Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

13 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



THE LATE ELECTION FOR THE BOROUGHS. [TO THE EDITOR.] SIR,—My conduct preceding, and on, the day of the late election of a representative of the Monmouthshire boroughs, ^as so little marked by any active partisanship, that I hoped I might have been spared any hostile attack on me by Mr. Lindsay, the defeated candidate, or any of his supporters out that hope has been taken awny, by a letter addressed to yourself, bearing the signature of W S. Lindsay, pub- lished in your paper of the 1st instant, which contains charges against me that I feel bound to answer, and refute, though made by so unscrupulous a person as Mr. Lindsay; whose word is entitled to no credit, and whose statements have Received contradiction more than once in terms little short of •he lie direct. His charges against ine are—Firstly That I "a.d stated to him, when lie first saw me, that I was annoyed Si11.'1 .t,le Liberal party for not bringing forward Sir Thoma. j-nillips, and had therefore promised to vote for Mr. Baiiey; "it that I would allow all over whom 1 had influence, to vote as they pleased an<t I confirmed that statement to him 'wo days before the election but that he had heard, very ffiuclii to his surprise, that I had on that evening attended a Meeting of Mr. Bai!ey\s committee, and spoken strongly in favour of Mr. Bailey and his principles. "Secondly That further, to his surprise and disgust, he had beard that I had, contrary to my pledge,used every influence In my power against him, anrl that on the forenoon of the day o^e.ection I had said to a leading member of his conimiltes Now, Mr. as Lindsay is sure to be defeated, will join me in getting up a requisition to Sir Thomas Phillips. S?'? n, w in '.own readv to act, so that we may throw out f»ailey t the general election? the reply to which was an No. Now, as regards the first charge Sir. Lindsay, with three gentlemen of his committee, called on me, at my house, soon after the first puhiic meeting he attended at Newport; when 1 told him that I had thought Sir Thomas Philips had claims ^yhich no other person had, on the constituencies of the «or°Ugils, for his eonduct on a well known public occasion, ^hicli happened in 1.S39; and more recently, for the great Pains he had taken in bringing about the arrangement that jiad taken place between'the shareholders and creditors of ll»e Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire Bank, by which ittany 0f t!lcsc partjcs been saved from ruin, and the DISTRICT generally from great commercial difficulty and distress; bat as a section of the party, called Liberal, had iought lit to overlook Sir Thomas Phillips's services, and to jrjng liiui, Mr. Lindsay forward, on grounds some of which had never entertained, and never could entertain, I had Promised to vote for Mr.Bailey—whom I knew to be an honest ™.i!i — who was besides largely interested in the welfare h l ? and county. Lai so said that the state of my ealtli was such that 1 could not, without prejudice to it, take any part in the canvass, and that I would not attempt to Ontrot [he vot's of any parties over whom I might be sup- Posed to have influence. lie then said he feared that the lrcunistance of my intention to vote for Mr. Bailey would 6 generally known, and would of itself, though I fore bore to Se further iufluenee, have a prejudicial effect against hiin h° I replied, I could not help that; but that I thought 5 aUachcd undue importance to the fact. JNow, without njuting that, further than I have stated, I gave him any Pled.,e, that I would not canvass against him, I assert that I ,(J not canvass; and that in every instance where I learnt at any elector in mv employment, or over whom I might be Supposed to have influence from any other relation, had pro- wised to vote for Mr. Lindsay, or had an inclination to do so, A not only abstained from to induce him to break his Promise, or forego his inclination, but I abstained from even Mentioning the subject to him. My shipping agent, Mr. «oney therefore voted for Mr. Lindsay; Mr Titos. Davies, 10 holds a farm under me, in this parish, as tenant-at-will,, so ('id the same. My cashier, Mr- Cole, was neuter; so S0!V Mr. Charles Prothero, and Mr. Fox, his partner, 8a r" ^their managing clerk. The second time I Lindsay, ho was on the road comingtomyhouse, Hh Mr. James Brown, which was a day or two before the oniination at Monmouth; when he said Mr. Brown had told oniination at Monmouth; when he said Mr. Brown had told I had not bee n canvassing against him for which he said e Was thankfuland I certaialy did not go to Mr. Bailey's c°nunittee on that day and of course no speech there On that occasion. I come IIOW to the second charge, for which I deny there is a particle of truth, or any ground whatever; and I call on -"Ir. Lindsay to declare the name of the person to whom he Ile asserts that on the forenoon of the day of the election I addressed myself in the words quoted in his letter; and on is withholding that name, I shall consider him the fabricator ot that falsehood. l iieso charges are made against me in a letter which he pro essed iO be written in consequence of his having seen a letter from NR lhomas Phillips, in the MEULIN of the day etore. Sir 1 liomas s letter was written for the purpose of 8riviiig»i direct contradiction to an assertion made bv Air. ■Lindsay, that he,$ir Thomas, had been in the town canvass- in- against him the two days previous to the election. Now, how (toes Mr. Lindsay meet that? not by any attempt to prove the truth of what he asserted, or admitting that it was lllcorrect, as lie ought to have done, when he found that it 'as so nor, indeed, does he take any notice of it, but appears to think making his charges against me a sufficient answer to oir 1 nomas Phillips's letter VY h"n peaking ot himself-being the theme on which lie principally diluted—his vain boasting of himself was so extra- ordinary as to disgust the common sen-;e of most of his |ai'<irs'> and was equalled only by his foul abuse and slander ? J1" others whom he supposed were opposed to him. Speak- **« himself, he would have had them believe that in coming to Newport, he came merely for the good 0" the constituency 'ere, which lie could promote more than any oilier person; «• s,!Veral other constituencies were wishing him to Jj"er himself as a candidate for ins! mice G lasgow, Ber wick- poi-Tweed, and the_ Ayrshire Burghs for either of which Paces he saul he might walk in without opposition. At in n ,ime llc represented that there was scarcely a vessel the dock at Newport, in which lie had not at least a share a alsehond which v.'as prcfy wdl exposed at the time. On lother oi c isiou he wont .0 I have heard, in speaking of Public mea-uie that liai passed into a law, that if he had een in narhatnent at the time, the Ministers would not have sutured to propose it v. 1 speaking of others, whom he supposed were opposed to h« was as great a calumniator as he was a vain boaster j. "en speaking of himself; thus, in speaking of the Estab- I'Sned Church, he asserted that it was not an uncommon Pectacle to see the bishops of that church doffing their and fox hunting in scarlet clothes. 'n referring to the houses of Beaufort and Tredegar, lie sserted that the most undue influence wa< used by them °tli • aU(j though flatly contradicted, and dared to the proof, has not been aide to give any; but instead of attempting 0 uphold his charge, by proof, he has, in noticing a letter by a nobleman, written to vindicate his family from the charge of oppression and unlawful influence, urged against that aniily by Lindsay, adverted to a subject with which he had 0 concern, other than the malignant intention of wounding tie feelings of the nobleman alluded to; for which he Reserves, and has, the scorn and reprobation of every right- ™Mded person; and in which he shews himself totally void tile ordinary feelings of a gentleman. 'y.ow' since his defeat, and the grapes are found to be sour, n his letter I am now noticing he writes that a large body ot the electors knew full well that a seat in parliament was honor which I had previously declined and that, unlike £ >,r Thomas Phillips, I had all to lose, and nothing to gain, becoming a member of the legislature." 1 hope the large body of electors tlirt are supposed to have know ledge he says they have, of Lis having declined the 0n9r. ot a seat in parliament, have other proof than his assertion for the fact; as, apart from the great improbability the truth of the statement, I never yet met with, or heard > any man, upon whose assertion I would myself be disposed 0 place less reliance. y he had declined the honor of a seat in parliament, what Uc,e(l him to come to Newport, where lie was pretty rtain of encountering opposition, and agaiUst which step he as counselled, if he is to be believed in that respect, by Sir nies Duke—whom he called his friend—for he asserted in toyNPreSe"c° t'iat ^'r James Duke, hei-ring that he was going ci j.e^vPort to canvass the electors, called on him, and said, Jjindsay, you surely are not going to Newport — whj' it is orse than Saint Albans." After such caution, he need not, fe s doile' have felt so much surprise if there were some attempts made on his purse by some of the electors; Vot from his own statement, the demand made on him for on t\S Ul<' n°* exceed *« P1 "ice of so many pints of beer; and, tji-j. stat 'ment alone, opposed as it is to the least proba- Qnl» I assert lie is a persc-n not to be believed, «« supported by other testimony;—it is, in fact, too nstrons to be credited. Again, having declined the offer to3 parliament, and being defeated in his endeavours :t ,Seat; himself for the Monmouthshire Boroughs, how does lappen that he is now a candidate for Dartmouth? « COnc'ude this letter, by expressing it to be my opinion, at whatever occurred at Newport, to bring disgrace and s Pj"oa°h on that borough, the most I;- ting was, and is, that c«a low political adventurer as this lMr. Lindsay should fa,V° Stained the number of votes that were given in his 0r at the late election. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, xj, THOMAS PEOTHEBO. -Malpas Court, May 5, 1852.







Family Notices




