Papurau Newydd Cymru

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N justness .^uresees. j J'J' ,J' N LEWIS TERRACE (O \.1. YARD AND N WEIGH BRIDGE. H. ROWLAND JONES. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL COAL AND LIME MERCHANT, HA.8 on hand a ^supply of the best Ca.nnock JL L Chase, Wigan ami Newport Co&'s. Also Cilyrychen Lime for \V hitewasheg and Gardening purposes. Petroleum Wholesale anu Retail. Hoicks and Cement. CoaL and Lime delivered at all stations on the Cambrian nd Manchester ami Mdford Railways, in trucks from seven to ten tons at the very lowest prices for Cash.. n A trial is respectfully solicited. Agent for Queen Fe■: and Life Insurance Company. SCF \VEITZRR'S C O C 0 A TINA. Anti-Dyspeptic I 'oa rr Chocolate Powder. GUARANTEED Pl iug SOLUPLE COCOA Of THE FINES' QUALITY. The Faculty proncli .e I .j The most nutritious, perfectly digestible Br/erage for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and inv«4 .able for Invalids and Young ■J lildren." HIGHLY COMMENDED iiV THE ENTIRE MEDICAL PRK: Being without sugar, Ice, or other admixture, it suite all palates, keeps for yt-ars in all climates, and is four times tie-1 strength of )co,.ts thickened yet weakened with arrowroot, atari. &c., and in reality cheaper than each Mixtures. Made instantaneously with boiling water, a teaspo'-afal to a Breakfast Cup, costing less than one halfpenny. Ooc(}IJ.ti¡¡a p&uefwf* remarkc.ble mtstnining prop'ertieji, anIr for.early Breakfast. ID tine, at Is. 6d., 3s., 5s. Gd., &c.. by Chemists and 0 rocere. SCHWEITZER & Co., 10. Adam-atreet, Strand London, W.C. (b684 fllEA at WHOLESALE PRICES.—Why JL pay Grocers and Stores 2a. 6d. per lb., when you oan buy" direct from importers choice Congou Tea (whole leaf) fit h. 4d. per lb. Carriage paid. Cash on delivery. Sample post free 12 stamps.—The DIRECT rEA SUPPLY COMPANY, Customs Chambers. London, L.C d251 —.—— %( p Q\ I rA J 11M 2/9 AT /'¿;. 1;/6 £AC THE PHARMACOPCEIA An extra.) from the second edition (page 188) of tht- translation of the Pharmacopeia of the Royal Collegf of Physicians of London, by Dr G. F. Collier, publisher by Longman and Co.:— It is no small defect in this compilation (speaking of the New Pharmacopoeia) that we have no purgative mass but what contains aloes; yet we know that hsemorrhoidal persons cannot bear aloes, except it be ir" the form of COCKLE'S PILLS, which chiefly consist of aloes, scammony, and colcynth which I think are formed into a sort of compound extract, the avidity of which is obviated, I suspect, by an alkaline process, aud by a fourth ingredient (unknown to me) of an aromatic tonic nature. I think no better and no worse of it for its being a patent medicine. I look at it as an article of commerce and domestic convenience, and do not hesitate to say it is the. best made Pill in the Kingdom; a muscular purge, a mucous purge, and a hydrogogue purge combined, and their effects properly controlled by a dirigent and corrigent. That it doe" not commonly produce haemorrhoids, like most aloetic pills, I attribute to its being thoroughly soluble, so that no undisaolve-I particles adhere to the mucous membrane." c OCKLE'S ANTIBtLIOTJS PILLS OF PURE VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS ANDFEE FROM MERCURY. In use among all classes of society EIGHTY SIX YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In bores at Is. lid., 28. 9d., 4a. 6d. 11 and 22a 4, GREAT ORMARD STREET. LONDON. RY LAURAWCE, r\^ O V & ■') j .1êG¿T::LU- ARE far and cool, and never tire the eye, and u-hiliS" » (Htbduhiy u". in Jin minatory symptoms, assist strengthen. and preserve the 8ight. SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2, Manchester Square, London, W., writes: — I have tried the principal Opti- cians in London without success, but your spectacles suit me admirably, both for reading and walking. The clearness of your glasses, as compared with others, is really surprising. I shall at all times recommend them. Hundreds of Testimonials have bpen received from per- sons whose sight has lwn ImnefiteA by their use. when all others huve failed, a tenythentd list of which can be seen on application to the agents for Aberystwyth— I WHEATLEY & SONS, MUSIC SELLERS, ABERYSTWYTH. All Spectacles stamped H. L. [c292 WORTH A GLINEA A BOX BEE C H M I 8 PILLS. .1 I H I .1. /b >d}\ pV PATENT W\ ui PILLS. A RE admitted by thousands tc ^'V be worth above a GVIKHA & Box for Vjilliovis and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain iu the stomach, sick headache, giddi- ness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowineks, cold hiI1, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, •ostiveness, swrvy, blotches on the ..kin, disturbed sleep, frightful dream*, and all nervous arrd t.rcljibling senaitiom, &c., &.c, The first dose will ive relief in twontv minutes. This, is 0" fiction, for they have done it in thousands of eases. Every sufferer i* earnestly invited to try one bo* of these Pills, and ey wiU be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all 8 £ cn these Pills are invaluable, as a few do of them carry off all across humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that ill retjuired. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beechani's Pills for remuvinjj; any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions sriven with each box, they wiH soon restore fenialcia of all ayes to sound and robust health. For a wuak Stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the Liver, they act like" MAGIC" and a few deses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organr3 in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complexion, briuif back the keen fcdffo of appetite and arouse into action, with the HOSE-BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human fr&ine.-These are "FACTO" ad- mitted by thousands, embracing all classes of Society, and one art the bt-gt guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BKSCHAM'S PiLUi have the largest sale of any Patent Medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in goneral, Asthma, Difflcuhy to Bvukthias;, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient eI rest. Let any persons give Beechatn's Cough Pills a trial and the most violent Cough will in a short time be removed. Jptr CAL-ROIg.-The public are requested to notice that the words Beech am's Pills, St. Helen's, are on the Government. Stiamp athxed to each box of the Pills; if not on they are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. Beechom, Dispemring Chemist, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in boxes at Is. l id. and 2s. 9d. each. Send post free from the proprietor for 15 or 36 Stamps. Sokl by aU Drvggkts and Patent Medicine. Dealen in the United Kingdom. N.B.-Fun directiona given with each box. [o4l7 OTICF.-If you want to know what any j 1 thing will cost Uj Print, s;jnd tctVis MANAOBB, I of the Ca?nbriaaNetrs >;ru>riwn Works Al^rysitwyth j flubliautans. J JUST PUBLISHED. PerkoxSal Holiness. (12 PAGKS.) By J. GIBSON. No. 2. I PRICE TWOPENCE. ALSU, Eternal SILENCES. I (12 PAGES.) I p r ICE T WOPENC E. Orders received at the I CAMBRIAN NEWS OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH. Sold by Mr Edward Edwards, Great Darkgate- street, Aberystwyth Mr Win. Jenkins, Great Dark- gate-st-rcet, Aberystwyth Mrs Stephens. Btidge- street, Aberystwyth. uginc£j.5 J\,bbr££,StG. A CARD. D. P. DAVIES & DAYIS, AGRICULTURAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AND VALUERS, ABERYSTWYTH LAMPETER. MESSRS. D. P. DAYIES & DAVIS beg to inform the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, Agriculturists, and the Public generally that they have secured the services of Mr WM. MORGAN, of Cardigan House, Queen's-road, Aberystwyth, for many years with the late Mr Smith, to whom any commnni- ptioQ may be addressed, and it will receive prompt ,ention. [dl99 G. WILKINSON, SEEDSMAN, EGG MERCHANT, GAME DEALER, FRUITERER, &c., 8, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. Seeds. New Garden and Flower Seeds. Early Potatoes all best sorts. Choice Collection of Flower Seeds. /i W. begs to inform the Public that his '■jr. Seeds are all NEW, the quality and purity of I which surpassed. A constant supply of the famous Yarmouth Bloaters, Haddocks, Kippers, &c. Also, seasonable Fruits and Vegetables, English and Foreign, of first quality, always on hand. OWEN & SONS, PARIS HOUSE, ( ABERYSTWYTH. Tailors, Hatters, Shirtmakers & Outfitters. Winter Suits of Dittoe from 55s. to 90s. Ladies' Cloth Jackets from 3.5s. to 63s. Waterproofs for Ladies and Geutlemen. Seal Jackets and Fur Capes made to measure. LIVERIES. LIVERIES. ) Those who employ Livery Servants arc invited to Bend for their quotations, which will he found lower than any House in the Kingdom. OWEN & SONS. BEE-HIVE DRAPERY I I ESTABLISH- MENT. IF you want tho best possible value that Ready Money can command in General Drapery, Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, &c., &c., Suits and Single Garments made to measure on the shortest notice—fit, style, and workmanship guaranteed—go to DANIEL THOMAS, GENERAL DRAPER, TAILOR, & OUTFITTER, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Thrmz-Ready Money only. One Price for all. TST ALL GOODS MARKKD IN PLAIN FIGTTKES. CORRUGATED GALVANISED IRON ROOFING. 0N Al^?CATION CORRUGATED IRON CO., WOLVERHAMPTON. FOUND DEAD. AT this season of thy year, when vermin, especially of the rat species, will return in numbers from the fields and crowd into granaries, corn lltAeks, &c., your readers would do well to bear in mind that there is one certain remedy—and that is Sard- ford's Rat Poison, to be obtained Irein Sandford, Sandy, Beds. It is the most certain remedy I have ever tried.- Little pellets a.bout the sire of a pea are put in the rat-holes or in their runs. I destroyM over 200 rats from on" dressing with it. C. Cook. Orange Farm, Ellesmere, Salop.-Price Is. per box (Is. 2d. with postage), of SANDFOliD AND SON, Sandy, Bods. Also Mice Poison for dressing oorn stacks. Answers well. Kills Mice on the spot. Thirty-seven fonnd dead in the bouse by one packet. Send stamps aDd try. [e74 Settings. "r- ,r' "TraM or ^/j tra Brython." J TRE'RDDOL EISTEDDFOD, WHICH WILL BE HKLD FRIDAY, JUNE 25th, 1886. CHIEF CHORAL COMPETITION. Choir, not under 70 in number, that will render beat All we like Sheep have gone astray" (The Messiah). Prize, £ 20 Os. Cd. and chair for the Conductor. Con- ductors of the other choirs to receive JE1 On. Od. each. Programmes will be out shortly. Secty.- -7AS. JONK.H, Frice Trade Hall, Taliosin, Glandovey, R.S.O. p.,S.- -Anyone wiiibing to offei- a, Prize will kindly write to thu Secretary before March 6th. [e97 j -=======-========.=-=-=:=-===-===:-=== KEATINGS' COUGH LOZENGES cure COUGHS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS.—Medical testimony states that; no other medicine is so effectual in the cure of these 'angerous maladies. One Lozenge alone gives ease, one or two bed time ensures rest. For relieving difficulty o breathing they are invaluable. Sold by all Chamicw i Tina la. lid. and 2a. 9d. each. business ilcticcs jj JAMES' LLANBADARN MONNMEIsTAL WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1848. MARBLE Granite and Stone Monunients, 1- Headstones, and every other description of .Memorial Stones designed and executed to Postal address—Mrs. JAMES, Padarn View, Llanbidarn R.S.O., c125] Abeiystwyih. SPECIAL NOTICE. GREAT ATTRAt'TIONS GREAT ATTRACTIONS J. H. EDWARDS, DRAPER, 38, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. [ I I JgEGS to announce that he has arranged for the sale of his Entire Drapery Sto; k above address previous to removing to other premises, No 2, North Parade, Sale to commence on Monday, March 22nd. TO SUFFERERS FROM WEN IN THE HEAD. JL. JONES, Cnwch Coch, Aberystwyth, • prepares an Ointment which certainly, safely, and speedily eradicates the above. Maney returned if not cured. J. L. J. will meet patients at any places fixed upon by them, if convenience suits. [c957 PRIVATE HOTEL (SUPERIOR). CAMBRIAN HOUSE, 1. TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. SITUATION CENTRAL AND CLOSE TO 'BUSSES ANB THREE IMPORTANT RAILWAY ST.&TION, Terms Strictly Moderate. MRS. DELA HOYDE, d724) Lateof Aberystwyth. NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. We cannot undertake to return communications. Communica- tion should always be legibly written in ink, and on one side of the paper only. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the oender-not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith, t "THE FUTURE OF BALA. "-Olvyr's letter is very long, and what it contains could be put in a quarter of the words. Our space is worth something.





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