Papurau Newydd Cymru

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CARDIFF TiME8 AND | I SOUTH WALES WEEKLY j NEWS. | ■ Qiisan's Jabilss Prizes. COUPON No. 13. j FOR Saturday, April 39, 1887. Twenty-four c-upon-i will re issued ¡ between Feb. 5h and Juiy 15th. All readers mnicug up a set of Twenty nut. .11 be 1 )ers) ivi t'no ()-ipen's Jubilee Distribution of £100 in money, a.s pe,r«nt. The four a.-Iditiwnal coupons are issued i.» meet the convenience of readirs who may occjxionally 1(:jt} or misliy thsir paper. I iii 1 t!lo o I CHRISTMAS DRAWING. I CARDIFF TIMES aSD 890-1 H YjAl.ES Vf E £ KLY SEWS 0, 8 COUPON FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1837. Between March 12 and December 31 there wilt be printed 41 of these Coupons in this Jouraai. Ail renders making up a set of 55 if these Coupons (of different timbers) wiii be entitled to participate in the Christmas Drawing for £ 2C0 in Money Prizes (as pef advertisement). The six additional Coupons are issued to prevent inconvanience to readers who may occa- sionally mislay their paper. iSixsinsss ^kbisvtssts. g KOWN AND pOLSOJS CORS FLOUR. FOR THE FAMILY TABLE. In the hands "f an accomplished cook there is no known iimii to the variety of delii-ate and Statable dishws which may be produced from ERûW AND POISON'S COItN 1LOUK It is equally susceptible of plain and simple treatment lor ordiiuir/ domestic purposes, mid nut- of its chief reco-uineDdaiions is the facility with whtch i: may be prepared. Bailed wall milk, and with cr without the midition of sugar and flavouring, it m.y be j-a- ten- the table wishin fifteen minuses; or, ;x>uretl iuto a mould aiiu eoo'od, it becomes in '.lie course of an hour & Wane-mange, v/bicb, served with fresli or preserved fruit;, will be Kccspv&bie ar, allY siitXi.. Add fttlUnas, raisins, marmalade, or jam ot any kind, and in about the same time it is mule into an excellent Baked Pudding. To which may be added Take care to boil with inifk, when so required, for not less than e-i[JfI,t minutes. N'OXE — Purchasers should insist on beins: supplied with JSIiOWN AND POLSUN'si COR); FLOUtt* Inferior qualities, averting ftciitious claims, are being offered for She sat#- of .,x. prods. Xao40 TP. y gENSATION" ..1- t.J k A BOON TO THE WORLD AT LARGE, and 10 womankind IN PARTICULAR. NO MOKE SORE HANDS AFTER WASHING, Which is now made easy by*osiug I » g E N S A T I O N g O A ? GOOD KNOUOH FOR THE PALACK. And at a. price wit"in reach of the Working Man. ASK VOUK GROCER FOIi IT, Aid do not be put off with any other. rjlirx" gENSATION SOAP. I JL O1: MAKERS: I D. rjl H O M AND QO., PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. 12823 U P T U R E S WHtTES MOC-.MAIN LEVER TRUSS, j MAN UFACl'CitEJ) ONLY BY J. WHITE & CO, AT 228, PICCIDII,LY, Is the most effective comfortable Truss made. It not any Steel ^p .nsi" the Band, and there- for. does gall and off the skill, as a Spring Trutts ott iu dots. It cannot br air lik a Spring Truss. It tits so closely that it cannot be detected. It often succeeds when other Trasses have failed to aiiord any sapporo. I It proves effective when Cycuai, Bowing, Hiding, or &,ln other exercis-s. J. V»'HITt; & Co. "nù the T nss free by post. bend for Descriptive Circular, with Testimonials and Prices, to J. WHITE <ii Co., 2a8, Piccadilly, London, W. London, W. Ta.iDt: Mark. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN PATEYf LKVliS TRUSS." 1227 "KO.t THE BtjOOl) IS THE E." s CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMKD BLOOD N?IXT<JRK. I.4RGEVI SALE Of AXY MEDICINE IN THIi WolU.D. iiV^KWHKT;MINf> TESTIMONY ACCOM PAN 18 S EVEKY BOT'lEE, P*tOVl>G THIS TO BE THE GIlKAl'EbT MKi>ICINE EVEii DISCOVERED. Corclearisiiis and clearing the Blood from ail impuv'tie- ii .^tiinot be too highly recomniernted. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Slcin and Blood Diseases, and Igrtre* oi »• si'nds, it'is a neTer-iaiiinj; and porui'ltrsnt cure It w.res Old Sores, Cures sores on the Nect, Cr.res Sore I.egs, Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Taee, Cures Scurvy Cures Uicers. Cures Blood and Skin Dweaiww, Cu.eo G!anduly.r SweUi*Ks, Cleats the Blood from all impure Matter Vtoni whatever czinsd wisinj; As tlii.* plwasant to the aiidwa- ranted Ii-eo irom anytbin„' iniurions to the most lielieai* goiisciiiUtion ot either sex, the proprietor solicits suf ei-crs tv> ftive it a, trial to test iU vwme. 1'ttE WORST CASE T-TVBH SEEN. "'iTiorence Villa, r&irlielrt-roaa, Clapton. It is with «rea: pn-.ioire I write t _> inform y<) | of the wotnterfnl cure eff cted by your Bl.xa M^cure. 1 l>ad been afflicted with nicer,!«;• und knee for 14 years, t :e lees being covered wife Ulcers I i-ad bee: under many doctors, and irfco two coopit»l», without recuiviu.4 any 'oeneUt. I wus on crutcher- tor twelve months, and quite g-ilve un aii ideii <> £ ever being cured. Seeing yotir Tertisetre;it, I thouRLt I would try the Bljo l Mixture, auid after fcdtin^thrse iai^re bottles using hnii-a-dozen pots of vuur salve, 1 »m fc jw restored to perfect health, and roy l>- £ s are c»iice well. It i* r.ov/ two years since tliey were l)-*d, and no sfyas of them br akiir; oat again. I'is great niiracJe they ever got wel', for it wasY»:'o- nouncwi to be rhe wor t c;ue ever seen. Yoif ma7 niftke whoever nse you lixe of this, as I thij*^ it cannot be too widely known. '• I am, yours faithfully, "JA.NE SWl.NNERfON.' CLARKE'S WOliLD-EAMED ULpOl) MIXTURE, THE GREAT BT,OOD PURIFIER AND RTSSTOTtWH id sold in Botties, 2s Sd e;icii, and in Cases. «,ntainvl» times tile quantity, 11.—susticient to *c?tect a t«»nJiauenO cur* in '-no great :ua,or:tv oi lonf.stand;tie fsy^s—by »U CH EMISTS. said PATKNT .MjCDICJNS v;r„N r/ORS throughout the World, or se|i to at'-7 .tut Tfiveiui or 55 or 132 sB?.m;>s, br the Pro- nrietors, The Eincoi.n and MIDI.jnu Cottbrs' l>i;LU ?o*.r>"ivv, luRCoin. 10C5 ~T iAi>E MARK—" BUX>1) MIX.TfRK" jTvERPOOL EXHTBITIOJ, 1886. -i vtEK and CO. have gain«W!« T5ighest Who sutler fr«i.NK&\ Oil's T)i;BII.T1Y. Ecf VlUUL'R, Ex- A r» 0 0 31 gj^JCTiMS: Uoibovn, >"Bda" GREAT MONEY GIFTS. j p ^TO^BE^GIVEM AWAY To the readers (j the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS The Proprietors of the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS have much pleasure in announcing that in addition to the ;6100 which -Siey have already announced to give away as QUEEN'S JUBILEE GIFTS, they have also decided to celebrate the 30th Aipiiversarv of the CARDIFF TIMES by GIVING j\\V1\"Y AN ADDITIONAL £ 200— l' l' making in all a GRAND DISTRIBUTION o? £ IX HOIVEY. The £ 300 will be divided into Two Drawings. ^IOO will be given away in July 'next (in accordance with previous announce- ments) as QUEENS JUBILEE GIFTS. The additional L200 will be given away' as a CHRISTMAS GIFT DISTRIBU- 13 v I TION—making a NJLal of I ^300 IN MONEY GIFTS THE JUBILEE DRAWING. In accordance with previous announcements ^100 will be I drawn for in July, when the Prizes will be as follows GRAND PRIZE -850 SECOND PRIZE X20 I THIRD PRIZE £10 j 4th Prize C5 o o 13th Prize 100 5th Prize 2 10 o 14th Prize i o o 6th Prize I 10 o j jjyj Prize I o o 7th Prize I o o 0 ifrta Prize i o o 8th Prize i o o oth Prize i o o 17th Prize » 10 o 10th Prize 100 18th Prize o 10 o nth P-Lize i o o igtlii Prize o 10 o 12th Prize 1 o o 20th Prize o 10 o During the TWENTY-FOUR WEEKS between February 5th and July 16 th, every number of the CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS will contain a JUBILEE PEIZS COUPON, numbered from 1 to 24. These Coupons must be cut out of the Paper and preserved until Twenty different numbers are collected. The four additional Coupons are issued to prevent inconvenience to Readers who may occasionally lose or mislay their paper. f EVERY PERSON sending a Set of Twenty Coupons of different numbers, with their full Name and Address, to our Head Office, Cardiff, WILL HAVE AN EQUAL CHANCE OF DRAWING ANY OF THE ABOVE PRISES. The Drawing will take place on TUESDAY, July 19th, in the presencei of the Mayor of Cardiff and other well-known Gentlemen. THE CHRISTMAS DRAWING. Between March 12th and December 31st, there will be printed in the CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NE WS each week, a CHRISTMAS DRAWING COUPON, numbered from I to 43. All Readers collecting 35 of these Coupons, and sending them to our Head: Office, Cardiff, will have an eanal chance in the CHRISTMAS DRAWING for the A following Prizes GRAND PRIZE £ 100 SECOND PRIZE £ 25 THIRD PRIZE I o I FOURTH PRIZE £ 5 1 5th PRIZE £1 1 YLOth PRIZE £1 6th PRIZE £ 1 Ilth PRIZE £1 ¡ 4. 7th PRIZE £ 1 12th PRIZE £ 11 8th PBIZS £1 13th PRIZE 21 9th PRIZE £1 14th PRIZE £1 AND* (00 OTHER P*IZ?S OF 10$. EACH. The CHRISTMAS DRAWING will take place on Tuesday, j Januajy ioth, in the presence of va.rious well-known public men. J I I ALLREADEBS HAVE an EOUAL CHANCE I OF GAKNING ONE PRIZE IN EACH DRAWING. Consequently every Reade/r has an equal chance of winning ANY TWO of the following Prizes :— One Prize of £ 100 Two Prizes of. £ 5 00 each; On* Prize of £ 50 0ns Prize of £ 2 10 0 One Priss of £ %$ One Prize of £ 1 10 0 j One Prise of £ 20 Twenty Prizes of Ri 0 0 each i Two Prises of Ili) each 104 Prizes of 10s. each EVERY READER HAS AN EQUAL CHANCE. i OPU SPECS At"NOTICE! EVERY READER HAS AN EQUAL ) £ 150 IN PRIZES CHANCE OF WINNING J (viz., THE ^"too AMD ^50 PRIZES) EVERY READER HAS AN EQUAL ) ;£125 IN PRIZES CHANCE OF WINNING ) (viz., THE ^iooand^25 PRIZES). EVERY READER HAS AN EQUAL) Y.120 IN PIUZES CHANCE OF WINNING .to f (VIZ., THE 100 AND £20 PRIZES). EVERY READER HAS AN EQUAL CHANCE C? WINNING hIHI WO OF TEE 134 S9HEY GIFTS TO BE DRAWN FOR. GREAT MONEY DISTRIBUTION! £ 300 IN PRIZES i To be distributed anions; the Readers of the CARDIFF TIMES SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, EVERY ONE HAVING AN EQUAL CHANCE. h'- jØn5itttla_bi)rts.s. q- 0 W Q P S S I LIPTON 's I GREAT I Ilusn jgUTTFR AND QAM ¡ JL *t). MARKET At STi ARY gTHEET, (JJfeXf fiOOft to THEATItB ROTAt) A & D I F W wall ttisi fcargest Stock of PRCJVItONgt at thi3 LOWKhT PRICKS, ever nffored to the CARDIFF public, JJAM3 1 IIAMS t J yjAMS THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS! PALIS AND SM< >KKD. Finest eter offered ill liUWpfti Own BRAND, J>ALE, TO Vm hB. MOKED, CD TO 7D PER LB. Every Ham my own rming and sittoking. No matter what price is paid, finnt cannOfc be pot. They surpass all otiiara in flavour ana taste. Other qualities from 5d per lb. :inc(J NOlh" took Ham into the Ark soch prices bate never been recorded. JgACON 1 BACON I I S -0 SHIPLOAnSof tho QITALITTf cttt Ifom pips w fully R,31ecte,t by mv o'"n m»n. New CU^ed, well dried, fresh, and leau. P-ile, Srnokedt Roll1 Sides, &nd in Cltt. TO PKP, LB. THIS IS ABOUT HALF THE PRICE CHARGED FOIl TIm SAME QUAJLITV ELSL, WHERE. With every pieiie of Ilnm rr TIscon Slid at ut,tP TON'S MAIIKKTS" a guarantee Carfl is given, Copy of Guarantee Card:- I guarantee this Ham or DdClln the finest qualiy in ,dl rd:¡reCt:.J. If not satifaccory, although cut, it will be exchanged or money retnmed THOS. J. I/IPTON." "The secret of bow LIPTON can Pell Hama an Bacon cheaper than :iny othsr competitor is, all he sells his own Killing. Curing, and SmoStim,and customers buyinp from him save all middlemen's pro tits, and pet a much superior article. BU T T F, R I "g U T T E E j0 jgUTTER DAILY SHIPMENT S from ay own Biyerg in tbq best M irkets in Ireland, :1.J,¡ arrivals twice a week of strictly Finest Danis't, Kiel, and Nurm .ndy Butters. If you want the RTCrtfc-<r and HIGHF-ST CLASS BUTTEIl in Creation, then you must go to LIPTON'S. EGGS Shipped Daily from my own Stores in Ireland. The wonderful success of MPTON'S MATIKHTS 13 the choice, fresh quality of tils G-ods, and tho remark- able low prices."—Vide the Publ c Press. I P T O N, JLj THE LARGEST PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. CARDIFF BRANCH— S T. A P. Y T (NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE ROYAL). WHOLESALE AND EXPORT STORER FOR ENGLAND, 57, AND 59, SEEL-STHEET, LIVERPOOL. BRANCHES In all the Principal Towns in England and Scotland. I BUYERS IN ALL TIIU BIT MARKETS 3663 IRELAND. 235e LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of MEAT. For Improved Cookery. For Kcommiic Cookery. Only sort anar;nteed geimine by EAHO. LLElilG. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of JLJ MEAT. Finest Meat-flavouvinp Stock., Use it for Soups and Sancea. Use it Mr M.iuo Dibhea. Efljcient 'I onic. BIG COiVIPANY'S EXTRACT of MEAT. Hiphly recommended ru a Nightcap instead of alcohol. Genuine only with fac-simile of BAltO UI'HG', SIGNATURE in Blue ink across Label. LIEBIG C OilP ANY'S ^EXTR AClT"of MEAT. Coosery Books po.t free. Apply to the Company, 12797 2560 9- FEN CHURCH-A VENUE. LONDON, E.C. LEA In consequence of Imitations of Lea and Perrins' Sance T»eerihs' ""c1' "■•»>» a- A LEA and PERRINS to draw attention to the fact ATTC33- that each bottle of the Original and Genuine W°rce3tersiiire Sance boars tomr Signature on the label LEA WORCESTERSHIRE & SAUCE. "DERRINS' Soltt ^Vho^saiebyWie Proprietow, Crosse and Blackweu', London- /-j » rr/-cr' « Oilmen gonerallv W AUCE. Retail by Deaiers throughout th<> World 12796 2397 COCKLKS ANT1BTLIOUS PILLS. The Safest Patent Medicine. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Free from Mercury. /COCKLE'S ANTIBII.IOUS PILLS, The Oldest Patent MedIcine /COCKLE'S c ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Desi Family A perien O=Lcls COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Liver. COCKLE'S V7 ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Bile. OCKLE7S COCKLE'S ANTIEILIOUS PILLS, For Indigestion. COCKLEtS > ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Heartburn. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILL, I, or Acidity. COCKLEtS c ANTIBILIO179 PILLS, For Sick Headache. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In Use Amongst all Classes. CCOCKLE'S > ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Eighty Years. CIOCSLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Everywhere. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Safest Patent Medicteeu /COCKLE'S \j ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Free from Mercury. COCKLE'S COMPOUND ANTI. c BILIOUS PILLS, In Use Eighty-six Years. Slay be had thm'uphout i he United Kingdom. In Boxen at Is jd, 2s 9;1, 4s 6d, lis, aiul 22M 4, Great Orinoml-street, London. 12604 D TNNEFOP.D'S MAGNESIA. This pnre Solution M the best AcidicY of tllm, Heartburn, Head- ache, Gout, and Indigestion. JJINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate consti- tution. Ladies, Children, and Infants. 180, Bond-street, London, and all Chemists. 19.31ft MEN who suffer from Loss of Vital Energy, L' ss of Memory, Premature Decay, Nervous prt airation, die., will receive sealed particu- lars free bv r< turn of a aaie, sure, and speedy cure.— Address, The FRANKLIN Co., St. Martin's IIoue. Lud. gate-hill, London, E.C. 12940 BOHOUGH OF NEW P 0 RT. JD WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, Mcrchant-3t (back of Town-hall), Conaorauon bill-noater jid crier, Rents the principal iAeardinji4 and stations in Newport and Neighbourhood. Two good bill-poatera kept. Work attended to with quicic (lesl)1 Town and country. Old established—«kht« rh'ait a qviarter ot a cent'v.rv <058—1028 ^Hsinsss -j^VMAMELLEP SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, SATHS, LAVATORIES, &o RANGESi GRATES, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY. S0T0HEHS AND OTU ER MA.RP.LK.COUNTER RLABSi TIMBER, SLATIi], AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. STONEWARE SANITARY PIPES, OEMENT, PLASTER, STAFFORD.SHIUE BLUE BRICKS. A; ALL KINDS OF BtJII(DING MATERIALS. JOINERY AND MOULDINGS. WHITLAND ABBEY GRERN, & OTHER ROOFING SLATES. "1W.8 J. SESSIONS AND SONS, CARDIFF. OFFICE AKD SHOWUOOM3 CANAL WHAUE, EAST CARDIFF Works i JOHN STREET, CARDIFF. 8609 AND AT DOGKS GLOUCKSTEU. 6&5 g v t T is n i U T J E R 1 1 J^INEST IN Tflg "^roRLD, 11 tsÊn lift I P T 0 N S ST. IAttr gTREET. CAltDIFF, 12933 4156 (ONE THOUSAND POUNDS) in ONE lftOUSAND PRIZES To Consumers of QUEEN'S JUBILEE SOAP, invincible. 1ST PRIZE SlOO 12 PRIZES, each £5 2nd tO 16 a 3rd 30 40 o 4tn 20 ^26 2 PRIZES, each 10 700 t) Mes.srs HODGSON & SIMPSON, wishful to intro- dnce into every househoM a truly teTlin Soap, in order that people may learn by experience the differ- ence between pure and a,, Sxipi have dt,tei.. mined to offer One IIPounds in Prizes to the consumers of ttUf.E.x S ,1 UliH.fc.E -OA P du inz tho Queeu'a Jubiloj year. \Vranpwi with each pound of Soap will be fount a cheek-.the thousand nersons sendiup re,-itwelively tite largest number of these checks during the last wees in March, 1353, shall receiva I prizes in money as aoo e, Checks to be sent,^ post paid, to Messrs Coop.-r Brother** & Co., Chartered Accountants, 1:, Gaurrv- street, MaaMon House, London, KC., who have under- taken to verify the number* of the same and award the Prizes. Messrs Cooper s award shall bo finaL I Senders must state in writing on the wrapper, or inside the parcel, then tuil name and address, and the total number of checks, i hey forward, which must be in one parcel, to Messrs Cooper. None will be^ received before the 24th March, or after 31st March, 1888. Ue,u11L7ili b9 ad?ertise«i in tho Standard on 30th April, 1838. The QUEE 'i? JUBILEE SOAP fa made from the finest materials in the most approved nnd scientific ma';ner J i' T; pev',e..CJ of three-quarters of a cer.tory has taught. It is delicately scented, and ciav be used for loiL:t. Laundry, 0- Household, aud is the finest amt)Urct. :-Soap in the world. Sold by all respectable Grocera. Sole Makers; ODGSON AND gIMPSON, WAKEFIELD, Who were awarded GOLD M EDAL at Paris 12882 Exhibition, 1878. 3607 MAY BE OBTAINED OF ALL I GUNMAKERS. pATENT _BP,-P,,ECHLO ADNL.G Thi ALACCA \yALKINte STICK AND GUN, (COMBINED). K^n'cL „ With Steel BaireL 7m 26s, 9m 30s. 7m 35s, 9m 37s 6d, 12m 42s. For Sportsmen. For the Colonies. For Game ;)¡ootillg, For Gaii,keepers For Traveller For J'&ubit &lioot«ii;4.^ For Farmers. For the Country. For iar^et Practice. 7meSize. (^^Uabl^for Shot and Ball lib. loz. Cartridpe.) w holesalt: AND FOR EXPORTATION. GEVELOT <fe CO., 143, Q(Ji<;EN VICIORIA- STRbET, LONDON, E.C. 12752 w holesalt: AND FOR EXPORTATION. GEVELOT & CO., 143, Q(Ji<;EN VICIORIA- STRbET, LONDON, E.C. 12752 J THE GREAT REMEDY FOR OLAIR'S GOUT, RHEUMATISM, J 3 SCIATICA, AND LUMBAGO. The excruciating pain is quickly Gn T7 fi relieved and cured in a few days VJ VJ J. by this celebrated Medicine. The.-e Pills require no restraint of diet durinp tiieir nse, and are p I L L S. certain to prevent the disease j_ attacking any vital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is lid and 2s 9(1 per box. 12735 CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, AND ASTHMA. » I will demonstrate to the whole world, and to suf- ierers from these unfortunate maladies, how they can e permanently cured, by an entirely New Meth)d of reatment, without the chance of failure. All afflicted may write with fuil contitknce to in n t1 WILLIAMS, w. Oxford-terrace, Hyde Park, London, rhan»r 36 particulars to any person free of fell —a-rgft- 12680

Family Notices



-of fIte Qleelt. ".---.-----'---.-.



