Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

26 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



Kb"pall OF LLYWELYN. :Y D, COJFITHYIT WILLIAMS. Qefl the «„ ■second Prize at tho National Eisteddfod held at Cardiff ui 1885.) death t UHAPrflvl XI. P^Uclyji r 01 "or father was a severe blow to F "Witti CTr«°^ though ho had sometimes treated ft|rl1 f0t.!j .■ tereritf, yet ha was <»n the whole » F "Witti CTr«°^ though ho had sometimes treated ft|rl1 f0t.!j .■ tereritf, yet ha was <»n the whole » the'v, parent. Now the reeollec- ? tier irr.J; /L, Warda she had given him rushed P^ht Jmiif L IW1<^ nfie wept bitterly when J»be 2?s °a e-irfk8 farted with him tor tiie last lie otii He had left the room in anger at l|«hed nnH stubborn refusal to do wliat he J*i wh,f | ,°w he could never ask hw ftRJfii. She iinfla^ "he ev«r crosscd his will i^^ould ? Ways obedient to his slightest wish • r"er>s H„u-S e consentto many aoaordiog to her 0 1 In all tl;' If he were orought to lifo again f ?r love t ,1 V|cissituda8 ot her passionate grief, L^Sed 'j, >'Wel remained constant and un- Z"?rWP,R W;ls ai\ anchor to whioh she could stn^ r heaton skiff when nearly shattered her f,m her passionate sorrow. lier grtef ber fatk m ay,nK the bi.wto of her misfortunes r fras in *ud I'er love told her that she hei- » ^dipn^°Ce,lt and guiltless of the crime of filial of ,?■ The cause of all her guilt, and the i she in sorrow, was Ma-ndolph Langley, t,ead 'Precated the vocgeanoe of heaveii on y deg Gwladys bocame calmer, and began rn. °n the course (the should adopt in C0fe hnrt,6 b&rrier that resisted her inclination that u *fen violently hurled aw«iy, and the Tapped joined her to the English had o'-en Jewish. Under- She was free to pursue hei Jons ;n Yes, she could now use her utaio^ the L>ai<? l>er countrymen. She had only to 6<ltl1K!:ar! of Gloucester s permission to depart the n0Uld not he refused. How enchanting 'be to I'^l'cct of freedom 1 How delicious would 'htJ^elf her own mistress, with no-one W, no one to assume control over he •e earl o-le w""ld go tlie very next morninf to fry,, -llien as a little cheek to the gioru ™ be ita tle "'atGwladvs was building wonla come •ltl> c!w °f Randolph Langley. -But she #Hdf„ Qtettipt the ide;4 that he could b.. any s3?ce tf) her. He would not dare to prosecute ^Deu. now, when her poor father was dead, lie In J*ell enough that it was vaiu. Randolph was involved in a foftUtlc^ meditation. When iic saw Sir (iruliydd staik on the field of bat-tie, hii: te instantaneously tinned to his daughter, lot^-s Assured by him, before he woDt forth that 'Ut t0^' ^bat he was possessed of his father s con- fN. l^arry Grwladys, if she would give him her Ust r young man considerably doubted &iw ^|ternative. he was determined to win her J Sow pir will. Hie purpose was to remove her r'la-rri Ce security, and go through the form OnUlu. And this was a very favourable op- ^Uso fi r carrying his plan into execution, i •vtro'^ c°nfUhion necessarily attendant upou w"1 from -of an arn»y w«uld Prevent his ac- ».te^lv ro "eing noticed particularly. He had CIS '1OU«QU\ov ^ler out of the camp to an adja- k eienn,' l'ad taken good care that it", was u SV than t Vatc^ed and guarded. What more Hi Was, K° i!Irry h0r away in the night, when Paired ->ffUS and stir in the camp ? If the earl LJys. ajfi i^le daughter of Sir Gmffydd ap jje8c»pe could say that she had eCfectcd her room, and tried once more, by t'rotp tory ways, to gain her consent L ^on over tier conio to condole w ith you,1' he rl'^eath At Rrievons loss you have sustained in Agrees!your father." fe; .his m answer from the maiden. bou!'aP befpiM111^ told me that in case any fci er to t„i m ln battie, he gave me his full kt) TJ. 6i.. caro °f you, and watch your fen ^ie arl °f Glouotjster is going to break Wtif, :>i posstK?Pnieilt ^-U'glit, and to retreat as 6om- fulfil to-morrwvv morning, lam pre- you Promise to your father, by es- *»>ri16 win01"?7 castl«. which i« 40 miles distant. <: Raited absolutely safe, and attended h VL'°aPlio?o PtJU aH befits your rank." ■ "'l^cou^o ''efus'u to come," said Gwladys, j Lf. ear q. you then take?" W and y!5' do not say that. Respect the earth ^uest which your father made Blv lt*i. y 1 no^ disturb his rest by disobey- f* ;e' J'ou r.?Ui e done much to vex him while fitieS ^ead. make reparation to him when ►or, ^r°fti h; ^'ou do ri°t, his spirit will surely "ldays." grave, and haunt your presence all Gtyi, K.^k <! „ superstitious in the least, replied its.» and I don't believe in the existence of "t'?°lph^it' l'ause for a shovwhen kh °Madt dTabruPtly: Piih^l ConS:' do l°ve you beyond thought. If fcA' to to be nay wife, I shall do every- k'l &ie n Syou- Your slightest wish will be Ktl e"r-l of 1 sha11 mak>" it the chief study fiCoiiifnr-f contribute to your happiness jj|iiioe ^1' • do give mc your hand and say Filial 1118,11 knelt down before her. I n°t ])e avti told you many times before that I t y°u shaU i" fiercely exclaimed Randolph, It'J bat up, shadow of control have you over me ? [Hio ,yWiady8 «« I detest you, and it is not kj the ta ^r Powei' to make me you.' wife. You kl'ncy tw of a11 my troubles, it is your per- jljj Created ,me guilty of filial disobedience, tighter a ^ulf disoord between a father and kirt rath'p J^-Ud dare you now ask my love I Eo h r in tho most humble cottage, CJ^oet i, ard.f°r my living, than be mistress of Ito!1 I s?SurioUi palace with .you as my hus- E^'Mcl s'f)rn you, and l>e assured that 1 shall R(,j. ,°f Q.1 faction for your annoyance from tho !,tlstanHUcfster. to-morrow morning, if you do Ea'h.-°U ,n e nie." ba u>vi rePe"t this," roared Randolph, ^^you 1 wratli. "There will come a time ^Urt^Rot rue what you have said now. If Iby ^ddft,?°?sen'tobemy wife" He stopped, (i'yftiy ^1„ a low tone, I shall make you ^*W^,aj/d scoundrel as you are." exclaimed h distress, time will prove." So say- Lj^thg ^Ph left the room. dead of night, when everything was I^Vt oi 3tlH in the camp, the men partaking of ELMOIV. after their recent fatipuo and toil, 6," lssued forth from his tent,_»r.d pursued fc^Weri sile»tly to tho house wmch Gwladjs K Hed' "When he arrived at the door, °ne of the sentinels wnether all was Ne^-Sir»" was the answer. u There is not ?. te e th nK-" l^ied ?n entered G wladys' apartment, accom <?cliai>^ ^"Wo soldiers. She was sitting in au IK, Lift as,t asleep. h^5e" up gently. Perhaps she may i> Randoiph in a low tone. But the C V rted ^P»tthe fiist touch. When she b. men before her, with a small taper .n s one of them, whioh cast a sallow and nglit over their faces, she thought that bo ac^ come literally to pass, for her sleep V^'atfi11 very feverish and restless. She riprf afc Hywel and herself were going to be i" Q. Their friends were all gathered together, fc** en- 1^ one was wishing them joy, the priest i>o?lnS to unite their hands in wedlock, when, Cf,horrors, three demons arose, and separ- and her lover violently, hurried her au^he shock was too great for her nerves, b >ke, but^ alas, the sight that greeted her C h.e her hesitate whether she was not jet kj^Bi. A piercing and heartrending^cr> Ei^atiL^as aH her exhausted fee ingrf «),ild e She 6ank back in her chair ma L I addition. leered x?° weilupin the ways of worae"' ruiSP iarjd°]ph they can't bamfoo^le n.e. hoi?> K,.{''r UP quickly," he said to the'two t> Vn mindj g«ntly, and with as little so acJys did not make one atruirg'e she n0Vei'come with terror. When ^^7 f^tl Conif door, there were men in readi- tie6' Ile/t' ^le maiden to Randolph Langley s ^*1 u ace was now completely muffled up, tK r han^1" seeing wliich way she was carried, t»T8 were tied together in front. One a^a that had seized her in her chair, was theu handed up to him, J a ■J'0 the fore-part ot the saddle, but in 8he would not be hurt if she re- „ Randolph took one of the horso- aN -^bat said to him, I cannot come with himc;ir«ed Gloucester ordered me to at- t0 ^morrow morning but tell Mother ^ili e particular care that Gwlsdya be ^ke» an<i let her give her as much liberty ariH ^'thin tha castle. If you see her E^'Sb^^iven Contented, show great defereuce and ffss towards her, as if she were your Pift ,Ut if she is sulky and peevish, be the teU(jaTowards her, that she may know the between her two conditions. Explain PV.aPs stands to Mother Harriet she may v «hl UQnce Gwladys, for she is generally »>h>. hr,Wcl an(i persuasive." w K^ilo-f^ver, galloped on till they had left 'XL%tfWrfarinthe rear. They then slackened a™ little, but each kept his thoughts to Kl*H^nota word was exchanged between (by f°r hours. At leugi.h the silence ww °f the int-.n asking whether Gwhu ys kXi4.6 haa ^11.8 iife or not.. • "tirred a limb," answerered her fklxice she Btarted till now. It 18 a be fr, at such a graceful young oroaturo V ifj^tly £ ated thus. When I saw her sleeping kXi4.6 haa ^11.8 iife or not.. • "tirred a limb," answerered her fklxice she Btarted till now. It 18 a be fr, at such a graceful young oroaturo V ifj^tly £ ated thus. When I saw her sleeping Sn^Ul'd started into my eyes, and I to't k^el j- n°ck down that young devil, who tt a maid that had ncv or done hitn fi.n refusing to marry him. 1 shsli i,e lf|ok that she gave us when Was 80 f" °f anguish and C other, it's a damned bhame, I am tiy didn't she appeal to °f tK SUre he would tolerate no such *1 Af Wcl "e daughter of his valued friend, VtO sllek H0wen." .Do t'!ri°- As soon as the death '"Lm/ aUd IVaa known, Randolph secured his Vftn Urr,ed her away to that house KH^Ou^^k h6r." V* K^ief f^an," joined a third," mu^t sure.y Ok re h« tirno or other. Two or three Sui1 b,Va. rto Was eutangled in that affair of ^Cl,^laU^htor of the Earl of Dover. He ?: he rtl'ried h«r, but alter seducing her 'tiL^ her in all h«r shame and whif' l "opose gentlefolk are pri- •5Vt'it humbler men would not dare f,,the!-0t F1?96'1 awinat Randolph that loolr0^ ady C'wa's cliild, tho«igh It iS « ^ore ed very «,mpidous, I grant.1* Pv'flJ^^Ually^J3" you want? He was Ofi Clippers Let's bo silent, 1 talkntff Jw wunW spin ^L?f?^holi?fh Randol.,1. ab-mt us." >4* ''Ppers ^ated by the euphonious to' Wits. ^he one whom Randolph giv« hit parting advice and in- I'>gr- structions. He had fallen behind from hispo,i tion in the van to see how thing?i were doing m the rear of his party. Unbroken silence was a^ain maintained for the ramamder of the jour ncr. which extended mostly along the seaooast. At Inst tho sun having risen hiffh above the »on- ii they 'Sed thlr destination, a fine' built castle facing the Bristol Channel. One of the party wound a horn, and there immediately ap- peared on the walls a sentinel, who asked them what they wanted but on the same instant re- cognising his comrades, he opened the gate, and the horsemen entered.. "God a' mercy, what have you here ?" ex- claimed a short squatty little woman, with a broad, full face, and a jolly and good-natured 6)(- pression, What have you there, Isaac ?" You shall presently see for yourself, mother Harriet," said Isaac, and handed Gwladys down, bar hands were loosened, and her face was un- covered with eagerness by the old dame. The maiden looked pale and livid. In a short time she partially opened her eyes, only to close them immediately after taking a despairing glance around. CHAPTER XII. We Ie t Llywelyn and Hywel on their way to the house of the young maid whom they had res- cued from shame and dishonour. When the story was told her parents, their gratitude to the two titrangers was beyond bounds, and they would not suffer"them on any account to leave the Bryngwm farm that evening. And when the Prince and his companion said that they were going to the camp of their countrymen, the master of the house ae- pired information about the condition ofattan-s in the North and South for Rhydderch Ddu was rn a:'dent Welshman to the core, but since he h»,ld lands under Rhys ap Einon, a traitor chief, lie wa.f bound to stifle his patriotism, open y at any rate, and adopt the opinions of his liege lord. He did all he could, however, in aid of the fol- lowers of Lly welyn, and as he was not suspected bv his master to be possessed of patriotic feelings, h- was allowed to indulge his inclination pretty fro?jy, by contributing money to the support of the glorious cause, and sheltering many a fugitive in Ins distress. His heart revolted at the cruelly and barbarity with which his master treated those of his dependants who were found to be guilty of aiding Llywelyn. Rhys ap Einon himself, though once nominally on the side of the Prince of Wales, was never really so, being by nature a timid and irresolute man. This quality of timidity and irresoluteness was the characteristic of his family, which had originally come from England, but had settled down in Wales centuries ago. Thus, when he de- serted, there was not experienced much loss after him, as he was a constant source of weakness through his coolness and vacillation. It was well known that the qualities which had rendered him useless to the party he had deserted would not make himmuch more serviceable to the causebe had embraced. And so it turned out. He kept enough men to defend his castle in time of need, but took no pains whatever to act on the offensive. His enemies ravaged his hands very often, but this he did not care for, so long as he himself wa. left unmolested in his retreat. He was an object of contempt to his foes, and the butt on which his friends levelled their shafts of raillery. Come," they used to twit him, when are you going to make a stroke ? Don't you think it is high time for you to bestir yourself, and show your enemies that you are still in existence, and tell them that you will not allow them to trample upon your name with impunity ? Suppose you make a sally upon the foe in the neighbourhood, and eharge at the head of your men." But Rhys ap Einon was not by any means what we would call sensitive; on the contrary, be would remain blissfully unconscious of the broadest fun that was poked at him. Such being the temperament of his master, lUiydderch did not find it at all difficult to follow the bent of his own inclinations. He was some- times very impatient at the thought of his being not allowed to do service for his prince openly, but was restrained from taking any decisive ac- tion, through apprehension that his wife and daughter would suffer privations, or even be ex- posed to danger of their lives when he was away in the wars. Now, however, he was almost driven besides himself with rage at the violence that had boon attempted upon his daughter, and the fact that the culprits were belonging to Rhys ap Ei- non's family impelled him to the bold course of relinquishing his dutv to his master, aud embrace openly the cause of Llywelyn. His conduct was sure to draw upon him the deadly vengeance of his liege lord, who, though slow in his mea- sures against the enemy, nevertheless was vio- lently desirous of having all his dependants, in name, on his side, and never neglected to chastise summarily what he termed disobedience to his will. Rhydderch was perplexed what course he should pursue, and on this matter he consulted the strangers. What should you advise me to do ?" lie asked, Think ye that I had better go to the war, and leave my family behind me here ? But no," he added, after some reflection, that will not do. They would not be safe for a moment. If once they fall within the grasp of Rhys ap Einon, it will be all over to see them alive again." What I would counsel you to do, answered Llywelyn, if you are bent in piusuing the course vou have at present in view, IS to pro- vide for your wife and daughter before anything else, by sending them to some place of security that is, to some place where there are loyal Welshmen. It will be absolutely necessary to re- move them from this district, for here there are more enemies than friends. If you sent them to North Wales, they would be quite safe, for the people there are all, without exception, LJiltriotic. How am I to remove them? That is the question that perplexes me." "0, that will be easy enough. The roads from here to the borders of Carnarvon are quiet, and if you travel on horseback, you will easily reach it before the morning of the third day. We came from the mountains cf Eryri in three days, but we had to stup in many places." Weil, then, suppose this question of the women settled satisfactorily, what is to become of my own self ? Your opinion on that point." That is a case soon settled. You can join the defenders of Snowdon, or go to the Welsh camp in Ceredigiou." Now I come to think of it, I shall join the de- fenders of the Eryri, so as to be near the Prince of Wales. Only once I had the honour of seeing him, and that was when he was returning from South Wales. It is a pity and a shame that a small state like Wales cannot be united, but we must needs be quarrelling and flying at each other's throats. Look at Rhys ap Meredydd, that IS an lIlstance of as base-hearted a deserter as ever was known in the wide world. Llywelyn abso- lutely loaded Meredydd, the father of Rhys, with all kinds of gifts and presents, and gave him im- mense estates out of the spoil of the English pos- sessions. But the son of this father, with un- paralleled treachery, made use of these very lands as a basis of operations against Llywelyn. And yet amidst all this meanness, Llywelyn has risen triumphantly against every enemy. Ho puts his trust in Ged, and. God never deserts him." This conversation was carried on in a sort of .Lite-room that communicated with the prin- vipai apartment. Presently the visitors appeared, and told them that the evening meal was ready. It was now dark, and bitterly cold and stormy 8U that when ample justice had been done to the victuals before them, the guests and their host drew their chairs round the fire that had been blazing invitingly on the hearth. Supper things having been laid by, and the lasses having finished their work, they all assembled round the firo, and Angharad, Rhydderch's daughter, proceeded to entertain the company with some choice pieces on the harp, and also sang several songs. She had attained to more than ordinary proficiency on her instrument, and besides possessed a rich and melo- dious voice. After having enjoyed the singing for a good while, the host and his guests proceeded to vie with each other in relating stories about ghosts, witches, and goblins. This congenial oc- cupation extended their vigils far into the night. They had retired to sleep for a long time, when they were disturbed by loud and repeated knock- ing at the outer door. Rhydderch hurried to in- ouue what was the cause of this unexpected tumult, but on hearmg the voice of Rhys ap Einon outside, he instantly rushed back to the aunrtment in which the two strangers were sleep- ing Their slumbers had not been interrupted by f he noise in front of the outer door, and it required no inconsidrable exertion on the part of their host t0^rpteuD-"vou rausfc instantly flee- Enemies f whispered Rhydderch. The sound of the word enemies produced the desired effect of recalling at once their confused an» fc*t,tered I:sWord shouted Llywelyn. HushTdon't speak so loud thfcy will hea, 7°-iShd.f0ypeSe c—t tat »« there wus no chance of escape that way, to its being entirely surrounded by arme • "Now we are fairly caught" ° a™;fe? Hywel; "what shall we do. I dont care so much for myself as for you," he added, apar- Llywelyn. They will surely honour you. It will be the strangest thing in the world if some one Wiil not recollect you." Never fear," carelessly answered the pnuce, 1 have been in worse scrapes than this, a.nd I hav come free from all." The best thing for you to do now," sa:d Rhydderch, "sinoe the house is surrounded and watched, is to come down with me and present yourselves openly to them. Thus our enemies will be in a way thrown off their guard, when they see you not making the least effort to escape. I shall tttll Rhys ap Einon that you are my kins- m: and attached to the cause of the English like myself. If he insists on making you pri- soners, don't offer any resistance, for it will be worse than useless. But on the road you may have a very fair chance of escaping, as it is pitch dark. and, moreover, the followers of Rhys are all loyal to the cause of Llywelyn. One particularly, Ditfydd y Saer, will do all he can to free you, l>ecausr I know that he would have joined the army of his countrymen long ago, were not his wife and children in the power of his master." Meanwhile Rhys ap Einon was very impatient without, and was loud in his threats of vengeance and punishment if the door were not immediately opened. Rliydderch had guessed rightly the cause of his landlord's nocturnal visit. He had come to seek the two strangers that were harboured in the Bryngwm farm, and make them prisoners on the charge of having slain Richard Arnaut ana Edw. Lovelace, two officers of high rank in tho Lnghs I army. They were remote kinsmen of Rhys, and were presently on a leave of absence isiting nis castle. They had arrived only a short time ago, and had gone out that day for a walk to see the country. In the night a man brought the startling intelligence that the two gentlemen weM lying dead by the side of the river Bran. Immediately a party was despatched to bring the corpses home, while Rhys himself visited the nearest families to ascertain whether he could not discover a clue to the mystery. He searched first every nook and corner minutely in the houses, and when he had befsn baffled in his efforts to find out anything to justity his suspicions, he would ask whether the inmates had seen any strangers in the neighbour- hood. After being disappointed many times in bia enquiries, he was at length told that two stranger* had gone that evening to the houae of Rhydderch DJu, m the company of bis "'what manner of; meo wore they V eagerfy asked Rbya, II Tall and strong. One of them was consider- ably younger than the other," replied his informant." Had they arms about them ?" They each wore a sword and dagger." "These are the ones in all certainty," thought Rhys. "By God they shall pay dearly. The rascals as they were, to spill noble English blood, Don't thou think," he added aloud, that they are yet in Rhydderch's house." I can't say for sure," answered the man, but in all probability they are for it was evening when I saw them, and no doubt they would stay over night. If you went into Rhydderoh s house now, and, after taking precautions that none should escape, demand admittance, you would very likely find the culprits." I will do it," he muttered to himself, (( and it I find Rhydderch at fault in this matter, or cog- nisant of the characters of the men that he har- bours, he shall ruo his conduct, by heaven, ere another sun shall have set." j Rhys returned to the castle, satisfied in his mind that he had obtained a clue to the perpetrators of the murder. He at once gave orders for a hundred men to accompany him to the Bryngwin Damn it," he said to himself, I am half in- clined to think that Rhydderch is an abettor of this act. I have long since suspected that he en- courages in secret the present rebellion. I remem- ber a short time ago when there was a hue and cry after Shon Porth, who destroyed my property at the mills, her was nowhere to be found when we searched for him. Now, I have no doubt that it was Rliydderch thut concealed him." When he arrived at Bryngwin farm, Rhys ordered 50 to suirouud the house, 30 to watch the outhouses, and the other 20 he took with him to examine the inside. His patience was utterly ex- hausted at being compelled to wait so long at the door. Not satisfied with knocking, he called out at the top of his voice, Ah! the villain you are awake, but you want to gain time, that tho villains may have a chance of csoape. Ho! You there, be on your guard, and take care that no one goes out. Curso him. Br.k th0 door open." Th voice of Rhydderch was now heard, All right, sir, I am coming. A little patience, if you please, and I shall open the door as soon I can." Patience, you rascal roared Rhys, do you think we can stand here all night ?" The door was opened at last, and in rushed Rhys, followed by his men. He was considerably abashed, however, at the inexpressible dignity aud composure of Hywelyn, who stood directly iu front of him. Rhydderch asked if he would kindly condescend to acquaint him with the reason why he had paid him a visit at such an hour." I have been told, Rhydderch," answered Rhys, staring alternately at Llywelyn andllywol, that you are harbouring enemies, aud if these are the"two strangers that came int) your house, in company with your daughter, I arrest them on the charge of having slain two English officers. Seize them, Dafydd Resistance was useless; besides, it was more politic for them to submit at present, for there was no possibility of their effecting their escape in the house. They had resolved to make no effort for their freedom until the chances were more favourable to their undertaking. You too, Rhydderch, must come to the castle early to-morrow morning," added Rhys, and bring your daughter with you. We shall put these strangers on their trial, and your daughter must tell us what she knows about them. It is great leniency in me that I do not now take you with us. However, I shall grant you this indul- gence, but you must tske care to be present at eight o'clock punctually. What proof have you that we committed the deed ?" asked Hywel. It is totally unwarrant- able.on your part to take strangers up like this, merely on suspicion and hearsay." I shall tell you soon enough what proof I have," answerd Rhys. I hope you will grant them a fair trial," said Rhydderch, "for they are relatives of mine, and I can guarantee that they are guiltless of the dead with which you charge them." Rhye eyed Llywelyn attentively, and thought he was very like the Prince of Wales. If he was not sure that Llywelyn was at the present moment on the Eryri, he would have no hesitation at all in declaring the man before him now to be the Prince of Wales himself. In his hurry, Rhys ap Einon had forgotten that he would require shackles for his prisoners theie- fore, Llywelyn and Hywel issued forth from Rhydderch's house with their hands unbound, and were only secured by two men, who held on to the collar of either, while another ClIuple ful. lowed with drawn swords. (To be continued.)




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