Papurau Newydd Cymru

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[No title]

Monmouthshire Midsummer Sessions.

The Burglary at Woodland*.



[No title]



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THE POETS IN A PUZZI.E.-COttle, in his Life of Coleridge, relates the following amusing incident: I led the horse to the stable, when afresh perplexity arose. I removed the harness without difficulty but after many stieouous attempts I could not remove the collar, in despair I called for assistance, when aid soon drew near. Mr. Wordsworth brought hIS ingenuity into exercise but after several unsuccessful efforts he relinquished the achievement as a thing altogether impracticable. Mr. Coleridge now tried his hand/but showed no more skill than his predecessors lor, after twisting 'he poor horse's neck almost to strangulation and the greatdangerof his eyes, he gave up the useless task, pronouncing that the horse's head must htve giown since the collar was put on for he said it was a dowuright impassibility for such a huge (1frolltis to pass through so narrow an apperature.' Just at this instant a servant 1:11 came near, and understanding the cause ot our consternation, Ha mllser 'nid the. you don't go about the uoik in the right ay—you dolike this,' wheu turning the co!lar upside down she slipped it oil' in a moment, to our great humiliation and wonderment, each satisfied afresh that there were heichts of knowledge in tti- world to which we had not yet attained." THE IMPKRTINFKI IVQUIHY—\Vhen General Burgoyne was returning from the Preston election, at which lie was a candidate he stopped for refreshment at the inn where there wrre totters," or persons who habitually quizzed others, regaling in the bar, while he and his friends left the carnage at the door and went up statrs. His presence becoming known, one of the trollers." ooe of the adverse palty" in politics, determined to play off a little smaitness on tiie cetieral, whose intellect he chose to under-value. He accudttigly handed his watch (a handsome gold watch) to the waiter, oidering him to show it to the generai, and a>k him if he could tell what time of day it was, for tti e- iriforir ation of a gentleman below, bu forbidding him to give his name. The waiter executed his not vety agreeable mission, and in answer to enqumes from the insulted party, adm Itied that the owner of the watch was oneof the company in the bar. letch my pistols," said the geneial to his valet, who hastened to the tiavelhng-ca»e and brought them up on a tray. The general took the tray in his baud, placed the watch between the pistols, and to the bar, asked each Individual there the im- portant question whether that watch was his. In eveiv instance No" was the reply. Then," said the general, it is mine— at all events till it is claimed and hen its owner wants it he will apply for it-in his own name of course!" He pocketed the watch, and it is believed it is in the family to this day. M:>RMONIST IILtAci.Fs.-On Tuesday eventng a follower of VT6 n0u,n0us Joseph Smith, while haranguing I crowd, in Murray-street, adduced the laet, among sundrv ptoofs of the b.essings of Mormonism. That, on a true believer, poison ould have no effect. One ot his hearers, having a nawie's exterior, challenged th? preacher to a fair discussion, but thinking, no donbt, that he would come off only second best in the debate' the Moimonist endeavoured to sneak away. This the crowd seemed not willing to allow, and, forming themselves into a circle around the preacher, gave him unequivocal warning that they were resolved to try his faith by a personal experiment, lie was immediately presented with a few drops of prussic acid, at which he looked" unultenble things." The crowd began to lauch, both at the preacher and his principles; but a police- man coming to his assistance. relieved hitn from the dilemma, by kindly becoming his counsellor and conductor.—Montrose Review. TIn MISSING IIA"'LF.FRciiiFF.-A well-dresse(I passearerizi a steam-boat suddenly missing bis handsome silk handkerchief, not only made a very bustlieg search after it about his pockets, the bench he sat on, aud the feet ot his neighbours, but asked a decent-looking Irishman near him if he had seen it. "Indeed, Sir, I've seen nohing of your handkerchief." Shortly the the question was repeated in an earnest and rather a significant manner. I had ii. saidtheinquirer, "oatv a few minutesago, and I've not stirred from the place, ar.d really "Don,t talk to me, Sor," said the Hibernian, sharply:"l'veit'en nothing of it; what do ye mane Ly tazmg me about it ?" On leaving the vessel sometime afterwards, the person informed the offended party that he had found the handkerchief; it was in his hat all the time he begged pardon, &-c. Oh, don't be aftsr making any apology, Sor; it was a mere m'stake, and on both sides, too,-yvu took me for a thief, and I took you for a gintlemsn, that'3 all Piioir.cii3N MEETINC.— A meeting of the friends of the National Association tor the Protection of British Industry and Capital, was held on Tuesday, at twelve o'clock, in Drury lane theatre, the Duke of Richmond in the chair. Among those present on the platform were-the Earl of Malmesbury, Earl Stanhope, Lord Redes.lale, Viscount Combermere, Eail Egling- ton, Major Beresford, M.P Hon. H. W. Wilson, Mr. W. Ben- pelt, &c., &lc. The theatre was crowded in every part, accord- ing to the Protectionists journals. The Times estimated the number present at not 1.200. The length tn which our report of the meeting in aid of Ireland extend*, will not allow us to give an abstract of the proceedings, which were very lengthy. Lord Nialmesbtjry, the Maiquess of Downshire, and Sir Al-n M Nab were the piincipal speakers. e quote the lollowing passage from Lord Maimesburv's speech At home their free fade policy had been equally disastrous. Tckefor example the single article ot gloves. 'i here had been a steady increase in the importation of foreign gloves since the duty had been dimished. In 1848'. 3S..OOO pairs of cloves weie imported; in 1849 no less than 686,000 pairs were imponed. Of how many a supperless nigfit to the poor man did those figures speak* (Cheers.) But the capital was still wanting to the pillar 01 free trade. They commenced it with the wreck of the Navigation Laws. (Cheers.) That glorious piece of architecture had just I been finished. and the House of Pecs had, he regretted to sa\, passed a measure, not only one of the most unjust, but of tbe most dangerous to the country which had ever received their sanction—(hear)—for after it'had destroyed our commercial, it would prostrate our national marine. These theories would not suit a country like this. » were no infant republic just weaned from the lap of a new world. We had to teed and maintain in their gigantic strength the limbs of ancient mon- archy on sustenance far different from '.hat fey th* s«tef modern quacks trouad ut," >


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