Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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<f iJuraltanal. COAL Miners.—Lessons by poBt syllabus free.—The ^TRNIVEIS!IL*LININ!JSCHOOL(214KCARDIFF^53^^ fjousekwpjrs tmlantth. WANTED by gentletmw farmer (widower). arfapect- able Working Housekeeper, competent to take charge of a child, aged 2 years, and farmhouse Welnh preferred 2 maids kept.-RepIY, stating experience, age, salary. &c.—A 87. Daily News. Cardiff. Situations Baraitt. 30s weekly can tie earned addressing envelopes for us work to be done at home send addressed envelope. —Supply Co.. 2. Kingly-street. London. 250 ^itaatums Utankir. GERMAN Gentteman. with good knowledge of the English language, requires poet as German and French Correspondent,-7, 69a, News. Cardiff. 695 JEnsical Snsirtmttnts. IF yOU want A Piano or Organ do not be petsuaded bŸ any interes1:f.!d person to purchase untit YOU have ueertained the extraordinary value we are o Ifer ing You wíllsavc II1&Qy pounds, be most libecaJly treated, and get the easiest possible ternu by purchasing from us. Duck. Son and Pinõc. The Great Piano Merchants. Pultney Bridge. Bath. and at Bristol. Wicvdts anil STOCKTAKING Sale.—Tyres.. Cycle Accessories, C9 Covers. 3s 3d: Air Tubes with valves. 2s 3d. guar- anteed. Lamps. Bells, fee., new goods. Sa-Ie list free.—W. A Gorton. Manufacturer. Wolverhampton. 686 Carriages anfc Wtkiclts. UNDERTAKERS' Opportunity.-30 Modern Hearses. Washington Cars. Clarences. Landaua, Brakes. Hansoms £ 10 some equal new low prices and great bargains easy tenus, Descriptive priced cata.loltue.- Marston's. 24. Bradford-street. Birmingham. 526 Mtbital JlenuMfS. TEAGUEUNE Herbs.—Wonderful Medicine for Indi -L gestion. Constipation, Headache. Backache. Stomach and Kidney Disorders post free. 1 packet lOd. 3 for 2s.— Teague. Station-street, opposite Theatre. Newport. Mon. Jar 5lalt. QOu rfl Wales Property Gazette."—A monthly O Register of Estates, Houses, Lands, &c.. to he Let cr bold in Waies, Monmouthshire. West of England, &c. 1.C00 copies sent monthly, post free, to the leading in- habitants ot Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions flee,(;opiCII poøt tree fr;)>>1 Messrs Hera and Pert- wee, Estate Agents. Auctioneers, tlfcc.. 74. tit. Mary-street, Cardiff. 189 J1 K A T H H K S j;i E A X U E R S. FEATHERS FOK BEDS. Why buy common ehoddy wool beds when you can get test ENGLISH FKATHRRS-at 5d per Ih. carriage paid ? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather beds made to uriiei. keno 10r samples and price Hilt to tI, HANDY AND CO.. FEATHER MERCHANTS, 5061 WELSHPOOL. NOKTH WALES. 114 [ MisuUantons. FPORTANT to Mothers.—Every mother valuing health and cleanliness in her child uses Harrison's Nursery Pomade. One application kiI1s all nits and Insects, beautifies and strengthens the hair, removes scurf and dandruff, promotes growth. Price 4id and 9d. postage Id. Sold by Chemists .—Harrison's, Chemist. Reading. Insist on having Harrison's Pomade. 19828 SAMPLE packet containing 6 Soutliall's Sanitary towels in plain wrapper post tree tor 6 penny stamps from Lady Manager. 17. Bull-street. Birmingham. 19793 J&i&all&ntoui Plants. KABBIT Sk'ns wanted, will give Is 3d to Is 6d per dozen. any quantity also Mole Sk'ns, Hat. itretched. dried. 10s per 100 cash immediately on receipt »f skÎJlli.-Lcvey and Co.. Skin Mi-iehants and Manufac- turers. 41. Paul-street. Finabury. London. r..C. 19877 WELSH China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw China, Swansea and Cambria.u.Pott.erY. and Dillwyn Etruscan Ware; only good specimens required high grjceiM>tven^—Addi^^oll^otr^cliio^Offloe^CM|diff^^4 Uaitks. "THE ^JH&RINU j^AiK (Est. ,1»70.( Cardiff Branch—73, ST. MARY-STREET. Head Offices—28. Bedloid-street. Strand. London. W.C-. and.H. Bishopggrate-street Within. London. E.C. Era.nches-Mancbester. Liverpool, Leeds. Bradford, tte. Assets. £1.601.949 Liabilities. £123.871 Surplus £371,fYl8. LOANS o £ £30 to £2.000 granted, at a few hours'notice :1 town or COUII.tI7 on personal security, jewellery, precious stones, stock. shares, and 1urnit:ure without temoral). Stocks and Shares bought and sold. H PER CENT, allowed on current account balances, DEPOSITS of £ 10 and upwards received as undei^- fecbjectto months' noUtt vf 'W1tiu1.r&oVal. 5 p.c, per an. 6 *> 12 „ 7 Bpecial terms for longer periods. Interest paid-quarterly. Owing to the nature ol our investments we are able to ,yay rates of interest on deposits that will compare favour- Wy with dividends paid on almost any class or stock or Jharebolding IDaming the safety of capitaL We have been Wt&blished for 3J years, and our position in the banking P»orkl to-day testifies to the success of our business Aiethods and to the satisfaction ot out customers. Write kft call for prospectus. ^BK^^A^^WjL^Ml^ndH^J^TAXL^Joint^Canages^^ JftlllttD. jglO TO £5.000 ADVANCED By Private Lender on simple Promissory Note. £ 0 bill« of gale taken, and absolute privacy guaranteed. First letter of application receives prompt attention, and intending borrow era-are waited upon by a representative fwho is empoweyed to complete transaction on terms mutually ll1Tans,red. DO charge being made unla, business actually completed. Special quotations for short loans. Write in confidence to— C. WELLS. 16. CLAKE-lSTK EET. 396n 59M BRMTOL. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION BANK oontinlles to Lend Immense sums daily, from £10 to £5.OCN un .sote of Hand a.lone or other Security, at • fesw hours' notice, to all classes in any part of England Jk&d Wales, repayable by easy instalments Xo jP;oort application i?ever refused. All communications strictly ftriyate. Moderate interest. Special rates for short "-10d8. The largest, best-known, and most honourably conducted bll8ineM in the kingdom. 'J1IOWi&lId.. of our :qula.t CU900mers baye expressed their entire Mtistaction in repeated traD8actions w jth us. If desired ODe of our will attend at your residence at ouce wilh cosh. 'l»d carry out the.advance THERE and THEN. Callor write (in,COlltldenœ¡ to the Manager. Mr STAN- XITY DOWDINO J.. Queen-square, Bristol, or to Mr WM. JAMES 168. Richmond-road (top of City-road). Cardiff. MONEY T.ent. £ 5- £ 500; low rates; fair dealing.—County Credit Co., Ltd. Ageni. W. 1". Thomas. Abertillery. Fn-'T.DINGS Old-established Financiers, are pre- pared to AdvacesunM from S20 to S3.000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand. personal or other securities Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current mtes of interest. Property Plllcbaa!& Trade Hilla discounted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second IUortlt"'d,ge5.-Apply direct, as we have no agents.—Hayta* Buildings. The Haves. Cardiff 13938 MESSES S. HERN ok PERTWEE/Estate Agerita. 74. lY.I. st. Mary-street. Cardiff, are prepared to advance trom £100 to .r.lOO,OOO on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property, and from £ i0 to £1.000 on personal security. 5664 C. BECHSTEIN. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN, R.M. THE LATE QUEEN VICTORIA, H.M. THE EMPEROR OF GERMANY, H.M. THE CZAR OF RUSSIA, H.M. THE KING OF ITALY, H.M. THE KING OF SPAIN, &c., &c. MY SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT ARE B. J. HEATH & SONS, Who are also Sole Agents for ( BROADWOOD, BLUTHNEB, STECK, SCHIEDMAYER, NEUMEYER, WALDEMAR, THE ORCHESTRELLE CO.'S PIANOLA-PIANOS AND ORCHES- TRELLES, &c. yyr* QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 70rTAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD; PENARTH and PORT TALBOT. Nat. Te1.-Cardiff, 2199 Pontypridd, 21. GRAMOPHONES & ACCESSORIES 1010 Ie IJR. J COLLIS JJROWNE*S QHLORODYNS, Invaluable tOP COUGHS. COLD' BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA. NEDEALGti And all Kindred Ailmentfc yj,5« old and tried remedy bu stood bha Int oitwo genentiani. REBUSE to be ^nt off with & SUBSTITUTE, the Original eanbebad of all CHEMISTS; you letu be eeen that you are not weak vuougu M •cceptan unitatioo. O LLIi BROWNE, it the It tid, 2s 9d. 4s 6d. the prices. lOta MANFULNESS.—An interesting and Mjt instructive-Book can be had FREE describing .8&1e simple, and Scientific System which has been jsactied for over W yean with unexampled success, together with over l.iXX) Testimonials giving absolute VBDOi that the severest cases ol JN EKVOUS EX- hXUSTIO.V,v £ CAY OKyITAL I-'OKCE. WASTING, WUAKKESS, VARICOCELE, etc., have been PER, JULNENTLY CURED WITHOOT Stomach Medicioe- Blectricity, Change ot Diet or Habits, Eossot Timaor 0ee0p&5ion. A former iutferer writes lthai made Me again worth livin?." Apply to-day enclosing two atampafor r oataae in plain envelope, and Dlentioo thu paper .—A. J. 92 aai \11. Grnli Russell-street. London. W.C. 16625 NEWPORT OFFICES t\ OF THE. ft SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS,^ 18. BRIDGE-STREEIV Jnblír ÀtlUtstnunts. OARDrPF. J^|"EW rjpHEATRE, ^lARDIFF. Sole Proprietor ROBERT BEDFORD. TO-DAY AT 2 AND 7.15. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF MILTON BODE and ROBERT REDFORD'S BRLLEJANT PANTOMIME- JJICK "Yyn I T T I N G T O N The Most Gorgeous Production ever Seen In Wales. Morning Ppriormances :— EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, at TWO. By special request, ;>.n EXTRA Matinee will be given on Tharsday. January 20th, at 2. Cheap rail- way tickets Iswed from all parts. Children under 12 years of age admitted to these performances at the following reduced prices:—Dress Circle, 2s Orchestra Stalls, 2s and Is 6d Pit-Stalla and Balcony, Is Pit, 6d. Box Office at Theatre, 10 te 5 and during the Per- formance. Nat. Tel.-Carditf 376. Jnsnramt. 200tlj fltar. CTTVT FIR* OFFICE kJ V/ X^l FOUNDED 171a « The Oldest Intfurauco Office in the World. CARDIFF^ —13, WINDSOR-PLACE. W. EVAN LLOYD, District Inspector. Insurances effected on tbe following risks :— FIRE DAMAGE. Resultant Loss of Rent and Profits. Employers' Liability: Personal Accident. & Workmen's Com-jSickness & Disease, pensation, includingiFidelity Guarantee. Accidents to Burglary. Domestic Servants. Plate Glass. APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES TXVITETV 6815 -0. fJlHERE'S QNLYj WAY After a eevere illness from Influenza, In- flammation, Pleurisy, Kidney troubles, Lumbago, Overwork. Worry and Brain Fag, LOBS of Sleep, Weakness, Nervousness, and Indigestion, TO GET WELL. Whether it be the yoang girl or ywutlvof 16 years and upwards, or the elderly man or woman who reqsire Reefeocative Tonic for building up the shattered system. Q.WILYM -j[^ VANS' QUININE I JglTTERS Is a Blood Purifying Tonic which enriches and cleanses the whole system, especially the Lirer, and Kidneys, giving renewed tHe and heddthfnl vigour, in bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d each, from aU Chemists and Stores. TIlE ONLY GUARANTEE of Genuineness is the name" Gwilym Evans on the label, stamp and bottle, without which none are genuine. Sole Proprietors:- Quinine Bitters Manufacturing Company, Limited, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES., G WILYM •prVANS' QUININE gITTERS. A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISis j in a physiological meaning is even of more 1 importance to the individual than what iS1 implied by the same expression when used in a. national or political sense. To remove illness and deranged conditions of tllebodily organs is of supreme importance. To regait}, establish and majntaiu the health is eertAmi<f the first-duty every citreen owes to himself and to society. In this connection it is as- serted with confidence, based on the experi- ence of three generations, that Beecham's Pills are quite invaluable for keeping the general health up to the mark. No familyv no person of either sex, ought to be without a box always available, because they fortify the constitution against the inroad of disease. The complex nature of modern life CALLS FOR energy, judgment, strength. confidence. These qualities can never be efficiently exercised by those who are distressed by a number of often neglected ailments which-sap the vital powers and enervate the system. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation, feeble appetite, ner- vousness, poorness of blood, and disorders of a like nature, if allowed to continue uncured, will end in totally unfitting the sufferer for the work demanded of him. It should never be forgotten that Beecham's Pills are a certain remedy for troubles arising from digestive dis- turbances and the grave evils that foUow in their wake. Do not, therefore, neglect the symptoms you know so well, and from which, perhaps, you may have long soffered. Get to the bottom of the trouble and eradicate it by taking gEECHAM'S PILLS. gEECHAM'S TRILLS. g E E C H A M S P ILLS. THERAPION Md* '"popular remedy used in Continental Hospitals by fthsord, Kostan, Jobert, Voipeau and others, surnasBes every- thing hitherto employed for impurity ofblood Mots, blotches, pains and swellings of joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in back, stone,gleet, goat, rheumatism, exhaostiou, sleepless- ness. Ac. Three forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 2, according to diseases for which intended. Price 2s 9d. For free advice as to suitability of Therapion write, sending stamped addressed envelope, to the Le Clerc Medicine l Co., Haventock-street, HMnpttead, London 19711 JUjtpjring ABERDEEN t IN E FROM LONDON TO JLi AUSTRALIA. Via PLYMOUTH, TKNEKIKKE, and CAPETOWN. PKRICLES (tw. sc.) 'MORAVIAN .Mar. 15 J» i MILTIADE3 (tw. acj MARATHON (tw. sc.» Feb. i'j i April 13 "Carries third-class passengers only. Superior accommodation for Saloon and Third-class Passengers at low fares to South African, Australian, and New Zealand Ports. Return tickets interchange- able with Lund's Blue Anchor Line. Apply to GEO. THOMPSON and CO., Ltd., 7, Billiter-square. H.C.. or to Local Agents. WHITE STAR LFNE.—LIVERPOOL TV loAUSTRALIA, calling at C*i>ak>vr < tSouth Atricii. RUNIC, 12,482 tont Feb 12 MEDIC, 11,984 tons Mar 10 AFRIC. 11,948 toni April T SlT EVIC, 12.531 tons May 5 TbeaccommodatioBoi tbeia twta-serew steamer* comprises »motin?. reading, 1101 dining roonw. Fares.—To Auatrilii, £11 to jEN; to Capetown. £ 15154 to £ >Ai: For farther narttcalMS apply to Loo*' Agant* or tolsmay, lmris and Co., Uvarpoai. Soutbaasptan, t. Coekspar-stzeet.5. Le*denttall-stos«t, ".0.. London. Jnhlit fiatitts. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free). yulliani- road. Landoo, S.W.—PATENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at: o'clock. Fundi nmently Seeded for general expenses and for the Research Department. 19615 Seeretsry. Fred W. lIoweU. l_l_ ( X STOP ONE MOMENT V OH, DEAR DOCTOR. MUST MY, DARLING DIE! THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY rjlUDOR ^^7" ILL LAMS" gALS Å AI OF TJ 0 N E Y It is an essence of the purest and most effica- cious herbe, gathered on the W-elsh Hills and Valleys in the proper season, when their virtues are in foil perfecton, and combined with Pnre Welsh Honey. All- the ingredients are perfectly pure. rpUDOR "yyiLLIAMS* Jg A L S A M OF irr 0 N E Y Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma. Whoopmg-Congh, Croup, and alV disorders of rthe Throat, Cbest-and Lungs., It isimraluable to Weak-chested Men, Delica1» Women, and Children. Wonderful Cure for Children's Cough after Measles and AVhooping Cough. It succeeds where -all ofchers fail. IT SOOTHES WHILE IT CURES. Thousands-of peopiei*&v»>wri £ ten to-ns testify- ing to its^oaarvoik>u»cnrtttive properties. For Vocalists and Public Speakers it is a- Seal Blessing-it prevents hoarseness and sore throat, and keeps the voice as dear ad a bell. Try it. You-willmot regretat. JTSBEALlNG POWER IS MARVELLOUS. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HCHBE3f. No House-Should'be Without It. See that ICou Uei^the^jreruune Articla. So Many Imitations and Frauds. Sold by all Chemists and Stores, Is, 2»4>d, and 4s 6d bottles. Ureat sawng in purchasing the large bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 2s 3d,.and 5s, from the Inventor, D. Tudor Williams, R.8.D.L. This prepacation is not a quack Med icine, but of 36 years' standing, prepared by Scientific Chemists and Druggists. Manufacturer :— TUDOR WILLIAMS, M..R.P .8.. A.S-Apth., London Analytical and Consulting Chemist and Druggist by Examination. Medical Hall, Aberdare. 1013 gU Y YOUR gEED A P.O. for Is 6d or 20 stamps secures, post free, loz. each IMPERIAL CABBAGE, HOLLOW CROWN PARSNIP. MASTERPIECE ONION. SELECTED CARROT; ioz, each of Savoy, Radish. Early Turnip; 2 Padcets Broccoli (Mriy Mtd late); lTPacket each Lettuce, Marrow, Cucumber 6 Packets Chotce Flower Seeds. IN THE CHEAPEST jyjARKET. An extra Is secures 1 Packet each Mustard, Cress, Beet. Pickung Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Leek, Cauliflower, Golden Ball Turnip. With, every 2s 6d parcel we send a packet of the New Marrowfat Pea Pisses Wonder," producing 6 inch pods containing 10 to 12 huge peas, and-a packet of Scarlet Emperor Runner Beans, seme pods attaining 16 inches in length. Send 2s 6d P.O. or 32st.amps for abovs Parcels of New, Genuine and Tested Seeds. ^j. ROVES AND SON, PlODLETRSifXHIDE, DORCHESTER. 19868 1 EXPE^ EXPERIENCE s- THE DOCTOR: Aht yea, reatleas and ftrcdik. 0ive kirn a Steed- aaa's Powder and he will soon W all rigfct^ teedmaD.S. Sootbing Powers — | CONTAIN L__I j EEX^r^K llEl •r, S »if■ IIIUll IKJEOB MOZ^ JtOStWELL'S 0?iwMiiihnrV o»cii«uuyye«s.-) pxai TB Booras; — Ha»eutj*pu*a»ioniiforwear JpM| tMt iNiiill'l.-oiortb!the work! J -A ixpc. Ve natena[<bodi) wrw A YoiraaBrMy<aaonr|. Bkqa seMKwabe, tmy^ J31J3 w iii<niiiiii<iiisiwMn/> „ BwUiffiarww 3 C Wtiteto-daj^ oHtprice;; list • Free asywhere. m MassaMsaaaHMNMHMHJt it gASS AND CO.'d pALE, AND MILD ALES" SEASON BREWINGS May noW be bad in Prime Condition, in Casks-or Bottles, of JjVULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF. 114d CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POST1NG, A CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED OFFICES A WORKS, 1, PARK-STREET, CARDIFF. Manager—FRANK H SIMPSON. Proprtetorll,of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptiona of f Advertising, Circular Distributing, &C. All orders promptly attended to. 1005 PAINE'S BILLPOSTING SYNDI. CATL i'or Aberdare, Hirwain, Mountain Ash, and District. Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. Oftices- 1015 NEW THEATRE, ABERDARE. SWANSEA OFFICES OF THE • SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, No. 52. HIGIUST&ftBX.

Honour Satisfied.

Girl's Mysterious Death.




" Rather Rowdy."

T aff- Bute-Rhymney.






