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FEMININE FANCIES, FOIBLES, AND FASHIONS. BY "MURIEL." ALL BIGHTS RESER V ED.; ABOUT FURS. Fur is the leading feature of this season's trimming, and Persian lamb and astrachan furs-these not being identical, as generally supposed-are introduced whenever possible. Dresses show a liberal amount of this trim- ming. Millinery and mantles are a mass of it; and just now, during the drapers' sales, is the time for picking up odd lengths of this expen- sive fur. Unlike sable, good imitations of Persian lamb are not uncommon. The glossy appearance of the skin is the desirable feature and true test of the real fur, and on close inspection the deficiency is apt to be apparent, but at a fair distance a good imitation passes muster fairly well. I prefer long-haired furs always they appear more graceful, and they suggest greater warmth and elegance. Last,also, and yet by no means least, long hair furs are more becom- ing to the oomplexion than those which may be called short furs. Bear, both dark and light shades, is becoming. Lynx, skunk, stone-martin—these, with, of course, Imperial sable, are all to be commended. Nor must I forget the fur of the Arctic fox, nor even the humbler skin of the home-grown badger. The fleece, too, of the homely sheep, blanched to abnormal whitness, and crinkled according to taste, is comfortable-looking, so long as it retains its normal purity. 1 write normal," but chronology here dates no further back than the day when the sheep's coat took on its abnormal glorification-a condition, by the way, which soon lends itself to the influence of adverse olimates. I hear that minever and ermine are coming in again, but London is not quite so pure of atmosphere as it was when last these furs were in vogue. Perhaps no fur is really so durable and becoming as seal. It lends the same soft bloom to the face as velvet. In order to meet the purses of such as incline to seal and cannot lay out 30 or 40 guineas for a long coat, short seal jackets have been much patronised; seal muffs and oapes have been very largely patronised also. Capes are very fashionable, and many of the new jackets have over or cape sleeves, the circular three- quarter shapfji being gathered round the neck. HOW INDISCREET. I observe that many toilets prepared for early spring are lined with chamois leather, and so soon as extra oovering may be left off, or even before, the cape is sure to be dis- carded. Even in the bitter weather now pre- vailing one occasionally sees some rabid creature abroad with nothing exoept her gown and underwear upon her shoulders. Such women, however, are really fond of dispersing small, inconsequent tufts of astrachan, which oan, in scarcely any way, tend to advance bodily temperature. w w • MORE ECCENTRICITY. Plain or shaped bands of fur are worn at the edge of gowns. Usually there is an elaborate design above the border. For dress materials there are cloths on which are woven large spots of astraohan, and others show ragged-looking tufts of camel hair. # # # THE COLOURS OF THE HOUR. Grey promises to be much favoured, as it was during many recent springs, but it is now being manu- factured in lovely velvet-like clotbo, or very light tones of grey. Tan and emerald green are favourite combinations so too are heliotrope and green, and golden brown and yellow tan. • • BOAS AND MUFFS. Boas are far more conspicuously worn than last year. A good-sized oollarette, with long stole shape ends, is not so smart-looking, but a more sensible article of dress, Large fur muffs have nearly superseded the fancy muffs, which need to be considered smart if match- ing a bonnet or hat. THE RAGE IS FOR JEWELLED EMBROIDERY. The new materials for evening wear are jewelled with, spurious gems and also enriched with tinsel threads —gold or silver, as may be. Silk nets, which are altogether costly, are fur- ther covered with silk floral embroidery. Sprays of mignonette, detached violets, pansies, and poppies also are wonderfully effective worked on the surface ef the net with appropriate foundation of coloured silk. Then Kussian silk spot net in various colours, including notably yellow, pale blue, pink, white, and pale green, makes up well over self-coloured satin or silk founda- tion skirts, the spots on the net giving a pleasant glancing in accordance with the movement of the wearers. 4 WRAPS FOR THE YOUNG Inexpensive wraps for young girls can be made of circular cloth capes reaching to the waist or below it. They are set into a pointed yoke at the neck, and are made with high Medioi collars, lined ostrich feather trimmings. The cape is usually lined with soft silk sarcenet or other material. < AVOID EXCESS. A vast qu&ntity of turquoise embroidered nets are worn, and there are similarly embroidered nets, laoes, and fringes to make up in connection, but in utilising such pro- duots one must be oareful of running into excessi to which temptation one is much ex- posed. One is attracted by the novelty of these new jewelled nets, and until the dress is complete in every part we hardly realise how glittering, and somewhat meretricious, the effeot of it will be. > ALL THIS SEEMS TO POINT TO THE CRINOLINE, I think there is no question as to whether flounoes will be worn in the spring. Even now ,that fabrics for winter wear are too thick to lend themselves to much drapery, there are signs that the future holds a change in the direction of more volu- minous fashions. For instance, are not flounces almost at our doors ? At present they are kept quite narrow in many instances, but moderation does not end at three flounoes near the feet. I have seen several new dressei made with flounoes extending to the waist; and one or two gowns appeared quite at home, so to speak, in three flounoes, the upper cording of the upper flounce being set in with the gathers. I confess I shall not easily reconoile myself to this radical ohange, more particularly for the reason that it is not a universally becoming fashion but years back I suppose flounoes were as much favoured as plain skirts are now. So far, well, but does not distension by one means suggest a deoided tendency towards expansion by any means ? How LOVELY! One of the loveliest evening toilets I have eeen was about to be sent home to its intended wearer-a member of the aristocraoy. The material was pale yellow silk, embroidered in gold and silver flowers. Diamonds and tea roses served to trim the bodioe-a lovely com- bination, but the most delightful, unlike the rival gem, was by no.means imperishable. <t How DOES THIS STRUíB You ? I must confess T see a pleasant com- promise between the street dress now so inoonvenient, yet so general, and that recom- mended by Mrs. Charles Handcock. Amelia Bloomer went too far. Lady Harberton not so; and yet, to a great majority, she failed to commend altogether the improvements in the dress of her sex. But there is a wide difference between the bold adoption of a skirt five inohes from the ground and one that necessitates raising by means of the hand, thus hampering move- ment and freezing the fingers. Surely the dress skirt worn by young women in the country, when taking daily walking exeroise, is sensible enough for all reasonable purposes. Mrs. Handcock's rational costume comprises a warm, short, undivided slárt, worn above knickers of tweed to match the gown, these being lined with red flannel. The skirt is lined with mackintosh to some depth, and worn over gaiters reaching the knee. The gaiters take from the appearance somewhat, but they add considerably to the warmth. I have seen that Mrs. Handcock has all th. courage of her opinions, and in the streets, olad in the costume she advocates, Mrs. Handoock looks by no means a bad pioneer to follow. QUEENLY Gossir. I think all loyal folk, whether they be per- sons or personages, will like to know what- ever yet there remains to be knewn of our good Queen. Some Reminiscences of Royalty, by Madame Albani," which has just appeared in the Ladies' Home Journal, contain some ebarming anecdotes of the affability and kindness of the Royal lady, as shown to the great musician whom it pleases Queen Vic- toria to treat on such terms of equality as are permitted between Sovereign and subject. Madame Albani tells us that the Queen continues to speak of a posy of flowers as a nosegay," which the gracious lady con- descends to gather for her hostess. The Queen also takes her tea—often two cups— from the same lady all service except of affection being dispensed with. # # EXHIBITION TREASURES. Now that the exhibition of the Royal House of Guelph is in the New Gallery—the former quarter of the Houses of Stuart and Tudor severally—we very naturally hope to discover something more about the same Hoyal House of Guelph, but certain reserva- tions with regard to the reigning dynasty are oertaintobemade. Having been very seriously indisposed, I have ouly been able to make a few cursory notes in relation to the collec- tion on view. I will, however, give more detailed information shortly. It will take some time to look through most of the things, and it is an emharras de richesses. I noticed among the articles on view the harpisoord from which melodious Handel drew forth his immortal strains (it resembles a rather old- fashioned piano); the pocket-book of John Keats; the eye-glasses, or at least one pair of those, worn by F.M. the Duke of Wellington; Dr. Johnson's simple writing desk Nelson's ohaii, onoe on board the guardship Victory; and the fatal weapon wherewith Lord Byron slew Mr. Chatworth. The Royal Gallery contains all the family portraits painted for or contributed to the exhibition. The autograph collection in the baloony will form a most interesting part of the relios. # CPHISTHASTIDE REVELS, Mr. Augustus Harris's show is one that no young oreature should misa yet enjoyment is by no means limited to persons in their sixties any more perhaps than in their six- teens. The oharming old tale of Beauty and the Beast" is splendidly got up, and Lady Dunlo, as Beauty, draws a considerable number by her personal attractions and life's romance alone. The only fault I find with a London pantomime is that it is too long—a fault that enthusiasts can by no possible means discover. But I have heard it allowed on better authority that it is quite possible to have too much of a good thing, and the more than delighted Juveniles are often a little the worse for pro- longed exoitement next day. But such ex- citements are wholesome compared with those provided at another popular place of enter- tertainment m the West End. I allude to Madame Tussaud's. Three times during Boxing Day was it found essential for public safety-- not to mention the safety of the waxwork property—to close the doors, and so keep those outside waiting until room for entranoe had been made. I heard that this embarrassing influx was in great measure due to the dreadful and revolting addition lately made to that awe- inspiring Chamber of Horrors. There is to be seen the whole of the furniture that was the inanimate witness of one of the most shocking crimes on record. Nothing, I hear, was missing—weapons, stained glus, the piano, the perambulator, the small piece of toffee dropped by the murdered child; the criminal, carefully modelled and dressed in her own olothes. That these, and such horrors as these, can afford any attraction to the peace-loving public is inscrutable; they would seem to produce only disgust and terror. I know on good authority—the best, in faot-that a sum of j625 was paid for the dreadful perambulator alone; and on expressing my horror and re- vulsion at blood money being taken for this terrible agent, I was relieved to learn that only by the sale of the effects in the best market-Madame Tussaud's-could legal assistance be obtained for the murderess To the shame of those who bought it, was the transfer of the husband's beard. Suoh acts of merchandise are too degarding for our en- lightened race. # COULD ANYTHING BE MORE GRUESOME ? When I was visiting in the country a few weeks ago some young lady friends, fond of following the sport on foot, occasionally, by courtesy of the master of the hounds, brought home the fox's brush as a trophy. Attached to a stiff rod I never contemplated the objeot with admiration, but now I find the possessors of brushes—be it observed, I refrain from the offensive mono- syllable tail—are having them made up in flexible manner, so as to enoircle the throat, much as the head and tail of the sable is nsed but the decapi- tated fox is far too aggressive to appear beneath a lady's soft ohin, and his grinning molars would frighten away the most amorous of devotees, w MORE RECRUITS TO THB BAND OF FASHIONABLE MILLINERS. The daughters of Mr. Wilson Barrett, the popular favourite, having no liking for the stage, have just set up a millinery and dress- making establishment in a very fashionable quarter of the City, i.e., 141, Bond-street. The obarming shopkeepers I see going to town in their fathers' Broughams. The Misses Bar- rett are most ohariQiiig designer*, seeming to a, know just what is likely to prove most become ing to their clients' inJividuaU. • VEILS. Our neighbours aoross the Channel ara wearing veils far below the chin. The Princest of "r ales, when I aaw her in town a short tima since, wore a fine net thickly covered witIt; velvet spots. Many women who rouge muolt like the strong contrast of black spots or- spangles on fine net-but her Royal Riehaest does not rouge. « » CHILDREN'S DRESSES LONGER. Children's dresses are worn longer; thossi. from three to six with a trimming round the edge, suggesting the days of the Stuarts and earlier Hanoverian Sovereigns and as the Tudor" and "Stuart" severally brought many old-time modes into present vogua who can tell whether or no the skimp, shorts waisted dresses worn by the Queen in hoc youth may not, out of compliment to hec Majesty, re-appear—the style of hair-dressing^ too j but that would be too trying. As yet vanity is far too strong for such a oonoessioot to politeness, supposing the reigning hous,' thinks imitation sincerest flattery. Recipes. SAVOUBJ POTATO CKUQUBTTES. Tiike three tablespoonfuis of boiled potatoegg simply mlish them, flavour them with Mvourj1 herbs, shalots, essence of anchovies, shrimps, oj other flavouring, but do not season too highly^ Kortn the mixture into balls by rolling them in sifted bread crumbs, dip in beaten egg, and Crt in boiling butter till they are well brownad on b .th sides; drain before serving, and pour the gravj iutothediihwiththem.


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