Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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MONMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL. e Oil Tuesday Week, a meeting of the Town Council was a lieki, at which the M.iyoi, and Messis. Gratiex, Tyler, r Yeates, John Powell, l'iobyu, Yauglian, Walkins, Cosseus, an<i Whiting,were present. s Before the business for which the meeting was called was proceeded with, nn application was received from twenty individuals, who ate lorming a leading and literary society, I for the gratuitous use of a room at present untenanted, ( attached to the new market-house, for a limited period, witli a view to its ultimate rental, when the society is established. The application was unanimously complied with, for the term of three months,upon the undetstanding that the society would resign their occupancy, should the Couucil let the room. The next subject discussed was that of the New Watch ltate. The Mayor explained that the new members had, upon the previous evening, given him their attendance for the purpose of his explaining to them the origin and pro- gress of the measure, with a view to their own information; and thM they may be enabled to meet the other members of the Council upon equal ground, should any discussion arise on the subject. The first question, however, to be decided was, whether, after the various discussions which had arisen during the progress of the measure, before these gentlemen had joined lhe Council, it would now open the question afresh, by debating the principle of the measure, or whether it would consider that that part of the subject j was already disposed of. Mr. Gratrex and Mr. Tyler contended that the principle of the measure had long Slllce been adopted, and that, by the terms of the notice, it was incompetent to entertain it tlirn. Messrs. N an, Walking and Cossens, argued that, as the resolution referred to had been carried but in part, the question should be considered as entirely open, and espe- cially as no part of it had yet. been acted upon. The Mayor and Mr. Tyler dwelt upon the inconvenience j which would result were questions to be opened, at the accession of new members but the former gentleman stated that, upon this occasion, he should not object to the princi- ple beinj; re-discussed, if his colleagues concurred. Mr. Yaughan and Mr. Cossens rejoined that they could not understand why any previous pains should have been taken to mfoim them of the state of the question, if they were now to be prevented discussing its merits. Eventually, Mr. Gratrex moved a resolution to the effect that the principle of the watch rate had already been ad- mitted by the Council, and that it should not be again opened lor discussion. The motion was carried by all the members voting for it, except Messrs. Vaughan, Cossens, and Watkins. A suggestion was then made by the Mayor, that these gentlemen should explain their views upon the subject, which they declined, stating that it was the principle of the measure, and not its details, (hat they had been prepared to discuss; and they had hoped to have shown the Council that no late at all was wanted, but that by further econo- mising the borough funds, they would prove sufficient for the current expenditure. Now, however, that it was decided by the Council that the question of the rate had been carried, they had not a word more to offer on the subject. This decision of the new members appeared to give dissatisfaction to their colleagues, and after a pro- tracted conversation, it was agreed that the Corporation accounts should be submitted to them, with a view to their reporting upon them, in connection with the subject of the watch rate. The further consideration of the question was then postponed. JONFS'S ALMS HOUSES. The Cou ncil, on account of some erroneous opinions upon I the subject of disqualiifcations for applicants to this charity having been entertained, unanimously resolved firsl, "That the receipt of parochial relief by any applicant does not preclude the individual from the benefits of the alms houses and secondly, That a le gal parochial settlement is notconsideted indispensiole to candidates." ADMISSION OF REPORTERS. The question of the admission of reporters for the public press, was next discussed: Themeasuiewasadvocatedby Messrs Cossens, Yaughan, and Watkins and opposed by Messrs. Gratrex and Tyler. The Mayor and Mr. Probyn were undecided. The -argunients by the proposer and supporters of the question were-the principle involved in it, of the right of the represented to the full knowledge of the manner in which their affairs were conducted—the possession of the arguments and views which guided the decisions of the Cotincil-ait acquaintance with the progress of public business — the prevention, by authentic accounts being fur- nished to the public, of erroneous statements being piomul- gated, and prejudiced views being entertained, of the pro- ceedings of the Council-lhe only means of providing a fair field, and no favour, to all the press, by preventing an undue advantage being taken by one person connected with it, who was a member of the Council; and the example afforded by other [corporate towns. The objections urged against the measure were—that no good would thereby accrue to the public-that the conversational method of transacting the public business would give way to oratorical display- that the mention of names and local circumstances which are at present occasionally and legitimately brought into discussion, would, if publicly reported, subject members to unpleasant collision with their townsmen; and that persons unac- customed to public sneakim*. would fait '—r opinions, n ttiey hau the check of a reporter's presence in the room. After a lengthened discussion, the question was adjourned till the next meeting.

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