Papurau Newydd Cymru

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NBWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, By OaDiR. Of THE ASS TONES. l^tniptory Sale of the well-inanifturture(i Slock in- Trade of Mr. Samuel P-vlak, Cabinet Jhkcr, a Bankrupt. MR. AAfcftlL Hu been fa-roured with imtttttioM fiom the Assignee to offer FOR UNRESEoRVEb SALE BY AUCTION, ^i*t £ eiBriBfV0n FRir)AY and SATURDAY, the 18th -—a .°, ^tr?uit. '843. all the exceedingly well-manufac- lurca and tnrnianufactured —A *■■■ bookcase, pnme Lounging Chairs, capital lock8- an assortment of Paper-Hangings, ,w„?hBr" uableeffecu of Mr" SAMUEL POLAK, CABINET occ., a Bankrupt, at Ihe GREAT WESTERN FURNITURE ^^FACTORY, opposite the Monmouth and Glamorgan Bank, MIGH-STHKST, NEWPORT. Among the Stock may be enumerated mahogany fourpost, •1,' a~t',0j,er bedsteads, prime bordered gQose-feather and i puff beds, tnattrasses, a large qaantity of counterpanes, u.* S' ™itnerous mahogany and oak commode and fiLili yont chests of drawers, washhand-stands, dressing la&tesand night tables, chamber bath, a large quantity of land- scape swing dressing glasses, and oiher chamber furniture. j j ookca,e' <^«ffionneers, capital sofa, mahogany, loo, -card, dining Pembroke and work tables, sets of mahogany, jointed, birch, and Windsor, dining, parlour, chamber, and i c en chairs, hall chaus, a large variety of children's and nursery chatis, Venetian carpeting, floor cloth, dnigget, poul- try feathers, millpuff, and numerous other articles. 13" Catalogues may be obtained at the place of sale, and of Mr. ft A H R 11, at his Mart and Offices, 15, Corn-street, Bristol; apa ihe whole may be viewed the two days immediately prece- that the sale. "Mr.Harril confidently recommends the above Stock to the attention of parties furnishing, the whole being in the best possible conditioll,manufactured from well-seasoned wood, and will be sold without reserve. "L?" 'ot t0 Pa'^ f°r a' 'he fall of the hammer. Sate will commence each day precisely at Ten, for Eleven • clock. WOODLANDS, MALPAS, NEAR NEWPORT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, On the Praises, on W EDN ESDA Y. the 16th of August, and following days, all the Modern. Elegant, and Useful BOUSBBOLD FURNITURE, PHAETON, HORSES, FARMING SIOCK, HAY GROWING CROPS. &c., And ■ fintly-grown weii-trained thorough bred Bloodhound, The property of Mr. HAMBLY, who is about to remove his residence. j THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE consists of Oeeant rosewood, loo, card, and occasional tables, chairs, Couches rtcliWBg chairs, cheffioaeer, bagatelle board, by Thurs>hn raS: te4P0y-,&C- &c" mah°8at>y dinin6 atuJ Messing tables, chairs, couch, bookcase with escrutoire »-nii r-noro, fourpost bedsteads, chests of drawers, was,b stlnrU i" hoises, bed-ste,p»( night commodes, car' t,i warri n'k W*. Rich crimson dsmask moreen drawing a rj' j:n;n rnnnf' 1 C' dow cuna- 08 Wllh gilt coinices_ ;d™rd'°'nS room Slltfrar drpssinffffla^s HIP F pier Bosses in ricllK room csfri>et sw It h hearthri> -«e's«lfaw,g,dining, and bed- O'' n r J hearl<l,r .gs to match, Kidderminster carpet kf- r nre-irons, splendid Dresden and oU,e "V*"1 beauliful me"°tlnt0 historical prints framed and glazed. In Wine, beer, and spirit glasses, decanters, jugs, jelly and eustard cups, dlnner- lea, and breakfast services, icc.^four bedi(eas with rich damask moreen furniture, French fcir fcJ h6r bedSl b°lslefs aod lows- ™.llpuffbed of other articles. A quantity of very prime East India Madeira. *11 k rmiDg 8tock cons>s's of a thorough bred North Davon bal about twenty-two months old, which gained a clothe lut Tredegar show, 3 North Devon cows in calf (affordinc an •pportuuity to purchasers to compete, wi;h treat orobabUhv klr«cr'c.r; fni° avhe °v' .me h\, JJ0^Mh6'! ,thoroufh ored colt, two neks of ver> Tcri%r Cre3 growing barley, and about two ««rt. I&da r p a Patent chaff machine, hroad-nheel iwh „T' UOny "1 wood P'?s' troughs, cm bins, harness, ?!•* by'.H &G*»about twenty dozen wine bot- TV.; < ? raC,k.' a g00d lron roll€f' three d°gs* houses, be. • VXSM SJ' D*R ••" ••«!««*. of the fQrniture is of a very expensive kind, has beei, %elected with Krell taste, and will be sold without reserve. be hed of MrVlrWYV-ir furn,tV'le with P,in*etl catalogues, may U« wle. VSlllianis. <he auctfoneer, three days prior tc Stock "ill be 5old on the 18th. .HLTDB;„V::B"D^T'IE,AACRES of Pasture Land, an 01- ehlrd, and outbuildtbfrl to let. ■treet^UNewportt'C,^rS app'y tQ ,be ^ucti°neeri Commercial- Da'ed, thefad day of August. 1843. nQTr Newport, moxmouthshirk. 1N DOCK STREET. J BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AH,. °8elher or separately. or to be LET. I\G°SHf\lT«F«eW-,J erec<ed and commodious DWELL numbered Ifi E- °n -,he east lide of Dock-stree^ ,p- ant^ '8. containing on ibe gronnd tloor ai entrance hall. dining room 15 feet by 13, breakfast room 12 tee I square, and a pantry, below which is a good kitchen, baci kitchen and coal cellar. On the first floor is a drawing ruolI 19 feet by 13, a bed room and a water closet &c. On tin serand floor three good bed rooms, over which are two gnoc attics. Each house has a court yard and a walled gardei. behind, and a plentiful supply of water. The Houses are Leasehold for a term, of which 72 year, are unexpired. The Ground Rent upon the whole is X8. pe annum. For further particulars and to treat apply to T. R. Hutton. Esq. Bristol, Messrs. Savery, Clarke, and Co. Solicitors Bristol,or to Messrs. PROTHERO & TOWGOOD Solictors. ufned0rt' ™a ,¥',0, 'e»*# to view the premises may be ob- GUANO Addiv CONSTANTLY ON SALE. So Yt0 the lmP°rters, GIBBS, BRIGHT, and CO., 38 Orcbard-.tree*; 0T at GEORGE and JAMES Warehouses, Baldwin-street, Bristol, wbere it may he MONMOUTHSHIRE. VSa. DISTRICT OF ROADS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THt^rTirnTp?keLRoadsT the. seve"l ?a«es and bars on AUCTION, to the best bidder Tt'1 L,rtJ3Y MONDAY the eleventh ,u f e 1 °.WN HaiL> ,n Usk, on hours of 12 and 2 in thp ° ^P,ember between the the Third vear'nf i rected by ,he Aet passe(l Fourth For rfc,'Sn ot his Majesty King George the duced the la.t re8"la,1DS I urnpike Roads," which tolls pro- year the following sums, clear of expenses, viz., The Bridge Gates with Langibby and Monkswood Bars 432 Castle Parade and Porthycarue Gates, and Clytha and tvigland Bars. # m t m 392 Fourash and l'ontsandpit Gates 322 TU T 11 11 1 t r £ 1,146 I he Tolls will be et from the 17th day of October next, a- j: a' noon, until the 31st day of December, 1844, ending ai 12 o clock at noon of that day, and will be put up, it let toge ther, at the above sum, but if let in lots they will be puV up ai luch sums as the trustees shall think fit at such letting, ana whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time P*i,r £ ?kaij poslt' £ 10: Per cent, of the rent or rents, which will be held as a security until the last quarter's rent be paid tip. aDd as part thueof,and give security, exclusive of such de- posit, with sufficient sureties, to the satlsfaction of the said trustees, for payment of the rent or rents quarterly. Dated this 10th day of August, 1843. JOHN SHEPARD, Clerk to the Trustees. XOTXCB NOT TO SPORT. PRESERVATION OF GROUSE. NO PERSON will be allowed to SHOOT the ensuing sea- son on the HILLS of the EARL of AHERG AVENNY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Person will be allowed to SPORT on the above Hilt- the ensuing season and any Person found TRESPASSING either for the purpose of breaking in dogs, or under any other pretence whatever, will be prosecuted. A Reward of Thre. Guineas (over and above what is allowed h, Act of Parliament) will be given by BAKER GABB Esq., Abergavenny, to any Person giving information that wilj lead to the conviction of Trespassers. August. IB43. TOILS TO BE LET. THE TOLLS on the KE.V1EYS BRANCH of the CHEP ur?^and. ABERGAVENNY TURNPIKE ROAD, win be LET Bit AUCTION, to the best Bidder, at the J'oww YALL. in USK, on FRIDA y, the 15th day of September next between the hoars of Ten and Twelve, which Tolls were Let fast year for £68., (exclusive of the Tolls of the Coach which were reserved by the Trustees,) and will be put up at that Sum. vV hoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time pay down a deposit of Ten Per Cent., and give sufficient security to the satisfaction of the Trustees for the payment of the remainder Quarterly, or in such other manner as the Trustees shall then direct. Usk, Aueust 9th, 1843. Price Is. I Jd. per box. THIS excellent Family Pill is a Medicine of long-tried effi- cacy for correcting all disorders of the Stomach and Bow els. the common symptoms of which are Costivenes9 Flatu. lency, Spasms, Loss of Appetite, Sick Head-ache Giddiness, aenseof Fulness after Meals, Dijziness of the Eyes, Drowsi- ness, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels. Indigestion produ- cing a Torpid State of the Liver, and a consequent inactivity of the Bowels, causing a disorganisation of every function oj the Frame, will, in this most excellent preparation, by a Jittlp perseverance be effectually removed. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The Stomach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the Livei, Bowels, and Kidneys. will rapidly take place: and. instead listleisness, heat, pain, and jaundiced appearance, strength, activity, aDd renewed health, will be the quick result of takii g this medicine according to the directions accompanying eaclo box; and if taken after too free an indulpence at table, they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repos Peisous of a FULL HABIT, who are subject to Head- ache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never he with- out them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely cai- ried off by their immediate use. For FEiVi ALES these Pills are most truly excellent, remov. ing all obstructions the distiessing Head-ache so ve-iy preva- lent with the SPX; Depression of Spirits. Dulness of Sight. Nervons Affections. Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, give a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion As a pleasant, safe, easy Aperient, they unite the recom mendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect, and require no restraint of diet or confinement during then 11118. And for ELDERLY PEOPLE they will be found to be the most cornfnitable medicine hitherto prepared. bold by I. Prout, 229, Strand, London price Is. ljd. and if!??" by Herbert Williams, chemist, Newport, Phillips, Cardiff; Fanoi Monmouth; J. H. Morgan, Aber- favenny Morgan,MerthyrTydvil; Williams, Brecon Gouls toot, T.ltudortry Williams, Jenkias, Strick, Daw, and Wil IOD. Swansea; Fvans, Carmarthen; and by the Venders of U dicines generaUy throughout the kingdom. E. V JENKINS. Druggist.Ageut lor Newport. A.k for FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, and observe Ae name and address "of Thomas Prout 2*29 Sttand, Lon- H Jot 811 the Government Stamp. TOWH HALL, NEWPORT. BY PERMISSION OF THE WORSHIPFT'L THE MAYOR, Under tkc Patronage of the (JOIohcI 'tiv.d Oj'frccrs of the 73rd Regiment, and Cdptain and Officers of the Roi/cd Artillery, a LIMITS OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 117 ILL take place at the above Hall, under the direction of »T Mr. WALL, on MONDAY Evening, Aug. 21, 1843. PKINCRPAL PER FORME KS: MRS. WALL. MRS. PARFITT MR. PARFITT, AND MR. WALL. CONDUCTOR MR. PARFITT. By permission, the BAND of the 73rd regiment will attend and play several select Pieces during the evening. Tickets Front Seats, 2s. 6d. each; Back ditto, Is. 6d. each. n?» r T ttle different Stationers, the Mrr.r IN Office, Mr. Mr. PARFI TT, Ne^pOl t, with a Programme of Concert. The Concert to commence at Eight o'clock precisely. For tafther particulars see Pro-ramme. A SILURIAN LODGE OF ANCIENT PRBS AND ACCEPTED MASONS, NO. 693, „ WESTCATE HOTEL, NEWPORT. T VVorshiofu/"Tr3 thu Lodge> md lhe Installation of the TUESDAY n«t d e/v emR tske pla-e on BreSirSi win f!!i L'eu u ms!ant- llie Worshipful Master and a number of r r» y honoured bV the presence of as laige c""■ake"con,eni8"1 •» aue"d ™ occasion. iherhFoS'noi"'°f,om al Ttn °.'ol<,ct'» Woollos Church i ,"hence they will go in procession to St. the Rfv fif where a sermon will be preached by Brothei Dinner fg? Rober,s- Vicar of-Monmouth. How I W r m the Great Room of the Council .-C, the use of Which has been kindly granted by the Mayor the ovta'sion. I _i DINNER TICKET, 7s. 6d. ABERGAVENNY. (OPPOSITE T It F. ANGEL HOTEL.) w. HUXLEY, TAXXiOR, de. WOOLLEN DRAPER, jVI OSI' respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and -L'-i- Public generally, that he has commenced business in above line, with a general assoitment of WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS, DOESKINS, KERSEYAIERES AND WATERPROOF I WEEDS, together wiih a CHOICE STYLE of FANCY VVAISTCOATINGS, adapted t'or the present season for the purpose of cariying on a Ready- Money Tailount; Business in all its branches. His Prices will ensure to all who honour him with their sup- port, a saving of 20 per Cent., and it will be his constant stuùy 10 get up each Anicle in Style and Workmanship equal to at,y of the London Houses. HABITS, TUNICS, AND LIVERIES. Parties finding their own materials will be punctually attended to. MR. G M A T T HEWS, PIANO-FOKTE TUNER, &c.. BEGS gratefully to acknowledge the very liberal support ^)e has received since the commencement of his visits to Newport and its vicinity, and pledges himself to the strictesi punctuality in the execution ot further orders with which he may be honoured. Mr. Matthews's present visit will be ex- tended to THURSDAY next, when he will leave for Chepstow Communications addiessed to him, 36, Lanarth-street, will be promptly attended to. Nf wport, August 10, 1843. TO BE SOLD, A BARGAIN, A MODE UN-BUILT LIGHT CAB PHAETON, with iTX. Shafts, Pole, &cc.—AIso, if required, a Set of DOUBLE HARNESS, and a Pair of COB PONIES.—To be seen until VIONDAY, the 21st instant, on application to 1\1r. T. J. THOMAS, Draper, Chepstow. NEWPORT DOCKS. WE the undersigned be'ng 15 of the proprietors of shares in the Newport Dock Company, do hereby give notice ihat a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the said Com- pany, will be held on TUESDAY, the 5th day of September oext, at 12 o'clock at noon, at tiie Dock Office, to take into consideration the propriety of making any and what alteration in the rates, tolls, duties, and wharfage, now levied by the said Company, and also to decide the be,t means of raising funds ■o pay off the present liabilities of the Company, and to pio- vide for such further outlay, as may be required, to complete the works of the Company, and on other special affairs. Dated 10th August, 1843 JOSEPH BEAUMONT For JOHN JONES, JOSEPIt BEAUMONT For WILLIAM JO, EtI, ESQ. JOSEPH BEAUMONT For Mrs. MARY JONES JOSEPH BEAUMONT SAMUEL Forthe Tredegar Wharf Co. Per SA M U E L H OMFRA Y PHILIP JONES Per JOHN FRASER JOHN FRASER J. J. NICHOLAS S. TOWGOOD THOS. COOKE THOS. COOKE For the Monmouthshire Canal Co. JER. CAIRNS EDW. CAIRNS I CHAv. CAIRNS NOTICE. PERSONS who may be Indebted to the Firm of 4 LEW Is EDWAK Db and SON, of the Borough of Newport, lailors, Drapers, and Co-partners, are hereby re- quiied to Pay the amount of their respective Accounts to the indersigned only, at his Residence, No. 14, Commercial-street, Newport. Dated this 10th day of August, 1843. EDWARD EDWARDS. g JOHN IIARWOOD, at present and for Three Months L f past residing at the Common, in the town of Caerleon, in the parish of Lian-,attock, in the county of ,Monmouth, and eing a Manner befoie that for Two Yeais, residing at the White Lion Public House, Caerleon Village, in the parish of Chiistchuich, in the same county, and being a Licensed Vict- ualler and a Mariner, and befose that for Eight Years lesiding ,t the Common, in the aforesaid town of Caetleon, and being a Mariner, Do HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I rntendto jiesent a Petition to the Commissioners of the Bristol District Court of Bankruptcy, praying to be examined touching my Debts, Estate, and Effects, and to be protected from ail process, upon making a full disclosure and surrender of such Estate and r.tfects, for payment of my just and lawful Debts; and I hereby uither give Notice, that the time when the matter of the said etition shall be lieaid is to be advertised in the London Gazette and in the Monmouthshire Merlin Newspaper, one Month at the least after the date hereof. As witness my hand this Tenth day of August, in the yearofour Lord One 1 housand Eight Hundred and Forth-three. JOHN HARWOOD. Witness, RICHARD JOHN BRIDGES, Solicitor, Bristol











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