Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

21 erthygl ar y dudalen hon








SWANSEA. n,up TTrHRORXi: HoAX.-The following is, we believe, THE -Lichbo; Tl £ !,r„t;ve of an incident described lh an unexagger_ iallfruage bv a contemporary. On somewhat mflated o ^oax wa3 perpetrated in l™a7 Td it1! certainly the best of its kind which has b enattemptedin the town for some years rlpv morning's post a number ot gentlemen receive a a printed circular, very nicely got. up from a typogra- xJniC;d h,. mittee anil principal svmyathiseis, to express IIJS G .-atitude for Ss^varnTreception at Swansea, begs to enclose an xuvitation to a luncheon at his Hoic-1 on Saturday next, at H.3<) a.m an<l trusts —'— Esq 1S72. Mackworth Arms Hotel, June 2btnti la the same envelope was a very orthod' ox-looking ticket, which significantly enough, was of th at peculiar colour called °Teen The circulars were del lvered through the post and no one seemed to have any suspicion as to the genuineness of the invitation. A< scordiagly soon after eleveno'clockalarge crowd of gentle men blockedupthe en- trance to the Mackworth Hotel, a ,nd every one appeared on exceedingly good terms with hii nself. It was noticeable that most of the invited guclSus were jusc tne indi- viduals who would be likely to I Jut in an appearance on an occasion of that sort, for t iey were persons who could imbibe any give,n quant ity." Men of business donned their Sunday coats for t ,he occasion, and others drove up in hansoms to do tl ie thing in the proper style." At half-past eleven ancT I even twelve the cry was stiil they come," but about 110 ,on mine hosfcof the Mack- worth began to make enquiries as to the unexpected visit of so many gentlemen, and then representations wer .1. q made, which lead to the hm aiiliating discovery that the whole' thing was a hoax. xVlany refused to believe it, and some half-a-dozen gentle- nen in particular had sufficient faith to wait in the hopf hat the Claimant, Mr. Whalley, M.P., and Mr. Onslow LP., would invite them to have a friendly glass of cli. However," hope deferred maketh the heart sir nd about half-past twelve even these credulous inf jls/made their exit through the back entrance, eacl" Wledging he had been unmerci- FU! MYSTERIOUS bave a capital joke to re- late which hasy ]laa.tfce"^on bere "From infor- mation which iat abo^\v,ed' as P-C- 8 generaUy say, it appears tl miles of T a,g0 3 laudy' imnS within a hundred .,om a perStreet'- Pfch^ed a chest of drawers furniture w a n,ei?hb°'lriI'g ^reet The article <■ i3ser does not "t" ra due ?Te> -but the pure! niosity which beta^ Possess«d ^at amount of c on all the drawe^T0^ she »<* opr er horror, however 1- 7 J ''0', Ima?lne h rhursda.u tr. V?.111?. one the drawers on out doubt to be the T 1 seemed with" course a special meeting a ne-W11fborn child- Of summoned, and they ^er .nel°hbours was at once what should be done i +u ?.onclave to deeide of the case. Some goo4 P^V lar circumstances hush up the matter, andf „ patrons were anxious to to be an erring sisterl ^'8 0 wllat appeared overruled by others these were discovery, got to the'kn^neTs extraordinary gent" member of the bor^f1 rrfctlve and intelli- was soon on the spot, an. lh? ^e^etic P.O. the body to the police s m*?1''dei'ed the removal of opened the mysterious di f g?,°,d lady who first law, and several of her fecT^ terr.1bly afraid of the hints in which the woi 561?tllrew out awkward murder" were significaSjf^hte^' an<i 6^n lady was anxious U make U,d6f to. However the consented to have the boc? °, a j5,]ob- and she she was proceeding to wra iu her ignorance paper, but the active arSrpSV" a P.^ceo,f brown sergeantship or even an in^ 5en.?, ev}dently saw a tance," and he at once denia l loomirl° m %e dfs" folds of this said newspapex"cleannewaPaper- To the the inspector in prosoecti°rpse, consigned, and haste as the solemnity of tli?C- mu°b police station. The sur"-e» iu11 x'0uld allow to the thing, for he was out of the u r°rce a »°°d most persons connected withWi • 8Ur was wanted However, the case was an u°1Ce force generally are), gentleman, whose zeal for tLone' ^d a Professional equalled by his itch forlS,^Vatlve cause is only called in. What was the ^11^ was Pr01?Ptly active and intelligent," a!,v ^yvver 0f ,the that the corpse was not^ tP fne,ld' ,to fi^d child, but that of a venerablt. i a newly-born soon told. It seems that the J,he s^uel lady purchased the drawers I animals. So far back as Man*^fe tf stuffing stuff, and he took off the an hf.had a monkey to its legs. He placed the carcSu u' !°st:thfr Wlth and being taken ill shortly aftf,^ ^eSL- drawers the contents of th« drawers wl entnely forgot sold about a month sinri -We have said' ware cleared up the mystery and 'thff 1"atlon thoroughly P.O. not likelv to be»nts state that long time to come. However mspeccor ior a that the constable is not the liVaf1, fif6 V niistake as to the <jenu* homo ln° ha fa^P a is possible that after all he nl?™?1'6'7 gePofi^C^rW1SS John Davies, a smelter, was cha Vu ■ turbance at the Corporatfon A^ C>FMG the landlord. Fined 40s; and co'aUd Wtk assaultlnS theAmanagere^of^the^Swansef'1?111^ Frigidly Hociety, under s" Mr. Smith, who appeared for Pei ° f in this case were simple enou-h ^°°d' ,8,ald th £ facts were settle v„7 i- 0 ? Generally such cases B»ch^ H«ijvSb'bv the'fw the therr wor^in, h,'i 7 flsfc, ^2ud Vict., see. 20. ad power to death thf cake The complainant was a member of a fii • f T1 gyfelach, to which he beloinSi fo?7 S°Ci n7 J T JP0" by a man °amed ferns wa^pressed to join the Swansea Koval Sooiet^ 1 T 4xJ ^t was a collector. Penhrwood told v ll Ju not know what his a-e w^ «r,! flllamS dl.d n.ade no diSerenc?/8'' rePli<!d fat another soeiefv TU.. Piamwas a member 01 Wir £ £ h/^r^xr„Tn^ioi^-t,ie regularly up to a recent dS A wv f 8 ;lb^rlP^ons the complainant became illand weSw C,hrist^as usual sick allowance ^s paid undl fc116, f^n i 't was stopped, on the ™S S (Plr t: whe" perpetrated a fraud upon the society r i statement a., to his agi „hei^^he 13™ a m™b« four years ago. The age given at thaC and tnere was no question that the com T iT and did not know what his reag m,' compMnant distinctly told William^enTe ioined the Society that he did not know his w-jir as the agent of the Society accepted Wllhams standing that they should b^uided complainant gave when he joined the Ll^eiach soSlv age. He would point out, first that coneeai.ed had no motive for doing this,' beba^Sie time in full beneht in another societv • 1 L n uiat^ne complainant told WilUams thaf did not know what his age really was. Mr. Gfascodi%ho appeared on behalf of the society, observed that if complainlnt was only 43 four years ago, he i»ust ha^S when he.was ten years of age, as thev had f^ame<d,.]?h^n of the marriage in 1839. Evidence was? f f r the opening statement, and the ?a°e wS





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vjA_i-adjourn TOWN, COUNCIL.…



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