Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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North Wales ]}¿anojorte, Harmonium, Organ, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. PROPRIETOR— W. JARRETT ROBERTS. ZZLZ COLONIAL MODEL. TjIAXOFORTE bv Monington and Weston, "The Colonial Model," with eomplete iron frame, full trichord, JL check action, celeste pedal, elegant Italian walnut case, panel front incised with gold, ebonised mouldings, sconces and moulded trusses guaranteed to stand any climate, and warranted for ten years. List price, 30 Guineas present net price. 2fc> Guineas, payable in four quarterly instalments of 7 Guineas each, or for net cash, 25 Guineas. See testimonials from Sir Julius Benedict and others as advertised. A Pine Assortment always on hand of PIANOS RETURNED FROM HIRE, equal to new, to be sold con- siderably under cost price. Cabinet and Square Pianos, by Broadwood and others, from X2 0 0 Cottage Piano, Rosewood or Walnut case t8 0 0 Cottage Pianos, by eminent makers, from £10 0 0 H j s 5d per Month for Thirty-six Months total outlay, £ 2G.—PIANOFORTE full compass, trichord, bracket, I 4-i trusses burr walnut case, brilliant tone. S per Month for Thirtv-six Months total outlay, £ 27.—PIANOFORTE, full compass, trichord, finest burr JLD walnut case, carved trusses, panelled front, gold engraved. Largest possible discount for net cash. »)1 S per Month for Thirty-six Months, total outlay, £ 37 10s.—PIANOFORTE, full compass, tricherd, patent *jJ_ check action, panel front, gold engraved. fef G U IN E A S -i C A S.H^ Mask, and Musical Instrument Warehouse. NEW ESTABLISHMENT Castle Hill, High-street, BAN GOB' TO HOTEL KEEPERS, LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS, AND OTHERS.—PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, &c.,LENT 0N HIRE, on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, and MANUFACTURER OF HARMONIUMS AND CHAMBER ORGANS. Manufactory—POOL SIDE SQUARE, CARNARVON. PIANOS and HARMONIUMS may be obtained on Monthly Payments, at a very small advance of the cash price-the instrument being delivered on payment of the first monthly instalment. -w- MONTHLY "PAYMENTS SYSTEM. Pianofortes from 8s. PER MONTH. Ha-rmoniums 5s. Instruments forwarded on these advantageous terms to all parts of the United Kingdom. PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, ORGANS, &c., TUNED AND REPAIRED. First-class Pianoforte Tuners and Repairers always on the Premises, whose services may be obtained at any moment. No railway fare allowed, as customers will find it much more convenient and fairer to allow 20 per cent., or 4s in the pound, bona fide discount off any maker's price list. WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, PORTMADOC AND TREMADOC, Regs to inform that he Rents all the principal Posting Stations in Portmadoc and district, viz :—about (j miles around. SPECIAL TERMS TO CONSTANT PATRONS. All Orders promptly and carefully attended to. Terms, Moderate Postal Address—TREMADOC. NEW SYS EM OF SELF-TREATMENT BY DR. SMITH'S POSITIVE REMEDIES. —Sent by post to all parts of the World 011 receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. THE BOOK OE POSITIVE REMEDIES J- Full THE CUIUS OF SPECIAL A.N IXitS.VKKAL J)LSKA.-1SS. THESE PUS HIVE KiSM EDJJSS AllE THE W' 1-LT < >!>' THIRTY YEAK. SPECIAL MEDICAL PitACUCE 1 LO.NDO.s, AND W' THE XilEATME>'T UF OX Ell SIXTY' T.inl;.AMJ IX VALIDS. Ihu .Î1ellicines are nuw Patented, alii I the HameS given in English, to enable Invalids toseleet the proper medicine for their case, and CUPLE THEMSELVES WITHOUT CON- Sl LTTNO a j>11SD1(JAL MAX. A List of Diseases is given fur which these iileiiicines are a Positive Cure. b'l V E THOUSAN D TESi'IMOXJALS have been given by those who have been llestiired to licaltu by the Positive Medicines when all other Meilicine3 have Kailed to (Jure \1) CONSULTATION FEES. NO STATJSMEXT OF CASE. SO PERSONAL IM'EllVJEW. SELF-ITIEA I'M ENT IS EASY AXU SAFE. This Hook should be read by Invalids before stating their case,or placing themselves in the hands 01 a Medical Man, or taking any Medicine for the cure of disease, Gil ATlS—Sent by post to any part of the World on receipt of Two tamps to prepay the postage, direct irom the Publishers. H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26, Southampton How, London :!()U (CAUTION.—THE QUEEN v. LAMPLOUGH.- The unanimous Verdict of the Court was in favour of Pyretic Saline being sold without the usual Medicine Duty; this has induced several Chymists and other dealers to put up effervescing powders, worthless in many instances containing Caustic & injurious ingredients. It is important and impera- tive that in all cases of Sickness, Fevers, «fc CHOLERA Symp- toms, the genuine Pyretic Saline should be purchased bearing my name only, HENRY LAMPLOUGH, 113,Holborn,London. pINSUTrS •• SONG-S of the FLOWERS?' Twelve Two-part Songs for Trebles. Price 1/- net. ABT'S SONGS OF THE BELLS." Twelve Two-part Sonjrs for Trebles. Price 1 net. THE FOUR MARIES: OLD BALLAD. The Copyright Edition. Price 1 6 net. METHVFN, SIMPSON & Co., DUNDEE. PLAT T "S SPECIALITIES. CHINA TEA IN 3 QUALITIES. PLATT & CO., 7j, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C., will send free to any part of EriKland, Ireland, or Scotland. on receipt of cash with or<ler- First quality, lib. 33; 21bs. 6 3; 41bs. 12/ and 3 extra for every further lb. Second quality, lib. 2 9 21bs. 5 3 41ba. 10, and 2 6 extra for every further lb. Third quality, lib. 2 3 21bs. 4'3; libs. 8/ and 2/- extra for every further lb. N.B.—If 251bs. are ordered we chargre Id. per lb. less if 501b<. 2d. per lb. less. WATCHES EXTRAORDINARY!! LADIES' GuLD KEYLESS, fully jewelled, Crystal front. simply matchless, 45 DITTO, SII.VER.30/ GENTLEMAN'S GOLD, stand any climate,55 SILVER ditto, 35' Forwarded for P.O.O. payable to GRAHAM & Co., Ill, Norfolk Terrace, London, W. XpDUCATION. Mrs. PALMER, Colling- wood College. Lee, Blackheath. Inclusive terms from 20 guineas. Eighty lofty rooms, built for the college. Gravel soil. Large recreation grounds. Ten masters and 12 English and foreign governesses. Public exams. Baths. Diet un- limited. Parlour boarders and backward I'ipils received in Collingwood House. Articled pupils from £ 18. XT'DUCATION (LITTLE BOYS). Mr. PALMER, Nelson College, Newstead-road, Lee, Kent. Inclusive terms from 20 guineas. Forty-two lofty rooms, built for the colleee. Large recreation grounds and covered gym- nasium. Diet unlimited. Baths. Seven resident masters andjjovernesRes. Articled pupil. L14. #T A CKS 0 N A N D G RA EAI, Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents, 70 to 86, OXFORD STREET, W., Have always on their a larg-e selection of FURNISHED HOUSES in Town, Country, and Suburbs, at Rents varying from 3 Guineas to 30 Guineas per Week. UNFURNISHED HOUSES, SHOOTINGS, HUNTING BOXES, & LANDED ESTATES to be LET or SOLD in everT part. Valuations and SALES BY AUCTION of PROPERTY and FURNITURE conducted m Town and Country at specified charges. AUCTION AND ESTATE AGENCY OFFICES. 7Q to 86. OXFORD STREET, W. THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE BEECHAMS PILLS rC,, H fyy VA PATENT F'H Pi LLS. Jgj \t\\ /J?/ ARE admitted by thousands to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous 11 disorders; such as wind and pain in the stomack, sick | headache, giddiness, fulness, j nd swelling' after meals | d i zziness and drowsiness, cold chins,nuttcringsofhca.rt,loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleeps, frightfu dreams, and all nervous and ti embline sensations, etc. The first dose wlll give relief in twenty minutes. This is no liotion, for they have done it in thousanda'of cases. 9 Every sufferer is earnestly invited'to try one box of these Pills, and thev will be acknowledged to be. WOUTII A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all a-jes these Pills are invalnnb'e. No female should be without them. There is no medi- cine to be found to equal BEECH AM S PILLS. If taken according: to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore all females of all ages to sound and robust health. .■> stomich, impT 'red dicestion. and all dis- or-lers of the Iiv r, tliey act like \1:ic," and. a few doses will be !ot: n I to wvi k wonders upon the most important organs in the 1Mman machine. They stren-ithen tiie whole mu-cular s stem, and restore the lon-.r-Vst complex'■ >ii. bria back the keen edy,3 of a]»]i • .t •, and lase .m,o action with the rosebud of h-alrh. tiia whole p en.- g/ of tit 2 human fiwuc —I. neio are tacts .latiiccl bv thousands, eio'ii-icing all cla-; ;es i.f .~oc,^t:" and one of Ills best pnia ■-i a to 's. to the .N vo:u all I I >ebili tafe I Is- B ftile &)); I'atent Medicin ■ in the w< *'d. J r;EECir\M'.S MAGIC CoUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general. Asthuin, Diffi- culty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of tl'e Chest, Wheezing, etc.these Pills stand unrivalled and any one labouring under any of the aoove complaints ne,%d only try ONE BOX prove they are the best ever olfered to the Public foi Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afiiicted with the above distressing, and, when, neglected, dangerous complaints, Let any person troubled with any of the above complaint* uive Beecham's Cough Pills a trial, and they will act like Magic. The mos i. violent cough willltl a short time be removed. C-\u'fI<)-'l,-Tlw public are requested to notice that the words B > sham's Pills. St. Helen's," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each Box of Pills; if aoto"they are a forgery. iVopared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the Prop rietor, Thos. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is. lid. and L's. 9d. each. Sent fi-, So! i ''V n" hai j"and Patent Medicine Dealers in 1 i1. g■ iom. jN.B.—Jb'ull uirt;u*ioii4 are ^iven with each box. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF THE "WHITE" ,on SEWING MACHINE. ^TF\^LIC^WSTEGMKRS-"THO TTXIO\ s. S. CO.'S MAIL FAlKhlS sail from SOUTHAMPTON <;vurv alternate THNR-' '-IV ana fnjm PLYMOUTH the following dry For Pv<a"f»nr Fi- ;t* apply at the Company'sj Offices. Oriental Place/Southampton! or llt Lcadenhall Street, London. al)l)ly ,,t the Othee,, Orientil Place, :outlmmpton. or It. Lcadenhall Street, London. GOLD MEDAL, AMSTERDAM EXHIBITION, 1883. 600 MACHINES MANUFACTURED AND SOLD EACH DAY. 500 SEWING MACHINE DEALERS IN ENGLAND ALONE J:;ELL THE "WHITE." Samples of Work and Price List gratis on application. Try a WHITE" before Purchasing. No other Machine ever had such a RECORD OF POPULARITY. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., 19, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. IRON CHURCHES, Schools & Iron Buildings for = ale 50on Show. Humphreys, Albert Gate, Hyde-pk.London. bJIIUTC mixed ready i'oruw. best quality, 3d. per lb. or 24s. per In I u I d cwt. Carriage naid on 1 cut. Send for List of Colours. Mo nr. AS & So> C()Umrjtfcrchants, Blackfriars Rd., London. QPRAGUE CO., KZ7 PHOTO-LITHOGKAPHER8, 22. MARTIN'S CANNON STHF.F.T. LONDON. t,iT "IJ> 1.^ \T/\I> 17" CJ For 5th NOVEMBER. jj 1 Iti Fj VV UJri)XVO Best value for Money. Prica Lists free. Carriage paid on jC2 worth.-DYER & ROBSON. East Greenwich. London. HO-W TO MAKE MONEY. Spare capital _1 1- in sums of £100 to £1000. can be safely invested, in- gnrin" large returns. Full particulars of The British Inventor* Financial ^Association, 13 & H. Kin^ Street. Cheapside. London. A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. pKATIS. a MEDICAL WORK, showing sufferers how IT tlev may lie cured. and recover health and vitality ■•vithout tho aid of Quacks, with recipes for purifying the lood and removing skin affections; also chapters for Happy Mirriiijes. When and Whom to Marrv. The Tem- peraments, Stammering. Vital Force. How Wasted and How Preserved. Galvanic Appliances, and the Wonders "f the Mk-p SM'.ie in Detecting Various Complaints. Post free for two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy. Birmingham. 10 IS Di-l. JENNETS PHOSPHORUS AND CHARCOAL, PROVIDES the human system with thought, nerve, and brain food, and furnishes the elements of vitality, health, and strength. Dr. Jenner's Phos- phorus and Charcoal are certain remedies for melan- cholia, nervous prostration, consumption, and impaired digestion. Depot: 172, Groat Tichfield-street, Regent's Park, London, N.W. In bottles, 2s 9d, 4s üd, lis, 22s. and 33s. From any chemist, or by post. Dr. Jenner s Phosphorous and Charcoal is a marvellous remedy for the loss of nerve power, and in the arrest of physical decay, from whatever cause arriving. It is invaluable, and acts as a charm in consumption, exhaustion, &c. No medicine known contains so much Phosphates, Soda, Magnesia, Lime. Chloride of Potassium. Tron, pure and unoxydised, Phosphorous, all of which are scientifically combi ell in this essence, and each of which is collectively essential to the restoration of lost function. It has re- ceived the sanction of Sir Benjamin Brodie, Sir llliarn Lawrence, Sir Thomas W itson, Sir Charles Locock, the College of Physicians, Sir James Furgus- son, Sir Phylip Crauipton, Sir Edward Lasketh,°Sir James Clark, Dr. Miller, and Dr. Lancaster Order DR. -iEN"NEK'S PHOSPHORUS and CIIARCOAt •n see that it bears the correct address of the Lon- don I )ep"t 172, Great Tichfield-street, Regent'. Park, london, N.W. all others are a fraud. This is duly registered under the Trade Marks \ct. Older Dr. JE PHOSPIIOliUS and CHARCOAL, and tak. no other. Order of any Chemist in the world. London Agents: Parclav &'Sons, Farrin"don- -tr.-et, '11101 all the Patent Medicine Houses. UNION LINE. rtAPE of GOOD HOPE. NATAL Si. EAST — -.i: -i. .EO V U H..J:¡ D by jJORISOU'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. To be had of all Chemists throughout Great Britain. rilE A at WHOLESALE PRICES. No retail prolits. Broken Leaf Congou, 1, 3; Strong Leafy Con'-jou, 1 6; Fine A-sani Tea, 1 8 to 2 6. 61hs. sent fri-e. Dealers ,uPi,!i,d. LONDON JOINT STOCK TEA CO., Lcl" M. Leailenhall -t. P A "RfP.T.Q CHEAP TIN BOXES, in nests and wiier- rAIW;XliiD wis-. Pat.-nt.T-s of t\ Coilapsil.le Box prvqm /^OIiLAPSIBLEBOX(.'o.,B.ytieet..Sriirey, ■T VJ AliENTS WANTI;I> KVEItYWHKHE. POST. /^OIiLAPSIBLEBOX(.'o.,B.ytieet..Sriirey, ■T VJ AliENTS WANTI;I> KVEItYWHKHE. TLKLEY WELLS HYDllOPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT & HOTEL, Wharferlale,Yorkshire. Charming Winter Residence. Conservatory (KK) yards square. Winter Terms from £ 2_ 2s. _Api>ly r. Ilkley, via Leeds. I TIlVIK WHOLE OR S?ARE TERYI.S E 3'3. if! T" wSiS" to DISPOSE OF rprivatelv) her complete suite "f 0:(1 English pattern ELECTRO-PtiATED SPOOSS and FORKS, t Ail are stamped A 1 quality, never been used. 1 !• .t I comprises, one dozen each table and <1, ssevt forks, ,.t.JI t spoons, and tea spoons, half dozen table sp ?oiis, four six eprtr, and two mustard spoons, with gilt bowls, sixt.v-cx pieces in all. To all immediate purchaser the low •>. ;,IIS. will 1. aeeepted for the entire suite: a vi'v: >t:it barpain.—Mrs. :IIAI'GR'O!1, care of DralLn NML Oiiv.-r, 1% Ir.>mu»nir<T-lano. C'hi-aixicie, B.C., where t;lC plate may b«j seen or can be sent on approval. ,]10.- Pears9 Soap Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin, RENOWNED REMEDIES. isaaatiBpBaBi THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Lad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Go-t and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it 11;15 no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at THOMAS IIOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, And are sold at is. !?;< 2S. 9J., 4J. 6£1., lIS., 22. and 33- each Box or Pot, and may be had of all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N.B.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. Vegetable&Flowe\ FREE Vegetable & Flower, Asa& POST, OR, "RAIL. COLLECTIONS OF For small Gardens 5 7 6, and IO 6 each. VEGETABLE SEEDS For medium-sized Gardens.. 12 6, 15 and 21- each. For larg-e Gardens 316, 42-, and 63 each. For extra large Gardens 105 and 210,- each. BOXES OF FLORAL GEMS For the Gardens of Ladies and Amateurs. 2,6, 5 7 6, 10 6, 15 and 21/- each. ———— UNITED BOXES OF VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS At 10 6 and 21-each. Illustrated Catalogues gratis and post free. Prices 20 per cent, lower than other Houses. VIEBB & SONS, I The Queen's Seedsmen, WORDSLEY, STOUEBEIDGE. m UPHAG UE & CO., a PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS, 22. MARTIN-V LAVE, CANVON- STTIEKT, LONDON-. (ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA DR. J. COLLIs BROWNE'SCHLORODYNE, A few doses quite effectual. Caution. The extraordinary medical reports irt j.StgSgjjWo t'11- efficacy vital import- ance that the public should rE s felrSl J llu\ obtain the gen- nine, which is c t protected by a Government S stamp, bearim? the words t* i ur. j. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Paire Wood, the Titnrs, July 16th, 1861. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians accompany each bottle. Sold in Bottles, 1 H. 2'9, & 4 6, bv all ^UDIIE N DEATHTIY SANFORD S RAT POISON.—" In my wheat ricks I found 130 rats killpd by one dressing with it."—J. U. PAINE, Farmer, Caxton. Sanford's Rat Poison answers well; I found 210 killed by one dressing with it."—W. RAMPLY, Manor Farm, Bougliton, Hunts. It is, without doubt, the best ever introduced. Price 1/ per box, 1 2_with postage, of SANFORD ft SOX, Sandy, Beds. Pfl MTQ mixu(l r,)acly ^or nse' best quality, 3d. per lb. or 24s. per IHi il I O cwt. Carriage paid on 1 cwt. Send for List of COIOUES. Mo |{UAN iV Sos. Colour Merchants, Blackfriars Rd., London. LO- AGREIMT.—One energetic Agent Wanted in evory nnrnpresented, for the sale of our IIRNI-L,UMMNIUR OLIVOLINE, a prrfrcr hthricathnj oil. DUXCAN, WATSON' tv Co., Sole Makers. Oil and Grease Merchants ail(\ Manufuct'irrrs, Da^hwood House, iNew Broad* street, Lond'>n, E.('. iNo other office.) TNDIGESTION: its SELF-CURE, etc. A New Treatise by a Id. Publishers: HAMILTON' VV (Jo., Oxford Street, Southampton. ERV( NliUVOUS WEAKNESS, <fcc.—A Gentleman i recclltly cured, after many years' suffering from K erV0118 Debility, Melancholy, Kleoples-ness, Forg.-tfnlness, Trembling, Functional Weakness, Ui,plea-ai;t Drcajns, Faint ness, Palpita- tation. \e., will inform Suiierers free liow he was cured. Ao1dr,H. M., Ks(j.. 2«, Marshal Street,jVlierdeen. LAXAIILES GERMAN CANARIES I If you want 16 cheap and bt-iiiitifiil singing Canary, you must buy one straight, from the Canaries' breeder. Safe arrival guaranteed. PRICE LIST POST FREE. O. UEIPEL, WaMsachscn, bci Meerane, tierir.nny. LONDON, W.C.—WOBURN COLLEGE for L YO (; XU LADIES. Superior modern & classical education, with inu-ic. sciences, and languages under eminent masters. 1 f a llIn' inline, & careful supervi.-ii-n. Public examinations. Day scholars recei,-(.d. _Pupil-<.T0vcriv-ss reqnirell.=-7;), (Guildford St. R|10 AGENTS.—Wantedby Shipping Agents, JL throughout the United Kingdom and Continent, AGENTS who can introduce Shipping and Insurance business. Payment b ('"innn'ssion o :lv.—Address, siating ref' reuces, ,Vc., to X.N., M.1-J, Brown, («<>«M,«r Co., 2V, Lombard Street,London, K.O. J~ORT1IING.—Educational advantages to » Clc, Oilicersof the J\rL1y,&c. :S-OI11'11,>1 fee, 10 Guineas. fnr_ ti; .-t term-iii'1 usive i'agister, t. Merlo-.i Terrace. "GEO!?GK KVA-S, 1..J -A 1 .J .J. )) BILLPGSTin; A Y D 1\ S T U I Ii U T Oil HKNWALi A, :A HN., ii VON, Member of tin-. I'liite-i >m Hiilposters' 1\5;30,; ;;t ,() 11- ALL OIIDKRS PrNcrruALLY ATTENIIKD TO. XIOO I I 10 W A E, D. T17"E will p:iv the above Reward for any case of Liver \V Compltunt. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot Cure with \Vest's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with They arc purely Vegetable, and never I fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated, Boxes, containing •50 Pills, Is ,\<1. For Sale by all Druggists. The •50 Pills, Is I ,\<1. For Bille by all Drnggists The genuine manufactured only bv JOHN C. cfiST & CO., I "The Pill Makers." W. Madi.son-5.keet. Chicago. BARCLAY & SONS, Wholesale Agents, i}o, Painug- doii-stree^ Londou, ^/f OSS LITTER v. STRAW!—Mr. S. LOEWE, JLTJL 8, New Broad-street, London, whose Lightning Brand is now adopted in preference to straw and sawdust in the leading stables, including those of the railway, tramway, and omnibus (companies, requires substantial AGENTS in some of the counties and chief towns. VAL U ABLE PATENT for Sale, in part, or » wholly. "Collom & Hill's Patent Reversible Direction Tablet" for Hampers and other Packages. An independence for a business man with small capital. Address—Collom, Bath Road, Exeter. Devon. WOOL-GROWERS m have ™r WOOL Manufactured into Goods for own use 1>v sending it to ROBERT HOUSTON & SONS, 28, WEST BLACKHALL ST., and ROCKBANK MILLS, GREENOCK. Each customer's lot ig kepi aep<ir<rfp, unless lie instructs otherwise. WRITE FOR PATTERNS AND PRICKS. Carnage of Wool per Goods Conveyance payable by R. II. AS. FOR SALE.-Scotch Cheviot Tweeds, Blankets, etc.. our own Manufacture; any length cut. D ARCY S DUBLIN STOUT Anc^wer? (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one.) EN A VANT YEAST WILKIN & Co.. J\. BUTTERINE j!(fxi') ON'S "y WASHING M A01 LINES.—lief,>!V pnr- chasing send for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE free hy post. TAYLOR and WILSON, Atlas Works, Clayton-le-Moors, Aeoriiitfton. YSTAHL I S HE D 1851. B IRK B E C K BAN K.- :)0. Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand. TWO per CENT. INTEREST allowed on CURRENT ACCOUNTS calculated on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £ 50. The BIRKBKCK ALMANACK, with full particulars, can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, ilnnniier. CHEAP JEWELLERY, all kinds. Waltliam Watches, or Oeneva, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Silver Jewellery, F;incy Ooorls. Che;ipe^t House. Illustrated Cat,3 stump*. MILLING-TON, 12, Houndsditell. Louden. Cash .V Trade on y. BR ASS, REED, STRING, DE U M & EIFE^ COXCKKTIXA am! M KLODKON liANllS, I'l A N( !S, UKOANS nnd IIAK.M<l.Nir.MS at Whvltmte Prices at J. MOORE & CO..Huxt.n Kond, HudaersMeld. Prices with drawings of Jill histruinents post free. Music for Hands. JJnndsmen's Caps. J'atronisod l>y Army, Navy, and InstrumentA bought or tnken ill Kxchanire. THE OTTO GAS j; NO INK. Consumption Less than in n tn 7RSnpr Elllf/sfiSlr cent. MjPBEfr Engines. ^jROSSLEY'S PATENT TWIN ENGINES. JMPULSE EVERY REVOLUTION. s TEADIEST RUNNING ENGINE MADE. £ jROSSLEY'S NEW VERTICAL ENGINES. ^JROSSLEY'S PATENT SELF STARTER. SAFEST, SIMPLEST, & BEST YET MADE. CHEAP GAS FOR LARGE POWERS. CROSSLEY BROS., LIl\L, MANCHESTER. ]V"ERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY: i-^i A Kentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope. Address, J. T. SEWELL. Esq., Mont- rose Lodj-'e. Chiswick. Middlesex. ^WVWVVVVN^WVVwvVVVVVVVWWWWJ A Clergyman of the Church of Enqland writes:— f < "Dec. 20th, 18S3. 5 Gentlemen,- I have great pleasure in recommendingr "to the public your valuable preparatios 'Tikheel.' In r 5 "cases where I have known it to be ued it was most J "effectual in curing Neuralgia, and alsoToothache. I hope "you will be well repaid for your certain and sate remedy. J J The, Editor of' The parish Magazine.' 5 ? liedlington, Northumberland Sikheel cures Neuralgia J I Tic, ToothaclieJ | Faceache, Price 2. G, to be obtained of £ ML CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. J Do not be persuaded to Try something else." Parcels s J post free for 2(1 in stamps or P.O.O. of the Manufacturers 5 CLARKE, BLEASDALE BELL, & CO. York. J WiicbKSALK AGENTS- AYRTON & S VU \r1 i. ILl. Daiij-strojt, iverpool LOCAL AGENTS— BANGOR-HUGH LLOYD JONES, Medical Hall. LLANDUDNO—W. S. PENNEf, M.P.S., The Dispen- sary, Mostyn-street; and Four Crosses, FESTINIOG, J. BURTON, Chemist. A V I D jj A VIE S BILLPOSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, No 14, JAMES STREET, BANGOR, And a member of the United Kingdom Bill Posters Association All Posting executed with care and despatch CoNNEOiTOX WITU ANY OTUJiJR, BILL PoSTlSH HOGE'S HOREHOUND HONEY. fOR THE PROMPT RElIEF OF CHEST COMPLAINTS, COUGHS. AND SORE THROATS. SUPPLIED DY ALL CHEMISTS. The safest Mid most efficacious remedy ever dis- covered for all pulmonary diseases, sore or congested lungs, consumption, coughs, colds, sore throa,ts hoarsniess, &c. An uncompouaded prodrct of Natui secrated in the "emis of Horohound bl ssoms, an- gathered by the honey bee. SUCCESS IN THE PURSUITS OF LIFE depends much on a thorough knowledge of every branch pertaining to the vocation the individual chooses to follow. Yielding to the early incliration of making the study of the honey bee a professional one, Mr. Hoge's life-long association and continual study has been with them. This gave him un- equalled facilities for investigating the curative properties of various kinds of honeys, and enabled him to discover and corroborate the wonderful healing powers of Horehonnd Honey. IT IS A COMMON ERROR to think that any kind of Honey will make a good cough mixture, and we regret to say mod chemists employ Honey as a basis for such medicines, without the least dis- crimination as to its source. It would be just as rational to expect any kind of bark to make good quinine. Francois.! Huber, Baron Liebig, and Sir John Lubbock agree with all other investigating naturalists in the assertion—that the characteristic.1: of various Honeys are attributable to the plants from which they are gathered. Xenophon tells us that all his soldiers who ate of the Honey found in the villages on the mountains of the Colehians lost their senses that those who ate but little were like men very drunk, and those who ate much like mad- men. Pliny accounts for this by saying the honey «•! gathered from the flowers called Rhododeuros, ■•vhile of the Horehound plant Keats beautifully says- The bee, with sense so subtly true, From Ilorehound herbs extracts the healing dew." IIONEY IS NOT MADE BY THE BEES, they are simply the vehicles provided by an all-wise Providence for conveying the Honey from the petals of the blooms and depositing it into the cells of the honeycomb. Notieo a boo as it alights and insinuates itself into the very heart of the flowers, and you will have no difficulty in observing by a telescope motion of its body that it is sucking or rather pumping the drop of nectar into its honey sack, which is lined with a muscular tissue. When filled the little almoner of nature flies away to its hive, and, by compressing the muscles of its honey sack, deposits the Honey into the cells. The Honey undergoes no digestion, and is chemically the same in the hive as in the petal of the flower. The LORD MAYOR of LONDON ORDERS IT. MANSION HOUSE, LONDON, E.C., September, 28, 1883. The LORD MAYOR would thank Messrs. W. M. Hoge and Co. to send him half a dozen of their Hoge's Horehound Honey, which has been well recommended to him. W. L. BRIGHT, ESQ., son of the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P., says Hoge's Horehound Honey CUBED his father of a bad cough. WHAT THE CLERGY SAY OF IT:- ELY, CAMBS., May, 1883. The Rev. C. D. Kix DON has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the excellent properties of Hoge's Horehound Honey for preaching. It makes the voice clear and pleasant, and takes away all that huskiness in the throat which is so uncom- fortable to preacher and congregation. THE PRIMA DONNA. HAWTHORN LODGE, FINCHLEY NEW ROAD, N.W., March 30, 1883. Messrs. W. M. HOGE & Co., London. (; íôNT LEMEN ,-I have much pleasure in stating that I consider your Horehound Honey the most wonderful remedy I have ever tried, possessing properties which are nothing short of marvellous for the cure of affections of the throat and chest. I shall never be without a bottle of Horehound Honey.—Yours very truly, MARIE ROZE. Your Honey is delicious. ELLEN TERRY. From the CHAMPION BILLIARD PLAYER. 38, MARYLANDS ROAD, WESTBOURNE PARK, October 27, 1883. Messrs. W. M. HOG. & Co. GENTLEMEN,—I have much pleasure in certifying to the excellence of your Horehound Honey. I have found great relief from taking it, and strongly recommend it for coughs.-Yours faithfully, JOHN ROBERTS, JUN. WHAT IT DID FOR GEO. F. BLACK, Esq. 7, SUFFOLK LANE, CANNON STREET, E.C., LONDON, April 20, 1883. Messrs. W. M. HOGE & Co., London. GENTLEMEN,—Having suffered for many years with irritation of the throat and chest, I never found any remedy to r-elieve the irritation until I purchased a bottle of your Horehound Honey, which I did a few days since. I want to inform you it had a. c wonderful soothing effect, affording relief at oaofl, Please send me one dozen bottles, and oblige, Yours truly, G. F. BLACK. PUT UP IN LARGE BOTTLES, PRICE, IS. lid. PER BOTTLE. And Supplied by all Chemists. WHOLESALE BY HOGE'S HONEY COMPANY, LIMITED, 12, GREAT EASTERN STREET, LONDON, B.C. HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. TREATMENT by Magnetism effectually supersedes T the use of tonics. It invigorates and nourishes so that fitness for work is obtained while in work. (Mo-magnetism naturally co-operates with all the forces of the physical economy, imparting new life and restoring health and vigour. Mr ALLEN, jun.. 40 Arthur-street, Belfast, will send, post free, on applica- tion, Free Consultation Form, with other particulars, and a private list of 1,000 referees (including clergy- men of all denominations and other names eminent in Art, Literature, and Science) certifying to the success of the Magneto-Electric treatment of Mr Copson Garratt (the Medical Electrician, London) for the attainment and preservation of health and the preven- ion and cure of various forms of disease. Advice and consultation given, personally or by letter, free of charge. Mr Garratt carefully studies each case sepa- rately, and when in any instance he considers his treatment would liot be efficacious he will say 3 I ALLAN LINE 'ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO UNITED STATES & CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. POLYNESIAN. For HALIFAX & PORTLAND. Jan 29 CASPIAN.For HALIFAX & BALTIMORE.Feb 5 SARDINIAN .For HALIFAX & PORTLAND .Feb 12 SARDINIAN For HALIFAX & PORTLAND.Feb 12 PERUVIAN For HALIFAX & BALTIMORE Feb 19 SAKMAT1AN For HALIFAX & PORTLAND.Feb. 20 OCEAN RATES: Saloon, 12 to 21 Guineas: Intermediate. X7 7s Steerage, 4:4 -is. Through Tickets at Special Rates to Chicago and to all Points in the Western States and Canada. Note.—The best, quickest, and cheapest route to Manitoba and the Great North West is bv the Mail Steamers of this Line. Quebec to Winnepeg ou'v_ +'2 Ss by the New Route of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Assisted Passages to Quebec are granted to Navvies and General Labourers, Mechanics, &c, for .£4:; and to Agri- culturists, Agricultural Labourers, and Female Domestic Servants for £ü. ——— Passengers landing at Quebec. Halifax or Balti- more and going inland are accompanied on the Railway by the Coinany's special conductors. Pamphlets on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western States free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., James-street, Liverpool AGENTS:- Wm. J. Williams, 7. Market-street, Carnarvon. Matthew Goldie, 217, High-street, Bangor. E. Philip Williams, 11, Victoria-place, Bethesda. WIll. John Parry, a and 4, Williams' Court, Bethesd John Evans, Herald Otlice, Carnarvon. 10^0 iAll ,$> LIVEP. POOT- TO TO UEW YORK & IBOSTOIET EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. This Company has been estnblished fot Forty Years, and is noted for its Safety and Comfort for all classes of Passtngera. Apply to the CLINABD STEAM SHIP COMPANY Limited, Liverpcol, Or to their Agent,- W m. J. Williams, 7, Market-street Carnarvon Thomas Ingham, Clwtybonc, via Carnarvon. "INTERMEDIATE PASSAGE.—By New York Steamers £ 7 7s and ZS 8s. By Boston Steamers £ 7 7s. STEERAGE' AT LOW RATES. 1011 A M E^R I C A'.N L I N E UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA Every Wednesday and Alternate Saturday. First-class full-powered Irou Steamships. Accommodation for Pas- sengers equal to any European Line. Passengers and Goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Penn- sylvania Railroad, THE SHORTKST AND BEST ROUTE TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON. SPENCE & CO., 17 and 11). Water-street, Liverpool. LOCAL AGENTS.—W. J. Williams, Secretary to the North Wales Quarrvmen's Union, 7, Market-street, Car- narvon; John Foulkes, 24-, High-street, Carnarvon R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigiau Mawr, Talysarn. 1012 ESTABLISHED 1876. THE PROGRESSIVE INVESTMENT AND BUILDING SOCIETY, LIMITED. CHIEF OFFICES 97, LEADENHALL STREET, LONDON, E.C. rPllE Fund for IS Si is now open. Monthly Sub- J_ seriptions, 2s Gd or f>s. Interest of o per cent, on every full pound paid. Bonuses of X2 10s and £ 0 added respectively to Certificates paid up in full within five vears from date of issue. Interest allowed on the Bonus as well as on the Subscriptions. An Advance of £ 100, free of interest for twenty years on each as. Certificate drawn in the Ballot. Sums from One Shilling and upwards received on Deposits. I Interest four per cent. 011 e:icli full pound. Sums under £ 10 withdrawable in a few days. Advances from one month to 20 years on Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Stocks, Shares, Life Poli- cies, LVC. The next Quarterly Drawing for Free Advances on Friday, January 2nd. All persons taking up Certificates on or before that date, and paying three months' subscriptions on each, will be eligible for the Ballot. Agents Wanted in every Town and Village. Prospectuses and Journals on application to Secretary or to Mr THOMAS MILLS, Agent, 53, Garth-road, Bangor. B. SHAKESPEARE, 264] Managing Director t_- Í'(í.,j' FJi]'l': FU1: 81¿; ¡'J'A}\Jj' I The MARVELLOUS WORK on /if, ^-7 t J i V f j. > I ivs a. 1 « b\ (Umh.UK TI!I.>AS congukve, Coonim lav age, Fccic>i;uu, London, S.E. ML-. Cougiv v e is PUBLI-Uintf ONi; RECENT CASE ot'CL' li £ EV £ iKir V/ JO-UK in the Christian World" an.1 0'.1; Weeklies. NEARLY 100,000 SOLD! C FO O-S I And DAMP AIR produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. THE FINEST REMEDY FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., 18 CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, In bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. iOLB BY ALL MEDICINE HOUSES.