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IT ccpuis marvellous in +b; nge that people should pas? a good portion of their l;ves in taisery for the v ant of Medical knov'n.Ve. For in- stance, Nervcus Debility, Loss of Vitality, also Nerv- Oaa and Muscular power, may be easily cured by adopt- ng a proper '}¡:;¡' m of Treatment au<l Diet.—Fall particulars- Feut Gratis to any address, by Secretary, ustitute of 140 PENNINGTON & CO-, DEANE, BOLTON, Manufacturers =u.d Krector& of the Improved LIGHTING CONDUCTOR, FOr, THE PROTECTION OF OHLrPCTI iPIPvES, MILL CHIMNEYS, &c. Ohimneys Pointed, Belted, & Strajghtened. Termg moderate. Kowxcp^sCUm^at a, Tron Works, Letters addrefsed toW. rerni Itiri, care of Mrs Morris, Mostyr-, will be promptly wavered. M Å R K E T-S T R E E T VAULTS (lATE ROWLANDS HKOTHER8), OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET, MARKET STRE ET, CARNARVON. EDWARD HUMPHREYS AND CO. BEG TO INFOim THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, FARMERS. AISD IHb TRADE OF NORTH WALES, That they have purchased the business hitherto Srfea e1by"L late Rowland. Brother., and rab J- Ilowlaiids, and that the) intend carrying on the butme^ oi WHOLESALE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, They trust, by strict attention to the Business, to St share of the patronage bestowed for T<M Tl" guarantee that all -U* So o. the very best '"fee families supplied torn stock always in store, the East India Pale anu BmtolJ. Ales; Dublin Stout (in bottles and in casks). Farmers, Tradespeople, and others will find these premises convenient, central, and Yaear the Markets, being also in close proximity the landing of the Anglesey Steamer. DRIED BREWERS' GRAINS. Price JE5 per ton, delivered on rail at Dublin. Dried Grains are prepared from the best quality of Brewers'Grains, dried by a pecnl.ay their fresh state. They form an extremely palatable, wholesome, nutritious, and economical food for horses, C°The8^fd?owingPfire a few of the advantages ,to be de- rived from their nse Beics cooked, they are easy ot digestion. They aie the cheapest food for ca,tie,being about half the prioe of best oattS or linseed calie They contain the same quantity of real food as each Of tll6 ftbOVG. They will keep good any length cf time. They reqaire no preparation. They cannot be adulterated. They do not contain any duet or water. They are much relished by every description of battle. geft m £ « £ V They assist the digestion of any tood wuh which they may be mixed. And being rich in Nitrogen and Phosphates, they produce a valuable manure. Experience shows that t lis of Desiccated Grains xvd1 {produce Three Pints of Milk extra at each milking, And enrich the quality of >' ewhol^supply. THE DUBLIN GRALNS COMPANY (LIMITED), 12. THOMAS-COURT, R^NSFORD^rREET DUBLIN. E 241 ALUABLB DISCOVERY FOR THE V HAIR! CARMAN'S HAIR RESTOEER. Acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to Mr Allen's, Rosetter's, and man" others It if not a dye. It contains no oil. Will restore gra ban to its original colour and beauty. Ttanoves dan- driff and all impurities fmrn the bcaa. pro- motes the growth and strength ot the uri-.r, giving r it the lustre and health ot And is the cheapest and best Restorer pv,-v Supplied only in large bott;e«, ts 6a. A parcel of three bottles, securely packed, sent to any part on receipt of 54 penny stamps or P.O.O. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. Tlua Saline compound is recommended foi Bilic-ao Constitutions, Heartburn, Headache, See Sickness, &c. In bottles, Is 9d each. QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent strengthening medicine, in bottles, 18 and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' CARMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficacy in preventing or removing the disorders to whics Infancy is table, such as Convulsions Wine, Gripes, Difficult Teething, &c., J* bottles 7H U l^d, and 2s 9d each. PREPARED BY JOHN C A R M AN, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST (Qualified by Ez*>m\H-ztionJ, APOTHECARIES' HALL, HOLYWELL. %9!}¡¡ ~fKMX Of ClAWE'S ■ "Ei h the Back. Sold to Borea. ia Sd. eacb, by *ii Chemist"> fctant Medicine Vmdori thnmgh(mt the World or tiiiii lot W stamps by the Makers, Tb» j |*» HfPLUfD 00TOTIS8 DKCG COMPACT fciKXB), IJnoota.—'Wfcoleeale Agwrta, !■*>*■> VBadtm, i&the Whol«mI« Hooms. Have vp iir your houses, ud fallow th* KdTtec of Vb» Doatara Proal, Wtmi, Xorgaji, Tartar. Dewrfng, Oflrfxm, 8p«rk*, *«.. Mto har* temt nnqoMi&ed teatooony tn the value ol t AMPLOUOH'8 PTB1TIO SAL I NIC. R gtrw faatont rtM»t In h—dnchfi, sea or b»loM«iek« ooni*fp»tton, hewtbnrn, aovi«t and other fevara* *Waflpnnri meaetoe, «rapttva and akin complaints. Uaa &0 aobaMtate. H. IuxnovAif lis Holbori*, tendon, \TERV0TJS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY, —A gentleman, having tried in vsan Hvery jjjvertiaad remedy, has discovered a simple means J* Self-cuit He he happy to forward the Oktculm to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped S^d directed envelope.—Address, Mr J. T. Be well, •took Villa, Hammersmith, London. b!40—d I- JAMES' IKONXII SILVER, ft COLD International medal. *warde.l uo- M-rivelv for ExceUanee of CLiislitv DOME Ibd OlMnlbiMi in M<. BBXLLIAHT! ZOONOMICALI »LEANI BLACK LEAD ATqvm 9V8T oa Ornamcnta, CanettandPnrmtun. M Mba^aa at ooaa to the atom at Knot. SOLD BY OROCCR* KVERYWMCRC. ■iS^Mauj Boxaa. In Shilling deomtod U«U1 Box** vttfc holder." Ia Pinny "Doom," and in HalfMnay A PHYSICIANS GIFT. A MEDICAL TitEATLSE showing how ~ai:I« reri trom Nervousness and Debility may -pteaily recover health, strength, tone and vigour, and ENbURE A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE, ¡\,th prescriptions for the cure of Stomach, Liver, and teart Disaase, aud for Purifying the Blood, &c. Postage, 2 stamps.. Address—J. Raines, Secretary,7, Tavistock-s-reet, Bedford-square, London. E 290 rTHE GREAT BLOOD P13BIFIER 1 THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLb Overcome the worst forms of diseases, and the toulest state of the blood, stoma: kidneys; they go to the core of toea..e WIThe ^GREAT^LOOD PURIFIER cures the following comijlaints j-In<^igestion, or wii^ che stomach or bowels, giddiness m dimness of si^Wy weak heart> liver and memory, palpitet!on tightness in the bilious obstructions, asth „:ip« 'ffravel nains oh est, rh eumatics, f °gg bad fnreasts, sore feS orlegs, scabs and itch, erysipelas, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In boxes at le. lîd. and 2s. 9d. per box; a great saving effected by taking the larger size. Sold by all Chemists, or from the propiietor, J. TIEIOMP. SON, 44, Oxford- street. Swansea, for 15 or 34 tamps. 3979 H. A COLI) Will, with different individuals, show itself in a variety of forms, the most common being Coryzaor GOld in the Head, well-known by the lassitude, weariness, fullness about the head, dry, stuffed-up nostrils, frequent sneezing, with a bit of a cough," and tightness across the chest, &c. At once let the patient take GRIFFITH OWEN'S EsSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, mixed with a wine-glassful of warm water, at bed. time-follow the directions given with each bottle, and much evil will be avoided. More than one-tbird of the deaths in the Metropolis and tbe large towns in England arise from Con- s mpticn alone. It justifies, therefore, the observation made by Dr Robert Hunter, that the question cf prevention and cure it one in which fully SIX MJLLIONS of the present people oj England have the interest of life itself owing, no doubt, to neglected Coughs and Colds. GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, Can always be depended upon in the early stages, see that you get GRIFFITH OWEN'S Serious are the effects of neglected coughs or colds. GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, Cures nine cases out of ten, and renders the constitution less liable to take fresh cold. See that you get Griffith Owen's and no ether imitation. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT Is an elegant Cough Mixture, and agrees with the modem medical treatment of colds, as testified by several medical men. To be had in bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d, of all chemists. The great value of GRIFFITH OWEN'S remedy creates a large demand. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. C. RIFFITH OWEN'S J ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. This judicious combination is the most effec- tive remedy for, and preventive against, the consequences arising from exposure to cold in any degree—complaints which may be the prelude to various inflammatory diseases. See th:t you get GRIFFITH OWEN'S. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. The surprising cures effected by GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT Have astonished many It gently frees the lungs from clotted phlegm, heals up the pus. tular wounds from the core; relieves the chest b\' expectoration, without ^training; removes fill difficult breathing by its healthy stimulus to the proper circulation of the fluids. 25 & L7, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. E225 riittY THE NEW WRITING INK, 1 DIAMINE. IT WRITES A RICH DEEP BLUE AND TURNS A JET BLACK. Sold in Id., 3d., t3d., Is., and 2s. Bottles, BY D. W. DAVIES, BRIDGE-STREET AND 30, HIGH-STREET, CARNARVON, AND MUS M DAVIES, 102, HIGH. STREET, BANGOR. Billiard balls, CHALKS, CUES, TIPS, and all other Billiard Table requisites, ..t at HENING BROS., Ivory Works, 11, High-street, London, W.C. Old Balls adjusted or Exchanged, and n vv -Trice Lists and Cloth and Cushion Hubhqr Samples PoBt Free. EatabliBhed 1862. u56 BORAXAXINE FOR TEETH, FOR MOUTH, FOR HANDS, FOR r OR SKIN, Jbu CLEANSING EVERYWHERE SWEET, PERFUMED, ANTISEPTIC RARE WITH THEE NONE OTHER CAN COMPARE- "BORAXALINE" SOLD B? CHEMISTS AND GROCERS. Cases It, containing 6 Large Packets, Full Directions. "Patent BORAX: Its Manifold Uses." Descriptive Circular, Papers, &c., Post Free v^TRNT BORAX Co., Works, Birmingham B 155—452 SINCLAIR'S CROCERS A OILIWem The Family f r j| I J SAVES TUBE, pttex Wash u/ith- ^■bbb*% labour. out the misery of \§L§ A TtC The Magic a Steamy House. Mlf §\ I I*" ■ Cleanser! EM SOAP Imitations • for' 'CLAIR' S. bing anol no boiling," JAMES SINCLAIR, Southwark, London, S.E. I Trade llarli—Phosphodyne. I mt Sanctioned by Her Majesty''s Government, HEALTH, STRENGTH, _=-°' =: AND ENERGY. A Pare Solution of Phosphorus, pleasant in flavour and appearance, being a perfectly Bright Liquor, com- bined with Vegetable Alkaloids, possessing marvellous Curative Properties, the Wonder of Modern Chemistry, free from 9.11 Dangerously Active DruíiS, Innocent in its Action, and pronounced by the Highest Medical Authority to bo unequalled for its power in replenishing and elaborating the Vitality of the Body; by its sup- plying all the essential vitalizing constituents of the Blood, Brain, and Nerve Substance; and for developing all the Powers aud Functions of the system to the highest degree; thereby checking all wasting of the Vital Fluid, aiid the more Exhausting Wear and Tear resulting from Over-Taxed Energies of Body or Mind, maintain- ing that Buoyant Energy of the Brain, Nervous and Muscular Systems, which renders the Mind Cheerful, Happy, Brilliant, and Energf-tic. DR. LALORIS PHOSPHODYNE Surpasses all the known theraputic agents of the present age, as a Prompt and Never-Failing Phosphoric Remedy i or all Derangements of the Nei vous and Blood Systems. 'Rnainsun Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Incapacity for Btndy or nusmess. Noises in the H ;ad and Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Nervous Debility in all its Stages, Softening ot tne Brain, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Paralysis, Pains in the Back, Affections of the gidnqyB, Urinary Deposits, &c Chest Affections, Skin Diseases, Wasting or Withering of tbe Muscles, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and all morbid conditions of the syBtem dependent upon the deficiency of the Vital Forces arising from whatever cause. THE ACTION OF DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE Is Two fold ard Specific: on the one hand increasing the principle which Coastitutss Nervous Energy an<l *on the other, the Most Powerful Blood and Flesh-geuerating Agent known; therefore a Marvellous Medicine for Renovating Impaired and Broken-down or Exhausted Constitutions, making the recipient as Actives Sprightlv, and vigorous as if nature had never been retarded or debilitated. i..) v' When'the Fire of Life seems to be dying out in the system, and the mind sympathising with the body, the sufferer is reduced to a Mental and Physical Wreck, this mighty Phosphoric Restorative, by a few doses, seems as it were to litt the sufferer out of the slough of despond, and recruit and reinvigorate both the Frame and the Intellect. TWENTY YEARS' PUBLIC TEST Prove these facts unimpeachable, being fully borne out by thousands of Testimonials from every Nation and Country in the World, freely offered by distinguished Families, private PeraoBS, Military, Naval, Scientific, and Professional Men who are well known, and who have experienced from its use all the benefits here indicated. Sold in Bottles at 4s 6d and lis by all Export, Wholesale, and Retail Medicine Vendors throughout the World. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Every bottle bears the British Government Stamp, with the words DR LALOB'S PHOSPHODYNE, London, England, engraved thereon by Order of Her Majesty's Honourable Commis. sioners if not, it is a forgery, and you have been imposed on by a worthless and injurious imitation. MANUFACTURED ONLY AT THE PHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY, BY DR R. D. LALOR, Bay House, 32, Gaisford-street, London, N.W., England. TUB SOLE PROPRIETOR AND ORIGINATOR OF PHOSPHODYNE. B 248 PAIN KILLER Is a purely. Vege- table Remedy for INTERNAL and EXTERN AI ne A sure and speedy Cure for SORE THROAT, COUGHS. COLDS, DIPTHEKIA, CHILLS, DTAHRTICEA. ( r. \_ii CHOLERA, SICK HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, RHHUMATiSM. BRUISES, CUTS. SPRAINS, &c. Perjeciu; saf to Use internally or externaliyy and certain to afford roiicf. Kvory faiuiiv should know that this remarkable inotlioinc is OLD n AIX chemists, and supplied IN BOTTLES FROM Is. < U. TO IOs. 6d. PERRY DAVIS ft SON, Pruvidcnce, R.I., U.S., Sole Proprietors. LONDON DEPOT, GT. RUSSELL ST. BUILDINGS, W.C. frez,. Bk 9 S*" SMOKE a Cut from Choicest Virginia Gold Leaf. -gtl &&CK&TS only, 5d pes: gz. HENRY K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. t a ft <S P f* RICHMOND GEM BIRD'S EYE, SOZODONT FOR THE 0 T'EETH & I BREATH I Blemishes that disfigure the Teeth are speedily removed by SOZODONT, the fragrant purify- iniz and beautifying liquid. The gums are made rosy and healthy by its use, and the morti- fying defect, an unpleasant breath, is completely remedied by it. SOZODONT has become the staple dentimce ot the woriu, simply because it is impossible to use it, even for a week, -without perceiving its hygienic effect upon the teeth, the g-rjns and theDreath. Sold by all the principal Chemists and Perfumer* at 2s. 6d. One Bottle wiix last Six Months. HOLMAN'S It is the best Liver, Stomach, Spleen, and Fever Doctor in the world! Sun dreds of thousands bear testimony! Try convincedStop Dosing All ages and both sexes discover in the Holman Pad the most marvellous remedy for the absolutely certain removal of disease, and that without drenching the dedicate stomach with dangerous drugs. It is Nature's greatest, best, and safest remedy, and is valued beyond all price by thousands who have suffered in all parts of the world. Trice of Regular Pad, IOs. Special, ISs. We earnestly invite the reader to send for Book of Testimonials; free to any address. The Holman Pad Co., Gt. Russell-st. Buildings, London. W.C. PAD SMOKE OUR LITTLE BEAUTIES THE GENUINE PRESSED Saliva Proof. Will Not Stick to the Lips AMBER TIPPED CIGARETTES. H. K. TERRY & Go., 55, Holborn Viaduct, ALLEN & GINTER, Manufacturers, Richmond, Va., U.S.A. London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. M rt I A r ct I A M AN OPEN DOOR TO HEALTH. E M I F" I I 3L jr | \l m Every person suffering from Indigestion. Dys- H ™ wb& I ■■■ ™ ■ pepsia, or any symptom of a Stomach out of Order," should send for a Pamphlet respecting the positive cure by the use of LACTOPEPTINE, and read the cases and letters from Medical Men in every part of the world, showing results in practice. More than 1,000 Doctors, 10,000 Chemists, the entire Medical Press, have certified as to the remarkable efficacy of LACTOPEPTINE. It is rational in the t theor y of its action, and cures all disorders of the Digestive Organs. Price 4s. 6d. in Ounce Bottles, with a Dose Measure attached; and can be sent by post. Each bottle contains 43-10 grain doses. It is agreeable to the taste, and may be taken in either wine or water after meal?. LACTOPEPTINE is soi.d by chemists everywhere, and is prepared solely by JOHN M. RICHARDS, (Successor to Cam rick, Kidder & Co.,) Laboratory, Great Russell Street, London. I "Y-,b Ó y' <' ó jgr t,A.D_t COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, NIGHT COUGH, &C. See aboie Trade lark on EVERY Bottle, and insist OIL taiing POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, Sold by all Chemists & Medicine Vendors throughout the WOrld AT L/LI & 2/3. — DR. d. COLLIS BROWNE!S OHL(.)RODYNE. 4 THE ORIGINAL ATO ONLY GlSHUlNfe. DHTiOKODYHE ia admitted by tto Profession to be the moe< wBOdwrfiteaataiswtileiemedyerer dieecTaidfc CHIiOBODYNS la the best reuedy fcnown for Coaghs, OMttttfnption, Bronchitis, Aithrna. yjr of CHLORODYIm E ciTeotaftlly oteokB arrasu thosa too often f»t»l disesiies-Diphtheria, Fever, Crwp, CHIjOHOI3Y3MS acta like a Charm in Diarrhcea, and is Q& O&V OPWU In Cholars Md Dywnterj. CHLORODYNE effeoto»lly 8hort mi ittaoka of EysUri*. palpitation and 8paraC> commnnicated to tno Ooll« £ o ot racalvad "IS *2SSty^a ^Conanl at Mtaills, to th* effect vemedy of any »ervioo WM OHIiQBOPTgB.M«-a«>Dtvoytar 1M4 Q*i4* rATITIOH.—1»KWARB ot PIRAOY and filllATIOKl. « W. Pisi CJLt«d that Dr. S. O0M» Vto* undcubj^y, S»Somni^Sta^!cr^wwh^inlS« TmHimmg ae^mpaaieafl^h bottle. 9* Qntt London* i4llfl5 IF you suffer from head-aches, bilious or sT liver complaints, indisrestion, costiveness, rheumatism, or tic-doloreux, try KERNICK'S VEGa^T- ABLE PILLS. Tliey are easy to sw allow, being very small require no confinement indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pro- nounce them to be the best medicine in the world. TESTIMONIAL from J. BALBIRNIE, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Physiology," Author of A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &c :— "I have examined the Pills fawim as EernicVs Vegetable Pills.' I certify their composition tobepurely vegetable I have also' tried their effect, and consider them to be one of the best aperient Pius for constipated habits that I know of. (Signed), <F JOHN BALBIBJflE, M.A., M.D." Mr CRANWELL, ApoihecMy, Monte Video, writing to a Master of a Vessel, says :— Bring me a supply of Keraick's Vegetable Pills.' I have found them very efficacious; they cured me after many other Medicines had fa.iled, and I have since given them to my patients with equal success." Thousands of other Testimonials, equally gratifying, might be published. "KernicVs Pilts" give energy to the irystem, need no special rules with regard to diet, ar.d are. tmiversally declared to be the best Medicine of the kind ever discovered. Sold in boxes at 2s 9d, Is lid, and 7d each, by most respectable Chemists and Druggists in England and the Colonies, with directioni for restoring and preserving health. These Lozenges are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced for Worms. 4) Being innocent in their character, they may be taken by children at all degree, and conditions with perfect safety. They are most useful for children of delicate stomachs and pale com- plexion, as they strengthen the system by giWng an appetite. the vaiue 0f these Lozenges, no family would be without a box. Sold by most respectablt Chemists, in 7id and Is lid boxes. I WALTHAM WATCHES. The Best Time-Keepers in tkO World. HENRY W. BEDFORD, Agent for the Waltham Watch Company, Haa the largest stock in the Kingdom for Selection, In Sterling Silver Cases from ø 10a.; Gold Cases, from a so. 17. RESENT BTREET, LONDON, lID TO ST. JAME$'s Hut IUltutreUd catalva" PottFru. It is evident that Camomile is Nature's own simple and safe"remedy for Indigestion and all Stomach complaints, for during the last 60 years NORTON'S CAMOMILB PI L L shave afforded, relief to Thousands. Sold in Bottlet at is. lid., 2,. 9 i. and Hi. A PLEASING APPEARANCE IS TH j" FIRST LETTISH 07 GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS, lit Softening the Skia ana Improving the coinpiedn. Jit.Ho to le i, Bf. e d. tach, by .1INøIJi, rmll" BmiPtrfmmn.' B 303 11IGHT PRIZE MEDALST [BIGHT PRIZE MEDALS, I v JJt TCB.' EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ADVANTAGES. Are entirely free from BMXZiIi Are not POISONOUS Are manufactured without PHOBPHOBoa Are perfectly barmlaaa to the OPXBATTVT38 Are very Damp Proof CEMPLOYXD Are not ll&bla to Kpontaneoua ComlJuation t liight only on the Sox. '> P8 E>VVOOU CO c k :?, W, I,N:J?l'<P.1 L'LS fIOOn for the core of WIND ON THS fS01KA6& GOOD for the cure of DTBIBMnOI. GOOD for the euro of SICK HX&SACBE OOOD for the un Of ERAILTBMW- GOOD for the eve of BILIOUBNEOL GOOD for the cure of MVBS COXFLAIH GOOD for the euro of ALL COMFLAOTS arising from a disordered aUteof tl8 e STOMACH, BOWELS, or UVSX. Bold to all K«SciM to boxes a» U1R ft tut4a (d each: orCr«efor 14J8,jwMSUawt,Crm UtI: D. WOODCOCX. CAIiTlIT ti loawig]L TBS BLOOD 18 THE WORLD :¡¡; a, .? i I I I 1 ,,i\ THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the Worid. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities. cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Disease, aca Sores Of all kinda, it ia a never-failing and t out. U (kL-m Old gores. Cures TJlceratfid Sore s on thlÓ Neck. Cures TFlceratcd Soro Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Ourea Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures BloÓd and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. F la this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warrantee? rre> from anything injurious to the most delica.te either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it ■ to test iu value. parts THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALU r« OF THE WORLD. ^toinin? RS Sold in Bottlea9a. «d. each, and in ?a«es, eo»cct a iiraes tha quantity, lis. each — Bufpcient fid j n caw,S( bytl;¿ ^KriiTT, (tii#F. J. Clabu), Luicom. • '^Triid* Mark—M TO SB VTSIA xm ^irk a i BRASS'S VE6ETABLE CHARCOAL II abaorba all hopmrittaa to the Btcmaeb and Bowels, and thq* gtves a b-^uthy tone to tbe whole sytem Bold is Fptttee 8s., 4r, and 6s. each. OF ALL CHSMIST8. BRASS'S CHARCOAL BISCUITS *^ctiiidraD like fitem. Itiey gpeedily eradieate Wossml In Tins is. ft 4s. each. Bou> vr iu Ckuobts. Also -'J81 CHARCOAL LOZKNCE*. Xa Tins to U*. MONEY.—"IEEE ANDKOW TO GET IT. ivil Tho EVE lasting Fer^.cx.g Quest ion. How to Solve the Mystery. Borrow it ? Yes. But Where N c't at a Loan Office where business is conducted in such a way that it violates ail the Laws of Equity. Where then ? At the IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK. Why there ? ' been carried on at thatEetablish- ment tor tne past six years in an honourable and liberal spirit, never in a single instance taking an uiidue ad- vanta^e, out a*ways treatiug its numerous customers with leniency. The Imperial Advance Bank can pro- duce hundreds of letters from borrowers (whose permission tney nave to do so) expressing gratitute for the liberal treatment they received from this bank; and applicants may rest assured that business will be carried on in luture as it has been in the paat. Tne stability of this bank will be at once recognized when applicants are informed that it was built and is the property of the principal, and is valued at £ 20,006. The Imperial Advance Bank has at its command numerous sums, varying from zelo to 91000, ready t. be lent to Farmers, Private Householders, (Ladies or Gentlemen), Shopkeepers, Car Proprietors, Licensed Victuallers, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, School Propri- etors, Clergymen, Builders, Warehousemen, Lodging- house Keepers, Professional Gentlemen, Clerks holding permanent situations, Persons about entering into Business, and all other responsi ble person?. Tb e Imperial Advance Bank requires NO rSURETTES, but lends to borrowers without requ ring their friends endorsements. Rent, Executions, and Loans paid off, and every kind of temporary accommodation granted withoutdelay, in any part of England and Wales. For further information call at Bank, or apply by etter, stating amount repuired, to L. SIMMONS (Principal), EM-d 70 & 72, Victoria-st., Liverpool. ESTABLISHED 1859. MONEYS IVl (,N EY! MONEY! .£10 to .£1000 advanced without any delay, IN ANY PART OF WALES, rpO Householders, Farmers, Shopkeepers, -a. Cowkeepers, Cab and Cart Owners, and to others, ENTIRELY ON THEIR OWN SECURITY. Not having te ask their friends to become bail for them (my charges are low); and all applications will be kept a5 private, and will have my immediate attention* Apply personally (or if by letter state amount re- quired), to H. HYMAN, 42, Norton-street (off Isling- ton), Liverpool. P.S.-Advances also made ou deposit of Scrip Shares, Plate, Diamonds, Jewellery, and on every description of goods. All letters must be written in English, an write yonraddrosses plainly. a ySi THE NEW AMERICAN COPYING INK PENCIL. ONE SHILLING EACH, Or free per post on receipt of 13 stamps. Sold by D. W. DAVIES, Stationer, Bridge- street, Carnarvon. JJOYAL JQEYONHHIEE SERGH (SPEARMAN'S). Made of selected elastic staple wools, In all the Latest Fashionable Colours and Mixtnrea, To suit all reasons and all climates. ROYAL DEVONSffiRE SOB (SPEARMAN'S) For Ladies' Dresses, on the authority of The QUEEN, Is UNRIVALLED for BEAUTY, HARD WEAR, and UTILITY. Sea-water cannot hurt it." ROYAL DEVONSHIRE SERGB (SPEARMAN'S). New Pattern Books, post free. Any length cut Carriage paid to London, Dublin, and Glasg SPEARMAN and SPEARMAN, Sole Factors, Only Address)—PLYMOUTH, (No agenciies.) .^JYMA'S JODBNAL [ OP DRESS AND pASHION. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FASHION JO URNAL. Contains: (JUT OUT PAPER PATTERN. SHEET OF FULL SIZE PATTERNS OOLOURED FASHION PLATE. BUTTY-TWO PAGES OF LETTERPRESS. Proiaseiy Illustrated of Paris Fashions, Modes, and Maimers, Ac. Price 6d.; per Post. 8d. Aa D & S0N> 38 A 40, Bedford.str London, W.C. as PHilXIPS & SONS' "DANDELION COFFEE" I CONTAINS Three Times the strength of ordi- Vy* tarj Breakfast Deverages. Once TRIED vlways used. Universally used by Invalids, being ,iaore digestible than Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa. Soid in Yttj, 11 6d, 11, dd, 6d, by all Qrooert throughout the kingdom. ESTABLISHED 1760. The valuable properties of the Dandelion Root, recognised „)_, eminent Physicians for many Cen- curies, vW become an article of daily use. Sold by aL oeve tiiroughout the Kingdom. Fecial AGENT FOIL Oabnahton H. Pntcbard& Co., Pool-street Market, General Grocery and Provision Stores; also, at their estab- lishments iu High-street, Portmadoc, and Snow- ion-street, Pen-y-groes. B 14-d IB IRD'S QUSTARI> pOWDBB FOR RICHEST CUSTABn WITHOUT EGGS. IRD'S CUSTAR.TL OWDER B SA VES HALF THE COST. IS ILA-LF Tlllg TROUBLB: BlBDJS CUSTARD pOWDER COSTS LITTLE. IS DELICIOUS. BI"-D JSTAJW POWDER T.TC „ SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Blit.0 AND SONS UIRMLNGK8M. \1K MATTHEWS'S nil i prq Aa Toilet Powdera ^always uk I Las ■•Cat I for Matthewj1* Prepared Fallen ■■■ A ■ Barth, naed in the Boyal Mnneriea, A D | U and highly reoommeaded by the «■«■ ft I I I Faculty; it prot«oU the akin from eold wind*. ehaD*. &e. and pjMTTMthii oomplwtaL SOU) BT AT^ Vm^SSVsmS lOUK Co., II, WIOMORE STREET, LONDON. FOR DTGXNO AT HOBOS. CRAWSHAWS Colour*. In packets: d., 2d., 3d. & 6d. each C 4% Seat by poit for one stamp extn. I 1 P* ANYONE CAN U»E THEM. I BaaVf Bibbana. Feathers, Keek Ties, IVwsog, maybe made look Mual to tie w. (me Sispemii- Packet irtli Dye a Lady's Drees. t. Cmuishow 4 Co., iJÓ. Fann 81, Alderagata 8f,. LONDON, rhO. AND O? ALL OMEMMTK.