Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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eligible sites at half the cost they were not bound blindly *? °.'ow' those minutes. They had as full power for caoosmg a more eligible site as they had for changing forty acres for thirty acres. f >;w*s ^eece said that when the recommendation 0 the Committee had been accepted and adopted, their J-1* ceased. They had no power to select another Mr. Alexander said there were other entries on the OK, that would show that the purchase of the site at meet" no* keen concluded upon. At their last DriceXnf i^Ut 0ne an or^er ^ad been made to ascertain the thev UJ belonging to Mrs. George that proved that wrmM not, committed themselves to the Maindy. He Mr RC°W'n-e mo^oa VYatkins. measurea'beln liaima beBSed to ask one question; had clndino teKen, as ordered at last meeting, for con- Mr8Ha™PUS*'e»f3° acres of land at Maindy ? stated' tW o i 0 a°ted in the absence of the town clerk, announdnl thietter had been forwarded to Mr. Corbett by the board ^^Ptance of his terms, for the Maindy, Mr. R. Willia therefore been ms said that a building contract had e been entered into. th^co'r^ittee^a6,!61^110^ 0?^11^011' that ftmCti°D8 °f mittee and K d Cea3ed. He had once been on a com- at the next fol^ had neg,eCted that'tS functions had 8 meetinS> they were told that their feelines-Jr ,? ceaa'-d. There was then no ebullition of ber, took itTeVenh»friendMr.Watkins,whowasamem- site and tK c°oly. As soon as they had selected a Board th • rec°mmendation had been accepted by the for the n 0nly further duty was to negotiate the terms changing it e of the land. They were not justified in For all e 8ite> whether for one yard or a mile further. Wheth V PurPoses their powers had ceased long ago. comm their report was in writing or a mere verbal but j/unication was immaterial if it had been acted upon °ne f freely knew whether the present meeting was ■Pecial a 1 cllaracter or not. According to law, a ^ritin ?eetin3 should be convened by a requisition in doubtfM u five members of the Board, and it was very ^whether the meeting was legally constituted. Oieetin tlcins '• The Mayor has power to convene a Th M upon y°r; Mr. Watkins and Mr. Alexander called me "i me as a deputation, and said that five or more id ay r8 w^ed me to call the meeting. I called it as 'ipowjp f^ldermaa Williams: It is clear the Mayor has Thfi lu- °a^ a 8Pe<Jial meeting if he thinks proper. -Of po^ayor I can't see that there has been any stretch bv^f* B.ern«d Mr. Watkins said that it had been done •aid fi. ^j^kins Allow me to explain what I stated. I vr a*five members had communicated with the Mayor. Iteqaisi • Qard marked that the notice referred to a L*: ^atkins replied that if it was so stated, it was fu really done in the same case as Mr. Williams held F Tk* C»?tract was rendered binding without a signature. L .e Mayor remembered that he had called a special meeting of the Council on Wednesday last, and not a word M bad been heard. M i j Wia Reece said that the day chosen was lll- r^apted for the discussion of a question of such great Importance—professional men could only attend at great ^convenience. The Mayor rdplied that mercantile and trade members MQulte as much to complain of. ^r> Alexander stated that he had seconded the motion. *r. Bernard denied the existence of a commiteee to back to. # Alderman Lewis: Why not name another committee P«en. > ^Ir. Alderman C. Yachell said that a distance of |.f00 or 400 yards was immaterial, as in either case car- ries must be employed. In their own affairs they .fight please their own fancies, but they had no right to Peal with £ i 000 or £ 8,000 of the money of the rate- iNyers. r k Mr. Alderman C. Williams read the following minute of we 17th March 1856 —" Ordered that a committee be ap- ,.pnted to endeavour to obtain a proper site for a Burial [Found." And the following of ^9^806—Present, C. 1. Lachell, Mayor, W. Coffin, M.P., C. C. Williams, D. Lewis, f&prgan. Alderman W. Yachell, G. Phillip, B. Matthew, S- T. Edwards, J.Elliot, S.D.Jenkins, J. Owen, L. P- Bernard, D. Jotham, W. B. Watkins, W. Alexander, L d Mr. Bradley Ordered that the Mayor, ex-Mayor, pderman Charles O. Williams, David Lewis, Mr. W. fsJe*aoder, Mr. J. Pride, Mr. J. Batchelor, Mr. W. B. [ atkiris, and Mr. W. T. Edwards, be appointed a com- J^ttee (three of whom to be a quorum), to negotiate for i nrohase of 40 acres of land at the Maindy—the property the Marquis of Bute, and to report thereon to the ( Meeting. He then stated that as the distance was a » En.*6' of fact, easily ascertained, he had procured the f k r ^ap of the parish to which their surveyor had bis compasses and found that the difference of r was nearly 1500 yards, measuring from the first fe 1 } ^ioTa they had to enter either piece of ground, f JL,f 0 taken the trouble of ascertaining the different f kifOrtlon? of walling and found that while the Maindy r Is T, Wou,d reckon 76,' and that at Monachty would be fc ,v Ira- George's land would be 82. He had1 also gone ¥ 'be trouble of ascertaining the expense of hauling. [ Watkins had made a great point of a Taff Vale V ;ng, but they must recollect that the first cost of a '& Would be several hundreds of pounds, and trains u d not stop and turn back trucks along a siding for a JJ'ter of a mile. At the Maindy canal boats could I It- rSe mate"al within 300 yards of the ground. ,■ *ilg all these fact3 into consideration he believed [ When balanced against the first cost of the land j *ould not leave any great difference, j. Alexander The canal passes Monachty also. I ■^r. Alderman Williams The railway comes between r is a long way round the bridge. „ 7r- Alderman D. Lewis said that he did not think f tt they had committed themselves to any bargain as 5 He hoped they would throw any little matters over J the general benefit, and not let any quibbles upset any a. algement by which such a sum as ^7,000 would be t Ito' by only going a short distance further.—(Mr. 4 LCe = A mile.)—Well, let it be a mile when they Iat otber places, such as Merthyr, through which { L d travelled the other day, they would find that they l Le °bliged to go more than three miles.' If they could 5 get a site to advantage at two miles, why they must H °ne at three miles. They had but one interest in te^ter' to do the best for the public. He had no I j. t but that Mr. Williams had taken much trouble to prtain the expense, but he s'nould like to_ obtain some ruination fi ona the surveyor, as to the drainage, for he Arers,0f)d that it would be found much more expensive ra,lnd3' than at Monachty, where there was some land t t"eJr would not want to drain at all. lhey would r have an expensive road at Maindy, that would cost P° or £ 600. Cr' Alderman Williams said thit they would require road to Monachty. rr» Edwards begged to remark that Mr. David was Pe correct when he said that he was not present at the 0 r Meeting. It was with great regret that he had been ftged t0 |eave the r00ra> without being able to remain •'be close of the discussion ar.d for the division. All | ^embers would have but one feeling, that of doing best for the town, and hitherto they bad been as pimous as possible. When the Maindy was pointed k'iKi was but one feeling, that it was the most Jible site, and the only question that now appeared Ltls^.US8i°n was one of comparative expense. Some i' I 036 since, Mr. Watkins came before the Board, .g S"aled lbat land might be obtained for £ 70 per ip" ''is consideration appeared of so much import- |' 'bat the committee were deputed to visit it and subsequent meeting, Mr. Corbett intimated that the -1' 111 ight be obtained, but afterwards, in consequence objections entertained by Mr. Wyndham Lewis, 4 | vi<inity to its mansion, it had been refused. At J* meeting an impression prevailed that a most A i sP°t of ground could be obtained, and there ap- 5 f fied but one feeling on that subject. He did not mean °e I and ot Mrs. George, to which he felt the force of the ptioQ 0f distance, but he referred to the Wedall; it 5 0KfOt- '3een officially offered, but he believed it might b>naine(^ at a lower price than Monachty, while the f, not more than 300 yards further than 3d lid • ^bere was a new road by the Grange, that rfl iajjp. inf within 300 or 400 yards of the same ij a_ j" t a beautiful piece of ground on gravelly it *tpi; ^ie exc'ePtion of a north aspect, it was the b- |r Tble 8Pot ?ear tbe town. to i"^i°rn,ard sa.'d t'1.a^ aa a majority seemed disposed e/ f cotn^ntj^eeemaUer' would be better to appoint a 13 B' ^atkiM the ,1B°ard miSbt, if they wished, U1V9 the committee and appoint a new nn<>. 1, j-1 i. fr*'»w4,'11™ i° Mopn«cb,y*,r,rie„b;.tt fe^ open for selection of the best site, not onlv aVra economy, but public health. They already saw a °L L n 8Pring'ng UP witbin half a mile of Maiudee. r t Ouobt BOt t0 look at the present only, but to *'• r 6 also. < Alderman Williams remarked that if Dr. Edwards with regard to the distance of the Wedell, 300 L- k c°u^d ma^? any great difference in a sanitary Lai beeSn8r" d"0°Id °""0 that ha t'3f* y0*/ l° s?con4 tba amendment. R reference to what had passed at the last meeting at t |b some of the members now in the room fmri v £ hi, the reasons urged for preferrin^hj "to t J Were grounded 0Q public convenience ()n xld ,riwd, i\had be,en,Urgedfthat'-f9 Carria^8 would be jt ;al,y -1 distance of a mile in addition ^ould )T. ,v -T.y < onssquence. Since then, he had taken '<t* "'e H'6 clergy of various denominations /L .rri.,0?.of latest practical experience ,r' m 1 k^lt8Li° p?or ?n su°b occasions. > 1" iU be i1Q bis opinion, the Maindy 0tV Doot rr ln^ltely preferable by the large « T 55WwiUtea to Mr. fegnhii, 5K Catholic priest, and as the reply was in writing, he would read it :— "Cardiff, October 2nd, 1857. "My dear Sir,-I am most thankful for the choice which you proposed and carried at the last lown C cil meeting of the Maindy Burial Ground, m preference to more distant sites, nor can there be a doubt that the de- cision will meet with tbe hearty approval of the great majority of the inhabitants of this town, who will see that the slight and temporary increase in taxation is but a trifle in comparison with the great and lasting mconve- nience which would have otherwise resulted to all classes, but more especially to the bulk of the poor, of whom, I need not say, the greater proportion belong to my flock. « The gentlemen who have argued that the poor would not carry their own dead even to the Maipdy, will, I strongly surmise, find themselves unsupported by fact, at least among the Irish poor. The precedent which has long existed at Newport is in point, and leads me to expect the contrary. The distance there is not much shorter than ours will be, and the way is, for a considerable length, up hill and steep, yet they carry their dead. I shall be much mistaken, therefore, if they do it not here, with the road level and smooth." He had also seen the Rev. A. Tilley, one of the Non- conformist ministers of the town, and he was strongly of opinion that distance would be found a very serious onsideration. Circumstances which had occurred within the last few days had prevented his seeing other minis- ters as he had intended, but he had already shown that his opinions were conclusively borne out by authorities in a position to form a correct estimate of their value. Mr. Elliott said that he could state that the Wesleyan Ministers at least held different opinions. They ap- proved of the Monachty site on sanitory grounds, and did not think half a mile in distance as of such great importance. Mr. Lewis Reece said that those gentlemen had pro- bably formed their conclusions on the statement that the distance was only 500 yards further—1,500 yards, how- ever, made a considerable distance. Mr. W. Watkins claimed a right to reply. He would make one remark with regard to observations to which he had listened with great defsrence, as they were characterised by good sense and good feeling. But while he admitted that, the Rev. Mr. Signini was well ac- quainted with the habits and feelings of a large section of the poor of Cardiff, he contended that it would be far more cheap for the Irish working classes to hire a Shillibere carriage, than to give the quantity of beer usually drank by those who attended to assist in carrying the bodies at their funerals. Distance did not appear to make them much difference, for it often happened that the deceased expressed a wish to be buried in some dis- tant place, and his desires were invariably respected. He had often seen them carrying bodies to Penartli and other places for interment. The question was then put, and a few votes had been taken, when Dr. Edwards inquired whether he might be allowed to propose another amendment. But it was decided that it was too late. Dr. Edwards then begged to explain that he should vote for rescinding the resolution, with the view only of keeping the matter Orlen, and with the hope that the site at the Wedell might be obtained. He could not vote for the Monachty in preference to the Maindy, as he considered the latter the better site of the two. A division was then taken, when the names stood as follows: — For rescinding the resolution V—Aldermen D. L wis and C. Yachell. Councillors W. B. Watkins, W. Alex- ander, E. Thomas, G. Watson, D. Jotham, Dr. Edwards, and the Mayor—9. For confirming the resolution :-Aldermen C. C. Williams and T. Morgan. Councillors J. Pride, R. Williams, C. E. Bernard, Lewis Reece, Montague Grover, and C. W. David—8. The resolution was therefore rescinded. Mr. Alderman Williams said that the proceedings were informal, but he would not wish to take advantage of any mere technical objection. We believe that we have given the substance of all the arguments adduced correctly-though it was no easy matter to gather them, when six or eight gentlemen were frequently speaking at the same time.