Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

10 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



4 CfiATTY REVIEW OF THE WEEK'S LITERATURE. fh Mr, if)3316 mcnt of a n«w hook by Mr, if)3316 mcnt of a iiew hook by Frank R. Stockton was enough to g.he .1 ic'*Pat a tl rill of pleasurable an- Mr. o'00' when it was announced that that i,- ton would appear in a new role— rlory would be one of adventure— antiuipatioii gave way to impatience, ^ig '.r^Wore We what it would be like. Vr^cj ^tory of Advc-nture opens with, the of the good tliip Castor, an American vessel, oommn-aded by Captain »bout* ji orn\ ":tn experienced navigU-tor of vc years of age. Besides avail- Wo i r?°) the ship carried >hr-'e passengers, „ 't, r«nd a boy. One of these, Mrs. fait)*1? "a ladv past middle age, wa* Valparaiso—to settle iconic busine.«s f^tit'' ,j,Cr husband, a New England iner- j'&in '•< other lady was Miss Edna Mark- tu, a school teacher, who had just passed °Jder ;.e!|ty-fifvh year, altliough she looked taJc le wus <>n ^ier way Valparaiso r^ina an "uP°rtaT1t. position in an American Ralph, a boy of fifteen, was her 'siuj.i1' -d she wat> taking him with her ill til "^cause she did not want to leave Jo ,j 0,10 in San Francisco. These two had W* relations, and the education of tii-e -T 'depended upon the exertions o; '1' Lea.ving- the Wreck. l'oat, were loweivd, and the passengers Rr.'w ^('t aboard with the intention of land- they ?ewl»cre. At the end of three day# J w°Uud a landing-place, and, although ^•itt (jp^ 110 -?ign of human habitation, the oap- *his eIa,*?d that the coast w;s that, of Pi i n. *iU j.i10o"ra!?ed the ladies to believe that, x,re might not be any rescue from the |3at-rJUo ley would bo able to hail a. Peruvian in that means be saved. After °f gw a<*e a camp the ore w went in search v^taii £ ,'llcl rever rcliimd. This left the va°' £ Cooi^1 l'10 *wo ,!a(l;es!> t"ha boy, and the the take care of, and he was equal jjHing^^geney. One day while they were (,p g a fire to cook their frugal meal ihc ScVe,rejeai';?ht the dead leaves of a vine that j*V fj a nug» ro.'k that ros:e alxv.o them. f ^Ccl craokh-d and roared, nad wli,,ii it of 'lS<^ out there Mas revealed the colossal a 'Han carved in the uolid stone. Kr>, bk, The Face in the Rock. ?roat face stared down upon the licile e,8ht ler<d beneath it. Its chin was alxvut "e^bovc the ground, and its stony coi nte- j^'idjd at least tliat distance up tlie attires were in low relief, but clear 5^tih 0n^c^> and a .s-moke-blfaclcened patcih be- l jf6 eyes gave it a sinister ai>iX"ararice. 3- w'(le-streitd)ing mouth a bit of lialf- rf1^ thio"'? '1UT>ff? trembling in the hea.ted air, element of motion produced the im- ,J,re °n several of the ]»rtv that the crea- JWljo.. ut to °P-'n its lip?." faCe ^swvered a narrow doof\ray l>a«k of the opeoied into a passeffe. With K nh\l .pxploired this passage, and there, a lji it, they found, not only rooms. fre.^h water, the latter a most i.m- wiort, c';i«Wfcry, as their supply was running A^arerj d«y Maka. the African <«ok. das- when he returned he liad another ? tlie cn him, who proved to be a member 6i°len tribe. He, like Maka. had been n,6 'i«w Africa, and sold into slavery. From >HS^Tr'va^- itok, it was learned that in a m livtd a band of de •[lei-aidoe6 known J kiilitl^;kbird«. who wouild make no more 1, rliuv "e. wvptain and liis little company ,s a wou;d ri' ea,fcing their breakfast. Here rT,i1 wa„ew nr'd t-rrible danger, and the oap- In r^- to 't to know how to defend his wj+i Uj ('ave offered a fine retreat, for one rV. ia ''1,n a'^ the entriinot' to tlie ixi^eugv deadly work. t*0l, Lake Vanished. nights they kei>t close vrat<h, but ('ntirei4 the meantime their lake ."Tiled' d'isa'PP«u-ed — a*11 an of the hike gave the cap- of whioh the others had not akI)j, lIe saw it would be easy foi the I* cleft in ?i "a'^n accetw to the place through ,tl.tliey yi. ,'e eastern wall of the lake cavern. he disf'over that a.perture the cavern hi ^le sani« t■ ti'om the rear and the front <3,Vfuns' and then the cs.ipt.ain feared t),1'111'? tha^q1"^ nc^ ni^ch avail. Of course, \V;is dar-kness which would scon prevail 8,1*1 ^Pt-ain° rv?so,i to expect a rear attack, and Ma for;,lp "^t^hed himself with le^.ving Mok i^r T^i if l, r. l^t, with instructions to give the J,as, i !lear(l the slightest sound, and put jle 0V(^ in the outer passage. As for bn Use at tv.t<>0 an early nap in the evening, be Dt the Vr- fivi break of dawn it would tu 'i 'Cr ^n to l>e ,n the alert. He did hnri as .°?V n.lue^ 'ie depended upon ten ^rie i, *l '*Jn"ier of defence, but now that it f U that chingers- wind, thre; lx>"i the Raekbiids were doubled. 0 ^lhiie „ Strange Negroes. IW Ul« sti11 puzzling their brains «>f the lake four stiaii'ge ^■eLfc}l^ K up<571 aie sceiie- Whfen Mok SnAu ^°r U,pon their necks and almost Eiigliih' On* of th've negroes b0n l*e atirl u■ Vfery well, and he explained tli,* &e bv tk £ comrades ';ac' been held in ■Wo-1,1 •;v°uhl v,6 c''tjird:s arid made to do work. ''Opu R the ,,avs a mule. When not tho °ut of l°('s were kept in a cavity in a of a i11 they could not crawl without. the\a of C0^L1.tldder- They could smell the lta,ek-bir(i kilig, and they knew one day that rd- Wero feasting. fe'rVw A Itaging' vervr>k^U'^ tluddleel in their litfele cave, fcijv^ ^osretK .?n?ry .an^ miserable, and whi.s- to fin°ise, on "7T'or lf they spoke out or ma le 1 st Fe a lopri £ men below would be likely Sh0t at 'hem—« hen suddenly thp 'i )'^e a aPpened. They heard a great out Sher t»j JfU ^nd, '->u'lls' which came from Stroi ey saur i the ravine, and, peeping 8p0 c^itig or vbat.Reemed like a wall of rock 4 KdATar,tthe uttie vai,e>b,it 1,1 a rtar.i ^°i'e iKc, not rock it was water, 8&w them l^ld take two breaths it had nttf,,0lily the a, !t passed on, and they t ea furl oiis and raSin £ Of ik°^er a^i-l ,9urllnff and dashing over *Kev ir ca.v«* :^a«hmg almost up to the floor ^r5ssed k, i y were fi'ightenecl that Sw tried to ^k r far they could get, and ^Voiij' so fp, r111?^ UP the sides of the rocky fWh it1 wcrQ they that the water Cam .0i>Jed ar. iUpon them. But the raging Wo6 ^to tu0- Kur^(X' outside, and none of it but o-ii*" ca've• Then the sound of it «o /• GKerlu "T loud' an<l grew less and less, thi^ri^hten<>fi and companions were hapDon: and so startled by this s.wful howl<i' ^at it D? so SU £ ldenly, as if it had been ilic 0r' £ K^fVVaa some time, lie did :iot know thf. r°°W, a.„01"3 ^ey lift.}] their faces from st), gamut which they were prassing 0 "^en tile ^aildscape. W^' Thfe crept forward and looked Waveti and the roaring wat as the l_ ,ere was no water to be seen iw >rU of thp° which always ran xt tho m,,„krLVme' ai?d which now ?eem«d than it had been that the M e brook was all there ,e,Pt the bare rocks, we^ hC,Kt>ircls a*. inere were no nuts, no °ftk8 wh;ch°t Kven the vines and a Li- etr en J? had been growing up the sides but ck. itn*1 Were aH gone. Not a weed, not (.1 a Kl. a c'°d of earth was left, nothing b,8' 1^ rocky ravine, washed bare aad \y r"l arir] i. ^arkham stepped suddenly for- the Ui. 'fcd the captain by the arm. 'It ravine^ ^he cried; 'the lake swept down 1 J'j aac| ^farkham was right It was the 1Vei-od f^Us were the survivors of the Castor °m the enemy. °n« ast Stores of Gold. I a* Captain Hora was ro"owliol around the cave, he discovered fa opening in the ted of the lake, and, upon investigation, this opening was found to lead 1O another cave. By the light of his lantern he eavv something glistening. "Captain Horn, his face red with exertion and excitement, stood gazing down iuto the square aperture at his feet. On the other edge of the opening knelt Ralph, holding the lantern so that it would throw its light into the hole. In a moment, before the boy had time to form a question,, he was pushed gently to one side, and his sister Edna, who had clambered up the side of the mound, knelt beside him. She peered down into the depths beneath, and then she drew back and looked up at the captain. His whole soul was in his downward gaze and he did apt even see her. "Then came a voice from below, 'What is it?' cried Mrs. Cliff. 'What are you all look- ing at? Do tell me.' "With half-shut eyes Edna let herself down the side of the mound, and when her feet touched the ground she made a. few tottering steps towards Mrs. Cliff, and, placing her two hands on her companion's shoulders, she whispered 'I thought it was. It is gold! It is the gold of the Incaa! And then she sank senseless at the feet of the older woman. "Mrs. Cliff did not know that Miss Mark- hnm had fainted. Shy .simply stood still and exclaimed: 'Gold I What does it mean?' "'What is it all about? exclaimed Ralph; it looks like petrified honey. This never could have been, a b2chive!' ''Without answering. Captain Horn knelt at the edge of the aperture, and. taking the lsntern from the boy, he let it down as far aa it would go, which was only a foot or two. 'Ralph,' he said. hoarsely, as he drew him- self back, 'hold this lantern and get down, out of my way. I must cover this up quick.' And seizing the stone slab by tho handle he lifted it as if it had been a pot lid and let it down into its place. 'Now.' said he, 'get down and let us a.ll go away from this place. Those negroes may be back at any moment.' For the story of this great "find," how it was removed by Captain Horn, for the excit- ing adventures in Paris, for the peculiar charm that goes with Mr. Stockton's unique style, I refer the reader to the book. "A Stony of Adventure. By Frank R. Stockton. v Messrs. ScribiKT and Sons.









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