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GLAMORGANSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. The Midsummer Sessions of the county of Glamorgan commenced yesterday in the Town-hall, Cardiff, when according to the new arrangement adopted at the last court only the couniy butduess was taken. Mr. R. O. Jones, county chairman, presided. The ni;!gistrat< s present were—Messrs. J. (J. Fowler, J. L.^vi-, W. 3. Cartwright, E.Wiliiams, J. T. Jenkin, N. P. Cdim-rot-, W. Gilbertson, P. 8r, Leger Grenfell, G. L'n.W ilyn, H. J. Evans, V. H. Lee, E. W..David, G. William: Griffith Phillips, Rev. D. W. Williams, Rc-v. H. H. i Richards, Rev. lL X. Tyler, Major Turbervilie. Mr. S. S. H. Horroan Fisher was appointed one of the Visiting Justices for Swansea prison, and the name ef the Rsv. William Bruce was removed from the list of justices of Cardiff gaol, at his own request, in ccmse- quence of Lis removal. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. At a meeting of the Finance Committee, held at the Town Ihll, Cardiff, 011 Tuesday, the 25th day of June, 1S72, present, Messrs. William Gilbertson, Robert Oliver Jones, Charles Rumsey Kniorht, Henry Thomas Lee, Jamer Lewis, Aberuare, and William Gilbert- son (in the chair.) Your committee beg to report that the voucheis for payments during the last quarter, and the Treasurer's accounts have been examined and passed by the Auditor and laid before them, and are now submitted to the Court of Quarter Sessions together with the Auditor's report. Your committee have examined the bills and demands now payable, amounting to £35\)1 !>s. Od., which with estimated cq-ts of this Sessions will amount to £ 4(507, the particulars of which are set forth in the annexed table. They recommend the said bills and demands to be paid. There is now remaining ill the Treasurer's hands a balance of £2,929 10s. M., and a rate amounting to £ 3,118 3s. 5d. is now payable. The expenses of the ensuing half-year are eatiniatail at £ 10,410; we therefore recommend that a rate of lAd. in the pound, producing £ 9,354 10.M. 3d., be granted. Your committee further recommend that, in order to enable your auditor to exercise n proper supervision over the expenditure for new buildings which are now may be from time to time in course Ot erection, he be furnished by the Clerk of the Peace with a copy of each contract rel-ttlug to aiy such building. Your comniittee have further to report that the officers of the Treasury, instead of payinjj the bills for trials at the last Winter Assizes and at the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions, amounting to £ 2,100 ltis. iod., propese only to psy the sum of £ 1,901 IDs. Sd. Your committee believe that many of the deductions are improperly made, but it is impos-ible to ascertain on what ground the items in each case have been to ascertain on what ground the items in each case have been disallowed without referring to the original bills which are re- tained by the officers of the Treasury. Your committee therefore recommend that these disallowances should be enquired into by the County Auditor, and that the Clerk ot the Peace be directed to give him the necessary authority, and also to inform the Clerk, of Assize of the steps .taken by the Court, and to request his assistance. Your committee find that the detailed statement of the money expended on the County Lunatic Asylum, which was printed in 1S05, has not been carried down to the present time in suf- tkelt de tail. They therefore recommend that the Clerk of the Peace cause a full statement to be prepared of all the moneys expended in the building and completion of the Asylum and furnishing the same uptothe present time, to be called the Capital Acccounti also an account of all moneys expended in repairing the same to be called the Landlord Accountand further, an account of all the moneys expended by the committee under the £ 4(30 a year clause, to be called the ''Special Fund Account;" also, that a statement of all the money raised on loan, specifying each loan, and how much has been repaid, be prepared. Your committee find from the returns placed before them that £ sl,<x)0 has been borrowed for the Lunatic Asylum purposes; -that (without reckoning claims for extra work and commission on the last con- tract, not yet ascertained) the Treasurer has paid up to this time £ 81,154 6s. that the works now to be contracted for will cost £ 4,567 that the furnishing will cost £ 1,500: ahd that the sum 1 advanced from the rates on capital account is £ 1,827.), They.therefore recommend tliat power be taken to borrow from the London .Assurance Company, or elsewhere, the further srm of the London assurance Company, or elsewhere, the further srm of £ 10,0u0 on the security of the county rates. Your committee have received the report of the comity Surveyor, stating that the swing bridge belonging to the Loughor bridge is out of repair, and will cost £ 3u0 to repair. The repairs of the bridge are Chargeable to the counties of Glamorgan and Carmarthen in equal moieties to the counties of Glamorgan and Carmarthen in equal moieties was made of the state of the bridge two years ago by the Bridge Committee, and certain recommendations were then liiad 2, to which they beg t; draw the attention of the court. Your committee have had their attention drawn to the present state of matters relating to the erection and subsequent supervision of the County BuUdings, and in_ they recommend that cn the appointment of any future county surveyor the whole of the county but dings and bridges be placed I under his charge, and that it shall be his duty to inspect all such buildings twice a year or ofnerif nfecessary, and to report upon their state to the court at the Spring and Autumn Sessions, «nd also to superintend from time to time all such repairs as may be ordered to be carried out oil the same or any of them, but that the designing Or erection of new buildings should not form part of his duties, and that the salary of such future county surveyor shall beUO a-year. Your committee lay the Bills presented to them under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act before the Court, aud recommend payment of all except the bill of Nlr. Nicholas. They recommend that a rate of k of a penny be raised for the purposes of this Act. So rate will be required for the purposes of the Merthyr Stipendiary Justice Act, but it wi I be required to raise the sum of £500 under the provisions of the Pontypridd Stipendiary Act now in force. The Visiting Justices of the county gaol have laid before your committee certain' plans for the proposed Governor's house, and alsoreconnnend that the existing gaol buildings, now useless, be taken down by prison labour, and that the materials be used in the building of the Governor's house. Your committee recom- mend these buildings to be taken down and that tho ground plans be approved, but that the Visiting Justices be requested to give further consideration to the elevation with reference to the style and character of the building, and that they be authorised to carry out the propo, bldldillg at a cost not exceeding £ 2,500. Your committee further suggest that the recommendation of the Visiting Justices to give the Chief Warder of the County Gaol a gratuity of £ 25 for his conduct whilst iu sole charge cf the prison for nearly four nionths be acceded to. Your committee have also receive from the Visiting Justices of the Swansea. prison a recom- mendation to grant a pension t. Dunlop, late warder of that prison, who has retired in consequence of ill health, and they re- commend that he be awarded the highest pension which the Act of Parliament permits. The following is an abstract of the expenditure of lIt: past quarter: Maintenance of prisoners, GaoJ, £lG4 15s. 8d., H< use of Correction, £ 210 10s. 4d.; clothing for prisoner?, £15 ISs. l.Ul.— £ 42 5s. 7d clothing for Turnkeys,, £ B lCs.— £ 43 lis. 8d iuei'lental expenses. £ 202 6s. 10d.— £ 143 7s. 3d.; repairs, £ 21 7s. fid.— lis. 6d.; relief to piisoners ou discharge, £ 10 5s. 5d.— !:4 2s. 4h1.; materials for manufacture, £ lo Cs. 10J.— £ 60 IDs. od. Salaries, total, £ 402 2s. 2jd.—totai, £ 452 oS. 3d.x The Clerk of the Peace, his quartel"¿ composition, Y,112 10s.; tlic, Clerk oi the p ac.. Lip; bi; j lor business done, £ 40 10s. 2d.; ditto, his bill for mone « pail, £..1 17s. Id ditto, exp.-n.-es of unsaojs- fu1 can- didates for Goveruship of Gaol, 1:31 16s. 6d. Coroners: Mr. Cuthberfson, £ 9.) Os. Del.; Mr. G. Overton, £ 225 5s. 5d.; Mr. R. LrBeece, £ 157 Is. 6d.; Mr. E. Shriek, 4:91 los. 3d.; Mr. Sckwood, ZEI 17s. 6d. Lunatics, t422 18s. lid. Priuting, &c., £58 Us. Id. Practice- jr. T. M. Didton, ns Dtputi Clerk of Peace, two days, -96 6s. County bridges, £128. Penti ms, £ 35 14s. 5d. Petty Sessions, f4 8s. Reformatories, £ 37 10s. 4d. Militia, £ 23 Os. 9d. Weights, etc., £ 23 2s Salaries 2125. Total, £ 3,591 9s. Id. The financial statement for Midsummer, 1872, \ms as follows :—The balance iu hand is £ 2.939 16s.' 9d.. and the rate payable £ 3,118 3s. od., making a total of X6,048 Os. 2d.. The payments are general expendi- ture, £1,718 6s. 4d. Gaol, 908 12s. 7111.; House of Correction, £ 962 10s. 4 £ d.; Cattle Disease Act, £ 120; Estimated Costs this Session, £ 500; Quarters Sajaries to Clerks of Petty Sessions, X457 10s.; total, £ 4,GG6 i93. 4d., which, deducted from the income, leaves a balance of £1,381 Cs. lOd. A grant of £ 9,354 will make the sum available £ 10,735. The esti- mates X5,438, and the balance £ 4078, in all £ 10.416, deducted from the income, will leave a balance of £,119. The estimates for 1872, and 1873 are as follows:—Michaelmas, 1872, total, £ 5,438; Epiphanv, 1873, total, £ 4978 10s. The Court ordered the bills mentioned to be paid. A county rate os Is. lid. in the £ was made. Orders were made that the County Audits should be supplied with copies cf contracts, in order that works excuted by the county might be checked. FVRTHER DISALLOWANCES BY THE TREASURY. The CHAU'.JIAN said the items disallowed by the Treasury amounted to a considerable sum, in all about £ 26D, aud a large proportion of this, upwards of £ 130, was due upon Assize prosecutions, over which the county bad not the slightest control, the treasurer being obliged to pay the bill the clerk of assize sent. to him. The Treasury, however, said, in effect, that they did not agree upon the mode in which clerks of assize and judges order sums to be paid, and so the Treasury clerks cooly struck the items out. Among others they had struck out a prosecution on the ground that the case was conducted nominally by the post office, and that the county ought-to have applied to the post office and not to the Treasury for the costs. After the late decision in the Court of Queen's Bench, this court had no remedy but through Parliament, and that was the truth of the matter. Iu one case the person who presided over these charges had struck an item ont because it was a new crime," created by au Act of Parliament passed since the Act which made these costs fall upon the Treasury. That was the doctrine of the gentlemen of the Treasury— that if Parliament created new offences the Treasury must not bear the cost of prosecution! The bills sent to the Treasury were kept, and there was no means of examining the items unless they obtained the bills back again. Therefore he proposed that the county auditor should examine the accounts, and make a report upon them at the next session. Mr. ST. LEGER GREN-FELL geco ided the motion, and remarked that the previous night, -in the House of Commons, Mr. Eruce had stated that a Bill, which would affect these disallowances, would not come on this sesion. > THE COST OF THE COUNTY LTJKATIC ASYLUM. The CHAIRMAN stated that in consequence of the architect not having sent in the statement required of him, the committee werz- unable to lay such an abstract of the accounts before the Court as they did in 1865. It was desirable that they should know not only the sum that had been spent in repairs, but the amount of moneys laid out by the committee from time to time, under the clause which gave them the power to spend a sum of t400 a year in repairs, or new buildings, as they might think necessary. The amounts so expended formed a considerable sum, and it was very desirable that the public and the court should be informed of the exact amount the Asylum had cost. The sum of zES1,000 had been borrowed either from the Board of Works or from Insurance Offices, and be- side that, :£1,827 had been paid by the treasurer out of the county rates, and must be deducted from future loans and recouped to the ratepayers. In addi- tion to this, there were some amounts not paid yet, for extra work,, and also the architect's com- mission and for this purpose they must raise more money, and looking at the statement iu the report he did not think that they could do with a smaller sum than £ 10,000. He could, only say that ho hoped that it would be the last sum they would be called upon to raise upon the Lunatic Asylum account. Archdeacon Blosse, the chairman of the Visitors, had sent .him a statement of the results which were expected to be realised when the now pending alterations were com- pleted. The Asylum would then accommodate 250 females and 320 males, a total number of 570 inmates. The present accommodation was for 320 males and 205 females, a total of 525. When "the additions were completed it was the opinion of the committee that the Asylum would be quite as large as it was desirable that it should hé. If, unfortunately, the number of lunatics in the county should increase farther, a ques- tion would arise what other provision should be made for them. He proposed that the Clerk of the Peace should take steps to ascertain how they might borrow £ 10.000 fit the lowest rate of interest, and that he glirnld first j address the Board of Works, with whom they had negotiated a previous loan at per cent. M 'jir TUI^BERVILLE seconded'the motion. jMr.-J?o*»VLSu'-it further need of enlarging 1 the Asylum might be avoided, if the Unions of the county would adopt the plan he had suggested for some >ears, to make provision j..r their idiotic and imbecile p.-U"ioi-rs in their ovm Workhouses. j The motion was carried.. THE DUTIES OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. The CHAIRMAN said it would be in the recollection of the Cor.rt that some years ago the business of d^iguing and superintending the county buildiugs was removed frqrn the couuty surveyor, and a set of standard plans drawn up by au architect, he believed, from Surrey, and these plans had since been followed in the erection of county buildings. Siuce then the charge of these buildings, during hnd. after construction, had really devolved upon nobody, except that clerks of the works had been appointed from time to time when n^vr buildiugs were commenced. The plans bad often to be altered to fit the ground, and this work required a trained professional man to do it. It was very desira- ble that the care of these buildings should be placed in the hands of one man, and his opinion "was that it would be better to have the superintendence of these buildings in the hands of the county surveyor in future, whoever he might be. The committee had suggested that everything connected with the buildings of tbe county should go through tbe hands of the county sur- veyor, and tbat his salary should be increased. If the Court thought fit, and the present County Surveyor wished, and, thought that he had time to per- sonally carry out the work of the county—for Mr. Bassett had a very large business-he for one would be willing that he should take the whole of the county work, and receive a proper salary; but if j1 the present surveyor saw that his taking upon himself the work would necessitate his sending a deputy from his office, he (the chairman) thought the Surveyor, it may be, wonld tell the court that having served the county for a number of years ;ii a!l the matters that had been entrusted to him, and his private duties having within that time considerably enlarged, he felt that under those circumstances he would prefer withdrawing from bt-iug county surveyor. The course the court had better take, he thought, was to decide that the matter should be entirely in one hand, and done not by deputy but by one person, and it would then be a matter whether the county surveyor would put himself before the Justices as a person who would ask them to appoint him to carry out the whole of the business properly, or whether he would withdraw and leave them to select some one else. Mr. GREXFELL said the question had been before the coMtt several times before, and the gentlemen who then took an active interest in it Mr. Vivian and Mr. E. M. Ricllard-were not now present. Though he entirely concurred that the work should be done by one persoa, he thought it would be advisable to adjourn the natter to the October sessions, when they would have a fuller court, and he made a proposi- tion to that fieot. Mr. J. C. FOWLER seconded the motion, and it was carried. MISCELLANEOUS. No Yate, was made for the Merthyr Stipendiary Justice Act, A rate of d. in the pound was made for the purposes of the Pontypridd Stipendiary Justice Act. It was stutod -that the taxed costs incurred in the promotion of the Bill were 9-590. An order was made for the erection of a governor's house outside Cardiff Gaol, and orders connected tbere- with were made for the alteration of the boundary wall of the gaol, and the removal of such buildin's iu the gaol which are no longer usedj and the materials of which will be valna^k for the purpose of building the house. The court limited the cost of the house to £ 2,500. ■ A gratuity of £ 25 was given to chief warder Stevens, of Cardiff Gaol, as an honorarium for his servies during the period the gaol was without a governor. A pension of E17 15s. a year was settled upon ex- warder Dunlop, of Swansea House of Correction. l'OLICE COMMITTEE'S REPORT.—THE WAGES OF THE POLICE. At a meeting of the Police Committee composed of the same members as the Finance Committee, Air. William Gilbertson in the chair, the police axounts which had been audited by Mr. Dever were produced and are now presented to the Court of (Quarter Sessions. The bills and estimates for the ensuing- half- year were examined, and the report of the Chief Constable was j "received, which are now submitted to the court. It will be neces- sary to raise for the Merthyr district the sum of 8201., the balance in hand being 1,761'?. IKs. lOJ. Newbridge district, 1,7551. 6s. 4d., the balance in hand being 2.0Sil. 9s. lW, Oyniore district, 0521. 3s. 0d., the balance in hand being 8191. Is. 4d. Swansea district, 9331. Is. 5d,, tjio balance in hand being 1,4261. 8s. 4d. Your committee !l!o rtcomuieiu1. that three additional constables appointed to the Newbridge district and one to the Ogmore district. Your committee have had laid before them a petition f -em the subordinate members of the police force praying for an increase of salary, and also a statement by the Chief Constable as to the future rates of pay which he considered desirable in the ea?e of thfc oiReers and men under his charge. Your committee considered the matter very fully, &nd viewing tlie great rise in ( wages and the almost universal incroase in the pay of persons em- ployed 011 police duty throughout the kingdom, are of opinion that a new scale of pay should be adopted in this county instead tif the one at present in force, and that it should be as foilows :— Chief Constable, with allowance of 501., 501. per annum on appointment; superintendents, 16M. per annum on appointment, anri 1821, per annum after five years inspectors, 911. per allnum ou appointment, 951. per annum after two years, and 1001. per annum after live years sergeants, 11. 7s. weekly on appointment, 11. fis. aiter two years, aud 11. 10s. after 10 years constables, merit class, 11. 5s. weekly; ditto, after three years, first class, j I. -is. 6(1. per week ditto, after one year, s"coud class, 11. 2:i. 6d. per wed; ditto, probationary, second class, 1?. Is. per week. COALS FOR .POLICE STATIONS.—First class stations, now receiving j 2s. per week, be increased to 3s.; second class stations, now re- ceiving Is. per week, be increased to Is. 6d. third class stations, now receiving Gd. per week, be increased to fid. Having adjusted the seale of pay for the officers and men under tho charge oi the Chief Constable, your committee arrived at the conclusion that the same 4tircunistiiiees which demanded an in- crease of pay in the force. coupled with the great increase 01 tile Chief Constable's duties and the much larger number of men he had now under his charge, ought to induce the court to increase his salary, which they recommend should be 550[. for all purposes instead of as at present 3S0[ for pay and 1501. for expenses. The accounts presented were as folk)ws :-salaries, 1621.14s. 2d. Merthyr district, 48?. 4s. 4d. Newbridge district, 6651. ITs. 3d. Ogmore district, 451. lis. (id. Swansea district, 5til. Os. 5d. total, 078'. 13s. sd. The Clerk of the Peace read the memorial which had been addressed to the court by the officers of the County Police force. The CBAIBMAN said in the face of the general increase of wages that was goir.g on throughout the couniy, it was only natural to expect the police to make a claim, aud it v,'ould be impossible to keep up the force in au efficient state if the claim had not been considered. He was told that the Metropolitan police force, whether fairly or unfairly, was opeu to receive any constable from a country force who offered himself, and this was a circumstance which made it more necessary to place their men in such a position as would be satisfactory to them, and such a position also as would attract to them and keep with them the best men that could be got. The force of this county had been very efficient (bear, hear), and very well managed by Colonel Lindsay ?s well as by Captain Napier, his predecessor. Colonel Lindsay had laid before the com- mitteee—not an application on his own part, for he made none—but a scheme for a general advance to the men. That scheme had not been adopted in its en- tirety but had assumed the form in which it appeared m the report, and l ad been approved of by Colonel Lindsay. The new feature of this scheme, apart from the advance made, was the introduction of a merit class. This class would consist of the mest meritorious men of the force, and it was proposed that it ehould be distinguished from the others by a special badge. It would depend upon the conduct of the first-class men whether there would be a merit class, and it would be entirely in tbe hands of the Chief Constable to advance such men to the honour as he thought fit. The men in the merit class would receive 25s. aweek. As to the last class, they were anxieus not give too much to men who entered the force on probatoin but they were so placed in the new scale that if they were good men they wo Id soon receive a gradual increase. With re- gard to tbe Chief Constable, he had asked for no increase himself but it would be very unfair and nojust if they did not state their opinion that an addition ought to be made to his emoluments. The Committee recommended that instead of _a salary of £ 350, and an allowance of A'150, he be paid a salary of £ 500, and an allowance of 950. The reason the altera- tion of salary and allowance was made was this. The Treasury had taken it into their heads that if the Court made » payment for salary and a payment for allowance, it was their dut./ to base the Govern- ment police grant only upon the payment of salary, leaving the allowance out of consideration. In other counties the course he proposed they should now adopt had been adopted, and for the same reason. There was no need to make a secret of it. If the Trea- sury consented to this alteration, the increase given to Col. Lindsay would involve very little further charge upon the county, as the additional grant received from Government would recoup them a great part of the ad- ditional payment. He moved the adoption of the re- port. Mr. W. GILBERTSON seconded the resolution, and thought the scale of wages proposed was reasonable as well as necessary. As an employer of labour, he was sure that if an increase had not been made to the con- stables they would have.,turned to other employments. The force would have become disorganised. Mr. GKKNFELL and Mr. FOWLER supported the motion, the latter gentleman suggesting that Colonel Lidesy should wear a distinctive dress upon occasions of popular gatherings or excitement, and also that public-house inspectors should be appointed in the event of such offieers not been included in the Govern- ment Licensing Bill. Mr. W. S. CARTWRIGHT also supported the motion, and said the question of an increase to the police force was brought before the Monmouthshire Sessions the previous day, and had been referred to the Police Com- mittee. One of the reasons he attended the court that day was to ascertain the manner in which this court decided so important a question. Mr. E. W. DAVID psked what amount the advance of pay would be annually. The CHAIRMAN saiu the annual aggregate of the in- crease was XS43 3s. 3d. Towards that the Govern- ment would contribute £ 210, so that the extra cost to the county would be £ 632. The motion was then carried. In reply to Mr. GWILTII WILLIAMS, The motion was then carried. In reply to Mr. GWILTII WILLIAMS, The Clerk of the Peace stated that no steps had been taken in the matter of the police station at Llan- trissant, which had been ordered four years ago, because he had been unable to get the lease of the land they were to rent of Lord Bute, from Mr. Corbett. Mr. G. WILLIAMS said if any difficulty arose about that site it would be perfectly easy to get another. Three additional constables were ordered for the Newbridge district, two to be placed in the Bhondda V ::17, aud one at Roath. One additional con- s'able was ordered for the Ogmore district, to be stationed sit. Maesteg. The rales of the Discharged Prisoners" Aid Societies at Swansea and Cardiff, were certified by the Court. The CHAIRMAN gaVe notice that &t the next Sessions be should draw the attention of the Court to the de sirabiiity of establishing a girls' school under the Industrial Schools Act, and make a motion on the subject. The Court then adjourned. The trials of prisoners will commence this morning.



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