Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

54 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

MISCELLANEOUS XE\\ S. ""_-._""-'-''''-''''/''''''''./,-'''


MISCELLANEOUS XE\\ S. Enormous catches of herringa are being made oa .he Dover coast. The Deal and Kingsdown boats 'ave taken very !arge quantities during the last ew dav9. The'?h !)ave been so!d in t ne s'reets at )OTer 60 for a shilliniz. Late on :¡turd:\y night a. desper&tp attempt was Bade to murder Ponce-Constable HiHman. of the tYarwickahire County Con!'tl\bularv. who was ttabbed by two men, whom he was about to appfe- Jend. near the seat of Mr. Bromiey Davenport. The rounds are not serious. The Rev. W. Jones Wuiiama. B.A.. l?ta ser-inr ?urate of Cowbridge. who was lately m?titutcd to :ce vicarage of Lianaian, near AterYst-itl), has ¡hi) been appointed domestic chaptain to the Rtgt.t ti<M. the Eart Ot Uaburne, who is a parishioner cf L. :anafan. Ed.¡'1v ,'11 Monday morning a p')M tight took p:ace fo'e53 ai<ie at Kcnton Hi! near Neweastie- under-Lvuie, between a London and a iocai pugi- ldt. F;.re or s:x rounds were fought. when the police appeared and arrested several ot the spec- ¡,o;'s. 'the principals escaped, A correspondent of a London contctrporary \¡tp.s A connec'-ion of mine died iaat weex 910,000 to the Dos;'s Home at Battersea. whUtt to her executor, a poor parson with a targe tarmlv.waaieft. £100 a. a JU'C'i'. There is co mistake in the figures—jE10,000." fhp. repürt of the Setect Committee on Endowed :,d10ols Acts was issued on Monday morning It recommends the re-appointment of the COmffi!r':ee in order thac more evtdence may e ot':ain9J, especiaiiy on tho subject, of the "neged d:vei-3'cn of educati'nai endowtnents from j ;he poor. It wao u'1d'rt()ûù that !)e "ecret chamber, or <ea)ed room, in :ir Juhn So.tnp's Mu<<eutc W:U\ to \.av8 b3en. opened on Nii)ndar riak)vninl, hy f!:a Tustees. The representative of the ]"?,I -_1['11{ 6, %zette, w}!0 cailed. was intormed that the )!)M- res "iog ceremony h,-xd been postponed {'. r i'o<na -ewvln or another, n'jr is the dty hteJ, -<u tar as h? ::001, learn. The' Press A,,'H)\ll" toTnI)W,H' correspon- dent t. *'<'?raphs that. on Monday last an open hsh- j in?boa?'n't Ness a?bcur f.r Kona !<iand, 33) a.?es d.'t-tant, tor the purpoee of kiUin'j Mai?. tn ,hel even :L SeVe-C- g de ¡Jl';Ln up. :ind as aothing t.a9 ir.('e oeen heard of the{<! jearect th <y have ah P¡H\p,L Thu ho'n. can'i"d niBe hand. On Satu rdav motrins:, wi'cn Ti)j rrcw of th' Lowestoft U-awier B:tnd of H"pe, Li'. 175, wer3 11U1]i<> tht: U' nem they a dev)t %ttactl;d to the net w:trp, wi'tt a pipce of broken -?oe hansin? thereh-oLQ. t': appears that during ?he ni?ht thei.' aet-! were trawled into hy a fo'-eica ) v but rhe warp. be)n<? a new one, resided the 'Sort. -Md in tl,i bi-LkinZ oc toe rope. w;,s marK"d 0 197. Prince Kqmat. uncie of the M)kado, ac.-om- panied by Pricce- « K-)-D-Lt,.iu and hitl suite, arnved .n Liverpoot cn Saturday morning irom New York &vth<- (ler-,nanic. At the DwK U!e' were mat bv OaoH'n 'JtL !!owe)', the J¡LOan"-t>. 'OBS<il for Live,p,l,)]. ar)d two at.iacues, Ca,pmiQ Ha.tchian. an attache ot t!)e Con.u!ate in Londcu. It i-' ? that tite P:-inCt; i.< t-ti-er of ii.n int!ortint to !h's county. jL respite !ins b-pit :'ect.-ivfd tor the convict f sentenced to death at htt St,itY,,r,i Ass; ? tor the murder of hM 'ife '1.t VrtJIV'rha.motun iL'y drowning h. in the n:1l. Puhlic was largdy excitfd ht he ('.A.mvjct" :'nvou' ow) t;T to the v,"ptehed life ),8 had !?d with 'he dece-. t:d wo:nan, c'J:t:!Cqut:nt upon her oppniy t-xpr-ec. partiahty anotber tM.m. aBd the u- 11 y wg t.jt- a rfpnove received upwtLr(i-3 ot 10.COO ;n¡\t,mes, On Monday w'man und.-r th.. lnftooDce of drink ti.r.'w ci.itd into the Rjyal C'¥1IÙ. DuMio, and then jurupe U i:H.o the water her- eeM. A man ta-A- h"r 'iI..1e'lvoured with a drac?in? po!e to rescue the chi:\J, but wh::11 it \va-! ae rai&ed to the surface the tuotOt-1 <mc;ht i': by the legs and dashed it in :-i" In, Pi ¡ length the child was brought to the bank. bell Lhe tEoUter, setzicgatin CM. stfuck it upon the She was rt-moved in custody, ind the eintd taken to' f.he hospit!'L The "Prps« A.-f-viatinn ts om, :i¡h' informed that the Postm:¡"nml h ).-< accepted the teodprof thelnnoan and International Companv 10 carry a mm! to Queen' town on TueAdaVs, and has a'so accepted t.:e ..iler ot the T<orth German Hoyd Connpttny to carry the Thursday?' mai! from Southampton, ana ? the tender of the Gnion line to c n-ry the ;lturd:lYs' mait f:a Queanatown. The arrangement' h is been made with each comply ror nn period of three mouths. A serious "c-c:m'ed :It (hh uie¡s on Saturd,ill niht. A brnwt b, \Wet!n civilianaand soldiers resui.ed in U'o poiice i -it kin. aotdier named Shor*, into custoctv. Ha w.'s feacued by hia irieods, ani again attempted to be r<ecue<i. Th, police t'-en n'okt orHoner into the shopot a M' fMu?h- bol)kseL\'r, .he front of which wasqu.ckiy'-uta-hedin i %!I ttooea trom the road. A"M- a despera'.e :trugglt" ,he police succeeded. a:r'd showera of stones, in' 'MChing the station, making sever-U capLures by ,ig he waY. The rarBour that had been diacovered Ltaongst the prisoners a-E ;.t(;rwtc!J Castle to murder j -he warders and escape has no foundation to 'hp ko&wttdge of the visiting jmticea and governor rl the gitoL The rumour probably arose iro<n a stateent that was cMrcent that a warder had been tummanly di9tni'«aed. )win, iT wa 8:1i1, t" hi!! ha'ving given, on ?<*verat nCCas1on,a. :nme :')ÍJ11.ccn to 't pr;sonpr Ha."Der. who w '.s on Mond.iy indicted a.c. the assizes for murde! This ""fr'ngenienc of prison 'aw Har'Der ii :;1¡j t.) have di"Clœe,1 to the governor. In 'he London Bankrupt!'y Court on Monday an urder waatnaf'e f,)rt he coynrnitt, i,)i Cal D -1. Arm!t, of the Admiralt," (wd IIQ?,s Gutzrt,s Gaz,-tie, icr disobedience of the court's oriM to <=pt aatde a cortion of his salary for his craditora' beneht.—Mr. wio w-i-q caliert inrc coutt, 9t.afedt.hat in Mav its't he wrote an articie wii'ch )IT-nCiel; t'ettain rcenabe'"< uf the Orun <nca Depm tment. 11, cjnsidered the order an if-empt to crush him and ms paper.—The Judge c:Mr.'K'tp'-i«ed 1)1.' rpplyaa tcoatj inicuden*. t.)'i deciin..rj to "u,penct th\ or?e' U'l ;lDdav njht two I¡¡n!ttie,. 11í\meJ Gregr¡ry .ad F]usil¡ng. 1'['11 from H!;dm:n Asyium. 'J'hey tnnnped fr. Li-'kend. an-! ih°re 1'tted a man t¡;,med Jenhin" tne w'ty to Piyn'outh. Jenkins i:lv tklei-, (irese, and 'if-tneiLn,,ur what tiie., wore, and took t.lip4ii to the hùtle (;1 the po;ice up.trintendnt..ï.nkins mng lwH. and On,) :.f the lunatics whereupon sn'u'k imn sover-ii with a srtck tie A ensued. tnd the lunatics J;{<:t awav i!! the dark. A pursuit I."<.a." instituted (,(mAt:thle; and at dav. 14sk tijo foUowing morning C)oth men \ .ured on a farm ne!H' Lieu t.-Co1 rl'tle I W, B. retirc-d t11!V- of t t1e åt ;lIath-.ün P-iice-couri, on wi-il '"nf.y einbfzz'in? a su'n uf b"t',een .o3,000 am; t,4.000, the n<oneys of 'he Crown. The accu"ed !Md been arrred on t warrtnt, but was admitted .to heavy ha:). Mr. Sf of the Afcountant- L'Hpartn!c'))t. depns..¡j 'at th<-re were '315e enfue3 tJoo¡';s bv the accHsed ac'ing payuMSter. In ri'e es.'imated jattincea tor 1385 there w.m a to'a) of and l:n,!erca'lt g tOJ the same lu\'tOlmr T¡.i undel'cösti" ¡H'! hflen rjng 00 1879. The t"1\" wq,, :H;jol]l'ned, A phM iiht., in wi"c't Johrt Robinson, Cham- piou of the N 'rth." w.'s oue of the principle, was f..s",ú to com'" )" a -<e<'tuded spot at Trundie- near W et. A'.Jek!and. about. ,;ven Oil Fri(lav,m,)t-ning. About 50 persons w-,re I)re.ezit,;tnci T De S'ak and ropes '11\ 'ixe< WhL-tt the two :upermtcondent Btnks and !e-pec:or Mortimer atid a wh"wf:re in :¡idil1 watchir.g liw proceed- ogi, secured attd houn') three men wn? were searching behind the (teIJGes, but beforH the na;ht 'vm\l)ene,'d '"e poiire wfre discovered, and ft -.novonent Abont a dox<'n HIen were .tp,preliL,naec,, and t'te ropes, stak<-s, &.c., seized. "'lost 01' rlIOS (,'lptUl'PÙ g:¡ve aàdl'f>SS" ill I'wc:ai!tle 'r Ar n.m9!. Pt.t,V t.!av<.>rfr), on 4,ttur,i4y '.betore -Mê"r, 1. C.arrow, 'Jr. L. Owpn, J. Thomas. J. tiritilt,fis) WiHiam Hic)'.n'd Edwards, r,t Miitocd Hiven, <\ e:'e t-'):uged by g;m8kt;t'pf'r to L.'rd wtthtrf'pMsing h) pursuit: ot' game ate Miii n the Dtgi-lt oi tha lOth in"t:mr.-His 'vjtdpBt;e fUld that of J. Dou!{!a.a wp<:r to how that (i-v tound t'ie 'ipt'end))Tttaon lands ar. Sate Miit .zil nnR )!r ,n tiiHir nf< X-r.cii -.Pntel, coil tiwa to li,,ree in-ni-lig, tmph«on- 3gote!tph. wHh''ar<!hbo?r,?nd '.< t'tndsurptipa f-'t to oB'fnd :tgain for t.u ycitrs fu!r 'he expim- t!lt'1 ¡un uf f heir !1tence< t ¡ !1l1êlVe3 in {.he sum of M.J -ind two sureties of LIO eadl, or, in tiefault, to .u ijrtiter ituprMoned f"r )i,)nt e*,c.'i. la tho Divorce Divi,,i(,ri Uie llih Coutt of en Saturday tltg C'l:'<e of Edwards i;. !:dw!t'J.t Powett. and (ji-ay <-ame on. It w:ts )PtiTion presented by Henrr Cost-t L''e Edwards, 'ow Sir H. C. L. Hdwa:'d<. B.ut., praying for the ;i:co!ut':on of his wifh the respondent, ?nes Hx.tcourt Edward' on the ground <:f her tdultery with the co-respondent, Albert roweH tad WiJ!iam Thompson Gray. T;, respoodr'nt jenied the stilegati,)jis in tha petition. &nd made -,)unter chares of cruelty. connivance, and con- concucive to I\iu!<t, the peti- noBer. The co-respOEdenta a)'<' denied the charge. In the opea:ag statement counset said the peti- ttoce).' had a<icceedMt to the baronetcy since the and the respondent wa.a the daughter of :r D'irsay, C!a)'ke. well known in sporting circles. —The jury found that the respondent had miscon- ducted heraeit with Poweil and Gray, and that there had been no cruelty or other conduct which lI'ld b"en alleged gainst Che petnincer.—BisLord- lillp pronounced n decree Kt«, with costs against b'th co.respond<*cts. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's stea-m- ",tip CcritamndeJ, which arrived at Plyiaouth on disembarked Abral-isin Guites, Benjamin .britt.1n, tr.d Esther Poliock, rnembtors ot a tong- :,rmgazlg. -howere arrested un(ler remarkable ..itvuws!a-t"es. Prisoners started buines!t in \Vtnr.fchapeL obtained htrgf quantities of good-i on ':redk, tO.d out the atoek at ridiculou-siy low prices, aud thee audneniy disappeared with the proceeds, ..mount ing to scvor&l hundred pounds. Th.<*y were traced after some deta.y through the agency of two -esnotes. Thfse they bad drawn in a sum from I,i," banb, :o wliose ulan,-tl rs they pretended hat tt«y were changing tbetr tM:counC,and then used ti,ero. with c't,iiet' mooey for a series of Gaze' ttcketa to Bricdiai, where they iateTniod to over- ake the cutting stt'aUJsLip Ciirthttge. They wen: ?ready well on their w.?y when the &uLhorit'es jiscovered the ciue, but a tolegratu to Cotombo wi4s in t!me to intercept theu). Two detectives here aent in pursuit. M,d by these the gung were wrought homti. As it is teiieved that they have ')en ecpd in other traaMctJOQa, considerable .mp&rt&n'.M u to theic tpprebeasioo. The schooner of London, litg sunk oft the Mumulfs lad, oa tha Scar- weather. The dense fpg i:? ¡ It¡n:{ ov°r London for thrce days, still C1.uses serious hindrance to tratti, by riv'r, rnfld, and rail. Torchfs were largely in u,.e in thj 'r'1st, End on aftfrfl"\11. A trap, e(-;n-,iiiiing :\11". an,! Mrs. Cundy.of Pr.kes- I down, w:is overturned ne-,tr Bournemouth on Men- dny. The former wa<t kiited. :md liii wife w;n dang-emusly injurr'd. Tiis V.,rr K'v. H. ;\1. Speno; r¡ n"w df:1.n of will i(),a!!l'Ó 'or, Cathedral oa S.tturd'-v. !e'tnu- 18. hy thu i!ishop .if the diocese. !esiir! Cotton and wfre fined fl2 :> Eoiton "n Saturday, under the I')ctory Acr, f)jr t,mpioyin, twenty ?!< nine OVè;' Sir John Lut)bo<-k and Mr. Arthur Balfour were nc,ninale(I on l'.{.'ndlt" as ca.ndiJatp f.r 'he rector- ship of St. Andrews Uriiver7;t t'ho tak,.<; phce on TLur",h'i', soma a¡têl':L¡::ms ¡l t¡lt l:i,'e-lJ:lll. H'rt- hrd, '')n Tu.Ja' an n"n'lmt'ntal oic,"k -outside tiiel, ha.H fcU while being reinovt'd, and f"reman of wot-ks, cf\mp(1 :I',qw, rJra.g" receiv- in ta.ta} The '< f-n Ar.r.) 1 to Novenib,r 20 wre £51.127t)CO; t-x'L.cndKure, JE54.933.363: bonces..<:1.S6319L- period Ree.ipë¡c. £!t9,623,HO; eXlJood ¡- I :u'e. ?56.93?.375 bühnees. £"205,098, a fir .lIjch on Tue:JQ'lv flight 1., nd weaving fSI1.h. ijhlllent (;r¡I,I\'n Point-r()ad., (jlt,o' d,l.li1ae t,o thesxrentn! .t4,OCO w.ts :);)J M thrown out of tiryii):ovinent. On Honda-y fVpnins' whi!a the Co"ntt'=a of Midd:ton HaN, wns at dmn'?r h"r tx'droom was pn'ft-ed by of a ladder, and j,,v(';¡..ry. b-)nk r,)Tes, ;,Lnd goid to toe vn,hte of abont "£l,OGO were ,Itnlen. Thf burzlar, 110 got c)":tr aw. gocured th' J''or wi:h wedls, On Sunday ;tf''<'rnoon 11. man r.uTied H;ub"n -Ilannin, a htbourer. ')[' E!.Ttswnn, SutfriH:, dr'n- b<'rate!y it:d it.r< lvad on the rail in h'ont ot.m a.pproaèh¡n on tll Great and I.i.-i hmd W:Li ci)mp¡,t<;ly "ev'"l'ed trom )u-! body. A ts!7!'tm f''0tu Ypk0¡nm;¡" Q;J.t"d S.nurdaY. ctptain of the ste:tm<')'j whidl 9tr\1clc on a rack and foundHed :t i.'w wfeks iig,), hi.s UtC'n for t.rial on ;he ch:rge (jf m'tf slaughter. SOl)" of the were ias& in U)e -Normtrir, frh ¡\"1f8:i1fl;: ¡';r.7/.l?1 _1''r$, l.1 rp('rtin the dect.a.e ,f ('limo in somö of the S"utlt of Enf-I itd, 1U3.k,e>; t.he authoritie 0[: Lew<s County P?)<on n, t')" ao:ne 50' pmonerit fr.m another county so thut the needful operc-ii i,,ns :JUZ.¡ be c:)t'riHd ou at. the go:d 'it Lewis. At O.o!in M:ce-c.)'r, on "edn\)Jn., J-'h' Ci.'arlp. Miicifor, w:<.s with br eu*.ti tiii,o;At, with n pfur r.I 'I'-dica.i that. imprisonment wouid be iDjuriüu3 :o the pl'ion"'t's ?.v..?o.?,en..e.?. o? in an tntprv:pw ,it]¡ hia \Ce :tnd cl!.lJght.r at, Y.,rit GISI ie, Jim'es Murphy, wh') is und<'rsentfncf ot: ule.ith tor the murdf:' of Poiicc-Const.abie! Anatwick '1 t:;ud hf preferred death to pena! servitude. Toe execu: ion h:M heri ttxed for Monday next. :\r.d no \)\1 b" to t:H !03ne.. The inquest, on thep€r-ot:sktn"dby the t,-tpl,)- I fion on hoard ttie C,lrt:1<YI) ='0)\1 :tt Hu;i on tiM 4th ins*. con:'iudt.;d () The jury fOUJld 1 verdict or l\J:1nsh\1;;I}t¡r theehief engittesr, ?ttrributin? the (.Xtdosion 'o hit< m'?ii?enca in cot. orde: 'rie wis n-i d ro the !:);nl being accepted. )'he M.tyo:' or,nC!!f,tl', r' A¡rif'l"I11:1n Cu;¡t<. fp!i down :n :t Ht at !t chrysanthemum show in the 'i.'own-!i:dt on Tue;<dity at'Mraoon. Hn w?9 taken in'o ont! of thf commiMfe -oorns, and in of an ho'r recoverRd ?-u'Ticientiy to he tak<n honK'. He is 80 yesu'a o? ??e..?nd tho oth?r d'.y w ts elected ) ot )h)tt city for the third tim\ IT u oo" of thf o!de;'t: iueuibersof the counc)!. At Norwich AS:"IZ, on Tuesday Arthur R:<'he'<, 36, ti.h h?wtn'r. w?a f.'und ?uiHy of th" inurder ot'! im wil". ;l1ti¡da, ;tt Norwich, on the Sth tDst, b? cutting hbr th'-Ottt. hec'tuso he suspected her of i::tL!elÜy. "nt"nce "Y deatb ii"tP,nill with IIi" armt; cro,se,J. and 011 b<ing removd frorn the dock :-a!utfd the jud? in M.ilitm'y :,tylt>. The "Pr?'sa Aasociation "Fjyn.outh correspon- dent 'ftfg'tphs that thfAd?irftityh'tve directed th'H 100 IlJPn, iticluciin!Z "J¡ipwrigilts, joiner* htnt- mfrmt-n, p:).itHfr3, and t.tb"urcrs, shuil <it once be dtschtUgfd fron:< Devooport, Dockyard, !tnd notice win b& ?ivua or) Saturday. Up to thu prp-<en& the chief has recc-ived 110 order, to hia ps*ah!)'-htyent, but. <h<*se it)'q exp,cted, a.nd t.t)c out!oo;: :s v(;fy di.-coura.odng. At Manchester on Tufsdty r.r!c<i: r,I'G u il'i'. sapper zii,iker. Vila" t'o'if)unt:ed ior tri.H on a of killing' hi!! wifd la<;t F¡.it1IY, rr).son.;r a,nd ids! wife qu:HTf)!nd. and ahfiek-! wera hc.u'd comtng from U)fir h 'u?. Th" d(7" \V!M broken op?n, .'tnd thf) w()ma.n was tound inseusiole on the ?'or. She sub-!fC;Ut'nth' died. aud pri-'on'.u' w;ia :u'restfd. He aUeged thur, he w:ts trying to t&ko ''o:no m nLy i''rom his wife and pushed her down accidentttUy. A fog of nnnsllnl density enveloped the Lalke Di,atriet, on Tut'sd;t\' morning. 'tndco.Unuad for hour. iioth titf railway and thn r<Jad ttllffie had to be conducted with the greatest Care, A t.h!ck f\)g wa. expcT'enced ht London, wh!ch lasted some time BP;'ious!y impedèd ail kinds of trt-,Tic, n'< well sn :"nl'p"ndin I>\avigat.ion on the Thames. A imtledetJ !homov\ iiicnt.,7 of the stepping on the Tynp. On Taescny, in the Dub!in .l;>olicé'-cOUl't. :t w.rrtan. a,<ed 29, mm"d Ol': P,)()1e. waS ch:1rget1 wirh attempted murder and Lltofl;v)I:PLi suicide. Evt':ienca w!t!! givpn that, on the previous dlY, whito u: :1 frenzy, produced by drink, he prisont'r .!Bliberatf¡Jv threw into the Roya.! Ctnal a littin h(ir, who open givrn into her charge to nu:'<:e, and t!irl she th-'n !ttt,,mpted to .hfi'seiL Sit,, wa.a sent i'cr i.rial, bail )tc'6 heirJg ¡¡,¡;owe,1. Emiiv Fmead, Tn" 'ag?r'?s cf t:1( i-'tying .H"t"<e Nottin¡¡¡ham, vl.'a on M1nlhy l1.I0l'oingl1lleù t?0s. f-)r Ji'l1OY Hd'. v.'et[ known en 'h' tnu?if-h.d!s?g"astt)e ''Vil?! Sp,?k." ?is?Hiti. a'co!Bp3nied hy ? !cm?!o, wt'?t 'o the h'el entrance 3n,: rt'uuested to uean'-piiedwtthwine. This was refused 'n th tt. ;!).(. of thf prctnise?, aud :lis!J Hi il wa forcib!yfj6ct<'d by ¡,¡. rmn;t-,crft<s n'ld barm-ud?. A C'0!8-5Ummoll.>, li" Hill witll a3"!<\uit, W:1<; di!mil';<ed. A Bu! í now in cour<a of tnd wifl ho brought forwftfd in !.he next M<ion of Partin- :nent, tor the purpose of seeking pow-2r.4 to .imai- ornate ioto cno united and cons'i.r) red rhe five distinct !)nd independent r:tiiwa.ya now wor1¡jn betwen t\1'd Il of Wight. Permissive powprs will éL!"O lJ¡ oy the whe l'onsr;Jidatcd to the Lon1,,1O and Uright,n, the 80uth Westurn. the Midland, or Great We,teJon 1{aiiway In the Cour of Appealon TuesJ.ty. before Lord M.-her and L-'ros Ju'tit'ea Lindif-y and Lopes, jud?- 'uent w.t? given in th? c.t.-a of Lucas f. H?rri?. which railed the question whether the pensions of! retired array p"tt=ionfr9 could ha :i: Inched !o 'uent was given in tii- c.t.-a of Lucas f. HiLt"ri.5. which railed the question whether the pensions of retired array p"tt=ionfr9 could ha :i: Inched !o satisfy a judgmer't aeb' 'i'he Court, of Queen's Hencu Lad hetd tint ren-bn" were lhble to be attached, but the Court, of Appeal now rever.sed that decision, liolilip" that., uadfr the Army Act, wer IIn;¡s¡!n;lb¡('. nnd be taken in execution. An extrtorltilltrv case of mistaken identtty has iii-t occurred at N,)tlingliat-n. H :tpR.I'S t.hat. twelve l'ars ago John an Intend Kevfnu". onM'rat Derby.sep*r'!e<i from hi-) wile. to whutnt ¡It' made 1\ w;!okJy ;l¡¡ùw:n('e. A few agi) a. womall, npparelJtly inroicat.o:>d. W>1 nccidl'lalJy drowned at Lincfin. Tho body w, idllititi, 'i by Mr. Ogden and severa] re]¡Ltive; ns that of his wife. j ;tndw.'t9byhuB'ntfr.'m). On Sliturd,,iN,, M: Oard<*n and hi-' iriendx wfre pturtitd by <hf 11f in the chlim weekly a)!owanc', A* Gt'pl-'nwich P')!!ce-court on THfsdfty FIenry Jame- d'?acribt'd m ;t seaman. W¡, r,-tii;tti,lpcl on a oot.ainin_g a p'ony fron :).pL).in-cIothf's c<)M8ta,b!e by rel)reseni,"ti, limt the I)al)prs widf'h lie was sellwg an fl,enunt. ,)f th9 e !(Ypt'- ment of a married ttj:n). :1 hrge w ly of bu":nexs ar, C) oenqck, with "pTV.tnt, n.nd t.w.) love iet,ter. wtuch he s!.Lt'd we- t"11 nd on ilic younz \\0tn:).n. Finding the t>f\pel'' did nil;, contam such tion. the prisDner waa fn-rpstHd. 'I'he dt'fence w.ts t,))a,t, tha p;<pbrt cc'tit.dncu two ?mu?ing lutte.'?. A scmewh' qircrti!-tr !)nd fat-ti accident, hap-j PQIIQ(I to L COW rccent!y. It appears th!tt, pomedilys previously, and itt. considerable from t')o scene of <))<' ocenrrpnce, tiw calf I1d¡)!:ing to the !J,td been taken from her itnd plalHd t:' gMze in n. f.Hid !tdjoini!ig the w-ro'id, Sr. WhiSe beinlf driven pn't t.his tipid on the liar narne-l the ari'lixijl eith'r espied h'r oS-pring f'r heard its b!t:\t, and maù a Rudl!en ,}(,und ''It; ;p in the hedgerow, which had be.n rlll..d up wi.h -tn unc!:mb.')b!a inn hurd;e. ThtO ot' ti1a ammai, howcver, was iD!!lUfficient to cl¡l\r the obstac!e. am! tha cow bf;- came implied. g,"me cf ttic piks of the fence enter1U tip nr:w', ljJ :mi¡ pec:dily bird to A r.J.lrri:\ge -1I;c" wa" to :ve t '\].n Jlh(' at Wi'lenhaH fn Monday ''ntied in it very "ir.guhr manner. The p:Htif'8. W liO ¡¡..e at P')l'toben, mN a.tSt.Siepix'nsChurct). and tiu'! 1irst part, of the caremony was conductfd by the vlc:tr, tlie Rev. T. W, Fletcher. When, the 4ue!Otirm WIiS Wilt. thou b:¡Vd wnUHHI for thv wedded wifee" ttie bridegroom caused consider-j abie en8ati()n by rt>p!ing with an "No," Turning round, he wnlkfd to the church door, but, he was not allowed to depart. until he had paid the marriage ft'e. The <'xp!.tn'tti'n of thia !\tmng'e affair ts :?1\-en by ti:f< himsoif, who state"' that h<*c:i.u'9 the bridf rcfu-fd, through 80we unexp ],,tined reison. to alJow hfJ m",nia.(Te lO take pince twelve months ago, he h;td .twaited a favourable opportunity which 'wonn enab'.e hi:n to return the c-jmpiiiil-Int. At the t'o!:ce-cou!t. Aston. on Tuesday, lienr}" flHCdurt. ulias Joh, WIl; charged under thfCrirt'.e? Prevention Act with l?iiit?" to !Cpo''t him-'f it whiie usder poiice super-! vifio?. Thf prisoner, who w.? found by the p¡ice enured in th-; ,} ;íJ ,1, 't pa'nphtet, entitled Prison written by liiiiiseif. as the result of an experience ot pen:tt servitude, denied that he was senteoced to poitcc an(I said III, hia t<'rm of T)4,n,,il servitude t'xpirad in 1377. Ha added excitedly :it-n III)T gu;¡,'y; 1 a"i; i'or to be sent pt'.h" to Bu\stl'ttft OL to M;s. W<'idon, who-=e ta!e I am. :;nd tht;y ,w)UtetIvouIamnotgui!!y. I r.e;;r wa, 'n or uno..r piplice supprvtSton. rele- "raph, 1 to Rand,,¡J. of Scotland YMd, and you'H Sl)On have Au H:Wl::r. rvn very grat reason to con.piain. I liav :href moch<'r!ti«3 children dependent ut,c,:i rn-. two of whoto arc cripples Am I to be considered an ouUa.w &U my life? li any drunkTn policeman to apprehend me in any quarter of this or other towns < A rem&ud on pei I'o!' '.cc'-unes wfugrtmtfJ.


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