Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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CARDIFF. ROATH-HOAD WESLEY AN CHAPEL.—Two sermons Were delivered on Sunday by the Revs. A. L. parley and J. Vaughan on behalf of the Merciful eociety connected with the above place of worship. lOver £104 has been distributed amongst the sick poor m the district during the past year, without regard of sect or party. The collections amounted to JE31 12s. PROPOSED SHORTHAND WRITERS' ASSOCIATION.— We understand that a Shorthand Writers' Associa- tion is about to be formed in Cardiff, the primary jobjects of which will be the extension of short- hand writing, the mutual improvement of the members, and the establishment of a more general -acquaintance and social intercourse amongst the Shorthand writers of the town and district through the medium of periodical meetings for literary and other purposes. Shorthand writers who are desirous of joining the association are re- quested to communicate with Mr. J. t r>QW;Ba in Piercefield-place, Roath. ■ » ST. CATHARINE'S CHURCH, CANTON.—On Sundav morning this church, which was opened on th« 7th instantfwas crowded, and an ab?« preached by the Rev. C.J. Thomson MA" St. John's, Cardiff. The prea £ P?n »iiV''V T,°f first Sunday service. l[-8 hearers that now so mu h h^7 reminded his for themselves t0 determine h^n Tli 6 waj loving seal, w|len the Un, and a completed church « 10uId &lve Pkce to hearts in followina 0( ng of Christian in the epistle for°tL »tl0n Ql the aP°stl(J service.^ Th« I > day' f9 the'r reasonable evening when h"h w*s Hgain thronged in the g, when the rector Polled an eloquent appeal leminded them of the vicar's earnest TO^N RWA^TRAIFPAOEOS' A(«OCTATIOII AND THE this as's.v-iut-i k. Hutchings, secretary to mittee of thf RTVh^'V681 r,,e Executive Co ra- tion having ib a- ^atePaye,s' Protection Associa- town^-clerk nn^Tir6 scant courtesy from the CouncU in r r g,eat maiOI'ty of the Town November ntete?Cf a re?°,ut'on of the Hth of ^f tl»P a pa attl'e ordinaiy monthly meeting ques L^,iitl0n' and «"rectiy ™ clerks h ? increased expenditure in the town- moust l™ U WaSon Thursday last un.mi- men'LT ri aPPwl the whole of the throueTi the^ H-6 OUG'I on future occasions ask vo' ta lned,m\°r the public press, and to appear in an per!n,t .*■ '.e following resolution to appear in an early edition that the corTOrit'ion\nK bee" reporfed to this association endo cSKlrf r 6 re3ol^d to widen the southern »>V the pur 'haa^;fa»dj.lm,e Ur" ^"gher's residence. wide, and about 200 fwt ['P ,and three or four feet. a cost of £ 2,000 to premises—we. t-h- execml'45 Value of the whole fellow ratepayers mn« B lee °n behalf of our Pe"diture oT^ny'uorMon of" tlie rl'f gainst the ex- ?ucli, U bein* our o, i,^ a^e''s' money for » !l»EarUcular spot 4s "ot Sl>ch as ?n tl\e traffie at ydth in the roadway ,0 demand tlie extra ing the widening to be' lurfcher. suppos- ^ccommodHtion of thetrur, necessary for the Ihe public benefit to l»> ,niya.V extension to Cathays, than the advantage in h erived therefrom is far less anyc sl. uf gllch 6 '■? »>e company, and cons, quently the partis ehi,.flv IOI,al width should be borne by the Ua>Qifr DistriV.t m es'ed, viz., the shareholders of Several letters "Way C°mpar,y- refei-ence tn -> HV,n^ "ppeared in your columns in signed n \v 'a,t)eP:lJe,,s' association, notably one in offinioi w'10 's now probably filling Roath it f Pos* will only add that the a realit KHtePayers' Protection Association is Ooun^ r'w an!l thoae '"embers of t'ie Town *hn H of Guf»rdians, and School BOH I d ^vill d ,re tl,e &°°d will and support of the ward be T l° re«*ognise the fact as early as may Vol inclusion allow me, Mr. Hidiior, to thank Vr> ,n ac*Vf*nce for permittinj* its appearance in lanifJi u,un9» and trust that it will te.d to some united effort being made, and which will result 1n a more careful administration of the borough 6J To the noble four who made such a gallant stand for us at the last meeting of the General purposes Committee we tender our warmest thanks. TAFF VALR CRICKET CLUB.—The annual dinner ()f this club was held at the Royal Hotel on Mon- day- Mr. H. O. Fisher occupied the chair, and ^«8 supported by Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Hurman. There were also present Messrs. Riches, J. Jones, Coleman. &c. After the cloth had been removed a. long li4 of toasts was gone through TUB RBSTOBATION OF ST. JOHN'S.—On Monday evening a well-attended meeting of working men assembled in the Crooklierbtown Schools for the purpose of conllulting wi, h the vicar and church- wardens as to how they might help in the work of restoring St. John's Church. After some considera- tion, the following motion was proposed by Mr. W. Allen anil seconded by Mr. Selby :—"That the working men undertake to collect from among themsel ves a Rufficipnt sum (1) to repairand restore the north, south, and west doorwavs to the tower; (2) to provide new oak doors to the north and south doorways of the tower; and (3) to provide two new iron staircases to the galleries. The cost of this portion of the plan is estimated at £200. The Motion was carried with the greatest unanimity. rhe idea suggested by the vicar was that this icheme should take the form of a bona fide working men's eift to the old church. It. was taken up -with enthusiasm, and a goodly number of volun- teers proffered thpir services to carry out the scheme to a successful issue. ENTFRTAIVMKNT AT THR BARRACKS.—A Christmas ree and te-i-party was held at the Barracks on ^evening for the children, who numbered e ut ISO- Tea was laid out in the library, and th vnjr}^r'rt was provided for the children, under e superintendence of Majors A. Horton and F. L. ■ft ^a',on and their ladies. Colonel Ptorer, • •» fcnd his lady also attended, and assisted in malting the children hnppy. The band of the 3rd .battalion of tho Welsh was in attendance, and played a choice selection of mnaic, under the (direction of J. Hutchins. A m..gic lantern entertainment wns given by Major Borton, fcfter which the presents were given to the chil- dren, provided by Colonel J. Barne and the officers of the depnt. The room was tastefully decorated by Colour-Sergeant Collett. PARLIAMJNTARY DEBATING SOCIETT.—The ad- tourned debate on the Irish policy was resumed by the member for North Warwickshire (Mr. Veall), who, in a vigorous speech, attacked the Liberal policy all along the line. He was followed on the Conservative side by the member for East Somersetshire (Mr. F. Bullen) and the member for Denbighshire (Mr. H. Bird), both of whom de- livered effective maiden speeches, the latter being ^Specially well received. The debate was con- tinued by the member for East Gloucestershire (Mr. T. Sankey), and was concluded on the Con- servative side by the member for North Devon (Mr. \V. ■ H. Harris) in his usual effective style. The Liberal speakers were the members for Orkney Islands, Glamorganshire (1), Wenlock, Glamorganshire (2), and London University. The •Premier (Mr. Andvews) replied, and on a division the Conservative amendment was rejected by 48 to 38; Liberal ranjority 10. The Conservative party placed at a disadvantage by the unavoidable absence of their leaders. CONSULAB APPOINTMENT.—The Ltndon Gazette of Tuesday stated that the Queen has been pleased to approve of Mr. John Bovey as Consul at Cardiff for the Republic of Costa Rica. ACCIDENT.—John Weatherall, residing at Haber- shon-street, met with a serious accident on Tues- Qay- He was employerlat the dock now in course of construction by Messrs. Nelson and Company, ^'ie tim4 of the accident was engaged in earth into a tub when an engine attached to some empty trucks knocked him down. He Was taken to the Infirmary, where it was found that he hAd sustained serious internal injuries. CORPORATION COMMITTEES. — The Cabs Com- mittee of the corporation, at a special meeting held lIn Wednesday under the presidency of Alderman Elliott, considered by-laws, which have not yet been J^dopted, for the regulation of velocipedes in the borough. The omnibus routes were also considered. At a meeting of the Watch Committee, presided °Ver by Alderman Duncan, a special committee of the following gentlemen was appointed to consider j^e best site for the new district police-station at pthays, namely the Mayor, Councillors D. Jones, 'ey> md Morgan, and the Borough Engineer. RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. The monthly ^^tingof this board was held at the Union offices C1 Wednesday, Mr. R. 0. Jones presiding. The stated that he had received a reply from the &Di ? Board, approving of the Dist^tion of the by-laws to the Barry rtepQt. £ S The Medical-Officer (Dr. Granger) case of that there had been one fatal one of"5"-P« at Barry, being that of a child of Severn Tun*orlimen brought there from the of annoyan^ 11 was elicited that a good deal parents of tha <whad been caused to the pohce-constable at6^?6? by the interference of the of the bodv, and it ^do*ton with the interment Lindsay for an to write to Col. interfered in the toauL°,.n "8 to why the police that the Rural Sanitatv i" view of the fact charge of the body. lnsPector had taken LLANDAFF HIGHWAY BOABD -The ing of this board was held at th! mr°Tnthly meet- °n Wednesday, Mr. H. Lewis Oreo;?-011 °^ces a new road from the Pentvr\ ,a,ns the village, the cost of h Works ati mated at £ 2,000, were laid before tif^K wa? ut the subject was deferred for a month TI? no nth«r business of interest. rhere f CARDIFF HARLEQUIN HARRIERS.—The member. a&d I ^>ove loo't advantage of the fine weather start 6°(>d outing on Tuesday evening. P-m l,ia(^0 from the Coldstream Hotel at nine Llan'rtw lhe course token was via Llandaff and Th ?.» V«rd to the Holly Bush, Whitchurch. t Cardiff ? ru" Wils made, cross country, to Llandaff tL^ e*V^r.oac,led by fhe Cardift-road. The run ak°ut %stT- °ver ten miles, and the time was 'n;Jtea- The following took part in the H H" VV>t, VV R. Hawkins, A. "good, R. Erskino, E. Williams, R. mf0S,<, dTA- H»,np (capUin). ^n- Mi-ETINQ.-Tl.e annual Christ- lVedSr C^ M«t1,odL o Uleat Frederick-street Cal- tho t es<?*y> when KUndav was held on child. a ut persons, including partook of ^h'Idren and friends of the school, Mdnch a very supply of tea and cake, after toent was ewC^ng mi8Ct,Uanenu8 ente'rtain. Morgan.the in<lefaby the scholars. Mr. John Bchool, acted as condu 'f 8uPerintendent of the upied by Mr. S. g or» and the chair was ACCIDKNT.—On We,jn ,P-iyirpenter, aged ^aJf George Lloyd, a i^W,°:kin«on a stl,ge, ren0'11^ at ^,nt°n-street, ;Cord 1* f,,othl& and fell fntr,nS a 8ll'P. when he /that 10 t')e Infirmary the dock. He was had fractured his sho,,i'?re i,; wa» found •RIR^°»^NSHIRK AND SER- • for AND DISPENSARY. 1N- Wee6fe ^eek ending Jan. °f register ;di8char»T;i i admitted during th7"emainmg > hoaufelrd relitJVed-20;(li^, ol"*ek< 16; 95- Medici n"mber of out-patients o^'ning in r^sultine ,?i ersfor tile week end?nJ't b°°ika8' liK t»eorge T r- i surgeon, Alfred oi Agency Association, 29, LuJgate Hill, E.G., for Citv improvements, the Alliance Clothing Company, 33, gt. Mary-street, beg most re- spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Cardiff and nelghbou. bood that they have taken over tbe whole of the above Company's Stocks, comprising Hobson and Company's Stock of Clothing, &eor«e Oliver's Stock of Hosiery and Ties, and Strauss Bros.' Stock ot Fancy Goods, for immediate sale, at a trifle over one-halt the original invoice cost. Sale now proceeding, at The Cardiff9 Clothln8 Company's, 33, St. Mary-street, To FARMERS and all those to whom it may con- cern.—The ravages of birds and insects may be prevented by USing" fix Sompo." Sold in cans at 3s 601. and 7s. each. Sole agents for Bonth Wales, Perkin Bros. and Co., Ironmongers, 53, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. c2







































