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Hiwttwmtg. iHEAL.SOHS NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE CONTAINS DESIGNS AND PRICES OF 150 DIFFERENT ARTICLES OF BEDROOM FURNITURE AS WELL SR TL0F 100 BEDSTEADS AND PRICES W EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BEDDINC SENT FREE BY POST HEALS. SON BEDSTEAD REDDINC t. BEDROOMj »STNTTRM« ?N,TURE MANUFACTURERS VJWTOTTENHAM COURT ROAD LONDON*/ [859 T\R STOLBERg>5 YOICE LOZEKGE, is il^ovingX v ff after Ten yeara1 trial as the best specific^for desirous of culr s"biect to relaxed Throats. and to all Clear articulati, ng their voices, and ensuring a good and to those afflirfoj11' Tliey have also been found highly beneficiil To be had ? *'t[l Nervous, Hysterica,or Stomachic Coughs every Medici \°rXes' at ls- »*d- 2s" 9d" 6d,each' of Wholesale en(lor i" the kingdom.. Suttonanrt P Age,lts. Barclay and Sons. Farringdon-street Sons.St P, Bow Churchyard; W- Edwards, Newberry and street- V aul 8 Churchyard Dietrichsen and Hannay, Oxford- Chemi'sto • n^er' Oxford-street, and Retail by all respectable lp the Kingom. J^BlGESTION may be speedily relieved, and us« return effectually prevented, by the regular °an i "^i^YE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS aa thousands ga ^stify w]j0 ijave proved tlieir efficacy.—Mr. T. di „ f?E» °f Barrowby, near Grantham, suffered from In- TomT ^or twenty-two years, with constant sickness and dr»c,„ after applying to physicians in vain, a few ||s of KAYE'S PILLS effectually relieved him. lflllldrods of Cases of Cure accompany each box. 2s IM 'kroughout the Empire, in Boxes at Is. l^d., lA»i and4s. 6d, "Wholesale DepOt, 22, Bread-street, Loudon, [1430 COUGHS, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, ASTHMAS, &C P°WELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED tineuTJi,^ J1*"16 immediate patronage of several-of the most dis IJd. an i o NobiUtv and Gentry in the Kingdom, in Bottles, at ls "s-3d. each. !?lu8b,e Medicine has the extraordinary property of brean ely Sieving coughs, colds, hoarseness, oifficulty of the ennH^' ,aru* huskiness in the throat. It operates by dissolving 'f ho<!B .?.? Phlegm; consequently causing a free expectoration throat L? are tioubled with that unplea^nt tickling in the *i»ceg«nT deprives them of rest, night after night, by the imaiPH- LC0Ui?h whi<* it provokes, will, by taking one dose, find relief. one bottle in most cases will effect a cure, youncr us cases have come to the proprietor's knowledge where and have been troubled with coughs, spitting of blood, ■goinirfn? al wastiug away, with every appearance of cured ,° a decline. by taking a doses, have been entirely no *e'n Inasthnias,chronic coughs,difficulty of breath,ng, Sc., thisi* fan describe the wonders th*t have been performed by ■UnaH J? U.?b,° medicine. Man v, who for many years have beer, bv an -«n 1,8 dow» in their beds "without a danger of being ch"kea ful pnSmu,ati<»i of phlegm (which'invariabh causes a dreac TecumK V otbers, who with difficulty could breathe at all in s balsam 6 v> e-bave> by taking one dose of this excellcr.t Sut th "abled to lie down comfortably in their beds. eflects6 of those who have experienced its wonderful" them ,r 1 do more to recommend and insure it the support of 'toy Dn !• i tbananything the proprietor cnn say in its favour,«nd case- *r re1uest he lias published the following extraordinary -r-„ ^r" ^rr!Kht. of Mile-end road, was many years afflicted "with <*Ugh, shortness of breath, and «mse of suffocation, whenever he attempted to he down in bed, owin* to the great accumulation •f viscid phlegm which he was nimble to expectorate Me had ^»ed every means to obtain relief, but without effect: hecouid Set no sleep but in liis arm-chair. In this state he contim^d!„ "nger, without any hope of recovery, his friends expecting that every fit of coughing wonld terminate his existence. At4eneth was prevailed upon to try a "bottle of the Balsam,(very Extraordinary)! half an hour after the first dose he WAS able to lie down in his bed; and before he had taken three bottles, was Perfectly cured!" IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Observe that the Words, "THOMA POWELLt Blackfriars-road, Lond«V are (by permission of he Majesty's Commissioners of Stamps) Ejgraved in White Letter upon a Red Ground on the Government Stamp, pasted over th op of each bottle, without which it cannot be genuine. [A ARSHALLS UNIVERSAL CERATE, (Established for more than a century) Is the most certain and efficacious remedy for all kinds of Wounds and Chilblains, whether broken or unbroken, Cuts, Sores, Scalds,, Burns, Old Ulcers, Sore Breasts, Eruptions of every kind, and more especially Sore and Ulcerated Legs of 20 years', standing, have been cured without the least confinement, after having been dis- charged/row hospitals.. In short, this wonderful prepara- tion will be found far more efficacious in the cere of the above complaints than, all the Ointments and Plasters hitherto made use of. Witness the numerous cases speci- fied in the handbills. Chilblains are prevented from breaking by Marshall's Kerate' an(^ ^eir tormenting itching instantly removed where this certain remedy has been unknown or and the Chilblains have actually suppurated or them' Cerate will ease the pain, and very speedily hea Sold wholesale by Messrs. BARCLAY & SONS, and all other wholesale houses in London and by most Medicine Vendors and Druggists in the United Kingdom, in boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, the larger containing three of the small. EVERY MAN who is "wide awake" will -Lj instantly make use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS, when he finds that he ought to-do something to improve the state of his health. The most inveterate hater of physic, by the moderate use of this fine Medicine, may preserve his health and do no violence to his palate. .r^ t- ii jj-i:& a',? ;,w~•< ;> *.L g s j'x* Sw,St u • 4 StimuLtte and improve the working of all the important functions of the body, and thus halp to ensure good health from youth to old age. Those who use PARR'S PILLS judiciously have seldom occasion to resort to doctors, or to take any other medicine. TO LADIES. A trial of a single box of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will at once prove that they mildly and speedily remove all skin eruptions, sallowliess of complexion, nervous irritability, sick headache, loss of appetite, indigestion, costiveness, Repression of spirits, dizziness of the eyes, irregularity, or general derangement of the system.; and, by assisting the secretions, give such a healthy action to the organs as to give the colour of the rose to the complexion, and tone and vigour to th2 whole frame. „. From Hr. Hugll lJToodnc11, Tibb-ltms, King-street, Manchester. GENTLEMEN — Having been much afflicted for above twelve Years with a chronic disease of the liver and-CQEstantly deranged state of the digestive organs, and having tried almost every medicine hitherto, with little or no relief, I was induced to try LIFE PILLS; and, now having given them a trial for four months, I am happy to be enabled to state that I have derived the greatest benefit from their use they appear to con- tain the invaluable properties of a tonic and restorative medicine, and at the same time an effectual preventive agaiii;>i costiyeness, without weakening the nervous system. I ami yours respectfully, 11IJGH WOODNEV. From, Afr. John fiutcliffie, Leeds-road, Bradford. GENTLEMEN,—Having w itnessed the beneficial T ffects of PARR'S LIIS PILLS on a friend of mine, who was much relieved in a case of general debility, I began to try them myself, and I beg leave to make known to you that I never received so much benefit from any other medicine, and I feel confident of a Perfect cure. I told my surgeon what kind of medicine I was taking, and he said that I could not take anything better. It will be true economy always to have in the house a box of PARR's LIFE PILLS. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. In Boxes, price Is lid. and 2s. 9d., and in Family Packets, lIs. each. Protected uad guaranteed in every country by the English Government stamp, which is affixed to-each box of the Genuine Medicine. Sole Pro- prietors, T. ROBERTS and CO., Crane-court, Fleet- street, London. APPOINTED AGENTS. NEWPORT .E. J. PHILLIPS, Chemist. Merthyr Tydfl Mrs. WhiLe, Bookseller. [1472 HAMPTON'S PILL OE HEALTH". Price Is, Hd. and 2s. 9J per box. This excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-tried efficacy fox purifying the blooJ so very essential for the foundation of good health, and correcting all Disorde-s of the SL-oimch a,ld BoweJs. Two or three -doses will convince tfie amtctcd of KS afutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength healthy action of the liver, bowe's and kidneys will rapidiy ake place and renewed health will be the quick result of taking us medicine, according to the directions accompanying each fd1ne«sydrowsinesg)7and^iAnVT' W?1° sub^ect '? eat a flow of blood to the hearf^v!" ,the earS* Knsln,g fr0"? ° many dangerous symptoms wii'i h'OU ."ever be, without them, nely use j and for elderly people »hentlrely c"rried off by their required, nothing can be better adani^ an occasional aperient The following extract of a letter from ir n, Winchmore Hill, Middlesex, is • Thomas Province, nother Proof of the invaluable Medicinal r> ,■ Framptcn's Fill of Health! Pr°pertus °f ■' For upwards of nine years I have experienced tt. this excellent medicine. T had long previously beet eJ?.cacy th headachy and indigestion, but a friend having indifJSl«cte<' make a trial of Frampton's Pills, I now inform you that a iw uavJFtak relief; and during this long period of tim» h„a™^n™them in preference to any other medieine Salth whSTinS? °K Saj!in8 ,h»t I never had a better state of LV of pothing to eoua? it" fientral use h? m> famlly' a"d We Fof"F^^ALEs these Dilla arA i«,t gtructions, th^ distressing hetdachl excellent, removing all ob sex, depression of spirits, dulnes, nrS0. \eTy Prevalent wlth the blotches, pimples, and sallownass of t>,S 8 •' nervous affections, iuvenile bloom to the coaaplexion. sk'n, and give a healthy, l o MOTHBAS they are confidently medicine that can be taken; and for chiin Jfme?^ed as the best jneqaaUed. n of *11 ages they are fre excellent aperient, create annetit* «id invigorate {he Spirits; and if takenlanguor, q^k,y the system to its natur!^ ^'nce at °° diet or fMV$SP Q lIullent Itamp; (1638 attijK'trtmttguS. Read ye thiat run the awful truth, With which I charge my page; A worm is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age.Ct)WPLR- Just Published, with numerous Engravings, New Edition, Price Is. free by post for 13 Stamps, NERVOUS DEBILITY: its Causes, Symptoms, and Cure An Essay on Spermatorrhoea, Depression, and Premature Exhaustion of the System, showing the causes which commonly lead to the occurrence, the symptoms which indicate its presence, and the means to be adopted for cure. BY A PHYSICIAN. This Work, emanating from a qualified Member of the Medical Profession, the result of many years' practical experience, is address-d to the numerous Classes who suffer from the various disorders acquired in early Life. Aso, by the. same Author, Price Is.; Free by Post for IS Stamps THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; Or how to Insure Moral and Physical Happiness, with Rules for the Preservation of Health and Strength, and precautionary hints for the guidance of the Weak, the Nervous, the Sedentary, and the Delicate. On receipt of Thirteen Postage Stamps, either of the above Works will be forwarded, Post Free, to any Address, by Mr, George Osborne, 4, Sherbourne Lane, London. [148!1 >PHE SUMMER RIDE or PROMENADE. I —The peculiar virtues of C. and A. OLDRIDGE'S BALM of COLUMBIA, completely remove the difficulty experienced by Ladies in preserving their ringlets after exercise its use so invigorates the hair, that tresses pre- viously the straightest and most destitute of curl, rapidly acquire a vigour, which maintains in permanent ringlets the head-dress ot the most persevering votary of the ball- room, the ride, or the promenade. After the Minerals and Vegetables of the Old World have been compounded in all Imaginable ways in fruitless attempts to discover so important a desideratum, we are indebted to the \Vestern Hemisphere for furnishing the basis of OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA, the efficacy of which in preserving, strengthening, and renewing the hair, has become a matter of notoriety among the civilized nations. Its restorative virtu, a are indeed a proverb, and the most satisfactory attestations to its in- fallibility in reproducing hair upon persons otherwise hope lessly bald: have been published from time to time by the Proprietors, 13, Wellington-street, North, Strand, London. OLDRIDGE'S BALM, causes eyebrows to grow, prevents the hair from turning grey, and the first applica- tiou causes it to curl beautifully, frees it from scurf and stops it from falling off. Abundance of Certificates ef the first respectability are shown by the Proprietors. 3s. foil., 6s and lis., per bottle no other prices are genuine. When you ask for Oldridge'a Balm" never let the shopkeepers persuade you to buy any other aifoc'te as a substitute. Sold by all respectable 'Chemists, Perfumers and Sta- tioners. N.B. It is invaluable :for the Nursery as it foi.ns ilie hasis of a magnificont head of hair. [1681 FITS AND NERVOUS COMPLAINTS.— MISS PIKE'S POWDERS. This invaluable medicine, for the cure of Epileptic, Hysteric, and every other description of Fits. has for many years been gratuitously and successfully administered by'the above lady; but, in consequence rf the increasing demand and the earnest solicitations of fiiends, it is now offered to the public for sale, It has also proved highly serviceable in Nervous \ffcctions of the Head, inducing mectal weakness, and, in some cases, bordering on insanity and in the alleviation and ure of tte various species of Nervous Compiri:its- N" nBr ment or restraint, more than that oi fbeinar terv einperate, is "necessary during its use, ail it is perfe "tly harmless, and a child may take it. Sold in bottles at.2s.9J., -is. fid., and its. each, by the pro. prietor, >Iiss fike, 15, Park-place, Clifton, near Bristol (late of Berkeley, Gloucestershire); and in London by Messrs. Barclay and Sons, 95, Faningdon street, sole wholesale agents. Agents for Bristol and the neighbourhood —Ferris and Co, Unldn street; J. W. B. Ash, 78, Redclift" hill, Bristol; Cooper and Lawrence, 1. Mall, Hitton—Wa)ker Davies, Green, and Co., Bath—Prockter Lea, Perkins, and Smith, Cheltenham— Fouracre Walker, Gloucester—White, Berkeley and Durslsy, and may be had through all respectable Vendors of Medicine in the United Kingdom. Cures effected by this medicine have-come under the oblterva tion of the fallowing hif(bly-rexpectF.ble individuals D- Jenner. F.L.S., &c., Berkeley Fraus. Hands, Esq., suvgeon, Berkeley the Rev. Sir Geo. Prevost, Bart Stinchcombe Mrs. Georgiana Fletchei Welch, Ebworth Park, near Painswick Mrs. Mary Isabella Gainer, of Kingswood, near Wotton Under lidge; the Rev. John Maynard, M A., Curate of Berkeley.; the M. A., Curate of Slimbridge and Minor Canon Bristol Cathedral Thomas Croome, Esq., Breadstone, near Berkeley; Mr. T. t.larke, Whitecliti" Park, near Berkeley Mrs. tins, of King street, Stroud John Weight, Esq., attorney, Wotton tti;<ter-«dge Mr. Josiah Hunt, Almondsbury—all in the county of Gloucester Mr. W. Maule, Stapleton road, near Bristol; Mrs. Long, Royal Hotel Clifton; Mrs. Glover, Worcester Cottage. Wellington place, Stoke's Croft, Bristol Mrs. Hunt, 44. Christmas street, Bristol; Mr. Ashton, Torrington, Devon Mrs. Mallett, Buckland Filleigh, near Torrington, Devon; Mrs. Sherboarn, 24, Mornington place, Hampsteaii road, Lon don; William Woolwright, Esq., attorney, 10, Bretherton's buildings, North John street, Liverpool F. C. Ladbury, Esq., surgeon, Wedr.esbury, Staffordshire Mr. J. T. Baker, 46, Broad-quay, Bristol; Mrs. Marsh, Bell Hotel, Gloucester; and many others. To Miss Fike-Dear Madam I shou'dbe wanting in gratitude and common feelings of civility, were I not to express to you how much benefit 1 have received from your powders. Since taking them I have had scarcely a return of the epileptic fits, which 1 feel noordicary blessing. On two or three occasions, 1 have had once weekly, without epilepsy, a return of those attacks which deprived me for a time of sensibility, but even this has been gradually wearing away, so that I am hoping perfect restoration will be my happy portion. Physicians, Surgeons, &c;, for years have exerted themselves to cure me, but generally gave me up in despair; but now matters are altered, and I shall not be con signed to suleiing and discouragement. Pardon me, Madam, for thus troubling you' Your medicine I hope to assist in its efforts ff according to your wish, with abundance of air and exercise; and,, also, to add-thereto moderation in thinking, eating, and drinking with calmneos of mind and feeling.—Most Rratefully thanking you, I have the honour to remain very faithfully yours, J. WILLIAMSON, Incumbent of Theale. 8, Lower Maudlin-st. near the Infirmary, Rrstol, 7th Sep., 1S53. N.B.—Be very particular in observing that the name, "Sarah Merrett Pike Berkeley, Gloucestershire," is engraved in white ettera on a r(d ground, in the government stamp, as none other an be genuine. [A 3 NO MORE PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER Medicine, for Indigestion, {dyspepsia) habitual Constipation, Flatulencv, Acidity, Palpitation of the Heart, Torpidity of the Liver, bilious Headaclies, Ner- vousness, Biliousness, General Debility, Diarrhoea, Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Despondency^ Spleen, itc., Price 2dv, or 3d. post free 102nd Edition of the "N VTURAL REGENERATOR OF THE DI- GESTIVE ORGANS," without Pills, purgative?, or medicines of any kind, by a simple, pleasaivt, and infallible means, adapted to the general render. Supported bytestimonials from the celebrated Professor of Chemistry, Br. Andrew Ure, Pr. Shodand., Dr. Harvey, Dr. Campbell, Dr; Gatiikfr, Dr. Wurzer, Dr. Ingram, Lord Stuart de Becies, the Dowager Countess of Castle- Stuart, Major Gen. Thomas King, and many other re- spectable persons, whose health has been restored by it after all other n eans of cure had failed. London; Barry Du Barry & Co., 77, Ue^ent-street. [16S8. CERTAIN RELIEF FOR THE AFFLICTED. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVElt PILLS, PREPARED without any Mercurial ingre- P dient from the recipe of |)r. Scott, of Bromley.Kent. These Pills will be fuund invaluable to all who suffer from bilious and liver complaints, indigestion,, wind, spasms, giddiness, dizziness of the eyes, and many other symptoms which none but a sufferer can describe. For habitual costiveness, and as a family aperient medicine, they are ttuly excellent; mild in their operation, and grateful to the stomach, they create appetite, promote digestion, and strengthen the whole nervous system. Copy of a letter from Mr. PEIMWEE, Chemist, Romford, Essex. June 5th, 1855. To Mr. C-ambert.—Sir,—A ladyeame to my shopthis morningfor a box of Hr. Scott's Bili, us and Liver Pills. She informed me that she had been suffering for a long period with an affection of the liver, iidigeition, loss of appetite, giddiness, and extreme nervous debility, for which she could get no relief, until she was induced to try the pills, which she stated relieved her after two or three doses; and persevering with them herhealth is now p rfectly re-tored. and from that time she had never been without them. She added, I should consider myself ungrateful if I did n t acknowledge the grea! benefit I have derived from this excellent medicine, and shall endeavour to make its superior qualities known and appreciated by a large circle of friends. The lady is Mrs. HOYf. of Hornehurch, near Romford. Lower Moss Lane, Chester Road, Manchester. Oct. 12, 1854. Dear Sir, It affords me great. atisfaction in being enabled to state that Dr. Scott's Silious and Liver Pills are effecting many cures, and obtaining an extensive and gratifying notoriety in and around this neighbourhood. Cases have come under my notice wherein the most obstinate form of a disordered liver has been effectually cured solely by tie use of a small box ofthest invaluable Pi-Is no one ought, therefore, to despair of being cured of any complaint of the stomach cr live so long as the patient has not tried 'hem. The Pills are evidently emphatically what they arc represented to be, viz., an excellent remedy for any derangement of the digestive organs, nausea, liver complaints, &c. I am, very thankfully yours, T. FORSTER Kea. Effectual Cure of Indigestion and Loss of Appetite. The Hall, Ashbourn, Derbyshire, April 2, 1655. To Mr. W. Lambert.—Sir,—It is with much pleasure I make this communication to you. For a long time I had been in a most delicate state of health, and a great sufferer from violent pains iin the chest, indigestion, accompanied with sickness and almost total loss of appetite. Although under the care of several eminent medical men, I found no relief from the medicines-pre- scribed for me, and had almost given up' all hopes of recovery. I was induced by the advice of a friend who had been cured by Dr Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills" of a severe liver complaint, to eive them a trial. After taking the contents of a small box T found ereat reli. f, and with a little perseverance with them, my health is perfectly restored, and 1 can now enjoy my food and pursue my avocations with ease and comfort. A wish to aid in the alleviation and cure of others similarly situated, is my motive for seS you this voluntary testimonial to the great efficiency of your excellent medicine.-Should you wish to make this public, you have my free permission to do so. I am. Sir, yours obliBed, F MART BURROWMAN. Prepared only by "W» Lambert, Chemist, 20, Jeriuyn- s^eet, Haymarket. London, in boxes, ls. Ijd., or three boxes in one, 2s. 9d., and sold by the Tenders of Medicine throughout the Kingdom. D-?.0IITANT CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for Dr. scott a Bilious and Liver Pills. If you ask for Scott's r I MM-* 8et quite a different medicine; if you as>k „nnnif)UVn,.d .Liver Pill»," you will get a spurious compound which, if taken, will not have the beneficial effect. 1 ake down the particulars—" Dr. Scott's Bilious ahd Liver rills. Be sure they are a square green package. It frequent y occurs that Druggists impose on their customers a Scott s Pills" in an ..oval box, which is quite a different medjeine, and causes much disappoint- ment, as their medicinal effects are so opposite. Should any difficulty occur in obtaining the pilli, send. 16 or 37 postage-stamps to the establishment, and tbey wiHfce ftpwfod fr ec» X17^ pfecittoew. GRATIS TO THE AFFLICTED. Poisonous Drugs and Doctors' Fees Abolished. TDXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY for the Pi treatment and "Self Cure" of Debility, nervousness, lassitude, depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains in the back and limbs, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, want of energy, love of solitude, groundless fears, palpitation of the heart, noises in the head and ears, indecision, wretchedness, impaired sight and memory, indigestion, and bodily prostration of the whole system, by means of the newly discovered A p "AMERICAN INVENTION," which supersedes (in the above complaints) poisonous drugs, which are given under various dis- guises, to tbe utter ruin of the patient's health. Also, "HINTS TO THOSE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE," sent on re- ceipt of six stamps, by CHAKLES WATSON, M D., physician to the Bedford Dispensary, 27, Alfred Place, Bedlord Square, London; This novel and scientific AMERICAN DISCOVERY shows the absurdity of the English treatment of such cases, and will prove a boon to Suffering Invalids," who may safely and speedily regain pristine health and vigour by adopting the means prese'nted.Evening Sun. "A new and extraordinary era in the science of medicine. Globe. The important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be removed without drugs is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted, fully explained."—Medical Review. 1565] WHAT SHALL I DO TO GET CURED P Is the question often asked by the afflicted. As your cure depends upon the treatment you obtain, apply to DR. THOMAS WILLIAMS, VINB COXTAGE, No. 182, COMMERCIAL RoAD, NEWPORT One door from the new Bible Christian Chapel, WHO, having devoted his whole study, for thirty years, to the curing of all Diseases by Herbs only, and from successful practice in Newport, for the last tea years,is enabled to treat patients with the utmost cer- tainty of a Cure. Dr. W.'s Herbal Pills have been experienced by Thou sands to be the most valuable yet known for the cure of Pains in the Head, Barsk, and Loins Nervousness, Indi- gestion, Loss of Appetite, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases ,&c. The utmost attention may be relied upon by those who entrust themselves to the care of Dr. Williams. Attendance daily, from Nine in the Morning until Ten at Night; on Sundays, from Nine till Two. Country Patients am-t be particular in stating their cases, as that will render a personal visit unnecessary. Medicine,with the necessary advice, sent to any part on receipt of a Post office Order for 10s., payable to Dr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Newport, Monmouthshire. CAUTION !—The public are requested to take notici that Dr. Williams has no connexion with any other person in the profession; and that he tan only be seen on cases at his residence, as above. B 28 NEW and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL OoL0rtraED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, gust published, price, free by post, One Shilling, a Medical Work on the physical exhaustion and decay of the frame with obser- vations on the obligations of marriage, directions, &c., by R. and L. PERRY and CO., Surgeons. Sold by J.. Allen, 20, Warwick-lene; Sanger, 150, Oxford-street and Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, London. PART THE FIRST treats of the anatomy and physiology of the human frame, itlusuated by Eight Coloured Ell- .gravings. P ART THE SECOND treats of menIal and bodily wea-k- -ness, nervous excitement, &c. It its illustrated by lhree Explanatory Engravings. PART THS THIRD treats of the diseases resuitireg from the consequences of early neglect or of mistreatment, entailing broken health and a miserable existence. This section is illustrated by Seventeen Colottrtd En- gravings. P ART THE FOURTH is devoted to the consideration of marriage and its duties. The CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM is-cxpressly employed to renovate the impaired powers of life. Its action is purely balsamic i:s power in re-invigorating the frame in all cases of nervous debilities arising from excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvaryingsuccesf« in thousands of cases. Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one for 33s., which saves Its. The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE a remedy for purifying the system, and is recommended for eruptions on the skin, blotches on the head and face &c. Its action is purely detersive, and its beneficial nfluence on the systejn is undeniable. Price Us. and i3s per bottle, also a saving of Us. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFICPILLSconstitute an effectual remedy in all-eases of debility. Price 2s. 9d. 4s. 6d., and ITs. per box. Sold in London by D. Church, 78, Gracechurch- street, W. Sutton and Co, 10, Bow-churchyard- W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul s.chulchyard; J. Sanger,' 150* Oxford-street; Hannay and Dietrichsee, 63. Oxford' street; Butler and Harding, 4, t heapside; Prout and Harsant, 229. Strand, London Messrs. Garrett Dros. druggists, Newport, Mon.; iivans, chemist, Cardiii*' Ponting, chemist, High-street, Bristol; Evans, chemist' High-street, Swansea; T. Farror, Beacon Office, Mon- mouth and all medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom. [1707 PRICHARD'S DANDELION FOR INBIGESTION7 THOSE f ersons wiio have not tested the efficacy Of Prichard's Dandelion, Camomile, Rhubarb, and Ginger rills, have neglected an essential incentive to health, in addi- tion to their peculiar restorative influence upon the deranged functions of digestion, they gently stimulate the liver and regu- late the bowels and, for all complaints arising from sluggish or irregular action of any of the above organs, stand unrivalled being considered a boon to the public. In bottles, is. I Ad 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d lis., and 21s. Prepared only by Mr. Prichard' apothecary, t5, Charing cross. Sent free by post and of all medicine vendors. PRICHARD'S AROMATIC STEEL PILLS are the only acknowledged specific for pain in the face and head, nervous and general dehility. They give energy to the muscles and nerves, and strength to the stomach, speedily imparting vigour to all constitutions weakened from illness or shattered by tie cares and anxieties of a city life. These pills are absorbed by the blood, and thus circulate through the whole system, so that no part of the body can escape their truly wonderful influence. In boxes, 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d., andlls. Prepared only by Mr. Prichard, 65, Charitig-cross. Sent free by post upon receipt of stamps, and of all medicine vendors. Agents,- Pontypool: Mr. WOOD, chemist; Abergavenny: Mr WATKINS, chemist: Usk Mr. Ci.ARK,,bookseUtr; Ross: CAREY, COCKS, and R'tpsB. [1728 DR. WILLIAM BATCHELOUR'S NERVO-ARTERIAL SPECIFIC is an efficacious medicine in all cases. No nausea and no interruption from usual pursuits. THE NERVO-t. RKTHRAL SPECIFIC invigorates the ner- vous power, and soon works a complete cure. No nausea and no restriction. THE ARTERIAL SPECIFIC contains no Mercury or other Mineral or noxious ingredients. It requires no restriction in diet or occupation, and entails no after consequences. The above Medicines sold in Bottles at 4s. 6d., lis., and 33s. each, by the Discoverer and Sole Preparer, Dr. WIX.LIAM BATCHELOUa, M.R.C.S.E., 1835, M L.A.C.. H3. at 69, Wimpole street, Cavendish-square, London, W. Consult personally or by correspondence. Fee One Guinea. Medicines can be forwarded. A small treatise on the above subjects by Dr. BATCHEX-O^R. Price 6d, by post 7d. [1727 OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA. TT acts on the Blood, separating the pure from the _L impure particles, nourishing and enriching it, imparting energy to the neivous system,and waiesup a natural and vigorous action of the lung&, liver, kidneys., and the skin it removes all stomach and bowel complaints, and is a great medicine for females and children. This is one of the most valuable Medicines in the World;- Half-Pints, as. 6d, Pints, 4s Quarts, 7s. 6d. and Mam- moths, lis. »! TOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA PILLS. These Pills Jiave been made by the same master-hand that produced the Sarsapanlla. As an aperient medicine, as a cleanser of all foul and viscial humours of the stomach as a regulator of the bowels, and as a great and gentle preventive of the numerous complaints of the intestines and labouring organs of the body, theaepills cannot be excelled. Sold in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. !id., adid 4s tid each. DR. TOWNSEND'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT. This Ointment, when applied to old sores, swellings, or erup- tions, 01 any disease of the feet or hones, causes the parts to discharge their putrid substances, and then heals them. It never dries up a sore. until it has drawn away all the irritating matter, after which the parts heal. It is inestimable for croup, quinsy, sore throat, bronchitis, scald head, ague in the face, swelled glands, and is also a sovereign remedy for burns laid 6calds.- Prices, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per box. IMPORTANT CAUTION. Unless the Wrappers and Labels bear the Signature of DEAN, STEEL, and CO., late POMEROY and ANDREWS," It is not a genuine article, there being a spurious article offered for Sale, in wrappers similar, WITHOUT THEl R SIGNATURE. Wholesale Warehouse Removed from the Strand to 131, Fleet- street, London. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR NEWPORf. Mr. THOMAS J. JONES, chemist, 5, High street; Mr, W. MORGAN, III, Commercial-road, Pillgwenlly. ll729 SPECIFIC FOR RHEUMATISM, &c. S A certain and immediate Cure for Rheumatism, Toothache, Tic-Doloureux, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Growing Pains, Sprains, Swellings, tc.-I'AYI,OR'S SPFCI- FIC LINIMENT has received the highest Testimonials from Clergymen Missionaries, and others as to its efficacy in effecting a perfect cure in the abovenamed and similar painful Diseases. With each Bottle of the Liniment full directions are given, which, when strictly followed, have never been known to fail of their object. Sufferers fron. Rheumatism, Toothache, Neuralgia, Lum- bago, &c., will do well to read the following important Testimonial, selected from a large number:—TESTIMO- NIAL. We, the undersigned, Ministers of the Gospel, having instances within our personal knowledge of striking attestations from members of our congregations, or others equally well known to us, of the astonishing efficiency of Taylor's Liniment.' have much satisfaction in calling public attention in this manner to its medical virtues in removing rheumatism, lumbago, tie-doloureux, spasms, swellings, &c., and we think the community is under special obligation to the proprietor for its prepara- tion. We trust ere long, when its remedial properties are better known, it will be found not only in every apothecary's shop, but also in the dwelling of every family.—< Signed) D. CROOM. Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Portsburgh, Edinburgh; W. MAS- KER, Minisler, Dr. Chalmers's Territorial Church; • ROBERTSON, Minister, United Presbyterian Church Newington, Edinburgh; D. MCEWAN, Minister, South College-street Church, Edinhurgh." WHOLESALE AGENTS.—DUNCAN, FLOCKHART- tc CO., Edinburgh; BARCLAY & SONS, and ED- WARDS, London BAIMES & CO., York and Liver- pool. May be had oi most Me<HciBS*Ye»4OT«» price js. lJd.,S».9d.,48,6d. per Bottle,







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