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Foreign and Colonial Intelligence.


Foreign and Colonial Intelligence. FRANCE. A letter from Cannes states that Ibe Commandant of the fort ef the He Saime Maguerite has received orders to prepare for the recepiion of 600 prisoners made by the French army in the late attacks on Rome. The steamer Caton, which arrived at Marseilles on Tuesday ■e'nnight, took on board a quantity of arms for the service of the Italian expedition. A Marseilles journal says :—"The steam frigate, the Infernal, which arrived at Toulon in the night of the 2nd instant, brings intelligence of the occupation of Rome by the French army, after a terrible combat, which did not last less than five hours. All the letters from Civita Vecchia and from the camp, of the 1st. agree in giving this important piece of news as certain. Our correspondent of Toulon states that, after takiog possession of the bastion No. 8, the well-sustained fire of our artillery silenced that of ihe Romans on all points. In this last affair we made two hundred prisoners, and killed four hundred men. Our cor- respondent terminates his letter by saying, Rome has made its submission to ihe French Government." At the departure of the Infernal from Civita Vecchia, hostilities were suspended, and Ihe "Roman municipality proceeded to the camp to treat of the capitulation of Rome." A letter from Civita Vecchia, dated ten o'clock, the 1st instant, says-" The projected attack on a bastion of Mount Gianico'o took place the 30ih ult. in the morn- iog. There were five hours' fighting, with the greatest success on our part. Our soldiers displayed their usual ardour. We have killed more than four hundred of the Romans, taken seven cannon, and canied a position which greatly disturbed the occu pation of the breach." A letter from Toulon, of the 31st ult., says :—" The sleam- frigate, the Infernal, which has just anchored in the roadsted, with the wounded, and the dispatches of General Oudinot for the Government, brings news of great interest. This steamer left Civita Vecchia the morning of the 2od instant. The in- formation had just teached that town, by extraordinary courier, that our troops, after possessing themselves of the principal posi- tions which dominate the part of the city of Rome which is situated on the left bank of the Tiber, and called the Transtevere, entered the streets, where a terrible conbal look place. They look several pieces of cannon, and made numerous prisoners, but there weie a good many victims on both sides. The Roman National Assembly had demanded a suspension of arms. The struggle, however, continued, It wns said, on Ihe departure of the courier, who placed on board the Infernal the dispatches of the General but discouragement was already in the ranks of a portion of the defenders of the town, and very probably all was about (n terminate. Two steam-frigates, bearing artillery and projectile, leave to-day for Civita Vecchia, and another is about to take on board troops at Marseilles." Paris, Monday EveoiDg.—It was announced to-day, at the Bourse, that a telegraphic despatch had airived with information from Rome, stating that on the <5'.h instant the capitulation was complex. This news did not affect the funds favourably. It is feared that the dreadful slaughter in the assault of the 30th ult., when the French army bayoneted so many of the defenders, will excite anything but a friendly feeling to the French, end that, on tbe othør haud, the Pope will oot show himself very docile to the dictation of the Fiench government, if any such should be attempted. BADEN AND THE PALATINATE. Letters from Carliruhey of the 4th instant, state rtiat Rasladt cODtlOued to be completely surrounded by ihe Prussians, and the general in command had summoned the garrison and inhabitants to sUl/ender within twenty-four hours, threal60iog to bombard the town if they did not. The garrison had refused. The head- quarters of the Prince of Prussia were at OfTenburg, and the military operations in ^>e Oberland were cootiouing. A corps d'aimee had set out for the circle of the lake. M. Brentano, the chief of the revolutionary Government of Baden, who had been accused of treason by the Constituent Assembly of Carlsruhe, has written a latter dated from Zurich, tbe 1st iostant, in which he denies the charge, and says that it was a calumny invented by M. Struve, who wished to deprive him of the power with which he had been invested. He adds, that, as Dictator, be had no concern with the pubiic treasury, and ooly received his three florins a day. HANOVER. Several of the German journals having persisted in stating that Hanover is about to accede to the Prussian Customs' League, the commit'ee of the Hanoverian Commercial Association has, with the sanction of the Government, published a declaration that for the present no such intention is entertained. DENMARK AND THE DUCHIES. There are reports tbat accounls had beeD received al Copen- hagen of a serious affair, near Silkeborg, between German and Danish troops, but no retails have reached the city. A letter from Hamburgh, of the 4th instant, says The Chamber of Representatives of the Duchies of Schleswig-Hol- Ittin has just resolved, after several days' irrilating debate, to adopt an address to the Provisional Regency, declaring that peace will never be possible with Deumark rí its fundamental basis be net the indissoluble union of Schleswig with Holstein, and the complete fusion of the two Duchies that their annexation to Ihe other States of the Germanic Empire must be irrevocable, and such as was reorganised and guaranteed by the Diet ol Frank- fort that it will never give its adhesion to any arrangement, so long as there shall exist the least administrative or political re- lation between the two duchies and the King of Denmark that it calls on the regency to employ all the public resources of the oatioa for canytog on the war with more decision and energy than ever and that it insists on having envoys appointed to take part in negotiations for peace. This proceeding of tLe Chamber compromises all tbe hopes which had been formed of an amica- ble arrangement, and paralyses all the schemes of arbitration ditcussed at London, Frankfort, and Berlio. All is again placed in doubt, and another year may pBss away without the settle- ment of the question, thereby causing incalculable losses to all GI"many." Copenhagen, July 5.—The Minister of War gives the follow ing report, dated July 1st" The position of affairs remains unchanged at Aarhuus. A subaltern and five Prussian hussars, with their horses, have been taken prisouers. Fredencta was again bombarded on the 2nd, but without effect. ITALY. Accounts from Rome attribute the intended surrender of the city to the fact that the ammunition of the Romans was quite exhausted. For two days before overtures were made to Oudioot, they had been firing glass bottles filled with pieces of iron and combustibles at their assailants. A Roman paper, of the 27th ult., says it is right that all Europe should know that the bullets and bombs of tbe French continue to be discharged without distinction on all such parts of Rome and its people as they can reach. To pay that the defenders of Rome are foreigners is a gross calumoy. If a few Frenchmen have taken up arms for us, they are not the professors of barricades, as is expected, but pacific artists, our hosts for many years past, and who know our rights. But they are very few. The legion of Garibaldi is composed of four-fifths of Romagnols. Another paper maintains that there are not more than 26S foreigners in the Roman ranks. All tbe rest are Romans, with |he exception of 3000 Italians of other states. Great afcihVge ha* bert "ro rte rQinrhrahby t6e Pr«nt^ ^«tfft,* and a fresco by Nicolas Poussin, of which unfortunately no copy exists, has been destroyed. The Austrians, on the 26th ult., made a fresh attack upon Venice, and were repulsed wIth great loss. We learn that Garibaldi, with 5,000 or 6,000 men, quitted Rome on the morning of the 3:d instant, takiog the direction of Terracina, as it was believed. The first division of the expeditionary army set out in pursuit of him on the 4th instant. The Fiench Government have received a telegraphic despatch, not yetpubtiahfd, announcing the arrival of an aide-de-camp of General Oudinot at Marseilles. He states that the French army entered Rome on the 3rd instant, and quitted it on the 4th. AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. The Prince de Joinville and the Duke de Bourdeaux arp both in Vienna. This visit, at well as that of the Duchess of Orleans 10 Louis Philippe at Hastings, and that of the Due de Leuchteo- berg to Louis Napoleon, are connected, it is said, with the plaDs of the Emperor of Russia for Cossackiaing France as well as Austria, and thus reducing all Europe to a state of vassalage to the A utocracv. The Wiener Zeitung, of the 4th instant, says that direct ac- counts received from the head-quarters at Babolna say that all Ihe divisions of the Imperial army, except the 3,d, had advanced against Comorn to reconnci're the strength of the enemy, which operation was executed, and the Hungarians retired into their entrenchments, but the Commander-in-Chief diiected they should be pursued no further than the entrenched camp around the tete de pont on the right shore of the Danube. I he Hungarians, protected by these entrencbmenls, manoeuvred with twenty squadrons, and kept up a fire from fifty guns for eigLt hours, which, )t it said, did but comparatively little injury. The Hun- garian infantry remained in their entrenchments. One battery had ventured beyond the protection of the guns in the entrench- IDent; but the regiment of Lichtens'ein Light Horse attacked sod captured the battery after cutting down the greater part of the men lit their guns. The. battery consisled of six six-pounders, and two twelve-pounders. The four squadrons which hastened to endeavour to protect the battery wel" doveo back with COD- sideiable lots. From the Ruuian head-quarters, under date Forro, June 30, accounts have been received, which report that the Hungarians, 20,000 strong, had resolved to defend the passes through the Carpathian mountains but that on the advance of the Russians they retired to Tokay, which plare about 5,000 Hungarians first endeavoured to defend. But as they were posted principally on Ihe left shore of the Theiss, two regiments of Cossacks, under Major Toubkine, abandoning their horses, swam over the river, • word in hand, and obtained possession of the Hungarian pon- toons; when threatened on their flanks by the Cossacks, the Hungarians took to night. On the evening of the 29th uit., the bridge over the Theiss was re-established, and 2.i battalions, and 30 squadrons, under General Tcbeodojew, were prepariog to march to attack Debreczta. T i i A letter, under date of the Carpathian mountains, July J, gives the following news :— "Yestetday a heavy cannonade, which lasted for an hour, was heard in the valley of the Waag. To-day we learn that a san- guinary conflIct has taken place between the Russinn irocpa and the Hungarians. We have not heard any details." At Raab the Austritns were guilty of the barbarity of shoot- ing several of their prisoners in cold t food. Kossuth left Pe»th for Grosawardein on the 2nd instant. It is said that Kronatadt was taken by the Russians on the 21st ult. The j^mtiao authorities have, it is said, offered a reward for the,«rfagsination of Geoeral Bern. rf~ The position of the hostile armies on the Waag and Danube is iDsteiially changed. The engagements last week mentioned seem to hate been more disadvantageous to the Magyars than was alfirst clear. In the battle of the Pered, the Hungarians, commanded by Georgey in person, were about 30,000 strong, with 80 pieces of cannon. On the side of theAustriaos, the whole corps of Wohlgemuth, the brigade of Pott, and a corps of 10.000 Russian auxiliaries under Pacjutine, were brought into action. The engagement lasted from five in tbe morning tlH eight io the evening. It began favourably for the Hungarians, but the continued reinforcements which their enemy received turned the scale. The Imperialists succeeded in retaining Pered against all Georgey's attacks, aod at last obliged him to with- draw his whole forre over tbe Waag bridges at Farkase and Negyed, which he destroyed. The loss was great in killed and wounded on each aide-several thousands, it is said. The Russians lost a colonel and four other officers, and the Austrians a major. On the 27th June, the Imperial army pressed forward, to the number of 80,000, on the rear of Georgey's retiring force and on the 28th the town of Raab was entered by the Emperor in person, at the head of the Austrian vanguard. The first accounts spoke of fighting, and great mutual slaughter, before the occupation of Raab bytheAustrians; but it now seems rather to have been evacuated by Georgey, as a part of bis tactical movements, tbe natuie of which it yet to be developed. Perczel has been worsted in some late encounters with the Ban Jella- chick; but he has since joined Bern with a considerable force. The Russians are said to have just entered Transylvania, and advanced as far as Bistrttz, worsting an opposing Hungarian force ontheir way. General Sehlick, who advanced on the road from Raab to Weiasenburg, fought a battle on the 2od instant. He was op- posed by about 10,000 Hungarians, under Geoeral Klapka, who eventually checked his piogress. Of the island of Shutt ihe Hungarians occupy the eastern part up lo Nyarad. The Austrians were here preparing aD attack, so al to effect a junction with the bulk of their army, when it should have crossed the Danube. A Vienna correspondent, of the 4th instant, stales that the head quarters of the Imperialist army has beeo carried back to Raab. RUSSIA. SI. Petersborgh, June 30.—The St. Petersburgh journals of this day announce the death of the Grand Duchess Alexandra, daughter of the heir apparent.

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«.— To the Editor of the Monmouthshire…

To the Editor of the Monmouthshire…

To the Editor of the Monmouthshire…




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