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GMTTGFLEG: DENTAL SURGERY. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT IN ARTIFICIAL TEETH AND PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Attendance in the Principality for the last Thirty Years, Mr. Lewin Mosely, Dentist, 30, BERNERS STREET, LONDON (ESTABLISHED 1820.) APPOINTMENTS FOR 1862. NEWPORT-Every Fourth THURSDAY, at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL. Next visit, Thursday, February 13. ABERGAVENNY-Every alternate TUESDAY, at Mr. WILLIAMS, next door to the ANGEL HOTEL. Next visits, Tuesday, February 11, and Tuesday, February 25. HEREFORD—Every Alternate WEDNESDAY, at Mr. WEBSTER'S, Surveyor, &c., St. Owen-street. Next visits, Wedmllay, February 12, and Wednesday, February 26. MONMOUTH—Every Fourth THURSDAY, at Mr. J. POWELL'S, Plumber, Monnow-street. Next visit, THWSDAY, February 27. CHEPSTOW—By appointment, at the GEORGE HOTEL. Private rooms at all the Hotels. Attendance from 10 to 5. IMPORTANT NOTICE! Mr MOSELY, Dentist, begs to direct attention to a New and Patented improvement in the manufacture of Artificial Teeth, Palates, ate., which supersedes all impure Metals and soft or absorbing agents hitherto the fruitful cause of so many evils to the mouth and gums. A portion of this great improvement consists of a gum-colored enamelled base for the Artificial Teeth, which presents a uniformly smooth and highly polished surface, preventing any lodgment of food between interstices, thus avoiding the consequent unpleasant secretions, causing foulness of breath, &c. Additional Teeth can be added when re- quired, (thus saving great expense to the Patient,) without extracting roots or fangs, and as the whole is moulded in a aoft state, all inequalities of the gums or roots of teeth are carefully protected, and insures a perfect system of })ainless Dentistry. Neither metals, wires, or unsightly igatures are required, but a perfectly complete adhesion secured by Mr MOSELY'S PATENTED SUCTION PALATE, No. 674, August, 1855. Decayed and Tender Teeth permanently restored to use, preventing the necessity of Extraction. Constant attendance at Town Residence, No. 30, isernels-atreet, Oxford-street, W where patients and letters will meet with immediate attention. Consultations, and every information, free. Charges unusually moderate. [13 I IMPORTANT. F YOU WANT TO BQRROW MONEY at A Cheap Rate, go to Mr:' W. WILLIAMS'S, LTJ. DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT, MON., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee that with approved Personal Security, you can have any amount from £ 50 up to £ 1,000, for one, two, or three years, repayable by fixed half-yearly or quarterly instalments. [2608 HENRY POOLEY & SON, 20, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON PATENTEES AND SOLE MAKERS OF POOLEY'S WEIGHING MACHINES, WEIGHBRIDGES, &c., Suitable for all Commercial, Mining and Manufacturing purposes. TBAM WEIGHING MACHINES, SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOB TaB VARIOUS WORKS OF SOUTH WALES, Albion Foundry, Liverpool; 89, Fleet-street, London Commercial-street, Newport; Wellington-ssreet Gateshead. AGENTS for the sale of Valves and Brass Mountings, Pressure Guages, Vulcanized India Rubber, &c., &c.- C, P. PARKINSON, Manager. [10 H. P. BOLT, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER AND MANUFACTURING JOINER, 0 AUSTIN FRIARS SAWING, PLANING, GROOVING, & MOULDING MILLS, NEWPORT MONMOUTHSHIRE, HAS constantly on hand the following GOODS. Viz. STEAM STRUCK MOULD- INGS and ARCHITRAVES, SKIRTINGS, DOOR JAMBS, QUOIN BEADS, SASH BARS, DOORS and DOOR FRAMES, SHUTTERS, GROUNDS, SASHES and FRAMES, PANELLING, and FLOORING of all descriptions. Also, RIDGE, CRESE, SLATE, and PANTILE LATHS, DRAIN PIPES, CEMENTS, PLASTER OF PARIS, CHIMNEY PIECES, SLATE SLABS, OR NAMENTAL FLOOR TILES, and all kind of BUILDING MATERIALS in general, at reasonable prices. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN in eveiy branch of the BUILDING TRADE sent out in Town and Country at the Shortest Notice. # N.B.—A list of Drawings, and Prices of Doors, Mount logs, &c., forwarded, on application at the Works. [10 MR. PARSON SURGEON DENTIST, of 17, Orchard- street, College Green, Bristol, respectfully acquaints the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of New- port and Vicinities, that he may be consulted in the various branches of his profession, at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL, Newport, the second Wednesday in each month, Terms, which are extremely moderate, may be known on application as above. ATTENDANCE FOB ) FEBRUARY. J Newport, Wednesday, 12th, 9 till 5. (25 MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON DENTIST, of No. 7, PARK- ks STREET, BRISTOL, attends periodically (as for the LAS1T F years) at NEWPORT, the first WEDNESDAY, M* F-K CARDIFF the following THURSDAY in every HISPROFE^11 MA^ consulted on all CASES relating to VISIT will occur as follow :— irifir^iai °RT~AT MR. Wansbrough's, plumber, Com- CARMPRETL7TREDNOE8DAY' February 6th. Guard n«s m.°' ^"ke-street, next door to the Guardian Office-Thursday, Februar^ 6th. [2258 A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR COLDS, B INFLUENZA, &C. TSFLAYS' DE- BATEMAN'S PEC- IN TTIN DROPS. This Medicine has loDg been held COTNR>U-1? estimation for all Rheumatic and Chronic in VI0IEJ*I P LN PAINS of the Limbs, Bones, and Joints, and A °ENTUI-V J been in repute now upwards of best PROOF -T £ REA' quantity sold annually is the seldom faiijnD. *TS efficacy parties who have once used it occasion to have recourse to it a second time, when principally „ IT does not act as a purgative but perspiration, P°RES °f the skin, inducing gentle as a preventive ,Itl.,tlerefore. acting in a great measure Colda. In TOO often arising from neglected valuable. For INFLUENT Ohronic Pains it is in- taken in the early staGE8 U 18 unrivalled, particularly if Extract from a letter Pharmaceutical Chemist>r%sf d io fr THOMPSON SIR,-I'm induced to J^R* others similarly afflicted) of THEY°* benefit of nved from taking Barclays BATEMA £ /N**J U°R purchased from you some short tio*e P » which I dreadfully afflicted with Rheumatism FOR TWO V™9 M08J for nearly twelve months of that to bed After taking two SMALL BOU^ 1 m quite cured. A neighbour of mine, Uvin* It Barton, by trade a lime-burner, can bear siimlar f.B £ ny he was so lame from Rheumatism as to be unabll ^°R SEV,ERAL MONTHS, and now, after taking 0I7S -oateman s Drops" (through my recommendation) IS 0 110 0QLY TO work, but walk six miles every day. I am, Sir, yours obediently, FRANCIS I'ANSON. Middleton Tyas, near Richmond, Dec. 5th, I860. dealers 1 AJ 8 J1 respectable Druggists and each bL ^edlclne,8' inbottles, at 13Jd. and 2s. 9d. T>AOPA »A^ 0 ASK FOR BAHOLAYS' BATEMAN'S THAT their „ AR° M.ANY8PURLOUS IMITATIONS; and observe EO8RAVEDRONN!RENAND ADDRF«8 <95' FarriDgdon-streetfare on the Government Stamp affixed to each bottle. [2561 gulfed. FINE ST. MICHAEL ORANGES NOW SELLING AT FENNELL'S FENNELL'S HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. [2657 GENTLEMEN who desire a superior G FIT and FINISH should try C. MILNES, TAILOR AND TROWSERS MAKER, 158, COMMEROIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. [8 PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY$EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE Htcrlitt dwcral ||riittra§ (Mice, 15, COMMERCIAL.STREET, NEWPORT, MON BOOK-PRINTING, BUSINESS FORMS, ACCOUNT BOOKS CIRCULARS, CARDS, REPORTS, &e. THE BEST LIME IN THE WORLD FOR WATER WORKS. THE ONLY ABERTHAW LIME in Mon- mouthshire. may be obtained of JOHN EVANS, LIME BURNER, Pillgwenlly, Newport, at the Lowest possible terms. [1762 PIANO FORTES AND HARMONIUMS. A LARGE AND WELL-SELEOTED STOCK OF PIANO FORTES AND HARMO- NIUMS, for Sale and Hire, at E. NEWMAN'S Musie Warehouse, No. 1, Commercial Street, Newport, Mon. N.B. Music at Half-Price some at One-Third. [2714 NOTICE. NUGENT WELLS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, & SILVERSMITH, NEWPORT, BEGS to call attention to his Large and Fashionable ASSORTMENT of GOLD, SILVER, and PLATED GOODS, of the Best Quality, together with a Large Stock of FRENCH & GERMAN GOODS, suitable for Christmas Presents. OBSERVE:—22, HIGH STREET. [2642 JAMES LYDDON (LATE MASTERS), Family, Wine, Spirit, Ale and Porter Merchant, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT- WINES, SIRITS, ALES, PORTER, &o., supplied at a Low PRIQE, in any Quantities to suit Families. All orders executed with punctuality and deapatch. List of Prices to be had on application.—Terms, ^aah. [2543 HO PKINS, HAIR DRESSER, PERFUMER, JEWELLER, &c., 50, HIGH STREET, Having engaged an EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT will be enabled to EXECUTE all ORDERS in the NEWEST STYLE. SEPARATE ROOMS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIR CUTTING, DYEING, &c. WIGS, FRONTS, PLAITS, HEAD DRESSES, &c., always in Stock. [1945 J. S. STONE BEGS to invite the attention of purchasers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, GRUBBERS, SCARIFIERS, CHAFF CUTTERS, BEAN, OAT, and CORN MILLS, TURNIP CUTTERS, PULPERS and GRATERS, LINSEED OIL CAKE MILLS, STEAM ENGINE and THRASHING MACHINE, HORSE GEARS, CORN DRESSING MACHINES and SCREENS, DRILLS and HORSE HOES, CARTS, WAGGONS, &c., &c. Catalogues sent post free by applying to J S. STONE, Newport, Mon. [2015 WILLIAM COMPTON, TALLOW CHANDLER AND MELTER, H58, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT, MON., AS on Sale a quantity of Good Fresh GREAVES for Dogs and Pigs Food, free from any deleterious ingredient. W. C.'S NOTED RED-WICK DIP CANDLES, Are in great request, made from PURE TALLOW, and consequently will burn longer, and give a clearer light than the Common Dips made from an inferior compound. l2349 LIGHT LIGHTER LIGHTEST ] PARAFFIN, 3s 2d. per Gallon. PETROLINE, 4s. per Gallon. PHOTOGENE, 4s. per Gallon. BELMONTINE, 5s. per Gallon. TO Insure getting these OILS perfectly pure and non-explosive, go to HENRY L. WILLIAMS, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, (Member, by Examination, of the Pharmaceutical Sooiety) 3, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, (Opposite the TTestgate Hotel.) Where also may be obtained OILS of all descriptions at the lowest possible prices. ]2446 BUTLER'S TASTELESS SEIDLITZ POWDER. flk In One Bottle, price 2s. 6d., en- MBH l| closed in a Case, with Spoon lISsMB rpHIS6 useful APERIENT jf&SJM JL PREPARATION, besides I|| forming an equally efficient and far more agreeable Draught than Mil Mi MM that produced with the common MM, |H| I Seidlitz Powder, is made in much time, and withont trouble. allay P0Ver or Thirst, a tea-' spoonful in water forms a most refreshing saline draught. It will keep in any climate, and is not injured by the longest sea voyage or laud journey. BUTLER'S POMADE DIVINE. This elegant Preparation is so generally known and ap- proved of, that it is unnecessary to enumerate all the pur- poses for which it is employed. When properly prepared, upon which much of its utility depends, it is found to be a most efficacious application for chapped hands and lips, burns, scalds, excoriation and roughness of the skin, oc- casioned by sea-bathing, exposure to the sun, inclement weather. Prepared hylBUTLER & CRISPE, (Late Butler and Harding), Chemists, 4, CHEAPSIDE, corner of St. Paul's London. [2499 TO TENANTS WISHING TO BECOME THEIR OWN LANDLORDS. THE WESTERN COUNTIES PERMA- JL NENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, 10, Hammet-street, Taunton, are prepared to receive PRO- POSALS for ADVANCES on MORTGAGE of approved FREEHOLDS, COPYHOLDS, or LEASEHOLDS-to any amount—repayable by fixed Monthly or Quarterly Instalments. Since 1851, nearly 1,500 Shares have been taken in this Society, and £40,000 advanced upon approved securities -Their Agent for this District is Mr. WM. WILLIAMS, 16, Dock-street, Newport, of whom the ceaaary formated every information can be obtained. (2730 Addresstot &t. WOOLLEN CLOTHS FOR WINTER. PURCHASERS SHOULD GO TO THE CLOTH HALL, HIGH STREET FOR PILOTS, CORDS, WITNEYS, MOLESKINS, BEAVERS. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, COATINGS, 'LEATHER CLOTHS, DOESKINS, COACH LACE, &0., Where they will find the LARGEST STOCK in NEWPORT to SELECT FROM, and at the LOWEST PRICE possible for the Quality. GEORGE KERR, CLOTH HALL, 31, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. [2467 W I NTER FXsli I O N S GOLDEN BOOT-124, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT BUY OF THE MAKER, AND SAVE 15 OR 25 PER CENT. JAMES HORNER respectfully wishes to inform his Costomors and the Public that he has nearly everything made under his own superintendence therefore the Goods are better and much cheaper, there being only one profit, he being the manufacturer- J. H. would call the attention of the Public to the RIVETTED GOODS, they being of First-class make, and at Prices that will be much lower than they have been hitherto sold. Wellington Boots 10s Od to 12s Od Ladies ClothBoots, own make 3s 6d to 4s 6d Short Ditto 8s Od to ios Cd „ MilttArv Heels, own make 4s 6d to 5s fid Balmorals los Od to 12S Od „ Kid Balmorals, own make 4s Od to 5s 6d Side Springs 10s Od to 12s Od Milftiry Heels, own make 5s 6d to 6s 6d Button Boots — 8« Od to 10s Od „ Elasfic Sides, Military Heels, own Bluchers •• 58 to 7s Od ra^ke. 6s Od to 7s 6d Ladies Cashmere Boots, own make 3s Od to 3s Sd ^ouie Boots 2s Od to 2s 9t Military Heels, own make*. ••• 4s Od to 5s Od Coloijrw Hoots •• Od to 3s 6^ Ladies' Overshoes, Is. 6d.; Children's, Is. 4d. ■- i, GREAT REDUCTION" in Children's Boots and Shoes, in endlessi variety. r GREAT REDUCTION in Children's Boots and Shoes, in endlessi variety. r In the BESPOKE DEPARTMENT every attention to the Latest Fashions, best Materials, good WoOpnen, and the Lowest Price charged. 1/Y One Trial will convince the Purchasers of the advantages to be obtained at this Establishment; NOTICE—GOLDEN BOOT, 124, COMMERCIAL STBBET. OPPOSITE CROSS STREET, NEWPORT. [2683 SOUTH WALES FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 117, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. TAMES LEACH begs to return his best thanks to tlfe Inhabitants of Newport and the Public in general, for the extensive Patronage with which he has'been honoured during the last seven years. His business having increased beyond his most sanguine expectation, he has deemed it advisable to receive a PARTNER into his Establishment, and he trusts that additional care and attention to Business will merit a con tinuance of the support which has hitherto been so liberally awarded him. TO MAKE WAY FOR A NEW SUPPLY OF GOODS, THERE WILL BE, FOR ONE MONTH, A CLEARING OUT OF OLD STOCK, Consisting of both NEW and SECOND-HAND DRAWING and DINING ROOM FURNITURE, in WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, and MAHOGANY. BRASS and IRON BEDSTEADS, in every Variety of Pattern BEDDING, &c., &c. The whole to be sold at greatly REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. The Firm will henceforth be carried on under the joint names of LEACH and BAILEY." N.B.-All sums owing to, and all claims upon JAMES LEACH, prior to January 1st, 1862, should be settled forthwith. [2789 ESTABLISHED 1835. J. S E s S ION S, BRICK, TILE, AND PIPE MAKER, MANUFACTURER of PLAIN and ENAMELLED SLATE CHIMNEY PIECES C°AL, CEMENT, and GENERAL MERCHANT; Dealer in all kinds of BUILDING! MATERIALS, Sco. DEPOT for GLAZED SANATORY WARE, TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPS, TRUSSES and VASES, I STOURBRIDGE and BROSELEY FIRE BRICKS. CLAY, Bte; BROSELEY and STAFFORDSHIRE PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL TILES, SQUARES, BRICKS. W«»"«►«• GOODS, ENCAUSTIC PAVING TILES. SINGLE and DOUBLE CHANNELLED ROOFING TILES, &c., &c. ALBION WHARF, GLOUCESTER, AND CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF. BRICK AND TILE WORKS, SANDHURST, NEAR GLOUCESTER. [2775 [2775 IMPORTANT NOTICE! ftJ"C. LONDON APD^ NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. I GENERAL CARRIERS TO NEWPORT, EBBW VALE, BLAINA, PONTYPOOL, ABERSYCHAN, CARDIFF, RHYMNEY, MERTHYR, &c., &c. j Goods are Received and Forwarded Daily from the London and North Western to the principal Stations of the i MONMOUTHSHIRE, RHYMNEY, AND T A F F LY ALE RAILWAYS! The following houses are'alone authorised to receive Goods in London for the^l j LONDON AND ;N0RTH WESTERN COMPANY'S OFFICES I For Rhymney Railway and Cardiff. For MonmotUhshirs Railway and Newport. I CHAPLIN AND HORNE. PICKFORD AND CO. Swan with Two Necks, Gresham-street, E'C. 20, Wandsworth-road, S.W. Spread Eagle, Gracechurch-street, E.C. Castle, Wood-street, Cheapside. E.C. George and Blue Boar, Holborn, E.C. Railway Station, Camden Town, N.W. Green Man and Still, Oxford-street, W. 39o, Oxford-street, W. Cross Keys, Wood-street, E.C. Vine-street, Regent-street, W. Bolt-in-Tun, Fleet-street, E.C. Wharfs, 1 &2, City-road Basin, E.C. Spread Eagle, Regent Circus, W. L Hunter-street, Old Kent-rond, S.E. Golden Cross, Charing Cross, W.C. Union Hall, Union-street, Borough, S.E. Old White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly. W. 9. South Wharf-road, Paddington, W. White Horse, Fetter-lane, E.C. Red Lion Yard, Princess-street, Westminster, S.W. Hambro' Wharf, Thames-street, S.E. Camden Town Station. N.W. Camden Town Station, W. Poplar Station. Haydon-square Station, E. Railway Station, Haydon-sq., Minories, E. I Swan Yard, Borough, S.E. LONDON.-MR. DAVID STEVENSON, Goods Manager, Camden Town Station. MANCHESTER, London Road Station.—Mr. THOS, KAY, Goods Manager. LIVERPOOL, Waterloo Station, Park Lane, and Crown Street Stations.—Mr. HENRY BBADSHAW, Goods Manager. BIRKENHEAD-Agent, Mr. JOHN MASON. BIRMINGHAM, Curzon-street Station.—Agents: Messrs. PICKFORD & Co.; CROWLEY & Co.; CHAPLIN & HORNE. Mr. F. P, BROUGHTON, Goods Manager. WOLVERHAMPTON AND SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE-— Mr. E. HUNTLY, Goods Manager. Traffic ordered per LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY will be carried between South Wales District and all parts of the Kingdom by the most direct routes. Further particulars respecting the transit of traffic and full information respecting Rates, may be obtained on appli-cation to Mr. J. A. JEBB, at 7, York-place, Newport, (the Agent of the London and North Western Company for the South Wales District); or from the local Agents, Messrs. CROWLEY, at Cardiff, and Messrs PICKFORD, at Newport. Euston Station, London, December 2nd, 1861. BY ORDE,R. [2643 .AIML LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. THE DIRECT THROUGH ROUTE from SOUTH WALES RAILWAY, NEWPORT, JL CARDIFF, PONTYPOOL, ABERGAVENNST, MERTHYR TYDFIL, &c., &c., to LIVERPOOL, MAN. CHESTER, LEEDS, and the NORTH, VIA SHREWSBURY and CREWE. TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS :— I' Sunday Trains N.B.—Passengers from the South Wales XName OXAXiUWS. —— „ ——■ Railway for the North, change from the High- of Co. I & Z l & 4 1 & A street Station to the Mill-street Station, at a.m. a.m. am. Newport. An Omnibus meets every Train. 03 r New Milford, dep. 8 15 11 0 § Haverfordwest „ 8 40 11 27 LIST OF THROUGH FARES. ? Carmarthen „ 9 53 12 50, lst C1< 2nd CI. 3rd CI. Swansea n ••• II 13 ••• « 9, ••• ••• a ad O Neath „ 11 40 2 40j Newport to S I J?rl1?!lnd ft*yn JJ 3 87, Shrewsbury 19 3 12 8 7 6 £ g | Cardiff „ 6 1012 49 4 36 Liverpool 29 9 21 0 12 34 J S?J!!VT6 31 1 10 5 8 Manchester 3* 4 20 11 12 9 £ I Stn. S r^rrW 36 4 25 5 15 lo| 1,2,3 1, 2,3 1,2,3 1, 2,3 1, 2 1, ^3 1, 2,3 pre8ton 33 10 23 11 14 7i a.m. p.m. p.m. p m- p-m- a'_ P-m. Cardiff to Shrewsbury 22 3 14 9 9 0J E*P- Liverpool 32 9 23 1 13 94 ty.' SI. }deP- 6 40 1 30 2 15 3 30 5 30 8 50 3 45 Manchester 33 4 23 0 14 3| R.Ry. Cardiff(Adam-st) d 12 5012 50 ••• Shrewsbury 21 3 14 0. 8 64 Merthyr Tydfil dep 9 40 1 10 1 10 4 25 8 0 3 01 rivernooi o, » 22 4 iq q? |f j Pontypool Red 6 55 1 3 32 8 60 S 60 » 1» i 10 32 4 ™ S 3 I 3 9 • I Abergavenny „ 7 25 2 10 3 5 4 10 6 21 9 4 40j t0 f Shrewsbury, arr. 11 30 4 50 10 0 1 3010 0 g^ry 21 9 14 3 8 9{ $ £ Warrington „ 1 43 7 35 10 3 ManXster 32 10 I 6 14 OA If LIVERPOOL „ 2 30 8 35 10 45 6 30 Manchester 32 10 22 6 14 0i Stockport „ 1 50 7 47 10 13 „r — Abergavenny to P |J Manchester ,2 5 8 0 10 25 5 45 Shrewsbury 15 5 10 3 6 1 Bt Huddersfield ,,3 0 9 10 »veT°t II J Is li" i? 2 $I5 Leeds „ 4 1010 10 Manchester 25 8 18 74. 11 4 Preston 2 35 9 0 Pontypool Road to Carlisle „ 5 25 Shrewsbury 17 3 11 4 6 10^ p f Edinburgh „ 8 40 ^,lverP0°1 27 9 J9 8 11 7i ( Glasgow 9 5 Manchester 27 5 19 11^ 12 2 a m. a.m. p.m. 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 Trains leave LIMK-STBEET STATION, Liverpool daily, at. 4 5 9 0 1 15 Arriving in Newport 1 50 5 10 9 20 Passengers, if booked by the L. & N. W. Route, will travel between Liverpool and Newport without change of carriage, and will avoid the inconveaience of crossing the Mersey from Birkenhead to Liverpool. ø- PASSENGERS MUST BE PARTICULAR TO ASK FOR TICKETS BY THE LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN ROUTE. Further information may be obtained on application to Mr. J. A. JEBB, 7. York-place, Newport, the Agent of the L. & N. W. R. Co. BY ORDER. Euston Square Station, London, January 1, 1862. [2668 GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, NEURALGIA, CONSUMPTION, SCROFULOUS SWELLINGS, &c. Price Is., or free by Post 14 stamps, THERMO-THERAPEUTICS, or the T TURKISH HOT-AIR BATH in the successful treatment of the above and other diseases. By Drs. Barker and Henderson. Also, at the same Price, SKIN DISEASES: THEIR PREVEN- TION AND CURE, by heat and fumigation. Published by Henry Renshaw, 356. Strand, -London, and obtainable of all Booklellen. [1700 MOORE'S PATENT LOUVRE VENTILATORS. MOORE'S PATENT LOUVRE VENTILATORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that im- mediate proceedings will be taken against all parties infringing my Patent, and to recover damages for past infringement. In order to save litigation, those parties who have made them are invited to send me a list f the numbers made, and to pay me a Royalty of Five Shillings upon every Ventilator. Signed JOSIAH MOORE, March 25, 1861. 81, Fleet-street, London. MOORE'S Pamphlet on Ventilation forwarded on re- ceipt of tWO postage stamps. lddrtoots. WR. MATTHEWS and CO., TEA and COFFEE MERCHANTS, 19, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. BONDED AND FREE STORES FOR SHIPS. [1 r COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. TAYLOR BROTHERS invite attention to their Standard Preparations of COCOA and CHO- COLATE, which, for price and quality combined, stand unrivalled. TAYLOR BROTHERS' HOMOEOPATHIC COCOA, TAYLOR BROTHERS' PATENT LENTILlZF.t COCOA, TAYLOR BROTHERS' ICELAND MOSS COCOA, TAYLOR BROTHERS' PEARL COCOA, TAYLOR BROTHERS' TRINIDAD ROCK COCOA & SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE, Are all articles of superior quality, perfectly soluble, and well adapted for general use. SOLD BY ALL GROCERY AND TEA DEALERS. [2639 DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS RHEUMATISM, GOUT, GENERAL DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE SKIN, RICKETS, INFANTILE WASTING, AND SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. THE invariable purity, palatableness, ppeedy JL efficacy, and consequent economy of this unrivalled preparation, have obtained for it the general approval and unqualified confidence of the Medical Profession, and notwithstanding the active, and in too many instances, unscrupulous opposition of interested dealers, an unprece- dented amount of public patronage. The immeasurable therapeutic superiority of Dr. DE JONGH'S Cod Liver Oil over every other variety is incon- testably established by the recorded opinions of the most distinguished Physicians and Surgeons in all parts of the world. In numberless instances, where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long and copiously administered with little or no benefit, Dr. DE JONGH'S Oil has produeed almost immediate relief, arrested disease, and restored healih. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:— Sir Henry Marsh, Bart, M.D., T.C.D. i hysician^.in Ordinary to the Queen, in Ireland; President of th College of Physicians in Ireland; Visiting Physician to Steevens, Hospttal; Consulting Physician to the City of Dublin, St. Vincent, and Rotunda Hospitals, &e. &c. "I have frequently prescribed Dr. DF, JONGH's Light Brown Cod Liver Oil. I consider it to be a very pure Oil, not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great value." JL. B. Granville, Esq., M.D., F.B.S., Author 0/ The Spas of Germany, "*7hi^MisMmbf/land," "On Sudden Death," Dr. Granville has used Dr. DE JOMIriHpjight-Brown Cod Liver Oil extensively in his practki<^fand has found it not only efficacious but uniform in its "qualities. He believes it to be preferable in many respects to Oils sold without the guarantee of sach an authority as De Jongh. Dr. Gran ville has found that this particular kind producees the desired effect in a shorter time than others, and that it does not cause the nausea and indigestion too often consequent on the administration of Pale Oils. The Oil being, moreover, much more palatable, Dr. Granville's patients have themselves expressed a preference for Dr. DE JONGH'S Light Brown Cod Liver Oil." Charles Cowan, Esq, M.D, L.R.C.B.E., Senior Physician to the, Royal tlerkshire Hospital, Consulti hysician to the Reading Dispensary, &c., &c. "Dr. Cowan ie glad to find that the Profession has Home reasonable guarantee for a genuine article. The material now sold varies in almost every establish- ment where it is purchased, and a tendency to prefer a colourless and tasteless Oil, if not counteracted, will ultimately jeopardise the reputation of an unquestionably valuable addition to the Materia Medica. Dr. Cowan wishes Dr. de Jongh every success in his meritorious undertaking.' Sold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints, 2s 6d. Pints, 4s. 9d. Quarts, 9s. capsuled and labelled with DR. DE JONGH'S stamp and signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE CAN POSSIBLY BE GENUINE, by respectable Chemists. SOLE CONSIGNEES, ANSA HARFORD, & Co., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. CAUTION. of Proposed Substitutions. NEW EDITION SEW EDITION (UVERTM & CO'Sj ENLARGED Illustrated iuuk! CONTAINING 306 ENGRAVINGS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, <Sitt|tfs, Draperies, fa; With PRICKS and ESTIMATES for Fnrnishing the COTTAGK, VILLA, or MANSION. LSElsTT POST IF1 IR-IE IE. 36 & 37 Maryport Street^' X^BRISTOL.y^ The P-ARLIAME'XTART REPORT on FOOD ADULTERATION proves that if did not allow the Chinese to coat HV Tea with powdered colour, the brown wi- thered leaves could n°t possibly be palmed off for fine Teat as note, to the loss of the British consumer. "Always Good alike" HORNIMAN's FUSE TEA the Leaf not covered with ooloc, it D />> REAT STRENGTH and BI0H F0LL FLA* I T UM VOUR is insured, by HORNIBAN 1 lift jMH f |i[|' I j I & Co. importing Tea thus pure g^«»'■ "i'»"* and undisguised, as the Chinese 1 IS ||J?] 8 cannot, if it is kept in its natura jLJL 1 I [gi»i 1 Til 8 j? uncoloured state, pass off leaves 1 have become brown and ^THE^LAKCET REPOET' states: HORNIMA.VS TEA WARKHOUMS, |~ Teas in the Docks im exciu,iTeh,\ "ported by Hormman dc Ce. are la). 31 X Wormwood St.. Cit'y. T.O-.W aBd Of good quality —- "the Green with none of the bluish colour seen on other teas, aie of a natural olive hue; and, with the Blacks, are perfectly pure and wholesome" Sold only secured in Packets. Prices 3s. 8d 4s., and 4s. 4d per pound. AGENTS IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD. BERDARF J ones.-Thomas ABERAVON..Evan Evans. ABERGAVENNT Gosden (late Hirst)—Watkins, High-st. ABERSYCHAN Wood, Stamp- office. BP.ISTOL.. Ferris, Union-street. BRECON.White, High street. BRIDGEND Leyshon. BLAKENKY..Philpotts. CRICKHOWELL..Christopher. COWBBIDGE ..Thomas, High-st CARMFF..Kernick, 23, Duke-st Ditto ..James, Bute-street ,s CBEPSTOW.. Ta lor, St. Mary street CoiiBFOBD..Williams.—Hougl GLOUCESTER..Fouracre, Cross L<Htcow..rurMeU Cora hill LYDNEY ..Hathaway. MONMOUTH..Farror.—Baker. Ditto COSSSNS and SON chemists MERTHYR..Stephens, High st NEATH..Hutchins, Ward-street NEWPORT..JONES, 5,High-st Ditto..CHEBRT 41, Commercial street DITTO..WILLIAMS, 3, Commer cial-street NEWNHAM.Fryer, Draper. PONTYPOOL and ABEH8TCH4.X< Wood, Stamp Office. Ross.. Yearsley.-Perria. SWANSEA.. Wilson, Castle sq. Ditto..Harris Oxford-street Ditto.Glover Caitle-street iVu«. £ dwuda. 66 [A CARD MISS BESSIE M. WAUGFT, TEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE, MONMOUTH- [2844 TONES, Chemist, 5, High-street, Newport AOENT FOR HORNIMAN S PURE TEA. THIS TEA is selected from the spring gatherings and is therefore vniformlg Good,—shipped free from all artificial colour on the surface, itia uniformly PURE:—in strength and wholesomeness it thxrefore excels. Being supplied only through AGENTS, and secured ia PACKETS, the Importers gnarantee that it reaches the con- sumer "always good alike." and at the lowest possible rate. THE EST OF ENGLAND HYDP SPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, i LIMPLEY STOKE, (Station on the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymonth Rail* ways), 6 miles from Bath, and 3 miles from Bradford, Wilts. DAVID B. DALZELL, M.D., Physician. The Establishment is situated amidst very beaut if a scenery, and will be opened (D.V.) early in the year. Terms, Two Guineas per week. For further information, address Mr. T. PRESTON, Limpley Stoke, near Bath. [2592 ACCIDENTS ARE UNA VGIDABLE! jLjL Every one should tbefore provide against then. THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY Grant Policies for Sums from gilOO to £1000, Assuring against ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. An Annual Payment of E3, secures JEIOOO iu case of DEATH BY ACCIDENT, or a Weekly Allowance of JB6 to the Assured while laid up by Injury. Apply for forms of Proposal, or any infonnation, to the PROVINCIAL AGENTS, the BOOKING CLERKS at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Or to the Head Office, 64, CORN HILL, LONDON. E.C £102,817 haAe been paid by this Company as COMPEN- SATION for f5!j fatal cases, and 5,041 cases of Personal Injury. The SOLE COMPANY privileged to issue RAIL- WAY JOURNEY INSURANCE TICKETS, costing Id, 2d, or 3d, at all the Principal STA TIONS. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 1849. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. 64, Cornhill, E.C. Agent for Newport: Mr W. WILLIAMS, 16, Dock- street. 12745 WHARFAGE, GOODS AND MINERALS SHIPPED, LANDED, or WAREHOUSED, at the BLAINA OLD WHARF.—Apply at the BLAINA WHARF OFFICE, Great Dock-street. A powerful Crane on the Wharf. Vessels of fully 300 Tons can be loaded or un- oaded with safety. [1877 B. U M N E Y R AIL W^A Y. THE DIRECTORS of this COMPANY are prepared to receive APPLICATIONS for the NEW SHARE CAPITAL to be issued under the autho- rity of the Rumnoy Railway Act, 1861. The New Shares will be issued either AS PREFERENTIAL SHARES, Bearing a Preference Dividend of 4:5 per cent per annum for a period of seven years and after that period to be placed on-tm equal footing with the old Shares Or a. Ordinary Shares to be issued in the first instance on an equal footing with the Old Shares. Applications for Shares to express whether Preferential or Ordinary Shares are applied for, and to be addresstd to the undersigned. SECRETAN WOODHOUSE & COLBORNE. Newport, Mon., Jan. 14, 1862. THE MERTHYR, TREDEGAR, & ABERGAVENNY RAILWAY COMPANY. SIXTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEElISG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the SIXTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS of this Company will be held at the COMPANY'S OFFICES, situate in Monk street, in the town of Abergavenny, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of February next, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, for the Despatch of the Ordinary Business of the Company, and for the Election of Two Directors and One Auditor, in the place of those retiting by rotation. NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that a resolution con- firming the declaration of forffiture by the Directors, of certain Shares in the said Company, for non-payment of Calls thereon, and also a resolution directing the sale or other disposition by the Directors of such Forfeited Shares, will be submitted to the meetiDg. Dated this 14th day of January, 1862. CRAWSHAY BAILEY, M.P., Chairman. WILLIAM F. BATT, Secretary. Company's Offices, Abergavenny. N.B.— The Transfer Books will be closed from Tuesday, the 21st day of January instant, to the said 4toh day of February, b¡;th inclusive. [2816 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the TRUSTEES OF THE ABERCARN TURNPIKE TRUST will be held at the NEWBRIDGE INN, in the Parish of Mynyddysllwyn, in the County of Moumouth, on MONDAY, the 17TH day of FEBRUARY next, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, for the purpose of Auditing the Accounts of the said Trust, and making out a Statement of the Income and Expenditure of the said Trust for the year ending the 31st day of December, 1861, and for choosing new Trustees to supply the vacancies in the Trust occa- sioned by death or otherwise, and transacting any further business relating to the Trust that then and there may appear necessary. Dated at Newport, Monmouthshire, the 2'2nd day of January, 1862. THOMAS M. LLEWELLIN, 2842] Clerk to the said Trustees. REPEAL OF THB PAPER DUTY.—THE CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD—MARVEL OF CHEAP LITERATURE. THE HALFPENNY GAZETTE, A Journal of Fiction atd General Literature. Illustrated by Henry Anelay and W. G. Standfast. Interesting Tales, Miscellaneous Readings, Gatherings and Gleanings, Clippings from Punch, &c., &c. Eight Immense Pages. Three Illustrations in every Number. WEEKLY, ONE HALFPENNY. London J. DICKS, 25, Wellington-street, Strand; and all Booksellers. DUTY OFF PAPER. REYNOLDS'S MISCELLANY is the Cheapest and Best Publication contains 16 pages, 48 columns of original matter, and "Five En- ravings in every Number, well printed on superior paper. Weekly, Id.; Monthly Parts, 6d. post-free, 7d. London J, DICKS, 25, Wellington-street, Strand, and [2330 all Booksellers. REPEAL OF THE PAPER DUTY. THAT the Public m&y receive the full BENEFIT of tbifl financial measure in every shape and way, it has bgen determined by the Pro- prietor of REYNOLDS'S NEWSPAPER to reduce the price immediately to ONE PENNY. No diminution of size Still Sixteen Pagos- -Sixty- four Still the largest Newspaper in the World, and therefore still likewise the Cheapest The same spirited editorial management! the same fearless writers the same attention to the interests of the Millions Working men, throughout the country, now is the time for you to push the sale of the only Newspaper in exist- ence that advocates the cause of labour London Published for the Proprietor, by JOHN DICKS, 25, Wellington-street, Strand. [2406 GIVEN AWAY TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. DR. SMITH has just published a free edition of 20,000 copies of THE WARNING VOICE, or Private Medical Friend." A New Work on the cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lasfitiide, Indi- gestion, Dislike to Society, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &c., which, if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and permature Death with plain directions for perfect restoration to health and vigour Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage.stamps. Address, Dr. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, Tlivistock-square, London, W.C. Consultation by letter without fee. Dr. SMITH will, for the benefit of persons suffering from NERVOUS DEBILITY, Sic., on receiving a description of their case (enclosing a stamped directed envelope for reply) send his written opinion, with advice and directions, fo it he most successful treatment and cure. Ad. dress, Da. SMITH, 8, Btu-ton creMent, London, W.C. 2832