Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

12 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



ICARD IFF TOWN COUNCIL. teE COLLECTION OF THE CHURCH RATE, SHE BROADWAY PRIYATE 1M:. PROVEMENTS. &0FOSED RECREATION GROUND FOR CARDIFF. ¥ondaI. B special meeting of the Cardiff L Council was held in the Town-hall, under v^te61dency of the Mayor (Mr. D. Lewis). i*6 were also present Aldermen Watkina, DariJ, Jones, Bowen, and Wins tone: Councillors £ eea J ones, T. W. Vachell, Eoarlande, J. Stone, Yorath, Bird, Arm strong, Newbeiy, Treseder, Fulton. D. E. Jones, T. W. it. Daviee, D. Jonee, T. Heee, Bees Daniel Lewie, T. Evane, ». Lougher, W. Shaokell, tfroger, W. E. Vaughan, and W. •ir wince. V TTOt VACANCT AT CANTON. JrT' John Newbery took his _eeat for Canton, f~ae appointed a member d the watoh and fweioua rfigpaBft (animals) committees. Mr. r^ghan was appointed a member of the sanitary JttlB COIdiXCTOBBHIF 07 BOATH DISTRICT. J he minutes of the tinanoe oommittee included ["commendation that the salary of Mr. Hodkin- ''J^ 00^00^01 for should be inoreaeed €1 £ 0 per anBum Mr. Jaooba said Mr. Hod- on collected the church. rate iu Roath, and by position must inflnenoe some portion of the ^paying community, and thereby exact from ft* ob otherwise they would J?*y# ttey gave him an inorease niB salary, they ought to have a UldT from mm. that he old dwoontmue collecting the church rate. the committee had oarefully waered the matter, and they felt that the in- mlf111 collection had been so large that they be doing him justioe if they did not some advance in his salary. He was £ g?l satisfied that in offering Mr. Hodkinaon they were not offering a penny more than to pay. He felt as strongly aa Mr. I that no officer of theirs ought to the influence of his position to oollect de- J^&ational rates The question was discussed in Jr^ttee, and the committee felt that they had jf°*er to interfere. He was glad Mr. Jaoobs Jif^erred to the matter, because, although Mr. J^bbou in collecting the ohuroh rate did not Wae oolleoting for the oounoil, he carried him «n influenoe whiohhe thought onghtnot |L?**erted. Mr. David Jones said he would M an amendment that the consideration mi*. Proposed advanoe in the salary of Mr. Kif^son should be postponed until after the of the oollector of St. John's y.5* There was a difference of 30 per cent. pr,*Unounts oollected in Roath and St. John's, 30 per oent. of the sum to r0 paid in large cheques, they would lQ,he .put on all fours, and Mr. Hodkinaon Ijjjhave a higher salary than the oollector for tat*11 8* ^r* ^noctl Beoonded the motion, iu" Bowen said that the rates in jar came chiefly from small tenements. tegard to the salary to be paid to the oc!rr for St. John's, he thought it was not jjh Mr. D. Lewis maintained that if Mr. did his duty they should not debar .collecting the chnrch rates, or from tg b his income in any respectable way. Mr. it be an instruction to Mr. Hod- he do not oollect the ohuroh rate. He j»ed that a law was passed some time ago by the church rate waB got rid of, and it was U.ju&e it was passed. (Hear, hear.) Since Ijji appeared that the churches in the different in the town issued a demand for what l^ued a voluntary ohuroh rate. They could rate, but the influenoe of the collector t ti^d ougit not to be need. He believed i^o0 demand for the rate was actually put a»? "°rms of the board, and therefore made PPearance with the authority of the board. 'There were a lot of simple-minded "ftctii!' f f?ommuility who were not aware of ■^eih« j l ohuroh rate was voluntary, and teoft1 • in by their oollector, they CL. P^id it, tearing the bailiffs, as under the Jacobs Beoonded the last pro- Mr. Fulton asked if Mr. Hodkinaon to collect -the ohuroh rate reoently. | No. He has been collecting it for a Sj Alderman Jones said that some three |L so he made inquiries, and found that Mr. insert the ohuroh rate on the fcofJJ? n°te, and as the mouthpieoa of the °nhe told him then it would not be jt« jJ that if he made the demand he must lot beseparately. faisoe that time the demand It, made in the way spoken of by Mr. Evans said the arrears for the I only amounted to JB65, and so to j *•. Hodkinson did his duty they ought with his other appointments. M»m • said Mr. Hodkinson had 1% "ith the wishes of the oounoi £ a separate demand for the ohuroh rate. £ nooh: The demand is put in such that many persons are led to believe d ar^ ^onn(i to pay the rate. After some r^utory discussion, the Mayor said I ad to.on to tell you that Mr. Hodkinson is Tit ^-ve UP the collection of the ohuroh he^t ^ifficulty is, therefore, at an end. ( ^tTBLIC WORKS COKMlTXKS. the adoption of the minutes of the Oiks committee, Alderman Jones said the ee hiH had before them several plans, d pablic-itonse," and if they passed rhe owner might go before the justtees, and, -■tig for a licence, state that the corporation ^ctioned the expenditure. They, therefore, -■tig for a licence, state that the corporation ^ctioned the expenditure. They, therefore, the council to give some instructions on £ "ject. Another queatioa he wished to J}.^connection with the minutes was an from Mr. Yaohell for the oommitcee to l for the construction of side windows Remises in 30, Duke-street. This the cam. would enhance the value of Mr. property, and the oounoil would pay more for it, shouid it ever for improvements. The plan was, ,ei sent back, and it had been altered, the been cut off, and Mr. V *ohell had Bay that he was prepared to pay £ 5 for the easement, and in the event of being required by the town, he would b*}, J>er cent, from the sum at which it was Ohj. Thia offer the committee considered to r^ble and fair. On the motion of Mr. l\_ ^aa resolved that the offer of Mr. ^hould bo accepted, and the plan passed. JMj. "ftokell asked if anything had been done Cut ^riving at an amioab « settlement with ° Bailway Company in referenoe to Ik jj So ana to avoid the expanse of opposing T^rliament. He was aware that a peti- t b been lodged.—The Mayor No further been taken in the matter.— of the finance oommittee were then Hu on the motion of Alderman Jones, lehj "T Mr. Davies, it was resolved that no |b -Ptaed public-house"should be acoepted I ^;i^?cil»—Alderman Jones called attention o?g *jory manner in which some of the oon- ~r the oounoil had done their work, if a contractor did not sign his Wio»!ij n it was ready, the next lowest oon- C^vmd be accepted. Mr. Treseder seconded ES.0nls!?,iok was adopted.—A discussion *efirard to the letting of the Gospel- L. E16^068. and it was explained shortly to taken down, bnt that in Nf -t J?* of £ l Per week was to be «• ■* "» registration of datrtks feaQ ft!?DContai?OVin« the adoption of gites of theContagionB Di8ftases (Animals) j? >*uttee, said t e mating was held to oon- K? order from the Pn»y Council as to the 5r*on of dairies. wwsheda, and miik Bhop8 IC°»«h, commended der should be adop^d and pUtin foroe. «>f very importantt mat'because one- kfc «°ws brought into a k^^xtioa. I b was the intention Qf the board k» tk °°nBultation with the <*>uuty authori- U iV^t they might act m unison, aa one. G°wa entering Car^vida«idf^m fcU^triota. Alderman D»^ ««»t the vK*?** compelled to pay for w» lif/to Bee that no person brought du*a96d He oon tended that th^8 gfttobebo^e by the oo»'gV^ he ^f«» ti°n would not be lost ^Ahorities ^C^oe with the county "aid the oounty but ,*o contribute half the » to do so* t, bboadwat impbovkment*. tgjird called attention to the %hai trovementa. He said that Mr. !iWa ^ere appointed to wait upon tM ji, *» they did so, and were cordially w* in one instance, when a man talked paid about £100, and hia t the door in thcnr taceø. (Laughter.) In 'her instance the defaulters were very 1*t they had ever been adviaed to oppose Ration, as they had spent more money improvements would have oost; but they en see their way to pay for the improve- There were only two persons who did 'vely decline to pay, but they would not times were better. (Laughter.) On t the district he must oonfess that he r to ask the people to pay when he »> ^dition whioh it waB in—Broadway and in particular. He never before "hi*6 such a deplorable condition, and warm weather arrived it would, he -bo become a hot-bed of disease. 'ii t,8"t there was no chance of in t,9 money from the property owners two instanoes he had mentioned, and tt it doubtful. He would, therefore, move *■'6 jg Condition of Broadway and Biohards- fjlJ^oh that it oalls for immediate atten- f the surveyor be at once directed to private improvements." M.r. Sloper Un tfte motion, remarking that Br sad way N*<3 J^OBt wretched state. Mr. Trounce v motion, and remarked that many 8keeperr "had been compelled to leave • consequence of its shocking oon- Jones Baid an order was made ,+ of the board that the private t c should be carried out in Broad- inhabitants would Bign the | c>0y!*l,1K te pay for the improvements,they j» ^J&enced noxt week. Instead of that the ft** tfcJ5 ''ait for notice, then they had to iu ers, and the resnlt was that the red k *0 go through for fear of ^We**M°n, lcft them in a horrible mess. If 5?* only willing to forego the notice, « Paper, then there was no reason ij teents Bhould not be carried ont > j^otiua was then submitted ,to the teh «^r?bted nem. dis. 6»°^OAVSr bailiff S RBPOBT. Water Bailiff as to the wreok th« Dundrennin in the Roadstead was k%* *0oh? ion of Alderman Jones, seconded Eft8 a committee was appointed to take for the removal of the 01>- t>1t() BECBSATION eKOTTKD, Davies propoød-" That Tm the i burial board have aoquired land adjoining the cemetery to the extent of 23 acres, and a krge part thereof will not be required fcr a. long period, "nd in corseqnence of the gronnet allotted to the Roman Catholics in the cemetery leing nearly all occupied so that additional lard must be set apart for tbem, ard as the drainage of the cemetery is defective, that a special committee be appointed to inspect tbe Jand purchased with a view of reporting to this oounoil upon the best method of nllottlrg it to the different seotions, also the means cf draining it and the cemetery; and alao as to setting apart for public recreation that por. non of the land recently purchased and not at pretent required for burial purposes until the earn a is actually required to be added to the cemetery." «e taid that the extent of the cemetery was thirty acres, and although it bad been open for twenty years, not more than half the spaoe was yet occupied for burial purposes. Taking into consideration the increase in the population, he thought that if they went into the matter they would find that after allotting spaoe for burial purposes, suffioient to meet the requirements of the next twenty years, they would have eight or ten acres available for some other purpose, and the purpose he proposed was recreation. This could be done at little coøt, as the drairage could be made suitable for burial purposes, and when the land Wall required, but few alterations would be neoessary. Mr. Stone seconded tbe motion, observing that a recreation ground was certainly required iu Cardiff. Alderman Bowen suggested that the matter should be allowed to stand over, as iklr. Williams had been inetruoted to prepare a plan of the land. He thought there was something in what Mr. Davies had said, althdueh he did object to a recreation ground next to a cemetery. That, however, would be a question for the corporation to consider. Mr. Treseder supported the motion, and Alderman Evans said he thought it would not be worth while devoting the land to recreation purposes for the short time for whioh it could be spared. Ultimately it was proposed by Mr. Armstrong, seconded by Mr. Lewis, and resolved that the matter should be referred to the cemetery oommittee. MEDICAL OFFICER S BEPORT. Dr. Paine, the medical officer of health, reported that the total deaths registered in the Cardiff urban canitary district during the month of February were 119; of these 67 were males and 52 females. Ihe death rate has been 19'5 per 1,000 inhabitants, as against 27 per 1,000—the average death rate during the same period of the 22 typical large towns enumerated by the Registrar General. The death rate from the seven chief zymotic diseases was 0*9 per 1,000, that of the large towns being 2*7 per 1,000 inhabi. tants. APPOINTMENT OF COLLECTOR FOR ST. JOHN'S PABISH. The council then sat as a oommittee to appoint a collector of rates for the parish of St. John. The voting resulted in the election of Mr. Thomas John, of Lower Cathedral.road, Cardiff, at a salary of J6110 per annum, and it was resolved that security to the extent of .£500 should be given through the Guarantee Society, the premium to be paid by the corporation. This concluded the business of the counoil.










