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IFarmer's Column.¡ ,


Farmer's Column. ¡ The. first number of a useful periodical has been issued by Messrs Maclaren and Son-, Z.8, Shoo-lane, London, "The For" .liter an<j Feed- ing1 Stuffs Journal." It is intended for trade ciioulation only. The first number contains erticlev; on Tiie sett.iio- of Mix ures cf Super- phesphate an<j Ammonium Sulpha e," "Chern- | ical Manure and Ammonium Works in 1918, editorial no KJS, and notes i'rom the provinces and on imperial and foreign subjects. NOVELTY IN CROPS. An agricultural novelty was found at Griffiths, Crossing, Carnarvonshire, whiie a large field of oats, beioagng to Mrs. Brockk- bank, was harvested. The field was badiy laid last year and seed fel; on the land. With- out ploughing, manuring, or seeding, the fivill has this year yielded a line crop. I',) AGRICULTURAL INQUIRY. A rcr.o. t issued by the Royal Conimission on Argicuiture stag 's that Si,* Thomas Middleion gave evidence as a development commissioner. He estimated that if it cost 5.5s. per quarter to grow wlieat on certain soiia in 191.5-14, it wouid cost 59s. per quarter in 1919-20, assum- ing that the seasons were equally good, and I that there vva3 no change in the output of labour per m on per day. Similarly, that if it I cost 49s. per live cwt. to fatten a three-ycai- old steo.- in the winter of 1913.14, it would cost 133s. per cwt. nest wintar. Ho thought thi, a; guaranty of 60s. per 4S0ibs. of wheat would secure about 21 million acres of wheat and 6} to 64 mil.ion acrei of total corn annu- ally in England and Wales, provided that the co:ts were stabilised under existing conc}iticn^ of price. Even 100s. per quarter might fail to secure four million acres of wheat in England I C:"d Wales. For the farmer the prospects from ,ra.s farming were more certain than from arable far^S?, b't provided th"t th industry paid 1t. Li- c, was no comparison tetwc on tillage and grass farming from the I national standpoint. He referred t) the possi- bility of making holdings more economic in size, basing that size upon the area which can be worked by one pair of horses. He also made suggeftiens for a differentiation of taxa- tion in favour of land under tillage. Mr. J. Odell Vinter gave paiticulacs of two light land farms (260 and 32'J acres). His j ) est mated total receipts per acre fcr the cur. ) rent year were JE9 12s. 6d., and his expanses, 1 L6 1,75. i shqwing a net profit of 15s. 6d. PtZ 1 acre. Mr. Casteli Wrev gaVo particulars of costs cT production for 1917-18 on a 2,700 acre farm. He also submitted balance sheets for the years 1911 to 1918, inclusive, on a farm varying from 4,150 acres to 3,700 acres. He was of opinion' that a guarantee to the farmer was necessary, since the farmer was required by the State to pay higher wages than normal economic conditions permitted. Mr. Richard Stratton, of Kingston Deverill, near. Bath, gave instances where he consid- ered the controlled prices had been disadvan- tageous to farmers. This. fact, with the in- crease of wages last spring and the uncertainty of prioos, had giwn rise to a lack of confidence resulting in some cases in a reversion to pasture. PROFITEERING IN LAND. In view of ',he numerous estates tha.t arc being (Vspcsed of under the hammer Car- marthen: hire farrr-a'll arei takii^-r action for the purpose of inducing landlords to dispose of farms direct ;.0 the tenants. A feature at mofit property sales held in recent mcnth-; has been the purchase by tenants of the r farms. A public meeting cf farmers wfii held at Llanr?i!o to crnsider the qucn. when Li°ut- col. Delme PavieT-Evans, D.S.O. Ponylan, who presided urged farmers to be loyal b each other, and provent profi'oo.rin? in land. He cor.i.endod that landlords should always in the first inr-i i.ance offer the r f2rmg to the tenants, who should also in their turn give a price that wa, rea~i:nab!e and fair to both par-ies. Mr. Daniel John?, secretary t? the Car- marthenshire branch said the National Farmers' Unc-n had been sueoe?i-ful in its negotiations regarding- the sale of the Pan' gla. Estate. The landlord sold the es &te to a Leicfv-; ier firm, who agreed to give the tn- an the option of purchasing their own farms on the overage basis of twenty-five years' purcha-o. Up to the present practically all the cnants had bought their farms. If farmenl were loyal to each other there would bq no need to anticipate high prioe^ for the farms. Unfortunately his past experience va; that even members of the Farmers' Union bid against each other, and in many a?r?s e >mpe.ed :he tonsnt to pay for his o^Ii imprx>vements. Tenant farmers must not expoot to et. their farms under value. They wanted "o deal fairly as between landlord and bensnt. If a. tenppt wore not prepared to pay a raisenable prico then, of ocun.e, it would be open for everybody else to bid. The Chairman s?¡id it was a bad policy for t.he country that farms should be bough, so dearly by tenants. A large number of tenan's had no monev to pay for them and had to VJITOW capital. which; in a few years would becomo a burden, and, therefore, a national Tn he '"ntores-t rf the nation fai-ms 5hu!d be lest at their proper valao. and ccnild only bo dene when bought at a: fair priee. Th« mooting appointed p c?epu -a'-ion, to wait on the agen-te of ceirtain o.tatas adver'.iaed for for sale to induce- them ,0 agree to offer farms t: tenanta privately. OFFICIAL WASTE. Criticisms wore pacsod by members of "ihc Mcntgomoryshire Agricultural Executive Orim- mittc9 a.t Welshpool on he methcdsi adopted by the Board of Agriculture to verify corn growerrs' claims for guaranteed prico> under "he Corn Production Act. It wa? originally sug?e=ted that six claims injectors should be appointed for Montgomeryshire; but la. or the Committee -refusod to discharge the du -;es as a pretest against he Board a-cting without advice. The Board anprinted sxtoen in- spfoWs at fee; of £100 each and expenses, in a lot er intimating tha.t the inspectors had been instructol to report cases of negli- gent cnltiva' .:c-n to the Committee, the Board asked the CJommittM to aproint assessors -) deal with cases reported- Tho Commi tee's officials, or members themselves, if rmpetcnt, oould act and the Board would sane ion fees not exceeding S3 3s. a day and expense?. Capt. Naylor described the appointment of hfl sixteen inspectors as the most dVgraceful thing he had ever heard of. If he Committee were to appoint assessors what we-e the six- teen inspectors noing for their Eloo apiece and fixponses? It was '.he finmt way of wast- in.7 he knew of. MV. Jones, Guilsfield: The inspectors are beginning the ;npcct:ons in my neighbour- hood aftar the crops have been cut and carrie-l. Major Lomax described "he arrangementsi as flr-aadalous, remarking tliqt some nf the inspectors were quits unsllitabla. L amazed him where \:lC Government got their names. He concurred with a suggestion by Capt- Nay lor tha.t the Commi .tee did not wish to bo associated with such extravagajneo Eventually t<he Ccmmitte? deJ äed to inform t,he Board that it was no. considered necess- ary t-j, appoint assessors. The four cul .ivation officers e:uH. do the work for which the Board had appointed sixteen inspeo-crs. CEREAL AND ROOT CROP COMPETITION. The following prizes have been awarded in the 1919 compet tion:—Eo?t field of wheat, not less than 5 acres, autumn or spring sown 1, (£50), Mr Ed. Ho-king. Ros-vidney, Lu.1gvan, Cornwall. "Benefactor" variety; 2 (E20), M: W. R. Withers. Lower Cou-t Farm, Long Ash- ton, Bristol, "Yeoman:" 3 (£10). Messrs. J. and W. Birch. Edge Farm, Sefton, "Bene- factor;" 4th Mr. C. Bere, Dunsmere, Siivertcn, Exeter, "Garten's Victor;" 5, Mr. D. A. Green, East Donyland Hall, Colchester, Bene- factor;" and reserve, Mr. H. Bingham, Dond- neys Farm, Hertnienceux, Sussex, "Red Stand- ard Best field of oats of any variety.—1 ( £ 50), Mr R. Suddoll, Willows Farm, Westby, near Kirk- ham, "Swedish Victor;" 2 (£20), Mr. J. S. Furnival, Market Drayton, "Supreme;" 3 (£10), Mr. T. Bate (Staming Grange, Whitby, Cheshire, Garten's "Abundance;" 4, Mr. R. Richardson. Gilruddirg Grange, Naburn, York, "Victory;" 5, Mr. A. T."Loram, Rosamcndford, < Aylesbeare, "Hardy Black Winter:" and re- serve, Mr. J. Tattersfield, Ledge Fa; m, Lax- field, "Swedish Iron." CARDTGANSHIRE FARMERS UNION. EVIDENCE FOR ROYAL COMMISSION. Me°t:n?s arranged bv Cardiganshire Branch of the National Farmers Union have been held at Newcastle Emlyn, Cardigan, Aber- ystwyth,, and Lampeter. The principal busi- ness was to arrange for the prenarat-on of evidence from the county for the Royal Ccm- mission on Agriculture. [r. Tom Jones, Mcelglomen, presided over the meeting held at Aberystwyth cn Mon- day. Mr. Daniel Watkins. the county secre- tary, explnined the obiects of the Commis- sion and the procedure adopted in the rre- paration of evidence. It was necessary that the evidence should be representative of the several kinds of farms as regards size, quality, and convenience. The following were appointed to p-eparo evidence for North Cardigansbire :-Messrs. J. G. Morris Davies, Hafod; R. Richards, Gwarfelin: W. R. Lyke, Lodge Farm; J. P>unce Morgan, Glanfread; David Jones, Elgar; Arthur Marga.n. Pwllsrlas; LI. J. Lewis, Erwbarfe; Daniel Davies, Aberllo!_ wyn: Morris Jones, Cyneiniog. They will meet at Aberystwyth next Monday to collect the* information which will be submitted to the Committee of the National Farmers Union. and it is understood that eventually two witnesses will be selected to give evid- ence before the Commission cn behalf of Cardiganshire. The meeting, also considered recommenda- tions to be submitted in favour of f uniform C"1':t Je of charges in the county for team labour, planting of potatoes, etc. The re- <


Property Market. !








Motor Notes.





