Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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ANOTHER GREAT VICTORY. P. FREEDMAN & CO., COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, :34, H IGH- STREET. SWANSEA, ARE MAKING TilE GRANDEST DISPLAY OF BEDROOM SUITES, DINING & DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, BRASS & IRON BEDSTEADS, FEATHER & WOOL BEDS. AND EVERY REQUISITE NECESSARY FOR THE KITCIIEN AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PlUCKS FOR CASH, Sueh sacrifice was never before attempted, and they intend bre&king the monopoly maintained by house furuisheis, and are gtHug to supply customers direct from their Factory at Wholesale Prices, instead of with big profits. They will also, by simply auking, give away Furniture for Credit on their well- known liUle-by-Iittle System, wfcerebT a benwe or a single article of Furniture can be •btained. Illustrated Cabloguea Grata. Free Delnrery ONLY ADDRESS AT SWANSEA- 34. HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA. N.B.—Cuetojners' fares over £ 2 refunded withm 25 miles of Swansea. 5023 POTATOES- ONIONS. ê NOW DISCHARGING, PRIME CARGO OF NEW RGSCOFF FLUKES AND ONIONS. Steamer with Prime Carg* of MAGNUMS & ROUNDS. Frequent arrivals to fellow, ef which due notice will be given- Apply- IMPORTERS' CO., STRAND, SWANSEA. July 16 1896. [5055 ESTABLISHED 183a I J. T. WILLIAMS, MOKCMENTAL WORKS, WALTER-ROAD. SWANSEA MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, GRAVE CROSSES executed and let- fled in Granite Marble and Stooe. Delivered and erected in town and country, irrespective of distance. MARBLE AND SLATE SHOP FIT. TINGS in all branches. Designs free on application," ,1Ia.e \our BOOTS TO Ml ABU F. bv A. ABBOTT The Boot must be made to the Foot, aDd not the Foot to the Boot. # Effect of wearing bad fitting boots. Natural Foot 27, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA, C A 0 T ION BASS & CO. Respectfully and earnestly request the Public to insist on seeing the label when BASS is ordered, aDd to eeuimunicate with them when fraud 18 suspected. "Wms OR»F.nraa "BAsg" In Bqttlb, ASK FOR BASS," AtD Insist ON SXZTI-TG TH. La kl. — SPMCXAL TtfYOUSa MKS. XJuitPA:bli«bed, forTwoSUuapf A TRKATISr S\ "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH.' A nrtoai Vaiuabla Book for Younc JoMtt. "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH.' A nrtoai Vaiuabla Book for Younc JoMtt. On the Laws GovJtwsixft Un and tike CAOHC, SYJiI'P- Toms, and Tksatmxht of ail diawtws d«peo41ac an Servoos i>etiilitv, MenUl and Phykicai DepMaotaa. Palpitation of tjir Mewrb, Noimit in tke Head Mtd Bar*, Impaired Sigbt aad Memory, IsdieMtiea. Prostration, Latitude, Ac. Seat post-free on receipt of Two Stamps. Add- Mewr*. JBARNBS A col 48. Lvandate-Knwv, Btraabury. Loctdea, B. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSONS BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst terms of difleaaeeand the foulest tt&tccftbeMoed, Stomach. Liver and Kidneys; tfcey go to the eorr of weiy disease, wtiere n»»thei Medietas h*s pewer to reii. la Beg—, at Is. l^d. and 2b. 9d. each. SeM by an CiMMfaa, «" fe»M the ■Nrfoak PfUMamrfM^ery,44. Olfiepd ^iew<, B»MMa. 3617 aq A% *VR OEM T Mnffi TV V fts Bet. ■- JH POgy-fB £ g »tenBA. u Moses Jowes^Rs > Swansea. S X" OH DEAR, DOCTOR, What will yon rrcommend for mvlw Tigkt Ch^etibiafearful Weatber?" On. THERE IS JSOTHIKG LIKH TUDOR WULIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. THBRB IS NO MOnB TRYING SBASON FOE TIIK HUMAN CONSTITUTION THAN THE PKBSENT WBATHKK. Beware of the sunshine in the dav and the (told winds at night. Stemkl you catch aooti, nip it in the bud ùy taidfitg the certain remedy. ONE OP Oil MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE ACK. rpUDOR WILLIAMS' pATENT JgALSAM OF JJONEY. No Mother shculd negJeet to keep thli Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any rnergency. Remember that it in wiser to check a. Jiglit Cough at the connotaieeizrent than to allow it to develop into a lingering complaint Ask distinctly for Todor Williams' Balsam of Hency, and see that you get the right article. Persons sne-e-ring from ttfffieoity of Breathing should give its trial. LARGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH jy-RDICLNE IN THE WORLD. BRONCHITIS, There are thousands of children who die annual from brestciaitis, wbooping cough. and croup. A grand discovery has been made far the caw of such complaints, namely, Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey. which contains Weish honey and an essence extracted from u selection of the purest and most efficacious herbs. A Swansea lady declares that this fameoe Balsam a-ris like magic on her children when ever they are afflicted with one of these kindred complaints. Sold by ail Chemistsaztd Stores in is. i £ d., 2*. 9J., and 4«. M. battles S«mpl« wot (poet Jfor Is. 3d, A* Mtd 15* lrom the Inventor — jQ rpUDOR ^ylLLlAMS, I MEDICAL HALL, ABERDASB. 13150 1 rWBAPEST AND BEST PLACE V FOR LADIES AND CfEHT.'S CLOTHES CURTAINS, FEATHERS, &c., OXjEA^sTBD AJSTJD DYED IS POOLE'S DYEING WORKS, 47, WATERLOO-STREET. 149k7 20 THE REASON, p UNITY WBATHBH and SPOTLBSS WHITE LINBN are two tilings essential to make ladies happy. I The former cnse "Wngandthe tatter 3d. a week by using I uglREN" gOAP, From all Grocers, 6028 jyjATTHEWS & QOIMPANV, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CREDIT DRAPERS, Å Lt: HDEEN HOUSE. MANSEL & CRADOCK-STEEETS. SWANSEA DRESS MATERIALS in all shades in Stock. MEN'S and BO IS KEADY-MADN SUITS also made to measure by experienced workmen. Families waited upon at their own residences by perienepd Salesmen, withsainpies. Terum-Weekly, Fortnightly, or Month!?. I WATER "SOFTENED BT THB "ARCHBCTT-DEELEY PROCESS i Forms NO DEPOSIT in Pipes and Ecouomiser 'f ubes, I and NO SCALB in Boilers. Plant can be seen in. operation, treating water for Loco oi o tive and other Boilers, and ail particulars obtained on application to I MATHER & PLATT, Ld., ENGINEERS, SALFORD IRON WORKS All NCHESTEK. POO—Tobacconi*» (comxneuoing). Write for I'.ius- i"U t rated Guide (260 pages), 3d. How to Open a Cigar Slore from £ 20 to £ 2,000.—Tobacconists' Outfitting Co.. 186, Euston-road, Louden. N.B.- Shop fitters and show-case makers for all trades. Estimates irec. Mans gar, Henry Myers. Established 1866. [176 Swansea o « Knows To=day that (j7i j- CASH —<=> supply the Best 9 J i/)/)./A Drugs at the most CHEMISTS, Economical Rates. I PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET REQUISITES, CIHOllCE PERFUMES, &c., &Co, At an immense reduction from ordinary Chemists prices. '¡ If. Owing to the immense quantity of drugs they buy, they can buy so b I cheaply as to be able to sell the very best qualities at prices usually charged for inferior kinds. No Old Stock Fresh Supplies Daily PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Chemist fully qualified by Pharmaceutical Society's Examination at about one=half the usual charges. (j7) ) /) h Cash Chemists, c2 Oxford St., Swansea. Also at BRISTOL, BATH, CHELTENHAM &c., &c. Boot's Pnrc Drug Co., Limited, Proprietors, JESSE BOOT, Head Offices, Nottingham, Managing: Director* J. BR ADER & SON'S NINTH ANNUAL SALE Of Finest 3D,1 J3Io9t Selection -if PIANOS, ORGANS, HABMONIUMS, AUTO HARPS, SHEET MUSIC, AND BOOKS HIL- Commenced. All Goods Greatly 1.'educed for Cash, and Special Advantages on Three Years' System. CULT Addrkss J. jgHADER AND SONS 8 aad 9, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. 3129 FOR WBDDING BING8 E GO TO | BROUGHTON'S. 1 1 THB NOTBD WEDWSH1 RING SBOP 9 ■ TSlopHymod am Fotlnryau JWodawl. M 31, HIGH-STREET, Ik SWANSEA M (Opposite Deowa and SoO. ) THE OLD FIRM) ESTP 1864 EFREEDMAN&SON )PAWN BROKERS & JEWELLERS FORFEITED PLEDGES FOR SALE lWATCHES, CHAiNS, RINGS. e fnt! FM IVWERLOO iCOLLEGES CORNERI | OPPOSITE NEW TEMPERANCS HALL IAN lml\,ALE 1*1 iWiiei 1'- I. ■- III, m m OFFICES AND STORES, 10, NELSON STREET. SWANSEA. Manager—GEO. BELL. TELEPHONE 142. INCANDESCENT BURNERS AT LATEST REDUCED PliXCEa J. H. N 0 T T. BT. HELEN S-ROAD AND QUAY PAIiADE, STVAKSBA. f46 S (j A K CITY OF W ATER USE ABYSSINIAN TUBE WELLS I SOLE AGENT:- I JOHN LEGG. SWANSEA. PRINTED PRICE LIbTS FREE ON APPLICATION. 50 9 I ARCHIBALD GrOLJDIE Is the ONLY PHOTOGRAPHER IN WALES whole PHOTOGRAPHS have Meta ACCEPTED atlhe PARIS JINIERNATIONAJ. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPOSITION, May and Jane, 1896, and the enlv SWANSEA PHOTOGRAPHER ACCEPTED at CARDIFF { EXHIBITION, j Prize at International Competition (Louden), 1893. Medal and Diploma at Amsterdam i Exhibition, 1395. Bipiona at Haarlem Exhibitioa, May, 1896. Only Address-95, MANSEL-STREET. 49 FARMERS' BACON. The Cure and Packing of this Delicious Meat is Perfect, and every reliance can be placed in buying it during the hottest weather. We guarantee Perfection in Quality, and of Exquisite Flavour, 'yd. per lb. CHOICE SM&Iil. TO «: sS. jr. CHOICE STREAKY BJl'iCON", W- PER TJB. I). JONES, DICKINSON & CO., LTD., OXFO.RP-ST. _0"

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