Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

15 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



MISS DILL'S DELE- GATE. Miranda Dill was doing up the wet of her tjcir.ces on-3 Novitinber morning when someone rapped !tt her kitchen door. Wuen she opened be-. door a'ne ,*a.w Mrs. Be&oon Draper standing On the little back porch. 'Seuve me for coming 'rJUnd to the hack door, Mira,ndv," said Mr- Draper II," she stepped int:) the spotle^ly ylearn and sweetly fragrant little kitchen, "I conic tell from the looks of th-1- fronr cf the house that you was in the hack, and I thought I'd save, vuu the trouble oi running to let ma in at the front door. My! how .3weet and apicy it smelta in Ifere." "I've spicing some ^weet apple. and now I'm duing up tne 1m; 0' my quinces." re- plied Mii« Mirauda. "1';n real partial tc qninoe preserve, and I think; a littl? qumee is fik~» ilt dppi" sauce. Bat hen.- I'm keeping you •tending. Come and lrit down in thi-? rocking ctit r, that is, u you don't mind sitting in a kit--hen TA if it'* your kitchen, Mirandy. for it's ao dean and cosy here. How lovely your p!aT ^j look-" 'Yea, I tbmV the kitchen's a good place for plants. Ther 1/3 so much rnoi-ture from the teia-Uettld, and if" so sunny in here. I have a chrysanthemum ttta-t 11 be in fu'.l hiocm by Thanksgiving, or before." "If it c^mee out be* ore, you ought to put it on the tail's you'va to have -If when the a4t6 Ciatior- muew wii, cj the we-dt before Tb«mkspriv:ng. "It would look '.oveiy on the table, wouldn't it ? And flowers will be real ~cw.rc° by that tiitia. Do thtfy aspect a good many at the a«soc:a- foar Oh. yes: the de*cor. thi-? tLere'll he &} many '1.3 a hundred delt gates come, and that's •what I>e rui. u«tr to you about. know I'm chairman of the ctmmiate 0tI enter- tainment ?'' "Yes, I heard it give out Sunday?" "Well, I'm 'round Looking up enterrainmviu for the delegates, and knew I c^uld aunt on you tak-ag at leu* one y a will, won't you?" Oh, yep, I'm >viliing to <-al:e una. I'd take two if tho y c-ul'.i r-ora together yaa kn /W I've only one spare room. I could, on a pinch, give up my bed- room, and I could sh-ep on the setti a '-room 'lonage, bat if I did that it'd keep sie so busy I wcLdn't get out to many of the meetings." "'Oh, oaae's all you ought to be aik,d to take. 8nd, try to have some real nioc person sent tt yes. Sometimes whep f,lk; are getting frc-e entertainment they're fuasier and more atxacting than if they was paying board; I've two delegates act pj-Lt so." "Wt' I o'Tn't know that T have." r?pi;ed 1.h"" Dill. She ww i kicuily ii.ul who did kindly dt ■?>!•« and found deligh* ju »nesking ItfcyW.f word- Iler tongue was 6iven lb *aying unkind >Kn*-a about* anyone, and she w* loyalty itmtf to her brothers and aistsrs in I 1hr:i,¡ot CFi-ch. "Tue &3Li >oi»tioa ootmu the yff-ek before j Tl»-.k?givir<g', I he'eve,* IIt.e said, when Mrs Tinker Lid rii»»n to go. j iez, ou Tuesday and Wednesdxy. Most r>t t»ie delegaiss are expected en M onday, tln<1 'tt'^yTi he liKely to stay until Tlin'-saay. "Td >u.»> as 3ora have mcoe «t»«y that lotij m> »ot if you s-end me some real pieisa^t pec- ana. I jiwfc enjoyed ensertai^ir.g the delegates I had 1M ^pariiig, whe»i Woman's < 'hristiaji IVciperainje V;nc» met here." ''1'n try and hsvo some real nice, agreeable [ person to rc,u, Mi randy MM. Draper went on IM4- b-xn^vrard way, wid Mis;, Dili gare llfv attention to the quince BTWOTres simmering in a blue, fk>re" cn her arn-i /ig stove. Slv» ^v-ag an ini- mamkv-lv neat dá! her fturroundi..igs. Her iaovenien*s wene ad qu;ok xad free as thoe* of • girl of eigl.teen, whik it TO eaid in the tyr/r- t«afc Mi«s Mimmda >WT-.?d up to 48, "but it wm kI tj 'a'd that 'har^e' er Misg Dill "cwnpff up t, '.Tat? tht> er ;<"t tudl, She wan i juvown to be abvlu+f-;y h in word aud I in deed. Her 1 jfe wan ail ope» book. tt had always been a g'>Ki and kiidly Iif". end sach of tt) hiMi bee»i -perrt in 'he wrvica '*f t<»bers acd Í-"1 prom<<-in» the general good" of tbP wGrid. She mm caib-d .ho I "od"itbon«" of she leofcle I ft tie Baptist Church hi Hir. amvi'le. There ut been time* j wi*:n 't -olli(i have disbanded, and rhe wottl.d have ljeen d^erted, but for jDi'l 3 zeal, and tli-* free use of har rather &únh&d income. 'fhe ]r?*le church wa^ now pswtcricos al- tfctrjjifh miraejou-* ''wnsd1 if fates" had for game time Ijern$JJ:n^ its pulpit. Two Ws'vks ahs-r Mm. Draper's osll M» 1>:11 ajr,vared oa ths-t Luriy's hotae in 30 erf mani.'Wt ;*rtuTbatioa. "Wttv Sifter Draper," she Hftid, excitedly, "to. delegate hag oome, a<nd why, Skst*-r 7>raper!" '•vThy, what is it, Miwndy?" Yfu haw «ent tno a BV\ I dViesate!" I Athw JH1'q look and tone Cf dismay were t so eomx-al "hat Tvirs. Draper lnus^r^l 3-load. "hy, ^liranay," she x-d: 7,ke no kill'ing j HiB-fc^ec if a mr.n baa been ^ent to you, it ? Who i.< 1>e f' ;;rhe r.3v. Kill«r, of Oldfield." "Whr, he was to have been sent to Brother Pahner' and a NJn- L.we wa^ to have h<n a*-S, *0 rou. I'i! Ki-arnMkt you they've made I j» ni> ttkj. siid sent Mrs. Drcwi- to Riothet -j'.?." "But. vUt .vj-al! T dot" A,o said Mrs. Draper, Shnply make Mh be^t of ;t. Brctiier Hiller is a iovv' v man." "I kn'l.w, hwt won j foiki*—woDfi it a liitlfe—wt»C, «SviMv^e, for me to h." enterta-n- k-g ^pnctemau leiesr^te?" "^tOTiwnse. Msrpjidy! Ywi're too well- kr. too highly rfe^peoted in thw town for »ayrr> tr i-ay a worr? Tboat it. Itw»jW'ina;rs a c°^d iT*or> tslu if you ssnt the Utaji aw%v. siitipiy because he was a. riiarn. Ill >♦■ fotk3 thuit ;11 ->a# 1\, mistake, atn i I know -tba-i thtre won't lv* a word said about it." So Mh» Dill, comfortsd. but swh perttjrbed 1 b spirit*, wen* bock to her delegate and j -Ind wlrfwn +e found see.too :n th« big com- #,Y&a:Ak, rocking rhair in her nheery sitting- r -xn loolt'ng at her photo?r p'a albtim. Tl.e R*V. Hiller wrv? a TVJI* ly. good- i'Toking man of M. witfi kindly blue ey*s and eourSeo»w, g^ntls manner. wis quldc it' his p rci-ptiosui to know that hi* oom'Tig hed. yiv^o'hid little spinster hostess •omevltuig of a sorjjrise, aJthoiigh ?he had said KJiat die hnd been exp^oSnjr a de^jrate. She was calmer i'i her mind ard manner when qb- returned fmro Mth. Draper's. A miiu-ter was in hpr bvna km? set apart from the rttet of the world and worthy of the moft ■cr<>f<nind respect Her lx«rt h-ga.n to fatter a little ag4in 'iJ.en she fourd herself sitting opposite her gueit as her < mv]y nppo-ated tea-table, on w'\ich were set deh'ecjpies snob as the de- wiie c-f tlv» Rev. Mr Hiller hnd not bnen sJcilled ;.n making. "You iiv» entirely alone a'l th*- i'-m*, do wu. Sfeter "Dill?"' he -u-i-ed as Hie han.'Wi him fch third cup of the most fragrant and delic'otw t» he W ever tasted ki hi? I'co. ''T !taT<» onite a -rood deal of cort oany," re- j»ited MDtll, but I a*ay alone most of ohe fir*?." "Do you find it 1 >nei>rrve?" "No, not tery. excepting at T?ianks^rsTin« a«d Oh rij-fcroa. tmo'. when other p=ople ha ve on manv of their fnonds a^vjutvl tliem. I do not feel l>->e«eome then- nithrn-~rh I srenera-lly lwuw^e to fnd ^thar lor:esnr^e peraon to invite in with me. I was wondrrins? to-day ■wtem I ow?ld invtt^ in tJii* year. I'd have li-» vr;fi»>w Jav and her rxvr.- old mother in. c the olM lady <bed hurt summer, atiii her dM liter's gone a.way. I dare !'$y I lit ^nd »otrv« one." Mr. Hiller Venn? commtm»«it-ive a^ter 9.1\ vhen he and Nfi-a Dill irere a ?a:n seated 'n it 'tttArg-room before an c^en -/rute tre- He tdd her ha haii been a widower two years, snd hc-.v hN w and daughter hnd both marrted a«d left h'm ro go to iion?es of their own. JFma'iv he asked:— I "Did you know that T was to stay over after the association clo#«^ and preach in your caurch next Sunday?" '•No. I hadn't heard that, but I'm glad o" it. "We nc-ed a regular aniiiaWr very nmh. I he town haa begun to grow fast fince the cot on We nc-ed a. regular aniiiaWr very nmh. I he town haa begun to grow fast fince the cot on mils and the «hoe factory came hore, and a! goo-i man oould biiri?' the Church right up. I.' "It looks like a premising field to mo, and I dor.t mind saying tlmr, I'd be open to a call if the people feel I'm the man they Lt. n after they hear ice preach." The Rev. James Hilier's preaching created a gre^t deil of enthuda^m. "Everybody eays lie's ji'ft the man we want," "ad Mr" Draj^r to Mbii Dill on Monday. "He did preach two splendid, good sermons, and heV so kind and sociable. Deacon White knows all about him, and he .says thci-e i.-n't a single out about him. How did vou like hirr,. ?,r "Vary much," replied Mi,93 Dial with a blufh. "He's a real nioe person to entertain, isn't h. t" "y<=\¡;, he i*. He'i the be^t kind of corr- pany." If we call him ha ll want a boarding place, and why don't you got a good girl and ri.v up that big east room of ours far a study for him, 1nd take him tu boardThere's no place in town where he oould bf so quiet and comfort- able. The daaootH and ithe trustees arc goir.g to have a meeting to-night, and it's almost cer- tain they'll nail him. He went bbek home to- day, didn't he?" "No, he went over to Hebron to visit a day or t.wo with a. cousin of his, and he's coming bnck here for Thanksgiving." "He is? Weil, tilde's nice. Whose guest ic he going to be?'' Mine." Oh "1«, and I'f? been thinking that it would ba real n>ce if the deacon3 and trustees and their wives eould come in 'Che everung and meet him *ooiabiy. "That would be real nj-^a. We'd be glad to coma" 7hen I'll invite the others." Every in\ itation .vas meet cordially accepted, and Mi« Dill's horse wa.s '/i.ow Nv--h bght *nd cheer en Thr.nkfwiv.rvg evening. The littf.e hostess looked Van years younger than usual, Her eye.^ a-cd her cheeks were aglow, and her freonfant laugh was sweet and joyous. Ac abi^ut nine o'clock m the evening Deacon Smith eail jd' the csompany to order and said— I guess it won't be much of a s'srise :6 any- one hera, tinier it is Brother Hiller, to know that we have voted unaniinously to give Brother Tliiier a cail to our Churoh, and we'd all be glad to hear a word from, him abcui rhe pro- batbility of hi9 coming." Hie acceptance of' the call was brief and to the point. Then he heettated, cleared his throat, and said— "Perhaps there could be no znore appropriate time fcr me to announce something 1 feel thai my new pan;-hi oners have a ri^.ht to know, and for which I have cause for h.f1rÛ"t, thsnio- gi .ing, -if erery man o^ht to rejoice and be ;:Ç'ad when the Lord directs him to a good :-n'" T-ie w-Dmtn wt^> in v-'lling to 1)^ b, wi»'e." He crossed W^s room 8.114 took MiTs Dili by the bend1. '.Allow me to p-reeeot voo to the dear woman who ? :& prondSed to be yow new pas bar's wife. I hope that J..I1.i.s may not epj>ear unse^itily to you, becatxe of ocr brief acqu*.inte-nce. If. on investigation m vou care +0 make yon fliid that I am nnworthy of her, I will rek-v^ her from hfcr entragemerw.. I fe-I that we ow owe and well enough to f. el rm:-e tihat we will lie lvap*j>y together and th^.t our whole life will be filled with the tree- apirife £ tli&nkiifgi ving and pi-cu^ 'And to thtrik wlvjvt ■% roq' vou made obout entsrvainin'? a man delegate," said !-f:t, Draper to Miss Drll afterward. M Mi as .Dm only laughed aa she ii/ui not lathed for years, and as only they can laugh who love íHld: are beloved. ■MMUMMMMMimiasnHM












caww^—;'jju'riimwa—t— IROYAL…
