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IjttiSffltanwttS. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. rate once Seal of Great ritain.- Diplcrme de Ecole de Phar Reid Iwmacien de Paris. Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. The patentee considers it necessary that every expedient should adopted to secure the Public against Imitations of the Tri'sc None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the ratent office of England, the Seals of the Ecole de Pharmccie de 5*r>8, andthe Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each an<* arount* each case. Imitations of the same are the severest penalties the Courts of Law can award. 7itl ESE:MAft,No. 1, I, and 3, prepared in the form of a lozenge, Pock» or Smell, and can be carried in the waiscoat laini«i in tin cases, divided into separate doses, as au- FWl -^re^ hy Valpeau, Lalleman, Roux, Ricord, &c.,8:c. 1 S E M A R No. 1, is a Remedy for froin t<vn 1 XATI0N> and all the distressing consequencesarising •tteLth i°n/ a residence in hot climates. tt has restored bodli are in vigour t0 thousands of debilitated individuals, enjoyment of health effectuaHy, in th# ^HIESEMAR No. IU completeiy/nd Cubeb* heradicates allYracc^of those disorders which CopaivUnd antidotefor, to the rum of the Ya*t portion of the pop^1"1011- • T KTd' 0111 *nd pSsSdiseased'humoursfrom the blood, aa cleanse. «u purines_>•" deteriorating causes; vt also institutes a certthVcurffor Scurv*. Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Jr»Ptions, remov nK and expelling in its course allcoiruptions fnd lmPUtiti from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate thrnTlrus of dlselseTand Txpel it with the Insensible perspiration ;^°ugh the medium of the pores of the skin and urine, and is a ™eTer failing remech- for that class of disorders which nnfor tuuately, the English Physician treats with Mercuiy, to the J«Vitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and wheh all Sarsaparilia in the world cannot r»move. Price lis. or four cases in one for 33s, which saves lis; and in ^5 cases, whereby there is a saving of £ l Ills. To be had whole •ale and'retail in London, of Darbysnd Gosden, 140 Leaden hall street, (opposite the India House) Messrs. Garrett Brothers, Druggists, Newport, Mon.; R. H. Ingham, druggist, 46, Market •treet, Manchester; J- Priestly, chemist, 52, Lord street, Liver- pool; Powell, book-seller, 15, Westmoreland street, Dublin; Evans, Chemist, Cardiff. HUMAN FRAILTY; a Popular Medical Work, on Nervous- ness, Loss of Strength, and General Decay of the Faculties, price Is. post free, beautifully illustrated with 100 Engravings. This Wotlt contains, in plain and sympathising language, practical ronaarks on various disorders, and recommends itself as a safe and. unerring guide to the restoration and permanentpreservation 'Of health. Piper and Co 23, Paternoster Row and from all ents for the sale of the < Triesemar.' 11103 COMPOSITE CANDLES.-The PARAGON %I COMPOSITE CANDLES.made by W. S. HALE, Loudon, •to not require snuffing, and exceed in brilliancy and softness of ''ghtthe finest Wax or Sperm, at one third tfee Price, defying Comparison in their cleanlines of burning, without the slightest tendency to gutter alld as two will give the light of three moulus, they are really cheaper than common tallow candles. Sold by all the principal Family Grocers in Newport, and every Other city and town in the Kingdom. Observe the Name, W. S. HALE, on each Facket, as there are •eTeralspurious imitations. INDIGESTION may be speediily relieved, and its return effectually prevented, by the regular use of KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS as thousands O&n testify who have proved their efficacy.—Mr. i. SHARPE, <jf Barrowby, near Grantham, suffered from In- digestion 'for twenty-two years, with constant sickness and vomiting after applying to physicians in vain, a few doses of KAYE'S PILLS effectually relieved him. Hundreds of Cases of Cure acoompany each box. Sold throughout the Empire, in Boxes at Is. lid., 2a. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. [1430 IMPERIAL OINTMENT. I Tie Cures which are performed by this celebrated SaVve are quite astounding. Piles, Bad Legs, Abce-sses, fleers, and Hheumatism quickly succumb to its influ- ences. Everybody should,possess it. "ZT.Wingtield-stn-etOity, August 4, 1856—Gen tie- taen I think it my duty to inform you of a cure effected <by your Ointment, in a wonderfully short space of time -(In an old gunshot wound which was accustomed periodi- cally, about twice a yeas, to reopen and cause great pain, 'Which has given me greet trouble for fourteen years, but now, I am happy to «a.y,nt is perfectly cured and almost invisible. Tendering my acknowledgment to you for the eteat services your medicine renders to the public, I am, your obedient servant,WM. WARNER." Prepared and Sold w'Jars, Is..lAd. and 2s. 8d. each, at 122a, Alderssaie-street, London Wholesale by Sangar, Hannay, Oxford-street Barclay. Farringdott-street.; Reitfbuftty, St. Paul's Churchyard, London Retail by all respectable-Chemists, • "l-vINNEFORiyS PURE FLUID MAGNESIA I An excellent Remedy for ACIDITIES,.HEARI BURN, HEADACHE, GOUT, and; INDIGESTION as a mtIdaperMat, it is admirably, adapted for children And for delicate females, particularly during pregnancy. Combined with THE ACIDULATED LEMON- Svitup, ii forms an Effervescing Aperient Draught, which is hrrshly agree- able and efficacious. From the numerous high testimo- monials received by Mr. Djnneford in favour ef the above pjepapation, a few may he selected, Fram Sir Charles !\i. Clarke, Bart., F. R. S., Physician to,the late Queen Dowager,&c. i .f. The Solution of Magnesia, prepaid by Mr. Dmne- rd. i$ i- very neeful and; agreeable preparation of that utedicine, which 'to jpaany persons i^/pnplgMantJn the. Jorra of powder. '<. £ HAKliE8 M, Cr,A.akn, Seville Row.' 'oCHAULE8 M. CLÁ.1UtB, Saville Row.' From Dr. Ferguson, of King's Collfcgelloepitaljone of her Majesty's Physicians. I have repeatedly prescriped Mr. Dmneford s Solu- tion of Magnesia, and found it an agreeable end useful Z«medy in disorders of the stomach. '• KOBBUT FBRGOSON, M. D. Copy-of a Letter from Dr. Conquest, Physician to the City of London Lying-in Hospital j many yea?s Lec- tureTr on Midwifery and the Diseasts of Worcen and children, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital &c. Dear Sir,—I have been much pleased with the Bicarbonated Solution of Magnesia, and feel, with many Others, that the profession and the public are-indebted to you for a highly valuable addition to our list of meiiicinrs. As an agreeable mild aperient it cannotfal1 to suj}f)t>ede many now in use, but which so offend the taste and tne stomach, as te jaadfy their banishment from out pre- scriptions. Yours, respectfully, J. T. CONQUEST," Certificate of Dr. Southwood Smith, Physician to the London Fever Hospital. I have tried the Solution of Magnesia, prepared by Mi. Dinneford, and have been much satisfied with its effects It appears to me to be a very convenient form of administering a very useful medicine. Finsbury Square.' SouTirwooD SMITH." Prepared by DINNEFORD & Co. Dispensing t'hemiats, (and General Agents for "he Improved Horse Hair Gloves and Belts) 172, New Bond Street London- Sold by all respectable Chemists throughoutthe Empire. [A 15. NERVOUSNESS, SHAKING OF T" K "R\NrDKN AND LIMBS, LUMBAfiO. PAIN'S IN THE BACK AND LOINS, WEAKNESS. DEBILITY, &c. rpHE POOR MAN'S HERBAL PILLS are a I certain and safe remedy for the effectual cure of the above complaints. These Pills contain no mercurial ingredient whatever, And therefore occrtsionino risk of cold, or oihe injurious -effect on the system, -from exposure to the weather whilst taking them nor is any change of diet necessary; moderate exercise promotes their good effects: they are -equally suitable for both sexes, and, by regulating the dose according to the directions, for every age and con- stitution they strengthen the digestive organs., aud pro- duce a healthy action of the liver and kidneys; are an excellent preparatory to warm bathing. Females find these pills peculiarly beneficial. An oc. casional course removes *nd prevtnts irregularities and obstructions, and the symptoms attendant on the -same, ▼i?., sickness, sick head-ache, dimness of sight, nervous- ness, &c. By cleansing and purifying the fluids oI the body, they restore impeded circulation, and invigorate ti* whole system, substitutiag energy and cheerfulness for langue« and'depression of spirits. With renewed health, sallowness, blotches, and dimples on the skin, quickly disappear, and the complexion is restored to its natural freshness of colour and appearance. They will also be found an invaluable remedy for th.e followiug disorders, Flatulency, Spasmi, Jon of Appetite, Liver Complaints, Worms, Piles, Eruptions upon the Face and Skin, diseases which hav-eitheii origin in an im pure or obstructed state of the system, as attacks of Gout Rheumatism, &c. No better or safer prevention or means of relief can be had recourse tQ. Their invigora- ting action on the constitution almost exceeds belief; Pains in the Back, Gravel, Lumbago every symptom of Nervousness and Decay so speedily remold that the body becomes instantly enlivened and restored the stooping, careworn victim of depression becomes a new man his n>ind, previously gloomy, wretched, and desponding, is again animated and cheerful he sfands erect in the dig- nity of health, and pursues his avocations unuer theplea- •ing. consciousness of new vigour and increased determi- nation. ° Persons of full habit, subject to Headache, singing in shduld'take l'°n of the Heart> Painsin the side.&c-' 4a.S6dd,'«ndhlu." A'fc'&r'k'0* in Bo,s' 2': 9J( two 2s. 9d.; and lis. s«e of*fW>e £ ntain8 the (luantlty of and 12s., on receipt of the amoJ?\- Po8t Free» 3b-' any address packed free from ot.1 • 1eJ wil1 be sent t0 EXTRACTS FROM TESTIMOM1??*10^ From John Harris, Post Office. w ECEITEI>- 1852.-Sir,-I shall ever conBide?°'0est?r' May obligation to you, for the cure performed^ under an Pills. I consider them the best medicine in by y°ur nervousness of long standing. You may den!n^0r'd for tKmendthemWhenem 1 have an opportnnky /H1! w8en? m.e another ] 2*- hy retu'rn th' them hn» a m'ne w^° a'most better by taking them, but please direct them to me 8 medicine known for nervous weakn/0™^ j8 in the loins. I have tried eJ"dedJ Wlth pain? nonaulted medical men, and the* ,In?(l}cl,ne8» a.n xa« that relief I have on every occasion »a V* fflve taking your pills." experienced from Prepared only by CHARLES HENRY JBNKJ7<J ♦>,» • ^^tnetor ;may be had Wholesale and Retail n a^,EP°T, 41, POLAND-STREET, OXPrnn BTRfiET, LONDON. "FORD- ^eeeipt of r omittance, by atampg or otherwia* »v. In i frar.ded, aifLetfrom Estabhswr ey Letters to be addressed to C. H JeBlr«a n b i j Oifo,d.atect. london Jtak"'41' P°thM ^lisrfllaiifdUS. Read ye that run the awful truth, With which I charge my page A worm is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age.COWPER.. Just Published, with numerous Engravings, New Edition, Price Is. free by post for 13 Stamps, NERVOUS DEBILITY: its Causes, Symptoms, and Cure. An Essay on Spermatorrhcea, Depression, and Premature Exhaustion of the System, showing the causes which commonly lead to the occurrence, the symptoms which indicate its presence, and the means to be adopted for cure. BY A PHYSICIAN. This Work, emanating from a qualified Member of the Medical Profession, the result of many years' practical experience, is addressed to the numerous Classes who suffer from the various disorders acquired in early Life. Aso, by the same Author, Price Is.; Free by Post for 13 Stamps THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; Or how to Tnsure Moral and Physical Happiness, with Rules for the Preservation of Health and Strength,and precautionary hints for the guidance of the Weak, the Nervous, the Sedentary, and the Delicate. On receipt of Thirteen Postage Stamps, either of the above Works will be forwarded, Post Free, to any Address, by Mr, George Oaborne, 4, Sherbourne Lane, London. [1489 LAIR'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS Price Is. l^d. and 2s. 9J. per box. This preparation is one of the benefits which the science o mode n chemistry has conferred upon mankind for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance; but now, the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimo- nials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion pro- claims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age; and, in testimony of its efficacy, Mr. W. Burch, Chemist, West Bromwich, writes— "November 8th, 1856. Gentlemen,—The enclosed Testimonial was received by me from a customer residing in this town. I I Your's respectfully, To Messrs. Prout and Co." "W. BURCH." Mr. Arkinstall, of the Lyng, West Bromwich, says I have much pleasure in bearing my testimony to the wonderful errcacy of Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. Having been a great sufferer from rheumatic gout. I have upon various occasions had recourse to them, and am happy to say that, however acute and distressing the pain may be, I always receive relief in an almost incredible short time, even after taking only one dose. If taken in the early stage of the disease, they dissipate it; if later, they ease the pain, and cure much sooner than any other medicine I ever made use of. I would not be without them on any account." Further Proof of the Great Efficacy of Blair's and Rheumatic Pills, Forwarded by Mr. Reinhardt, Chemist, Hull. Sir,—Enclosed is a testimonial from a customer of mine, who is well known about here: he speaks in the highest terms of B1 ir's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, and would be glad to give information to anybody. "To Mr. Reinhart, 22, Market-place, KlIll. December 4th, 1855. "Dear 8ir,-1 have been afflicted with rheumatism for 12 years, during which time I have tried almost everything, both inter- nally and ex ernally, but could not obtain any permanent relief. A short time ago I purchased a 2s. 9d. box rff 'Blair's Bills of you, nd before I had taken the whole of them I was more free from pain than I had been for the last dozen years. You will please let me have another box, as I mean to keep them by me in case I should again require them, and oblige, Dear Sir, yours Obediently, "-0EREMIAH GAMESS." These Pills require neither attention nor confinement, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking arty vital part. Sold by ?11 medicine vendors. See the name of •' Thomas Proutt, 229, Strand, London," on the Government stamp. [1638 FITS AND NERVOUS COMPLAINTS.— MISS PIKE'S POWDERS. This invaluable medicine, for the cure of Epileptic, Hysteric, and every other description of Pits. has for many years been gratuitously and successfully administered by the above lady but, in consequence of the increasing demand and the earnest solicitations of fliends, it is now offered to the public for sale It has also proved highly serviceable in Nervous affections of the Head, inducing mental weakEess,-end, in some cases, berdering on insanity and in the alleviation and ure of tb€ various species of Nervous Complaints* No e,nrr ment or restraint. more than that of beinx very emnerate, is necessary during its use, as it is perfectly harmless,und a child may take tt. Sold in bottles at 2s. 9d., +s. 6d., and lis. each, by the pro- prietor, Miss Pike, 15, Park-jiiace, Clifton, near Bristol (late of Berkeley, Gloucestershire); und in London by Messrs. Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon street, sole wholesale agents. Agents for Bristol and the neighbourhood :-Ferris and Co Union street; J. W. B. Ash. 78, Redcliffhill, Bristol; Cooper and Lawrence, I. Mall, Clifton-Walker Davies, Green, and Co., Bath—Prockter; Lea, Perkins, and Smith, Cheltenham- Fouracre Walker, Gloucester—White, Berkeley -and Dursley, and may be had through alhespectable Vendors Medicine In the United Kingdom. Cures effected by this medicine have come under the observa tion of the following highly-respectable individual! — D- Jenner, F.L.S., &c., Berkeley Frans. Hands, Esq., suigeon, erkeley the Rev. Sir Gen. Prevost, Bart., Stmchcombe Mrs. eorgiana Fletcher Weloh, Ebworth Park, near Painswick 1fabel'a Gairter, of Kingswood, near Wotton under JL 'he Rev. John Maynard, M. A., Curate-of Berkeley the _J n • 1 /?ar,ter,' ™-A.,<-Curate of Slimbridge-and Minor Canon of Bristol Cathedral Thomas Croome, Esq., Breadstone, near Berkeley; Mr. T. Clarke, Whitecliff Park, neitr Berkeley Mrs* tils, of King street, Stroud; John Weight. Esq., attorney, Wotton uuder-edge Mr. Josiah Hunt, Almocdsbury—all in the county of Gloucester "Mr. W. Maule, Stanleton road, near Bristol; Mrs. Long, Royal Hotel Clifton; Mrs. Glover, Worcester Cottage, Wellington place, Stoke's Oroft, Bristol; Mrs. Hunt, 24. ChristmaG street, Bristol; Mr.Ashton,Torrington, Devon Mrs. Mallett, Auckland Filleigh, near Torrington, Devon; Mrs. Sherbourn, 24, Mornington place, Hampstead road, Lon don; William Woolwright, Esq., attorrcy, 10, Bretherton's buildings, North John-street, Liverpool ;;f. C. Ladbury, Esq., -surgeon, Wedr.esbury, Staffordshire; Mr. J. T. Baker, 46, Broad-quay, Bristol ;*Mrs. Marsh, Bell Hotel, Gloucester; and many others. To Miss Pike-Dear Madam: I shouldbe wanting in gratitude and common feelings civility, were I not to eipreu to you how inucfc benpflt I have weeired from jrour povders. since, takih* them I have had scarctiy.a' -return of tht epileptic fits, which feel no ordinary blessing. On two or three occasions, I have hild once weekly, without epilepsy, a return of those attacks which deprived me for a time of sensibility, "lit even this has been gradually wearing away, so that I am hoping perfect restoration will be my happy portion. Physicians," Surgeons, &c., for years, have exerted themselves to cure me, but generally gave me up in despair; but now matters are altered, and I shall not be ccn signed to suffering and discouragement. I Pardon me, Madam, for thus troubling you' Your medicine I hope to assist in its efforttl according to vour wish, with abundance of air and exercise; and,, also, to add thereto moderation in thinking, eating, and drinking with calmness of mlrid and feeling.—-Most gratefully thanking you, I have the honour to remain very faithfully yours, J. WILLIAMSON, Incumbent of Theale. 8, Lower Maudiin-st. nea<r the Infirmary, Bristol, 7th Sep., IS53. N 8.—Be very particular in observing. that the name," Sarah Mer ett Pike Berkeley, Gloucestershire," is engraved in white ettere on a red ground, in the government stamp, as none other an be genuine. r A 3 NO MORE PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER Meriicine, for -Indigestion, (dyspepsia,) habitual Constipation, Flatnlencv, Acidity, Palpitation of the Heart, Torpidity of the Liver, bilious Headaches, Ner- vousness, Biliousness,General Debility, Diarrhoea, Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Despondencv, Spleen, &c., Price 2'i or 3d. post free ]&2nd Edition of the "NATURAL RF.OKNERATOR OF THE DI- GESTIVE OROA'NV without Pills, purgative?, or medicines of any kind, by a simple, pleasant, and infallible means, adapted to the general repder. Supported by testimonials from the celebrated Professor of Chemistry. Dr. Andrew Ure. Pro Shorland, Dr. Harvey, Dr. Campbell, Dr Gatiikfr, 'Dr, Wurzer, Dr. Ingram, Lord Stuart de Decies, the Dov.arrer Countess of Castle- Stuart, Major Gen. Thomas King, and many other re- spectable persons, whose health has been restored by it after all other means of cure had failed. London: J. Gilbert, 49, Piternostor How. [1688. CERTAIN RELIEF I-OR THE AFFLICTED. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILL*, PREPARED without any Mereurial ingre- P dient from the recipe of I >r. Scott, of Bromley,Kent. These Pills will be found invaluable to all who suffer from bilious and liver complaints, indigestion, wind, .spasms, giddiness., dizziness of the eyes, and many other symptoms which none but a sufferer can-describe. For haliituai costiveiie-ss,, and as a family aperient medicine, they are truly excellent; mild in their operation, and grateful to the stomach, they create appetite, promote diae^ion, and strengthen the whole nervous svstem. Copy of a letter from M-r. PERTWEE, Chemist, Romford. Essex. June Sth, 1855. To Mr-iamber'.—Sir,A lady came to my shopthis morning for a box of Scott's Bili us and Liver Pills. Shejrtformed me that she had been sufferingtfor a long period with an affection of the liver, it,digestion, lo-s of appetite, giddiness, and extreme nervous debility, or which €he could get no relief, until she was induced to try the pills, whieh she stated relieved her after two or threedoses and persevering with them herhealth is now p rfectly re tored and from that time she had never been without them. -She added, I should co sider myself ungrateful if I did n t acknowledge the grea benefit I iiave derived from this excellent •medicine, and &hall endeavour -to make its superior qualities known and appreciated by a large circle of friends. The lady is Mrs, Hoye. of Hornchurch, near Romford. I/OWer Moss Lane, Chester Road. Manchester. Oct. 12, 18S4. Dear Sir, It affords me great atisfaction in being enabled to «tate-that Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills are effecting many cures, and obtaining an extensive and gratifying notoriety in and around-this neighbourhood. Cases have come under my notice wherein the most obstinate form of a disordered liver has been effectually eured solely by the use of a small box of these invaluable Pills no one ought, therefore, to desp ir of being cured of any complaint-of the stomach or live so long as the patient has not tried hem, The Pills are evideutly emphatically what they arc represented t 1 be, viz., an excellent remedy for any derangement of the digestive organs, nausea, liver complaints, &c. I am, very thankfully yours, T. FORSTER KER. Effectual Cure of Endigection and Loss of Appetite. The Hall, Ashbourn, Derbyshire, April 2, 1856. To Mr. W. Lambert.—Sir,—It is with much pleasure I make this communication to you. For a long time I had been in a most delicate state of health, and a great sufferer from violent pains {in the chest, indige>tion, accompanied with sickness and almost total loss of appetite. Although under the care of several eminent medical men, I found no relief from the medicines pre- scribed for me. and had almost given up all hopes of recovery. I was induced by the advice of a friend who had been cured by Dr Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills" of a severe liver complaint, to give them a trial. After taking the contents of a small box I found great reli f, and with a little perseverance with them, my health is perfectly restored, and I can now enjoy my food and pursue my avocations with ease and comfort. A wish to aid in the alleviation and cure of others similarly situated, is my motive for sending you this voluntary testimonial to the great efficiency of your excellent medicine.-Should you wish to make this public, you have my free permission to do so. I am. Sir, yours obliged, V MARY BURROWMAN. Prepared only by W. Lambert, Chemist, 20, Jermyn- street, Haymarket, London, in boxes, Is. I Jd., or three boxes in one, 2s. 9d., and sold by the Venders of Medicine throughout the Kingdom. IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for Dr. Pills"8 Iio?s aQd Liver Pills. If you ask for Scott's for Hi)!1 8et quite a different medicine if you ask compound »h?Ild .Liver Pills," you will get a spurious effect Talffi ',f takeni not have the beneficial and Liver Rll.WLtbe Particulars-" Dr. Scott's Bilious It frequently Occurs"'h»7 a greC" paC^«f- qul t « J?P?r nrfrrt.,cT» causes much disappoint- efieot* so opposite. .Should any d.fhoulty occur in obtaining the pills, send i6 or 37 po.«tase-stainps to the establishment/and they will be forwarded free. ^44$ <) mtitittUautou". WHAT SHALL I DO TO GET CURED P Is the question often asked by the afflicted. As your cure depends upon the treatment you obtain, apply to DB. THOMAS WILLIAMS, VINE COITAGE, No. 182, COMMERCIAL RoAD, NEWPORT One door from the new Bible Christian Chapel, ~llT"HO, having devoted his whole study, for thirty YY years, to the curing of all Diseases by Herbs only, and from successful practice in Newport, for the last ten years,is enabled to treat patients with the utmost cer- tainty of a Cure. Dr. W.'s Herbal Pills have been experienced by Thou sands to be the most valuable yet known for the cure of Pains in the Head, Back, and Loins Nervousness, Indi- gestion, Loss of Appetite, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases ,&c. The utmost attention may be relied upon by those who entrust themselves to the care of Dr. Williams. Attendance daily, from Nine in the Morning until Ten at Night; on Sundays, from Nine till Two. Country Patients mu,t be particular in stating thei) cases, as that will render a personal visit unnecessary. Medicine,with thenecessary advice, sent to any parton receipt of a Post-office Order for 10s,, payable to Dr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Newport, Monmouthshire. CAUTION !—The public are requested to take notict that Dr. Williams has no connexion with any other person in the profession; and that he can only be seen on cases at his residence, as above. B 28 DU BARRY'S CELEBRATED INFANTS' FOOD FOR DELICATE INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND INVALIDS, SUPERSEDES the expense and dangers of wet nursing, is more easily digested, and imparts more healthful nourishment than Milk acidity, cramps, bowel complaints, natulency, cough, resltessness,scrofula, eruptions, are avoided by it, and perlect regularity of the system and sound s!eep insured. Many respectable families who have reared e.nd saved delicate Infants by this Food, can be referred to, and a copy of their Testimonials may be had on forwarding a stamped and addressed Envelope to Barry Du Barry & Co., 77, Regent-street, London. Prices:—In Canister, Is. 2s.; and 121b. at 21s. The large Canisters will be forwaaded free of carriage on receipt of Post Office Order. [1688 HAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH F Price Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. per box. This excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for purifying the blood, so very essential for the foundation of good health, and correcting all Disorders of the Stomach and* Bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary eifects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys will rapidly take place; and renewed h-ealfh will be the quick resulfof taking this medicine, according to the directions accompanying each box. PERSONS o* A FULL HA'BIT, who are subject to headache giddiness, drowsiness, and singing in the ears, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their timely use and for elderly people, where an occasional aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. The following extract df « letter from Mr. Thomas Province of Winchmore Hill, Middlesex, is Another Proof -of the invaluable Medicinal Properties of Framptcn's Pill of Health. For upwards of nine years I have experienced the efficacy of this excellent medicine. I had long previously been afflicted with headache and indigestion, but a friend -having induced me to make a trialof Frampton's Pills, I now inform you that a few doses gave me great relief; and during this long period of time I have taken them in preterence to any <Jlher medicine: and I have the happiness of saying that I never had a better state of health, which I attribute to Frampton's 'Pills. I beg further to add, that this medicine is in general use by my family, and we know of nothing to equal it." For FEXaKE-s'these pills are truly excellent, removing all ob structions, the distressing headache so very prevalent with the sex, depression of spirits, dulness of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, and sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy, juvenile bloom to the complexion. To MorEBRs they are confidently recommended as the "beet medicine that-can be taken; and for children of all ages they are unequalled. They are an excellent aperient, create appetite, relieve laneuor. and invigorate the spirits; and if taken after indulgence at table, they (quickly restore the system, to its natural state of re- pose tfrey unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the mc<t successful effect, and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use. Sold by all medicine vendors. Observe the name of Thomas Prout, 2*9, Strand, London," on the government stamp. {!839 OW THE- PUBLIC HEALTH!! TANXER'S DINNER PILLS, a mild and effectual medicine for indigestion, stomach, and liver complaints. These Pills -will be found one of the best medicines ever offered to the public,harmless and simple yet thoroughly efficacious in removing Indigestion,-known bv a sense of fullness and para in the stomach after meals flatulence, spasmodic affections of the chest, giddiness in' activity and languor, sense of fullness in the throat (v'oL- larly called the rising of the lights,), loss of appetite and sometimes great craving for food, sickness after meals, heart- burn, drowsiness, sick headache, sour belchings, rumbling tsnsaUon in the stomach and bowels, restlessness at night, -startling and frightful dreams, sometimes great moaning in the sleep, and sense of weight and oppression upon the chest, 'unpleasant taste in the mouth in tne morning, the tongue frequently covered with « yellowish fur, shooting-mains from tthe s omach to the shotrMer blades, pain in the side, yellow- 'DE'SS of the eyes and skill, weight over the eyes and back part of the head, loss of memory, dizziness, and dimness of rfiight, ringing noises in the ears, and great depression of spirits. They correct 'the morbid state of the liver and organs subservient to digestion, promote adM-sMretionof bile, speedily ren-ove i&bitual costiveness, destroy worms, relieve the constitution of gouty matter and other impuri- ties, and restore the frame to a healthy state. TANNER'S PILLS are tonic and carminative, promoting kindly warmth in the -stomach and bowels, and give tone and vigour to the whole system. In all cases it cannot be expected that one or two doses will effect a cure; they must be steadily persevered in for several days, and then the most successful results will show themselves. Price 71d per Box.- Family Boxes Is. and 2s. CWA great saving-effected by purchasers of Is. and 2s i boxes. A box sent to any part of the kingdom by enclosing tbir teen postage stamps. Prepared only by H. A. TANNER, Kingswocd Hill, rnear Bristol, proprietor of the celebrated Resierative Cough Pills. AN ABFBEXTrcE WANTED. [1691 NO MORR PILLS NOR ANY OTHRR MEDICINE CURES (WITHOUT PHYSIC) OF INDIGBSTION (dyspepsia), constipation, flatulency, phlesm, all nervous, bilious, and liver complaints, hysteria, neuralgia, dy- sentery, diarrhoea, acidity, palpitation, heartburn, head- aclie, debiiity, despondency, cramps, spasms, nausea, and sickness (during pregnancy or at sea), sinking fits, cough, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, also Children's com- plaints, are effected by BXI BARRY'S delicious REVALTCNTA ARABICA FOOD, which restores health without purging, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty times its cost in other remedies. It is, moreover, the best food for infants and invalids generally, as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach, nor interferes with agoodiiberal diet, but,imparts a healthy relish for lunch and dinner and restores the faculty of -digestion, and nervous and muscular energy to the most enfeebled. We extract a few out of the many thousand expressions of gratitude from invalids ;-Cure No. 71, of dyspepsia, from the Right Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies, I have derived con- siderable benefit from D11 Barry'sjltevaienta Arabica Food, and consider it due to yourselves acd the public to authorise the publication of these lines. Stuart De Deeies "—Cure No. 49,832. 1 ty years indescribable agonyfrora dyspepsia, nervousness, thJh' .constiPation, flatulency, spasms, sickness at p Vt VOnlr !I1g' have removed bv Du Barry's -f n l !?' o^aru tham LinB> near Diss, Norfolk.' nr m tl,azbeth Jacobs, of Nazing Vicarage, Waltham cross, Herts: a cure of extreme nervousness, indiKes- tlon, gatherings, low splnts, and nesvous fancies.-Cure No. 48,414. Miss Elizabeth Yeoman, Gateacre, near Liverpool: a cute of ten years dyspepsia, and ail the horrors of nervous irri- tability.—Cure No. 18,216. Dr. Andrew ,Ure, of constipation, dyspepsia, nervous irritability .—Cure No. 34,210. Dr. Shorlaad, of dropsy and debility-Cure No. 36,212. Captain Allan, of epileptic fits.—Cure No. 42,116. Major Edic, of enlargement of tlie liver and total prostration of strength.—fure No. 36,4 i 8. The Rev. Dr. Minster, of<eramps, spasms, and daily vomiting. —Cure No. 26^418. Dr. Harvey, of diarrhoea asd debility.—Cure No. 39,628. Dr. Wurtaer, of consumption. Cure No. 32,880 William Hunts, Esq., Barrister, of paralysis.—Cure No. 46,27<l Mr. James Roherts, Wood-merchant, of thirty years' diseased lungs, spitting of blood, liver derangement, partial deafness.- Cure No. 46,814. Mr, S. Laxton, Leicester, of two years* diarrhoea. — Cure No. 52,614„ The Dowager Countess of Gostlestuart, of many years' nervous irritability bile, and indigestion.—Cure No. 54,812. Miss Vireinia Zeguers, cured of consumption, after her medical advisers had abandoned all hopes of recovery,—Cure j 'S0-Twenty-five years'nervousness, constipation, iudiRestion, and debility, from uhilh I have suffered great misery, and which no medicine could remove or relieve, have been effect- ually cured by Du Bariy's Food, in a very short time. VF. R. Reeves, 181, Fleet street, London."—Cure No. 4,208. "Eight ye*™ dyspepsia, nervousness, debility, with cramps, spasms, and nausea, for whieh my servant had consulted the advice of mauy, have been effectually cured by Du Barry's health-restoring Food. I shall be happy to answer any inquiries. Rev. John W. Flavell, Ridlington Rectory, Norfolk." No. 38,836. "Threeyears* excessive nervousness, with pains in my neck and left trm, and general debility, which rendered my life very miserable, has been radically removed by Du Barry's health-restoring food- Alex. Stuart, Archdeacon of Ross, Skibbereen."—Cure 3,906. Thirteen years' cough, indigestion, and general debility have been removed by Du Barry's excellent RevalentaArabica Food. James Porter, Athol street, Perth to IMPORTANT CAUTION against the fearful dingers of apurious imitations:— The Vice-Chancellor, Sir William Page Wood, granted an Injunction on the 10th March, 1854, against Alfred Hooper Nevill, for imitating" Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food." Suitably packed for all climates, and with full instruc- tions. In canisters, lib. 2s. 9d.; 21b. 4s. 6d.; 51b. lis 0d. lvlb. 22s. super-refined quality, lib, 6s.; 21b. lIs. 51b 22s. 101b. 33s, The 101b. and 121b. canisters are for warded carriage free, on receipt of Post-office Order Barry Du Barry and Co., 77, Regent-street, London; Fortnum, Mason, and Co., purveyors to Her Majesty; 182, Piccadilly and the following Agents :-Newport, P. H. Morris, Dock-road; Clements, Stamp-office; Matthews and Co., E. J. Phillips, Thomas, J. Jones, chemist; Abergavenny: J. P. Watkins; Pontypool H. Hughes, J. B. Churchill; Monmouth: Dyke and Co.. Thos. Farror; Chepstow: Robert Taylor, Clark and Son, T. Perkins, J. Gormon, W. R. Miller; Cardiff: J. B. Hopkins, John Hibbert, 8, St. Mary- street; J. Flint, Thomas Wakeford, Simesters, R. MaLgs, W. L' Evans, chemist; Hayles and Co., John Parry James, 1, Bute-street; Merthyr-Tydfil: T. Price, Mar- ket-square; Mrs. M. W. White, C. W.Gay, High-street- Merthyr: Thos. Loveridgo, chemist; Aberdare: D. R. Brans, J. W. Thomas, John Jones. „ [1688 PtettJMflMiSi. GRATIS TO THE AFFLICTED. Poisonous Drugs and IJoctorll Fees Abolished. THXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY for the fj treatment and "Self Cure" of Debility, nervousness, lassitude, depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains in the back and limbs, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, want of energy, love of solitude, groundless feats, palpitation of the heart, noises in the head and ears, indecision, wretchedness, impaired sight and memory, indigestion, and bodily prostration of the whole system, by means of the newly discovered AMERICAN INVENTION," which supersedes (in the above complaints) poisonous drugs, which are given under various dis- guises, to the utter ruin of the patient's health. Also, HINTS TO THOSE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE," sent on re- ceipt of six stamps, by CHAKLES WATSON, M D., physician to the Bedford Dispensary, 27, Alfred Place, Bedford Square, London; This novel and scientific AMERICAN DISCOVERY shows the absurdity of the English treatment of such cases, and will prove a boon to Suffering Invalids," who may safely and speedily regain pristine health and vigour by adopting the means presented.Evening Sun. "A new and extraordinary era in the science of medicine." Globe. The important fact that these alarming complai nts may easily be removed without drugs is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted, fully explained."—jMe<Hca< -RectMp. 1565] J THE MEDICINE OF THE MILLION. PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOWAT'S PILLS. THE EXCITING CAUSE OF SICKNESS.— The blood is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the components of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve, and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines the channels through which the waste matter re- jected in its production, is expelled Upon the stomach, the circulation, and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the ex- cretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dysrersia is the most common disease among all classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary prescriptions, it yields readily and rajidly to this searching and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this fluid, the Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectually curing Jaundice. Bilious Remittants, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. A WORD TO FEMALES. The local debility and irregularities which are the especial an novance of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time being, and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild,but thorough alterative. REMARKABLE CURE OF INDIGESTION AND SEVERE PAIN IN THE STOMACH. Copy of a letter trom Mr. G. Horsley, Dispensing aad Family Chemist, Morriston, near Swansea. -1 To Ptofessor Holloway.-Sir,-I have just received the sub Joined brief particulars of a case referring to a paity who has invariably purchase your Pills and Ointmentat my establishment. Mr. David Lewis, of Llangefelach, suffered, he states, from the most severe attacks of Indigestion, and violent pains in the sto maeh these "continued for upwards of six months, and assidu- ously ?Z6r? other remedy, were eventually and entirely removed by the free and constant use of your truly invaluable Pills. Ihese alone, with your Ointment, are tnehly prized thri>ngh<rut my district, and their sale is proportionately exten- sive.—I remain, sir, yours respectfully, J (Signed) G. HOMLEY." AN ASTONlSHtNG CURE OF ASTHMA Copy of a letter from Mr. John Bailie, jun., merchant, Ballyna „ TT 1?!nch< Co- Down, Ireland. »Te Professor Holloway.-Sir,-I have much pleasure in for- warding y°u particulars of another extraordinary cure of Asthma effected^ your valuable medicines, aftei every other remedy had fal1^" .Ja'.Ttf8 urey, Gf Drumaghiiss, Kilmore, Co. Down, was .ifflicted with this fearful complaint foT 20 years, and ^as 11 te".rypnic Jrfi nge°u t.he disor(Jer. when lie commenced taking y°u'Pp1'l.s'an<Jrw1f1' rubbing the Ointment into the chest night an n» 'iave the pleasure of informing you, that aftei persevering with your remedies, as above mentioned, for eight weeks, he was completely cared, and has ever since en- joyed the best of health.—1 remain, dear sir, yours very truly, Holloway's Pills are «st Z"rk for the following Diseases Ague Consumption Head ache Sciofula, or King's Asthma Debility Indigestion Kvil. Bjl'ous £ r°Psy InfiammationSore Throats Blotches on the Dysentery Jaundice Tic Douloureux r, p rys pela* Liver Com- Tumours Bowel Complamts Fevers of plaints Worms of all kindr Colics all kinds Lumbago Weakness, fro:n Const.patlonofthe Fits Piles whatever cause Bowels t Gout Rheumatism &c.. &c. Sold at the establishments of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar) London, a"d 80, Maiden Lane, New York, also b1 all respectable Druggists and Dealers in medicines throughout the Civilized World, at the following prices-Is. lid 2s. 9d., 4s. bd., lis., 22s., and 33s. -each box. There is a con siderable saving by taking the larger-sizes- N.B—Directions for the guidance of Patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. 1640 NEW and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOURED FNGHAVINGS ON STEEL, just published, price, free by post, One Shilling, a Medical Work on the phy sical exhaustion and decay of the frame with obser- vations on the obligations of marriage, directions, &c., by R. and L. PEltRY and CO., Surgeons. Sold by J. Allen, 20, Warwick-lane; Sanger, 150. Oxfofd street; and Gordon, 146, Leadenh«If-street, London. PART THE FIRST treats of the anatomy and physiology of the human frame, illustiated by Eight Coloured En- gravings. PART TH'S SECOND treats of menial and bodily weak- ness, nervous excitement, &c. It is illustrated by Three Explanatory Engravings. PART THS Rhird treats of the diseasfs resuiting from the consequences of early neglect or of mistreatment entailing broken healih and a miserable existence This section is illustrated by Seventeen Coloured En- gravings. PART THE FOURTH is devoted to the consideration of marriage and its duties. The OORLI At, BALVI OF SYRIACUM w«expre8sly employed to renovate the impaired powers of life. Its jetton is purely balsamic; its power in re-irkvigorn-ting the fraloe in all cases of nerveus debilities arising from excesses, has oeen demonstrated by its unvarying succeps in thousands of cases. Price 4 Is. per bottle, or four quantities in ot-e for 33s., which saves lis. The CONCEN I R lTED DETERSIVE ESSENCE remedy tor purifying the system, and is recommended ror eruptions oii'the skin, blotches on the head and face Its action is purely detersive, and its beneficial nfluence on the system is undeniable. Price 1 Is. and t3s per bottle, ateo a saving of l l-s. PERRY',j PUIUFYlNii SPECIFIC PILLScoRóltitute an effectual remedy in all cases of debility. Price 2s. 9J., 48. "d., and lis. p(r box, Sold in London by D. Church, 78, Gracechurch- reet, W. Sutron and Co., 10, Bow-churchyard; W. O ^au'*s chuichyard J. Sanger, 150 uxtord-street; Harmay and Uiewichsen, 6:C Oxford' "■reel; Bu'ler and Harding, 4, ( heapsid. Prout and rsant, 229 Strand. London.; Mecsr*. Garrett Bros. rug»istg) Newport, Mon.; Kvans^ chemist, CardiH •' on III rontuig, chemist, High-Street, Bristol; Evans, chemist' High-street, Swansea; T. Farror, Beacon Office, Mon- mouth and all medicine vendors throughout the United Mngdom. j-V7n7 IC.

[No title]
