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IV —— General Notices. a NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, e j^^ANNA B. EDMONDS begs respectfully to inform hpr if SATT-r"^5 an<^ Pu^^c> that she intends carrying on the L-I A TltADH, SO many years conducted by her mother, the tha 1 l'athe|ine Edmonds, and takes this opportui it/ to if pal l"ein for the favours conferred, and to solicit their luturc fayo°naSe an<1 suPPort* A11 orders with which she may be —u*ec* shall be executed with promptitude, and with everv gard to liberal charges. p Market Street, April, 1852, ■ t PERUVIAN GUANO. i« |^Hr,'LlPS AND GETHING supply this season, at a Re- Val .uce(* Price, their well-known quality of the above ,0 tece^ i ^anure> selected outol the finest and driest cargoes, f by them direct from Peru, -without landing, and sold granted as imported. tj ^riox. — P. and G. are, in self-defence, compelled to add rj Rg Damaged, Inferior, and Artificial Guano are being sold Vn- "est t'eruvi*n, in some cases by respectable agents, who lli not their real origin. at ■».« Dle in i'.aiicr.s cl iittle value cai i t! I. i < <t« ctctpear- Z or smell, )f cor4raercial Buildings, Newport, 1852. DENTAL SURGEItlf, TWENTY-FIRST YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. > Chepstow; Tuesdays, Abergavenny; Wednesdays, Thursdays, Cardiff; Fridays, Merthyr; Saturdays, Monmouth. 0 g( MR. LEWIN M OS ELY, it ■» .8e°n Dentist, of 30, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London, J AS the honour to announce to his patients and the y, residents generally of the Principality, that he will '<J 3f?mei>ce his usual PERIODICAL VISIT, on Monday the te p. May, when he may be consulted in all relating to his r, rllCession, on Mondays, at the George Hotel, Chepstow iff Tuesd ys, at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny; r. Wednesdays, at the King's Ilead, Newport; ■fi Thursdays, at the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff; g Fridays, at the Castle Inn, Merthyr; ), (all at private apartments) and on i* Saturdays, at Mr. J. Powell's, Plumber, Monnow-street, J) Monmouth. M Attendance from Ten to Five. It .r" is enabled to offer to his Patients advantages only 6t 1) talnable in the Metropolis: the whole of the Mechanical if? ePartment is designed and executed at the Town Establish- I^m' whereby a sure arl^ accurate fit is guaranteed and Mr. fl being the manufacturer of the newly.invented Mineral }l great saving is made to the patients—sets and partial Jt i"e'n £ f "-ade for little more than half the usual charges. rcicent improvement adopted in the construction of thO'I10^ to suit each individual case, among which is i> T>„ new invention of adding an Artificial Gum to the t>e»f "hereby the youthful contour of the countenance is >» j.. ep'ly restored. The Teeth are also fixed upon atmospheric It tir»nCI^'es s0 aS ?ause a perfect articulation and mastica- lt J they are quite indestructible they never change colour, are fixed from one to a complete set, without extracting 1 J.6,81"?8. an(i are worn with Perfect ease upon the most I' U»4ergums.. I ti in with gold, and the various cements now in use, Scal- B t ?•. Children's Teeth attended to, and every operation per- king to Dental Surgery. II Consultations Free, and every information without expense. j( *eferencts to the Faculty, and very many Resident Families. Constant Attendance at Town Residence, No. 30, Berners- i a feet Oxford-street, where Patients can always be attended, Letters addressed will meet with immediate attention; and r* L. M. begs to remind his Patients, that he hus not any >{ with any Dentist residing at Bristol, or elsewhere. jf London 30. Berners-street, Oxford-street, | — April 17,1S52 0 WANTED, 1 N THE NEIGHBOOIVHOaO^OP NEWPORT, an 'i *j*~ I,D0OK, MAN SERVANT; must wait at table we!l, Ð: drive occasionally a one horse carnage, and be well recom- mended from his last "lace. Also, a GOOD PLAIN COOK, who understands the ma- e. ol a Daiiy. £ j Address: A. B., Post Office, Newpoit. I' POTATOES, CIDER, AND JERSEY COWS. JUST ARRIVED and now on Sale, a select lot of Jersey Heifers, to calve in May, a quantity of Prime Champagne Cider; also, about One Hundred Tons of French Cup and other Potatoes. Por particulars, apply to Mr. J. J. GALLIE, No. 3, Skinner- Street, Newpoit. GOOD KEEP, f rVN SALT MARSII. for HORSES and CATTLE, to be r' entered upouthe First of MAT, at the following terms: — ,f. Cattle Per Week. Horses Per Week. J Yearlings ..13 Colts .16 ?• Two-year old ..16 Two-vear old 2 0 Aged .20 Aged. 2 6 a » Apply to Mr. H. JAMES, Sunny Bank, St. Brides, or to Mr.T.iOMAS JONES, late JAM ES DAVIS, Wharf Keeper. 8. PERUVIAN GUANO. A8 AGENTS«f the Peruvian Go*ernment for the importa- tion and sale of tiiis valuable MANURE, we think it t fight, for the protec'ion of consumers and respectable dealers, apprise them that the adulteraiion of the ankle is still ex'en- atYely ptactised, a- d to recommend them to apply either to our 'elves, to our agents, Messis. GIBBS, BK11> III, and Co., of Liverpool and Bristol or to dealers of established character, 1 whose honesty and laii dealing they can place implicit con- 11 fidence. ANI'ONY GIBBS and SONS. r, n nONMOVTHSHlBE BAILWAT AND I CANAL COMPANY RAILWAY AND ^ANAL OPPICB, NEWPORT, APRIL 28, 1852. NOTICE is hereby I'iven, that the Half Yearly Meeting or General ASSEMBLY of the (Company of Proprietois of the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Navigation, will be •I held at the ('anal Ortice, on Wednesday, the 19th of MAY next, lit" WELVE o'clock, at noon The Ttansfer Hooks of the Company will be closed at 4 p.m. on Friday, 'he 14th duy of MAY next, and will not be re- j opened unUl Thursday, the 20 It 01 that monflr. By Order, GEOJIGJ; HARRISON, Chief Clerk. MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY AND [ CAM AI. COMPANY. *J7 E, whose naints are itereuntteubscriijed, being Five of W the Committee of Management of the Monmouthshire Railway aud Canal Company, do hereby call a special geneial Meet inn of the ^liareliolders in the said Company, to beheld j at the Canal Office, in the town of NBWPOKT, in the county of "uoninoutli, on Wednesday, THE 19ili day of MAY, 1852, at One o'clock precisely, when the draft of a Bill now before Parliament Intituled "A Bill for enabling the (Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company to make certain new Railways, lind for oilier purposes," will be submitted to the Meeting.— Dated this 21st day of April, 18.52. H. WEDGWOOD. JOHN W. N. CARNE, D. C. L. G.WHITAKER. W. JENKINS. J. BOWSHKR. ..AAiii HEREFORD RAILWAY OR TBAMAOAD COMPANY, ALL persons having any Claim or Demand against the Hereford Uailwuy or iramroad Company, are requested v to send particulars thereof to Mr. J. F. OWEN FOWLER, the Clerk to the Company. (Mgned) J. F.OWEN FOWLER, n. ,„M Clerk to the Company, fcffard, 4th May, 1852. r MISS HOLMES, GRATEFUL for the extended patronage accorded toLer Jf for several years past, respectfully announces that she has made extensive improvements in lu r premises, and adapted them to the increased rcquii ernents of her bu-iness. Miss II. having just \i*h'd the metropolis, has selected a large assortment of goods suitable for the present season, com- prising the nc<v- -r designs in French a-sd Knglish Millinery, .Mantles, Iiibh Pa'asols, Gloves, >t aw Bonnets and Ihits, Grecian and -w.- Fancies, Leghorns, &c., which she intends submitting to •< ends at prices which cannot fail to secure their approve The iSllOV 10 \1S were Opened on THURSDAY last. 55, High ree:, Newport. MES^iKSBS &. THS oraADE Supplied with Cut Lengths, at Wholesale Prices, at JONES AND COMPANY'S No. 56, WINR STREET, BBISTOL, WIIOLESAI^TS and Retail Silk Mercers I.inen Drapers, Hosiers, Gloviers, and Lacemen, and Importers of French Flowers and Ribbons,"who are in connection with a London branch, from whence supplies of new goods are daily received. MONMOUTHSHIRE. 1yOTICF. IS JIFUFBY GIVEN, that the Central Quarter *• Sessions or the Peace, for the ('iwtify of Monmouth, holdcn at the 7men Hall, in Usk, in nn,l for the said county, on 1Y, the Fifth flat/ of APRIT., 18-52, are coiitinwd Inj adjournment to. and will be hell at the Town lloll. Ui,k, aforesaid on I Uh.SDAY. the Twenty Ji'ih d ty of MAY instant, a< I en o Clock in the Forenoon, fr the purpose of trying prisoners committed far trial fo, offences within the juris lirtion ol the Court at which ii,ng an({ place, oil Bailiffs and other Officers, ProseciitoiW i/wesses, and others c ncer wd. hound by recogni- zance or otherwise are required to %ire their attendance I he name* IIf tl!e Grand and Petty Juries will he called over at the hour aforesaid, and they are to amwrr to their navies, or in default they wilt he fined. All Persons hiving Bills of Indictment to are reunified to send instructions for the same in due time, to the Cie)k of Jnnictments, at Usle, tifol-esitid All Recognizances. Informations, and Depositiorts must he deli. vered to the Cleik (f (lie Peace, at Aewport, three days previous to the said adjourned Sessions CHARLES PllOTHERO, ,T Clerk of the Peace, bewpon, May 3rd, 1852. MONMOUTHSHIRE. COURT or SEWERS. OTICE IS II ERFny GIVKN, that an Adjourned N General Court and Session of hewers, for the Levels of the Hutid eCs ot CaMicot and Wentlooge, in the county of Monmouth, will be hi Id at the house of .lohs\ Lloyd commonly called or known by the name of the IIKAT) INN, in the Town of Newport, in the said county, 011 Thursday, the 20th day of May instant, at twelve o'clock at n"OIl, when and where all persons who shall feel themselves aggrieved by any present- ment f,und at the last Court, may attend and enter their tra- verse thereto, otherwise the same will stand confirmed Dated this 5th day of May, 1H52. A. WADDINGTOV. Clerk. THOMAS LEWIS, TAlLOn AND Zft A P M'M 146, COMMERCIAL STREET- Nearly opposite the West of England Bank, Newport, BEGS to c»ll attention to his Large Stock of Superior Woollen Cl;»'hs Fancy Trowserings, and Vestings of the Newest Style of Fashion, all of which he has carefully selected for the coming season. An early inspection is solicited. TO IRON TOASTERS, &c. W- ANTEO, by a pprsnn who has for many years filled the W situation ot Cashier and Honk-keeper in an extensive Tron Works and who has also been accustomed to make out Forge and Mill, Blast Furnace, and Coliiery Pays, a situation somewhat similar elsewhere. Cnexi-eptionable references can be given as to character and capability, and satisfactory reasons for leaving his present employment. Address A. B. C., AIEELIN OFFICE, Newport, Monmouth. shire. REGULAR TRADER F«.0\t LONDON TO CARDIFF, NEWPORT, &c. .<^4^ THE SCHOONER GLAMORGAN, |j!~g £ 2 D.JONES, Master, JS now loading at Symon's Wharf, Tooley-s'reet, London, 1 for Carditf, Newport, Merthyr, Dowlais, Aberdare, Aber- gavenny, Brecon, Monmouth. Pontypool, Cowbridge, Bridgend, and places adjacent, and will sail positively On 'J'HUUBDAY, MAY 20th, 1852. For freight, &c., apply to the Master on board Mr. Richard Burton, Wharfinger, Newport; Mr. 1 homus Richards, Aber- gavenny; Messrs. Prosser and Co., Brecon; Messrs. J. II. and G. JScovell, Symon's Wharf, London or to Messrs. W. Bird and Son, Cardiff. London, VIay 6. 1852. EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, W. TAPS( OTi' AND CO., p, "13EG to inform their numerous Correspondents, and Persons intending to Emigrate, that the fol- lowing magnificent St ips, which comprise their taaSfe? Superb Lines of American Packets and Passenger Ships, sailing from LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, PHILA- DELPHIA, NEW ORLEANS, BALTIMORE, and other American Ports, will continue to be despatched as follows FOR 15W YORK. Ship. Tons Bur. bhips Tons Bur. "Constellation" 2500 Kossuth" 22,0 John Stuan" '26 00 "Continent" 2000 "Meridian" 2250 "Emma Fields" 2(11 0 'Florida" 2000 Benjamin Adams" 2000 "RohertKeny" 1800 "Andrew Foster" 1800 "Waterloo" 180» "Garrick" 1*00 Henry Clay" 2!50 "Arctic" 2000 "Underwriter" 2.500 AntarCTic" 2000 RappahanJlock" 2^50 Ceiittirioik 2000 "llungati n" 2000 "J Z" 1600 Ri'scius" ImiO A. Z." 1600 Siddons" 18 0 "State iiights" 2000 One of the above Packets will be despatched on the 1st, 6th, 11th 16th, 21st, and ":6th of each Month. And other First-class Ships will be depatched at intervals, to meet the wants of their numerous applicants at the busy season, thereby preventing the possibility of delay in Liver- pool, so injurious to the welfare of the Emigrant, I FOR PillLADEPHlA. Ship. Tons Bur. Ship. Tons Bur. "Tonawanda" 2HOO "Wyoming" 1800 "Tuscorora" 2000 "Saranak" 1650 The above are despatched on the 12th of every Month. FOR NEW ORLEANS. Carnatie" 1000 North Atlantic" 1759 '• Loodianah" 1000 "Arlington" Carrack" 1400 "George Green" •••• l™" City of Lincoln" IOOO Judah Touro" lo0° Twice a Month. FOR BALTIMORE. "Flora M-Donald" 1800 I "Johannes" "Scotia" 1600 I Harvest" 1400 Once a Month. Many of these Ships are quite new, built expressly for the trade, and fitted up especially with a view to accommodate all classes of Passengers, having private rooms in poop for families and others wishing to be more select, and most of them carry an experienced surgeon; while their strict punc- tuality of sailing and successlul passages, have gained for this line the highest reputation of any in the trade as a proof of which we may state that no less than 40,000 souls were for- warded by Tapseott's Favourite Line," during the year 1851. For ) imes of Departure, and Rates of Passage, application should be made to W. TAPSCOTT AND CO., American limigration, Forwarding, and Exchange Offices, St. George Buildings, Regent Road, Liverpool, or to Mr. CHARLES PEATEY, Stationer, &c Castle-street, Tredegar. N.B.—For the accommodation of Passengers. Drafts, for any amount, at sight on New York, can at all times be had, which will be found safer and more convenient to Emigrants than any other mode of taking out their funds. I HOUSE OF CORRECTION, USK. MATRON. rr.HE VISITING JUSTICES will, at their General Meeting, I on the 7th of JUNE, 1852, select a person to (ill the office of MA IRON. Salary, Thirty Pounds a year, futnisUfijd apart- inents within the prison, with fire, and soap. All Applications and Testimonials must be sent in to the Visiting Justices, on or before the 5th June. fc THE LATE REV. D. RHYS STEPHEN. illi," REV. D. RHYS STEPHEN, the eloquent preacher, 1 the instructive lecturer, the bard and paniot—the man of brilliant intellect, of cl'iudk-ss temper, and of scci;iji,ljeart, ha* passed away from amongst us. The feelings of esteem, affec- tion, and symp.ithy. with which we are actuated for departed excellence, are. in this instance, rendered melancholy, by a consideration of the fact, that .fr. Stephen has dipdin poverty -too often,alas the cheerless concomitant of genius—$nd has left his widow and six children to the humane consideration and ercies of his countrymen, in whose service his best years and energies were spent, zealously and without stint; for all who knew ttie deceased, are well aware, that his patriotism was as generous as it. was unaffected, fervent, andtonsiint. At a meeting held at the 100111 of the Mechanics' Institute, lown Hall, Newport, on the 27th of April, it was resolved- that committees of the friends and admirers of the late Rev. D. II. Stephen, ce fo, med in Newport and other towns of the district, in order to solicit the humane co-operation of a generous public, ever ready toconifort the afflicted and alleviate oistress—in ordnr to raise a fund, whith may be prudently ap- plied in succouring the family of one whose abilities have been uniformly devoted to the instruction of his fellow-man, and who has performed so distinguished a part on the theatie of human lile. Fondly is it hoped that this beneficent work may prosper- that the helpless wail of woe may be calmfd and comforted— and that the benefactions 01 the commiserating, may, ili the hour of serious thought, in this life of vicissitude, afford a sunshine to the heart of the willing giver. COMMITTEE. Samuel flomfrav, Esq Mr. Edward Thomas Thomas Brown. Usq ,> Henry Thomas James Brown, Esq » C. Slads Charles Prothero, Esq » James Murphy George Gething, Esq » John Williams George Harrhy, Esq Arthur Murphy Edward Howling, Esq n illiam Fergusson William Ev,,ns. Esq » John Hyndman Lewis Edwards, Esq J}* H. Bvans Samuel Phillips. Esq j> William West Robert Stack, Esq, AJ.D. D Thomas Lewis H. F. Woollett, Ksq „ I nomas Williams JanifS Hawkins, Esq „ Thomas Richards W. \V. Morgan, Esq „ John Lloyd Robert J. Cat heart, Esq. „ Edward Wells Thomas Latch, Esq „ John M. Scott Itichd. ullock, (Alderman) „ Wilijam t,. Kelly Rev. William Thomas William Reeb I'ev. Duvid Edwards William Vaughan Rev. John Thomas Henry Evans Rev. G. Griffi hs „ William Tombs Mr. John Davies Evan Morgan William Christophers AVilliam Pitt „ T. F. Lewis Jalnes Saltør 11 Phillip John GEORGE IIAnnHY, Esq., of the West of England and South Wales District Bank, Newport, has kindly consented to act as Treasurer. Any kind t-nends who may be desirotw of soliciting contri butions in aid of (his benevolent object, may be furnished with Jubsciiption Books, on application tot he undersigned. The Committee are requested to meet at the M.LC II ANTCS' in the IOWN eve.^yEVJBNIIJQ, at Seven 0 etock IHcclselr. W. DOWNING EVANS, Secretary to the Uelief Committu.,t; 29th of April, 1852. NEW FAIR AT CFJRISTCHFRCH. TO rAUBSEns, GSL&Z32S&S. HOBSE AND CATTLE BSALSBS, &.c. \FAT II will be held at ClIUISTCllURCH, near Newport, Monmouthshire, on T!1 UR;sii A Y, the27lh day of May, for the Sale of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c. Farmers living in the parishes of Nash, Goldcliff, &c., will readily perceive the advantages of this fair, as compared with ihat of Chepstow, as the necessity for their colts and other animals to travel 1.5 or 16 miles to the fair, will be removed and there will be no toll-gate expenses incurred. Dealers will also observe the desirableness ot h >ving a fair just in the centre of an extensive co t-b;eeding district. Mr. James Hore, who is so well known to the Monmouth shire and Glamorganshire tarmors as an extensive colt buyer, will attend, together with many of the principal English dealers. An Insolvent Debtor to bs heard at the Court House, Hristol, on the Nineteenth day of May, 13i-?, at eleven o'clock in the morning, \\j ILLI AM BROWN, formerly residing, and carrying on » w business, in the Middle Avenue, Queen Square, and on the Back, in the City of Bristo), timber and Coal Merchant, and part of the time Trow Owner, and part cf the time House and Trow Agent, and Contractor of Works on the Pontypool, the l uff rail, and the Vale of Neath Railway Roads, and occa- sionally, during the time he was attending to his duties as such contractor, lodging at the Plymouth Anns, public-house, in the Town of Cardiff, at the Masons' Arms, beerhouse, in the Town of Aberdare, and at the Angel Inn, in the Town of Merthyr, all the aforesaid las:-mentioned places of residence being within the Connty of Glamorgan, and at Jim Crow's Cottage, in the Town of Pontypool, in the County of Mon- mouth and during the time of his residence in the Middle Avenue, Queen Square, aforesaid, letting lodgings; then of Caldicot, near Chepstow, in the said County of Monmouth, Farmer and House Agent; and lately lodging in Tower Street, Great Gardens, in the said City ot Uristo), out of business. lip NIty DAY, Attorney for the said Insolvent, Granby llill, Bristol. THSSATENSO DEMOLITION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE. IN consequence of many thousands of persons in the United Kingdom having been unable to obtain a copy of the GREAT EXHIBITION CHART, Printed in Colours, and Presented by the Proprietors of the Weekly Dispatch to their subscribers and the public, in the months of January and February last, A RE-ISSUE Has been determined upon, to take place on SUNDAY, the ItithofMAY. The Chart, which has undergone a careful revision, shews bv simple diagrams the number of persons that visited the Exhibition daily, the amount of money taken at the various entrances, the quantity of refreshments consumed the names of the Royal Commissioners, an account of the origin of the Palace, and its dimensions in feet. In order that everyindividtial in the country may possess this statistical reflex of curious and interesting results, to mark the demolition of the building, and to serve as a memento of its existence, the Chart will be delivered GRATIS to every sub- scriber and hnd purchaser of the Dispatch on the day stated. The Dispatch is published at four o'clock every Saturday morning, in time for the first railway trains leaving London, and for the morning mails. Early orders should be given to all Newsvendors, in town or country; or to Mr. R J. WOOD. No. 139, Fleet Street. N.B.—The News Agents will have a Copy of the Chart with every Dispatch of May 16th. CONTINENTAL AND ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS. More than Twenty Thousand Pieces, and about Ten Tons Weight. "rHE STOCK embraces every class of paper, from the sim- I pie and economical to the most costly in use, in colour and style so varied as to suit every taste, and at prices quite in accordance with the prevailing economy of the day. PAT 1'ERNS forwarded POST FREE, together with the table to measure rooms-by which parties! resident in the country, can ascertain the exact number of pieces their rooms may re- quire. And from so large a stock the orders can be imme- diately executed, thus obviating the inoonvenience. consequent on waiting for papers to be made. Builders, Painters, and the Trade, supplied on liberal terms. COTTERELL BROTHERS, 46, Broadmead, Bristol, and 6, Bridge-street, Bath. I AN EXTENSIVE NEW STOCK. OF DRAPERY GOODS, AT THE GOLDEN KEY P. JOHN BEGS to inform his friends and numerous customers that he has just returned from London, where he has purchased a Large Lot of Goods, adapted for the present season, which, in price and quality, will bear the test of comparison. j An. early call is solicited. Golden Key, 169, Commercial Street, Newport. KOPROS, A NEW PATENT MANURE, FOSt SWSDES A £ ?» TVIt!\i' rs PREPARED from Putrescent Matter, Snd Alkaline and i Phosphatic Substances, has been found to surpass Peruvian Guano, in its fertilising qualities. It is prepared in a I Dry Powder, suitable for the drill, and used in the proportion of 3 cwt. to the Acre. Price in Newport, f7 per ton, in bags, of newt. each. Apply to Mr. JAMES KEYSE. Corn Merchant, Newport, who has been appointed agent for Monmouthshire. Sales by Auction. —————- COAL WAGSONS rOR SALE. 1 fro BE SOLD. TWELVE COAL WAGGONS, suitable 9 for the B. anch Tramways, the weight of each being about 33 cwt., and to carry 3.1 tons of coal. They have been in use about six months, on hire, and can be delivered to a purchaser immediately. Apply to JIt. JAMES MUitPHY, Engineer, 74, Stow Hill, Newport. May 6, 1852. SALE: POSTPONED. '"B^HE Sale of Furniture, and other Effects, of Mr. John I, Latch, Stow Hill, Newport, advertised to take plaee on Wednesday, May the 5th, is POSTPONED to IUESDAY NEXT, MAY the 11th to commence at two o'clock precisely. CORNELIUS EVANS & SON, Auctioneers, &c. Agents to Phoenix Fire Insurance Office. 61, High Street, Newport, May 3, 1852. BASSALLEG AND RUMNEY, MON., SALE or COPYHOLD PROPERTY. MESSRS CORNELIUS EVANS and SON are instructed to SELL BY AUCTION at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL NEWPORT, en Saturday, the 8th day of May 1B52, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fallowing desirable Copyhold properties, LOT 1.-A11 those three pieces of meadow ground, situate near the Rogerstone Tin Works, in the parish of Bassalieg, and numbered 527, 528, and 529, on the lithe Map of the said parish, containing together 10 A. 3 it. 7 P. or thereabouts, and known by the several names of Cae Isha, Cae Canol, and Cae- wrth-y-Gwaith. LOT 2.-All that Messuage. Garden, and Farm Buildings, with a Cottage and Garden adjoining, situate by the side of the Turnpike Road, leading from Bassalieg to Risca, and near to Lot 1, numbered 533 on the Tithe Map, of the said parish of Bassalieg, and containing OA. 1r, 23P. or thereabouts. LOT 3. — All those 2 pieces of land situate near the Lower Trowbridge. in the parish of Ruraney, in the County of Mon- mouth, numbered 26 and 27 on the lithe Map, of the said parish of Ruinney, and containing together 4A.0r. 3P. or thereabouts. LOTS 1 and 2 are Cop)kold of the Manor of Rogerstone, and Lot 3 is Copyhold of the Manor of Ronpney alijs Ruinney. For further particulars apply to the Aictioneer, 61 High- street, or to MESSRS. BIRCH and DAVIS, Solicitors Newport. MONMOU rHSHIRE. LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, at the CROWN In.V, in the Town of Pontypool, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of MAY, 1K52, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, all that Messuage or Public House, known by the name of the It ED LION," with the Garden and Appurtenances thereto belonging, situate and being on the Canal Bank, near the Pontypool Poor Law Union House, in the Parish of LLmfrechfa, Upper, in the County of Monmouth, and now ia the occupation of fclr. Isaac Bees. rrue above premises are well situated, and the house com- mands a good business. The whole are held, at a low yearly rent, under a lease for 60 years, 49 of which are unexpired, For further particulars apply tto Mr. GREEN WAY, Soli- citor, Pontypool. TO DRAPERS, GROCERS, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES PEREMPTORY SALE AT BRYNMAWR, W. JJ. WILLIAMS AND CO. BEG to announce that they will SELL BY AUCTION, on the premises, in Lots to suit the Irade and Private Families, by order of the Ti ustees, under a Deed of Assignment, on WEDNESDAY. MAY 12th, and following days, the whole of the Stock-in-Trade, Utensils, and Household Furniture, capital Gig, and other interesting property, of Mr. John Jones, Draper and Grocer, Brynmawr, consisting of hats, caps, cloths, doeskins, buckskins, Coburgs, Orleans, aipaccas, lustians, delaines, merinos, flannels, blankets, prints, gloves, ribbons, white and brown and Irish linens, ducks, diills, sheeting, towellings, calicoes, umbrellas, hosiery, and haberdashery, &c., &c,. sugars, teas, tobacco, snuffs and cigars, candles, soap, brushes, malt and flour, together with numerous other articles of the grocery and provision trade. The utenfils have been recently purchased, l'he Furniture is modern and good, con- sisting of the usual requirements of a tradesman's lamily, and will be sold immediately after the Stock. Approved Bills at Two Months taken for purchases above £30. The whole will be on view on Monday and Tuesday, prior to the tale. Sale to commence each day at Half-past Eleven. Further particulars to be obtained of Mr. G. F. PRIDEAUX, Albion Chambers, Bristol. GLAMORGANSHIRE. THE CAMERON ESTATES) Near to and in the Jeaport town of Swansea, including many excellent Farms of various sizes, and the Manors of Courty- ctrne and Killihiin; the whole comprising upwaids of THREE THOUSAN I) ACRES, the gieater part of which contains valuable veins of Coal, chiefly in a virgin slate. Also the Cameron Arms Hotel, and several Houses and Shops in the (own. \m BSSrtS. FARE BROTHER, CLARK. & LYE. have 1.V.I received instruction lo Seli by Auction, at the Cameron Arms Ho'et, Swansea, on TutsDnv and WHDNISDAY, June 8 and 9. ai Tuc-lve each day, in 94 Lots, the FEE SIMPLE AND INHERITANCE OF THE CAMERON ESTATES, situate near lo the se 'port to»n of Swansea, Glamorganshire comprising the following EXCELLENi FARMS, in the parishes ot Swansea, Loughor, Llaurhi lian, llston, and Llan. dilotalyboot, viz. :-Leeth Clawdd, Penlan, Celn, Clawdd-ddu, Dunvant, Bevexe, Prior's Meadow, Wfiitywalls, Geliyhir, Fairwood, Hafod Mill, New lIouae, Erw Fa.r, Cefn D,a", Cae Newydd, Pfuygiaig, Pant-glas, Caeiithen, Tir Coihin, Rhean Fawr, Ystlys-y-Rhean, Bertlillwvd, A be. kt-ed), Penclawdd, Park Hendy, CefD-Buehan, Cwmynewidd, C*mnc.nt, Cilonn:n Cernceuwen,, Killibion, Little Bryngwyn, Trap, tavern, Bringwyn, Mardylands.Rhvdymatdy, (llelyn-y-Manach, Llanuant Fach, Tynhatny Facti, Pecrheol, Penoefenards, Coalbrook Meadow" Macsybrawd, Pengtlly, Tytharny Fawr, Courtycarne, Island Fields, Pentrebarh.Tavern-y-pied, Gwyn. tain, Black-hill, and Tyarch-lyr, in the occupation of a highly respectable tenantry. Numerous dwelling. houses, cottages, and detao ed parcels of arable, meadow, and accommodation land and the MANORS OF COURTYCARNE AND KILLIBION, containing in the whole upwards of 3,000 acres, with several VALUABLE VglNS OF COAL therein, in a virgin stale. varying in thickness from 8 to 70 feet; also in the town of Swansea, the CAMERON ARMS HOTEL, and Four Houses and Shop's in the High street, Six Houses in Welcome-street. Four Houses, with Bakehouse, and an Iron Foundry and Bakehouse, in the Strand, the MUSEUM AND THE FLOAT TAVERN PUBLIC HOUSES. IN THE STRAND, and another House in Wind-street. Printed particulars and conditions may be haa, one month prior to the sale, of Mr. D S. BOCKETT, Solicitor 60, Lin- coln's Inn Fields; of Mr. CHARLES BAILEY, 5. Stratford- placft, Oxfo d-street; of Messrs. JEFFREYS and GASKOIN. I Solicitors, Swansea at CARRAW AYS and at the Omets of Messrs. FAREBROTHER, CLARK, ud LYE, Lancaster- place, Strand, London. NEWPORT, MON. TO BE SOLD BV AUCTION. By MR. R. M. TOOGOOD, ON the premises, Thomas Street, on TUESDAY JTEXT, May 11th, 1852, without reserve, the whole of the GROCERY STOCK. Fixtures, Weights, Scales, IIOUSEHOI D FUR- NIl UltE, and Effects, the property of Mr. David L. Evans, under a deed ot assignment, for the benefit of creditors. The Stock-in-Trade consists of a well-selected assortment of such goods as are usually sold by grocers, which are too well known to require being enumerated, and are all in first-rate condition, and will be sold in lots suited to the trade. The Fixtures consist of one maliogany-topped counter with drawers, flour bins, with mahogany top to form a counter, single weighing machine and weights, two pair butter scales, one sugar ditto, and one tea ditto, eighteen tea canisters, coffee ditto, snuff ditto and jars, gas fittings, &c. The Household Furniture comprises French, tent, and bureau bedsteads, mattrass, milpuff beds and bedding, mjhogany drawers, painted waslistands, dressing tables, parlour tables cane, beech, and Windsor chairs, capital rosewood couch, the usual requisites in china, earthenware, glass, candlesticks, saucepans, &c., &c. Sale to commence at 10 30 A M. TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS. DESXBABLS INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. H. M. PARTKIDGB* at the WESTOATE INN, in the fown of Newport, Mone mouthshire, on TUESDAY, the ISth day of May, I8-V2, at thres o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale a shall be then produced, unless previously disposed of by Private Contrat, of which due notice will be given, the under- mentioned valuable LANDED AND MINERAL PROPERTY, Situate in the parish of Monythusloyne, in the county of Monmouth, within half-a-mile of the works at Abercarne, and very conveniently situate within a short distance of the Tram- roads, the Canal, and the Turnpike road from Abeicarne to Newport, in the following lots:- Lot 1-All that Farm and Lands, with convenient farmhouse and outbuildings, called "Sychpant," and "Caia pen rmw darren," containing about 61 Acres, late in ihe occupation of Mr. Joseph Phillips, as tenant thereof, but now in hand. Lot 2-All those Pieces or Parcels of land, called "Caia duoa Bach," containing about 14 Acres, formerly in the oc- cupation of Thomas Elias, but now of John llowells, as tenant thereof. The above estates are copyhold of the Manor of Abercarne, and the whole of the minerals there are unworked. To view the respective properties, apply to the respective Tenants, or to Mr. 11EES EDWARD REES, of Pantrhiwgoch, near Castletown and for further particulars, and to treat, to the Auctioneer, or to Messrs. FROTHERO & FOX, Solicitors, Newport. GAS TAR FOR SALE. TONS of pure Gas Tar, to be sold at 10s. per ton delivered on Board a Barge, at the Bath Gas Works, on the River Avon. Approved bills at Three months, will be taken, or a discount of Two and a Half per Cent. for cash. Apply to Mr. KITT, Gas Works, Bath. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Well secured Ground Rents and the Reversions, Eligible Building Land, very desirable Farm, Excellent Inn, Free- hold Farm abounding in valuable Minerals. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (By order of the Assignees of Mr. Philip Jones, a Bankrupt), AT the WESTQATE HOTEL, in the Town of Newport, by MB. JOHN WILLIAMS, on WEDNESDAY, the '2nd day of JUNE. 1852, at One o'( lock in the afternoon, subject to such condition of sale as shall be then and there produced. The undermentioned lots of very Valuable Freehold and Copyhold Property, viz.. Lot I.—All those Four Dwelling Houses, with fheir respec- tive outbuildings and gardens, situate at Tregwillfm Fach ia the hamlet of Rogerstone, in the county of Monmouth, adjoin- ing the Turnpike Road, leading from Newport to Tydee Works, subject to leases to Mr. David Thomas, Mr. Samuel Llewellyn, and Mr. John Call, for terms of un years respec- tively. from 1850 and 1851, at ground rents amounting in the whole to Z6 10s. per annum. Together with a piece or parcel of land, situate adjoining the above, and convenient for occu- pation as a garden, by the tenants of either of the above- mentioned houses, containing by admeasurement 1000 square yards or thereabouts, which is now in hand. Lot 2.— All that Eligible Piece of Building Land, adjoining the last lot, having a Irontage to the Turnpike Road of 66 feet, extending in depth backwards 140 feet, and containing 1034 square yards or thereabouts. Lot 3.—All that Eligible Piece of Building Land, adjoining the last lot, having a frontage to the Turnj iiie Road of 66 feet, extending in depth backwards 130 feet, and containing 946 square yards or thereabouts. Lot 4.—All those Eight Dwelling Houses. with outbuildings and gardens, situate at Tregwillim Fach. aforesaid, subject to leases to Mr. William Thomas and the Rev. Timothy Thomas, for terms of 99 years, from 1847 and 18.50 respectively, at ground rents amounting in the whole tojLll 10s. per annum. Lot5.-Allthose Filteen Dwelling Houses, with outbuildings and gardens, adjoining the last lot, subject to like leases, to Mr. Jonathan Davies, Mr. Edward Davies, Mr. Thorn.s Wil- iams, Mr. Thomas Taylor, Mr. Thomas Lewis, Mr. Thomas IDavies. and Mr. Daniel Lewis, for the terms of 99 years, from 1832. 1842, 1845, 1847, and 1850, respectively, at ground rents amounting in the whole to ;£10 4s. per annum. Lot 6—All those Eight Dwelling Houses and Gardens ad- joining the last lot, subject to a lease to Mr. William 'J homas, for the term of 15 years, from the 1st of May, 1850, at the annual rent of £10. Lot 7.—All that very desirable farm, known as Tregwillim Fach," situate adjoining the preceding lots, consisting of a farm house with barn, stable, beast house, granary, piggeties, and garden, together with ten pieces of arable, meadow, and pasture land and orcharding, containing in the whole 27A. 31t. 30P. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. Edward Williams, as yeatly tenant, at the rent of £-\3. Lot B.-All that Piece or Parcel of Meadow Land, with the brake and piece of garden ground adjoining, situate in the hamlet of Graig, and separated from the preceding lot by the river Ebbw, known by the name of Cae-yr-Islaiid, and con- taining by admeasurement 5A. 3R. £ >P. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. Henry Edwin Dodd, as yearly tenant, at the rentofje4. The whole of the preceding lots are copyhold of the manor of Rogerstone, (a tenure equal to freehold) ure situate only three miles distant from the rapidly increasing poit of Newport, and adjoin the Tydee station of the Western Valleys Railway. Lot 9.—All that well established Freehold Inn, doing a largely-increasing and lucrative trade, called the "Lion," most eligibly situate at Blaina, contiguous to the terminal station of the Western Valleys Railway, and in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the Nantyglo, Coalbrook Vale, and Blaina Iron Works, together with about a quurter of an acre of land thereto attached. The House contains, on the ground floor, a good kitchen, bar, two parlours, tap room, pantry. capi- tal biewhouse, yard, and excellent cellarage, and on the first floor, a sitting room and four bedrooms. Lot 10.—All that eligible Piece of Freehold Building Land adjoining the last lot, having a frontage to the street of 76 feet, extending in depth backwards about 92 feet, and containing 665 square yards or thereabouts. Lot I I.-All that eligible piece of Freehold Land, now used as a Garden, separated from the two preceding lots by the street, and abutting upon the Western Valley Railway] con- taining 635 square yards or thereabouts. The three preceding lots are in the occupation of Mr. HenTy Iggulden, as yearly tenant, at the rent ot f35 per annum. Lot 12 -All that Freehold Farm, known as Pant dee" situate in the Cwmtillery Valley, in the parish of A the county of Monmouth, consisting of a farmhouse, with two barns, and other outbuildings, and seven pieces bf meadow and pasture land, containing in the whole 32A. 3R. MF. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Watkins, as yearly tenant, at the rent of E25 per annum. This lot abounds in valuable minerals, and adjoins the mineral estates of John Russell. Esq., Messrs. J. and C. Bailey, and Messrs. Daniel and William Uavies. There is. moreover, an extensive right of pasturage on the adjoining mountain belonging thereto. Printed particulars, with conditions of sale, will be ready for delivery 14 days prior to the sale, and in the mean time, plans of the respective properties may be seen on application at the offices of the Auctioneer, Clifton Place, Newpoit, and all further information obtained by applying to Messrs. BLOUNT AND DAVIS, Solicitors, Usk; Mr. WILLIAM BEVAN, Solicitor, Bristol, or Mr. A. J. ACRAMAN, the Official Assignee, St. Augustine's Place, Bristol.