Papurau Newydd Cymru

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. Monmouthsbire Midsummer…


[No title]



GENERAL NEWS. THE QUEEN'S VISIT TO IRELAND.—It is now pretty well understood in circles likely to be correctly informed, that her Majesty will procecd to Ireland about the 4th of August next, going from Bristol to Cork, and thence by Killarney to Dub- lin, where it is expected her Majesty intends holding a levee and a drawing-room. and subsequently will visit Prince Albert's shooting quarters in Scotland. Prince Albert speaks so well and so sensibly, that it is almost a pity his position prevents him from taking a part in the proceedings ot his fellow Peers in the Upper House 01 the Legislature. The Duchess of Orleans, with the Comte de Paris and the Duke de Nemours and suite, arrived in London on Thursday, from Rotterdam. Frederick Peel, Esq., M.P. for Leominster, has accepted the office of steward for the Hereford Triennial Festival. In the House of Lords on Thursday evening, the Encum- bered Estates (Ireland) Bill was read a third time and passed. The Railway Audit Bill was read a second time, and ordered to he referred to a select committee. Mr. DTsraeli is at length the accepted leader of the Protec- tIOnists-that is to say, in the House of Commons. He is no longer a mere triumvir, holding the office in commission with Mr. Herries and the Marquess of Gran by. Mr. Robert Abraham, late editor of the Liverpool Journal, has been called to the bar of Canada. Mr. Macready appeared for the first time in England, nee his return from North America, at the Birmingham theatre, last week. His reception was most enthusiastic. The house was crowded, and the waving of hats and handkerchiefs greeted his appearance. The number of gold medals issued to officers who served in the peninsular war is 627, and of silver 2,309. From the 12th February till the 8th June, a period of seven- weeks, there left Londonderry tor the United States twenty- seven vessels, containing 4,662 souls for Canada, two vessels, with New Brunswick, three vessels, and 445—making a total of 5,4ii5. The vessels Colonist, from Ilobart Town, has brought 672 bags of wheat, as a portion of her cargo of Australian produce. She had also on board 3,tiOO hams. It was announced, last week, that the poor's-rate will be re- duced for the Cheltenham parish from 3s. in the pound per annum, to and that the lamp and paving rate will also be reduced one-sixth. The joint reduction will amount to about one fourth the amount of the present rates. A man, named Weeks, living at Cheddar, Somerset, has on view what is considered a rare curiosity, viz., a tortoise-shell torn cat. A horse, going to drink, lately, got afloat on a loose piece of ice, on an American lake, and was found floating all it 75 mill's from the place where he ¡;tarted. Ihe sheriff's officer of Berks recently entered the residence of the mayor, armed with an attachment for £6 lis. (id., the tine and costs for his worship's contumacy in not attending the judges at the Abingdon assizes, last February. VVrages are advancing in the manufacturing districts, owing to the uriskness of trade. The public of Berlin have lately been attracted to the Thier Garten, to witness the second ascent of Air. Coxwell, in his balloon Sylph. Wonder and astonishment were elicited, and ivell they might be, to see the stout-hearted aeronaut drop a smaller from the larger car, descend thereto by a silken ladder, discharge fireworks, and then, when at the height of 1000 and more feet from the earth, reascend. The total quantity ot cheese imported into the United King- dom from various countries in Europe, in 1848, amounted to 286,474 cwt and the quantity imported from the United States was 154,658. The cemetery committee of the Biadford town council have come to a resolution, recommending the formation of a com- pany fur procuring it public cemetery, the burial grounds in the town being fur the most part nearly full. There is a record in the parish church of Tannadice, near Forfar, of the closing of the church on a certain Suuday, be- cause the minister had to go elsewhere to superintend the burnin of a witeh. The Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol has made the munificent grant of £200 from his small livings' fund, towards procuring a house ol residence for the incumbent of Bussage, a new district taken out of the parish of BisJey, and very poorly endowed. The Bishop of Gibraltar lately visited Constantinople, for the purpose of confirming such Protestants as would avail themselves of the opportunity. Mr. Mark Fothergili was lately refused readmission as an attorney, by Lord Denman, on the ground of having been guilty of an open falsehood, which disqualified him. Dr. Bowring assumed the charge of his duties, as consul at Canton, on the 13th of April. England," says the Times, "nolV considers itself indebted by some millions to Joseph Hume's pruning-hook." A marble statue of Wesley has been erected at the Wesleyan Theological Institution, at Richmond, Surrey. The Court of Queen". Bench has given judgment against the exemptirn from rrtes of the premises occupied by the Baptist Missionary Society in London. The Chester corporation has received for land, from vari- ous railway companies, i9,231 17..3d. The magnificent new Tonn hall of Yeovil was opened on Wednesday, amidst gieat rejoicings. All the shops of the town were closed, and the day was observed as a general holi- day. His Holiness the Pope has transmitted to Dr. M'Hale, the sum of £20,000 francs (about £ 800,), to be distributed among the poor of the archdiocese of Tuam. A hitherto unknown race of people has, it is said, been dis- covered in the interior of Africa. They occupy the kingdom of Bari. They are black in colour, and very tall, but desti- tute 01 the usual negro features. Arrangement. have been perfected throughout Ireland, for collecting the sixpenny Rate-in-aid. The commissioners have forwarded sealed orders to the various unions, spec fying the amount of each electorial division, according to its valua- tion. The atmospheric tubes are being removed from the South Devon line, preparatory to their being broken up and sold for old iron, after having cost the shareholders upwards of half a million. Mr. T. Cooper (the author of the Purgatory of Suicides'') announces his intention to contest Leicester, at the next va- cancy. He is stated to have every prospect of success. Mrs. Sarah Granger, of Grosvenor-place, Bath, has pre- sented a complete silver sacramental service for the use of the congregation assembling at Walcot chapel. The plate is chaste and simple in design, and very beautifully finished. Each piece bears a suitable dedicatory inscription and the usual symbols, and the whole is contained in an oak case. The select committee of the House of Commons, on the re* moval of Smithfield Market, have decided in favour of its reo moval. -» t-i ai. n. nwi<«tiey or me t'Y""IJY memoer for f.ast Somerst, William Miles, Esq., Leigh Woods are now thrown open to the public, without charge, for gipsy and pic-nic parties. The magistrates at Huddersfield have convicted a tempe. ranee hotel-keeper in 33s. fine and costs, for selling ginger- beer during the hours of Divine service, it being a fermented liquor," and therefore coming under the clause of the Public- house Act. Nineteen thousand one hundred and eighty-one persons emi- grated from Liverpool during the month of May. The town of Birkenhead, after suffering a depression which threatened a complete stop to its hitherto rapid advancement, is fast recovering from its low state, and the rental this year will exceed that of last year by £20,000. In the first five months, last year, the Irish Post-office yielded £::9,000; this year it has produced only £9.000. Smith O'Brien and the other three state prisoners will be sent to Van Diemen's Land in her Majesty s ship Swift, or. dered to the Pacific station. It is understod that Sir Robert Peel intends to proceed to the Highlands at the close of the ensuing month. The Right Hon. Baronet, who has taken a shooting box near Beauley, Invernesshire, belonging to Lord Lovat, will be accompanied by Lidy and Miss Peel, Captain William Peel, RN., and Mr. Frederick Peel, M.P. There is an increase in the tonnage of the port of Liver- pool, for the year ending the 23rd of June, 1849, as compared with the previous year, of 422 vessels, amounting to 354,183 tons. I he increase in the revenue during the same period has £29,710. Dr. W. B. Carpenter, in a lecture at Ipswich, allowed the possession of reason, to a certain extent, in animals. He in- stanced that the young ladies in a Bristol school used to lunch in the garden at tweive, and crumb-picking sparrows congre- gated a little before but on Sundays, as the girls did not lunch, the sparrows never appeared. James Iloadley, a railway timekeeper, employed on the South Eastern Railway, has absconded with £100. with which he had been entrusted to pay his fellow workmen, leav 109 seventy men with their wives and families without the Means of providing food. The military establishment at Hong Kong is to cease to be a major general's command, and to be placed under that of a colunel on the staff- A Roman Catholic Church is to be erected on the site of the Regent Hotel, Cheltenham, at a cost A vessel has sailed from Havre, for California, within the last few days, and amongst the passengers is a large number of musicians who intend to change their notes for gold. Very shortly another vessel will sail with a second party, the whole passengers in which will consist of musicians and actors. Upwards of twenty workmen are actively engaged at Mans- field, ir. preparing for the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Bentinck monument. It is rumoured that Lord Scarborough has been requested to officiate on the occasion, but the day is not yet generally known. Mr. John Baker, Juno, ofCmtether, near L'skeard, sheared sixty-three shtep in sixteen hours, one day recently. He commenced at lour o'clock in the morning, and finished at eight o'clock at night, taking the usual time allowed for breakfast and dinner. James Talbot a native of Nottingham, a Chelsea pensioner, with an allowance ol 2s. per week, has received a Peninsular medal, with fittten silver bars, bearing the names of actions in which he fought. He was in five other battles, not recorded. He wears a larger number of bars than any soldier in England. The marriage of Lady Diana Boyle, daughter of the Countess (Dowager) of Glasgow, and Mr. Pakington, eldest sou of Sir J. Pakington, Bart., M.P., will be solemnised in the coutve of a few days. The South Wales Scholarship in Jesus College, Oxford, was won by Mr. David Thongs, at Carmarthenshire, who carried off the palm from seven other competitors, amongst whom we noticed the name of Mr. Edward Howells, who so distin- guished himself in Cowbridge Collegiate School.—Cambrian. A few days ago, a cat, carrying one of her kittens in her mouth, was attacked by.a bitch and killed, near Greenhill Junction, on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. The or- phan kitten was immediately adopted by the bitch, which chanced to have pups at the time, and the young members of this somewhat singular family are at present living together on the most friendly terms. It is proposed to enclose fifty acres of Wimbledon Common, and to form an establishment for the reception of pauper chil. dren, from the unions in the county of Surrey. A man, named Mullen, has been committed at Lancaster, accused of having dies in his possession, for the purpose of fraudulently imitating the marks on gold and silver plate. REMARKABLE STATEMENT.—AN eminent physician of Paris, Dr. Booel, has WRITTEN TO a professional brother 10 this owo, statements so startling in reference to the results of 8 very limple mode of treating* 'D LHE Worst stages, the di»ea«e now so fatally prevalent in PIIIIS, that we deem it our duty at ooce to fay it before the public. The letter, of which the following is a trans- lation, is dated Paris, June 18 I think it my duty to inform my professional brethren that, in a very great number of patients affected with cholera io the last stage, that is to say, when the pulsation of the heart, AND the movement of the pulses are absent, and in THE commencement of the blue stage, I have suc- ceeded in res oriot: the action of the h-art, and in lecovering the patient from the blue stage, by ADMINISTERING, at intervals of holf- an-hour, four cups of a hot and sweetened infusion of the com- mon lime tree, mint, balm, or chamomile, &c" in each of which cup of infusion were four drops of volatile alkali, making sixteen drops, which THE patient may take in two hours. The reaction is almost instaNLANeous. The pulse commences instantaneously to beat, rather irregularly at first, it is true, but afterwards with force, the blue state disappears, the body, face, and extremities are covered wllh hot and copious sweat, and in a few hours the patient is entirely out of danger. It is frequently necessary to combat tbe REACTION WHEN it becomes too strong by the assistance of bleeding- Liverpool Albion. 8m BENJAMtN HALL.— The Financial Reform Association of St- Pancras have addressed to Sir B. Hall a copy of a resolu- tion, PASSED at a meeting of the ASSOCIATION, calling upon htm to reeigf hl Stalin Parliament. The hon. baronet, in his reply, states ,E 88 '^presented the borough for more than eleven year*. 30 U,'N8 "'AT time has ALWAYS beeD at the S3rvice of his constituen », HE therefore considers it unreasonable, when labor- ing under O I,y sickness, to whxb even a member for Maryle- bODe is SU ject, that he should be called upon to resign his seat, ;10 haordlngly replies, "I lave no hesitation in declaring ,hat I shall not aCcede to such a rrOpositioo." THE -ADA ALICE WVATTVILLE."—This notorious c erac er, W O has been but a few days liberated from the county F11'0"' R.°URED Cheltenham ooce more with • visit. She H° T N« ART. CK SYS,EM of giving liberal orders to tradespeople, ceeded how !>EAR^» with very little success. She has sue- The PO'LICEWEVER* 'N A8A'N HERSELF amenable to the law. 8,6 00 l,er trftil. aQd wt expect to witness her speedy pretences Vh^ ^ar jusl'ce* Obtaining goods under false Cheltenham Exlmher^ a8,in8t h" ladyshiP 00 this occaaion-—