Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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-.---------------FIRST PROFESSOR…

Outdoor .Garden.'I


Outdoor Garden. If fins blooms of Dahlias are required the shoots and bulbs shonld be thinned and the plants securely staked, as when plants are blown over by wind they never have the same appear- ance after. One stake is not sufficient. Besides the stake in the centre of the plant four other stakes of smaller dimensions aie placed at equal distances apart rouna the plant to open and afford support to the branches. The stocks need not be conspicuously placed. It is easy to pro- perly eecuie the branches, and at the same time produce a neat, equally balanced plant, with the floweis easily visible. This matter of giving support to all plants which require it should have due consideration and attention given to it now. Choice Pinks which have been rooted in cold-frames or baudJil-Tbta will now be well rooted and sufficiently hardened by exposure to be moved to the beds where they are to flower. To have perfectly-laced plants early planting it ctesirable-b, early planting is meant early in September. Pinks will grow in any good ordinarveoit. This makes them so valuable to the town Hardener. In country gardens coot is a. very good dressing for the beds. Nine icchea is the umal distance between the plants, and a top-dressing of good loam, lightly forked io, is always beneficial. White Pinks may be pulled to piecits now for forming edgings and masses in the boidere. Lifting Chrysanthemums. No plants lilt better than Chrysanthemums if Ordinary care i> exercised, and if it is desired to have some-o-f-lbe plants at present in the borders under glass this is the system which may be followed with a certainty of success.. First see Chat the plants to be removed are properly staked and tied, then take a spade and dig around them, awav from the roots, after which give a good soakiog of water and leave for a day, then, lift, put into a. pot or box larger than the roots, ai<?e another supply of water, leave out of doots out of teach ufauu. or under a cool shfcd for a day or two, when they sniay be put under glass witboot farther trouble, and it will be jonnd that few leaves die off, unless, perhaps, it is a few of the lower ones. It in not always convenient to pot a number of plants in June, and where they ate simply wanted for borne decoration, or for producing cat flowers it is not necessary, as lifting is so easy. Dressing a Lawn. Thin Is the lecipe for hwn dressing given by tbe owuer of the finest lawns in Leicestershire, says a writer in Gardening Illustrated Sulphate of ammonia, oDa part common salt, three parts hue &and, six parts scattered lightly on the Grass from time to time. This applicaticn of common salt commends itsel to mc. as some of the liuest GritsB I bave seen is on lands which ( are coyered by spring tides. have used salt with advantage on my own lawns, but I have never seen it recommended before, and^ one of the largest sellers of lawn seeds almost scoffed at the suggestion. This lawn dressing is not pnt forward as a weed killer, but jost as a dressing to produce the finest and beat turf for lawns. Potting Bulbs. All imported Bulbs intended far early flower- ing shonld be potted now in eqnai parts of Joam and leaf-mould, and sand added in sufficient quantities to keep the soil open and sweet. This refers to Narcissi, Early Tulips, Hyacinths, especially Homan, and the hmatt Dutch and Italians, which come in no well after the ltomans. Do not make the soil in the bottom beneath the bulbs too titm. When the soil is rammed bard in the bottoms, the roots meet with obstruction in their downward couise, and their pressure lifts the bulbs ont of the pot unless they ate weighted down with heavy covanoRs. Thi) blue Squill or Sciila sibirica, and tbe Glory of the Suow, Cbiooodoxa Lusilao, both forca well, and stftke pzaHy pateheK- iu 4in. and 5im pott. Indoor Gardening. Feme in oases may want a little picking over to remove discoloured fronda. A little top- draisiog of turfy soil and sand will be usefnl now to help the plants through the winter, and where the plants are well tooted, a very small quantity of artificial plant food will be beneficial mixed with the soil. Maidenhaits aie sometimes permitted to reet iu tha winter, the water supply being gradually reduced, and the roots dried off for a time. They generally start strongly again. Strawberry Beds. Few fruits require more attention than d Strawberry plants daring the summer montbso In the first place the weeds mnst be kept dow at all costs by frequent hoeing before the stra n ing-down is done, or a tangled mass will be tw- issult. Next, there is the gathering of the crobe which takes up a lot of time in a busy Beaso and its soon as the crops are cleared those pin Nations that ate to remain aoothetaeason tequip mulching, weeds, lunneis, etc., removed, an., the surface ground either pricked np with a for Q • couple of inches, or the fiat boe plied between r the plants. Probably the hoe is the beat to use at this date. A few of the outside rougher leaves may be cut away, too, while trimming off the strings, and this latter remark applies for some weeks, as old crowns and young ones, too, persist in asserting nature, and throw out a host of runners, which, if allowed to remain, greatly weaken the parent plant. Young Carrots in Winter. In the vegetable garden all yoone and tender crops areuppreoiated more or less according to the pwpose they serve and tbe individual tastes of the consumer. Carrots form one of a section of vegetables tbat has ao every-day use jointly for na^onring purposes and as a table legotable. In large households there are tbiee vegetables I which are lequired every day, and in many I kitchens are supplied without special oiders. Those are Carrots, Turnips, and Onions. In tbe case of those who bge a fondness for the Carrot as a vegetable, It is important tbat frequent sowings be made, so as t? maintain a supply of young, tender and rrally edioie roots. In many gardens Carrots are sown for an early batch of young room, and then dependence is placed on a larger sowlcg of the long winter kinds, and those must do duty for many months in a fresh or stored state. Those who enjoy a young Carrot would do much better to sow, not once, but half a-dozzen timeB during the season, comtt encing in tebiuaiy and finishing in August. The August cowing will last through the winter, choosing always one of the Horn vaneties. Rhubarb. Although Rhubarb roots are yet in the open ground fall af leafage, the time for it. maturing and dying away will soon eotne. Very soon afterwards, and whilst the roots aie tben com- paratively resting, it is a good time to lift aad divide some, if bat a couple of large stocks or slumps, making as many small roots of them as tbelo all ctowns, then replanting those in fresh deeply-worked and well-manured soil. Were but one large stool lifted, divided, and repimted in tbat way yearly, what an excel lent stock and supply of Rhubarb mighs be found in each gardeu. Now it is so common to Snd, especially in small gardens or 00 allotments, huge roots or stools that have been where growing for several yeais, and badly need shifting. There are many excellent varieties of Rhubarb worthy of cultivation, including liavke'a Champagne. Daw's Champion, The Sutton, Victoria, and Paragon, but aneh coarse \ati&tiM as Stou. 's. Monarch, with its, huge stems, ahontd be avoided. Medium alraijjbt and well-colourtd stems are much the best.


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Swansea Town Council. .......,_..-




..J-L-. , ...... !!, TORY…

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--.--¡.;.', MORRtSTON BABY…

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----..------LYDNEY CHORAL…