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^I)ip|)tn5 .f}.ottces. ] ^lARDIFF and BORDEAUX. Xbe Cardiff Sttamsliiy Company's first- (rfawaarafc&*«fcc)ai.s ^crow St«»n:sr* will Sail as iel- GIItWXDE .GardltrferBerdoam: Dec. 4 DOKDOGNE .S.rdealU fer Cardiff Dec. 4 ♦it'll Uooth ano Fassencers. For rates of frelr;bt, .tt:" apply to Messrs. John Whitham lad Ses, Agents. 14, Quai das Charcrous, Bordeaux: and •t toe »Soes of the Company, No. 51. Mount. Stiiarl-*quar«, Sar< ig* HOOPER, CAMPBELL and CO., K7745 Managers. "AlAI.JAN LINE xl ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS UNITED STATES & CANADA PROM LIVERPOOL OVA SCOT JAN ,.For Halifax and Balt!mor« .T)?c. 7 ■CIRCASSIAN For Halifax and Purt, ]jec" g CASPIAN For Halifax <111;1 Bultiaioro D«c*"2l •ARDTNIAN Por Ualtfax aM Poartland.Dec. 23 JARTHAOINIAN 4 Saloon, 12 to 18 Guineas. Intermediate, £ G 6s. 8toera!;e at Lowest Through Ticket» at sP6c_ia I rates to Montreal. Toronto, Baicago. and to all parts <, £ Canada and the Wortern States. Tourists. Sportsmen, and others visiting the Canadian Vort.h-IA eV.can avail themae've-s of a speciai low return rate 0 the wonderful scenery In tho Rocky MOllDtains Rnd the porting districts. NOTE.—Thebe3t,qu!ckest.aiidcheapeRtroutefor Manitoba »ndtheOreat North-Westisbythn Mai'Stsamers of this Line. Pasnenser* far Florida ahouid goby the Allan Stoamers to Baltimore, wmrh is the cheape-t. and most convenient route. ASSISTED passages TO CANADA. f2Sl!6oger3 landing at Halifax or Portland, and joing mlam) are accompanied «>n the Railway by the Cow- pany p special conductor PAMVHLET* on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western States freeonapplioation. Full particulars on :\pp1ira!!DD to A L1.AY 6ROTB KY. and Co.laB?eK-sti-ect, Liverpool5 01' to F. F Ken nurd, Auctioneer. 19. Queen-street, and G. Bini 546, Bute-street, Cardiff: Vaagban aud Wright, 47 WI11I1-stNet. and 1'. R.W. Mason and Co.. Stvan- ►••33 »v. E. Rew, Gro,:er. 1, Lioll-<;treet" Waun Wen, Swau- sea W. H. Rees, Auctioneer. Charlesville-s.laee, Keath: Philip Pavies. George Hotel, Rrecon Eredk. AHem, 9, Hannel-3treet. Abergavenny; .10;111 .y. Francis. GOlat- street, Haverfordwest: W. Milton Locko, 33, R'sh-strect. J. Young, Tredegar Chambers, Bridge street,and Harse null Brown, 173, Commercial-street. Newport, Mon.; A.Tiln6y, .!IlTi¡c>street. Abertillcry; W. Po. Lewis, Grocer, Pontygoss. FibbwVale; G«ors;e IJatten, 34, Beaufort-street, Brynmawr D. J- Evans, General Outfitter, 1\lert,hyr Tydvil Alln Watkica, W, Glebelaud-street, Merthyr lVdvil; D. J. Rees, I'Tealaw, Pontypridd: 1' H. Howard, 6.Hifih-sireot, Pouti- >ridd and E, Prvce oJ O'1fM un1. Co" Si. Eat,e-atr«et. C irdilf. AUJW -iUSD' wri'rififii t-'a'Hng at Tf iserifie, Cape of Good Hope,and at Hobart to land Passengers (or laMnania aud A,u<t,lnlh\. SHAW, 8AVILL. find ALBION COMPANY (.LIMITED) 1Je8pIÜp,h Royal Mail Steamers from London (Royal Albi-rt Dock) lU New Zealand every four weeks. The next, I1q,»Ir! ores are Dec. 20 TAIN01 b.031 tons Cpt S. J. Barlow, R.N.R. Jan. 'd'l DORIC 1,783 tOil" Capt..J, W. Jennings, From Piynjiiuih mo days later. 1'he steamers of :his Line are fitted thrQugti0ut, in the most sumptuous ¡'y1e. with every model;) impicveinent for the com- ort and saf tv of passengers. Special Reduced Fares 'or Return Tickets. to the Cornpanj's Offices, M, leadenhall- •freet.E.C.; or bl, Pall-mall, I,o..don, B.W. Lc13!:$ FACT ORTH KNOWING.! PILLS Are admi1.ted br ttiouiauds to be "mrtb above 11 GUINEA A iJuX for bilious .11i nervous disorders, such as wind ma pain in the stomacii, sick Headache, giddiness, tul swelling after tueals, ulzziDess and drowsiness, 'old chills, tlusiungs of heat, loss \,f appetite, shortness •f breatii, costiveness, scurvy, blotches 011 the skin, dis- turbed sleep, frigHtful tIr-luII, and 11011 nervous and reutbliii}; sensations, ""c. The tirst dose will give relief 11 1¡wenty minutes. This is no tiction, for they hav" hme it in thousands of cases. The l'ropriewr of these ?ills having obtained (at. great expense) a patent for hem, he challenges the wuoie world to produce a ¡;¡eJ.icÜ:e equal too i nera, lor removing the above corn- slaints,and restoring the patient to sound and lasting 1ea!th. Everv sufferer is earnestly invited to try OGe K>x of these aud they will be acknowledged to bÐ WORTH A <*UIN £ A A BOX. 2'or females 01 1I.1i a¡;.e:o! i hese Pills are invaluable, as a ew vioses of thetn carry olf all gross hiunours, open all obstructions, alld Uriui; about all that]! required. >'o emaie should be without Lhem. Ttiere b 1,\0 medicine :0 lie founu to e^uai BE.lWHA:\1' PILLS for removing ^2iy obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken recording to tue direocions given with Mcn bo:o;, they 1I'Ïl! sown restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. Per weak stomach, ¡repaired digestion, and all dis oriiersof tue liver, they act like" .dAUlC," auJ!\ few doses will be found "0 work wonders upon the most -Ripoi tall I, ► rgans In the human machine. 'I'hey strengthen t'le whole ID;r:!cular restore the long ioat compieiion, bring tbe keen edge oÎ Appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEiJUU oí heaitn the whole piiysioal energy of the human frame, The lit" 3re FACTS ""admitted by thousands, embracing !Ill classes or sociptv, aud ol1e of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is,; PILLS have the largest sa:6 cr any patent meuicine in the World. MAQ10 OOUtHl PILLS. Asa ,wlJci) lcr (Jo.igiis In j{eiteial, astnma, dilReuity of bn»thing, shortness of breath, tigbtheM and op- prejsion ot uie chcst, wneci»nj{, Ac., Pills stand '11rrvaHed. They speedily remove thöt sense oÎ depres- sion and difficulty of breathing which lIiiutly deprive 'i.e patient of rest. Let any per.toa give BEECHAM'8 CDOSH PILL8.. trial, and 1J1e most violent eoagh will in a ahort liue be removed. public are l'eqllestec1 to notice that the wonls "BKEC tLAAl'3 PILLS, 81.. Helen's," are on the Guvermnent Stamp affixed 1.0 each box of the Pills. If not Oil, they are 1\ forgery. Prepared O¡ily,.tmd sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, T. Beeoham, Oheruist, 8t. Helen's, Lanca- shire, ill boxes 1\t 111. ljid. anJ 2,3. ad. each, bent post free from tsie plOprietoi for 15 or 3S st1\mp!I;)h.t by all Druggist* and Pat-tm. Meditate Vendor* Ul WGl". N.B.—Fuli directions are ¡::ivel1 wir.ii each box. 650 1'HE GREAT BLOOD PlIRIFIER.- X BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, and relieve every Disease of Stomach Liver, and Kidneys. Pure blood give, health, have been cured uy these wonderful Pills whose oÏseases could not be reached by any other cedicine. For lbeuniatics, lumbago, piles, gravel, iains in the hack, scurvy, bad legs, wounds, 01' white lYieililJj!;s, scrofula or king's evil, uiiicers, pimples and 5'. on the face and body, swelled feet 01' legs, srysipelas, jaundice, dropsy, anù fevers of all kinds. In i>o.\es at 1: ljd. and £ s.9d. each. 80ld by all Chemists, or irom the Burdock l'ill Manufactory, 44, Oxford street, v. i\ a öqOw FOR HIE BLOOD 15 THE LIFE. WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. vlRGEST SALE of ANY MEDICINE In the WORLD. Uveiwbeliiiing Testimony ac ompauies every Bottle, »oripg this to ¡Je the !t.-eluest Medicine ever discovered. tor CJeal},;ill¥ aud Clcjrius the tlood fkom all Iuipurities Saunot 00 too highly recouimended. rur flotilla. Scurvy, Skin and mood Diseases, Bcd Sores »11 kinds It b Ii and peimaueut swe. It. Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neok. Cures Sore Less. Cure8 Blackheads or Piiapies 011 the Pace. Cures 8cun' ,¡ Cures Ulcers. Curt1S and Sk5n Dissases, ?> Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood frow .lIlmpnre Mat'sr ¡"ro:D whMever cause arising. As this Mixture is ple?isant to the taste. 2nd Tf^rranted free from anythinx injurious to the mosttieJicate con^titutioa »f tiiher so. the Proprietors svheit suKerers togire it a teL'1 v" test lis .t,e. TFE'L ANY TIMES WISHED MYSELF 4 #JL DEAD." S2. St. J oh o's-wood-terrace. London, N.W. I am thankful to Providence for the wonderful cure J'ctlr Biood Mixture has effected {,:J me. I wassur- prised ;f er taking halt the tirst bottle, how weU [ felt; and, after I hid taken Qne lar?e bottle the wounds 0:1 my legs healed. I only wished 1 had tried the mixture befo;e I shoald h.vre saved five years of continued auBering. I used to fee. aU the changes of the &=03" jhere in my bones, bu. that is entirely gone 1.0 fact" I tee! like a lIe,1 wan. I bejfao to think1 snouxd never get well, for 1 Lad attsnded St. LUroY8 Hcsyital P 1.Jd \Velbeck-street Dispensary, under Dr.. Norman, 111'. Adam Clark, Dr. Alkdn, head physician tof Westr adivster Ho^>5tal. and several eminent doctors. Mv xuileriug WM siuiply horrible, and I have many times wished uiyself dead. After taking the mixture fort.en d&ys people that knew me were astonished at my apiie-traf.uer I have taken just two 113. bottles of your Blood Mixture, and they have effected this WQnderful care. All I can say to those who suffer is try It, it will recommend itself.—I era, yours respectfully, •' WILLIA.14 IlAR"¡g. WOHLD-F AMElJ BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD l-UUIFIER AND RESTORER. Is sold in oottle8 Vs. 3d. teach, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lis.—sufficient to effect a permanent curo i1 the KT_C majority of Ions-standing casss. By aU CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS '.hr01;:ghout, the worlú. or sent t.,).u address un receipt of 33 Ir 132 stamps by the Piopvietors, THE LINCOLN A1ilJ MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG UOMP,A.Y, LINCOLN. TRADE MARK, BLOOD MIXTURE." CAUTlUN.-The Propfletors will take j-mediate proceedings against all persouJI piratiDI their Trade Mark r" Blood Mixture ") Labels, Wrappers. *e or Adve,rtisement5, or ill any way Imnnr;1ng their rights ;,02Gc ,RING\VO RM! RINGWORM: BATEMAN'S SPECIFIC Will CUBE the most Obstinate and HopftlessCase of RINGWORM in From Two to l«>ur Days. Gives no pain, does not, discolour the skiD, and contains no strong acid or caustic. It has never failed 10 cjlri1') £ thl! mo!t troublesome and infectious disease- Sold 111 .Bott,les, 2s. Sd. and 4s. 6d. Free QV Parcels post on receipt P.O' bv the Sole Maker, T. H. BAT'EMAN, CHEMIST, 342, H13B-aOAl>, KIJLBURN, LONDON, N.W., or your will obtain iL if not. il1l"t.ock. Wholesale, Messrs. ö432c ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, (ravel and pains UI the back. Sold in boxes, 6d. each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors; or sent to any address tor 60 stamps, b, the makers, the Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, incoin. Wholesale Agents, Barcl.1&yand Sons, London. "nd ILIl the W holesale Howes. HAIR DESTROYER.-ALEX, ROSS'S r DEPILATORY removes hair from the tace, neck, aiju arms; 3s. 6d. per bottle; sent by post, secretly Packed, for 64 stamps. Hair Dye, for light or dark colours; Oil of Cantharides, tor growth of hair Curling F'1\1id; Bloom of Roses, for giving beauty to the Jips and cheeks; the Skip-tightener for furrows; Liquid for black specks, each 3s. Gd., aent b.v.p,ost for 64 stamps. Splints for crooked limbs, 218.; Medicine for obesity, 5s. Complexion Pills, Ls. 9<.1, Nose Machine, tor ehapenlng the nose, Ws. 6d.; Ear Machine, for outstanding ears, 11)11. 6d.; Tar tloap, and remedy tor the skin, Is.—all aecretly packed for stamps,—21, Lamb's Conduit-street, Sigh Holborn, I..ondon, and uf aU Chemists. [LC71 (CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL. J POSTIAG AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFP1CEB: CHUKCH-STRBET CHAMBERS. SECRETARY: FRANA H. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations In Cardiff and eighhouruood. Contractors for all descriptions of *'ivertisin.)t, Circular Distributing, < £ C- J ONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL- POSTER8 AND DELlV1I1RERS. HIGH-STREET, NEATH, AJSD BRITON FERRY, ^ircuiars Addressed and delivered. Bill-posters to the ♦jjreat Weitern and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the "iacipal Aucuoaeer*. M*HU OI the Pnncupai Pes ting l*Wl. i $al.s bp fiurtiaiu CHRISTMAS MARKET. NEWPORT. NEWLdND and RICKARD will hold a SALE by AUCTION, in the Cattle Market, Newport, 011 WEDNESDAY, December 15th, of CHRISTMAS FED STOCK. Early Entries respectfully solicited. OiSces: Ctscle Chambers. Newport, "2434 PONTARDULAIS. SAL 15 OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. F. G. GOUGH has received instruc- tions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Black Horse Inn. Pontardulais. on WEDNESDAY, the 8th day of December 1881; at Seven p.m., the following valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY All those Eight well-built Dwelline-houses, with the Gardens thereto adjoining, situate at Silver-terrace, near the Pump at Hendy, PontardulMs. and now in therespectire occupations of William Thomas, William James, John Joues, David Daries, Job Thomas, Mrs. Oweu, Mrs. Thomas, and David R-ees. The houses adjoin one another, forming a complete terrace, and are aU let to monthly tenants, nearly aU of whom pay £9155. per annum respectively. Eael:1 house will be offered separately. Also, all those Two Dwelling-houses acd Gardens near the aboveproperty, now in the occupation of David Thomas aud Miss Jane Colcutt, the rental payable by David Thomas amounttugtojEiS per annum. The premises arc held for a. term of 90 years from the 29th day of September, 1870, subject to the "ery low annual ground rent of £8, which will be apportioned iu the event of any 01' either of the respective lots being sold to separate purchasers, and a similar term, less ten days, granted upon the houses in the manner provided for by the Conditions of Sale. Further particulars can be obtained of Messrs. Collins and Woods, Solicitors, 1. Worcester-place, Swansea, or the Auc- tioneer, Murray-street, Llanelly. 8782c CARMARTHENSHIRE AND GLAMORGANSHIRE" SALE OF LEASEHOLD PUBLIC-HOUSES AND COT- TAGES, AND A FREEHOLD COTTAGE. Mli, F. G. GUUGH has received instruc- tions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Steuney Arms Hotel, Llanally. on FRIDAY, December 10, 1886. at Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to sncli con- ditions as shall be then read. and which nifty be seen at the Otiicos of the Auctioneer aud Solicitor one week prior to the S.ile), in on* or more lots as may be then determined, the following valuable FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, Namely The Golden Lion Inn, with the Shop and Fonr Cottages adjoining, in Market-street and Stepney-place, Llanelly, held for an unexpired term of about 65 yens, at a yearly ground rent of £ 5 os. The AlltioM Inn, Murray-street, Llanelly, with the Gas Company's Offices adjoining, and the two Cottages in the rear thereof. Unexpired term about 76 years. Ground rent £ 5 65. per aunum. The -NortuuMberland Hotel, New Dock, Llanelly. Un- expired telm ubout 47 years. Ground rant J £ 6 12s. per annum. The Fishguard Arms Inn, New Dock aforesaid. Uu- expired term about 15 ycar3. Ground rent ~4 1C.1. I1er annum. The Whits table Inn, New Dock-road, Llanelly.with the two Bhops and two Cottages adjoining thereto. Unexpired term about 49 years. Ground rent £10 per annum. The Nevill's Arms Inn Dafen, ueav Llanelly. Unexpired term about 72 years. Ground rent £2 per annum. The Lamb and Flag Inll, Waunarlwydd, Gowerton (Gower Road), near Swansea, with the Three Cottases ad. joiniug thereto. Unexpired term about 63 years. Ground rent £ 2 125. fid. per anuum. One Leasehold House at New Dock, UantUy, occupied by Mr. Peckhmn. Unexpired term about II years. Ground rent '2s. per annum. One Freehold Cottasa and Premises, at Loufhor, occupied by Mrs. Susan Birt, lbe whole of the above Properties produce a gross rental of about £ 320 per auuum. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at No. 13, Murray-street, Llanelly or to Mr. H. M. TRENCHARD, Solicitor, Taunton. Dated Llanelly, Nor. £ 0, lgg6. 72109— —————— ^publications* NEW EDITION, ILLUSTRATED. Price, 2s. 6d.; Post, 2s. 8d. from Author. TVSEAS £ S OP THE EAR."—By S. E. B M SMILH, Esq., M.R.C.8., Eng., Aurist to the late National Ear Institution, London; Inventor of the New Method of Treating ¡(ar Disease by the application of Remedial Ajjfencies to the Cavity of the Tympanum. For thp. b illillut success of bis treatment see para- graph in this paper. Mr. SMITH may be Consulted from Eleven till Two o'clock at HIGH-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF, (37870 THE DECEMBER NUMBER OF TIlE RED DRAGON, THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF WALES, EDITED BT JAMES HARRIS ,101, Contains NaNT OLCEFA. By E. A. Dillwyn. THE Pour's CROWN. By John JerrM Beresford, M. A. WELSH MPPKRSTmOKS. THE VALE or LLAKOOLLEIT. By Helen Prothero Lewis. Twici SAYSD. By Denwar Lloyd. THE YEAA is DYING. By J. H. D. LOUD HKRBERT OF CHBP.BCKT A.H» HIS *'AVTOBIO- 0>J».APHir." By Vi. Arthur. AMPAOKITAS. By Surotxss Swift. RSAPIKOS in Rars's "Ctxnc B.urAiN." VI. By Brython. SKETCH: A Wxser N.'oar, By John Walkar, BETIiiWS. Litkratubs, ART, ANE> ARCH^OLOOT OPTBK Mwttb, In MEMOMAM-JONNPMCHAJRD. By <?. B. Olliraat. NOTES Al(D QUCKIBS, ORACOMIOBMJI, CAitDirr: Dakiei. Owsk and ce. (ItTMntft. liOHMs: W. Krai aits Co., PATKiUfOsxxn-KOW. PRICE 111.; paST FREE. la. M. HEATH'S PIANOFORTES. QRUANS, AND II AIWONIUMS. > lIE AT II AND gONS' r^HREE Y £ ARS' g^STEM Is Applied te the Hire and Purchase ef InstrumeBts Ity all Makers, from 10s. Menthly. Every lastrumeat Guaranteed. Ce-oiterative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock ia Wales to Selest from, 12, Greckherbtown, Cardiff. 8704« 53d47 Q/^pr DAYS OF SUCCESS IN 1887 OUu FOK PI>. Ihiiuartiids have prospered and been ,UI)C,2,S,fll1 tJy following the directions given yearly in RAPHAEL'S Almanac, which tells you the exact times to speculate, buy, sell, deal, ask favours, travel, remove, set fowls, sow your farm and garden crops, doctor your cattle, court, marry, or do anything else. It contains Birthday Information for every day of the year, by which all can toe what will befall them during tho nest year of life, also the Fate or Career of any Child born daring 1837. Breeding and other tables, predictions of events, weather, Ac. Price 6d., post free 7d. At all Stationers. RAPHAEL'S Book of Fate. Is. Will answer all ques- Momand tell the Fate of Anyone. RAPHAEL'S Book of Dreams, h. The only true interpreter of dreams. Insist on having RAPHAEL'S. Foubham and Co., 4, Pilgrim-street, Ludgate-hiil, E C. WEBB OR LEWIS, CARDIFF. LC75 DIARIES t 1887 DIARIES JTJANIEL OVÇEN AND CO. (LIMITED) Have now Ready their Well-known OFFICE AND OTHER DIARIES. Their Is., Is. 6d.. and 3s. 6d. Foolscap' Series Interleaved Blotting, for Commercial and General Use. are Unsurpassed in value. A Large Stock of T. J. SMITH'S, LETTS', aad Other Makers in Various Sizes. DESK PADS AND DIARIES COMBINED. The Legal," Commercial," Ac,, as manufactured by Causton, De la Rue, Hudson and Kearna, Ac., from 2s. upwards. BLOCK CALENDARS AND TABLET DIARIES. Marcus Ward's, Is.; "Shakespeare,' "Every-Day,' and To-Day" Block Calendars, splendidly printed in Gold and Colours; T. J. Smith's Caiamercial ditto. PLAYING CARDS. BEABeN 1886-7. ftANIEL OWEN AND CO. (LIMITED) Have now a Large Stock of the Newest Patterns of DE LA RUE, WILLIS, AND OTHER MAKERS. SLIDERS, FIGURED DEXTERS, AND JAPANESE LACQUERED ALWAYS ON SALE. Is. Paragon Harrys, Boxed, with Miniature Index Pips and Rounded Corners, Light and Dark Backs. A Splendid Card for the money. OLUBS AND HOTELS SUPPLIED ON AD VAN TAGEOUS TERMS. JJANIE& QWEN AND CO. (LIMITED), GENERAL AND FANCY STATIONERS, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS, ST. MARY-STREET, OARDIFF. PHILIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD and RHONDDA VALLEY, BILL POSTER and DISTRIBUTOR, XREORKY, and 6. OHFRCH-STREET, PONTYPRIDD Rents all the Principal Posting StUtiODl fti Pontypridd and Rhonddit Valley. Horse and Trap and Pianoforte: Kent, Tor Hire M PAINE, BILL POSTER, DISTRI- • BUTOS, iC., 23. CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE (Late Tem- perance Hotel), Begs to inform the Public generally that he RENTS some of the LARGEST BILL POSTING STATIONS in South Wales, and is ready to receive Orders for Posting, Ac., in Aberdare, Aberaman, Hirwain, and all Outlying Districts. N.B.—-Tobacco, Cigars, and Refreshments may be had at any time at the above Premises, and good Acconamo- datiun fur Travellers, Ac.. WJiSTEKN MAIL., t V M08X IXFLUltNXiAL :U". IN WAUM pottos* I CARDIFF AND DISTRICr FIRST ANNUAL FAT STOCK SHOW, AT ROATH CATTLE MARKET, CARDIFF, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13TK AND 14TH, 1SSS. About £300 IN PRIZES, INCLUDING JB15 15s. OPEN AND £10 10s. LOCAL CHAMPION PRIZE8. Prize Lists and Certificates of Entry may be had on applioation to MR. E. JENKINS, 140, CLIFTON-STREET. ROATH. CARDIFF. Entries Close November 27th, 1886. 72022 THE S. ANDREW'S JJAZAAR Will be held in the LARGE PARK-HALL, CARDIFF, ON WEDNESDAY, 1ST, THURSDAY, 2ND, FRIDAY, 3RD, AND SATURDAY, 4TH, Under the Patronage of The Lady Aberdare I Mrs. Mackintosh of Mack- The Lady Windsor | intoah Lady Georye Walker ) Mrs. Turberylll Lady Macgregor I Mrs. Dillwyn Llewelyn Tile Hon. Mrs. Lindsay Mrs. Vaughan Lady Lewis Mrs. Keraeys-Tynte Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Hiil The Mayoress. Dramatic Entertainments, Organ Rcoitats, Miscellaneous Concerts, Waxworks, Conjuring, Fine Art Gallery, Exhibition of Electrical and Scientific Apparatus (Microphone, Telephone, Jtc., Ac.). BAUDS.—The Penarth, Major Ingram's. 1st Glamorgan Artillery, 2nd Glamorgan Rifles, 8t, Mary's String, St. Andrew's Brass. PRICKS OF ADMISSION.—Wednesday, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., j 2s.; after 6 p.m., Is. Thursday and Friday, 2 p.m. to J G p.m., Is.; after 6 p.m.. 6d. Saturday, 6d.; Children under Twelve, Half-price. Season Tickets, 2s. 6d.; Children under Twelve, Is. 6d. Open from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. The Bazaar will be OPENED at 2 p.m. on WEDNES- DAY by the Right Reverend the LORD BISHOP of LLANDAFF, HOWEL GWYN. Esq., and His Worship the MAYOE. -—— f72468 Goods have been impori ed frorh Eight Countries. 50 Q-UINEAS J>RIZE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE EESj? ESSAY- # To embrace the following:— 1st.—ON SUGAR REFINING. 2nd.—ON THE CAPABILITIES OF SUCH WORK BEING DONB IN THE PORT OF CARDIFF. 3rd.—POSSIBLE COMMERCIAL SUC- CESS OF SUCH AN UNDERTAKING IN CARDIFF. ESSAYS to be in my hands by Last Day of JANUARY NEXT. Competitors will send their Essays signed with a Motto, which alone will be forwarded to the Adjudica- tors—an Eminent Barrister and a London Merchant. The persons competing will seud theIr names and addresses to me, wbicl. wHI be cowJidered strictly pri- vate. The fullest possible particulars as to local features connected with Cardiff may be obtained by any com- petitor upon application to me. The successful Essay to become my property. GEORGE HOPKINS, MERCHANT, CARDIFF. 72507 MR- FRED WATTS, As SOLO VIOLIN or LEADER of ORATORIO CONCERTS. ESTIMATES sent for MILITARY or ORCHESTRAL BANDS for every kind of Entertainment. Address, HAYDN HOUSE, ST. MICHAEL'S PARK, BRISTOL. 86^90 MIDLAND RAILWAY .J.. IMPROVED THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF AND THE MIDLAND COUNTIES, NORTH OF I ENGLAND, AND SCOTLAND. Third C'ass Penny fr Mil' by all Trains on the Midland. J Haiti car. NOV., 1386. Up Tbaiks; WEEK DAYS. p.m. p.m. p.m. &.xnJa. m.Ja. m. ■Edinburgh (Wav- erley) dep. 4 25 9 2010 30 I JXO 30 Glasgow (St. J Euoch) dep. 5 C 9 1510 15 ( 10 15 Glasgow (St. J Bswch) dep. 5 C 9 1510 15 ( 10 15 CarUMe „ 8 0 12 8 lo 12 8 40] 1 18 Blackburn „ 8 30 9 28 ".1' Rochdale 9 26 B 23 10 22|11 7 1 45 Halifax, „ 10 0 „ ] 5 £ 5'10 45 11 50 2 20 Huddersfield.. „ 10 15 6 OjlO 30 12 5 2 50 Wakefield „ 10 50 7 25 11 30 1 0 3 10 Lancaster „ 6 15 8 1010 33 Bradford „ 10 50 I 50 7 60 11 15112 55 4 5 Leeds „ 11 38 2 25 8 20 H 45 1 25 4 35 Lanca5ter 6 15 I 8 1010 33 Bradford „ 10 50 I 50 7 60 11 15112 55 4 5 Leeds „ 11 38 2 25 8 20 H 45 1 25 4 35 Banisley 7 5011 55| 1 15 4 5 Newcastle ,.7 8 11 16 1 45 9 30,10 5( 1 45 Sunderland 6 40 10 50 8 30i 9 35 1 30 Durham 1 35 11 40 9 52110 32 2 8 Darlington „ 8 18 12 17 2 40 10 22,11 10 2 43 Stockton 7 42 30 44 9 27] 10 43 2 21 Scai-boro' „ 3 0 9 25110 50 2 00 York „ 9 33 1 40 7 30 11 45J12 35 4 15 Hull „ 8 50 5 45ill O il £ 0 3 15 Sheffield „ 12 47 4 25 9 25J12 58! 2 o0; 5 54 L'pool (Mid-Cen- b L'pvol (Mid-Cen- b t tral Station) 11 15 7 40jll 40 12 15 4 40 Southport (Lord- „■ street) 9 35 10 2511 40| 3 50 Manchester (Central) 11 50 8 25|12 10 1 0 5 0 Lincoln. S 10 7 0.11 10, 1 25 3 0 Newark „ 9 5 8 57|11 42 1 59 3 22 Nottingham. „ 11 43 9 50] 1 20 3 5 6 15 Derby 1 58 6 40;10 30 2 5 3 45 7 5 Burton 2 17 7 5,10 49 2 23 4 3 7 3 Tamworth „ 1 18 7 37 9 32 2 4 4 21 7 49 Yarmouth „ 3 40 6 47 7 45 10 10 Norwich 4 40 7 35 8 2511 b Cambridge 5 58 8 26;11 30 2 5 Peterboro' 1 50 10 27 11 55 4 40 Leicester „ 11 22 8 10 12 35 2f20 6 52 Birmingham b (New-street-) „ 3 7 8 45'll 38 3 12! 5 40 8 30 Worcester „ 4 3 9 44|11 29 3 22 6 55 9 30 Gloucester arr. 4bb2 10 38|12 59 4 39j 8 10 10 30 G loucester. dep. 5 lb| 9 20H1 0| 1 40 6 51 8 4512 50 Chepstow arr. 6 2ilCcl5!l2 16 2 23 7 10 9 53 1 33 Newport „ 6 27!l0o50i 1 7 2 60 7 47 9 45 2 8 Cardiff 6 49jllcl4 1 35} 3 13 8 10 10 6 2 33 a.mJa.m. Ip.m.j p.m. a.m. — j | j a.m. a.m.I a.m. a.m. p.m.! p.m. p.m. Cardiff dep. 6 ol 7 Oj 8 56 19 1012 4512 45 6 10 Newport „ 6 20] 7 25 9 20 10 30 1 6j 1 25 6 33 Chepstow „ 6 45i 8 3'l0 3jl0 56 1 35 2 13 7 2 Gloucester arr. 7 30) 9 5-11 IP; 11 40 2 201 5 20 7 55 Gloucester. dep. 7 43:10 6:11 30,12 35 2 3S| o 35 8 18 Worcester arr. 9 3.10 5012 20 1 44 3 25 4 45 9 7 Birmingham (New-street) „ 10 SO'll 35 1 10 ?. 32 4 25 5 20110 3 Leicester 12 24 4 15 5 55 7 23 1 42 Peterboro' „ 2 34 6 34 10 23 Cambridge 4 26 9 2312 55 Norwich „ -6 20 9 40 2 0 Yarmouth 7 6 10 41 3 0 Tamworth 11 21 1 52 4 24 5 12 7 6!10 33 Burton „ 11 55 12 27 2 10 3 21 5 33 6 Sill 18 Derby „ 12 32112 50 2 40 3 *0 6 0 6 3211 40 Nottingham. „ 1' 7 1 56 3 21 4 26 6 55 7 29 I 25 Newark 2 43 2 43 5 15 8 23 4 30 Lincoln „ 3 20 3 20 5 55 10 0 5 0 Newarl. 2 43 2 43 5 15 8 23 4 30 Lincoln „ 3 20 3 20 5 55 10 0 5 0 ^(Central" 2 35 2 35 4 45 5 45 8 2E 2 0 S'port (Lord-st.) 4 10 4 10 5 45 1 35 9 47 8t35 L'pool(Mid-Cen- S'port (Lord-st.) 4 10 4 10 5 45 1 35 9 47 8t35 L'pool(Mid-Cen- tral Station) „ 3 35 3 35 5 10 6 35 8 50 2 50 Shemeid. 1 51 2 16 4 5 4 43 74S1240 Hull „ 3 55 5 55 6 38 11 0 4 32 York „ 3 12 4 20 5 53 9 37 3 36 Scarboro' 5 15 5 55 7 35 5 45 Stockton „ 5 36 7 15 8 2 11 ftS 610 Dariington.413R42 8 10 11 31 4 44 Durham „ 4 48 7 31 8 43 12 51 5|27 Sunderland 5 30 8 30 M. 9 25 12 40 6 20 Newcastle „ 5 111 8 0 9 12 12 33 5 58 Barnsley „ 3 48] 3 48 5 3 5 43 8 42 Leeds 3 20 3 20 5 22 6 0 9 5 2 15 Bradford 4 17 4 17 6 0 6 30 9 £ 0 2 45 Lancaster 5 35 5 35 Waketield „ 3 29 3 29 5 12 6 27 „. 8 52 5 47 Huddersiield. 4 15 4 15 6 0 7 17 8 55 6 35 Halifax „ 4 12 4 12 6 17 7 30 16 27 6 57 Rochdale. 4 44 4 44 6 36 8 35 11 15 7 57 Blackburn „ 5 31 5 31 8 7 9 47 9 13 Carlisle 6 5 6 5 4 30 Glasgow (St. Enoch) 8 55 8 55 7 40 Edinburgh (Waverley) 8 40 8 40 7 25 Edinburgh (Waverley) 8 40 8 40 7 25 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. THIRD-CLASS PASSENGERS AKli CON- VEYED BY ALL TRAINS. b—Monday mornings excepted from Sheffield and stations south thereof. c-M.onday mornings excepted. f—On Saturdays passengers can leave Leicester at 3.32 p.m. An Additional train leaves Cardiff at 9.5 p.m., New- port 9.2S, and Chepstow 9.51, arriving at Gloucester at 10.35 p.m., in connection with cxpre5s leaving Glou- cester at 2.20 a.m. (Mondays excepted) for all parts of Midland system. t On Sunday mornings passengers arrive at those Stations a little later than the times shown. PASSENGERS DESIROUS OF TRAVELLING BY THIS ROUTE From Cardiff, Newport, and Chepstow are particularly requested to ask for Tickets to travel via" Gloucester aud the Midland Railway." 8445c JOHN NOBLE, General Manager. SuiRmis £ >nnttie £ Xc. IqLAMORGAN BUILDING SOCIETY. Incorporated under Act of Parliament. ONE OF THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED IN THII PRINCIPALITY. LIBERAL ADVANCES To Persons desiring to purchase their Own ReUle. ell Easy Terms of Re-Payment. SHARES ISSUED DAILY. Subscriptions, Is per Fortnight Per Share. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM JgPJ UPWARDS. OFFICES OPEN DAILY, Where all Information can be obtained. T. A. DAVIES, Secretary. 20, Queen-street. Cardiff. „ 71770 NEW p 0 R T, (M 0 N ) Established 1870. J. D. R E E S, BILL POSTER AND ADVERTISING AGENT, BENTS all the PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS ia town and neighbourhood. Two good Bill Posters, aad Horse and Trap kept. Address—ISO, GOHM £ BQUIrftOA». 8358S fjubltr Slmusfcments. fJlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSHK AND MANAGES MB. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTINa MAKAOSB MB. JOHX SHKRII>AX. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), Dec. 3, SATURDAY, Dec. 4, Enormous Success of Mr. WILSON BARRETT'S CELEBRATED LONDON COMPANY. LAST TWO NIGHTS' Of the Most Successful Drama of the Day, The gILVER I £ ING, As played at the Royal Princess Theatre. SPECIAL SCENERY AND NOVEL EFFECTS. MONDAY, Dec. 6, and EVERY EVENING, The New Drama, in Five Acts, Tho LIGHTS 0' TT ONDON. Written by G. R. SIMS. Produced in London under the Sole Direction of MR. WILSON BARRETT. MONDAY, Dec. 13. THE SCHOOLMISTRESS. Open 7; Commenoa 7.30. Half-price Nine. Box Plait at Messrs. Thompson and ihackell's (Limited). 620So pARK-HALL, CARDIFF THREE EVENINGS AND ONE DAY PERFORMANCE ONLY. MONDAY NIGHT. December 13,1886 At Eight TUESDAY NIGHT. December 14,1886 At Eight WEDNESDAY AFTER [Ii OON.December ] 5.1386.At Three WEDNESDAY NlGHT, December 15,1886 At Eight IMPORTANT NOTICE. It baine; absolutely necessary to close the ST. JAMECS HALL, PICCADILLY, LONDON, for a period of three weeks in order to carry out important alterations and re-decoration, the Directors of the World-famed MOORE AND BURGESS MINSTRELS have made arrangements to visit a few of the largest provincial towns of the United Kingdom during the interval with tho WHOLE OF THEIR MAGNIFICENT COMPANY, NUMBERING NEARLY FIFTY ARTISTES, Including THE SPLENDID CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA, THE FINE CHOIR OF JUVENILE VOICES, And the PHALANX OF COMEDIANS AND DANCERS, With the World-famed and Inimitable Comedian, MR. G. W. MOORE At their Head. FOR UPWARDS OF TWENTY-ONE YEARS THE MOORE AND BURGESS MINSTRELS Have given their Entertainment at the ST. JAMES'S HA LL, LONDON, NINE TIMES IN EACH WEEK, IN ONE CONTIGUOUS AND UNBROKEN SEASON, An instance of Popularity without a Parallel in the history of the World's Amusements. For date and full particulars of the forthcoming visit to Cardiff see following adverlisement. 8/890 pARK-HALL, CARDIFF'. THE WORLD-FAMED MOORE AND BURGESS MINSTRELS. OF THE ST. JAMES'S-HALL, LONDON, Will give FOUR SPECIAL PERFORMANCES, With their Magnificent Company, IN CARDIFF. MONDAY, December 13 »t 8. TUESDAY, Decembers at S. WEDNESDAY, December 3. and 8 also. THE FIRST AND MOST POSITIVELY ONLY OPPORTUNITY That can ever occur of hearing the Company away from their own Hail in London. TWO DISTINCT PROGRAMMES OF THE MOST BRILLIANT AND ATTRACTIVE CHARACTER, Embracing all the Latest and Greatest Successes of the PRESENT LONDON SEASON. THE WHOLB OF THEIR MAGNIFICENT COMPANY, NUMBERING NEARLY FIFfY ARTISTES, Including THE SPLENDID CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA, THE FINE CHOIR OF JUVENILE VOICES, and THE PHALANX OF COMEDIANS AND DANCERS. First, Row of Balcony (numbered and reserved), 3s.; Front Seats in Body of Hall, ;5, Balcony (beyond the fins row)and Unreserved Seats in tlia body o¡ the hail, i^~SaefcS«ats and Promenade, Is. Doors open at Half-past Seven for the Evening Per- formances, and at Half-past Two for the DayPerfor- j mance. Carriages may be ordered for 10.30. Tickets and places can bo secured of Mr, William Lewis, Printer and Bookseller, 23, Duke-street, Cardiff, on aud after Monday Next, the 6th imt,. 8789c fcnsuranrc companies, &"r. 1 AW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY FLEET-STREET. LONDON,—Instituted 1823. Assets on 31st December, 1885 £ó,248,223 Income for the Year 1885 £438.41à Amount paid in claims to 31st Dec, 1S85 £ 14,53S,593 Reversionary Bonus allotted for the five years ending 31st Dec., 1884 £ 690,046 Reversionary Bonuses hitherto allotted, £6,1389,937 The Bxpemes of Management, including Commission, are about 41 per cent. of the Income. The limits of free travel and residence have been largely extended, and rates of extra premium reducgd. Loans granted on secuiity of Policies, Life Interests, Reversions, and Borough and County Eac^s, as well as 011 other approved Securities. Life Interests and Reversions are purchased. Claims paid immediately on proot of death and title. Commission allowed to Solioitors and others on Assurances effected through their introduction. Prospectus and Form 01: Propoaal sent OIl application to the Actuary. LC61 ACCIDENTS of DAILY LIFE INSURED AGAINST by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY (Established 1849), 64, CORN* HILL, LONDON. oapitlil, £1,000,\)00: Income, £ 246,000 j Compensation Paid for 112,000 Accidents, £2,815,000. Chairman, HutYIÊ M. F RQUHAK, Esq.—Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or West-end Office:—3, GRAND HOTEL BOILDINGS W.C., or at the Head Officet 64, COUNHILL; LONDON, B.C. WILLIAM J; VIAN, Pecretarr, Agent for Cardiff—Mr. W. Eo Bradshaw, G.W.R. [8478o pHCENIX OFFICE, Lombard-street and Charing-cross, tondoni—Estab- lished J. 782. Insurances against Loss by Fire and Lightning effected in all parts of the world. Loss claims arranged with promptitude and liberality. WILLIAM C. MACDONALD, [ Joint FRANCIS B. MACDONALD. j Secretaries, rjlHE LEADING DAILY PAPER o POSTAL DELIVERY OF THE « W E S T E l1. N MAIL." By a special concession of the Postal Authorities, the Publisher is now enabled to despatch the tirst edition of the WKSTHHX MAILeacl1 mowuij; by the mail trains leaving Cardiff at 2.38 and 3.45. By this means persons resident within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARMARTHEN SHIRE, | CARDIGANSHIRE, and those portions or BBECOKSHIKK and MONMOUTH- SHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhymncy Valley Postal Districts, aro cIlabled to have the WES- TXRIO; MAIL delivered at their residences, on the moru- ing of publication, by tile same post as that which COil veys their London letters. The SKCOXD EDITION of the WESTERN MAIL can be forwarded to Residents of the following and all other places within the Cardiff Postal District in time for the lirat moming delivery. Bedwas. Marshndd. ët. Brido's-sup-Bly. Barry. I Llauishen. St. Andrew's. Bonvilstone. MelingriBith. St. Fagan's. Cadoxton. Michaelstone-lo- St. Melton's. Caerphilly. Vedw. St. Niaholas. Castletown. Morganstown. Sully. Cefn Mably. Penarth. Taff s Well. Courtyralla. Pencocd. Tongwyniais. Dinas Pow is. Pentyrch. I WainutTreo.tindge. Landough. Peterstone. Whitchurch. Lisvane. PwUvoaut. I YatradMynach. Llandaff. Radyr. LONDON and West of Engla.nd subscribers receive their papers on the afternoon of publication. Any irregularity in the delivery of the WESTERN MAIL should be reported at once to the Publisher, at tue Head Office, Cardiff. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Per Quarter, post free £0 9 9 Half-year 0 19 £ „ Year 1 19 0 All Subscriptions must be paid in advance. The above remarks apply also to the WEEKLY MAIL, which can be supplied by post to subscribers at the following rates of subscription:— Per Quarter, post free. £0 2 9 » Half-year 0 5 6 Year „ 0 11 0 As in tho case of the WKSTEBN MoUL, all SuDasrip turns must be paid tn advance. Post Office Orders to be made payable to the pub Usher. H. M.iCKKX7JII THOMA! WAGONETTE, Second-hand, with a TV Movable Head. Amplo room for four persons inside in thoroughly good order, and well finished, by a good London Builder. BROUGHAM, Circular-fronted; nearly new very light and easy for one horse. For particulars apply to VEZEY AND CO., COACHBUILDERS TO HER MAJESTY, BATH. SSSOS BELIEF FROM COCGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORE- jLl HOUND, the most certain and speedy remedy for Asthma,Consumption, Bronchitis.Coughs, Influenza, Difficult Breathing, Spitting 01 Blood, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Ac. It gives instan- taneous relief and rapidly effects a cure. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. Testimonials are unnecessary, as there is scarcely a family in South Wales which nasnot proved its efficacy. IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable, as children are fond of it and take it eagerly. Immediately it is taken coughing ceases, rest- lessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once triad it would ever afterwards be with- out it. Prepared only by A. H A Y M A N, CHEMIST, NEATH, Aad Sold by all Chemists.—Price Is. ltG, aad 2s. M. Mr B«bUo. I I THE W E E K L Y 1\1 A I L. I f THE WEEKLY MAIL. I THE WEEKLY M A I L. I i REDUCED PRICE. NEW MANAGEMENT. I I 'I*- -'•ft X. FRESH FEATURES. I i EDITED BY "PEND RAGON." I l; The Publishers beg to annonnce that the WEEKLY ftlAIL is now published at the Reduced Price of ONE PENNY. 't" All the Excellent Features which have hitherto characterised the WEEKLY MAIL, and made it the moat popular Family Newspaper in the Prinoipality, will be retailed, whilst many new and attractive ones will be introduced, »; [■ V m —— PR IjZ E COMPETITION. Prizes will bebfiered for the solution of a Figure Puzzle, so easy that a child, if '( lucky, may solve it, Amongst these Prizes will bs L a. d, ONE P-Rtzp, OF 4 50 0 0 ONE PRIZE OF f # f 5 0 0 ONE PKIZE OF# s m # # ,100 I ILLUSTRATED SKETCHES "7, Of Welsh L4%tri0 Character j Grave and UIlY;" flumorousi Satirical, and Serious, -at- «- -ifcr"' I will be supplied by Authors and Artists oFifiSll-estaBlished Reputation, ¡ BUY THE WEEKLY MAIL, I PRICE ONE PENNY. I ^JLSOP, Drawing-room FURNITURE II ALsor, Drawing-room FURNITURE, A LSOP, Dining-room FURNITURE. zi. ^LSOP, Dining-room FURNITURE, ^LSOP, Bedroom FURNITURE, ^LSOP, Bedroom FURNITURE. A Ti S 0 P a WHOLESALE STEAM QAI3IMET ^yOF.KS, 0 BROADMEAD, HEISTOLi 719G6 QHILDUEN I rjlEETHING II I REEDING t t t THE FATAL EFFECTS ON INFANTS I frequently following tiit-, use of soothing medicines, as is proved by the large number of inquests on children dyinj; after taking those dangerous reme- dies, make; it incumbent on purchasers to be very particular to distinguish OTEDMAN'S 'TEETHING POWDERS >0 from all others, similar or dissimilar. Tho dan- gerous ingredient in ail soothing medicines is the opium or morphia which they contain, but gerous ingredient in all soothing medicines is the opium or morphia which they contain, but from which STEDMAN'S TEETHING POWDERS are entirely free, as witness Dr. Hassnll's certifi- cate. Hence, for the woifare and safety of tlia child, purchasers should insist 011 seeing the Registered Trade M.;rk. a Gum Lancet, on every single powder and packet, and should refuse to have others ilrooll them. STEDMAN'S TKETIIING POWDERS. The Analytical Institution, 54, Holborn Viaduct, E.C., London. November 29,1C77. Report on the Teething Powder prepared by Dr. I feted man, Hoxt >n :— I hereby certify that I have purchased a sample oi Stedinun's Teething Powder, aud have, at the request of the proprietor, subjected it to analysis lor Aforphiit or Opium in any form. am enabled to state that I found the sanipie iti question to be absolutely free from Morphia or anv other alkaloid or constituent of Opium. •'Thus Stedman's Teething Powder is favourably distinguished from similar preparat ion?. AR'iilUC II. HAiSALL, M.D." TESTIMONIAL from Mrs. HUGHES, Iiossail School, Lancashire. Rossall School, l'oulton-le-Fvlde, Lancashire, Feb. 11, i|o75. «« Dear Sir,-I have used your Teething Powders reguiarJy for nearly two 3-ears, and in no single I t instance have I found them fail. No words of mine can half express the confidence I have in them, nor convey any idea of tho great valua aud com- fort they have been to ine and many other mothers I to whom I have recommended them. Yours very truly, "J. h:. Hu<HM. I To Dr. Stedinan, London." THUS the public can always protect its children's interest by using a little ordinary care to insist 011 seeing the TRADE MARK (a Gum Lancet) before paying, as some vendors from inte- rested motives will impose on purchasers dangerous substitutes, and parents must take the responsi- bility on themselves of giving what may prove fatal to theirchiidren. Any evidence of deception will be thankfully received at 125, New North-road, Hoxton, London, Y, Price is. l £ d. (Nine Powders) and 2s. 9d. (27 powders). Trade JIark STEDMAN'S Trade Mark: A Gum Lancet. TEETHING POWDERS. A Gum Lancet. 1\11 E IJ L IN'S F ° 0 D FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. ELLIN'S J^IOOD. FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. E L L I N'S JjlOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. jyj- ELLIN'S p O O D, FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. TO BE OBTAINED FROM MESSRS. STRANAGHAN AND STEPHENS, 9, CABTLE-SIR.EET, CARDIFF, AND aLEBB-BTRBEX. PENARTH. (It.ølœ citnraL /"CURACY Wanted Crad. Eiimsrui?t.—Address H., VV Post-office, Cljrderwen, R.S.O., South Wales. 4011d WANTED, a Curate, Priest, bilingual, highly musical, for the Parish of St. Eride's Minor.—Apply to the Rector._ 3SS2zS CUiiACV Wanted! St. David's preferred: Lampeter graduate bilingual; experienced lay reader.—Apply I-'cctor, Llangranoz, Llandyssul. R.9.O. 341Sz4 j!>ttuatums Vacant f >Of v—Tobacconists.—Illustrated Guide, registered (13S X2 pages). How to commence from X20 to £ 2,000," three stamps.—H. Myers and Co., 107, 103, and 111, Euston- r«ad, London. LSUd MILLINER.—Wanted in a Monti), 1 food Hand to 1.J. Execute own Orders, and to Serve when requira- State ace. salary, references, and photo. to Wm. LewIs, Dr^.ppr. Tenby. 5S72z7 YJtT ANTEO immediately, good General Servant, not under » v IS: sood character.—Apply Mrs. Eeetlestone, Bsrry, cesr Card: If. 34SS;;4 CLERKS, Shop Assistants, and Young Men Wanted for c mnnerous Situations of all kinds, home, abroad, rail- ways, shipping, anù Civil Service. Vacancy List find particu- lars 3d, — Address Secretary, 3. Leander street. Liver* pool. 8774c ^ituatimisS "\T7"ANTED, by a Young Lady, Re-eczagement in Confec- » l'ectioner's or Grocer's Business; keep books.—Ai-nly A. S., Sta!iou-road, St. Ciear's. 244Cui.'2 c Crabelltr^ &r. /u) WEEKLY and Upward* mny ''t Easily and Honestly ot/^5 Ilo..Use4 by persons of Eitlur Sex, without hindrance to present occupation.or jwtrlicular-, £ e, encloito ..(,dr6S5::d envelope to Evans, Watts, and Company IP 71), Merchants. Birmingham. Tftis iF; genuine. l"S3d INrA.N-TLI). A.-eitts, Ac., to Sell our Ceiobratod Teas, iu » packets or !O(A:)lJo; also French Cotfees. Tho most pwi¡ta)J]e AA'CUC y in the trade.—Write to tlio Asam Tea COUlJ"my, 1:2. Upeer Tuarnes-strcct, London. li.hwt 1SU._ [ Lcl07 A GENTS, Uiauui-ers, and Otherr.—Engineers' Stores, Oilf, ..t, &;< for Mills, linsineers. Collieries. Ironworks, Ilaiivrays, Gasworks, Steamships, Ac.—Gentlenseu iu the i>osition to pro- cure or influence Orders are Larue eOlJJln;UIG1:, for Services.—Address, in confidence. X n, Western Mc. CartiiR. MAOJIIN1CRY OILS.—A Jons-ivtahHrhed and woll-knowa Firm of Luhricating Oil Mauufactarexs. whose Oils for i otu Land and Marine Purpwas are used by numy of the principal eoiisamers in tho United Kingdom, and abroad. Require a Representative in Cardiff and neighbourhood. Liber ill commission aud active support will be girer. to an Agent possessing the reiioisitc bubines connections.—Applica- tions, with references, recpieated to Y », IVceteni Hail OCce, Cardit:. A LI< who wi.«U to n:a(je_Money easily aud q' ly;t borne, J\. writa .3. jlaiTKy. 105. Crofcon-road. Lo^uon. S.E. | ■ I Monrp. I LENT PRIVATELY AT A FEW HUTjES I l.'f..L' NOTICE. A having a kirso uniount of capits.1, is I willing to Grant Advances, upon note oi hand, from £ V> to £ 1.0tto, at 5 per cent., to fileigymen. farmers, Hotel Pro- prietors. Lod::iD £ -hou.o Keopers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible pyrtoi:, male or female, in town or country (M'ii/ivut loaii o £ :e Distance no object, and so 1012;; as tbo interest is paid the c.ipital can remain. No Genuine application refused. All communications era treated strictly private.—Apply to the Actual Lender. H. llAluasos. Esq., S7, Yorit-road, Westminster, Lonilo11. _m- ;ft11!Õreilaneolls. I MILK.—From Ten to One Hundred Gal'ms Daily, de livered to an* part of 'Wales: al.;o any quantity of Fresh Butter weekly.—Apply to ü. S. Burrows, Wholesale D^irymic, A-briJge, So^pr. 22tll CVARElXoES.—Cheap, Substantial, Elosant." Send i>ariiculars of reeiuirements, A'fO or StctHtd-hsrsl.— Edward ltascrs and Company, Carriace Builders, Bris- tol. ilOlCd 37*011 tjale, a .splendid* now Omnibus, cr-mvicio til in aud two out; cany Incase.—Grittiths, Coaefetnsker, Ludlow. ll'ISiift MSTOTLE, couipicte, with ina.<ter-pit-c:e; nearly 400 pai'es; colom'ed plates i's. Cd., post frae; Cat:. 1ue, pai'es; colom'ed plates i's. Cd., post frae; Cat:. 1ue, one stamp.—Kerr, Mostyn-road, Morton, Surrey. C~IlRISTMAS BEEF.—For Sale, 30 Prime Fat Cattle.— Arply D. Thomas, Bailiff, Clcmcnstone. Bridgend. z7 ERNISH on our Neiv Hire System. Houses or Apart- ments corupJetely furnished on new system adopted solely by us, whereby ail publicity, exposure, and inquiries usually mado by other • ompanies sre dispensed with. We have an immense stock of Household Furniture of cheap aud superior quality. All coods sold on the Hire System at reidy-money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made; no bill of sale; everything private. Arrangements conipietsd without delsy, and, be in; manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, te.. at JO per cent, less than any 1,rice-li,t issued by any £ rm in Cardifl. Eleven thow- rertju's. Call an'l inspect our immeneo stock, imd compare ( prices before purchasinS eke where. Wo will supply £ £ > worth for 2s. (id. weekly; £ 10 worth, 4s. weekly; £ 15 worth for is. weekly • jgSO worth. C*. weekly, and so ou in proportion. Sjiec al terms lor "larger quantities. Please note the Address:—South Wales Furnishing Company, SI, Cr.stle-etrcst (opposite the Castle), Carouf. o-5'J READ» HEAD 11 READ!«! Charming Artistic: { Packet of Christmas Cards (i3) for stamps Is. lid. or Si for Is. ll'-d. Now, just buy and iud^e. If not satisfied with them stamps returned. Capital Game "Word Making and Word Taking." Every House- If not satisfied with them stamps returned. Capital Game "Word Making and Word Taking." Every House- hold in the land should have it; the very tiling tor social Scud stuinps* Is. for one* ^3. otl, for two, j boi»s. post free.—Add ess "Game," c&ro of IVetUl-j .V-ui, Ciiruiff. Order at once. Write distinctly. §1?^, OB LOT.—100 dozen ivory-handle Table Knives for imme diate Sale, full-size noble table cutlery. Large, 8s. 6d.; small, 6s. 6d. ner down; Carvers, 3s. 6d. per pair; plated Spoons und Forks. 10s. Gd. dozen. Samnle knife, pont free, 8;«i. (-atol' gups post- fivf nf viie salvage recovered from the iut-J lire :.T (AW'HV. MK'I Garrou's. consisting; of cutlery, iron- mongery, chamois leathers, sponges, floor-cloth, b.T..s, and portmunteaus.S. Got?, IS. Kiug-street, Bedford street, Covent-garden, London. LMc CLIFTON. r^LA^ND^njoITLEGIATE SCHOOL J FOR LADIES, WHITE LADIKS'-ROAD, CLIFTON, Two minut[;3'wal!> from tue Botins. Principal, Sirs. MAYNAltD. All the Candidates pr;sei:t«d at the various Public Examinations (Cumbridge, Edinburgh, &c.,) during the present and past years have been successful. One-third of all the pupils in the V pper School obtained Certificates from the College of Preceptors in Jane last, having suc- ceeded ill every subject taken. There is a Junior De- partment for Gab from seven years of age and upwards. The Upper School is for those whose ages vary irom 12 to 20.— Keferencss kindly permitted to You. Archdeacon Biuut (Chaplain ta the Queers), Scarborough; Rev. R. Glover, Clifton; nev. U, K. Thomas, Clifton; and the Parents 01 past and present pupils. Half Term commences November 4. W~ EST PARK IIOTJSI; "WEST W PARK, CLIFTON. PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN Established more than 50 Years. Young Gentlemen, from 6 to 14 years of age, are received as Boaraers or Day Pupils. Preparation" for Clifton College or auy other Public School. Special Tuition for any Examination. For Prospectus, Reference^, Ac,, address— 8745o AilSS E. KOPERSON. T) ATHMORE, PEMBROKE ROAD, 1\ CLIFTON. EDUCATION rOil THE DAUGHTERS OF GENTLEMEN. Special attention to Modern Languages. Preparation for Local and li. A.M. Exams. Eminent Professors and C3rtHica.t£d English and Foreign Governesses. Principal—?.IES. KINCHIN, 8747c HEEErOED, EREFORD LADIES' COLLEGE JB..6. COMPANi.7 (LIMITED). ESTABLISHED 1866. This Institution has been founded for the purpose of giving a sound Education at a Modcl"oI.te Cost. The county of Hereford is celebrated f<r its salubrity, and excellent masters lor accomplishments are engaged. FEES. Boarders under 12 years oi age 25 guineas pc. annum. Boa1:riers above 12 „ 50 „ „ For prospectuses apply to Mrs. JACOB, the Lady Principal, Hereford, "or to the Secretary, Mr. Edward Maddison, Ledbun-. £ 373 i?ottIs, Sining Scorns, &x. BRISTOL. THE VICTORIA COFFEE TAVERN, j HIGH-STEEET, BRISTOL, Next to Wall's Universal Parcel Office, and nefcr til Market and Post Oihce. UPSTAIliS DIVING-BOOM, DINNERS FROM 7D. CHOPS AND STEAKS, GOOD BEDS. NOTE THE ADDRES3. F8428c NDE AN'S S W A N HOTEL, 52, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL. (An Old Welsh House.; Thiõ old-established Hotel is situated in the very centre of the City. It has been thoroughly renovated, and is now unequalled for Comfort, combined with the utmost Moderation in Chargrs. HOT A1H ID COLD LUNCHEONS. TEAS AND SUPPERS. GOOD BEDS. 8671c HENRY BOULTON, PROfniEMB. LONDON AND BRIGHTON, JJ AXELL'S HOTELS. LONDON AND BRIGHTON ONLY. They are scarcely one hour's distance from each other. Their severa.lllitua.tiOJll! are world known. The London Hotel ia the best part of the West Strand. The Brighton Hotel facing the saa, every Room com- manding it.. The Tariffs of both Hotels are the same :—Apartments, 211. 6d.; Drawing-roeai, with Bedroom, eJ1 suite, 10s. 6d.; H:s.6d.; Visitors, enpcnsion, IGa. 6d. Daily. No extras whatever. The best breakfast table and table d'hote ia Loudon and Brighton. Jfcvery room in outu Hotels being ^otected by The HtrdeH "SiAF" Hand-Grcnade Fira Extinguisher, it is impossible that any serious aceicieut can occur. 8:¡ï¿c KE ALL'S AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS, at l/H; 2/9, 4/6, aud 1. MAN DRAKE I The great remedy for Bit- PILLS MANDRAKE ioua and Liver Complaints, In- PILLS MANDRAKE gestion, Piles, Gravel, and the PILLS MAM DRAKE greatest Blood Purifier of the PILLS MANDRAKE age. PILLS MANDRAKE TESTIMONIAL. PILLS MANDRAKE I Mr.Ke:vll, Maindee. PILLS MANDRAKE <i\r,—1 consider your American PILLa MANDRAKE Mandrake Pills to be the greatest PILLS MANDRAKE success the world has ever PILLS MANDRAKE known.—1 am, sir, yours faith- PILLS MANDRAKE fully, F. H. HEWSON. PILLS MANDRAKE Coleman, Chemist, CiirdiCf; PILLS MANDRAKE Itobb, Cr.emist, Roath Young, PILLS MANDRAKE Chemist, Newport Hay man, PILLS MANDRAKE Chemist, Neath Newberry and PILLS MANDRAKE Son, London. PILLS MANDRAKE Proprietor — Mr. KEALL, PILLS MANDRAKE Proprietor — Mr. KEALL, PILLS MANDRAKE I Chemist and Dentist, 198, High- PILLS MANDRAKE I street, Swansea. iC'loi PILLS Post Free, with Sketches and Details for Self-Cure 1 (under cover), 6 stamps. From J. WILLIAMS, 22, Marischal-street, I Aberdeen. THE POCKET MEDICAL ADVISER. j FOR the Self-Treatment of JS'errouj ami Functiol1::l ,¿ilme;¡fs, induced bt, Occr- vcrk. Worry, Excesses, and other enervating influences, aud their Associated Evih, BY THE NEW LOCAL TREATMENT. A boon to ail deriring Belf-cure without re- course to physic or the family doctor.—llezical Review. 61. Country Farson writes thus :—" YauT Guide has cured myself ald, nanyparishioners." SuFFKEElis from any malady should procure this handy Reteree oil Various Ailment; and thus avoid doctor's fees an jcbjfctionabltimeaicine. -Gazciu. t j GLAZED MANILLA A B T li I J) G E LABELS IN 6HEAT DEMAND. These labels arc considerably Cheaper than Cloth oriet', are well finished, possess tie merit "f b»ing easy to write upon, and being made from Vegetable Fibre specially lor Labels, can be recommended ts a tough article that will standanaverageamoui.t üi aamp. DANIEL OWES AND CO. (LIMITED" STEAM PRINTING WORKS, CARDirF, MAKERS OF LUGGAGE LABELS, DIRECTION LABELS, SAMPLE LABELS, CLOTH LABELS. PARCHMENT LABELS, Labels of all kinds, to Pattern er Order. Printed or Plain, ct the above Works. 21689 JM PROVED "r A TE;HPROOF rjlARPAULINS Will not Stick or Crack, aud every Cover guaranterd the sice ordered. LAliGE BTOCK ALWAYS ON HAND, OR SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER, IN BLACK OR YELLOW. ALL OITPEUS CAEISIAGX PUD, SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR QUANTITIES. Please Note lhe exact Address A. M. PAR;<AL1" Late E. PARNALL and SONS. 1*2, VICTORIA-STREET, BRISTOL (Near the Railway Station). 8746o E. GIBBS, THE "OLD CASTLE" TOBACCO, CIGAR, AND PIPE STORLS. 33, CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL. TOBACCONISTS' AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS' AND RETAILERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. Fine Counter Sbr.g, 3s 2J and 3s 6d per lb.; Birdseye, 3at:d Returns, 4s 4d Mixture. EsM Gold Flake, -<s4d Cut Cavewiish, 3s 6u, Franklin's, Wilis', Archer's, Biggs', Ringer's, Lambert and Butler's, Huciden's, Ogden's, and other Makers, at Manufacturers' Prices and Discount. Irish Roil, 3s 2d and 3s tICi per lb. Pigtail, 3s 5d Caven- dish. 3e 5d; Target, 3s 7d and 4s Sweet. Cavendish, ts 4d. Snuff—Scotch, is 6d per lb. Welsh, 4s 3d. Cigars, from 4s 6d to 603a Box. Pipes—Clays, irom &d a Gross Woods, from 2e 6d a Gro^s. Tobacconists' Requisites, a Full Stock. Stock, etc. Purchased. Businesses Bought and Bold. N.B.—Cash with Order. S76i»c A PHYSICIAN'S GIFT. A TREATISE ON NERVOUS DEBILITY, I With Words of Warning and Counsel. The Young Man's Medical Guicü. on the Object and TO BB I Obligations of Marriage, the Causes and Cure of Nervous Diseases. Loss of Energy, Dim- I ness of Sight, &c, (often the result of igno- GIVEN ranee of Nature's laws), with Practical In- structions hov; to acquire health and maniy vigour, secure healthy life, and avoid unhappv AWAX. uuions, siclöly offsprings, exhaustion, and pre- mature old age, Ac. Sent free for two stamps, —Address Secretary, 7, Tavistock-street, Bed- ford-square, London, [S661c DANIEL OWEN AND CO.'S ABC RAILWAY TIMJI T AS LSI, th* »nly ons FU. tsksd in Wales. rice Is ks. (Wrr alum. :r«« by past- Kt. I^ar>-su'a«t Cardiff. I | ——: i IN OF Qj IMITATIONS OF A U r-i NQICMM ¡ ¡ Which are calculated to deceirc the Public, I Lea & PERKINS teg te draw attention to the fact that each Bottle of the Original aua (itiiuiuj WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE j bears their Signature, thus—- I c.> j I^^Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester Crosse and Eluckwdl, Loudon aiid Expvn Oilmen generally. He tail, by Dealers in Sauces throughout the World. I — — ——- —— I — — ——- —— i — =^1— '^3 |pR.j.C0LU8 BROWNE'S QHLORODYNE THE ORIGINAL. AND Ii ONLY GENUINE. REFINE iMixATic^au Is the best remedy known For Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, and Asthma. Eft'ectuaily cl;ecks and arrosts those too often fatal diseases — Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, f^S Ague. Acts like a charm in Diarrh oca, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. Effectually cuts short attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Paipitation, and Spasms. Is the only palliative for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &c. A FEW DOSES QUITE EFFECTUAL. CAUTION _The extraordinary medical reports on the efficiency of CHLOKODYNJ1 rende-. it of vital importance that the public "should obtain the ONLY GENUINE, which bears the words- "DR. J. COLLIS BEOWNE'S CHLGKODYNE." Vice-Chancellor Wood stated that Dr. J-. Coibs Browne was undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne^ Sold in Bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. MANUFACTURER 13. T. DiYEjiPORT -ITICIAL Z-h-3EL KICKOIiSON'S Patented ART'IFICIATj EA.S JSSenreDEAFNESS ia ail stagee. Tberaost^stonisinnEcaseiiiarebeeacurod. Patectet.andtoloin «J1 civilit«a countries of the world. Seni three skimps ior 100-iwee oook. cont mi? a TaAaa^WMiyou DaaXaesE, Illustrations oi tre Drcas, Copies of Patent*. f' Editors, ^r.d cthn men of prommrtio* wao h&ve ocea carea by t^e c^br^e DKOatS# j and who taEspitaaareiniecommendinctnem. A »cry in^ares.ine booi.. ISam. tja /gjjF Addrtss J. II, NICEOLSCN, 15, CAMDEN PARK RD, LONDON, K.W. ADOPTED BY THE LONDON SCHOOL BOARD. SILVER MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL HEALTH EXHIBITION, 1SSI. JOHNSTON'S COPY BOOKS, SEVENTEEN BOOKS AT 2d. EACH. "The paper is excellent; the copies are printed from plates with beautiful accuracy and effect. *nd the set! of books are altogether notable for hi^n quality aad full and conscientious adaptation of means to the purpote is haad."—The bckool Board Chritaiae. t j •• Wonderfully useful to those who are entrusted with the education of the youcg. —Western Mail. ON APPLICATION A. COMPLETE SET Of THE SERIES WILL MC FORWARDED FRMM TO ANT SCHOOL BOARD. WHOLESALE from WALKEY, THOMAS, AND OO. (LIMITED), CARDIFF RETAIL FKOM.DANIEL OWEN AND CO. (LIMITED). CARDIFF ESTABLISHED 186&. 13 U K M A N of WINE-STREET, BRISTOL. I THREE GUINEA SILVER ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES, 1 Capped, Jewelled, Hall-marked, and Warranted for Five Years. THE FINEST SELECTION IN BRISTOL or WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS, 9, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL. NOTICE. AETZMANN AND CO. DECEASE OF A MEMBER OF THE FIRM. I OETZMANN and CO. are now SELLSG their Immense and Varied BTOCK, bv Direction of the Executors, at I CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES, With a view to the Re-construction of the Business on an Improved Basis. The STOCKS now being < h'ered comprise an immense j assortinei't, of superior aud well-seasoned CABINET FURNITURE of the Newest Designs. Handsome Lounges and J Blankets, QuiRs,Sheetings Cphoistered Goods, J l enders, Fireirons, Chimney Glasses, I Table Cutlery aud Electro j Overmantels, 1 Piate, Girandoles, Brackets, Lani^s, Chandeliers, Bedsteads, Bedding, Clocks, Bronzes, Pictures, Carpets, Rugs, Vases, Linoleum, Dinner, Dessert, Tea, and Bedsteads, Bedding, Clocks, Bronzes, Pictures, Bedsteads, Bedding, Clocks, Bronzes, Pictures, Carpets, Rugs, Vases, Linoleum, Dinner, Dessert, Tea, and Curtains and Curtain Toilet Services, Materials, Table Glass, Ac. Table Covers, Table Linen, | PARTICULARS OF SALE POST FREE, Orders sent per post receive prompt and faithlul attention. Q E T Z M A N N AND 0 O 67,69, 71, 73, 75. 77, acd 79, HAMPSTEAD-ROAD 'NEAR TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD AND GOWER- I STREET STATION). Illustrated Catalogue, the Lest Furnishing Guide Extant, Post Irse. LCii i Establish-* nearly Halt a fOICTURE FRAME Century. MAKERS, CABINET 'MAKERS, GLASS DEA- ■ ;LLliS, BUILDERS, and (others are invited to send PmPIM llTU *-V tor Samples and Price List |^HlLliL»I\lA. of our jarge variet>r of Enir. • JL- iish and German MOULD- jliSGS. OLEOG RAl'itS, AND CO., 'CHEOMOS, and LOOKING I 7, KEDCLIFF-STREET, jGLASi:'1;'S' í The Largest Stock in the 1 BKISTOL. ;West of Engiandof Foreign | jG'ass a", exceptionally low Samples of Motilaing*, Only address as above.ana any specimen Show I and no connection with anylCard framed and returned » other establishment. tt'rrc of cost. S-'o £ a j j WHEN YOD ASK FOR | RECEITT'S BLUE I SEE THAT YOU GET IT. j R' ECKITT'S BLUE If seel in the J PRINCE Or WALES'S LAUKrEY. R1 ECKITT'S BLUE Beware cf Bad Imitations. See EEC CI ITS j NAME on every Wrtpper. 30'ioc | KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS.— If you suCer from Headaches, Bilious Com- ( i plaints, Indigestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, or Tic- 1 Doioreux, trv KERNICK'o VEGETABLE PILLS, They are easy"to swallow, being very small; require .o I confinement indoors, strengthen the system, ana have been tried by thousands, who pronounce t-hexa to be the | Dest Medicir.e in the World. | ] Testimonial from J. Balbirnie, Esq., M.A., M.D., • Lecturer on "Physiology," author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &3. I have examined the Pills known a? Kernick's j Vegetable piJls: I certify their composition to be ■ purely Vege.abI8: I hiive also tried tfcrir effect, and j j consider them one of the best Aperient Pilis for Consti- j ] pated Habits that I knew of. j (Signed) JOHK BALBIB.MK, M.A., M.D." Thousanas of other testimonials equally gratifying might be published. KERNICK'S FILLS give energy to the system, need no spsscial rules with regard to diet, i and areV.niveisally dcciarr-d to be the best medicine of I j the kind ever discovered. Sold in Eox-s at 25, e IF. Hd., and each, by most respectable Chemists aud Druggists iu England anc the Colonies, with nirec- tior.s for restorinK and preserving health. ER NICK 'S VEG E7rABL.E WOEM! LOZENGES.—These Lozenges are the most J efficacious remedy ever introduced for WORMS. Being innocent in their character, they may jto taken •bi" children of all degrees anc. conditions wish perfect safety. They a.e nawt useful tor children of delicate stoumchs and P* com- pleiion, as they strengthen the system by giving an appetite. If Met here only knew the value of those Lozenges, nr> family would be without a Box. Sold by most respectable Chemists, ill VJu. and Is. ijd. Boxes, The above celebrated Medicines are sold YV hoiesale by any London or Provincial Wholesale house. or direct ôi the Sole Proprietors, KEItNlCK and SON. CardilX. j NORTON'S DEOBSTRUENT AND RESTORATIVE FEMALE PILLS, RESTORATIVE FEMALE PILLS. Are a Sovereign Remedy for all Obstructions and Irregularities of the Female System, and may be safely depended upon for efficacy and gentleness of action. The large and increasing sale of these Piils are a proof ot their woith. Can be obtained oniy of the maker, C. B. S. NORTON. CONSULTING CHEMIST. 72, CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL. j Prices, Sd.. la. 1 ia., and 2s. 3d. per box. 8771c O1 N SOdAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES OF MAN. AddreKsed spec!ally to Young Men, with advice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks. Send one stamp to prepay postage. Admlzss SECRETARY, INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY I BIRMINGHAM. LØ 20,000—TESTIMONIALS—20,000. SEND for ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET, 112 Pagsc, Post Free for Two Stamps, A FIVE (IUINEA ENGLISH 0 SILVER LEVER for £ 3/^=^3 tht BEST VATC3 IN ENGLAND, ,L& Less tbaa Wholesale Price. Wi-!Tt TO THE KANUFACTLREBS STEWART DAWSON & CO., LIVERFOOL. STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF & COMPANY, ROLE MANUFACTURERS, [Soft 29, REDCLIFF-STREET, ERISTOL. FOR HORSES.COWS, CALVES, SHEEP, DOGS, Ac.—CORNER'S PINE'S DEVONSHIRE OiLS C-AXNOT BE SUKPASSII; FOR GALL4. BROKEN K>iEES, SPRAINS, SWELLINGS; INFLAMMATIONS (external or interna.!) COvv S after CAIVING to bring off the Cleaning, SWOLLEN UDDERS, and tor SHXEP iu LAMBING, Ac. Established b5 Years.—Promptly used is ttnequBllea for any external or internal Ailment, or Accident Id Horse, Cow, Sheep, or Dog. A :Lue EMBROCATION for Broken Knees, Galls. Chaps, Bruises, Swellings, In- 1iarmr1iltions, bprajns, Lameness. Sprung Tendons, Ac. All should keep them.—oold evervw-hcre, 2s. wine e si:«..Sjt/j;?- master ad oy'ttie DEVONSHIRE COMPOUND. (Neverjails, and a distinct, preparation.; 2s.. ttio by post 4s. 6d.—CC^RISER'S FAMILY EMBRO- CATIOS. for Cold- in the Chest, Rheumatism, Chil- blains, Accidents, A: price Is. l £ d.—Manufactory, Wellington, fcuniorse: o.41c IF YOU FEAR DISEASE is lurking in your blood, or if suffering from NERVOU8 DEBILITY, Lowness of Spirits, Tiembiing of Hands and Limbs, Loss of Memory. Failing Apnetite, 50 | Indigestion, Love of Solitude, Unfitness YEARS tor "Society, Study, or Business, Con- PRACXICE. sumption, ic., Ac., apply or write without (lday to Mr. SJ.UTH. (former partner 01 Dr. Kahn, of London). Professional Residence To'WE 11 LANL", Broad-street, BRISTOL. Attendance Daily until 10 at tiiglil: Ah Letters promptly replied to. Charge? Modrrate. Trsa.tment- Mttd. Sure, and Elhc^ciou;. ii?79e B L A I R S j THE GREAT REMED1 H U o j FOR GOUT, RHEUMA- i TiSM, SCIATICA. AND LUMBAGO. j The exci ucia iiij; pain is j quic»ly relieveu and cured TT r in a few days bythisceie- 0 *• j braicd Medicine. j These Piils require no | restraint of diet during their use, and are certain to 1 prevent the disease attack- t | ing any vital part. T) I L L J T. ,:L by all Chemists at I 8564c l Is. 1-jd. and 2s. 9d. per box rpOWLE'S PENNYROYAL and STEEL I PILLS for FEMALES quickly correct all irregu- larites and relieve the distressing symptoms so preva- lent with the se*. Boxes Is. l^d. and 2s. 9d., of ah chemist". Sent anywhere for lb or 34 etansps by t is Lincoln and Counties Drug Co., Lincoln.— Beware of Imitations. OIOJC TOCKY E R^S SULPHUR HA IS RESTORER. 1 'dE TEiEST. MEBArEST. TEE CHEAPESI. RESTOBBS THE NATURAL COLOUR TO GREY HAl £ < ^INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED GREYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE. Removes Scurf, and Causes New Hair to Grow. Large Bottles, Is. Gd. Sold Everywhere. TDEPPEirS QUININE and PEPPER'S QUININE and FOP. GAINING TRON TONIC, ST REN G I'H, 1 Rouses develops the nervous energies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels ifilgour sliie. depression fortities the organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, indigestion, fevers, chcsr aflectlons and wasting diseases. Ac. The whole frame is greatly invi- gorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faculties brightened, and tiie constitution great.v strengthenes. HoniM. 32 doses, 4t. 6i. Sold by Chemists everywhere. Insist upon bavin:; Pepper's T"mc. 'AX- TARAXACUM and 1 A UVRR WITHOUT -pODOPHYLLIN MEDICINE. ME,T*.UK\.JL The symptoms oi iiver derangement—headache, for. piuity, costiveness, llatulence, heartburn, sense ni over- repletion, slwuider puins, rcpugnance to food, genera.' discomfort and depression—are quickly d.spelled by TARAXACUM and PODOPHYLLUM, a fluiu extract o; medicinal roots, preparcu solely by J. pepper, Bedfora 's Laboratory, London. Insist on having the correct pre- paration. Bottles. 2a. 9d. ana 4s. 6d. bold by Chemist* everywhere. DISEASES OF THE HAIR AND SCALP. SCALP. Mr. HADDINOTE Ciil EJB (of the Hospital S', Louis, Paris), may 1 consulted personally, or by letter, at hi? residence, £ 5, ^ew Cavendish-street LO*J- don, W., between the hours of 10 and 12 a.m., and k, and 4 p.m. daily. Premature Baldness, greyness, specially treated. jj_L~KTf u"rb J N J E C T 1 O N~ HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PPESERTATITE. Cures promptly, without additional means, all recent or chronicdischa'rgesof the urinary organs. Price4s.6c;. per bottle. So.a in Paris by .1 .Ferre- successor to BrorO. Pharmacien,102, Rue Richelieu ;in Londonby WILCOX and CO., 239, Oxford-street, W., who will forward it' free by Parcels post, tb any part of the U nited Kinfc dom ou receipt of P.O.O. Also bv all Cbcniete. •