Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

36 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

EPITOME OF -_'_"""---""''''''''''-'''''''''_,..-.-._,....,,


EPITOME OF The P!.nces8 IiJ:e'-{t;:8 d Hsnovgr took leava of the Qaeen at htt¡rdy. "1.("11. I.orJ hyor of Yofk, died on a.turd,,} ö11crt utueea. The Fjht Hoa. Jasea Irih Seofe- ttry, left town on! ¡¡.ù<i-Y :Irm"g Irelaad. Atelefram from Card's. Teporta the loss of an Austrian Teasel '$L<l H tianda ontaide Rathymo. The tobacco crop of ({)r the year ia expected to exceed million pounda in weight. Colonel Butler, I3':h Hu?aar9. hM. atyg the PtttM Caaette bomi obbged to return from India, owing to Sir Stafford tad Lady Northcote arrived in London on Monday nÏi,"ht, and proooeded to the Chancellor'a omoial reeidence in Downing atreet. The C-nurt 'HimucMe that Meaarg. W. Fry and Son, of had the honoir ef eabmitting to the Prince of Watea their of Lriah poplin. The femaJe operativ"a &t the spinning milla of MMaM. Shaw and Co., CLfk, have atruok for a 19 per cent. inoreaaein the wages ofapinnora, and the htCtory haa been thrown idle with 63) h&nda. The Statist eayN that aa a consequence of the YitM in wneat laat autumn. two Srma Me reported e<ch to have made .SUX) (I(I pro&t, the oae in HverpocL the zeeomd m Lcndjn. The hlnua1 of Mr. Puacy, only ton of Dr. Psaey. tc&k Tuesday in ChfMtchnreh C'xford, in the preøence of a largo congregation. A wicow named SarctoM ha'! <!ied ia the Bnr. deaux hospital at <o U::gri of 105. She retailed 'he fall pos""s,hr cf her faculties till atmok down by tJte lene frost M. Lert;re informed tha Fupveme Council of Ptijtcna en MoBday nf h.if i.ntetl.)r. t) promote m France the extenaif.a cf the lltllar ayatem, already partially adopted. Lord Cranbrook amved ;,n r<;ndon oa Tnaaday Wonting from Staplehnfat, acd went tm-nediately to the India OSee. RM Idrdahip mtendu remain. ing m town for a fe- dàve. Hia Royal Hihne>!Jg o? Edinburgh arrived at Charing on mormag from Esatwell Park, "WlIe to the Admiralty Ontce. A ptopoeal hae been anda to extend the bonn- datiee of Bristol by ..ki1,g t'' of fou!' of the more populous 81lburh, t to mearly 250,000, thTj the demand of the city fuf 3. th'fd The IcMta ifefcwry ? -a, tna,1¡ a Loadon Srm htTe jrat eSeeted th) "1;1 :ie t.,7a o! Little- ",).i.Ji iio:Jti.t 74aorea, with a population &f :I!, t;l'V, I'L.' pafohaaor it t Yorkshire Tn? VeeaviM .9 Md will be tn a few ;m. portion of the raiJ haa already on th« toweF pJort of taeooce. bat from tbr o{ thd iacuae the wodt proertewaea very ",I,y. The BTard of Trace ;"qULl"Y icto th" md toM of the 8te.lVe cf[ tha fale of AM Moatoaa, held at d'e'bc'-on.'h, ."raiiaatad en Tueeday, Md resuhd in tM of the <apta:n acertiacate flir fear ntc-c-tha. A boyar hao ki'I d vith eoythaa by peaMMa Dear Caracal in <0¡¡,. rhe deed waa ocmmitted m the 1:)<1 o&ae, where the peaeanta }uti b'*An ,;uTlu.uolled foe debta dae to the murdered A meotiBg of waa held at 81mderlaud un when 11; W'.1t!! decided to accept a i!<;3 ? .gap; niv101ant M) 2)) per week Th.1- wUl be agreed toby tke A Cabinet Councti "'f" heid at the jSond reai. denoe of the Fmt Lj?d 'f cbo Tr"'aanry m DeWDinr 'treet, oa 3i1o;t'd..y..tûl the Miniatera were pzeMnt with of Lord John taMMra. A doatrmtive tre w!<< eau3e4 on 3a,t-u'<!ay at MeMM. Newaon and \lti'l3j d u;rgiats NewoMtle, by aa ,king a ;ig<1 :it!1di into a rocm wero kept. rhe damage ;]und9. Intteotor.Qenerai John W*6 &J, M.D., aenior medMal onico' at E?M, ba?. n n stated, been tweeted to Mcoeea Su- A.fmatrong, K.C.B., aa \if w:.d .}1rJ\11().J. Depart- HMnt of the Navy. Majof G. F. Biake. R,}{.LT, Deputy.Judge Advocate, hat been to .ae committee now eitti ac the !.dCliJiMty for oon- mdenBR what ia to be che fa .n.e (If corpa of Royal Marinea. The Conaervativeo cf !n!.oQd to htve a Stettt domoBBtration tt the ec'ra E" J!an"e of tht eity on Febmary 3 -MB Loxd Lord George !ônd O';>: Coceervativea are to Fifty poendt daof: .&<? sava TMaTivantnan action broaght in ti)'- Diviaion by -ÖI C,mJ;} pany. by one of h3 il.. 01,).11 rnn over and very aerionely A eericna iandai p i\ ,-Ol'"t!ù 1t;9.r Madrid deetroJÏDg the villats.J c't AicaJa tn the province of AUxKete. aever&i uvfa weM iodt, and ifty familiea have been l'e,èÍ1u,d by the ooonrrcnco. A eoníeca.if\ munber of peraona have been !:n: :n ,ae tuina. Mr. Chriatopher &-í Deniaoa. M.P.,hM ) been elected v( the Grea9 Morthern Railway Ü)-nr<\nv, m ptaca of Lord Colvitle, who reeentis :cr.eeq'H£c" cf the dsAth of the late Colonel aacooedad co tha ohtHT. Mr. Chorsley, eoror",r 'O nek" baa offered to preead Botham a y,Liuli. ne. slocgh, aa a site for tke coH 'ur foe which the ifne Mr- Gar'.rt*, t8h.j",Ù.: t-t<f of tha member for Windsor, legacy cf £300,01)0. The t'fench have .a.1II"'ied a ?old èal ccd a dipkoa, tu Mr. ::)Quth, in I acknowledgment ot h' ?.nice9 ft reaoaiiaf several faiicreof thf- ¡.. U'(IÜ\ ¡¡tit! 1,90 nl}r1.13 Roine, of DcBkirk, wrecked ta BJ on the 24-th of January, 1::í9. I Oce cf the moat con, p'c=f m Europe hta declared that the ft*t:oca tj*e pl:nea wen immensely o.¡>rv.ud &li (Otty tnou"anj fraEce. Ono plate M to per. hapa, ten thonaaBd WûØè, fhe mMM are of comparatively amall The Italian Church !a Lordon WM densely crowded at all aervioea -jn ,SI111.3&I. a':d after tha I conolnaion of high majs <* nr.¡¡ Jr of people .tanunned flU into m<t e'-oi.u<); wtChi'.lg and praying before the à.lt¡;œ, on whian waa the expoaition of the It :a understood ha.t the in giving Bitticga to Mr. the ecn.ptor.mtendato have a new effiøy ct nu ooina aad stamps. The praliwLt .¡!!(! dasaa f:um 1850. and waa chafa.cteriaed by a pfofeaaor aa aa excellent pcrttall of ba at the Hme. The A,mll and NAV'Y Oal-f:tte to have to aBnonnce that the -arrant for tha recrgaEieation of and rranaport Department, by her Mø.J >liIt1, haaac the laat moment befB C(<loaet Stanley haviBg telegraphed tc 'ihe cincveyor GoBeial of Ordnance tc a'.op iM Mane. Tae wife of a man<;<i Bfnadhnrst, at Whit. wick, Leioeatorahire, takmg tea with hoc children, inmped np mbia. and sn..tobing up a bread, knife tl,:r the tada penotfatirg' t he poor woman died in a iew minmea. Nj rfon .a aMigned <o- the raeh act. It haa been decided by ..ha ;'U.t'ie of the couatv eoartat Cheltenham that, in ?rder to màke a:¡ innkeeper liable for property loae, the tr&voJe? mnat prove, not only that it oamq into the care &t the innkeeper or hia aervanta, but thilt it wa tmown to them at the aame time to whom the pro- perty belonged. The condemnation to death pronounced agMna t one Beecia, a noted Italian brigand, who, afte- innnmerable crimes, and having been for long thd terror of the diatrict of Modeca. waa at las'; captured, haa been commuted to impriaonmen'; for !ife. Ofoonrse he wiii seon be ont jt<raic, a.nd recommeace hia axploita. A cumber of little boya a,t play Bear the Shaftee. bnry est&te, Lavender Btlt. ae'*r Londo.), wero attacked by a iave baft ':t!-?nc, which worried one poor chi!d namen t'J<?-? ?ke a ra?. Th? animal would not re!irqu.:=h ica Mtd tt aad been btaiced by a wàn 1t"}! psseiog. fhe Httle Fufferer liea in a omc<ti WillJam .P&.rk deeenbed &,¡¡ a ::L"1 who ?0t hia living by poacbiDg," waa Mnamoned at Rat. ford coanty police oonrt fo'* treapaaaed in pnranit ot game, ard pceaested a fnii socked leaded gnn a cpattabte'. The nra*! change waa diamiBaed, bT tor menaoa with the gun priaocer waa nned .Ji5 aad coata. Ibe herring nahiDg 2!&.IKn of 18; at Campbel. town hae been the moat on record. Nearly 37,000 barrela of carYicga have been caught in the datriot, repreli!eutin a 6n<n earaed by the nahermen of about .860 0«) tn uo previo'la vear haa there been recorded more about naif thia take of herricga in the CiioDJpbelt:>11Vn diatrict. The Rev. Newman jtI&U, m directing the attec. ticn of hia congregatiun ou Sunday to a meeting of the Early Chxung Aaaoc\at'oa, ia Walworth, next Wedneaday, nrxed upon every member of tha not [o in the practice of late ahoppic?, ao that the youcg men and young women in bnamees housea niight have some time or recreation and lmplovemer;t. The death of the R). C. R. Farrar, M.A., Motor of Sidoup. Kst) fachor of the Rav. Canon I?u-raT' o? Wf?L'?i?s*?. '?? headiaaater of MM'bJrccsh Colleee ? fumocnoed. Fhe deceased ?'lom??oBly?? ?? d.? ?? :hapS?? the Tr.?y B?rd. and a. Maat? ? PtiMeof Waiea haJ ?at inqmnea reapecttng hij The Mrvivora of the Boruaaia, who were ?<M. at Baltimore, 'u ?"?'??,?f? ??V eavtd themMlvea ia the met?.e lifeboat. A number cf .harka followeC capm a.nd OMie near the boat, <m. of them mat.M<? a rash and atrikmg ber -.iolently. The 6harkB did Dot ieavo nutil one of them had been by aboathock. T-he third day after the pMtyMtthe .hip thaywere dMcovered by theGiacMno. Andrew Bicklev. eUlle fi;:ter William W at! private of the 24th Raiment; Jaoiad D?viea, Hackamith, and ?chMdjohn?a. t?dlordoftha Bnmmer, Hereford, veTe ,rreted..t Hereford on Saturday on a oh?e of b?? concerned in tha death of Jame. Wdhama. whoae bodv?wM ?u? iB the nvar Wye on .nond? week Thea?t?? are charged with the c4?fL o'J??? bemgm of tín dooeaaed'a ptoperty white Johnaon waa atM.-t&d &!i the ld.t"er charge Alocatbody kaown aa the T07{n TraetKes have ]U).t maot..?d st ata?niQoent addition to thfir fnndB. the tf Mra. Biley at CheMeabaBi they po;¡eliI",d of the re- ni&irder of a beqtef< ;)< which W<103 left tha town by h<! Me. ia.mael .Bji-ilty. The ir.'fft "t. of Deqlleilt 'm t) b rph:d to !<; ynoto): tn l}lJl;sh! tcat i.a,tcro. ha tnwu trua eaa caffd out 1»-?"P by the i!-ter<'8tr.ft!:e t)9queat they bå iEC<iive'Jt. A Bew MsucBf !oèg. p6ta.b'dshed fcv the 03'1. f cr, the ;.r98". and bfttrirg tbf P:)1"li.te ti.,Ii of "rt. C:\XOD l.cde," No. 1 8i3, Was conaecrat.'d on Sa"urd1l.J at Freem-aens' Hill, by Mr. Ja,mea Terry, Pro. vwcisrl Grasd DirpuE'r of C.remocMa, r{ert3. Mr. T!:O'T.<I Hup' M'.red h wai in..¡¡a.ilzd aa the 6f6t Worehiptui Master of the Lodge. Yhe Queen haa directed that a grant o? .650 phaM be UJ",1e from the R&yal Bounty to Private George Dodd, of the 12cn Company, Army Se(vioo COtpe, now IIILdotilned at Granby B <rraoka, Devon- ccrt. in of tha gZ4ntry ciaplayed by him in sav-Bg the lifa of a oaiM trod uui-ar the wleels of a tr&EiOM in Dnbiin at the naouaeat ritik of his own Dfe. A faneral masa to commemorate the deaths of Napoleon III. aed the Prince Impericti WlÂ8 cele- brated on Sunday at St PMUppednKoule. and p&geed c& very quietly; buc aa aeme of ho who had ascended it, among tham the notoriona Bona- I p&rtiat agitator, M. Jtdea Amiguee, were walking up the Boulevards with bnnohea of vioieta in their button holes, they were mobbed and hooted by some friends of "liberty." On Monday afternoon the Canterbury ocunty magistrates sentenced two men, named Stokes, each to two months' imprisonment with hard labcur for a violent assault committed by them, under a misapprehension that the prosecucor had bten a plUy to giving iaformation to the oredi. tcra ot a pefeon who<M eatata was in liquidation with regaid to the snrreptitioua Mmoval of aoma gocda. Dr. ABgua, one of the company engaged in tha reviaicn of tha ew Testament, stated the other night in tha course of a lecture delirored in London, tbat the revised New TeBtamont will, in ail probabtUty, be puM:ahed at the end of the present year. The reviaere, he aaid. had ant from H a.m. tiH 6 p.m. for 40 d-tys in each year during the last 10 ye&ra, and liad rsooived_no pecuniary reward for their labours. It ia believed that aome cisa has been found to the identification of the pe-son who died at the Kidderminster workhouse on Chrirtm" Day, with a terrible Rah in the ekaU. T NO men from ro Broc:8grove claim the deceased as their b .Ier, who had bees naE8Î!1g from hosm for Bina moitlim. They have s&ked for the bojy to be exmjied, and an application is being made for tha par- peso. The death is announced at Cologne, on Friday last, of Miss Helpn Jane GLadatona, the yt-azigear, Bister of !.he Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. M P., whoee recant visit to Germany waa ooeMioae'l by the eeriou-! illness which haa tormiaited fatally. Miss Gladstone, who wM a Bani%u Catholic, h-ii reaided for several years in Cologne. Sao wAi a lady of great benevolence, aooompliahmems, and monfal activity., Another ofJle old soldiers of Icalian Iadop')Q. decce.. Gpnera! Carini, was oa Satirday c3.rr:-id to his ".Ait ? lace at Veraao. Tia pall was held cy SfigHcrio C:ioiroli, 3elia, FArmt, Crispi, the 6yn.:ic o &oiEe, ana otae- nat..b'm- a. Thefuseral p:¡c.ct'@330n was ve:y bn", ad C)il. aisted of dasaohmesta of ali branchf-a o! toe army, Md a iM'go of and pnvate f Mends. Signor tjmpi apoSLa at tha cemetery, Tee death is announced of Genera. B,u<Jn von During a* tho age of U7..iIe wa.a th.3 QU,aatoffic'3r in her M&jesty'a service. Re ectered the a?fny in 1794, and served in the Peninsula. thr?':?h the Cornnna campaija'n, s.nd subMqcently frjaa the l&Her part of 1812 to the end o< the war it 18:. t He aiterwarda settled on hia eat&ta z,ar but retailed his oommn&ion in our army, and attained the rank of general in 1877. A conference in connecti,iu with the R!pon Diocesan Bra-,ch of the Cinrcrt o! j Temp,.erance SccMty was held in Leads on M md,¡,y afternoon. The Bishop of Ripon, who presided. celivero': an addreas, in which he 8M6eJ th<t!i i temperance waa the baaetttng stn of the nation, &ad the parent cf crime, insanity, and pauperism. Ha could not tUlè!?ti.Dd that a National Churaii cn be fulnlling ita miaeion if it, did not do its utmost to stamp out iBtemperanoe. On Saturday nigh!; a qua.rral took p:>e in Salford between two men, and one o! them, namad William Wild, received a knockdown blov. So was taken to the Rcya! District: Dispensary, where he was detaired aa ai in-patient, having apparently received a aevere in jury to the head, and died on Sunday, about five o'clock. The polioa have arraated a man named John Barton OJ. the charge of causing hia death, a maa who 2--w the 6ght haviBg stated that he waa Wild'a aaaatl&nt. At Aaton poiioe court John William Ms.ho!iy, a well-known aati-Yacciaation lecturer and raoiter of Shakeapente'a playa, waa cb.:U'ged with refuei:ig tohsvehiiiehild,ac,3inated. Dafoadantadmtjt.ed th<! charge, addis<f that he cover meaat to have hia child vaccinated, believing vaooination ia. jurious. The Bench aaid thay reapected defon- dant's scroplea, but aa he refnaed tj ob-jy the Is they mnat impoae the maximum penalty of 20.1 %ad ooata, or a month's itapriaonment. Defendant declined to pay either the nae &r coata, and waa removed to the ceila. Lord PeBzance on Situ.-dav, at Lambeth, accepted letters of reqaea): from the Btahop ot LocCon in the new BQit: of M&rtia v. MacltonoJhie BDder the Chnroh DisoipHno Act. Mr. Jeuae, for the promoter, said the object of the new a'ut wM to obtain a deprivation. Mr. Me okonochie will be accordingly aerved with a citadpn to appear and anawer the chwgee of c')ntinuing iH'gal Ritnaliatic practiooa. In givi-3g his docieion. L-n-d PeBz&nce Eaid that any fresh deoree WO'll:1 pro- bably be treated aa contemptuously aa the fjrmer once had been. A meeting of unemployed workmen waa heH on Saturday in Hyde Park, Mr. J. Letosater p'eatdtng, at which a memorial to Lord Bea.cona5.ld waa adopted, asking that public worka ahoaH be carried c s to nnd temporary eaiployment for those ont of work. A deputation from the maoting afterwarca waited on the Lord Mayo', who a*nd ail be could do woutd oe to use hid infi tenoe with the City corporation to 6nd the men ao'ne ezn:3ioy. ment.and also with the coctractoraforthen?w raeat market. lie would aiao be glad to dia- .tribute a quantity of meat at his disposal. The depataticn thanked hia lor¿a.hip and retired, At the OH B&iley poHca court, London, & j prieoaer was charged wid13<:¡Jbg soteraiza in an rxtremely ingenious, The p¡81)¡Jer I and arother man west a pllbliJ. hO;I¡ó;e a.nd I entered different comp30rtmenh at the bM, and while the forajer acgsged the attention of the b ir. man the latter, by meana cf a telescope att'.k I with some wax at the end of it, abstracted a haif. f sovereign from aomo gold which waa lying on the other aide of the counter. The barman saw th a performanco ronaoted in a looking-glass, and the confederates, n-cding themselves doceoted, ran out of the houso and ona of them escaped. At Sve o'clock on Saturday morning a Sro was discovered in a model lodging-hcuae in Liverpool. Over 1CO men were in the coupe, and aa aoon aa the alarm was given the accused sleepers rmhed wilt*!y about, and many of thm dropped from the bedroom windows. Luckily the principal bride. well was close by, and in a few minutea a large posse of policemen with Sre eacapea were m attendance. Asudat a acane of the wiidoat excite- ment the lodgers were rescued from the burning building and hurried in a naked state to tha bridewell,where they remained until their clothing was recovered. Many of them were injured. A Daily News correspondent at St. Petersburg, writing on Sunday night, iiays;-To-day the blessing of the watera took placa. A maaa was celebrated at noon in the Winter Palace, in presence of the Lmperor and the Imperial family. Outside the Palace was erected the shrine, with atepa leading to the river whara the ice had been broken. At 12.40 the procession iaaued from the Palace, consisting of choruitera, prieata, high omciale.and colour- aargeanta bearing 50 regimental flags and standards. Theae were aprinkiedby the Metropolitan with conaecrated water, which w&a taken away in bottlea or eagerly drunk by devoteea. It is considered a pauaoea for various ilia. In acme inatfmoea ablutiona conaidered aeceeaary in the oaae of those who had worn masks in the late holidays were resorted to, not- withstanding the cold—27 degreea Fahrenheit. In the comparisons which have been made Between the English campaignim Afghanistan and the Russian against the Tekke Turcomans, many cf the Continental papers have attributed the ehecka and reverses sustained by the Buaaiana and Ergliah to the insufficient strength of tha forces appointed to perform taaka of auoh diniculty aa the subjugation of the warlike rales in question. The huaeian Akhal Tekke expedi. tion, however, was, according to the Maaeow cerrpspondent of the Cologne Gazette, fat stronger than baa been genera.Hy:StJ,"ed. Thua anautharity so high aa the Mildar Wochenblatt of Borhn described that expedition aa embracing only 81 battaljoEa of infantry, from eight to niaa squadrona of cavalry, acd 21) gun@. Tie bot, howaver, is that the u'l8ia.n fj?ce3 emptoyed in that expedition comprised 16* battalioaa of in. fantry. 22 squadrons of cavalry, and 24. gina, and their defeat ie attributable, not to weakness in nnmbeM, but to bad generalahtp. Ih& Mark Lane Express of Monday might aaya —A cold, raw atmosphere has prevailed during the paat week, and in -onie patta of the country there haa been scow enough to put a atop to aowiBS', and ovec to ploughing. Up to Wednes- day, however, farmera were buay m ploughing and sowing wheat and a good portion of the arreara into which the latter oparatio.i had fallen have been made up. No improvement can ba noted either in the quantity cr condition of hjme grrown wheat on offer at Mark Lane, or in tha provincial marketa. In the few oaaae in which decent parcels have been offerad, aalea have only been practicable at a decline of one shilling )2r quarter. Imports cf foreign wheat have been on a modet&te w"ek'!t ar*t?xlB mto Lendo? aBd Liverpool tunountmg to only 57.(iOCqn<tpra. FrHay'j)l:dt. showed a t'u:her sapp'.y cf ¡,tiOÜ q\1artetS, 'naatof which hia goae tStu wtaji,,ry, The qnauttty of wheat jtiU c?cee?a H,iMC,000 quarters, and a decline of ? centa per buahel ia recorded in New York. In 1 view of these facts, the ohanoea of a rise are in cur opinion remote. At the Coventry city police court, Thomaa Batty, proprietor cf the well known Batty's Circus, has been summoned for having, on the 28th of October laet, at the Bull FieU, in the city of Coventry, kept three dogs and eleven male Eervanta—forthe keeping of which Excise lioencas were required—without having licences so to do. j Mr. MulUn (supervisor of Exoieo) aupported the ¡ information. The defendant dii not appear, and the eervica ot the aummonaee having been for. many proved, the oaae was taken in his abaenoe. The authorities only took oat two summonses, and proceeded as though the offenoe waa keeping one servant and one dog. it appeared that the defendant's circus viMted?Covestry on the day in aue?ioa, and was located in the Bull Field, fho EMipo authorities found thera th"aa dogs, two of which were chained up; three mon in a tent adio-ninc the circus grcomMghorsea; two men ,],z the Bull's Head Inn, Bishop street, and five men at the Castle, BLjhop %U glooming and hMBesairg the defend'Q.t't'! harees. T mm were all under the 'I of '}lr. w?.o waa Mr. Betty's aonng stud gr¡))[!l InrfJly to the Benob, the cincer m'-i ?? '?? -?!'? th? raea ?o. the Publin,hDure yar I ajt 'jilJtiOY,¡.l'l pT-.d fcrby th<; keeper of thú houses. i q-3a,-Ii innicted the fuU peEa. in ach ois3- t .119 eervanta and .S5 for tr do; Barrard in the Uritod States, is 5p'?Jn takLg th(j lea of Oxiwd and rotin boatisg, bu,inthe6¿tB.t.l'sl:1e'1taf '&ch%i; for Chircf-p. tn wh ch the profoaaor ia a Ceieatial named Ko Kun Ru&. The Now tutor engages to ttachYouBf America mandarin Chinese; and,in cfEhid-rs'i' r. of hia SRrviCc'a, he is to receiva the sum of 2< 0 dols. a mosth for tares yea-ra. -DaÙy Telegraph. lu the Queen's Bacch, on Tuesday, the Att"lr"'J'.Geuel!l.l menti.)U9d the proceedings takec by the Govertmont agairat the Tetephona Ccc-paEy (Lijmiied) &nd the Edison Telephone CcmpttBy. Information has been filed at tha irataBca of the PoatmaBter-Genoral to reatrsna them f"om npir.g their wirea, as an infringomaQt cf Govprnmen*: rights. He did not desire an ir.juBCtieB, but announced, an arrangement that the oempaniea had agreed to file a&davita on the 27th, the Poetcoaater-General having ten daya to reply. The case should then come on immo. diately. At the St&fFord borough police court, on Moa. day, Mr. E. Mayne, of Walton Btir-y, a county magistrate, was aummoned fcr infringing the bye- laws of the borough by ndinfr on the footpath in LichSeid road. Mr. Councillor Follows stated thM en the 29th of November. 1879, he was waliD alcng Liohneld road when he saw the defendant riciEg hia horse on the footpath. Da. fendant rode alo?g it for some diatanoe, and a man approaching in the oppoaita direction waa obuged To leave the footpath in order to allow him to pasa. The road was not slippery, bat there had oetn a froat. John Bolton, pointsman, rceidiEg at QueenêvilIe, gave oonnrmatory evi. dence, eta:wg that he met Mr. Mayne on the day Earned, and was obliged to go into the ro*d, thare Rot beiEg room for both to paas. Mr. Mayne did Bot deny the fact of ridine on the footpaca, but pleaded juetincaticn on account of the daageraus condiiicn of the road. The magiatrataa con. sidered the caae proved, and nned'defendant 5.i and coata. The prevalence of phEhiaia am:>ng artisans who are engaged ia duaty celupationa ii well ahrwn in a Mriea cf observations made in the hospitals at Breslau and Wuizburt!, the percentage of caaea beiDK claaMned aa follows :—Of those who work in mptailie dcat the percentage was—needle poliehpra, 696; tile cutterB. €2'2; lithographers, 48 5; f""ve makers, 43 1; grisdera, 4?'4; oompo?i. tors, 369; wato-tmakera. 365; typefonndera, 3& 9 engravera. 26'3; dyera, 25; varniahefa, 25;' paint'?ra, 245; printera, 21'6; bel-makers, 19'7; tinkers, 14 1. O! those who work in mineral dust flir;twgrkers, 80; griDdatone mahere, 40 atone cutters, 36 4; plaaterera, 19; poroalam makers, 16; pcttera. 147; carpenters, 144; masona, 12'9; diamond cutters, 9; cement makera,8'10. Of tbo@., who work in vegetable duat—c:gM Eaakcra, 34 9 weavera, 15 ropemft.kora, 18 9 { m-il-i rs, 1U'9 takers, 7; ohiainey.sweeper: 6 5 (,-L,61m; iern, 0'8. Of those who work in animal dU8-' bnb};]I\ers, 1J 1; h&irworka''B, 32'1; ophcJs;er?M, 259; 232; luMerg, 16'2;. bll.ttns 155; buct:)i.. makerc, 10. Of those who wotk in mixed dtist glass. caters, 35; glssa ma&era, IT'8, labourers, 15 1. An accic'ert which G::ght have bean attctidfd with Eariona ccnaequesoea oocs!*?3d en htl1L'j!\y m?ht to an exp'eea tr?nor. th:- LnndoTL, Ch?tha'u, ar4 Dover ?aUwa.y 1:?3. Part of tha Queenaborcuqh express, which deparced at 8.35 <rrc! Holborn Station, wbilat noating Walwurth roa" Station ran oS the metal@. tcrtunately the couplirra of the three carriagaa whioh rac off P-eld, bnd the train waa brought to a stand befor') &]oy fat&l CO::lseqences ensued. The &rat carriage VE-Xt to the engine a.)pea-4 to h3.v13 left the metata at Dust, tho rem%inin. Ir cArriae'eaaIgo leavicg tharaiM, SOW! rnr.ning to the r'sht ard cthera to tba left. Tha locomotive, which was call"d the T%y, fori.uTia.toty rema,i ,r,d on the raUa. Thcrs were about 30 paes-Egers ia the train, but sona wor 'jrh:ls!y injurpri. They, with one exception, 'Vent to Brixfoc, and reeumed their joiraay in tho tprtbn cf the nprEPS which left Viotorià Station. The gentlemsu who waa injured was a Mr. Collier, who received a severe contusion, but reooverad Mf&ciently to lesve by train on Sunday. Tha footboards were knocked off two or three oa.rri'u'ea. A breakdowt g'R'Dg was ast to work, &hj in a fa", houts the line waa cle%ted.


































