Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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EXCELSIOR SCOTCH WHISKY. "We hava examined analytically the blend of Scotch Whisky, and find it to Be unusually pure, of excellent flavour, and well matured. Recommended with confidence as a safe and palatable stimulant for the sick and can- valescent." Jr'?-actitiowr, Edited by T. LdHftE JBRUNTON, M.D., LL.D., &c. SOLE PROPRIETORS— MARGRAVE BROS., LLANELLY. J' Perfection of Blended Whisky."— "Lancet" EXCELSIOR SCOTCH WHISKY. Recommended with confidence as a Stimulant for Sick anJ Convalescent.' —« Practitioner." 31, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA RHYS THOMAS Is this week CLEARING the SURPLUS STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS AT AN EXTRA REDUCTION. INSPECTION INVITED! UNLIMITED VARIETY, ALSO 51, OXFORD-STREET. [1589 The RIGHT-WRITER" is the WILLIAMS TYPEWBITEB, a Machine of the Highest Standard, which is now taking a leading position wherever it is known, fl.M. Government have adopted it, and are ordering duplicates, for use in various Dcpartmenta. engineers and educated experts use and recommend the Williams. It possesses theleadim^fe&twros oil other writing machines, will do ail that any of them claim to do, and with less trouble and expense. The lines and words in'kiding the last letter always in si^ht. The inking is dIrect from Pads without-annoying and expensive ribbons. Write for Catalogue. W!lUAMS TYPEWRiTER COMPY. FOR EUROPE, 21, CnEAPSIDE, LONDON. G, C. WADE, Selling la T, 3,MOUNT ttEET, Swansea. 3154 X STOP ONE MOMENT. X II Oh deM", Doctor:, what "m yee rsoss** Head for 01" Children's Coughs and c.tda r- FRY TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. Hw most marvellous Core for all diserdeM of the Chest,^ and Lungs, It BSVCC fails to give instant relief, and does not con- lam Ltmuaama, Opium, er Morphia, ECOKOMISS YOSS HEAXTH. HSALXH IS Tim FIRST V/BALTTt. An who aro eng&ged in indoor and ontdoof JCcupatlou, aDd are especially exposed to tho ever-varying climate of Great Britain. BE WISE IN TI ME, Dtut tamper with Dangar, but go straight away for TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT gALSAM OF BONn. i.) JUL IT IS IjrvAi.tJArT.s for we&fe-cheated men, delicate women and children, It cores whea Ian other remedies f¡;,iI. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest it cures thousands of Children ot [Bronchitis and Whooping Cougfes, It euros for One Shilling when pountis have beea spent in vain, DO TRY IT I it yoa have a Cough, try it; if yell bar* a ■Cold' try it. If you have Lironehitis, try it. It loosen:; the phlegm and promotes expectora- tion, produces warmth and eomfort to the ■nest, and gives refresiliiag sleep whan joa bave lost nights ef rest. READ ON. NOW CO Mfc) ENDED BY PH752C1AK8 AUB Sf) RG EON 3" When you are distressed with a miserable et-ld, nose bunged up, throat sore, limbs aching with a general feeling of smothering, u few doses of th<) Balsam of Honey will clear the wretched symptoms away, almost before yea know it, There is nothing like it on th« Bourket; it is thoroughly up to date; it triages into the whole system. A true friend, jsrotnot and reliable in its action. JUST ANOTHER WOitD. No Mother ehould neglect to keep this infallible lieraeUy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember that it is wiser to chock a slight Coagh as the commencement than to allow it to develop into a lingering complaint DO NOT FORGET TO GIVE IT TO THE BABY. OVER 4,000 TESTIMONIALS TO HAND > FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. LAIiGE OF LABOUR SVSAK IIl;}HLYOF Ifind your Tudor Williams'Balaam of Eonev very 'i) for cold or coughs. F-nd ke«pa bottle awaya b^t Ixjrt, My ebiklr^.n have also foirnd muoh benefit frorn >t in cftoe oi U- \.iiL;o (uiti Lou -^1, YCI1r3 truly, B KN ¡. rBTTT Of Firm of Messrs. Petty A Sons, Ltd, White JHAU A'ri-oS'irs, I* V 17, 1« s'-3. {. PAHKSTS THINIC IT A GOZ.DEN REMEDY. Sis,—I cu»in«r ft my duty to send yon this testl- Jr.onini of UJO grtat benefit my child hit.; iterivKl fro^i yonr "LV^r VVi.liams'sPateut Calsainof Honev. tjvkp* It for three years. She has beea wid: hroncbifl8 since 14 week" old. She is Bovr B v«,<"9 oid anrt since I discovered thb preDara- ..IVi:! I cMmicler my child out cf r'AD¿;er, and co Doed tv eati -a « medical man. yours frJthfuIlv. AtM. BORDo £ 1, Arpyle-strret, Darwen, [ Jauii»ry 23 st, I £ S>, IT IS MOllE THAN GOLD TO IIK. j » ys? ,1 r", des'tcs me to c"-nvey her J¡"st wishes for «* nv:,Tr> 5 of your Ih1'1.!1J ot Honey. It has beel. I)f » tuMtrfct t" "ur little nnl's, v ho .;1I1fcred from and Coughs during tbe last two tn. cst; f-ri-i. -it .iut,.p<'ti. It gives theI71 infant rehef. Thnr. »**r inedicnl attendant, quite ■roiiri'1* the fr:nienC use of tha when «T-"iire. -YOLI/S faithfnlly. Jonx WAXTSS '1. E^ Brynbeuloj; IIon«e, Hirwain," MAGISTRATES CO^JIKND IT. „ra KSQ.,, Three Cocks, <,At*.firr, C*WI« t •• I jind your CAISRIK of Hinej r*e>K)y fi>r Bronchitis and Coughs." !_•'.nd Sioresull over tho World ?■ and 4». 6' por boltle. «»{>• (post paid) for 1*. 3-i., 3s., aa<? W" 1" 5i 'iror' y f: D OB Y*T 1LLl A M s j 2:i A.i- ii-iX-fLit ABEI.DA Fli** I 3iS0 4 FUR BOAS, FUR TIES, FUR COLLARETTES, &c., AT SUMMER PRICES. BEN EYANS & Co., LIMITED, Have just secured for PROMPT CASH, at a Big Discount off Cost of Manufacture, an EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE LOT OF RELIABLE FURS From the BEST FURRIERS in the WORLD. AND ARE NOW OFFERING THE SAME AT MOST ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES. — ■ B. E. and CO. anticipate a smart clearance of the above at the V EITY LOW QL OTATKXNS at which they are marked, as at no time of the year are FUR BOAS, FUR TIES, and FUR COLLARETTES more needed than at present, when the mornings and evenings are so chilly. All FURS SOLD by B. E. and CO. are GUARANTEED to WEAR WELL. SWANSEA, AUGUST, 1895. ? A F H A a s LAST DAYS OF SALE. GOODS at GIVING AWAY PRICES. Wi"Ta^'ifnHgii—n—n— r THE REX DRAPERY CO., COLLEGE STREET. OPENING OF NEW PREMISES, 23, WATERLOO-STREET, SWANSEA. p ■mi. bt*-trmrTBUnii, **» ■■■ ARTISTIC FURNITfUR,E. —HBTOM'JIH HIM IHI MessrSm HI Freedman S Son Beg to inform the Public that they have completed their New Premises, which are now replete with a Stock of Thoroughly Artistic DRAWING -ROOM, DINING-ROOM, AND BEDROOM FURNITURE. in Designs embracing < ° o CHIPPENDALE, LOD-IS XV., SHERATON, and Modern Styles. .I An Inspection of our Showrooms will be esteemed a favour. We can confidently state that this class of Furniture has never before been shown in Swansea to any extent. MODERN FURNITURE. We hold a Large Stock of Thoroughly Well-finished Dining-room and Bedroom Furniture" made of solid Mahogany, Oak and Walnut. Every article is guaranteed to last. We invite com- parison of prices. Our Prices are based on Cash Sales, as we do not do a Hire System trade NOTE THE ADDRESS HYMAN FREEDMAN AND SON, 23, WATERLOO STREET, SWANSEA. ANTIQUE OAK AND MAKQUETERY F IT RN IT IT J?. E BUNGS, SHIVES, AND SITS FOR CHEMICAL WORKS AND OIL AND GREASE WORKS. CORKS, SHIVES, SPILLS. AND BUNGS i'dl BEEWE £ -IES. J. I) iV j..k Y CORK AND BOTTLE .ViERCHANTS, 9, ALEXANDRA-ROAD, SWANSEA. 3417 WOOLS, WORSTEDS, KNITTED HOSIERY, .Iil J J j, v .I.; 1..1, j'\ Ki •' » "OM OUR 0 Li ILLS. FLEMING, nEID and CO., tsPINNERS and MANUFACTURERS, The WORSTED MILLS, GREENOCK, have Opened a Branch of the SCOTCH WOOL & HOSIERY STORES 4-t 7, OXFORD-STREET. SWANSEA. For the sale of th»- Olobratcd CREENOCK WOOLS 5, ^NlTi'ED HOSIERY AS I' SHAWSWATER DRESS FABRICS. These Goods are well-known and largely used in every town in Scotland and England. Patterns and Price List supplied free. Other 70 branches in the principal Scotch and English tov.-ns. 54-01 g BEDDING RINGS. M GO TO I BROUGHTON'S. | THB NOTED WEDDING RING SHOPg S Y SiopHynodam Fodrwyau Priodcwol. IS #31. HIGH STREET, fi SW ANSEA Jr (Opposite Down and SonJ .y FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. 28TH ANNUAL SALE Commencing JOLY 25th to AUGUST 25th AT S. CHAFFERS, 16, HEATHFIELD STREET, SWANSEA. 15 PER CENT, will bo allowed off all Purchases as on previous occasions, being a more aatisfactorysystem tliau remarking. TERMS: CASH ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY NOTE.—Our usual pioin marked prices] remain on all goods for patrons guidance. 3381 7^j[AYPOL"K DAIRY ^JOMPANY^ JL?.i. MAYPOLE BUTTER lid. per Ib: MAYPOLE BUTTER lid. per lb. DELICIOUS, i'F.ESH, AND PUltE. CHOICEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD. MARGARINE 5d. per lb, MARGARINE 5d. per lb, Superior to that sold elsewhere at6d. and ed, per ID. MAYPOLE DAiRY CO., 207A, HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA, [1551 TEETH "\TEETH /M, C. k. WS0S\ SURGEON DENTIST, X f 2, DYNEVOKPLACE, SWANSEA. (CPPOMTE KEW HIGHER GllACE SCHOOLS) 25 Years" Exoorienoo-13 as dentist witt Kenll, Swansea, PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS WITH GAS. Best Workmanship, Matarial, and Fit goaranteed. \liigfc-class T £ ork from 5s. pop Tooth Atlaome daily trorri 1Q an&il ?, All Consaltatiooa Wru. EEETK> ^XEETH PIANOS AND ALL OTHER iyS!0;:L INSTRUMENTS. ij. BRADER & SONS. ONI.Y ADDRESS— 8 & 9, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. [ESTABLISHED 1840. LIST FREE. J [3291 COLEMAN'S OR UEBiS'S EXT8S0T OF SEAT AKD MALT WINE OVER TWO THOUSAND l^STniONTAT q Have been received from Mcdicai Men SIX GOLD MEDALS AMD ONR SILVEJi MEDA bave lwen awarded. Scld in Bottles, 2s. 3d. nnd 4s. M.,everywhere Sole Manufacturers: A 2s, 3d. Bottle bent Tost I' res on receipt of !7 ot<i.i.i|.3. 263^"WVJ Local Agents—D. L. Evans, chemist, \ValLer road, Swansea Taylor & Co., Limited Isaac Gale, 1R, Hiph Street; 1-1. n. Low- titer, Mumbles; J. T. Davies, 13 and 1- Waltor-road, Swansea. AltTirCIAL TEETH. MR, CIjAUDH BUNDY can he CON- SULTED DAILV from 10 a.m. to 8 n.111.. and is prepared io Supply SINGLE TEETH, 2 UPPER or LOWER SETS, 203. BEST QUALiTY, 4s. each UPPER or LOW WE SMTS, £ 2 r-a. f d. e li:rantcod for Five Ycarg, American and Higher Class \V 'l'k at Ec-uallv rroporLionate Prices. EXTRACTIONS 11' PAINLESS (by pis)5.; ALarly Always in AfcU-nduuce. I GOLD AND ENAMEL STOPPINGS CAREFULLY INSERTED. Note clnuaso of Ktcrc-is and be sure of the nun:her 53, HIGII-STREKT, SWANSEA, iTwu dcois from i.UdUiiinU liotel). I (TLRLS' HOARDING & DAY SCHOOL, BSLLEVUE, SWANSEA. PRINCIPALS—THE MISSES PHILLIPS, Assisted bv resident Certificated English and Foreign GeTernessos and Visting Masters. Preparation for Local Examinations, The House is pleasantly situated in its own grounds on a biil, and overlooking the bea. The THIRD TERM will beg;n TUESDAY, SEPT. 17th, 1895. [3488 GW1LYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BiTTERS. v„JfblS J.eno]™ed preparationis undoubtedlv the best restorative, that canb- taken kt this reason of the year. Un all sides of us, in town, and in country, we hear nmnerouscomplamu of a want of tone, a teetinf., of lanRuorand depression. All who suffer in this manner ffiv fI1Becl. a,§ood Tonic preparation to invigorate and r.raX .ine system, and new life to the blood, and "!Mi?erv?s t'> witftstand the trials of the coining 15LV!rt,ue! and efficacy of Gwilym Evans' ;ne Litters are now so universally known that y have wou for this preparation the "appellation of THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. And i F such it has for manv years bold its own as an incomparable and unrivalled Tonic Medicine. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE TH13 BEST KEMEDY OF THE AGE FOR IN DIGESTION, \FNUR?NTTS' DYSPASIA, DKPHKSSIOAR OP LIVEK COMPLAINTS. MUF^R^NVV CHEST AFFECTIONS. MLLJVJS CHOLY. SLKKPLBSSNBSS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, Sold in Lotties Is. 1 jd., 2s. 9d., and 4s. oi. Each. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. SEE THE NAME GWILYM KVANS ON LABEL STAMP, AND BOTTLES. PROPRIXTOM :— QUININE BITTERS MAXUi'A' TURING COMPANY, L-n> j LLANELLY, SOUTH WALLI. A WIDOW'S SACRIFICE; REMARKABLE STOR7 FROM LLANBLLY, A pathetic Story has gone the rounds of this dia trict, writes a Lianelly reporter, in which a poor widow, at the advanced age of 73, of the name of •Maigaret [nomas, living ata eottsge known as Bryn nnawr, ntarSU David'a Colliery, Lianelly, who for 20 years has reeaa martyr to great weakness and dropsy depriving her of the use of her general strength. She erentnaliy became a perfect cripple, and failed to eave her reoma. 'll»e neighbours assisted ner in tvery-way tiey could. In this state she determined to apply for parish relief, and the generous Guardians aIJowed her 2a. (id. a week, which had to pay reut and food for seven days, Her doctor naa utterly failed to Kive her any relief in way of medicine. She had spent pounds on one thing and another, and at last broke down. Nothing to do her good this side of the fcTave. One morning a cioud passed.ever with a sma tnver lining in a friend tiling her to try and get a 2f. Sd. bottle of Morel's Sovran. How could she get it and cnJy 2s. fd. a week. At last, after a great sacrifice, she bought one, and then found a true fncaci her troubles left her, tor pains -one. her crutch put away. She can now walk and have a look rctrnd,iuid go to her chapel, which she has not been able te d« for many years. Anyono who doubts this story, go or -write to WIDOW THOMAS, Brymnawr. near Bryn, LUnelly. YCAIL CHEMI«TS> 2s. 9d. and 4a. 6d. per hettie, or from MOREL'S DEPOT, LLANKLLY SIFTIJSra-S OF THE FINEST CEYLON TEA MAY BE BOUGHT OF TAYLOR & COMPANY (LIMITED), SWANSEA. CASH PRICE: PElt Is. Id. LB. This Tea is unequalled for value. It ill Pure, Fine, and FULL FLAVOURED. 2683

[No title]


IMONDA Y, AUGUST 19, 1895.








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