Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

20 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

.— @y 'Wg.j& ?????.?'??? ??B?…


.— @y 'Wg.j& ?????.?'??? ??B? —4 A Vagary of Chance. Thê on coming ,,V,n to ?T', ?nK?fie'd f?und?ho ictterin Magg o's parttcutnriy neat writins: awaiting bum. He I' c;:rl'dh!! it. hut :t !I:I,'p hn! no pteasnrt-' to t*ccc ve 't. On the contrary, he was dread nK t. Dear Me H[:E,,[iC!d." it. ran. "Canvou mcet mE> th' p,>pn'w, r: I ¡cr:e j bD ofiir.e?' If you cou!d I should be :?rc:Y' [v ()bhr;fl to you. as ?t 'a vc"v inif?ortant that I =hon?d sc"- you. ;nd ?rom what t wiii then cxpiain you w:!} sec thxt it would be better not to vou at lion-le Bei,eve nip. I den t I'ke you. but I think you w.ndc:a.nd. Sinccreiyyout's. Margaret Hope ):tt'!e cir! mn!frn2. t !noW' how awkward it be to her. !ot it' has to be and the sooner it sever the )t'ti.or-. [ mut ha-e bc-jn an inferi-tl idiot. never to have c:o:mcdcd that scarup \vith !.c{. but I didn't A.nd ncw.n! coL!r?'ii<t! have the whip-hnsd Df me, :<id shan't be ;tb!e to do ."T'ytbinp." ]'lie w!iole Liav tl)c inatter ini his mind. but even ? ben he made h!s way to Cannon-street, be had not 'etUf>'Cl how to act. d.d nut keep him waiting, and in the !emic;ukne'!sot' the s'CL't. )'.ecou!dsc<hoY7 Pat n--d a n(i she W;B Jooki:1g. Attei" their be said- N&w, before we ta!k you must -:ome I'n hc;en )on"ing' for it 'or these tast tl10 :)Üurs, b'lt l '.vai'ed for fan, Come a:oa." At Grs:: i.he t'ir! w,T.s very hr f:om b2:n: at ea'!e, but J\hnsfielti chatted .Ttd.jokfd.tiH tor tl: t),ne "Ihe !org'jt her trouiJl, ,\t lengrh vhpn the e't'it titoment could no ioi ?.t.' be ?'ost- Toned she— Now. ."III' MansCe!d. I m::st. tc!! T::kuI iske\1 yr,U to rr.eei me" Th'pf0's no TH'tl tn do t .3t. :g1e. I'm rfTfedly '.rpi! or tno <m3 alreaciy. It''} your b!'otber." i: is. And yrtu. unforti:n.')ti?! him Jt night. I :mpp"ifó ,c üuftht to hn '/C' t"Id you of hi.. exi,tencc h,fore, blt. until a. "t' ,,110ft thnc smcc wo did not ):no\v he wis stid a'tve." ),[y dc: ji, pny don't te!i jr;<;a. tvoTT) mDrf than y,u i'kc. It 7;'as r.n a.c<idfnt that I came acro3, hitn it ad. :.nd t ,WI quiie w1i.dy'} for;f ,11C h,t, .And JeL things 1,(' as Lliev -,re-c It can 1. Le O. and. von a much. You've met Ch:udf hpfLJr no'—and——' "fc<?:'tnh)!yhavacom.'— Pa.rdon n?f. M)' M&n.sflctd, and ado'.T me to Hnish what i w??s gayin?. Yt-ttarc.nvnt-eof certain thil1 it! my botl;er's pltst., ph?" Y\ eii. if 'mut anscfer I do know LIJC)UtI one or two ;itt!c matters th:tt——" Irs !,i-?d ot you to put it. in that wa.y, but letmbeqnitp open wi b each ether inthis' I n.:n s'trf? )!; wi:t bG the best." Ycu'rn risht, :!j.. !a,:ie, We will be quite opel}; we GHl trust each othee, I thn¡", and what say W( n't go <t::1Y !):rthcr. Leb [ne Horr.f; ycan: asc' I ca'm' across your brother :n Town: hf was thc't mixed up wlrl1 a fa" t Sf't, and as f.j.r ss 1 cou'd see. waa güi 1) go dowtd.'H at aTtiit I ha.d nothing to do wÍlb, lmt be beh:lvICd <harnefui1y to a lady of n:v and I thrashf. him for it. (obi \<.1 to ôlH yon t'1 i; unpJ'l!].nt as it is, nccorcinJ; to ctir arc",ulenL hon ho d,s:\fJpc::¡,rt>d, and until rf<-?nt!y I did not kno-.v ifbfW.-rc-uUv.L'oc'acud. Hut on'evening. w;¡,J!;ng the Sttasd, t ranup:mai:tst! h:m, and. nc,ver dreaming that he wn3 in ny way conDC'ded with vou. I safe hitn the option cf getl¡n ant of the country quick, or going to Bow-slrc-ct..1 'A'aa a.btc to do this. ns I knew he was wanted for '1 certain mtUer which tuck a;c. You 'lean whpn he pc.xud as Sif Ciand Hopf Bart.?' Yet. How it was I a ever cs,nae to a.ssociate him with you i c.i't cnutje?vc but so ib was, Of course, nc.v 1 &hs. do nothing he need not tear anything ..m j'nr as I a.n) couèerncd. Ths.nk y01" -lir .jf:T.ns8e!d, on my mother's bebatf. as Wt'tl as my own. It )s no use attcmptins; to d)Sg)d?f- the tac! tha.t mv brothe!* ha;scm:scd':s!t srcat daatottrcubiu. Tit,!?c M a crank in his cii--tr!ictoi! thai, has novr sccL.1ed to aJloiov í¡irr. io luu';tr:l:g!:L '.Vhenlic wa.s r¡!lih a \)::>y :ny father had d)!'nf'a!ty with him.andasiie <:icw up ho!:otut.teity')utot'i hanJ. aDd went lJi8 Hp to Londoa. and all w<'heard. uf)mnwa-! ia hi'! ince.-4saul,; a.pp!;c&ttous for money, untU the climax 'is reached suFUcient to takf hHnoutoi'thecuuatry. as 1he notke WPTe aftcrhim. From that <iavne nevtn- had iinp horn bun. and kuew not wh&t had bfcume of hi!;Y i:i! .L short dm" éiiuce, wbon and said hu it:d come home on i;nportn,r.t b¡¡.¡ncss. YVlif-n was ttitt. --qisi, Ibp ,?ir! thought a. momest or :w<.?, and then catred a. (late. "As t cxpec:cd. the ("cmn [warned to tet'utot E!lJ;hmd. ;J,nJiatpf Iw,>nttothe to s'='<* tti!n otT, but hb did uot itirt, --p," "Otcou!-e.w.-bad:ot,T.kehimin,and:!in<'e thpnheh.'nsta.yedwitftn-t. I (I call 11-7. Ai fi,?- T- learn. he ha<; been behRvinz him'ScH sinc.. he )eit England, a.nd has j)ad a po'<t as superin- tendpnt c)t a con'ef pinn.ta.ttoit at Conmor. jn the Xfdchpn'y Hi:!s, in ludia. he certftiuiv hc.nK.Qp? nu\7. tnri ti,.L, is quitM) nen- [Cl' hiEI, so \e ar¡> <¡oping 1 iu.t be r.:t!!y has inrnfd (>1:1' ¿, ncw l?af, auù ¡ual,' t'<;dC(4IU hi" Thit-. good new., indeed, M!3 Maggie, <tnd f "ball be the !, ouc to mr*ka things harder for him. Indeed, I thinklmishtbe abto to souaro thn.t !ittk' matter I mentlon<:d. soihat he cou'.d feat there was rot!,ing bing;np, OVEr turn." ?j :an.-&c!d. T!lllt wou:d be" of ¡Jut neither nor myf 'i y-e [It !I ,dcn t ti-ink of 1bat for a. Butwih you meet we ? \AbcnI"a.vhiruthe other veniD;< he did notexhibtt any grea.t signs of .No, I..n..t then helY;S Dot ure of his posi. I tion wkh rczat-d to you. I think vrhen I teil 70:1 I hayo eecn you, and what you bfYP smd, be cannot help htmsoif. You know.MrMa.ns field, not fellow at fieart. He's tLdrift, no <Ioubt, but it's never too )a.te to mend,is it?" Certain)y not, a.nd if I ca.n be of any hc)p to him, and he'H tet mo kBow. 1'H do my best. You 3aid he bad come back on important busi- ness. Ha.s he told you what it is ?" Not Ilctuallv but it is in some way con- nected with Chesterton-square, tvtierever that tn;v Le." Chest erton-squa.ra Arn you sure ? What oa earth Mn. f]o have :o do tVith that pinee ? You remember that's where Ciun- da. hve; Ye. \Vc wero taU:ing about that last evening, you remcmht.r. and 1 Mked hha if bis buames'! was connected witb ht:n but he said cot and he didn't appear to be acquainted \Tith the name even. Butlcoutd gft nothing out oi: hdu he wag very close' over )t." It is c'Tiou-; hfcansc—wet), what ''hnu I do? Shall i caH on him at Tour lic)uec or whdt?" Just,olv(- a-? they are at present. I'll have a. tnlk with my biotbcr.and try and iii-.d out somethins' more. nud then tet VOl1 know. I have told my mother rlOtlnn;; of all th!<=. so if you see her ?ou won'L mentioti it? Of course Doc. In <hc- meantime r tbink it vv(llji,j "),- Is %To! ;f ou coK;d discover sotne- thin; n bout t hi Öh'I E'rton.quar!" b-,isitinss. It niight-thot-,7,li it is hardiy !ikely—be of he!p to me. I can t Vfry well exptatu it) what way ttt {'resent. You must. take that on trust." Cfrtatn'y I wiH. By-the-bye. nuw I come to <h:nk. of it. the other day when I was in Ci.Md'a room, I s?wa. piece of pao?r tyinn; on hisn[M3<n?tab!e, tb? tookednkea. plaa of square, !It ieast it wxaulie sq'a)e inside,ther.and along the other tine of one side there were diviTc-ns, ?-hich might have been Ah that sonnds r&ther iikety. And wpro M'T ot these dtvitiona marked tn «av way ?" y. one WM 1 remember netly now. .hut Wtuch I can't except it w3ts about the u,j¡idJ/ oah side." Umph said MaDsGcJrl, acd a shsde of fUappo:ntment C'Rlt1c {;w..r his fflcf: And thf-n .er a. tnoment or two. his na.tuiaUv bright exp)ress-on rt'turned, and bo safd- Uut look hcie. Miss Maggie. I don't think ? t'n acting quite on the square \tb regard <o yf)ur brother, in prying into hit afTnirs in this W.-A". !'m sure t ahouid net hke it myself.' That wou!d be a different matter "iOU and Ch.ud ,ir.- hardly <m the satlie tooting. You must- me to be the jndge, and act as I think best Verv -(')!. do so. but pteas" rpmemb?!' I'm ouite ready to heip you)flcan. And now it: vou've cone. i think we ouEht to he getting on.' Aad they rose irom their seats, and hit L the plnc" Whea chcy were in thcsirpet, MinsCe)dcon- tir.ue<J— I havetomcke a ca.i further down herf. Witat do vau nay to wa!kma' w:th me a.s iar as Ian"lion nou-:e :3.don; 13y a'i. meaas. I shouid ifke tt. Come Hv'thit <)mf; '<- "trpots were much rriora empty, and they wcreabte 'o tnoveaion? quick!y. They bad go'? "Otne httt? ?ay. whpn a. victoria, 'omin? trnifi <e diction c.) St. Paul's drew mat the kerb a. iewyardam fro; r,f them. and a iady-t t.'e f'D!¡> occupant— pr?pnredtoal?h'- There wns a. mutu?f r3"oxu ?'ua bctwcpu ner and ragge' compaBtoa, and h? ra.Ë,l his ha.t as ",bp LO\f:-d. Aa s!'i? down on to the pavempnt she tut'nc'! her head to thlne at ?Jansnf)J'.s friend and in so doiog not observe a, pi<=<'e of orarpe ucct iyicsr on he pa'prr)pnt. Ae in iurk ,vo<}IJ havp j. "he Pepped on i.ha,t ;Idertic,-il 'spot. a.nd the next instant wou.d have faiicn. had not Iag;c sprurg jorward and caught, he it w3s,\v!'pn she- recovered lipr,,3clt a !c,ok c.imc her face that !EliowL-,i she bad ro- coived somo mjury- SI)e endeavoured to bel" tbnnk, but her were indis. hnct anct juutbte-i. and her (ae", prewTcry iviite. the in. quickty came to .her other stde. and aided by '1 a [;e they led and into the frmterer's shop at wh'ch she wa.3 about to c,in. [t' my a.nk! she* gasped. I'm afraid sp!a)ucd :t. And havine; p'ac''d her in a chair, M8ggic.' T('['y gaafy unfast-ened her boot. wh !e .?.Is.nsfic!d hurried off foi' sr-tne brandy. She WLl a \vci!.known there', and iho propriptor and l;is a'sistants d<d cvery- thing in thf-it- to make her a, ["blc ;13 bnt. the pail) was grell, aod it was some tn'ac !etorc she felt c-quat to movir.t!. ?.!aggie. with all the deftness of a tender-hearted woman, had got the boot off, and the foot a, NN-cli a,1 she ab!e. with h?r a.nd the suS'Ofpr's otvn haadkcr- chiefs. "NoR'. ?f" ?fa??n'?J. I w!{ fr'n ynn why I During ?') <Lis tim" Gia=e Su?dm, for she ib wa- ii&d been profuse in her thanks. w])i)e an (,'xpre?ston c.t keen curiosity rested on he? face tion of jeaicu?y. ?he couta not make out who this youns; ;;)rt. who wa-? in the company o: Ma.nsGsid. in the Citya.t night, coutd be. She wa.! a. iady, ehecou!ds--ctha,r, but more she did not know, and it was not a time for in' t-o- ductions At leD1 h she was ah!c to say— "I'm. ez-tlly I-,ette.- How. andltljmk<vi!.h your bcfp I cati ;et tu the cllIriage, and tile soon'T { am hrnne the better You mn'<t !et rna enrry you. M'ss Su??on." s!nd Mans?'?d, a.nd without ititowing h?r ttmc to refuse, he picked l}er up, and depose fd hcF in ttie tvaiting vict,i)tia. %k'c w;ll go w tti you, if we can be iof any service to you," be con- tinned. '-Inueed, no. I woulJn't hea.t- of such It tb¡Il. You'vo b?f'n too k'nd ahcady, arn!Hie:'f'r- va.nts can do n]) I sha]! want wLcn: p'ct ol e, and so tnany thanks, \vh;c'! I shaJI hope to rep€tt more fdly ta'er on." A ad, Man- fieid having p:ivp:t <t)'' word to the coachm't:). she drove off, !e:tvirg the two fr.ends s! oa tht* pavpraent. And thus. by a furious vagary of c'rcum- stance, two wornei and a. !nn.a were brougijt together. CHAPTER XH. " Upon us." TilP above worda are a no mere seusntiocal Lut n sotid bed-rock. iacr,ns dwellers in the WcÜ Encl only too good t ause tl) know, The \Vir.: er season is upon ua, and with 't have arrived a expert s,iiig of ,¡ht.-fjngercd gentry, who haTecortt)'it't'dtorf'eve ma.a'/ !ad:t-s of a;iic!c3 in tho irnplident manner. 1t!lt[ whn.t is worst' without ieaving a trace of bi.eir' pro"ence behtud them, so that the pohce are at present uttf-riy in the da.rk as to which w-iy to turn. Their tatett, achievement, bus he?n the re:noviag of Ln,dy\Va.!po)c'3diarmndcln9tp[' from her shou!dn white comiux out ot the Ga:ety Theatre the night before itst. It woutd be so:ne "Jiut, con'.o! ttion )'' these theits were on!y con''ncd 10 p.'me-! Ttitere t.hc pubtic ha3 a.n: )r' tnea.ns of ruoTic;: about, tut, unfurtu- nately, tillS c&nuot be :'Iiù, since more 1 bellu taken p!ace at private houses than at the theatres and concert baHa. A very pamfui feeling has thus been. aroua?d, since it is clear that the thieves arc to be sought for among the guests Mtbeyt-uty givers, and in con'equence a:r:ong those who hnvc bi<hcrto been i"crsrded as above tPproKch. TI.c pf<i)ce it-(! nituri!iv V[:'ryrei:rent,bub we ha'.es"chcr)nHit-nce in tha intehigcnre of our guardians that we fe.I sure that before very ion? the wrongdoers wi!t be brought to justico and the stigma, removed from the fairest and most nob!e of oar Metro- pc!is. At the moment of going to pre33 we have received informa.tion of another daatardty outrpge wtich took 'plce on]y this afternoon attho Hon. MrsSf!ter'sreccp.)onin Cavendish. suuarp. when a diamond and turquoise brace- !eh was actuaHy cut from the wrist of Mr3 Hartopp Janus as she was seated listening to the muic This state of tbingscannotcont'nue. Society ia callinR out, and wilt mllke itself heard. West End Society mmt be sifted and purged, so that it °haH again be possible for our wives, daughterr. and siaters to wepr their jewels, and their g,?, be thby valuable or trumpsry, without fear of logins; thr-m. Sc.ciety demands il. a.nd Society mu?t ba obeyed." I Tnere, EHa. what do you think of tl)at, I\C:; t! e late pffor) of th<* EasLminster Gazette!' Pretty goid isn't, I,t ?" It'a funny, and quite in the Eastrn'n- stor' stvi<\ I wonder if there's any truth tn it?" Trulli Of coiir,3p Htcro is. E.erv()ne' taU:'nn of these rnbber)f?g. and they'rf ''o c!e<rpt')y rcanagc-d that not f), Bo'lt :,('em to have &ny )de9b whef* to look for thf cutprits. Ah hc-le conwOl as the door ?Dened, and .?tansfiftd ?nterfd. Heen the Ga.zpttf' thit fvcninz. old rran?" continued \Y'oodnard, thpir glcetlng!3 i.'Mng ovc-r. "Yc<I hare, and they crp.-) bout richt—there w.U hive to hs atlcrdnfthf: !t's d.t,lnz -i jok-e. Tl1ey']j be hklllé; OUf watclH: out nf our pock( tn npxt. Au t do ou m<m ?o sa,v ttip ?()):< havo Do !!dc.n.whoibj Ujcv?s are?' al;(. Ei!a, \oo(l'"ard. "Ittbcy havf' thev won't 'a v." [('p¡l.d Man' ftcid. nxd then Ote convfr?at?on turnt.d to ?t.bcriuaLt<.ms, unlit ht?w!fer(.tu<d. mil ¡ Wocdwardfed hJs guests tohigY'r'vatesamtum [ and ptpes were i't. And now what do you think of that, eh?" I a-ked \Vnodwar,(j, Wlth'lll a, nJlnute 01." two of I paper that had thrust. into his hand a, fc-w even:RT3 prcviou-iiy. ¡ M:tBsue!d took !t "Wh redid you set th's?"heasked at !cr'sr!h. a!!d hi3 fr.ead favc-iiirn an account of the curous manner iu which )t bad beende Ii veT(>(i to him. Do you th'nk in :t, or '3 itordyajt-kc?" "I nh..utdhard[y think that.said Mans. ]!ctd. B:'C3.u'!o fFhy shouid you hnvebepn f,n o'jt of a)' the inhabitants o!; London if thffe W1\<; not to cocnecC youwitb th hiL some way?" \Vf! Im'ed if I know what 1 ha.?e to do with ;t. And by at home,' do they mean this ft't, or my eonsuthm; room, do you !thmk?" Your cornultin,z room. Jshouldt'ancy.sinca if- was ¡[iven you down there. and llO up here. Let me have it. since I'm on the detactivc job no', aud Jr r:'lIght l¡:lve SOUle coo.(!etion w:th the oiher thouxh I don't s&e Iiotr." Oh. kepp it, by nu means, if you wdL I'm nut: :;(o:n:: to bother mv head about it." Jr.ém"û'¡O put the paper into his oocket, and the matter was not refer'-ed to again. Their con,er"'ation contilllled fa;' some timl" longer, when l\nsndd suddeu!y broke dI 'n I the of a. remark ho was m'lkmg to I e!cbim "What was that! Listen!' asa!ow J pound, earh mome!'it growing louder and mo:e distinct. ffU on the'rear-i." "Runaway bofo.I exoect." said Woodward. ri"¡D? and ;oi:J¡:r to tha window. By George ? Yes Come here t There'i! be a. smash direct- The words scarcer'out of his mouth when thot were verified hy t!:e horses attached 10 a furniture van swerving on the footpath. and the van becomina )ocked bstwepn a. )a,mp- ar.'d the rating's bounding the "slips of point's P:k. Good hc'aven=! he'H bo k'hed a<! t'ic driver, di.;]orl." c'j by fie sudden Hhock, fL-)!fro;n his .ent, sad 1,onlldn off the back the off- side horse, rolled ;u a crimpled up mass in the road. Come on. :Iansfie1d! Wo mav be ab!e to ]¡(>!p." and tvithout. waiting to pet hat or coat I' the ttV'i men da,bel down the stairs, and into tLe roa: The hor°e-< we'c toierabty quiet now. shivcr- ing w:th fr-Rht. One of: the vnn men ba.d run to the r heads. whi!e the other two were sttcndjr:!? to their companion. "Here let me ha-¡e :¡. took at him. I'm a. doctor." ",aid Woo ivvnrd. ptbllÍog" the'n a=!idc. The man waa baif daxcj. and grorLnuig. <vtn]e i IJi3 leg was b'. i<¡ùd under hlln JU a CUI ious WriV.. It required but a very few minutM examina- ttor) to convince the dortor- that.addei to a was b.miy broken. run nnd get so'ne brandy you know whe'r' it is. oi t !e!)o\v. and hen he must go to thaboi.pita). It'd not acasclcan attend to he'< b-youd putticg on sniints," said \Vood- wardtoh'sf)icnd. the suffffer's £:1.f, foe he opened his eyes. sn'-ir-s— 'J hospib.Js for ir,f. thar;k you. I know too 'uuch aboutthetn. i'1! p;o home wh"rc the misses wiH )ock after- me. I ain't go¡ngto have my to' off just for the oi a payeel o' schooibny'?, not nc." "But. my ?;ood ie!!o\v, ycu'ttbeso-much hft'tcr tnhcn care o: ther" than you can be aC ho'ne. Ynu'db°Hert:o."ssidWoodwa,)d. No. I don't, thank you an the sa.!ne. sit' "\V< of course. I cau't make you; Iran on'.y sdviso yon 'cr the b-3t. :1:.¡d )t you won't fo:w what 1 tcH You I do no mr,re." Thank you, Hir. I'm goj!Jg home." "Verywe! I suppose you Avon'r object to my comin,! <vith you, aod sccioa' your )f-tr. and yo)irR'iit'<an"ee I don't take )t oCf," said Woodward 7liL!.J a saniie. "N. I'') bo verv muc!) ob'dgcd to you if you wiil. Go easy t])et'e, Hi'i," asthemcuiifted him up to r'ta.< o him in the van. "Stay ti!) I r;et. my coat aad hat, and I'U oc.m<wtthYou."sa,)fithe doctor. Andheand hisfr.crjd. !tav:n:;gottho)['thinxs.&ndto!d Mrs Woodward where they were going. they ciam- bfred .nto the vaa. and seated themselves on tiic straw bes' j the patient. I!, did not hkE> long to arrive at their dedi- nation. Grove Court. LI"s(lu Grove, wht'c :U;¡n.f]pld \1'en:; in <o prepare thewiff. \oc'dt\'nr'd !ookcd after thRi'emuviugof the injured man. They found the room was rather better than what. they expcc'cd woa'd iMve beeo the case, ot three tidy, good-sixcd room' c!o.m and dccentiy furnished. As the wife St-cmed a pra.'ttraHy hard-headed woman, who, on hcnjng the new"" did Dot go to hysteri s, or f1t'3 of wf;epirJl!. but Met about setting things rC:ly, and making the bed omfortab:c .fo1' 111e S\.11 j(:ft!r. There Wfre dwo htie chiidren standing by scared facet, and thece she prompHy sent: off t" the other room out of the WilY, though they were ionth to gf) until MansQeId had .ts- su) cd tht-ra that their daddy WM not going .to die', The setting of the unob was an ordinary r.ccurceace to \Vocd\vnrtl. and .vith the he)p of ::H tlsflc>!d wrw soon nccomptishcd. and the man I Jejt iairiy cumfcrtabfo and ih<*a. retiring to i!he sccoad toorn, tt.eyhadautdecr.nvcrsa,- tion tv;th the what to do. and hotV to trcaL the patieni:. Aud now. Airs—Mrs—wei), really. I don't k.ioi.v you:' name yet.' Crosier, sir. My husband's Thomas Crosier. a.nd M'urks for Jiik, th<urniturep30p!e,of Vine Yard. Maryiebone Lane and I can't teH you. sir. liow gratefu! f am to you for aH you Iave cloue. hut how we are go¡n to pay youldon't;l.:uow. "Never mind 'bar, Mrs Crosier. We'Hget your husband wett be:o:e we bother about Now. you can fc'f those youu? monkeya out of the:r prison for I fancy they thick I m muideriug their daddy." And very v.'htte and scared the youDgsters !ooked when. they shyly came into the room, but \Vood\ard so'n put them atH)eircase by jokitip; .md iaughing with them, and tellin them that if, when he ca.meagnin.hc' hoard t h.v had not '{Uict he woutd cut off thtir kl<s and too .From tlieir merry ]augbs it did they bad much fear that he woutd carry out his threat:, but they promised to be very stiil all the same. two men wCl'e j'ust about to leave when thedooropcned.audaHttIen'ancntercd. Do seemed surptised to and w3u)d have dratvn ba(k. but Mr": Crosier stopped him say'nc', by way of introduction— My brother-m-Jaw, Job Luck, wot married my poor sister. Susan, as d'cd a, year after." :tnd then to!d him sho:'t<y what had happened, and the part the two visitors bad played. The tittle mau utt&rcd but few words, and alt the time !lppe;ncd to ue very anxious to make his; escape, ff.r the most part keeping his e, es Sxc'd on who. in turn, seemed to be equatty miert-sted ia him. Cnce. in the course of e )nversaton. ho spoke ofthedo."tor'as "Dr Woodward,though his name had not been mentioned. Woodward quick to notice this. though he made no comment: but when the two, after having giyen final instructions and promising tocah the next morning, were once more in the street, his first words were— I've seen that man before, I'm certain. though for the life of me I can't remember where." And at the concJasion of their waik home. jugt as they were shaking hands, he burst out— By Jove I have it He's Crundall's butter." And be doesn't want the fact to be known." said A!ansue!d. Did you notice how hs made use of your name. and then was very sorry for himseif fot' havil'1 done so?" "Yes. I did. It tooka as if Chesterton Square was poinar to have some innueucc over my life, I never seem ab!etogctc!earaway iromit." "You'd probaMy make your fortune there, so I shouldn't try if I were you. Good ais:ht, odfo!!ow. (To be continued).


[No title]











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----_------A.8.R.8. and Labour…


-..--""VaI 8!STER8 OF THE…


IMiners &. Mr S.T. Evans.