Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

17 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



COOKING LESSONS FOR WORKING MEN'S V/IYES. By Mrs. Helpful- ircthing lovelier can be found In woman than to »tudy household good, Aud ood works in her husband to promota. L II I.HK USK3 AND ABUSES OF TIXXEO MK.VTS. Many people are greatly prejudiced against tinned meats, vegetables, and fruits, and 1 Ibiiilc nobody could be more so than I wan until about two year ago, when a friend asked me to dinner, the bill of fare being as follows:- 1st, salmon cooked like my second recipe; 3nd, beef done as i advise in my present recipe: 3rd, curried rabbit; and 1th. a jovely pudding made of dried apple rings and trusts of bread and tops of loaves. Then for jessert a dish of tinned apricots. I was tstonisbed to find that all these dishes were made from tillned or preserved stuff. 1' am now as great an advocate of them ps I used to be an opponent. I asked )V friend to tell me exactly how she prepared the dinner, and having made a similar dinner myself to the entire satisfac- tion of my friends, I can now recommend all you working men's wives, for whose benefit I am writing, to try my recipes, which I have most conscientiously tried to make lucid and valuable. I wrote two or three reoipes to the Weekly Mail, signed I, Mair Arfon," a year or o ago, and, as I cannot improve upon them, I repeat them in this lesson SAVOURY DISH OF TINNED 3EKF. Take one pound tin of beef, one i--11,. of suet. one pound of dour, salt, pepper, parsley, one onion, and a bit of butter the size of a walnut, Make a pudding paste with the suet chopped very fine and the flour, add a pinch of salt, and mix well together with cold water. Batter a basin, line it with the paste about jialf an inch thick, reserving a piece for the top. Chop the beef up finely, adding to it a teaspoonful of salt aud a dash of pepper. Now chop up enough parsley, lbyme, and onion, together with the butter yid a tablespoonful of finely-sifted bread- Irtinibs, to fill a small teacup. Put a layer of chopped beef into your lined basin, sprinkle the stuffing over, another layer of beef, and so on. until the basin is full, when pour in half a teacupful of water or gravy put on the paste-top fiour well a pudding cloth, tie it over the top of the basin, plunge the whole into boiling water, and take it up, done, in tootir. HOW TO MAKE A TIN OF SALMOX GO A LONG WAY AND LOOK NICK. Cut off the brown part of a penny bun and finely crumble the v/hite. With a spoon mix well all the salmon and crumbs together (the liquid to be mixed with it), add half a teaspoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, a squeeze of lemon, the yolk of one egg (reserving the white), and beat all well up. Then get a tablespoon, givase it well, and slip off into a buttered flat tin dish a spoonful of the mix- ture. Do this until all "is used. beat up the reserved white of the eg-g and brush lightly over ca-Ii little pat. l'nt in a rather quiek oven for about ten minutes. Garnish with parsley. ANOTHER NICK SALMON DINNER. a tin of salmon, and ten minutes before you want it dished up put it into a saucepan of boiling water up to about half an inch of the tin. Before you do this, how- ever, pour of ahon two tablespoonfuls of the liquor, to be used for making the following sauce, which has to b* poured over the fish when it is dished up. The saimon does not want any more cooking, so only put the saucepan over, and not on, the tire, just to warm it up. To nuke the sauce, make a sonoo, h flour paste in the basin into which your saimon liquor was pouted; add a heaped teaspoonful of finely chopped parsl'-y, a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, nd either a teaspoonful of anchovy sauce, York- shirl) rdish, or vinegar..Mix ail together well in the basin, pour about a teacupful of boiling water on to the mixtuie, gently stirring it about until quite mixed give it a boii for five minutes in a skillet, stirring all around all the time; pour over the salmon, and serve with potatoes boiled and tossed until they are like balls of enow. Of course, a tin of preserved I)-as would greatly im- prove this dinner. 'i hey are managed) tttis: --l)raiii the peis carefully into a basin of waier (cold), with a teaspoonful of salt; leav.3 them in until you bave a skilleM'til of boiling water, into which a sprig of mint and a pinch of moist or a lump of loaf sugar is put; boil quickly for about six minutes; drain, add a bit of butter as big as a small nut, and a da<h of pepper, and shake well up. i\"w this is a nice pudding to eat after this good dinner. call it L-CDDIXG SA NT, .Becaiu-e I iiret made it and liked it on a St. David's Day.« a small pie-dish with j light pastry, and nut it on otto side until you bav- prepared the following mixture — Melt one •mt!ce of butter, beat up the, yolks of two eggs (reserving the whites), pound two ounces of y.hite snpar, anl and chop tinely bail ?u ounce of sweet almonds grate the rimi »r.d sf^neeze out the juice of half alemcn. Pu' H1; these ingredients into a lined stew- pan and stir them over ihe fire until they are Oil fh- point of, but not quite, boiling. Pour in.o h;, lined pic-di.^h and bake until the pust-i is done. Beat up the whites of the eggs a frothy snow and add to the pud- j di before taking it out of the oven. | Strew a little powdered sugar over it.






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