Papurau Newydd Cymru

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-_-Synopsis of Previous Chapters.

Synopsis of Previous Chapters. CIIAPTFRS 1. and II. —Mrs La Roache and ft d jf* daughter, Claire, drive to Castle Finnbar. the. nlS O'Keefe, the driver, refuses to be paid J** night. They arrive at their destination, a*e welcomed by Timothv Sullivan, the old servant left at the Castle, which is Ing into ruins. From the ball Claire and J* mother are taken by the crazy Sullivan to a old bedroom, which has not been occupied {?r. least over half a century. Everything tatters. Moths and bats abound. Rats SP be heard scuttling under the wainscoting. fi*|e immediate demand of the newcomers is for They partake of a miserable supper, after J«'ch the old man produces a pack of cards, soon sees that he is a born gamester, and to play with him. He retires muttering ,e»Reaoce. •CHAPTERS in. and IV.-Mother and daugh S? pass a weary night ensconced in chaira. mother sleeps, but the daughter sits listen- to »il the uncanny sounds, and conjuring for rjfcsalf the imaginary terrors of the night. They disturbed by the arrival of two men on horse- stranded wayfarers, who believe the Castle uninhabited: save by a lunatic. The two en promise the help and assistance of two which relieves tbe situation somewhat. morrow Claire intercepts a beautiful Irish girl carrying a can of milk. This rjyd takes Miss La Roache to the cabin of Mrs j* keary, where the good woman gives her a and she has a wash. She accompanies ^ire back to the Castle, where she provides a breakfast. During tfcs coarse of the morn ^^isitors arrive. »CHAPTERS V. and VI.—The visitors are Innisfail and Mrs Archie Browne, mother ■j^d daughter. With them are the two men they >n the night. The Roaches show their visi- their ruin, and are afterwards taken to Mrs f'chie Browne's home, Snnamara. Mother and J^Jghter discuss Mr Urquhart. He is secretary Philip Trent, the millionaire, who is ex- gtted shortly to be a guest. After admiring the Mrs and Miss La Roache descend to the where Claire converses with Major Clifton. Chapters VII. & VIII.-The author gives the bder an insight into the past history of the La hefamily. Claire seats herself in a convex dow in the hall, and, while watching the sun J*, falls asleep. She awakens on a love scene is being enacted between Lord Medway |*d Lady Evelyn Carnaleigh. The two girls Income fast friends. Mr Philip Trent invites Suanamara party to his yacht for a day's S*&ise. Mr Marvin, savant and philosopher, discourses to them sociologically. CHAPTER IX, aIt was a night of vast moonlight. Moonlight jfingsd the world. It gave to everyone in the ^>'on of the lough the impression that there nothing in the world that remained un- J*turated with moonlight. The long narrow was quivering beneath its glamour—not Dalnitaling with passion, but in the deep glad- es of a chaste friendship. The range of cliffs, Ound whose feet the waters swayed in the Majestic rhythm of the of the sea, were *hite from where they mingle* with tbe moun- tains of the coast on to the fine points on which the Atlantic rollers impaled themselves in the Itter distance. The head'andn were like icicles. Thif3 was looking seawards but landward all Was different. The black shadows of the glens J'Rzagged across the vast moonlight landscape {jke the veins in a block of white marble. The billowy heather of the bills far off was trans- *°*med into a silver mist but over the fir- of the nearer slope? there seemed to be S^own a sheet of muslin, in silvery filmy folds. texture was transparent enough to show the of the boughs beneath. 0 A. couple of pony carts had been sent from "iftnamara to the head of the cliff path for the Weaker brethren of Mr Philip Trent's party, but 48 it turned out there were no weaker brethren ?*hong the party. The way was one of tbe •Gveliest in the world, and everyone elected to the moonlit walk—it was only two miles too short, Lady Innisfail declared. She had wonderful eve for possibilities." her son-m- I&W respectfully and confidentially asserted in ear of Mrs La Roache. Of course there was no premeditation in the letting out of the party. No one waited to anyone in particular. What wonld be the good of that ? The mountain ways were with moonlight. It was by the side of Philip Trent that Claire found herself walking up the cliff path from the tiny landing stage, while the sound of the oars Of the boat's crew who were taking the long gig .btck to the yacht came jerkily from the lough. This is delightful," said he. I suppose }w Margin would find his own liking for moon- ttRht and the open air another proof of our jungle 3Bgia." j .———— Olalrc walked witb Phillip Trent up the cliff path Mr Marvin interested me greatly. I never UlooRht of looking back upon our life in that •ay," said she. Until one is as old as I am one is only in. Wined to look forward," said he. But I was thinking of fifty thousand years— that seemed to be Mr Marvin's favourite period," 114id sbe. If one does not feel inclined to look back for five years depend upon it one will not be im- Delled to multiplytbe space ten thousand times," Said he. All your life is before you-this life Rod I fancy you sometimes go so far as to think of a life beyond this one. There is Sometimes in your face a look but of course every girl is taught that there is a future beyond this life." "It is a necessity for a woman we have so tOW interests in life that our religion is some. thing to cherish," said Claire. But I think *hat few of us think deeply or continuously about another life." No, but that is simply because you have so hnplicit a trust in your good God you do not feel that there is any need for you to give the matter tbonght. Children do not ask themselves if dinner will be forthcoming. They trust. But ftlirion as we understand it-we who are Christians—roughly seems a constant conflict with every impulse of our nature. Now do you believe that religion is strong enough to over- come our nature—to carry us from the depths of the jungle to be the fit companions of angels ?" I don't know anything about angels, but I believe that God is more powerful than Satan," ftid Claire. Some people do not. You heard what Mr Marvin said. There are some people—they are really more numerons than you would suppose- Who say to be erit Be thou my good.' They sue- ceed, too, in this life. After all this principle is no more than that which was embodied in the Mediaeval allegory of Faust us. The appearance of the Mopbisto and the signing of the compact for the man's soul are done away with, but the contract may still be entered into by such as are Willing. I think I have met in the course of my life some men who would cheerfully sign such a contract and then trust to their own cleverness to get the better of the holder of the mortgage ""■the post obit upon their souls." Business men ?" said Claire, with a laugh. Mr Trent latiabod. "I confess that those whom I bad in my blinõ's eye were business men," he replied. Still there are lawvers-they are accustomed to the business of helping people to wriggle out Of contracts-yes, I think that lawyers might be Content to run their chance of a flaw in the deed —not for the sake of a county court judgeship, f course, but for the Lord Chancellorship. After l it was not a. Dorti Chancellor that Mephisto shewed to Faust in the mirror. The vision that appeared there showed that Mepbisto shared with our friend, Mr Marvin, a sound working know- ledge of primeval man. I wonder if he were to come to a man in these days would he make arrangements to give him a vision of the Lord Chancellor sitting on the Woolsack or of-let me well, suppose we say a millionaire on the Qfick of his steam yacht ?" Claire laughed again. Aak Mr Marvin he is an authority on these delicate points," said she. '• Oh, we all know that Mr Marvin would say that if the n odern woman differ* in no material Joint from the jungle woman, a modern man of business is identical with the cave-dwellers so ^hftt Mephisto would have no need to paint out "elen of Troy from his magic-lantern slide. Btoid Mr Trent. They turned oft the cliff-road to the track that them among the rock3 of the summit. Lady innisfail was waiting for them with Archie ■owne by her side. j I can't for the life of me see why we shouldn't J*ork out the question of the witch can you, Mr *'ent ?" cho cried. What, another added to your already large in this direction ?" said he, with quite a 9411ant air. Oh, that's not the point I am thinking of a *1 trne witch—the black art, you know—that sort of th-ng-tbe real thing," said Lady Innisfail. I shouldn't mind it for myself," said Archie, but you know as well as I do that Norah would set her face against the business, and when Norah sets her face against anything You call yourself a man," said the modern mother-in-law. A man, and yet you shake in your shoes at the thought of a chit like Norah making a row." You were afraid of her for twenty years yourself—that's why you passed her on to me," said Archie. "A witch ? My aunt ? Yon'11 be accusing her of spoiling the churning next, and applying to the court for an order to have her burnt.' A witch Oh, come along I" A witch ? Could anything be more amusing, I should like to know," cried Lady Innisfail. It will be the most novel feature ever intro- duced into a house party if it only gets into the papers-and I think it is pretty sure to-we shall have the witch become the feature of every en- tertainment. What is the good of living in a district where there is a witch if you don't make use of her? Don't you agree with me, Mr Trent ?" I agree with yon in asking the question, Lady Innisfail. It would look very like flying in the face of Providence if we neglected to avail our- selves of the services of a properly accredited agent of a recognised power." tt Ob, come along, or I'll go on without you," said Archie. When people begin to talk that sort of rot, it's high time for decent people to go to bed." It's perfectly disgraceful," said Lady Innis- fail, resuming her walk, but going to the side of Philip Trent and talking over her shoulder to Archie, who was with Claire. Miss La Roacbe had been with us more than a week, and you have done nothing for her entertainment— absolutely nothing. And yet when the opportu- nity comes of doing something novel and hand- I some you refuse. Are you not dying to have a I talk to the witch, Claire my dear ?" I'm fairly dying for it," said Claire. Mr Trent and 1 were talking ab-mt wizards and the witch's master, and really I don't see how I could' be for many days longer without a witch. But, of course, I would not have anyone incon-, venienced for .ny entertainment." Inconvenienced ? No one will be incon- venienced," said Lady Innisfail. I know that I the woman lives somewhere in our neighbour- hood-quite at hand. If Archie will only exert himself wo can have her here in an hour or two." it I won't accept the responsibility. said Archie, striking a match for a fresh cigar. No, hang me if I do I'm not going to coun- tenance superstition." History repeats itself." said Philip Trent. There was a Iring called Saul and he sent all through the country in search of a witch. Is Archie also among the prophets ?" Archie did not appear to recollect the allusion, I ei ther to the witch or to the prophets. He was in doubt whether Trent was on bis side or Lady Innisfail's. He growled between his puffs of smoke. There was a sound of pleasant laughter coming from some others of the party who were on ahead he wished that he had joined the others. But he had no chance. Lady Inuisfail had come to his side quite early. She had mads up her mind to bore him about this ridiculous fad of hers. But he felt that it served him right for having any- thing to do with a chap like Mr Marvin, Of course, Mr Marvin had got invited to the house under false pretences. lie played the banjo, and was investigating something about fairies. Lady Innisfail had invited him on account of his banjo, and Norah, had invited him on account of his investigations. Norah had always been too much disposed to favour scientific research, She had once gone to a Royal Society's conversazione and immediately afterwards she had bought a lemur. She had seen one huddled up in a cage in charge of an enormous man in one of the re- ception rooms. The enormous man had brought it there in-illustration of a theory of his- some, thing about the circulation of the blood-not on this account but on purely personal grounds it had attracted a large amount of attention -a great deal more than was given to the spectrum of argon. Still, when Norah mentioned that she had seen the animal at the converaazione and sent about London trying to buy another, Archie felt that she was going too far in her devotion to science. And later on she had invited Mr Marvin to Suanamara and Mr Marvin had stated the idea of hunting for a witch and Norah's husband was started as the witch hunter. Surely science was a dangerous thing to meddle with. Lemurs were well enough in their way and they were fairly accessible but a witch. He wondered if the resources of science could be more profitably employed than in the annhil- ation of scientific men. There was Lady Innisfail—who bad hurried on before him; telling the others of the party in a triumphant voice, with something of the strident j ring of the timbrel in his tone, that he had agrerd to find them a witch, and that they would consequently have no end of fun. Isn't it fearful rot," said he to Claire. Isn't it all in fun ?" said Claire. A witch in the twentieth eentary ? Why, she would be a ridiculous anachronism." There you are," he cricd, exuitingly, to Lady Innisfail. There you are. Miss La Roache says that a witch would be—a—what is it you said she would be, Miss La tioaehe?' An anachronism," said Claire, laughing, "There you «rc—you can't go further than that, can yon?" sail be, "And Miss La Roache, has lived in France and other places, and jolly well knows what she is talking about. II There was silvery laughter in the silver moon- light as the little party stood together on the spacious carriage-sweep in front of the bouse. "Good night," said one. I'm off to bed," announced another. The moonlight is going to waste," said a third. It's like sitting out an entrancing waltz, whispered a sentimentalist. Moonlight poured f forth like melody." And no one to dance," said a plaintive one. Except the fairies," said Mrs La Roache. I believe that fairies were seen last night at isome place or other. "It was I saw them," said Lord Medway. On I the links—half-a-dozen shiny little ontters, flitting about with bundles of bulrushes over thoit- tohonldere. One of them tee-ed a hazel nut and picked out a first-class bulrush driver, and after a couple of misses-for he was clearly a begi ii ner-drove tbe nut at least three yards-the prettiest sight I ever saw." After that, I'm off to bed," said Arc.i.o. You chaps will find the syphons in the library as usual." He's so dreadfully prosiac," said Norah, apologetically, when he was gone. But, really. Lord Medway, you shouldn't have said that about the fairies—unless, of course, you did actually see them. Did you really and truly see them ?" Don't know," said Lord Medway, after a stupid pause. I have been thinking about the incident alL day, and sometimes I fancy that I did, but at other times I have grave docbts on that point luckily, however, in things of this sort, it does not matter whether one has doubts or not-tbe fairies were playing golf— whether I saw them or not." They are of Coptic origin," said Mr Marvin. "I have proved conclusively that it would be impossible for a fairy to survive unless it were definitely Coptic. And yet some people- My aunt," murmured a man in the shadow of the porch. There was more laughter and a general move- ment-by no means a stampede—into the hall. Mr Marvin was the last to participate in this movement. He smiled quite blanily with the moonlight on his face. He had a fair sense of his own sense of humour. I thought that I could drive them in," he murmured in a thoroughly self-satisfied way. Moonlight and fairies at midnight at the end of September I Fairies 1-fools all of theuj-" Claire bad reached the dressing-room which she shared with her mother and thrown herself down on the comfortable sofa- the sofa which was so comfortable that it now and again kept one who had yielded to the embrace of its arms out of bed for an hour or more. An enchanting day," said her mother. Co Money. What a delight to be able to do all that, aud not feel that one has spent faster than one's income coming in." That is what it means to be a millionaire," said Claire. «• I talked to bim a good deal, said Mrs La Roache. He is hopelessly rich." Hopelessly ? Surely he is not so bad as that ?" said Claire. You know what I mean-yon should know- you have noticed it: he is so wealthy, as to be above the aspirations of any of the girls here," said the mother. «♦ They may not be especially aspiring, said Claire. But bow do you know what is the limit of their aspirations ?" II They recognise the fact that he is not for them," said Mrs La Rcache, evading a reply. Yes. I could see. But what a cook. I be- lievo that that yacht cannot be worked with less than thirty men. And such a cook. I will say that this Mr Trent is a delightful man. If you were not told it you would never guess that he was a millionaire. You were a good deal with that Mr Urquhart, my dear." I tried to be. I like him," said Claire, frankly. Like him ? Yes. it is safe to like a man- snch a man," said Mrs La Roache. "He can- not be otherwise than extremely clever. Some. one called him the otherday the tail that wagged the dog. I have heard it said that in most cases the private secretary is the master. I am sure that Mr Urquhart is very clever, and that— but Mr Philip Trent is-How, strange that a man has not married long apo 1 I hear that he was on the verge of forty he has been a wealthy man since he was thirty I have lost my heart," cried Claire, sud- denly starting up with her hand to her neck. I have lost it; I knew that the snap of the clasp was worn-that is why I kept putting nev hand up every now and again to see that it was safe. It was safe when I entered the house, ii must have dropped either in the hall or on the stairs." Her mother knew that she was talking about a. little gold heart—a large diamond with rubies nbnn); fhe rim which had hern *jivpn to her by a f Bulgarian Royalty when she was a child. Claire wore it every day on a fine chain of a necklel. The servants will find it in the morning," said her mother. "I will not trust to them, I should pass a sleepless night thinking of it. I will go down- stairs and look for it now. Everyone is in bed. She slipped out of the dressing-room and down the little corridor until she reached the gallery to which the great staircase led. A light was burning in tua corridor and another at the head of the stairs. There was sufficient light to give her a chance of seeing the gleam of the jewel should it have fallen on the carpets so she went slowly along, step by step, her eyes scanning (' closely the strip of carpet fro a side to side It took her a couple of minutes to reacft She hea.d of the stairs. The moment that she took the first step down she became aware of the fact- that the hall below was not wholly deserted. She heard the sound of a voice-a gently modulated voice at the foot of the stairs -a man's voice She felt impatient for a moment, for it there were men below she would be unable to descena. She had unfastened her hair while her mother was talking to her, and it bad tumbled over her shoulders it had been very near to the carped when she had been searching with bowed head for the jewel. The voice was a man's. It was followed,not by a man's but a woman's, which said, "It is Miss La Roache's heart that you have found I have seen her wear it. How lucky." Lucky. I daresay but luckier in having found the heart of Evey," came the other voice. There was a silence, with a sigh, for half a minute. Then a whisper. Good night." My dearest." Another silence, with a breath. Claire went back cautiously until she reached her corridor, and then like a flash to her room. Have you found it ?" inquired her mother. I saw Lady Evelyn on the stairs-some of I them have not yet gone to bed-and she told me that Mr Urquhart bad found it a few minutes ago, and had said that he would give it to me in the morning," said Claire. Mr Urquhart banded her the jewel. How fortunate," said Mrs La Roache. "Yon are out of breath." I ran back," said Claire. Claire was a trne woman, and so would have lied to her mother had her mother questioned her inconveniently. But she had alw^t told her mother the exact truth-so far as was necessary for her information. It was Stephen Urquhart's voice that she had heard first, and it had been replied to by tbe voice of Lady Evelyn. CHAPTER X. Claire would have had a considerable amount of difficulty in defining the expressions of which she became conscious as soon as she had satisfied her mother by an inexact truth and found her- self alone in her room. Of course her first thought was of the secret that had been revealed to her. The, man whom Lady Evelyn loved in that curious way—apparently an unwilling way—was Stephen Urquhart. When Lady Evelyn had been at the point of telling her the man's name on becoming aware of the fact that Claire had been present during the scene which she had had with Lord Medway, Claire haft stopped her. She had felt sufficiently embarrassed at the amount of knowledge she had already acquired,and bad no particular desire to supplement it by so im- portant a detail as that which Lady Evelyn offered to supply. But all that she felt in regard to this point did not prevent her from looking at some of her fellow guests (male} with additional interest the next morning, asking herself which of them it was that stood between Lord Medway and the desire of his eyes. The result was unsatisfactory—though, of course, Claire had no trouble in persuading herself to believe that she did not care in the least who was the man. The truth was that Lady Evelyn was so sweet and natural to all men -and womenit would be impossible to sav that she favoured any one of them. Lady Evelyn did not treat anyone with exceptional favour, or with exceptional neglect-tbolattereotirse would have excited the suspicions of so well informed an observer as Claire. After a day or two Claire came to the con- clusion that the man whom Lady Evelyn loved to the exclusion (as she thought) of Lord Med- way, was not within sight. He could not be at Suanamara she was persuaded, or she would have found him out. She had a large amount of con- fidence in a girl's powers of dissimulation she was a girl herself and had now and again realised how grateful she should be to a bounti- ful and far-seing Nature for having endowed her with this best of Nature's gifts-the instinct of dissimulation still, she did not believe that any girl should be for some days in touch within cusy kissing distance, as it were, of the man whom she loved without betraying bersBlf and her secret. But even if the girl succeeded in keeping her becret assuredly the man would betray it. Men were a bit clumsy at this sort of work, which de- manded a light touch. They could weave cloth well enough but were poor bands at lace-making. Yes, the man would most certainly have given himself away if he had been present. Lord Med- way did so every day, though be was an exceed- ingly good type of the self contained Englishman, And now she was lying awake in her bed thinking that the secret bad been revealed no I her—that Stephen Urquhart was the man to- ward whom Lady Evelyn was drawn, so that she felt, with 'strange passionate reluctance (there was no other way of expressing it), that she must refuse to accept Lord Medway's offer of love. Not for a moment had it occurred to Claire that Stephen Urquhart was this man. She had somehow come to think of Mr Urquhart as standing on a different footing from that of the other men. Re was a man who was obliged to work while the others were playing. He was paid a salary for his services by his employer, whereas ail the others were in positions of in- dependence. She was surprised, but Stephen Urquhart was the man-there could be no doubt on that point. And what was Claire's first impression when the knowledge of this thing was forced upon her ? Was it possible that there was a tinge—not exactly a pang—of jealousy in her heart at the knowledge ? She had been attracted to Mr Urquhart the first moment she had seen him. This was due, Mr Marvin would have assured her with every confidence, to the survival within her of the instinct of the primeval woman. Mr Urqu- hart had seemed to her a strong man—stronger than any of the men about him-not in poijnt of physique, but in those powers which, no doubt, the primeval woman soon learned to value more highly than she did mere brute strength. No doubt the primeval woman, after fifty thou- sand years or so of primevality—Mr Marvin liked to talk in periods of fifty thousand years —began to sneer (occasionally) at mere brute strength but if she did so that was because she had discovered that there was something stronger than mere brute strength. It was by the aid of the brutes—the other brutes. Mr Urquhart had intellect. He did not ask her foolish questions about how she had been brought up. as so many other people, mainly those whom she had met in English circles or on the fringe of English circles on the Continent, had done. And after- wards he had talked to her as if she were the most intellectual person with whom be bad ever conversed. During the few weeks that she had been at Suenaniarm he bad talked frequently with her, and she had come to like him greatly and she fancied that he had wished her to be- lieve that he liked her greatly. And yet he had put his arm about Lady Evelyn while he whispered that good-night," That was the thought to which all Claire's thoughts led 1 and the result-was it really a tinge of -,imaval lpn.tnnav 9 nj shfl like StODhcn Ucquhitrt sufficiently well to be jealous because some time—it might have been months or even years—before she had seen him, he had got un- other girl to love him. It took her some time to get into such a. frame of mind as made sledp possible. And she reached this state of mind actually by becoming sadly regretful over the case of Lord Medway and his unrequited love. Could anything be sadder than the story, b j much of it as she knew, of Lord Medway's unrequited affection for Lady Evelyn. Of course it was a good thing for Mr Urqu- hart to succeed in getting the love of so charm- ing a girl as Lady Evelyn, but it was sadness itself that he could not do it without overthrow- ing the plans of so nice a man as Lord Medway. She became wakeful once more when she re- called the details so far as she was acquainted with them, of the scene in which Lady Evelyn bad told Lord Medway that she loved another man. All these details, so far as she could re- member them, bad tended to make Claire feel that Lady Evelyn only separated herself with a pang-nay, with anguish from Lord Med way.How she had clutched the diapery of the hollow win- dow where Claire had sat. How had she given a sob or two at feeling berself forced, by her love for another man. out of his life. How she had flung herself with a cry of passion, of suffering. down upon the window-seat and into Claire's arms I At the thought of it all Claire became prime- vally impatient, asking the blank irresponsive night why on earth that girl should not be satis- tied with the love of the man who was in her own station in life-this was the phrase of the servants' hall which was in her mind-without coming into the life of another man who w»3 { obviously less suitable for her than Lord Med- Wq.? She knew that she had a genuine affection for Lady Evelyn, but that did not prevent her from perceiving that Lady Evelvn had no business to love Stephen Urquhart. She had behaved very foolishly, and Lord Medway had her, Claire's, deepest sympathy. She went asleep at last, soothed by the sympathy which she felt for Lord Medway. In the morning she was met by Mr Urquhart on the green patch in front of the house, where she was in the habit of soing to have a breath of the pines before breakfast. He had been some way along the track made thiough the pines down to the little glen. I was fortunate enough to find your heart at the foot of the stairs last night," said he. You heart—a gem of purest ray serene in the centre, and blood red rubies round the border. An emblem." -1 It is mine," she said, but when you find anything you should always make anyone who claims it describe it to you before giving it up. It is foolish to describe it yourself to anyone." Then 1 3hall ask you to describe your heart to me before I part with it," he said. She laughed gaily. He laughed seriously. It is gold," she began. He in torrap' ecl her, putting the jewel into her band. You are right," ho said. Take it. I do believe that your heart is pure gold. It is a jewel which anyone might be proud to wear. I do not wish to hear you tell me that in the centre, in the heart of your heart, there is a diamond, because a diamond is the hardest thing that exists-ontside a human heart." She set her eyes upon the diamond. How can I ever thank you for—for—for your honesty ?" she said. You resisted the tempta- tion of appropriating my jewel. You resisted the temptation of retaining it until I offered a reward for its restoration." Oh, no," he said—his eyes were fixed upon her face, and it actually seemed to her that there was tenderness —some tenderness—in his eyes as well as in his voice as he spoke. Oh, no I thought of the reward. I expected it. I got it. I saw your face brighten—the blood-red rabies of your jewel. Rewards—don't talk to me about ,rewards. I will not." she said. I wonder where you found the thing." Under-foot," he replied. On the ground for anyone to trample on. Poor little heart I I saw a gleam of sunahine- a. sunlit dewdrop on one of the red roses of the carpet—or was it a tear-drop ?" A tear-drop at the cloc of so perfect a, day as yesterday ?" she said, If Tt was a perfect day, but it came to an end, That is why the tear-drop dropped," said be. But it fell among the roses and became a diamond, the most enduring thing in theworld," said she. Not the most enduring-a tear-drop is the most enduring thing in the world," said he— the only enduring thing. God keep it from you. Yon should know only's an shine.' Because I am one of what Mr Marvin calls ephemera ?" There is nothing ephemeral except wisdom. What is wisdom to-day is foolishness to-morrow." But yesterday was a perfect day." She was smiling at him, and he knew perfectly well what was the force and appropriateness of her comment. Yes," he said. To enjoy the perfect day is the beginning and end of all wisdom." That is exactly what I was thinkiag," said she that coupled with your philosophy, that what was wisdom yesterday is folly to-day." I haven't awakened yet. I am still living in yesterday-in the wisdom of yesterday," said he. Then we may go in and have breakfast with a light heait," said she. "Once more a thousand thanks for having trodden softly-for having i spared the heart that lay ready to bo trampled under f-Ot." (To be continued.)




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--"'--t.. FIRE AT CARDIFF.






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