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HiMiratimw. Profusely ill, i» traced, pp, Price2d. 'T^HE HolUN LT.—High class, Literary, ■ Lraiuatic, and Political Journal. Every Wednesday. Under ?eWL "Tlie*I and brightest of all the Vide Presa Notices. May be ordure I througa SPECIAL NOTIOE. On the 1st May was issued gratis with THE LiXi'Lr. Uittbs" 1 lii, AojRB A SPLENDID OLEOGltAPH SATTBiII) 4"i.iiE iU, -v.. ^xuUAi, UK, iv HUWtir'lli'rs Ja 11 r bsplendid OieogTapa, or ooauMudy-coloared picture, < SO 1Quisite y defined as to 1 e scarcely ruoogoued from a picture by Tie of the first masteis painted on camaa in oil. The delineation •f the dog and her little one reminds one (Jf Landkeer's boat Jttorts. Parts 1, 2, S, 4, 6, 6, and 7 now ready, price Sixpence. ITtHE LITTLE GiRLS' TREASURE. A FILLED WiiH LEAUlTEUL COUiURED PICTURES, a most c- »r:u..i.« pre c., lor L.tue ui.'is, THE LITTLE GIRLS'TREASURE. FAlittf T L Nfct, O } vliub-i tde tilt, THE LITTLE GIRLS' TREASURE. -N- Tliit, Magtzwe is one of the very best 10. kittle Girls that has Oecu pu,Imbed.—Contaiuiug instructive as well as tnittiiug Liieratu, e. Ita to,.e is chaste, and suitable for chi dreu of all classes. Illustrated in colours. London BWKIN, MALISHALL, and Co. A Specimen ( opy can be had ao The Casket Oriice, a, Fetter-lane, E.C., for seven I5taw!J:I. 'U_- Now ready, the SEPTEMBER PART of TH m CASKET.—An Illuminated Magazine for Ludie i. l i e (JA,biAi.<. rnHE CASKET.-Tales, Poetry, Fine Arts, J- Music, i', illuminating, Wax Modellitig, Fashions, Neediewoik, iM- &c.—Editei by Madame ELI E. l-TLohD B COLol tlEV 1LL U STi•' AT• ONS. rpHE CASKET.—No Lady's Boudoir can be con- A Bidercd complete without it.—Splenuidlj Idustiated n Colours, with illuminated Wrapper. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, and OO. A Specimen NUlliber sent for li Stamps. Yearly tultscr ption, 13B; Half-yearly, Cs 6J. direct from THE CAftK*,T Oilier, 36, Fetter-lane. 130 ENLARGEMENT OF THE CARDIFF TIMES AMD SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS TO SIXTY-FOUR COLUMNS, RMBUUHO IT TflU LARGEST NEWS-SHE bt IN THE KINGDOM. Tfee PROPRIETORS of the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTB j^AZiMS WBJtKLY NEWS hat the pleaeu e of -announcing tias Omnhf Timet i« mv KMLAnGHD TO 64 LONG COLUMNS of tuH newspaper width. KMLAnGHD TO 64 LONG COLUMNS of t newspaper width. Tne Enlargement is equal t* an ADDITION ef 13 COLUMNS er the labs sice, and thi CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTS WALKS WXBKLT NH WS in it* enlarged to m in the LARGEST NEWti-SIIEILT IN THE UNITKD KINGDOM. Tho Itolarged Paper is prnted upoo the Victory Webb wrnoh hRS reoer.tly been erected in the Cardif Offices, and whieh has teen constructed to produce 0011 pipers per Hour, -owplouely printed on both aides, and tOld0d ready foe dai-ps. eh. In the Literwy D -\)arno efforts will b* sparest te maia- *J1 th4 posOioa whkh he Cardiff Tim*t has r.ccupied for so the LEADING WKiT.w Lf PaPKH m Wat«« and 5j* **t« V irtrnt. LEA1HNQ AFCTICUCS upon the principal flH ocial Quest,ons of the Day will continue t» form promin W faature, and LOOAL TOPI08 of every deserip- on wü be l-jlly and exhaostirely dicuxsed. r enlarge rer»nts increased space to be d« voted to ••OOAL and MS BLCT NEW- and ac.mits of er rr town and in South Wales and Monmouthshire, »nd the Forest of being: dnlr rmirneatited in the co umns of the Cardif ■Timet and Sevth Wale* Weekly Newt. It also allows of fubnr "portsbwng giveii of t.he ch; er liricai Events of the veek. in the SEVERAL and FOREIGN NBWg Departments, the Fepona are store ampie and oomplete than hI." hitbe te been JI08ible. and erary ex r, ion will be made "fI secure a complete ■ynovsta of aU erents of importance occurring at Home and Abroad. The LOVBON CORRESPONDED OR of the lardif Timet is renenliy adssittod to be on* of the milt importaut and valuable ■ sontribatio«» publiøJoed. In the Provincial Press, and every effort 111111 be miado by the CcKc et 'eiit to re der the Letter equally "liable and attractive in future. The. wldeft has tttwied the publication of FIRST. CLASS ssaiAL STORISS by Miss Bnddon, Mr. John Smndem, IIr. Blaaohard Jerrold, Mr. rir,raiiia, and other elmient Novel s s, has indnced the Ptoprietnr to make further arrangv- 18011" at eo^riderabto expense, with the popular Author- of •He day, 16" te ensure a surw sion of Worts of Fiction of the ni/hest Merit, written in the most popular and interesting Style. In brt^f the ebje# wi 1 bn to rerder the CAROIPF TIM S3 f SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NBWS not only one of the bnt also one of the most able sad complete weekly joUioal* extant aosi te make it the „ BEST OOMMKKCIAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER ■ U«M The advantages oI the Cardif Times and South Walet WteHu atnt as the OUNAT AirVWnSINO MEDIUM for South W*l"« and Memmiuibobiye, will be still further a. Nst. ft. lartelv ine'eawd elrcolation. and the new and more widely spread szen,-i n wbiqk have foliowcl the eiil nreinent, render the Cwr&f TVmet ami Sottth mles Weekly Newt still more Valuable as a gop-erij Advertising Journal fAt" every desorip. tion of Advert sementg, &a4 faitber increase its pre-emineneo Mtonf weekly journal*, M the BE T ADVERTISING MEDIUM for South W"leø, Monreouihi-hire, and the Western District. THE CARDIFF TIMES A" SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS ENLARGED TO 64 COLUMNS. lPraM Editioj* Friday Morwthxj. Bmovd Eurrioic Batukdat Mokkimo 'TBI TATtngRT WEEKLY PAPER. THE LKADINa POLITICAL JOURNAL. Tutt CH'EF OOMVlER IAL ORGAN. TAB BEST FAM'LY NRWSPAPER. THE GREAT ADVERTISING lliWIUJl. OoirrBRTS: LEADING ARTICLES „ on TBS CfilXF POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND LOCAL TOPICS OF THS nAY. ALL THE LOCAi. N WS OF TTTE WEEK. ALL TTTE DISTRICT NEWS CF THE WKEK. ALL THE HENKKAL NE(111 07' THti WEEK. ALL THE F >RE GN NEWS of THE WEEK. LONDON OORRKSPOH fHNCE. SERIAL STORIES, BT THIC MOST EMNEKT ▲( THORg OF THE DAT. PRICE Twopence. BOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS Ihrooffhoat South WalesgMournoutbehiiv and the West of England. Sent post free to any agrees in the Umted Kinrdom for 2s. 9d. per quarter, prepUd and to the Colonics, the United S ates, and all parts of Europe, for 118. rl. i-er qaarter, prepaid. CHqF OFFIORS CARDIFF SHIPPING AND MERCANTILE \J GAZETTE, Published #r«rj lloaday Morning. Priat XM. p«r anawmf 7 211L The CARDIFF SHIPPINGANi)8"MERCANTILE GAZETTE,- toti'ains a complete record of the Shi( pin £ bus n s«lof » ftwanao* and Newport, and the B isiol i.bannel, a d sirou^»vss unouf all the Merchants and Brokers of t».e Bristol ChanWM Porte, and generally Uronjfhout the varions porU «f the t 'ww Kingdon. It U filed at Lloyds, the Lombard, and most et tnn Ohainbers »f Cexmneroe, and is also sent to the leading f Cam Omal-75 and 76. St. Mary-Street, Cardiff. BEST ADYERTISING PAPER )N NOTTlNGHAMSRIBE. NOTTINGHAM DAILY GLARDIAN. A First-01 sss Daily Newspaper, priee au the lareca circulation of any Daily Paper in Nottiinghank- fbire and ad}o nin* counties. Saturday's issue over 2»,000. The toost valua ble aaeJinm for advsrtisters. » R» tea of charges and copies of the paper sent tree on applim- •on to the Propriet rs. -i-nr a xr THE NOT ri iS GHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN. ) "havd e»ery FRIDAY. Priee ( Supplement), TWOPENCE. Bat a luve and bign-class eirculaiiou, and is acknowledged the rrsat. adwt sing m^d um for «oUin»hanish re, Derby""™ Leiornt«nbire, Lincolnshire, s»d neb:hb .urkig countie*. OFFKx*: 8 NET. MOTflNviHAM. 2115 -r 'A_ TUNMER'S ENGLISH AND AMERICAN JL Aii&jiVT. 66, Rue Neuve ST-AUGUSTIN, PARIS. Fmniaited and Unfuruiihed Apartments, Hotels, Boarding- Foustm, Schools, Busuipss-Establialinjents, Couriers, Interpro- twt, FVofeasors, Gov, rnes«o*, etc reeotnrnoniled. ALL INf 'ttM .1 ION GRATIS. Revised Annually. GA L I G NAN I 's PARIS GUIDE, G With Coloured MAP Price 5&, or with Sixty SU-e Engmvinirs, 7s. London: Siaipkm. Mar<ti-ll, "d Co., and aR IwiokaeUrrs V" IS I T 0 R S~ TO PARIS Will Meet with Comf oi t and Moderate Charges, at the HOTEL DE LONDRES Ef DE MILAN, BBRZTTA, PROPRINTOR, R.. Saiut Uyaemtli—Samt iiouore, near ti,e Tut'eiiea, Sooms from 2s. per day with lJd and wine included, from 7* Arrangements made with fann ies, Mr Cook's Hote Coupoaa are r, c -i ved in -his Hotel. Post Free, Price 14. 6d. La vraie pronunciation franoaise By Profesaor A. OAUVJfiT. Addr B8 T.liv Ail 'It1 E ^.oTniUl'O.W C, PARIS. MÂLESBERBE WINE SHADES. laedul, 1878. II. LAMIEu. A CO., DiPlom* d'Konuftr. 82, Bouievarn Maicebertxts, PAlUs. Houses in BORDE AUX, 49, Mave det Chartrons, LONDON, IInd MALAGA. 'l'UMHiml) •'» PA.RTM»,NT»i.—' m AN1> INTORMATIOW GRATIS. D u vi a t i or I n p a ri s: BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN Folnukd IN 1834. II. LOUBSMS, Priuciiwi 48, uUB OU K0CHS& nuts on ArrucAnoN. 1588 Merthyr AGENCY for THT, „ "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" AND "CARD I FF TIMES." Mrs JONES. Newsajje t, &c., 107 nrl 109 HIGH-STREET. MEiiTHYR, wholfbtialp and Retail Agent for the *^ou h Wa. eo Du-ily 11 wv and Cardiff Times." The papers promptly and reg. larlvstipplied to any add. a. L aDVEBTLSBMENIS leceivcd up to kixr,'cloek each evening or insertion in the next morning's issue. THE LATE FIRE IN WINE-STREET. S. 13URMAN Has much pleasure in informing his Customers and the Public generally that he has RE-OPENED HIS SHOP With a newly selected S'ock of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES and CHAINS GOLD JEWELLERY of the Be t Quality and Ds SILVER and ELECTROPLATED GOODS. Regretting the unavoidable delay, and trusting that it has caused no inconvenience, he begs to solicit a continuance of their favours. 9. WINE-STliEET. BRISTOL. 32 gTIFFS gTAHCe." gTIFF'S gTARCH." One Trial of this I'eaut-'ful Starch WU1 Prove its superiority. TRADE MAE-K. „ h N B E S S" ON EACH PACKAGE. gTIFF'S STARCH." gTIFFS v^TARCH. Sold by Grocen, Druggists, and Oilmen and Who^salc at 29,tliEDCLIFF-STREET, BiilSlOL. 6957 ESSRS. W. H. SMITH & SON deliver the SOUTH WALMS DAILY BMJFSat an Early Hour each itonnng in all parte of wm ioUowing Towns:— 0ARD1KF S'V AinSt'-A p.lSEWItTT ROATH MERTHYR CANTON ABiKDARK BUTE DOCKS PONTY ?' 'OL ROAD HERtaxjKU BKlDGSKD M W KILPuRD GLOUC|J«TER NEATH PKMBH 'KE DOCK LLANELLY IfflNBY AJMSKYSJ. Wfra HAVERFORDWEST CARMARTHEN The CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any addraas in the above-named Towna. OJLOUUS to be seut to the Ibn^'tn o the various Bookstalls T7VURNITURE YANS! FURNITURE X? VANS! ROBERT BOND, GENERAL CARRIER AND RAILWAY AGENT Kemoves Furniture, Pianos, Pictures, Glaspt, &c., in Vans specially built for that purpose, from House to House, by Road, Rail, or see, to or from all pswts oi the Kingdom or the Con. tineut. ESTIMATES FREE. FURNITURE WAREHOUSED. 4792 t For Terms &Di)ly at H f ad Office. Newtown station, Cardiff. 2671 BUY RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE, a Square" And b«.w»ri! oi u.furior nu t^tiona.—" i i.avs been LlAU.m- DRESS to the PR;N« E OF WaLES for several years, and I con- sider RMOKiTTS PARIS B-UE is the BEST ever used, and undoubtedly g«*atiy mperior to the old-fasbioned Thumb or Dark Blue.—EUZA ELDER, April 12th, 1873. 8414 STUBB'S MERCANTILE OFFICE s TR&I)E AL.IILIAIIY JOMPAWY (LIMITED), A GRBISHAM-STREET, LONDON, E.U., With Offices ai Dublin, u o w, iSiimin<ham, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Brighton, Manchester, Southampton, Sheffield, Norwich, Neweastle, Belfast. Cork, Edinburgh. STUBES" WEEKLY GAZKll'E (indispensable to all traders giving «edit) contains a list of al. Bankruptcies, Liquidations. Atraugementt, 'lrus tees hips. Bills of Sale, and all Preferential Securities, CountyCourt Judgments, *c. Dltfl1 RECOVERY.—Debts recovered upon a simple and com- prahensive system. Foil particulars in Proaiwctus. TERMS, .Sl Ic I." ZB 8s, £6 6s, according to requiraments. PROSPECTUS forwarded on applictfcwi to the èleoretar1. StubW Mersantile Offioes, 12, Gresham-street, London E.C. CAUTION. No Office using the name of StuitlJI in the City of London, tain any way connected with the eslabiishmcut at No. 12, Gresbam- street, corner of Kins-street, e "Be t Guildhall. 4169 HOWELL'S AROMATIC STEEL AND ,n PENNYROYAL PILLS. A speedy cure for all FEMALE IRREGULARITIES, DEBILITY, Ac. They give a healthy bloom to tbe complexion, purify and cause a b<pe circulation of the blood, open ooatruci tpne and fortify he constitution, thereby resbutftg the sufferers to cheerful and robust health. Sold in boxes at Is lid to as 9d, duty included. Sent by Poet free for 14 or M stamps. Prepared only by THOMAS HOWELL, Phar- macnthsal Chemist. SM, Bute-etroet, anil 1. Ad*m-street Cardiff. 195 PIPPKR 8 QUjUNIWE AND IRON TONIC JL. PURIMKS AND KNRlCIiE-s THE BLOOD. It direetly influences the circulatioa of tbe b ood in a remark- able manner by e imin ting all impurities and accumula- one that ebetru. t its free trMtamieMon through the I ell]$ to the heart. It gives the proper chemical and physioU characteristics, espe lally the red corpuscles, deficiency of which Its easily ia<iicat<Al by unnatural paleness of cheeks and It s, and other appearances. A abort perseverance with the Tonic will effectually change this impoverished and thin condition of the blood, and remove one great obstacle to complete health. Tbesui&llest bottle, prioe is 6d, cmtoins thirty-two doses, which will be quite enough to effect a change, and induce further perseverance. Sold by all Chemist, and Medicine Dealers. EPPEll'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC STRENGTHENS THE NERVES AND MUSCULAR SYSTEM. There are so many derangements traceable to disorganisa- tion of the nerv us system, that it would be far too numerous to mention in a notice of this character, but tome one or two are prominent and demand attention- Neuralgia, a Dam. for a hundred phases of xufferinir, and from which thousands are hourly complaining, is literally nervous paiti, and althuu;b exicrua' remedies may for a time allay, they cannot cure. In cases of this kmd Quinine and Iron is absolutely nei.ess*ry it acts like a charm, and abundantly proves its ir-fiuence tu controlling and regu- lating nervous action. If one is suffe. ing from any ma- lady in the least degree traceable to relaxation of the nerves, no time should be losi in taking Quinine a.nd Iron. The effect will he at once evident, and restoration to health certain. „ PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC is sold by all chemists, in bottles, 4s. 6d next size, lis. Stone Jars containing sixonasli bottle i. 224. each PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIO J. PROMOTES APPETITE AND IMPROVES DlUKVTioN. Taken a few minutes before meal times the tonic effect on the Coats of the stomach is such that an immediate desire for anting is created. At the same time the digestive faculty is aroused, and performsits functions in elaborating the food, thtisprevoutinir the utual distressing symptoms 01 flam. lence, pain at the chest, and heartburn generally known as indigestion. HEALTH 1 STRENGTH ENERGY H PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. JL There is scarcely a disoruer of the body, functional or organic, in which Quinine and I'-on could not be admini- stered with good resu't. For intermittent fevers, as ague, low fever, and febrile symptoms in general nothing can cocapare with it. The prostration of strength consequent on long illness or other causes, close confinement, 'deD-1 tary occupations, and anything tending to impoverish the vitM fluids and undermine the constitution Quinine and Iron is admitted the only remedy. QUININE AND IRON TONIC Combines these poweilul agents in their highest state of efficiency, il chemically pure, unalterable by keep ng or climate, not disagreeable to tsk a, MoIIJy portable, a ways of a definite strength -qualities which have gained for it the confluence of many leading physician* and surgtons, by whom it is freely prescribsd as a valuable general Tonis Strengthening Medicine. "Hie greatest cars must be taken when asking for Pepper's Quinine andiron Tonic in the various chemists* shop*, th*t it and no othsr is supplied, otherwise disappointment will result. Bottles, is. 6d lis., and stone Jars -2s. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIO JL- ANHtATJHt 'IHt.: SPIRITS ANL) MENTAL FACULTIES. Depram;onof spirits from any causa long oontinued injures the health greatly; and many suffer in this way for waat of a proper remedy. Por the low nervous headache, commonly attendant on depres- eon, "luleially if from mental causes, the Quinine and iron Tonic will be f(und most useful; it re-invigorates the entire system and spwdily dissipates unpleasant asasations ef a aaelaneholy eh n acter. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIO _1(V r> IX SOhOFUi>A. If persevered with Quinine ani iron will entirely b mish the sorofu ous ta nt from the body The uloera-i na and absoewes, frequently of a painful character, s vmetimfS ap- pearing in the glands of the nfck, in other forms as scurvy and obstinate skin eruptions, tc., will ultimately yield to its purif), iug influence. For delicate Ocrof ulous children it is of the utmost importanos that Pepper's Quinine &na Iron Tonic should be adminis- tei ed, as it frequently entirely alters the weakly character ot their constitutions. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IROITTONIC THOR 'UGHLY K^a'WTS AND RE-ESTABISHES THE GENERAL BODILY HEALTH. Ihe old system of treating diseases by pu ging, depletion of the system, and general lowering treatment, has now exploded. There is no doubt that the bulk i.f the ma'adie. from which we suffer are due to weakness simply, and tb.t a though it may show iu.eU as local pain—incessant couching and con- sumptive perspiratioi.s, 10'1 of weig t, constamt headaches -&11 the symptoms of confirmed dLN Ppepois, sore, ulcerated, or relaxed throat, fever, he., the primly causa is siieef weskness, wh ch. If removed, woula take with it all conse- qaeuoeS and inflictions. f5EPPElVS_QUINine AND IRO TONid JL Is "old by ehemi-ts everywhere in bottles 4s 6d, in bottles 1 ] and in stone jars 22s each For protection he sule t Ila name, address, and traue mark of the proprietor, John Popper. 287, Tottenham Court Road, London, h» on the lfcb«d. Any ohmht will procure t to order, but do not be nrsvaUed on to try any oilIer compound. Sent for SUmoe or Pwt OOm 0rdai> lilt CHAINS CHAINS! CHAINS tit CHARLES YARDLIECY, CRADLEY HEATH, NEAR BUIERLEY HILL SOUTH STAFtOUDSHlKE. ESTABLISHED, 1844. MANUFACTURER OF BEST, BEST BRST, & TREBLE BEST TItSfED COLLIERY, INCLINE, AND CRANE CHAINS OF WARRANTED QUALITY. PLATE NAII.S, SPIKES, TRAMWAY DOOIS, RilIFIM &c. WESTON'S PATENT D I r r 19 A 16 N T 1.4, L PULLEY BLOCKS. 219 CORNS! CORNS!! COMSTV DR. PAYEY'S SOLVENT (PATENTED) is the only remedy yet discovered that will entirely eradicate DCOtn R. PAYEYS' SOLVENT is the moat won- derful procuivion of tbe :t relieves tue pain insta.ii i • DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT will cure hard Corns in threts days. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT is a never failing and permanent cure. I ,\R. P A. VET'S OL VENT hu been tried by thousand', ami all recouune d DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT can be had of all tespe:table Chemists, or from the wb legale agents, Messrs Barclay, Edwards, 'ndman, and Cc. Pries, Is 1;d. By Post, Is 8d. To be obtained of the following Chemists:—Williams, Bute- street, Cardiff; Davies, Highstre t. Swansea; Uibbert aud liay- man, Neath; White Bros., Carmarthen; Phillips, Newport* Treweeks, P«mbroke. 28t8 JOHN Gu? J-. u i, i IN u i) o • v O'lARRY TO /tii i'A-Ti', Is greatly superior to any To .th Powder givfJ tho Teeth a peW-I It, 11 h¡ t DeJoI, protects the uiamei from decay, and impaits a p,eating lrsgrance to the breath. P, Ice Is d per p. t. OH N GOSNELL AND CoT^S TOILET AND NUMSEKY POWDER. Beautiful I y perfumed, and Guaranteed Pure. To be wi of all respects? Chemists and Perfumers, Wholesale: ANGZL PASSAGE, 93, Ur PKR THAMES-STREET, I ON ON 5212 U In consequence of Spurious imitations of LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA AND PERRINS HAVE ADOPTED A NEW LABEL, bearing their Signature, LEA AND PERRINS. Which will be placed on every Bottle of WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE After tnis date, and without whion none is srenuiae. Sold wholesale by ila. Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London; and export ollniati generally. Retail, by dealers In sauces throughout the world. November. 1H74. 720 RUPTUPJW.-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT Perfcttod and Exhibited in the threat Ejtbibitions oi iSSi aud 1^62. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is ailowod by upwaids of 600 be Heal Men to be the m st elective iiaytution in the cV-Tati%v treatment of HE.tJ,IA. The usa of a steel spsinir, so hurtful in its effects, s here avoided • a soft bandage being wura ronud the bo v, whil* the lequ site resi't>ng power is Mipplied by the MOC-ViAIN PAD ajid PATENT LEVKR. fitting w^th s n nc'i ease and closeness hat it caunot bg detected, ind may be worn duo itig sleep. A descriptive ciicular may be had. and the Truss (which catino- fail to Ct) f r- ward by post, on ifee ciroumf rence of the o<,dy, two inches below the hips, bfU'gsent t<> the Manufacturer. Mr JOHN WHITE, 2SS, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 10s, iL. 2t.it1 Ö ,and Sis 61. Postage free. Double Tru««, 81s (Jd, 4is, a'd 5 ta 6d. Posafftifroo. All Umbilioal TruY, 42s, and 628 6d. Pustaue free. p,vt-offim Ordem to be mad* poy.ble to JOH, WHHfi Post- offl e, PiceadU! HEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS &c The material of whion thc.e are made is reconimet'de 1 bv tbe l aculK »sbem^ peculiarly elastic and oompressi:,i« a,l(j best invention for eB^cient and prm"Jle.,t sU..p..rt n all cases of Weaknett, and Steeling of the Leg, Vartcvae Veins as Spiains, Ae. It is por us. liglit n texture, and im x. eneive "J is drawn on like an ordinary stoakini. Price* ts Ed, 71 6li '10 and l«s each; posiage free. MANUFACTURER: JOHN WHlTE, 228. HOCADU.LY, LONDOH. 51m RC. LEECH, BILL POSTER • AND Ai'VKXHcSlVf* CO.\T RACTOR. 17, W 'OD STltf.I!:T, CARDIFF, 4\"0 3, CARDIFF-STREET, AHEKDARE Rents all the pru.cip 1 and most, prom nent PI/STING STA- TIONS in Cardiff, Canton, and Hoath. Tow > C ier for AbordiLt a. PAINS in the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, i'JSEAS^i uf the KiDMaYK »,.d BLADDER, Si'KieTUKE. ko. DR Db; E0031 COMPOUND BENAL PILLS Axe celebrated all over the world at the mot s vie and speedy remedy for tne»>ore d m^erous c mptain's, Discharges o; any kind. Stone in tha B ad or, avid Diseases of the Ki.ine>» ana L rinary Organs generally. P ssessi g tonie pro urties, they agree with the m>«t dcliesto sto naoh, strengthen the -lig tive ortran*, ineroaeetha appetite, improve the ,<I neral hedth, and in thieeda a wI'1 effect a cure, wnen coi a bt, cubebs, and All dangerous mediotnfs of that class have utterly fai.ed. Is lid. Is 9a, is 6d lis,and 38x per box. Tlew* celebrated Piilt Br8 an infallible ren edy in the most obaina e cases. By hir use a'one ma. y tho sands hi. o been annually restored to health whin every other medicine has failed. Their vast superiority ov.t everything tl»e in the cure of the above complaints is universally ackn w tdgtd, and the extraordinary demand or them ever since th irfi a introduc- tion is without precedent. In no in-tame havt: th y ever been known to fa 1 or produce tln se dangerous symi t-<n»s a.. often rrsiiltinfr from copaiba, out sbs, tnrpentinu, an 1 otrer m dicines usually resorted to. They i-etlu re neither conflutme .t nor change of diet, and may justly be considered the ouly safe efficacious remedy for all stages of those disorders for whiuh they are lecommended. THE MOST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WORLD. DR DE ROUS' PILULE VIT.,E, OR VEGE. TABLE LIFE PILLS. All sufferprs from general noi vou-nesj and morbid feeiina-s, low splriza, loss of gl a, harss-i^ijf dnuwn. unnecetsary tt<u-g n ental irrnabidty, lailuie of ihe mc ntal and bodily p wui-a| weakness of the nerves, ht-odache, noises in the head, xidd De S, indiges.ion, and other s>mpton s of chroi,ic uisttme, will hait with joy tin* discovery of r De Keoa' Life l'i Is, wh .h tpfeoi y bit almost magically remove pain and disease, whate\er nature restore ehteifulnaas to tho, plrill vi. our to the body, and strengthen all the organs on which li e JL!,d health dep. ud. h. > do not contain a particle of m reury, but a. e purely Vege- table, a d for affections of the liver, bile si<-k head- ache, diczi' ess. lew of a;p tite, loftuis of nj i.its, sei.s«ijona of fulness at the pit of the giomaoh, pain tetw" n the shculdMu aud the distress a.ri.iug frem indiKiSt n and general d b li y' thsy will be fount! of unexampled efficac- and it is no small a vantage that they ean be uken at aiiytnie w th u e the from wetoree d, r neca,».ty for restraint ftoni busin at orpleaeuie. They act n.ildly on the bonelo, without, p,:in ,,J. griping. impart strength to the stomach, provide w. heaithv action to ihe liver, thus preventing or, when present, cu iny t ie jaundice or dropay, clearing- t e skin, removing the sallowne s and pimples, purifyinc the hloou, b,acirifc th fiervos, art 1 inarve lou ly inngorntinir the whole fysiem Females of au ages will find them invaluab e, aud slould never be without them. Price Is. lid., So M., 4s. Hd., lie., and 33s. per box. rpHE MOST ASTOUNDING CURES are JL daily being effected in casss f Aervous D^b lity, jm. purity ol the Blood, Defective Circul tion, -Langi.ur, Las"sirmie Depression ol Spirits. Indigestion. Pain and PlpltatiolJ 11) th Side, Harassing Dreams, &c.. Ac., by means of DR DE ROOS' WORLD-FAMED GUTTLE VIT-Æ. UR VEGETABLE LIFE DROP, whose effe ts a> a really migio&l in rt at orij)g loet tone iu the fr w system (arising from whatever cause), re-invigorating and eii- liv. Biiiz tho whole corporeal frame, and gradually, but effee_ timely, builnia^ up tbe most shattered conct tut icn. timely, builnia^ up the most shattered conct tullen. Although this tmly wondei ful rvcu) eratlve tonie is net put I forward as imparting immortality, it U not too much to say that. Aew Life'is, as it were, imparted to the nervous anddsbilitat d, r ho ne>e evid.ntlT tti kina into an early y:ave whilst to these of ma<urery«ars it will gently nd serinely pro- tract the close of life. Thousands of apparently ho eless 8iven up by the facuity, are now in the »njoyment of I h<alth (itie's grettest bl-'tsing), a li>ing tes imoii) to' the un. speaks, le value of this rema Cable mtd cin 1. Hundreds <.f testi- monials, too num ious to pi.bli h may be fsen by any one. Tne P,eparation is extremely pleaiunt to ake, an 1 noni need stiff -r whilst tuen a miraculous medicament is in eXiS CliCe. tergons of studious hauits, debilitated fern ales, and those on wh m tj.a 'He is beginning to tall, should persevere gUedily with this Life-reviving Tonic for one month, *md thev will be astonit-hed at its rt suits. Al1 those who have trieu other ¡ mean,, galvanic and electric a :pliallces, Ac., without any |l(lltr fli lal result, are earnestly recommended to mike fair trial of thi-i medicine, which, beinor concocted on the hiph bt, sei-intiftc piinciples, mva i .bly 1,1oceede. The srrea eht succe s attendant on this woniertul (iiueoverv has I d to a host of huin il- and worthless imitations. Price 11» ami 3:is. p,r Bottle. Ihe Wire gize contain efficient for four weeks 'Mr.R'ANT NOTICE TO TTIF, PUBLI .ver> packaee of Dr Ds 00s prepa attons bevrs th', Oovernmen' Stamp the w rds Waltkh Da .oos, London," i. \\hi e L^t ers on a Ked Ground, by order of her Ntai" ylg Hono lom- m ssioneis. without which no: e can !««>.ib y he genuine Dr. Db Roos world-famed medicines are s Id oy Mr Authony ur Jo>, and Mr Oolemw. cheud ts, C rd:ff Mr Burnve, chenii«t ?,' and they m'-y be obtained of < Ve y Patent Medicine Vendor m the world, of most Chemists, or should the least difficulty occur, will be fo wa- ded to any part of the United Kingdom (Carriage Fre ) p> r rt t m, on rece pt of the amount by DrDa Root, 43, Holfortl Square, Lor don, W%c. De^litated and «arvou3 sufferer* should red the "Meoioal AdviS; r. by Dr Db Koos, on the secrrt causes of nervou* de- bility. unhappy and unfruitfu muri.gel, mpotsncy, d. pr, s- sion of spmts, and confirmed mela cholv, too frequently "ag,able to certain pern'cious habits acquired in early Iifll, Sentpost free onreoetpt of twelve s amps m Mr La wis Medi'- cal Pubn-her, 14, Hand-court, Holbo n, London, W c. 1 pm.11 r edition m, be had post f ee for wo stamp*. 8K.i3— TOOTH ACHE, TIC DOLOREUX, NEU. IN THE HEAD, FACE, aud GUMS. are "^ost immediately relieved by READSTS TOOTH-ACHE and Tic DoLOREAUX PILLS. The nafcet, quickest and most certain remedy. They cure by at once soothing tne nerves and giving tone to the system, so as to prevent a recurrence o< the complaint. These Pills procure a refreshing night s rest where sleep has departed from the sufferer 'or Z?!2rJ'reT'?at ■•ccssity of extraction. Whether the eompmititu brought on bv taking cold, by a weak state of the nerves, or by a disordered stomach, theee Pills prove effectual Sold by Anthony Joy and WLiiitlus, Chemist, Bute-street On dlff, in boxes at 134J. and 2s. 9d. each, and sent per p0gt ,'n re ceipt of IS or 86 stamps, by the makers, Reads Brotb' rs t (fiMaiatk, WtrWrtuftBtoi Londen Atcent Saiutt. to America.—100,000 ACRES of the FINEST FA..M1NO LAND in AMEtUCA for SALE, in Lots to suit Purchasers, AT FRO if £ 3 TO £ 4 PER ACRE. The Laed is situated in S> uili-Western Minnesota, and is open, rolling Prairie <;f unsu jMissed fertility, and all ready for the plough. The clhna e Is as h, al W,, y as any known, so much so aa to have made the Smte a resort tor invalids. Very unnsual opportunities are now presented for profitable Fa mingand Investment in thi- portion of tbe State. Dri'U^hfcs, whicb are such a frequent caumt of Iosj to termers in the\Ve?t, have never been known iu this region. Hie c urny is wtersnersed with beautiful Lakes, which abound in Fish, and W'id Fowiare plentifu rf The Land. can be wad. to pay from AS to £ 12 per acre, with ceitai" crops r»cwitlj in;r -dnctd. or saj a profitof from ONE HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER CENT. ON THE TOtAL OUTLAY, BO THAT WITH P1,000 CAPITAL, PROPERLY MANAGED, FROM Li,ooo TO £ 2,000 PElt YEAR CAN BE REALISED, And propor lonately for larger amounts of capital; as to which full particulars, giving details of the farming, etc will be furnished to apph cants but no oue is advised to attempt the business with less man £ 600 capital. Concerning the Land, &c applicants will be referred to His Excehency the Governor ot the fetate, and to prominent Bankers, Merchants, and others, in London, Liveroool, New York. Saint Paul, and elsewhere, and as to the profitableness of farming there, to parties who have purchased Land, and are now work- ing their Farm*. For full particulars ca;l upon, or address, XHS AMERICAN LAND COMPANY, 1SS, FLEET-STREET. LONDON. 2069 ILLI A M DAVIS, the Cardiff Coal Merchant W resiwctfuliv baksto inform OIl frienda and customers that he it new pieparcd to ,upj_¥ good Hl onod.i large cuai, aT THLOWEST MARKET PRICrS. William D vls further bo-^s to state that he hopes, by hia constant en eavours to meet the wishes of hit CUlwmell, too ensure a. d retain that patronage and support, which he now respeO fully solie. Please send oor ordf r, and note the address—WILLIAM D VIS, office 91, BUTE-STREET: rtsidunoe,90, Bedford-street, Ro th. 6078 KELIKF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND tn8 most oertain and speedy remedy for Asthma, Con- sumption, brollemlib, Cougtis, luilueuaa, DiflRrult breathing Spitting of Blood. Hooping Couph HoaiM>ueii«, Log of Voice, ko It irives instantaneous relief, and rapidiy effects a cure. IT HAS A MOOT PLEASANT TASTE. Testimonials are unnecessary, as there is soajpoely a family South Wales which has not, proved its efficacy IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable, as children are fond of it, and take it eagerly Immediately it is taken couching ceases, restlessness is gsntd and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tnedit wvuL ever afterwards be without it. Prepared only by A. Hayman, chemist, Neath; and sold by a hemists. Prioe 1M and IM 9d. per bottle. 16 ff\BE MJDJjaND v» aot.^n i, illDLAlvD WOHK, LIUMIKGUAM. MANUFACTURERS OF RAILWAY CARRIAGES AND WAGONS Of every deecrijAu.b, for cssh, deie red payment over a fories iiI year" or on hire. Repairs by contract, or othtrwise, executed at the following Hatl.JlI Aha rdare Ru by. Brent Junction. Ikauing. Chest r. bound Oak. Crewe. I S T^wsbury. Chesterton. otavelevl Gloucester. ¡ Helen's. Hereford. I Stoke-on-Trent. Leicester. I IVton hidings. London District. TwY" ell. „ Welinrhoro'. NEWPORT (Mon.) Weonesbury. Woreester. Nott Wipon Junction. pt tcrborough. (Worcester. Pon tj pooi R And the DOCKS, CARDIFF, and PENARTH. Secon, -ha.,d Coal, Coke, and Ironsti ne Wag-uns for Sale or Hire, including Repairs. D. N. AKNOLI), Manager. 249-2012 JA, KSU. SojroWxy. KEATING'S INSECT POWDER KILLS B"G3, FL^AS, HEETIES, -Mo-Bs. EATING'S INSECT POWDER JLN- KILLS BUGS. FLEAS, BE. T..ES, MOTHS. This Powder is unrivalled in de ti oying all In acts, althoucli per'ectli harmless to domestie an main. It preserves frommoth. No h. usehold should e without it. So d in tins, 18. and 2s 6d. each, by all dr' gn-ts, or by post, 14 and 33 stamps, from Tuos. Kxai'iko, St. Paul's Cniirc yar London. 6m R. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANOET. Ask your Cneinist or a c>py (GRATIS) ol the last edition, containing 118 I>&{I!. -.9 jj. ROOK E 'S A NTI-L ANC E T. All Invalids should read the Chapter ou the functions of Digest.on, showing by wh&t piocesa lood Is con- verted into Blood—How blood sustains the whole system-liow Nervous Power influences *11 the bodily organs to perform their allotted fnnctio principles of Life said Death unfolded—Dyln^ seldom accompanied with p"-MeUWU vision amplified j— »i th fbi tha hnriy TmmnnriUr utciligent px iiicipia. R^KOOKES ANT I- LANCET. lie Nervous, tn» Dyspeptic, or the Hypocuoudnac, should reau tlie Ciiut>«r on tue Origin ol all Diseases from Depression of Nervous or ViAl Power—How expiaiued-Pioduciiig or excibug causes ef Nervous Depression—Efiects of the Mind em the Bocly- Ellecwof Excessive Joy—An^er Griaf and Suspense —Sudden Surprise and Fright—Hard Stady-Mot Relaxing Fluids—Intemperance in Eating andurink- lug—Spirituous Liquors—Loss of Blood-Impare Air RTR O O K E' S ANTI-LANCET. D Reau the Chapter on he Destructive Practice of i .eodmg, iliua.trated by the oases ot Lord Byron, go Waiter Soott, Madame Maliitran, Count Oarotrr, Geucral "Stonewall" Jackwu, and other public chiuacters. —R7~R OOKE S A N T I-L A NO E T A Clergyman writing to Dr. hooka, under date J uly 16th 1874,speaking of the" ANTl-LAJNCiiT,"sny8 Of its style and niattor I can uoge, for 1 have been M. author on other themes for mrty years. Mone but a nu«<ter-minu amon^ men could have conceived or written your introduction. It is the most peract de- lineation J ever read of the human frame, and the links between the material fabric and the spiritual uuiboit of body and soul." R. ROOKE'S ANT I LA NO ET~ OR, HANDY GUIDE TO DuMESTlC MEDICINE. Can be had UtiAiib ol au Chemists, or POST FREE from Dr. itouke, iourbiu' Y;TrT~R O O K E • S A N T I-L A N C ETI\ 8 9 What is it ? A Handy Uuiue to Domestic Medicine Every Household should possess a 00 .v. ^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC. JOUGH ELIXIR. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. Opiates, Narcotics, and Squllkb are too oiten invoked to give reiiet III Cougho, Coius, and all Pulmonary Diseafee. instead ot sucit fa n.cious r»medice, which yield momentary relief iLt tiio expense of sideebluLg the digestive organs, and Inus iiiexcaainst that (it) bility which lies at the root i f the malady, modern science points to CROSii/'i KALSaIUC CO UGH ELIXIR as the true xernedy. h 1) R. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. JL> Ail who wish to preserve heaitn, and thus prolong ufa, SHOUld read 111' tWVÄ.1:) Al\i'l'I-I..A.NIJ&'f oc iiAltiUk cUiDETO DuMESi'iC MEDICINE, which can be had GitATfs from any chemist, or Post Free from Dr. KuOKE, acarborou^ti. Concerning this bookj the late eminent author, Sheridan Kuowles, observed :—" It v^ili bean incalculable boon to every oetsen woo cau ",)II.U aud think." /CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. ur. ROOKS'S ikstuioxiaii. Dr. ROuKa, bearbuiougo, Author the "Angi.. Lajit-et," says:—"1 ba.,d repeatedly observed how very rapidiy and invariably it suouued Cough, Pain aud irritation of the Chest, in eases of Pulmonary Consumption; and 1 can, with the greatest confidence, recommend it as a tost valuable adjunct to an other- Wis. streWheniDS treatment for disease." CmOSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. CLERGYMEN, SlA'OERS, and PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find it the most effectual safeguard against Hoarseness, Chronic Bronchitis, and all affections of the vocal organs.. ROSBY'S BAL8AMIO COUGH ELIXIR. TRAVELLERS. SPORTSMEN, EMIGRANTS, and Others, exposed to sudden ohangts of temperature, easterly winds, tog, wet clothing, Ac., may, by.. few tiii,e;y d)ftsdf thtb Inedioitia, ward off all unplemmlzt COWIC4ueh(I. C" ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR* t PulilSOSART WMTOMWOB. io tr.ose wuo iJ uuJer this m*iady the medicine will oe ouud of meeamaole serv1Cd) M lt aimost instantly ral eves L^*tr»««ng Couirh Pain in the Ciiebt, D* liculty of Breatuing, Jor ui« Night Sweats, so leariuUy w. ^tuning m tUitf disease, it acts as a ^8^ 7 c'iejkiug them in tha course of a tew aavs. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC OOUGB: This medicine, wch is iroiu opium atxf squjiB not only allays the 1 bui Uproves dig out; ou aud strengthens tne consututioa. a.— His used with the ASTHMA, M°HT COUGHS A>»D COLDS, Torrhf^' CU LUENZA, 'i? '.jd all Affeetions of the an est. ,SAMI() COUGH ]tLrXM CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH IJLIXIR Is sold in oottles at is. 9d-, 4s. 6J., and u,. b_ aH respectable Cheuams, and wholesale by \f .{■ -S.tY. Ch' tnisi, Soarborou h. Y'S IBAMAMIC COUGH ]TLIXM. I CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. I Ask your Chemist for ths New Edition (gravisI 0f Croaby's Prise Treatise on DISEASfii OF THE LUNGS AND AlK-VEfeSELs," consuming tuU plain instructions for the relief and cure of these diseases, or Post Free from JAMBS 11. OROSBY CVstioitit, S -a'ho;U!T' diseases, or Post Free from JAMBS II. OROSBY CVstioitit, S -a'ho;U!T' CBOSBrS BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR I W Osa ha obuiaad of all QkraiiU HIA mass GIt-IFFITH&-There it but one GRIFFITHS I 'UT SEvOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFE DEALER tn ths world, who has always the most extensive ,a-ortmont ef Safes by Chatweod, Milner, and other eminent makers, at about balf the prite of new. A Gu -raatee with each. Illustrated Priee LWt Poet Free. SULIFFUHS, the SAFE MAN, 44"NNON-,bTRE". ILO, U PJ-EARSES AND M 'URNING COACHEa ISAAC T-AOAIAS, 24 and 25, SEYMOUR-STREET, ABERDAIE, UNDERTAKER, I pp.q to (nform the public that he hat; purchased the HEARSES and MOURNING C 'ACHES from Mr Sarvis, drsper, and conse- quently is prepared to undertake th« entire management of Funerals. He can now supply Coffins, Shrouds. Hearses, Mourning Coaches, and will also undertake the buil-iag of Bricn Giavss, so that relatives «• ay be reliever) of all care in this respect. His charges will be fo jndtobe lets than any other in the Principality. He is also prepared to send Beames, with feather plumes, or Mourning Coaches to any part of Wales, the «hoie being of the best description that can be produced. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS:— 24 & 25, SEYMOUR-STREET, ABERDARE. 860t STBKIj PENS, warranted qualltv, manufactured by |?JjCORGE W. HUGHES, 66, St Paul's Square, U- tariuiufcham. The Galvanised Pen, No 413; B&trs Strong Metal Skedaddle, No. 885; Old English Pen, not 10; Bank of jBouUnd Pn, N". 4g Commercial P n, No. ab Bank Pen. b o. WA Sphynxpen, No. 92; School Po, No. g47 and Business Pen, No. 443, give univer &I sattsfa*tion. Maker of Joseph Rudhail and 00. Patent Fountain Pen, Enrrosging Pen, 110. sa, and Igiver Steel Pen, No. UO. Sample Box, assorted kinds, for Seven Stamps. 421 TjlHKRIGHT T±iu i .v jLiijj,iUGHTPLAO.'i. BEECHAM'S PILLS. 4re admitted by thousands to be wor h above a guinea a box lor BJious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in the ytnnuch, sick headache, gMJineu, fullness, and swelling after daeals, d niness and drowsiness, eol i chills, fiushinn; d heat, loss ef appetite, shortness ot breath, scstiveoese, scarry and b<otches of the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, aad al nervous and trembling sensations, etc., etc. The first dese will sive relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for the, have done it is thousands of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Patent for them, he challenges ths whole world to produee a aaedielne to equal them far the above-named comphunts, and reatenng the patient to sound and lasting health. Every suffered Is earnestly invited te try 8D8 box .1 these Pills and they will bo Mknosrirtged to bs WOBTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages thass Pilis are invaluable, as a few doses ef them carry eff all gross humours, and open all obstructions, and briny about all that is required. No female should be without them. ihere is ne medicine to be found equal to BttCHAMS PiLLS for removing any cbsfcruction er irre, ularities of the eye- tem. If taken aeeorduig to tne diiectioos given with each box, lboy will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Diserden ef the Liver, they set like MAttiC," and a few doeee wiU be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human In.,ahine. They strenthen the whole mu'euiar system, restore the Ion-, lost complexion, bring back the keen edge ef appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD ot health, tie whole physical energy eC the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands, embnetne all clashes of society, aad one u< the beet (ua antees te ihe Nervous sad debilitated ia, BEEOdAM'3 PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medi- cine in the world. BKECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general. Asthma, Dtflsatty in breathing, ohorteses of Bienth, Tightness and Oppreesten of the Chest, Wheeling, etc., these Plih stands unriva lea and any one labouring under the above complaints need only try ON A; BOX to prove that they are the Best ever offered te tht public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and oppretweu ef the Choat. They speedily remove that sense el Oppression and DiAcuity of Breathing wh>ch nigratiy deprive tis- pai tsat of rest. They will give almost instant reLef and comfort to those afflicted w th the above distressing and, wi en neglected, daefereus eomplaiats. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give BSiCCHAM'S COUGH PrL66 a trial, and they will act like fcagie. the moet violent Oeogh will in a sh rt time be removed. C.&UTIO.s.-The Public are requested to notice that the words Beecham's Pi St Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to oach Box of the Pius, ii not on, they are a t orxm. Prepared only, and bold Wholesale and Retail, by the Pro- prietor. THOMAS BEECH A M, St Helens, Lancashire, in Boz^, as itt aua m 9d each. Sent Poet Free for 16 or 86 Stamps. bold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. ujfta *.B—FULL DIRECTI V AH" G,,rEV WITH EACH AND THE PitAlSE THEREOF SHALL BE IN EVERY MOUTH COPP, SON, & CO.'S Peerless Vegetable Vy Antiseptic Dental SCALING POWDER, subtle and i>owor- ful, luxurious, and aromatic, ha* established itself with unex- ampled rap dity a nne qua non of the toilet-table. Going direet to the root of disease, and eradioatine the very germ of decay, it cbv ates, and has euti-«ly superseded the impairing and trouble- some proc,-Ps of mechanical scaling. It a18 benslciallv on the enamel, irresistibly removes tartar, preserves, strengthens, and g-tveti t,) teeth < azzling pearly whiteness. Continued applica- tion absolutely insures t« them a lasting, healthful, and health- ■iving vigour. Although not art ficiafly scented, it imparts a delightful fragrance to the brea'h. Exam ned a: d ret'ommended by Dr. Eason Wilkinsou, 95, Mos ev-street. Manchester; and Dr. Henry Ramsbotham, If', Pfri k lans, Leeds. Priee, Is 6d, 2.. 6d, and 5s per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, or sent. Poet Free, by the Inventor and finis Pro- prietors, COPP, SoN, fc CO., 907( DENTISTS, 6, WATERLOO-ROAD, MANCHESTER. sM JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT. (Trade Mark—Registered,) OR EVSnKY MAN S FRlfckDt XHE BEST APP LI CATION KJiuWir for Scr&fula, Scarry, flfch Diseases, and beree of all kinds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Lege. IS sum Ulcerated Sores on the Bead and Neck. it ceres Blackbtaoa, or Pimples 8D the Facet M cures flurry Sores. (Am* rem Lleers. It cures Burns a ,d Bcaids, Riigwerm, itch. SKW It enrcs Week and Wa.ery Eyes. It cures Red and ,,we Eyelids. It cures iiiCarumatton is the Eye. It cures Mo Ting S |»ecs or Ffcaung Bodies befon ths ba, It cures Oatai acts ana Partial Llmdn- as. It cures Obscuiuy t,f Vision and Dimness. It cures Chi,dren^t^re Eye, left after Measles. » always lnflammatinn hi a few hours, and soothes mia quickly. Suhi in pots Is. l £ d„ ^s. 4. ^UWi lf*3m TON-RR^f rnN-tLrFUrtBJ'°.0D ■ UJMiiS & CO. b OiMVisiRSAL PURIFYING v MIXTURE. p. Trade Mark—"Purif)ing Mixture," f r punfyiug. c eai siig and clearing the blood from aB ^'Sliig from whatever oauee, and guanmteed te is he best pi epareticn in die world for al! erupuensof the skin, blotches, spots, pjm. les. blaekheads, pustules, boils, careuneks, i ingwermS, sea d heads, sore eyes, trysipeiiaa. *Wfc. scarf, scroiula, scuivv. glandular swellings, csncorous tdoeK, bad iegs, piles, sypLili-, lId. sjmpbouo, and for ..1. blood and skin dtsvasea. For rbeumat sca also it is Unequalled ior reiiet ing te ne ind subduing iuSLmmu4iw4 alMl. spwd.iy effeccing' a ferfect cure. It is agreeable, pa auble, and safe, and may be taken at alt seesous and under wi) eireumstauoes. Sold in bottles at ts. iii. and 4s. Cd. each, and ill eases foomaining six tisses the quai.tiiy), I'M. &h; by ad cbe. uts S" Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Ktuxdoju, w am to any address ou receipt of 27, M, or 132 flumps COUGHS! OuUGUtl JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, TOLU, AND UNSXU THE MOST AGR^ABuE and EFFECTUAL remedy for asthmatic and consumptive eouaha. bronehitia. winter coughs, difficult weathin, wnoonm? ^ue^hos«J niss, loss ol voice, aim all aiiect ons oi the chest and lunra. One bottle in niost cases effects a cuic. Price la. lid— 2s. fi, and 4s. 6d. per bottle. 14<U JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOit WIND rBenirtjuajl\ i Kit THE BEST PILLS IN SSe'wK&J) loss oi appetite pain in the hlT «i 7: ?JJ^°ofW thehhwt SS'tatS hueairaa. h». alZ. i many eho have been nroneuneea their use. thoroughly mterea to health by ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE*!HE MOST SCEPTICAL OF „ THEIR EPFICACY. post free tor*^nr af" ^<L' »a-, *»d 4s. 6i. each. Sent uu?Co ch«mi i Humufacturer*, W. J«de# aud Co., Chemists, loy, Great Howard-street, LiverpeoL REMAREABLI CURES. Dear Si» it i- Liverpool, 20th March, 1874. of Ihe irood tlV-?* ple«*ure 1 write to inform yen ALL oStM^T t 'T PIjF1FY^G ^TURB and HEAL bit en en K. I k Alx,tl1 tlx yoaraage 1 was S. leE by a venomous i-epti!e, whieh nearly eost me my Alto I*?; 10 f0U wodd,after spending ever 5,^ctoM jo try and htal the leg, it is now entirely oniJ' two 4s 6d. pots of your Wo* LD-FAMED VArTnu^ cases of your universal PURIFYING ■liiBlit Tbe truth ef theobeve statssnent any person who wishes may to me. Your very obedient servant, Mesera. Jones & Co. JAMS Extra. wishes may to me. Your very obedient servant, Mesera. Jones & Co. JAMS Extra. 18, MHford-street, Lerpwi, Ionswr lOfed, 1871. Mr. Jones al G f., Foneddviou,—Teimlaf lawer o hyfrydwch wrth ddwyn tystie- laeth ddirfawr effeithiolrwycd eich Ban Peswch. Y mac yD nodedig, c;uys dariu l un gestrelaic fechnn lwy r Wei'. It n*wraig o anwyd bliu, trygni, a lleyr golliau ti lais. ArgymheJwn d i bawb a bocnydir gaa yr anwyd. Yr eiddoch yn uludd, J. MOKCX. Cross Foxes Cottages, Liar,fair Careinion, „ ,Welshpool, lonawr 13,1873 Foneddigion,—Gyda phleser a jfrydwch yr j<Jw>f yn ysgrUen» attoeti ich hysbysu tod sioi?r-Pe;eiii gwl n-g wr weell fy ugweila yn boJlei—yr oedd amaf eh want bwyd yn ty ngwely y n. son i jr.taf ar ol eu cymeryd,—ac yr oeddwa \n medawl lawer tro wrth fyned i'm gwe y na buaswa byth ya codi o hono, ond yn awr yr wjf yn meddu ar yspryd a chalon newydd, fe hoffwn to byd eybod am dnuynt.—Yr eiddoch yn ddiolckfer, Meistri Jones and Oo. Jou MOMAX. lcI by all Chemists. Asnrs rex CABntrr AND Disnuor. Newport, Mr. E. Thomas, Lhu<eily, Mr. Boghee chemist, Commercial-street, Cardan, Mr. Jonee. and Air. S. Young. Merthvr, Mr. Griffiths. Cardiff, Mr. wm ttme. Bute- Carmarthen, Esaith Oe. street, Joy, and Coleman. Denials, Mr. Bvaas. Pmtypooi, Stephens. Abeftare, Mr. Thomas Dri- gtnd, Mr. Price. Llaneiiy, Mr. Brown. Kcatn, ft. Ueyman. t cntypridd, J. Davies. Swa- sea. Mr. Wiiiiawa, 4, Ox- Monmouth, DeweA Son. ford street Bristol, DodgtQB. NawpoRi.-T. Edmonds, b, H-gh-street. PAum. t, owmnercuu-street. And dealers in patent medicines. WhoLSSAU ASUTS—Messrs. Sanger and SonSt Kmi Bkltihy and Sons, and Suiton and Co., London; Or direct from the Proprietors (for value 18 stamps), WILLIAM iutscb & CO-, OpWatlvs Chemist*, Ibis Greet aewssd irai t,, MYFiFPMT. THE S T U Pip ROYAL HBRR GOLDMAN, ARIISI: A" 45, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA; The only PATENTEE for the PATE T TANDER-WETDN PROCESS. CARTES taken from 71 per dozen. OIL PAINTINGS and WATER-COLOURED PICTURES all doM I on the Premises at VERY MODERATE PRICES. 102 A visit is reepectfully invited. Open from Eight La. te Ten p. DAVID'S PODOPHYLLIN PILL& For Biliensness, Constipation, and Inaction of the liver. In liOxes-7i(i. and is lid. each. A purely ttedicin?, and recommended by the MBBJOAL faculty. MIGWRION CURED BY DAVID'S DIGESTIVE POWDERS, In Boxes at 1L 64. and 2s 911, ea,.IL Pleasant to take. So!d by t'l Chemists. PRRPARED ONL T BY JOHN DAVID, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 75. OXFORD-Sf KJSFT. SWA.NEA.. USE ONLY A FOTHE BG I L L'S OIGARS. SOLD EVERYWHERE WHOLESALE. -4. STUART-HALL, CARDIFF '—— USE ONLY- jglOTHBRG ILL'S TOBAOQO, SOLD EVERY WHERS WHQT-gSAT.a: —4 STUARi-HALL CARDIFF. ypy U 15 12, WOMUNG STPJM, CARDIFF. G. A. STONE, UNDERTAKER, HKARSE AND MOCRNTNG COACH 1 PROPRIETOR. OSTRICH PLUME AND GKNER L FURNISHING ESTABLISH ME f. I the Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite ror Funeral Furnishing. 4 TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR OF SALE. "JITAISH'S LIVER PILLS are prepared from JJUL ft preemption wntt€u by Sir i^njaiuiu Queen's Physician), and ate marexptetsly fot INDiGES IToN and LiVER COMPLAINTS, which may be recogn sed by the folio wit g symptomsGiddiness in the head, pains low in the right side, increased by pressure; pain under Lbe collar bones and between the shoulders, whtt in the stomach, dry oough. habitual costiveness, sickness on t e stomach, acute and burning sensation in the region of the stomach, com- monly called heartburn; extreme weakness, paiii in the back, in- creased pain on taking anything into the stomach, palpitat-on of the how., severe pains in the head, spots traversing before the eight.-Welah Age* 4s: Oaj-dfl. C. lorath, 2jU. Bute-street Newport, J. Edmunds, Hijih-sfreet; Swansea, A rowe l; Car manhen. White Bros.; Ponttpool, Roderick: Blakeney, Phil potts; Chepstow, Lsingley; Cindeif .rd, Cordwin; (Johford Williams; Haverfordwest, Williams; Lydney, .smith; Merthyr, While; Newent, Cromwell; Newnham. Hardeman: Pembroke Dock Williams; Tredegar, Oossweil; Dowiais, J. Ridge; Cardi- gan, J. E. Jones PoiAtospridd, J. Davies. Sold by tbe Proprietor, Edwaud Maish, &, Michaers-cresoen (laieo# tite Bristol General Hospital, six year-), and all Chemists in boxes, Tjd., lL lid- 2s. 9d.; or by post, 14 or 83 stamps. 65 To the Young Men of England who suiter from Nenoul Debility. Just Kublitherf. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE -t- OF AN INVALID: designed as a War in and a C ution to otnra; supplying at the same time, the m ans of Self-cure, by one who has cored himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposition and quackery, single copies may be had (post free) by eendit t a stamped addressed envelope to the Author. Antinm DIXON. FJQ.. Houmsljw. near London, eso THE GI!FAI BLOOD PURTFRFP, THOMPSON'S B(JRDO K PILLS overcome JL the worst forms ef diseases and the fin-Jest, state of the bleed, stomach, liver, and kidney thsy ro to the core of every di'MLSC when ne other =Aeici nos have power to reach. Tie QtUtAT BLOOD PI RIFIER enres the following com- plaints Indigestion, or wind in the stomach or bowels, eiddi- ness in the head, dimness of sight, weak or e. re eyes, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, live-, and bilious obstruc- tions, asthma, or tirhtness in the chest, rheum tiCl,lu"'baro, piles travel, pd.. in the back, scu-vy. bad le s, bad breast, sore throat, soie heads, and seres of all decriptiens, hurns, wownds, or white swellings, scrofnls, ro kind's »vil, ratherines, tumours er canoers, pimple" and biolebes on the face and body, swelled feet, or legs scabs and itch, Erysipelas, jamodice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kbd*. In boxes at It. iid. and 2s. I.M. each, roM by most Chemists, of flues the Burdock Pill Manufactory, 44, Oxford-street, Swann&. ANNER'S PATENT FEM4LE PILLS.— This invaleable Medieine ha« relieved thousands, and tbe P. at (lie request of many of ihoe benefited, takes this eppertunity of making public 'o the world t hi* pdaiirabty dedicate ana never tailing remedy, which has flatteringly been described by a grateful wcipieui of its virtues the maiden's companion, the wife's frie-A, and the Ray and support, 01 i ale health in old age; net weith a Guinea a Box but a Guinea a Pi L" This truly Reatle friend causes no Bur den revolutions in the system, but works slowly, sfisatly, and tureiy in expel ting the iron humours of the body, and leaving- the pare principle of life Unfettered by disease, Securing the clear iomplex-on and placid m nd inseparable frrmbealth in short, mi met al eviating the sufferings ef the afflicted, and ultimately effecting a cure in e Instance of however long standing. The wast throughout the lai d long felt by the Faculty and their petie ts is now recognised in to is Patent Medicine; the false deticacy surrounding the cnt cal situations f the ma den. the wife, and matron is now at once removed, .:i not te limit the use of this invaluable d;s, OT, ry to any class the prio. it purposely fixed se at to be accessible to all. the object of the Patentee is te save this wholesome, natural, and life-invigorating NsWcijBt from being confound d wi.n the extortionate empiricism of the day. he does not ridicuJo, .!y vsunt its panaceat'or "all tbe ills that fles'i is heir to," but simply fer what it Is intended, a a purely ther peu ieai arent in pre entinx and curing complaints in w m n subsecutive to heir position la itfe. The Patentee is g-atified in receiving daily thankful ackeewtedgments from grateful reeipienU from a l pane. 00" d JIecüaI Certiflsate- and Tesvimonials. Liverpool, Now, mb, r 12th, 197,L u Having earefnlly examined Mr. Panner's with reference te their ingredients and properties, and having had satiAetorv experience of t> eir eflicacv I m of opinion that, while perfectly safe and exempt fro-n injurious substances, they are well calculated to be vtry beneficial as a household :nedieine in the nnmerons clans of distird-is and ailments te which the female constitution is more peculiarly liab e A. McLBUiAK, L.R.C.S Bdtnt>ugh a d L.SA., Londen eight >earshouee surgeon Southern Dispensary, Public Vao. etna tor, and Parish Doetor for L verp i L" Copy ef a Certificate from a Physician and Burgeon. I hare examined the composition and properties of Mr Banner's Female Pi 18, and I Lu satisfied a id ab-o to ce tify that they are ef desirable ingredients and likeb to be beneficial Ita many cases. There il nothing deletetio < in the properties of the composition, and they may be safely n-ed by delicate tsmates Jon n Conner Yonss, f UC. hoT. Col. Phys., Ediu., &c. 44 Phmthian-street, Liverpool, lTth September, 1&7A" Marvellous Can of a hopeless case, riven up by four experienced pi236"ciaps nd Surgeons Copy of the grat-ful M ther e 1 etttmeHW. Nw daughter, ELL' If WOOD Mab-lane, West DeH^ Snfteted five monthe, and was attlrnd.d by four different surge <ns and physiciane without any bei a. t, when we tried Banner's Patent Female Pills. The first box lelieved, and the sixth box completely restored her to health, to the great happiness of her family." Te prevent imposture, and to rave the pnblie from having worthless spnrfoas imiatioas foired upon tiiem, the Pi IK are said only hi Baiunnwat stamped boxes, at Is lid and 2s 9d each, and on roc ipt of either sum. with Id for posUg a box can be forwarded te any d,;Mw direct Lom the Patent Pill Menqfes ory, M, Bee'er-street, Liverpool. Phenld your Cfeemist not have them in stock, he wtll premvo them If seqnhsted. Messrs. Wxur*sAJn> Co., Coventry. Wholesale Agents for 8je Midland district. "^42 ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 Ffi.t.8 Is war. ranted te cure all discharges frem tbe utinari organs in either tex, acquired er constitutional, gravel, and pains in the back. Sold In boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors or sent to any add es* .for 60 8, amps, by the maker, F. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, High-stieat, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Son-, London, and all the whole- Sale hoateL Sold in Cardiff by Joy "Md Co ema Chemists; Newport, E. 1L Thomas, 121, Commercial-strae: Ponty pool. E. Stephens, Clarence-street; L. P. Jones, Ebbw Vale A. J. Price, Bridgend; Cardiff, D. Anthony, Royal Ar,-ade, and a9, Mary- Street. S. P. Kernick, WholesJe, ZIt, Duke-s rest. Swansea. James Hughes, 24, Castle-street; U. Price, 127, Commercial- street, Newpert, Moa.. READ DIL BARNES' NEW WORK, entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH; o-, t1 CONFIDEN- TIAL FRIEND." On the LAVVg G VERNING LtF and the CAUaa, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depen- ding on Exhaustion cf Nervous Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression. Palptta-ion of the Heart, Noises In the Head and Ear*, In.lecision, Impaired Si?ht and Memory, Indtaestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression ef Spirits, Losi o' E*?r5yrvm,"d Appetite, Pains in the B ck and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dirtiness Love of Solitude. Groundless Fears, arid many other ailments, which, it neg- brBRfcril!u^itrB t0. *n ear y death. Together wiU» Hints on Chronic Rbuetnatism, Gout, Neuralria, Epi'epey, Hysteria, and all Diseases of the Nervous and Alimentary Eysta«. Illustrated by numerous test;monials from grateful patients Mtoli? restored to health through the author's iestru- «t«mp«; or by letter pest, t stomps. Advice by Letter Gratis. Special advice in all disorders pecu- liar to Females. The FEVAL I." FRIEND and ADVISER will be sent onATIg to ..87 addrcl8 oa JU:C&IPT ot STAMPS D ENVELOPE. Lwidon*^ 48, Lens, ale Square, Barnsbury, Imnortaat to Country Patient*. |^R. BARNES may bs consulted personally or JLF by letter, in all private and confidential cases; ard fer the benefit of Nervous Sufferers who csjmet visit him, he will on re- ceiving a description of their case, enclosing A a- araped e.Ye for reply, be ready to give h:a opinion upon the nature ef the Case, and thi principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect cure. Addrsa, In. ,I. A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Sqosre, BaieAeer, lGdcm. ø. r-"