Papurau Newydd Cymru

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LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE SURETISHIP, &c. EVERT DESCRIPTION OF LTFE AND FIRE IN SUE ANC K—also SURETISHIP AGREEMENTS FOR THE FIDELITY OF PERSONS [N SITUATIONS OF TRUST, may be effected through W. CHRISTOPHERS, "MERLIN" OFFICE, (15, Commercial Street, Newport), Who represents Companies of unquestionable position and possessing large accumulations of capital. These are considerations which cannot safely be over- looked by Insurers, while attention to them when insurance is contemplated may secure exemption from subsequent disappointment aijd loss. The Companies represented by W. C. are distinguished by liberal treatment of the insured, rates of premium as low as consistent with safe and profitable business, bonuses, ample security, rifcd prompt settlement of claims. No charge is made to policy-holders for stamps or medical Few. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Life Insurances may be effected as under-stated— For the whole term of Life, with Profits. For the whole term of Life, without Profits. For the whole Life. with increasing rates of premium, without Profits. For a sum at Death, with premiums payable only for a limited number of years. For a sum payable at the age of 50, 55, 60, or 6.5. On the joint lives of two persons. For a sum at the death of the first of two. On the life of the last survivor of two. For short periods, Annuities, Endowments, &c., &c. FIRE DEPARTMENT. In this department Insurances are effected upon Build. Ings and Goods of all descriptions, at rates ranging from !s6d per cent. per nnnum upwards, according to the nature of the risk undertaken, whether Ordinary, Hazardous, Doubly Hazardous, &c. alsc upon Agricul. tural Produce and Live and Dead Farming Stock. GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. Suretiship is undertaken for the Fidelity of persons in Situations of Trust, on the yearly payment of a small sum at a stipulated rate per cent. the GUARANTEE SOCIETY (for which W. C. is agent) was empowered by a Special Act of Parliament in 1842, with a capital of .BIOOOCO. fully paid-up and nvested. It was the first Public Company established in Great Britain to obviate the inconvenience and defects of Suretiship by Private Bondsmen, and it is expressly authorised by Special Act of Parliament to give security for OFFICIALS OF HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT. Its security is adopted by THE BANK OF ENGLAND, THE BANK OF IRELAND, rHE COUNCIL OF THE DUCHY OF CORNWALL, mE SECRETARY OF STATE IN COUNCIL FOR INDIA, rHE COURT OF CHANCERY, THF. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD, rH-e CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, THE PRINCIPAL BANKERS, RAILWAY COM- PANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES, & COMMERCIAL FIRMS IN THE KINGDOM Persons of the highest character and qualifications Srequently decline valuable appointments, either from an unwillingness to place themselves and their friends under to serious an obligation, or the great difficulty of obtaining satisfactory Sureties bat the institution of this Society removes these difficulties. Fall particulars, prospectuses, and forms bf application for Life and Fire Insurances, Guarantees, &c., may be 1,11(1 °F WM. CHRISTOPHERS, Merlin" Office, 15, Commercial Street, Newport, Mon. H CKN1X FIRE OFFICE Lombard-street and Charing Cross, London. Established 1782. Insurances against Loss by Fire and Lightning effected upon erery description of Property, in all parts of the World, on the most favourable Terms. The settlement of claims arranged with promptitude and liberality; the amount already paid by this Company THIRTEEN JOHN J. BROOM HELD, HECRETARY Rates and full particulars can be obtained of the Agents at Newport Mr. E. C. BAKBB, National Provincial Bank. „ S. T. EVANS, Auctioneer, Fern Hill R. L. P. Cox, London and Provincial Bank. WHo MULLOCK, Printer and Stationer. „ W. C. PHILLIPS, 1, Tredegar-place. [12 ACCIDENTS!! NO MAN IS SAFE FROM ACCIDENTS WfSF MEN INSURE AGAINST THEIR COST! ACCIDENTS BY LAND OR WATER IN'SUKED AGAINST BY THE Railway Passengers' Assurance Company, 'IUP oldest and largest Company, insuring against Accidents of ail kinds. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ^El.OCO.OOO. PAtD-UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE, £ 250,000. MODERAFE PREMIUMS. Donus allowed to Insurers after Five years. £ 1,840,000 HAS BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 8, Grand Hotel Buildings, Charing Cross, or at the HEAl) OFFICE .—64, CORNHILL, LONDON. WILLIAM J. "VI AN-, Secretary. Agents for Newport:—Messrs. W. WILLIAMS AND CO. 16, Dock-street Mr. W. J. LLOYD, Bank Chambers. [5008 HARPER TWELVETREES' VILLA WASHER, WRINGER AND MANGLER COMBINED. > £ 5 5s. (cash price, £ 4 15s.), Or (fy New est Style, with great further Improvements, £5 15s. 6d. (cash price, X5 4s.) fThe most perfect and best finished washing machine, which does the family wash in four hours entirely without Rubbing or Boiling, as testified by thousands of delighted Carriage paid. Free trial. Easy payments from 2s. 6d. weekly, or 10 per cent, cash discount. Mrs. JAY, Glycene Cottage, Ravenscourt Park, Hammer- smith, W., writes :—"The Villa Waslier' far exceeds my expecta- tion. and I cannot speak too highly of it The saving is very great in labour, firing and soap. My clothes, even collars and cuffs, are never rubbed, and never boiled, as I am unfortunately without a copper. We have twelve dozen in our wash. which take about 34 hours. I shall recommend it to anybody requiring one, as I believe it is the best and most economical machine ever invented." Full descriptive Lists and Pamphlet, How we Wash Home," post free, from HARPER TWELVETREES, Laundry Machinist, CITY ROAD, FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. [4755 VILLIERS SFSONS, } ARTISTS AND PHOTOGRAPH LAS, |19, BRIDGE-8T., NEWPORT, y Every convenience for producing the highest class works on Canvas, Opal, and the ordinary photographs, in a supe I atyle. Drawing rooms, Views, Machinery, &c Also special arrangements for Instantaneous Portraits of Children and Animals. Cartes de Visite taken at greatly reduced prices. [5103 ™ ofOCK IN SOUTH WALES TO THE LARGEST g*^E0M F AND SONS K Commercial street, L> NEWPORT, MON. specialities in PIANOFORTES, XMEHICAN ORGANS, AID I lj M S. HARMONIUMS. £ NEWMAN & SONS' vAvRE MODEL, OLDE ENGLISH Three Years'Svs 35 Guineas, or £ 3 7s 6d Pf Sase. >S tern of jpgooL PIANO, E. NEWMAN & SONS » or 2 Guineas per Quarter Canadian Walnut, 20 Gumefl?' of Purchase. on the Three J^sn^W'lNG-ROOM MODEL. E. NEWMAN & SONS ^2 8s 3d per Quarter on the Walnut Case, 25 Guineas, o of purchaSe. Three Years f^rr^jVERSAL ORGAN, E. NEWMAN & SONS ^en Stops; 25 Guineas, or By Mason and Haflil511 VRPARS' System of Purchase. £ 2 8s 3d on the Three E. NEWMAN & gj.RMONJVM, COTTAGE MOV* Month Instalments. Six Guineas, or 10s WP6! tIPOJ* Application. PRICE LISTS E. NEWMAN & SONS, tb^ftMONIUM?TrS^Sre tIPOJ* Application. PRICE LISTS E. NEWMAN & SONS, tb^ftMONIUM?TrS^Sre in the PIANOFORTE »°?rUment sent out. After bein» able to guarantee every I e„ j,ave never had one aWlo in business over 40 ye!>rsi,eJit; but, on the contrary, have complaint of any T, given universal satisf»c fiJ.g TO CASH BUYERS. SPECIAL AvV^aGE vr AJ{D SONS I MUSIC CIRC^TiNG LIBRA^- Class A, one Guinea per guineas per annum sis Class B and class 0„ths, l5s: one m<>nth, 8s. months, £ 1 5s; three one week, 3 „ three guineas per annum s;x Class C and class m0nths, > one month months, £ 1.15s; three 12s 6d one week, 5s. guineas per annum. Class D and class G> J 0n application. 469s Full parti^u AND accovstaxt. JgTbwHIUL, N O T MON. NE WPORI- MON. OPOWN HEYBYRFTG GENERAL1 CJQFL § F0R THE CO^W-^OCIATIOIY BRITON %■ 1 A £ 31,000 GOYETLL. THIS SOCIETY UNDER WHICH THE A CHAIRMAN. D P v WBBB, Esa., M.A., M.D-. l! .R.g W. BICHABDSON, ^sq., » V^e-chairman. Directors „ 1 npi H. GORE Lin^sat, J.P. and Li6UWoo°diaBds. C^st. j.uiians, Newport. H. J. of Life Assurftuce B^ine88 tra^sacteK ^Ible ^nd'payable during life time Policies jfl p provision for old age without extra pre! SY;;ON FIBK COMPANY, LIOJX 000,000; Paid-up, ^200,000. S"RHIR^^MP^LOSSAOR ^^RISK Losses by^d and « and liberally. of gas recog^settled prompt^ QF CHAKQe> SURVE esE FNEE 0F Y inforra;ti07a SURVEYS ^A^Forms, and every information Me.S„. HABSJSI M„n. 4616] ^— — ^T\cd IE0N TONIC PEPPER'S QUJ muscular system, improve strengthens the NERVES FT -ECR^S AIIRPSTION, animates the SPIWTS' —1— i -TrST"?* jowo EFPPER'S QUININE ,nUs energics.cnnhces the E „„fc» and DSCLOP, .he I &SS' ,d, promotes nppetUe, speciftcie alld*in w^l- fortifies the disrf stive oi?ans >jfeCtio< „.llole fraille Kif, indigestion, fe^ &c". tbe faculties diseases, scrofulous t<endeiicie., Touie, ngtliened, and a prently invigorated by fePPer* tjy s ,,2 doses, 4s fid. hriRhtened, tlie constitut on gi yoU^'j j. pepper is on 5,et.U1' to robust lie.'ilth i trta • ,iaijie jject as Pepper Sold by Chemists everywhere. J'^ia »u eU 5i62 the label. There is no Tome so cer Quinine and Iron. ^v- a ■, 'TTrrrJ^.—This fluid T'ARAXACUM and PODOPH^cinal -oot.s, is now combination, extracted FRO"1 C?TUE liver, wh ch used "'stead of blue piHa7idealonielf^tiollof 'drows £ | biliousness, and all symptoms of lie^iP taste in the are generally pain beneath the, s'>0 iisa^ree^ „nd teelina-of ness, i'° appetite, furred tongue, di aCh, a ti mornirfr, giddiness, disturbance oftl>ef^er ,n mofton,^ peneval depression, it sets the slugs'^ 0{ lieaUn'arJxaeum peneval depression, it sets the slugs'^ 0{ lieaUn'arJxaeum slightly acts on the bowels, Rivinp a Bedford fortwithin 2+ hours, it is the safesgottLs and Podophylh" is a fluid made only by ^,ery label- Laboratory, Lou'l' whose name is on e 2s ud. Sold by all Chemists. — o rESTORER T^OCKYER'S SULPHUR HA^d.iyS comp'&tejy | j Wjii darken grey lialr> and in a feVf s'upen°1' brii back the natural colour. The effect is be slan. La^ produced by a direct dye, and does not injure xpensiv Bottles is tfd.—Lockyer's is equal to the m°st 5l6A- ^PSTORBK T OCKYEE'S SULPHUR HAIK wlow. X J i» the best for restoring grey hair to its It produces a perfectly natural shade, and is Q" of new Valuable for destroying scurf and encouraging gru 516 £ HAIR: — ^TOSR -r OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR clean- Ij —Sulphur beiriK highly prized for its stiniul Rb healtiiful action on tlie hair glands, ^greeabie KESTOKER IS strongly recc'.iiTrended. It is mos dressln& in use, and never fails in its action. No other hair yair is requisite. Large Bottles. Is 6d. Sold by Chemw dressers, and Perfumers everywhere. /^RACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH ^Af^ei^l j using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice, tl jyory of the teeth becomes white, sound, andpolished oVjiig It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for all incrustations of tartar on neglected teeth, ao' Jl62 Chemists. Pots, Is and 2s 6d each. (Get Cracroft s^ i < Q ULPHOLINE LOTION/^—An External o of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There is s^days, any eruption but will yield to Sulpholine" in a ordi" and commence to fade away evea if it seems past cur^l'i„i1 as if nary pimples' redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, j,ave by magic; whilst old, endunne skin disorders, that u plagued the suflerers for years, however deeply, rootea v" may be, Sulpholine will successfully attack them-• destroys the animalcula; which cause these unsightly.1" able, painful ailections, and always produces a clear, heaiwv> natural condition of the skin. '• Sulpholine" Lotion is ^u by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d. ° LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR. KING'S DANDELION and QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Mercury.) THE BEST REMEDY FOR BILIOUSNESS, STOMACH. DERANGEMENT, FLATULENCE. PAINS BgTWLb- THE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE,^NDIGESTIOM ACIDITY, HEAD-ACHE, HEARTBURN, f^knowledited symptoms of disordered liver and dyspepsia. mildest nills by many eminent surgeons to be the salest and muaest puis for every constitution; In boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d. and 4s 6a- Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the world ° gaamMs, MASTERS AND COMPANY. 39 and 40, HIGH STREET, Newport, Mon., SPRING, 1883. SUt, Every department is now replete with New Goods for the present season. Great care has been taken in the selection of materials to ensure their giving satisfaction in wear and permanancy of color. Our Men's Black Worsted Suits complete at:- 21/6, 29/9, 35/6, 42/- 45/- 49/6, 55/- 59/6, and 69/6, are in great demand and universally acknowledged to-be unsurpassed in trade. The Juvenile department contains many registered styles and designs and in it will be found every requisite in clothing for little Boys, Boys and Youths. Having spared no efforts to secure the most complete ranges, we have every confidence in stating that our present stock excels that of any previous season. Doing one of the largest trades in the country and buying and selling for cash, we are in a position to give you the best value to be had for money. That this fact is duly appreciated is proved by our yearly increasing trade, and we take this opportunity of again thanking you for your kind and liberal patronage. Assuring you of our best services, We are, Sir, Your obedient Servants, MASTERS AND COMPANY, The Newport Clothiers, 39 and 40, High street, Newport. I MASTERS & COMPANY, "THE NEWPORT CLOTHIEBS," 39 and 4 0, HIGH STREET, I A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING FOR GENTLEMEN, YOUTHS, AND BOYS. ALSO AT 29 AND 30, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, AND AT 18 AND 19, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. J MASTERS AND COMPANY. DEPARTMENT A—Bespoke or ordered goods. It this department we hold an immense stock of Scotch, Irish, and Yorkshire Tweeds, and West of Eaglani cloths. Trousers made to measure from 10s 6d t. 23s 6d Suits from 42s to 107s 6d a splendid range of Worsted Coatings from 25s 6d to 63S—the coat made to measure-& perfect fit guaranteed. DEPARTMENT B — Serge Jackets, Trousers, and Shirts Drabbett and Dungaree Jackets, Trousers. and Jumpers; Duck Goods; Mole and Cord Trousers and Vest; every care is taken to ensure-the wo.-k being very strong, and every requisite for the mechanic and working man. DEPARTMENT' C—Hats and Caps of every descrip- tion our Felt JJATS in all the new shapes at Is lid, 2s lid, 3s lid, lId and 58 lId are worthy of attention; Waterproof rlothine. The Patent Ventilated Waterproof Co.t. The Talethes," as worn by H.R.H. the Prince of Waies Rugs, Port- manteaus, Hat Cases, Carpet BAGS, and Oilakin Coats. DEPARTMENT D-Ready made clothing. Winter Overcoats from 12s lid to 59" 6d Suits from 128 lid to 79s 6d; Cloth Trousers from 2s lid to 21s 6d Black Diagonal Worsted Coats and Vests to match, 25s 6d to 49s 6d Tweed and Cloth Morning Coats, Sacs, and Frock Ceats in a great variety of materials. Pilot and Nap Reefer Jackets, Alpaca, Russel Cord, Brown Holland, and Drill Jackets. Blacks, for mourning, of every size, style and price, always ready. DEPARTMENT E-Hosiery, Shiits, Pants, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Ties, Mufflers. Jerseys, Fronts, Gloves, Hose and Half-hose, Wrists, Towels. Cardigan Jackets, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Wool Yeats, Oxford, French, Cambric, and Wool Shirts. DEPARTMENT F—Juvenile Clothing. Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Youths' Suits, Overcoats, Boys' and Youths' Jackets, Reefers, Vests, Trousers, and Nickers, and every requisite for Little Boys, Boya, and Youths. The Man of War" Suit is in mack demand, as is also the Jersey Suit, of both of which we keep a large assortment. Tweed Suits for Little Boys, well made and trimmed, from 2s lid. MASTERS AND COMPANY, "THE NEWPORT CLOTHIERS," 39 and 40, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. MASTERS AND COMPANY, 39 and 40, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, MON. Jlam (Communication. | i\iT\V P ORT AND BRISTOL. APRIL, 1883. W BLSH PRINCE » CAPTAIN HOWE, iwSlis(unless prevented by any unforeseen ■?*V' occurrence) is intended to sail during *he ensuing week, with Passengers and Merchandise:— BEAUFORT WHARF, FROM BATHUKST BASIN, 0 NEWPORT. BRISTOL. T r,a*'urday Down Calling at Hotwells Stage. Channel 7. 0 p.m 28 Saturday 9.30 a.m ^turning 9. 0 p.m MAY. j Monday 9. 0 a.m 1 Tuesday 11.45 a.m 0 MAY. 3 Thursday 2.30 p m a .12.0 noon 5 Saturday Goods | Friday 2.30 p.m only 4.30 p.m 'TARES ■ After Cabin, 2s. 6d.; Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. j !ren from 3 to 12 years of age, Half-price Horse II Rider, 7s. Dogs, Is. each. r pi/uri? Tickets will be issued each Trip, available to 4a UV! within one week, at the following £ ares—Cabin j, eck, 2s. 6d. Offi °r ctmflitions of Freight, anply at the Company's opposite the SEAMEN'S FLOATING GROVE, BRISTOL: and BEAUFORT 1 ARF, NEWPORT. Mr. T. MITCHELL, Proprietor, Newport, I.AAN Lift ( I LLMLT^°"AI TO UNITED STATES & CANADA. POLYNESTAMRRLM LIVERPOOL. NOVA SCOTIAN" F°R §CEBEC MAY O HIBEBNTAN MAY I PERUVIAN P & BALTIMORE..MAY O NESTORIAN FCSUEBEC- 5JAY LI SARMATIAN FNR SEBEC- U WALDPN^R A'-VT" °r QUEBEC. May 1? vv^iJENaiAN FORBOSTON. :May v *JCli]AN RATTr'^i. a 00D> 12 to 21 GUINEAS; Intermediate £ 8 poSs°in the1CWe!tS ratC? tc> Cbica=0' and t0 a11 NOTE es ftnd Canada. for Manitoba and thp r-St' and cheapest route Steamers of this Line Nortli w^st is by the Mail nmeral Lawat^SAGES Halifax are granted to Agricultdrists EAorMkCHANICK' &t-' iol' M'md VPMALE DOMUOI' LABOURERS, and f. Tnknd noinf?^1^ Se"vakts for ^3; and Through PAMPHLETS 15rCanad» at Special Rates. TJoilwav • also ^P.of Manitoba and Canadian Pacific i riiifWestern ofe? iasue of Pamphlets on Canada aDFuU nartTcular, tates °,f America. &e» free- FuU particulars on application to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., i-^W M TAApr, James Street, Liverpool, Tredpc* Dock-street; JOHN Chambers; & HARSE & BROWN, Insurance Brokers, Newnnrt [4463 AGENTS RANTED J^VERYwhkeb B"y THE ^.UfUrftLiiiPan rnClul3s' Association, KENDAL & DENT, MANAGERS; 106, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. Foremen, Timekeepers. Station Masters) Clerks, Secretaries of Portrait Clubs, Police Officers, Shopkeepers, &c., with spare time wanted to form Clubs for this successful Associa- tion. Illustrated Catalogues and particulars on ^plication- l fAS19 IAITOWSS. I MOORE'S HOMOEOPATHIC CONSTITUTION POWDERS | A RE A CERTAIN PREYEOTATIVE, AQD, CNRA^OF .OC,DEN A^TO NEAT CATTLE. • PVN HORSES"OOFFTHALVES, SHEEP, LAMBS AND PIGS.; R „_A TOHN'MORRIS M.B.C.V.S., M-H-P S G B., SAYS AFTER USING AND PRESCRIBING MOORE'S 9[1 WJTH THE GREATEST SUCCESS, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND ALL THOSE CONNECTED WITH HORSES OR POWDERS FOR NEARLY M YEAJESATWCATTIE TO TRY THEM. NUMEROUS OTHER HIGH-CLASS TESTIMONIALS. J T I I „UI, FNLL DIRECTIONS, FROM APPOINTED AGENTS ONLY, PRICE 2S. 6D., 5S., AND 10S. PER PACKET. THE SMALL COST^TTTELE'P^WDERS REPAID A HUNDREDFOLD. A TRIAL WILL INSURE THEIR PERMANENT USE. „ I. A»ent for Newport and District: Mr. JOHN ATKINS, Grocer, &c-, 17, Commercial Street, FROM whom circulars, with full directions may be obtained. T"*4<L HAYING completed extensive alterations and improvements, W. A. SMITH, 63, COMMERCIAL STREET NEWPORT, Is now making his first Show of SPRING GOODS IN MILLINERY, DRESSES, JACKETS, and FANCY GOODS. rZS £ £ WINDOWS. ]. [4879 j BENSON'S WORKMAN'S SILVER ENGLISH LEVER. S.B 5 O SPECIALLY MADE TO KEEP PERFECT 0 TIME. gTAND ROUGH WEAR and LAST A LIFETIME. IN ALL SIZES. CAPPED, JEWELLED, and Å LL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, Delivered safe and free to all parts on receipt of 0.01 BY J. W. BENSON, THE STEAM FACTORY, I LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. I Illustrated lists of Watches from £ 2 2s to X200 free. Agents, Secretaries of Societies, Foremen, and others required to establish Watch Clubs for the above. 1 14§37 "CAMBRIAN" BICYCLES & TRICYCLES Are still unexcelled, and daily becoming more popular. SOLE MAKERS: MORRIS BROTHERS. WORKS—PONTYPRIDD. DEPOTS-CARDIFF. 15. CROCKHEEBTOWN NEWPORT, 2, CLARENCE PLACE, (Eiist End of Newport Bridge.) Easy Terms of Payment or a Viscount for Cash. LIST OF NEW & SECOND-HANI> T^-P• MACHINES EXCHANGED. London Agent-GOY, Leodtn Sheet. 14600 FINEST ENGLISH WATCHES AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICKS. Many require a good A\ ateh, but Jew 111 comparison know where to obtain sueli. The prices charged by Dealers are exorbitant, and half the Watches sold of an unreliable character. By the aid oi improved ST £ W*IJT!TV» latt'st scientific appliances, STEWART DAW SOX k CO., Liverpool, are enabled to produce ths very highest and most improved ling lis Lever Watches, unequalled for beauty, utility or as timekeepers and which they supply direct from their Manufactory to customers in all parts, for Cash, at less than actual wholesale prices. One week's trial is |?iven with each Watch, so that all may prove, by trial end comparison, the advan- tages obtainable. Very finest English Silver Levers, full capped and jewelled,' original and exclusive improvements, price £ 3; unequalled at £ 5 to £ b. 1 Hunters 10s. extra. Each kind in three siie8.V ep' I highest quality silver improved Horizontal, £1 58., usual price iC2 10s. Only a certain number can be produced, the demand for which keeps up to supply. Orders booked in rotation. Watches delivered tree, fully guaranteed. P.O. Orders myable at ctiiei Office, Liverpool. Write for large illustrated Pamphlet, which contains all the kinas made, and Pamphlet, which contains all the kinas made, and I 60 pages of most wonderful testimonials from all parte) Bent free by post for two stamps. Address- STEWART DAWSON & CO., I RANELAGH PLACE. LIVERPOOL. ^FLDWSSTS. C. W. BLACKMORE, AUCTIONEER, DRAPERS' AND GENERAL VALUES. HOUSE, ESTATE, AND COMMISSION 1GKNT; TRUSTEE AND RECEIVER IN BANKRUPTCY BLACKMORE'S SALE Rooiib. 107, COMMERCIAL ROAD, NEWPORT. WEEKLY SALES OF FURNITURE & DRAPERY FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR CASH. Atrent for the Ocean. Railway and Genera Accident Assurance Company; the Staffordshire Fire Insurance. Company and the Star Life AI-sumace Company. | 465K PRO;CTS FRAM &SCARLETREM CURES SKIN DISEA.S S The Ludirg' Gazette of Fashion, write? :—"WC can conscientiously say that the Tea imported by Messrs. Ho UN IM.AN is both strongs and delicious. an:1 that it has earned a well merited reputation for its purity and excellent flavour." w 4 31 ivy Al A-A i 1111 f 11: | i 1 ^9^ g List of HORNIMAN's LooaJ J ABEBGATENIRR,Price,chemist NEWPOK.T, EI>. { Wntkiiis, High-street ^BBMILLEHT, Evans,Chemist BOWMAJT, 21. L'A. BLAKENKY.Philnotts „ J PSN-LIRS 92, Comb Caebleon, S. & C. Matthews ,T STIWT, e OlEBpsxow.Gritliths.liookselter J- OCNO -iu, High- CISDKBFORD, Cordwin, chemist SETS,1, 8tow HILL CRICKHOWELL Edwards, Co-operative Society Chemist; Davies, High-st. ,» C. PAUTX, ch»»ist,8 CAKDIFF.Kemick, 23,i)uke-st. MPRCIAL-T Ditto. Williams. Bnte-street! V^WBHAM-FRVER. drap COLKPOKD-Willams, Chemist PONTI POOL W OOA chei Hough & Bright. POIRRYPB7W>JAN>E",CNEE LYDNKY.Hatha way !RBTMSHT..J. Davies, ch Mamdee E.B. Jones,chemist SWAS8KA.Gepr«E, chem, MONMOCTH,BOWER .contec'ner Usk .^DIRNNJS CI^ NTST- MEEIHYE Stephens, High-at. (M t.