stage." She felt .sure that sae bad talent if she could only get the chance to demonstrate it, She had1 always been I wwceas in the amateur theatricals of the town, arwi kind friends encouraged her m the beliat £ thai1 she could do great work on the prote*- «icffirtl boards. She #t i.he chance at last, •arter fire months' study and work, and it «nde'I in such a complete failure t-ha' even Kith,. was convinced that the career of a a •ctress w ;< not the one for he- So she sadly gave up her ambition in that direction. TheTi she tried newspaper work. That was e failure, because the tc vn was so little and sv- behind the .tones. She dead*-3 to go away Jlrom the place where everyone had "known Kittie Morse since she was a baby," and find õV\rk in vorne big city, where talent could be recognised and work well paid for. Then it was that she thought of Jack and longed tor him. The world had not been over ■ kind to her in her struggle for bread, and. ■■though that struggle háà given her many opportunities to meet men, she had found aooie of them so kird, so generous hearted, so companionable as Jack. "I was t fooJ," sobbed Kitrie. P> throw 'hL11' ovar for a whim—«t mete childish notion "that he would hamper my aims and ambitions my **T»er. WTia. nonsense It all seems IK/w Whv. I can never be anvtliinja? but a. fodder. I have no real talent for anything— £ nd f did love Jack. Oh, Tv. known that "•rer ?in;« be hour I parted from him. Weli, at s too late now. It's ali dead and gone, and IVa got 'mv career' to compensate me for -the loss of the cJearest man that ever .ved." And it never ocorurred to Kittie to try then t i re-call Jack. She had chosen he" path in liie and she would :),b\de by her choice. So she had left her town, and had gone- to the nearest city to go into newspaper work there. Hard work and persistence brought her a.t last a fairly good position, but when seitool-teocn.n? offered her more money and better hours she did not hesitate to desert the reporters' ranks. And so. after five yea, toil, "prfcttv Kittie Morse found herself school-ma'am in & fashionable school ?n a vweH part. of the city. She had made few l.ieud*, except the newt- patier men, and they gradually lost sight of her after she had deserted their work. Two of f hem had tried hard to marry her, but Kitte .had turned up her nose at one and quietly <iisrni.iifed the other. dhe thought't all over thi^ rainx morning a3 she -at at her desk watching the children come into their places, and between geography ic&tons and spelling classes she re-called bits ..f her pMt. She hadn t beard from Jack for four years. vVas he married? Most men were married at thirty if ever they intended to be. ind Jack was thirtv-two now. And she was twenty-sere??. What an age it seemed ^h" w>ndered how she could hook so voun<? arid w hy she wasn t gray and wrinkled after thos« h\ t, years of hard struggle, Was the-e anything in thi« whole world qiiite wj nerve-weanog js ^liool teaching, :4he won- <ierecf, I never did have any endttrance." she soliloquised, as she listened tf a brief history of l>ebe»ding of Mary Stuart, and kept her ev" on a nispering mlsw in tlie rear seat and a si«.iii hd who was slyly chewing giirn &Ld whittling hie seat at the .oa;!1e time. My nerves are bound to give way some day." she thought, wearily. Or my mind. I wonder which it will hE". Wonder U Jack would like to n^nr me just to save me from nervons prostration or the ma i- house ? Tinrd class i C1 arithmetic ?o to the board. Ir it takes tone men three days to dig a ditch ae-v-n feet long <nd twenty feet deep now many days will it take three men. working a.t the same rate of speed, to dig a ditxh twentv feet long ,H1.-t seventeen feet deep? Find the I »n*wer. I #ondfer if Jack :s as good looking s he used to be? He WiJóol the brlehtest man I eve7-—Johnny tJ-aylor, stop throwing* spit- baUs He had such lovely ;*urly hair, and his teeth were as white and even—Sallie, can t you do that simple little problem ? Dear dt?»r' It seed's to me this class is unusoiallv forgettuf, even for Wotxla-v mQrning." And Kitt.a began her problem in arithm..t:ie <iii over again. When sii« dismissed schoo} at noon sh<? had ai hour and a half for lunch. She found her sandwiches ,iry and her oake stale, and she fell to rejecting on the ■thickt.ess of the Steaks '•hat sue and Jack were wont to in- Cuige in in their "salad d;iv«. "I suppose he a well-kn<: wn lawvy by this time," she mused, hf "as {.ktve:- enough in the old days to ;'i-ake lots of money. What good times ve used to have f vVc- alwa\Tt read the last new book together +ni often criticised it till ttt-re ■as noth.nv left, of its um'ortunate author. How w- ijsed to enjoy Thackeray *JeaT" Jack, if I hadn't known your xrni- l<ar; tons hip once i shoi:?dn't be so lonely rmr. f" I \a-' i.-areJ for a less congenial man than jou, itear boy. I should have got used -0 joh g along through hfe bv myself after tnese rve years' experience. "I fl thought Jack wasn't marri»d T be- lisv* I d ivnte tohiin. No. I wouldn't., either. Kitty Morse, you're a coward. After ivming that man as you did and alter- five, \ears of orowntid at last bv some degree 0; sue- cess, ,-ou can calmly contemplate writing to ack F3.rnsworth to "Please come and n?arry yov if he can possibly care enough abojt y '>u, because you're tired of work and lonely, aiid have no more desire for a career. PvX>r Kittie She was never intended for new 'voman. She had the uetenoi 1.ivion •sad the brain, bat nature had srive^her a •peraonaMy, a disposition ard a temperament that was rot suited fc "a woman with a carter. And it had taken her ':ve hard ▼ear? to realise it.. l?nt tii; realisit.ion, if it came late, brought a treat light and a longing for Jack vhat ,otli.j ifJt be easily repressed. Two <hivs later Mr. Jack Fa-mswortn was <:ítt¡"z,n his office, dictating letters, on^nitr^ his mAd. and giving orders, ail at the same time. He was a busy sne<-■ss/i:] fov-yiv. witii no time for anything but ases and nionevmaking. He opened his mail wechui- ^ally, read it indifferently, and made enm- meut* to his stenographer pertinent, to the various letter*. Presently he on me. to a sqrta' e white envelope addrt ^ed in a woman's hardwnting. How familiar it looks r he thought, gazing at the address in a highly unbusinesslike way. at the address in a highly unbusinesslike way Like Kittie Morse's, writing, only more iharacteristio: firmer than her dainty pen- j manship ever was." He tore open the e;-velope. unfolded the paper, and JIIat staring at the letter before him. It was very brief and seemed to Jack's tiaztd mind tc be making -ather remarkable inquiries about iiis matrimonial bonds and otWr absurdities "1 s.m going out of town to-night, he said t., hiy stenographer. "Y'ou hurry up the*, papers and try to finish them to-dav I T'h"¡1 lit went to find his partner. In answer t" his -p'ote^a.tion" Ta,ck only 1 answered:—"Yes, I know; but those cases -nil have to wait. This a. very important piew ot business, which I air; obliged to settle «T> once. So do the best yoi? can without me tor ,1 few davs.' I A little later in the day Jack got a tele- gram which read: — Pay no "ittention to my letter. Will ex- plain in letter to follow. "K. MORSE." He read the telegram, SITU ted, and slipped ••at into his packet. Striding into Kittie's room in the boarding- ht»u-» fht next day, he. informed the maid tii;>J. he would wait till Mi** Morse got home schoak lien he sat <^owa»^ rcad^tlw tolegrain again, and decided that he would r not wait, but would go to the school ttfter iMT. Miss Morse w¡¡. hearing a spelling lesson when the knock came on her door. S'he said, ''Come in," indifferently, and looked up to see what the other teacher wanted. Then Kittie fl ashed crimson and almost broke down. For Jack strode into the room and. regardless of children and lesson, looked into her eyes and said:—"It's all right, Kitty. I'm Dot yet married, but hope *.o be very .,Roon Kittie never knew how ¡ihe got through that Pilars. But at last it was over, and she was sitting in the cab. with Javk holding both her hands and asking her eager ques- tions, to which even the little ^choolma'am could gi-e no answer. But when they reached her room and Jack put his arms around her and asked her to choose agaii* between hirn and a caree-, Kitty found her tongue long enough to sav I' "Vou are. my career. Jack, Jt\8.iI", "Ex;- change.


tmm——p ------.---CHINA AND…



------_._+--FRANCE AND THE…

----------A SAD INCIDENT.

[No title]



----.--.-----OIL SET ON FIRE…

------>-----ON A VOLCANOES…

[No title]




-----------RIGHT OF WAY AT…




-----------------j, PREMIER…







--------------.-----I SUICIDE…




[No title]

..-bigamy ,-BY A WOMAN.

C H A P r: L ' J b H IN W…
