Papurau Newydd Cymru

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MONMOUTHSHIRE EPIPHANY SESSIONS. The Quarter Sessions for this county commence 1 at the Town HaJ!, ITaic, on Monday last, the following being the names of the ioy in on that day :— SAHUELR BOSANQUET, Esq., Diugestow Court, Chairman. Ootavius Morgan, Esq., JLP" The Friars. Col. Clifford, M.F Llantillio. W. JE. Seys, Esq., Tll shill. Fenton Hort, Esq Hardwiek House. G. R. Greenbow Relph, Esq., Usk. Sir Thomas Phillips, Llanellin. Captain Tyler, Mouuioatli. John Thompson, Esq., Llanvair. Iltyd Xicholl, Esq., Usk. Charles H. Williams, Esq., Polity pool. Samuel IIomfray, Esq., Glcnuske. Thomas Gratrex, Esq Newport. George Homfray, Esq., Newport. Frederick Levick, Esq., Wain Wern. John Lewis, Esq., Tydee. John Ja iii s, j il tl "Es,l., C:terleon. George Cave, Esq., Hillstone House. Captain Davis, The Garth. The minutes of the previous sessions wi re read by the clerk of the peace, Charles Prothero, Esq. EFFICIENCY OF THE POLICE FOKC3. A communication !rnrn tne Secretary of State was read stating that he had certified to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury tint the force of the county had been main- tained in a state uf dILiJilcV the whole year, in the terms of the 16th section of the Act 19 and 20 Vie., cap. 69. This is tantamount to a promise of the governmei.t allowance. COUNTY HALL, USK. The committee appointed on the subject of the im- provernent of the hall at Usk, reported as follows: — We have had plaus prepare i by the County Surveyor for raising the r^of and ceiling of the court tet- feet, and for filling up the basement so as to provide additional apart- ments and cells for prisoners. We have entered into a negotiation with the Duke of Beaufort for a renewal of the present lease, which his Grace has offered to grant for 21 years, and to include the whole basement under the court, the county relinquishing the female and one or the male prisoner's cells ,Lt ten guineas rent. We recommend. that these terms be acc-pted, and the above mentioned improvements carried oat." it w 3 ordered —" Taut the recommendation of the committee be approved, and the new lease taken by the Clerk of the Peace and that an additional sum of £ 200 be placed at the disposal of the committee to carry out the improvements suggested." ABERGAVENNY LUNATIC ASYLUM.—ANNUAL REPORT OF THE VlairiXG JUSTICES. The committee of Visiting Justices of the Abergavenny Lunatic Asyiuin, have to report that the enlargement of 'u the asylum recommended in their report of 18-37, has been carried out with the s"uc¡,ion of the respective quarter sessions, and that a further addition to be made by ihe conversion of the remaining attics on the male side into dormitories has been approved by quaiter sessions, and is now nearly completed When it has been finished the whole num )er of bj )s will be 370. But the increase over the number originally contemplated h iviug been made by addition to the sleeping apartments, the day-rooms are sometimes inconveniently crowd; d. The nurnoer of patients at the commencement of the year 18-58 was— year 18-58 was- Male. Female. Total. 138 176 314 Since admitted 6J G9 138 207 24-5 452 Discharged, cured, or relieved 63 Removed to other Asylums 6 To the custody of frteu Is 1 Convalescent escaped 3 Died 34 107 Present number of patients 345 The average number of patents for the last 5 years is as follows 1^54, 251 1855, 262 1856, 275 1857, 291 1858, 334. "The present number of 31,.) shows that this progressive increase still continues, and renders it imperative on the Visiting Justices to make provision to meet it. They con- sequently directed their architect to prepare plans and estimates for an enlargement of the asylum to contain 125 additional patients. These pi ins have been framed with due economy. They are now in the hands of the Com- missioners in Lunacy, and when they have been approved they will be submitted to the quarter sessions for their sanction of the necessary outlay. "The Visiting Justices are happy to report on the con- tinued good management of the asylum. In March last they were obliged by the death of Dr. Allen to appoint a superintendent to succeed him and they selected from many candidates Dr. M.'Cullougb, of Edinburgh, whose high testimonials have been hitherto fully borne out by the zeal and assiduity which he has displayed in the treatment of his patients. In th3 report of the Commissioners in Lunlcy on the 11th day of November last, the commissioneis notice fa- vourably that there have been but seven patients, viz., one male and six females placed in seclusion since the appoint- ment of the present superintendent on the 16th day of March last, and only one instance of seclusion since July last; and they write the general condition of the asylum is creditable 'o the managers.' The terms of admission will be reduced from 8s. a-week to 7s. 7d., from the end of the present quarter. It has been represented to the Visiting Jus ices that there are three patients now in Mr. Millard's asylum, at Whitchurch, who ought to be removed to a public asy- lum. One of them, John Evans, chargeable to the county of Monmouth, has been directed to be removed to Aber- gaveuny bv an order of magistrates. Another, Matthew White, belonging to the parish of Xewland, in Giouces- tershire, which forms pal t of the Monmouth Union, should be removed to the Gloucester Asylum. The third, a cri- minal lunatic, belonging to the county of Hereford will require an order from th. Secretary of State for his re- mnval, and the Visiting Justices ate of opinion that such an order should be nt once obtained, aitd the lunatic removed to the Abergavenny Conllty Asylum. (Signed) "ARCHER CLIVE, Chairman." The L' arned Chairman observed that the report just read was a very important one, inasmuch as a laige out- layandextenstve alterations were contemplated. Origi- nally the asylum was erected to accommodate 210 in- mates, but it now contained 345, or nearly double the number. Additional accoaimod .tiou had been obtained as far as sleeping was concerned by filting up the attics, but day rooms were now required. The Visiting Jus- tices ci i.sequently came before the Sessions Omits of the four counties interested and proposed t. u out- lay of JE9,000 or RIO,000 to provide those rooms, and to make such alterations as would render the asylum capable of containing l25 more patient. At a future time the plans and estimates would be laid before them, when they would be open to discussion. Sir Thomas Pnillips: Have the plaus been prepared by the architect of the present building ? The Learned Chairman replied affirmatively. Sir Thomas Phillips suggested that by the next ses- sicns the Clerk of the Peace should prepare a return of the inmates ot the asylum furnished by each county. The Clerk of the Peace promised to do S0. Tne report was adopted. The committee of Visiting Justices were re-appointed, with the substitution of Captain. Tyler's name format of :\11". Williams, of Abergavenny, who requested that he migLt not again be nominated. rOLICE COMMITTEE. The minutes of a committee meeting, held at Black- wood, on the 22tid of November, 1858, and at which S. R. Bosanquet, Esq., chauman, G. R. Greenbow Relph, Tlios. Brown, and F. Levick, Esqrs., were pro- aent, were as follow :— The committee took into consideration a memorial from the magistrates of the division of Bedwelty, and the objection of the inhabitants of Blackwood and neighbour- hood to the site adopted by the Court for the erection ofa police station near the Tredegar junction, on the property of Jchn Arthur Herbert, Esq. II tvin0- visited tiie spot, ana conferred with, Capt. Marsh and the Rev. Edmund Leigh, the senior resident magistrate of the district, and also with the Chief Con- stable, they came to the conclusion that a site nearer the Tillage of Blackwood would afiord greater facilities and conveniences to the magistrates ami public genera y. 16 committee proceeded to a spot, the property o > close to the village, and subsequently to a field,■ to C pt. Moggridge, lying close under the village ot tfiack wood, and upon the parish road leading from Blackwoo across the river to Roodneld, which last they conslllered in all respects a preferable situation. They therefore le- commend its adoption, in lieu of the first chosen site. Capt. Moggridge's ageut informed the committee that he would be prepared to sell to tho county what may be required for the purpose of erecting the police station at the cost of L30 for half an acre, or grant a lease for OJ years at the rate of £ 3 3s. per annum for the like quantity. The Clerk of the Peace was directed to put himself in communicstion with Capt. Moggridge's agent on the sub- ject, and to give notice of the committee's recommenda- tion of the change of site in tho minutes of business for the next sessions." Another meeting of the committee was held on the 28th of December present—S. R. Bosanquet, Esq., in the chair Col. Clifford, M.P., F. Levick, Esq the Rav. Thus. PUDe. and the Rev. C. A. Williams. The commit- tee reported:— "The Chief Constable submitted his accounts, which were examined, and a balance of £1 16s. found to be due to him, which is recommended to be paid. The committee recommend that in future the County Treasurer decline to pay orders for apprehension expenses, when such expenses shall have been incurred by county constables, unless the orders shall be first sanctioned by the Chief Constable. The Clerk of the Peace reported that pursuant to a resolution made at the last meeting of the committee, he had communicated with Capt. Moggridge's agent as to a site for a station in Blackwood, from whom he had re- ceived a proposal to sell to the county, if Capt. Moggridge could do so, 80j perches of land, as per plan accompanying his letter, for £30, or to grant a lease for 99 years, at an annual rent of JE3. The committee recommend to the sessions to accept the pioposal for purchase, if that course ebould prove practicable, or otherwise that a lease on the terms mentioned be accepted." The recommendations in the report were acceded to. CHIEF CONSTABLE'S REPORT. GENTLEMEN, -I have the honour to report that fewer crimes of an aggravated nature, such at burglary, breaking into shops, hors9 and sheep stealing, &c., &c., have been committed during the present quarter than during tile corresponding quarter of the 1357. There is a considera- ble decrease in the number of prisoner-i for trial. At the prestmt .sessions there are but 12 county prisoners, an I at the sessions of January, 858, there were no less than 20. I regret, ho.vever, to have to report an incre.133 in fowl stealing. This description of property is in this county so much exposed and generally so little attended to by the owner, that with the few men at my disposal it is difficult to afford it at all the times the protection which in some particular localities it so constantly requires. I beg most respectfully to evil your attention to the necessity of takiug some measures to provide a station and lock up at Chepstow. The present so-called police station consists of a house containing fcur small rooms, with two very ™v1 »oll= ,1; a:„ t t ~e n/. 1 A-IJ OIUUO LIITF OATAL/USULUULLB UL MY county constabulary these premises have been rented and occupied by a sergeant belouging to the force, at a weekly rent of 4s. An increased rent is now asked, which the I sergeant declined giving, as he considers that he is already paying a high reut for little accommodation, and that he P, is not called on to provide a lock-up for the use of the county. The house will therefore shortly be vacated, and Chepstow will be without a station or lock-up. I have consulted the magistrates of the division on the subject, but without your authority they are of coursa unable to interfere with the matter. I beg also to apply to you for further instructions regarding the fees charged by the constabulary under 3 and 4, Vic., cap. 83, sec. 17. for the service of summons and execution of warrants. I called the attention of the police committee to the subject, but they afforded me no assistance. The amount charged varies in the different petty sessional divisions. I11 the Chepstow division no fees are charge 1, as the magist'ates Live recently decided that until a scale of fees for local constables has been approved by the Secretary of State, no fees for duties performed by the county constabulary are legally chargeable. The allocation returns have be'n forwarded to the Clerk of the Peace at the beginning of each month, in accordance with the provisions of the 3 and 4 Vic., cap. S3.-EriiiUND HERBERT, Chief ConstabltJ." Some discussion en-ued as to the fec3 alluded to by the Ctiief Constable; and the general impression appeared to be that at present there are really none in existence, the table last forwarded to the S.cretary of State not having been yet duly passed. The matter was shovn to be beset with great difficulties, which the Clerk of the Peace was requested to rep cesent in a letter to the Home Office. In the meantime it was understood that the old scale would be in f )rce. LOCK-UP FOR CHEPSTOW. Mr. Fenton Hort, in bringiug forward a proposition to provide a lock-up for the division of Chepstow, observed that when he stated his case they would no doubt admit that the appiication was one of both great urgency and emergency. The division was in a most extraordinary position. Before the establishment of the county police, the town of Chepstow had its own constables, whoso wages were paid chiefly put of the funds derived from the cases brought before the magistrates. They were under the police committee of the town, who, acting for the town, paid the constables their allowance and provided them with clothing. They also hired a lock-up house, which, up to the present time, had been made use of. Formerly it had been an excessively bad one, and the pressure of the magistracy compelled the provision of a new one. A tradesman then, upon the understanding that a building belonging to him would ba taken for 21 years at a rental of £ 20 per annum, con- verted it into a suitable place, and constructed convenient cells. This was at first paid for by the police committee out of the fee fund to which he had alluded. From out of the fee fund to which he had alluded. From constables placed to reside upon the spot, however, £ 10 8s. a year was received, leaving the sum of £ 9 12s. still to be made good. This for 3oine time had been charged to the county rates, but at last the auditor give notice that he should allow the charge no longer and the consequence was t at, while receiving £ 10s. 8s., they had to pay JE20. The eliim not having been met, the landlord touk legal measures, distrained upon the property of the constable there, and literally, if not vir- tually, the man was turned into the street, possession of the house Laving baen given up. A settlement was after- wards arrived at. Now, if some place were not pro- vided, the county would be put to very great expense, and the division to much inconvenience, inasmuch as every prisoner must be sent a distance of fourteen miles, namely from Chepstow to Usk. The building to which allusion had been made was in every respect suitable, and the question arose whether it could not be retained in perpetuity. If the county thought proper, the owner was willing to let it for 21 years at zC15 a-year, or would sell it for £360. It neither of these offers were accepted, doubtless the Court would see the propriety of doing something. The sum he had mentioned, however, he trusted would be considerably under the real expense. From the £15, they might calculate upon deuueting the sum of £10 8:>. already paid; and if other suitable accommodation were provided, there might also be room for other constables, who would also pay for it, thus re- ducing still farther the annual cost. The establishment should include two good lock up cells with the requisite accommodation for one or more county constables. Colonel Clifford seconded the motion. In reply to the Learned Chairman, Sir. Fenton Hort said, should the building be pur- chased, some additional expense must be incurred for repairs and alterations. The Learned Chairman suggested that the magistrates for the division should be authorised to procure the building spoken of for a year, to preclude the necessity af hastily entering into an arrangement and after some little coversation the resolution was adopted in this form "That the magistrates of the Chepstow division be authorised to procure suitable premises for the purposes of » police station in the town of Chepstow, at a rent not to exceed JE20 for one year." In rèplJ. to a question put by an Hon. Magistrate, The Chief Constable slated that the matter had been sO far settled as regaided the constable whose goods had been distrained upon, that he would only be a few shillings out of pocket. APPLICATION TO THE COURT. A letter was read from Mr. Patterson, proprietor of the SttroJ Gwent, again eoliciting the county advertisements. Mr. Relph moved, and Cjlonel Clifford seconded, that the Court accede to the request. A* slight discussion ensued, in the course of which it was intimated to Mr. Relph that, as the matter would involve a serious permanent charge upon the county, it would be advisable to dtifer it for the purpose of giving proper notice. Mr. R-lph thereupon withdrew the motion, and iati- mated his intention to bring under the consideration of the Court at the Easier Sessions the subject of advertising the county accounts. EASTER SESSIONS. The Chairman and Mr. Octavius Morgan were re- appointed a committee to fix these sessions, to avoid interference witii the assiz js. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The report of the committee was received, and pay- ment was ordered of the bills audited by them. The 15th of Januray was fixed upon as the day for auditing the expenses of criminal prosecutions at these sessions. COUNTY AND POLICE RATES. A county rate and a police rate, each of one halfpenny in the pound, were ordered. COUNTY PRISONS. The reports of the Visiting Justices and governors of the prisons were read. The documents were of a formal character. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Mr. Graham, the inspector, reported having examined, during the quarter, 5 pewter measures, 17 56lb., 2 28ib., 614tb, 10 jib., 4 4:b., 2 31b., 2 2!b., 6 lib. weights, and 3 sets of measures. Receipts, 83. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S REPORT. £ 9 was ordered for the repair of the road at Caerleon bridge, jElO for temporary repairs of Llantarnam bridge, i-1 for Pontygoron biidge, and £ -1 for l'ontheer bridge. £ 25 was ordered for making new dormitories in the towers of the county gaol. NEWPORT BRIDGE. Mr. Homfray rose to move the resolution of which he had given notice—"That Newport bridge be widened at the expense of the county, and also that permission be given to widen and raise the approaches to the bridge on- the town side at the cost of the undertakers of the work." He was aware, he said, that the pruposition was of the utmost importance upon many grounds. One was the ground of expense. A necessity existed for widening the bridge, for in consequence of its being so very nar- row, and the traffic which passed over it so enormous, the life of almost every foot passenger was endangered who happened to be passing when two waggons met. Another thing the houses on the Newport side were about to be pulled down, and the opportunity would be presented of widening the road from two or three and thirty, as at present, to forty feet. That was a point deserving of much consideration, for, if the improvement did not now take place, at any future time should it be carried into effect, a much larger outlay would be in- volved. For the present traffic the bridge was very small. The roadway over the bridge was but 15 ft. wide, and the paving but 3 ft. 3 in. Every person, therefore, must see the necessity for the alteration, the population being large and increasing, and the town being of great importance as the port for shipping all commodities brought into and all sent from the county. An indictment had been found against the bridge, which gave the county an opportunity to carry out the improve- ment now suggested while certain parties it was thought would contribute £ 1500 to enable it to be done. Out of that sum the town and corporation of Newport had deter- mined to give £.500, leaving L1000 to be raised by other parties, which sum he thought there would be no diffi- culty in obtaining, if the county decided to proceed. The improvement would not only affect the town, but the county at large. If they referred to the county rate, they would find that the union of Newport was nearly one-third of the whole county; and the inhabitants r were therefore asking to be taxed with, and would have y to bear, one-third of the expense. Plans bad previously j been laid before the Court. One, which was very good, s estimated the expense at £ 3,000. Others were more ex- pensive. 0 1 approaching the bridge from the town, > there was a declivity which it was proposed to do away with. It was of no less than eight feet fall, and was very dangerous, particularly in frosty weather. lIe had noticed carts running down, all control having been lost over them, and the horses fall on reaching the Bridge Inn. The coachmen had the greatest difficulty in keeping out of their way. It was for these reasons that he had been iniuctd to bring the proposition forward. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gratrex. Colonel CliiTotd found himself under the neces- sity of opposing Mr. flomfray's motion, upon grounds that would lead him to adopt a similar course were a like application to b3 made with regard to the bridge at Monmouth, Abergavenny, or Usk. He had heard boasts made in the House of Coram>ns and elsewhere that no necessity existed for the formation of county boards, be- cause the magistrates, as trustees of the public purse, exercised such prudent and watchful vigilance over it; but he would put it to any gentleman present whether, supposing$. local board to exist in this county, they would authorise such an expenditure as that proposed. What could the ratepayers of Llantillio Crossenny or any other distant parish care about widening Newport bridge? He was quite aware it was in their po.ver to order it to be carried into effect; but the county gene- rally speaking was unwilling to repair bridge?, and never took to them until satisfied tint no one else was liable to keep them in proper condition, looking upon the duty of the county to rep;.ir them in a subsidiary point of view. Thinking the bridge, however, to be out of repair, he had come prepared with an amendment to the effect that the bridge should be put in order, and suggesting that it would be a favourable op- portunity for carrying any improvements into effect. But he found now that the structure was in perfectly good repair,—that no call was made upon the county to expend a single farthing on that account. That being so, he felt confident the magistrates would consider it a point of duty not to lay out any money whatever for a work which must be regarded as of a local nature. Newport certainly was the great emporium of commerce and in population, wealth, and ex.ent exceeded other places in the county—indeed, so much so that they were told it ought to be rr.?.dy the county town. Surely, then, it was in a position to maintain its own bridges and if the improvement were effected at all it ought t) be by the inhabitants themselves. He moved the previous question. Sir Thomas Phillips entertained feelings similar to those of Colonel Clifford, that it was the duty of the Court to scrutinise the present and every proposition brought before them involving the expenditure of the public money. In looking at the matter under consideration, although he did not agree altogether with the reasons Colonel Clifford had put f rth for not assenting to Mr. Ilomfray's proposition, he (Sir Thomas) himself felt bound to say he could not vote for it without first having the information as to the nature of the workscontemplated, probable expenditure, and the certainty that, if the county undertook to carry out the public improvement, the par- ties alluded to would abide by their promises. Without information of a very definite character upon those points, he could not consent to affirm.on the part of the county, that it would widen Newport Bridge. However, lie thought Colonel Clifford had not stated the duty of the county, as he (Sir Thomas) understood it. lie did not take the duty of the county to be secondary or subsidiary with reference to bridges any mtire than the duty of parishes to repair highways. It was the duty of the county to place bridges in a proper condition unless the onus of doing so could be thrown upon other parties by tenure of property T but the obligation of the county he could not consider as secondary, believing the duty to devo've upon it to maintain the county bridges for the purposes for which they were constructed, and to look to the convenience and accommodation of the districts in whieii they were situa'ed. Were it necessary for the convenience of the public that even a drift bridge should be rendered more capable of meeting the requirements of the district, in his opi-nion it behoved the Court to con- sider the subject-an opinion in which he was confirmed by a section of the Act of George III., relating to the matter, and which lie read, The Legislature indicated what it appeared to them- reasonable for the county to do, leaving that body, as-he thought, to decide whether they ougiit to move or 110U If they came to the opinion that. they ought to move, and in the instance under considera- tion that it was necessary for the public convenience of the district that the bridge should be widened,-theu, it seemed to him, the obligation attached to them to do something; and the question arose what that was. For himself, thought Newport bridge did to some extent require widening. Perhaps there was not an absolute necessity for so doing from inability to carry on the traffic but he considered the great amount of trafflc, to- gether with its growth, should both be regarded. In car- rying out any improvement or alteration he should not be disposed to hand over the bridge to the corporation of New- port or any other body- It was a very substantial and very valuable and important, not to say handsome, structure. Since its erection little or nothing had been expended upon it by the county and he should not think they would be justified in parting with it, unless they were satisfied that nothing, would be done to impair its secu- rity or its beauty. He would suggest that a committee should be appointed to consider the application for widen- ing the bridge, the extent ani character of tho works, and the cost of them, and also what works in their judg- ment wuuld be necessary, what could be executed with- out danger or embarrassment to the structure, and the outlay the county would be called upon to provide. But he would repeat that anything like an attempt to hand the bridge over to other parties should be mot with a direct negative. They should be told that for a certain contribution the county would see to the wojks being carried into effect. And the county ought to see that whatever was done did not impose burdens upon it here- after. These were considerations which, in his judg- ment, would lead bim to take the matter into considera- tion. If the Bench should be of opinion thai Mr. Hom- fray's motion ought to be met with a direct negative, of course there would be no inquiry, neither could a com- mittee be appointed to take any steps upon the subject. But if the Bench were not disposed to negative the pro- position without consideration, he would suggest that the course indicated by himself was the best to be taken. Mr. Octavius Morgan was rather surprised at ths views enunciated by Coloael Clifford, and contended that if the bridge were out of repair, it was-the duty of the county to make it safe; an] if the bridge were so narrow for the existing traffic as to be also dangerous, it was a quesltoa whether the duty of enlargement did not also devoive upon the county. The bridge was built in 1801, and had cost the county but very little since. He must confess that he did not at all agree with Colonel Clifford as to the other parts of the county having no interest in the alteration. Using the same argument, it might be askad what did Newport care for Hantillio Crosseny, or any other distant parish, and might complain of being taxed for the little bridges in other parts of the county. Near Newport were two bridges, one over the Ebbw and the other at Bassalleg; and these were repaired by the parishes without any call being made upon the county. l. Colonel Clifford observed that unfortunately that was the case with the bridges at Skenfrith and Llantillio* He wished it were not so. Mr. Morgan continued: During the last ten years le had never driven over the bridge, without meeting uany carts and other vehicles in the road, and the way Deing so narrow, great difficulty existed to get by, and he was obliged to drive against the kerbstone to get out jf the way of the waggon wheels. While in that posi. tion, what space was there between him and the wall )n the other side of the footpath ? Only three feet. At my time two persons were unable to pass without ostling each other; and the traffic being so great, much nconvenience, if not danger, resulted, both of which svere especially manifest upon market days and the arri- val and departure of the packets. The promoters did not ook to the county to bear a very great burthen. Some- thing, however, ought to be done. Whether it should be immediately, or whether a committee should be ap- pointed to prepare a report for the next sessions, he would not definitively say but if no other plan were suggested, he would vote for the motion of Mr. Homfray. He would ask, before sitting down, whether the bridge at Usk was not widened at the expense of the county ? Mr. lltyd Nicholl said the bridge was very narrow, and two lives being lost, it was resolved to widen it. fhe parish, towards the improvement, contributed il,000, and the county carried it into effect, taking possession of the structure, which before belonged to the parish. Mr. R.lph thought the question of power to widen or not to widen the bridge was undisputed, and that the amendment intended to have been proposed by Colonel Clifford was not so much for the county to hand over a sum of money for the people of New- port to repair their bridge as for the county to sanc- tion them in making it larger and more adapted to their ideas of rendering it a suitable structure for the town. He considered they would all agree that if a committee were appointed, with instructions similar to those speci- fied by Sir Thomas Phillips, it might be presumed that the Court had a foregone conclusion that it was desirable to do something. Upon that understanding, were such a committee appointed, he would suggest that one in- struction to them should be to ask how much the town would contribute in addition to the sum mentioned, for the improvement of the approaches. The cir- cumstances respecting the bridge were very different to what they were a few years ago. Then everything from the Usk side of the county went over the bridge. The railways had, however, altered that state of things, having drawn most of the county traffic, goods and pas- sengers, from it. Consequently, it was more essentially a borough than a county bridge; and being for the use of the borough, they might fairly call upon the borough to contribute towards widening the bridge to the extent that the ncreased traffio and the safety of the public re" > quired. Only a short time since the town of Newport had come forward and generously offered to spend £4,000 or £.5,000 for the accommodation of the county but the county relieved them of such a burden and he would now say that the county would avail itself of the money in another way, and tuat tiie borough might divide with it the cost of widening the bridge. (Laughter, and Hear, hear.") Some plans were here handed to the magistrates, and Sir Tnomas Philips suggested their reference to a committee. Col. Clifford said the only shred of an argument in favour of the bridge being widened had been demolished by Mr. Relph, who had pointed out that the county had scarcely any interest whatever in the structure,—that ( the matter was one entirely and essentially of local in- terest. He (the gallant Colonel) did not believe that a single precedent could b3 found'for such an expenditure. The bridge at Usk had been alluded to. That, however, lie contended to be no precedent at all. It appe-ired that the bridge was a parish bridge, but it was handed over to the county for the purpose of being repaired, the county was bound to repair it, tiie county paid the rate, and the parish contributed. He did not believe there was a single precedent of a demand being made upon the county for a bridge not out of repair, and an expenditure of the public motiey being resolved on. Whenever large demands for public money were made, such as for the lunatic asylum, gaol.?, and the militia stores, a general interest was assigned but in the present instance, it was simply and solely for the benefit of the wealthy and im- portant town of Newport. Air. llomiray was anxious to disabuse the minds of the magistrates as to the matter being a local one. Oil the county side of the bridge, numerous housea and a large population were springing up—and it was for them that the county was asked to provide safety and accom- modation. A great de d, too, depended upon the mineral and manufacturing districts. Anv gentleman who went to be Monmouthshire or other companies' stations, would see the immense quantity of goods going to other parts of the county and both the landed as well as the commercial interest must participate in it. He should be glad to fall in with Sir Thomas Puiliips's suggestion, not wishing to press the motion at once, nor desiring to put the country to any unnecessary expense. At the same time if anything were to be done, it waa their duty to have it efficiently carried out, so that it might be to the benefit of all parties. Mr. Morgan observed that from Usk and Chepstow to Newport there was a very large amount of traffic, while the district was fist increasing in business and population, -for instance, Maiodee, which was becoming an im- portant place. It was for the convenience of those who had nothing whatever to do with the town of Newport, and who were seriously inconvenienced by the present state of things, that the application i/as now made. The Town Clerk of Newport said one day he had the traffic over the bridge taken, and the total was astonishing^ Mr. Relph All got over safely that day ? The Town Clerk Yes, but several accidents were very nearly occurring. Mr. John James said, about twelve months since he and his horse were thrown down by a cart nearthe Bridge Inn, Newport. It was a great pity, he thought, that Col. Clifford was not in the habit of going to Newport more frequently, as he would in that case see the state of the bridge, that it was dangerous to life to pass over it, and that it was not merely the borough but tiie whole county would be benefitted by the proposed improvement. Some conversation then took place as to the terms of Sir Thomas's amendment, which was ultimately carried as subjoined :— That it be referred to a committee consisting of seven justices, to consider the application made the c"urt to widen Newport bridge, and that such committee be in- structed to report on the extent and character, and probable cost of the works which are required, and can be executed with security to the existing structure and what amount of funds the local promoters of the improvement wiil undertake to provide to,ards executing the works; that three members for.a-a quorum and that the committee be empowered to consult a competent engineer, should they think such desirable, and to obtain plans. The com- mittee to consist of the Learned Chairman, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Homfray, Mr. Relph, Mr. Levick, Sir Thomas-Phillips, and Mr. Seys." After the usual routine business, the court rose about three o'clock. TUESDAY. The Learned Chairman and G. R. Greenhow Relph, Esq., took their scats on-the Bench at ten o'clock. THE GRAND roRY. Mr. J. W. BEBELL, Newport, agent, Foreman. Mr- W. Murray Clapp, Newport, agent. Mr. Walter Benson, Newport, merchant. Mr. George Cavendish, Newport, agent. Mr. Robert Dockham, Newport, butcher. Mr. John Fontaine, Newport, ironfouuder. Ms. John Green, N-ewport, agent. Mr. Henry Jones, Newport. Mr. Edward Lock, Newport, agent. Mr. John Moses, Newport, agent. Mr. R. C. Magub, Newport, shipowner. Mr. Henry Oakley, Newport, agent. Mr. William Pugslay"N ewport, sbipchandler. Mr. William PickSord, Newport^ merchant. Mr. William West,. Newport, agent. Air. John Williams, Newport, accountant. THE CHARGE. The Learned Chairman observed to the Grand Jury that the calendar contained the names of 22 prisoners for trial,. the cases not being of an aggravated nature, and the number smaller than usual. The most serious were one of cutting and wounding and one of sheepstealing. There were several oases of passing bad money which was a common offence, committed generally by. indi- viduals from Bristol, and not by inhabitants of this county. Another case u a.a that of a man robbed by a woman of dissolute character. That description of crime obtained at one time to a very great extent; but the heavy sentences awarded by the Court were success- ful in repressing it, and to that course again the Court would find it necessary to resort to keep it down. From the depositions he had read, the facts in the two first- mentioned cases appeared to be of a simple nature and in none did he see anything, either as regarded the law or the facts, requiring direction or observation. But should the jury, require any assistance or advice from the Court, it would be awarded willingly and. to the best of their power. Having spokea of the duties of the Grand Jury, the Learned Chairman cojitiiiued-I will detain you afew moments to allude to a matter of some interest, namely, the Reformatory School for the refor- mation of juvenile crimina's. after conviction. That institution is now nearly ready for occapation, and will, I hope, be-certified and opened this month. The subject is one of considerable interest to the county, and one III which the Grand Jury upon a former occasion manifested their sympathy by subscribing 2.0 guineas to the funds then in course of being raised, and which contribution, was a most material assistance. The building is now completed, and in process of being furnished. When proper appliances shall be provided, the Government Inspector will be down to certify the school, and the committee hope to see it opened in January, for the re- ception of criminals sent there by the magistrates. We have just held the first anniversary meeting at PonLypool; but owing to a number of gentry being absent from prior engagements, the attendance was not so large as" we could have wished. Liberal contributions were, however, made. We raised about JE80 out of the JSloO required. If when you make the circumstances known in your locality^ and any of your friends would wish to contribute any small sum to set the establish- ment going, without trenching upon the annual sub- scriptions, which are devoted to paying the ordinary ex- penses of the maintenance of the institution—if such of your friends will send their contributions to the honorary secretary, the Rev. S. C. Baker, ot Usk, they will be rendering material assistance to what is considered to be a great national benefit; and I have no doubt that Major Herbert will allow his constables to be the bearers of any contributions to this town. I congratulate you again on the smallness of the calendar, and upon the near com- pletion of this great work, the rtformatory, being put into operation. The grand jury were then requested to retire, and to speedily find a. bill, there being no appea!s to occupy the attention of the court. ABERGAVENNY. —Thomas Bishop, 24, mason, was indicted for stealing a box, a quantity of masons' tools, a number of females' dresses, six Minton tiles, a child's pistol, and a rule, belonging to Thomas Whiting, on the 27th of August, 1858,—Mr. Barrett prosecuted, and Mr. Somerset defended. The evidence was to the effeot that the prisoner lodged with the Plosccutor and his wife at Frome, Somersetshire, which place they left for Aber- gavenny, their work being slack, and having obtained employment at the Abergavenny Roman Catholic Chapel, the prisoner then took lodgings near the prosecutor. On the day mentioned, the latter, on going home, found that his wife was gone and her clothing missing. The pii- soner had also abruptly left, being traced with the woman from the Abergavenny railway station to New- port, and thence to Dorchester, where he was appre. hended by P.S. Lipscombe. In his possession was found a box which he gave the prosecutor upon leaving Frome, and which was taken from prosecutor's lodgings. One or two of the articles lost were inside. The prisoner was found guilty of stealing the box.-The Learned Chairman observed that the greater offence of which the prisoner had been guilty, was running away with another man's wife; but for that he was not indicted.—Sentence, four months to hard labour. RAGLAN.-Thomas Raglan was indicted for stealing 36 yards of cotton print, the property of W. Baker Bird, on the 23rd of December. On the 22nd of that month, the print was seen by the prosecutor in the shop, just > inside the door. Two days afterwards it was gone. On the 27th, the prisoner was apprehended at Dinedor, > Herefordshire, around his neck being a piece of the print subsequently identified by Mr. Bird. Although not seen r at Raglan, he was proved to have been at Usk on the 3 22nd of December.-Guilty. Three months' imprison- | ment.—Mr. Barrett for the prosecution. 1 Llantomq PaaxHOMT,—Lydia "Williams, 35, shoe- ,„„ .„ — binder, was indicted for stealing two j610 notes, five X5 notes, twelve sovereigns, and a hat, belonging to James Parry. Mr. Barrett for the prosecution Mr. Sraythies defended. The prosecutor, who is a farmer, of Cloddock, Herefordshire, stated that on the 25th of September, Abergavenny fair day, he was at the Lion. lie went outside, and the prisoner came towards him, but he told her to keep off, and declined to have anything to do with her. The landlady and servant cautioned liitn against the prisoner. When he left to go home the prfson-r also went out, and a short distance from thence she stood in front of him and put her hand into his bosom. He pushed her off, and threatened her with a stick when two men, who had joined company, observedYou would not strike a woman," but did not further interfere. The men and the prisoner shortly afterwards returned to Abergavenny, and the witness on going home disc ivered the loss of hi3 purse and money, when he went again to Abergavenny, and gave information to the police. In consequence of a notification in the Police Gazette, the sergeant of police at Leominster sent for tile prosecutor to look at two men and a woman at the station there; and on going there he recognised the prisoner as the person in whose company he had been oil the night that his money was missed. For the defence Mr.Smythi.s compared the published description of the woman with her appearance, and contended that as they were dissi- milar the prosecutor must have been mistaken.—The Jury, however, found the prisoner guilty, and the Learned Chairman passed upon her a sentence of twelve mouths' imprisonment. NEWPOHT.—bhza Gray, 11, described as a hawker from Bristol, pleaded guilty to having had in her posses- sion thirty counterfeit half-crowns, on the 29th of Octo- ber. The father and brother of the prisoner are under- going imprisonment for a similar offence. Her mother is dead.—Sentence, to be imprisoned one month in the House of Correction, and three years in a reformatory. NEWPjRT.—EHzabeth Watkins, widow, lodging-house keeper, pleaded guilty to having had seven counterfeit half-crowns in her possession on the 29th of October, and with having uttered one to Luke Williams. It appeared that the prisoner had been concerned with bad money to a large extent, but as this was her first discovered offence, and she put in a plea of guilty, she was sentenced to nine months' hard labour. NEWPORT.—Mary Gordon, 16, hawker, pleaded guilty to fraudulently obtaining by false pretences from Mary Ann Hatbm, a half-crown on the 7th ol December. The offjne-j took place while the prisoner was selling brass rings, representing them to be gold. The Learned Chair- inan wholesomely advised her, and sent her to the House ot Correction for nine months. EBBW VALE.—Daniel M'Carthy pleaded guilty to bieaking into the warehouse of John Phillipg and steal- ing sugar, on the 18th of November. About five years ago the prisoner was convicted.—Sentence, eight mouths' hard labour in the county gaol. NEWPORT.—William Woodward was indicted for ut- tering a counterfeit half-crown to Mary Ann Ford. Mr. Somerset for the prosecution. Upon two separate oc- casions, the prisoner went to the shop of the prosecutrix for potatoes. The first time he purchased some potatoes, which he paid for with a half-crown, and received 2s. 4d. in change. He attempted in a week or two alter to re- peat the transaction, but he was recognised by Mrs. Ford. A policeman was sent for. The prisoner, how- ever,, left the shop before his arrival, being subsequently apprehended by Inspector Williams. Both half-crowns were proved by Mr. Golding, of Pontypool, to be bad, and that they Were cast in the same die.—The prisoner said the coins were given him by his sister (previously sentenced), and that he was unaware they were counter- feit.—G-uilty. Six months' hard labour. LLA.N-VACHES.—George Brightman, 20, seaman, was, upon pleading guilty, seutenced to a month's imprison- ment, for stealing a counterpane,, value 10s., the property of Alfred Watts. V V y UNDY.—The Grand Jury ignored the bill preferred against Robert Bird and Joseph. Pane, charged with stealing barley, belonging to their mistress, Jane Mus- grove. SKENFlUTH.-J ohn Powell, 52; labourer, was indicted for stealing an ash stick, the property of William Jones. Mr. Smytkies for the prosecution, and Mr. Barrett for the defence. The prisoner at one time occupied a respectable position at Garway Common, when for some time a series of petty depredations were committed in a very mysterious manner but at last the prisoner was sus- pected and tried for them. The present offence was alleged to have been committed at night. The constable of the parish, Rosser, heard footsteps of a person going towards a Quantity of cord wood, and waited for a short time, when he met the prisoner coming' from the place with a large pole. He desired the prisoner to take it back, but he took it to another heap on the land of another party. Rosser, upon comparing the stick, believed it to be the property of the prosecutor, and pro- duced corresponding pieces in court with a view to prove its identity, but the jury declined to thinl, that that had been satisfactorily made out, returning a verdict of Not Guilty. NEWPORT.—Jeremiah Donohue,. 19, collier, was in- dicted for stealing a pawnticket, belonging to Robert Lewis. Mr. Milaian and Mr. Lloyd respectively for the prosecution and the prisoner. Prosecutor, a labouring miln living at Rise i, while in Newport, on the 21st of 1\11Y, pawned his watch for a sovereign with Mr. Stocker, placing the ticket in his purse, his name being upon it. He went with two men to a public house and had some beer, and he afterwards went to another public house near the station by himself. At the latter he took out of his purse a half sovereign to pay for a pint of beer, having then the pawn tickct and a crown piece. The landlord put the half-sovereign into his mouth and his hand into his pocket, as if with the intention of giving change. At this moment prosecutor received a violent blow on the head which deprived him of his senses, and when he came to himself, at his lodgings at Risca, he missed his purse and its contents. He had been taken from the public house to the sta ion, and thence to his home, by his landlady and a fellow lodger named Baker. On the 13th Outober, the prisoner went t3 Miv Stocker's shop and produced the ticket which prosecutor had lost. The watch having previously been had upon a declaration, Mr. Stacker asked prisoner where he had the ticket, and he replied that it had been given to him by Robert Lewis. A policemin was sent for, but the prisoner escaped. He was, however, subsequently apprehended by Detective Curtis, and on beiug told the i chaxgp,sai(I he had picked up the purse containing the pawn ticket at the Bridge Inn,, Risca.—For the defence, a mason named Mayers was called to prove that on the 2;tst May he was at the Bridge Inn, Risca, and saw the prisoner. While there the prisoner picked up a purse, and asked witness if it was his. Witness examined the purse, and found it contained a ticket. He said i.t was not his, and returned it to the prisoner.—.The Learned Chairman observed that if the jury believed the evidence of the last witness, it was only a confirmation of the robbery, for the prisoner took into his possession that which did not belong to him, and made no effort to restore it to the rightful owner. It was the duty of the prisoner, if there had been nothing in the purse to guide him as to the owner, to give it into the charge of the landlord of the house but in this case the owner's name was on the ticket" and he might easily be found.—The foreman of the jury said they found tae prisoner guilty of finding the ticket,, and some of his brother jurymen explained that he was guilty of finding and using the ticket.— The Learned Chairman said that was equivalent to a verdict of stealing the ticket.—Mr. Lloyd demurred, and requested, that the jury might be agaiu asked what was their verdict. They then returned a verdict of Guilty, and the prisoner was sentenced to two months imprisonment in the house of correction with hard labour. Tit E DLAAP.. -Mary Crine, 19, married woman, was indicted for stealing twenty yards of gingham cloth, the property of William Davies, at Tredegar, on the 11th Nov., 1.858.-Mr. Somerset prosecuted.—Prisoner, with two other women, went into prosecutor's shop on the day in question, and were shown some ginghams. They did not purchase any, and after they left a piece of the gingham was missed. Notice was at once given to the pawnbrokers, and on the following day the prisoner was atpprehended while she was pledging the piece of ging- ham at the pawnshop of Mr. Lyons.—Guilty. Three months' imprisonment with hard labour. GOITNOS.—Jeremiah Flinn was indicting for cutting and wounding Charles Williams with intent to do him some grievous bodily harm.—Mr. Pritchard for the pro- secution Mr. Smythies defended. The evidence at the time of the committal of the prisoner by the pontypool magistrates, was reported at length in this journal. Prosecutor now deposed that on the night of the 30th of October, about eleven o'clock, he was walking with a young woman hamed Ann Owen. After parsing the prisoner and other persons, with whom some words were exchanged, a stone was thrown, and he went back to them. The landlady of the Queen said the stone had been flung by Williams, and prosecutor struck him on the face, 0 upon which prisoner said he would cut up an Englishman or a Welsnman that night." He remon- strated with Flinn about throwing the stone, and then went away with Ann Owen down the road. They were overtaken by the prisoner and one of his companions, named Morris Murphy. The latter wanted prisoner to go home with him, but he would not. Prosecutor and prisoner then again quarrelled, and prosecutor struck the prisoner down, and immediately afterwards felt a pain in his side. He went to the house of Ann Owen, where, feeling faint, he had some water. He after- wards tried to go home, but fainted when near the Hanbury Arms, and was taken home by a friend named Saunders. He afterwards found that he had been stabbed in the side, and that his under-clothing was saturated with blood.—Ann Owen corroborated the evi- dence of prosecutor in every particular, which, she said, had taken place in her presence. She also stated that she saw a knife in prisoner's hand at the time prose. cutor complained of being struck in the side.—The de fence taken by the Learned Counsel was, that the pro • t eecutot had merited the stab by UU own violent con duct, and that the prisoner only acted in self-defence The jury found the prisoner guilty of using the knife, and he was senteiieect to ifve moliths' hard labour. The Court rose between six and seven o'clock. WEDNESDAY. The Learned Chairman upou the opening of the Court was supported by G. It. Gieenhow Relph and Iltyd Nicholl, Esqrs. J NEWPORT.—George Thurston, 29, porter, was indicted for stealing three brass hinges, eleven files, a pair of com- passes, an oilstone, and a tape measure, the property of George Taylor, on the 23rd of October. Mr. Smythies who had been engaged for the prosecution, not being present, the first witness was examined by the Learned Lnairman. Inspector Williams stated that he saw the prisoner in Dock-street, suspected and followed him, and ultimately took him into the Town Hall. There witness searched the prisoner, and found upon his person the t.nngs specified,with some seamen's thimbles and an authority from Mr Coles to levy upon the goods of George Taylor. Tho prisoner said it was all right, and that the articles had been given him instead of money for his trouble in levying. The Inspector further stated that the prisoner pi, aded guilty when charged before tae magistrates, but that they declined to take his plea in consequence of his having been before convicted. Another man, named Griifin, was charged with him. The bill against him was on Tuesday ignored by the Grand J ury.-The brother of George Taylor deposed to his shop having been closed a considerable time; and to the DrKnnpv Vinvincr Kan (JUL m possession to Uistrain. for rent. He also identified most of the property pro- duced -Cross-examined by the prisoner The shop was closed in April; I did not see any 0f th»things from that time until October.-WilHam Griffin deposed that he accompanied the prisoner to the shop, and after- wards to one or two marine store shops, at which the prisoner endeavoured to dispose of the property.—The prisoner's defence was that he placed the files ill his pocket, but without any intention of selling them.- Guilty. A previous conviction at the Lambeth Police Court was put in. Four years' penal servitude, TREDEGAR.—Rees Prothero was indicted for stealing a gun, the property of William Roberts. Mr.-Somerset prosecuted. Prisoner sold the gun to the prosecutor, afterwards borrowed it, and pledged it at Mr. Cohen's shop. This the LearnJ Chairman instructed the Jury amounted to robbery, and of that offence the prisoner was found guilty. Another somewhat similar case was not proceeded with. Previous convictions, however, were put in.; and the prisoner was sentenced to three years' penal servitude. 81". WOOLOS.— Stephen Tooze, 23, labourer, was in- dicted for stealing a ewe sheep, belonging to James Rennie, on the 15th of Oc-cber. Mr. Barrett prose- cuted, and Mr. Smythies defended. Daring the night the sheep was slaughtered upon l'enylan farm, in a field called the Factory field, and lying near the barracks, the skin and offal being left behind. For a week nothing was discovered. From a clue then obtained by Super- intendent Huxta-ble, he went to the prisoner's lodgings in Dolphin-street, Newport, accompanied by two of his officers. The prisoner was in bed. The room was searched, and inacupboardaquantity of mutton was discovered, some of it salted, mutton suet, ar.d bones. There were also two dogs. The prisonir sail he neither bought nor stole the meat, but that it had been given him. Witnesses were called who spoke to the meat found having b en unskilfully cut up, and to a portion of it corresponding with a portion left on the skin. P.S, Beswick, who examined the field where the sheep was slaughtered, said he found the footmarks of two men and marks made by a dog. The nails in the soles of the prisoner's boots were peculiarly placed and they ex- actly corresponded with a footprint near. The jury re- turned a verdict of guilty a previous conviction was put in, and the prisoner sentenced to five years' penal ser- vitude. NEWPORT, -Joseph Orchard, 33, carpenter, who had been on bail, was indicted for stealing five chisels, a. punch, 120 lbs. of new nails, twenty files, 130 lbs. of iron, half a cart load of timber, paint, oil, &c the pro- perty of his masters, Thomas Powell aud. Son. Mr.. Barrett prosecuted. Mr. Smythies defended. The pri- soner, it was stated, had been for four years in the em- ploy of the prosecutors. Some time since his house was searched in consequence of a charge of felony being brought against him, and the property mentioned in the indictment found in his house and upon his out pre- mises. One or two of the articles he admitted to belong to the prosecutors, alleging he had merely taken them ffor their purposes, as he was frequently sent into the the country to work, and had no opportunity of getting into the storehouse on his return. This formed the groundworK of the address of the defending counsel who contended for the absence of all felonious intention. The jury acquiitted the prisoner LLASDENSY,—James Morgan, on bail, was indicted for feloniously assaulting Hxsnry Cole, and stealing a sovereign from his p-rsou. — Mr. Barrett prosecuted. The prisoner keeps a coa.-yard near Raglan, lodging at the Railway Inn. A month since, the prosecutor was there for some time. Ou leaving in the evening, the priso-ner wished to accompany him, but the prosecutor would not allow him to do so. lie, however, followed and on their reaching a stile across the railway, he knocked the prosecutor down, took the purse from his pocket, and afterwards returned it to the prosecutor. A. Mr. and Mrs. Pritch ird, ofLansoy, arrived about this time, and. prosecutor charged the prisoner with the robbery, when the latter again knocked him down. During the disturbance prisoner produced a sovereign, exclaiming that he would pty the prosecutor. Prosecutor, upon, arriving home, discovered that a sovereign was missing from his purse, which he had believed to be there on leaving the public house. Prisoner went to Pontypool for a month, which accounted for a delay of three or fcur weeks in preferring tiie charge.—The prisoner, in defending himself to the jury, said large sums of money passed through his hands weekly in the way of trade, and he ridiculed the idea. of his robbing a man of a sovereign. He was more likely to give him one, he said. He stood before them an, innocent man, and had not engaged counsel, although full means for doing so would have been forthcoming, had he been desirous of it. He spoke of the delay which had occurred between the occurrence and his apprehension, and threw upon the prosecutor and his witness, MI. Pritchard, imputations tending to their discredit with the jury.—A verdict of not guilty was returned. The business concluded about three o'clock,.the-Grand Jury having finished at two on Tuesday.