Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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!!II ———— BUSINESS ADDRESSES THEY ARE MORE THAN GOOD TO MEN GREATEST SUCCESS JPYF | THEY SAVED [LAIS-—MY LIFE. MODERN TRMES! IP0^?RCTJ 4 Real this. It will repay you a tJnasand foldI 1. you suffer PAIN in tie BACK and LOINS, or between the SHOULDERS, this remedy will effectually removethem. TARLT^TIONO{THQ BLADDER, SUPPRESSION and RETENTION of the ^»5J2 or GR1VEL, theONTLY SAVE and EFFECT GAL REMEDY OFFERED TO THE W~«W IS ASRPE'S PILE and GRAVEL PILLS 1# VK T »?R is HIGH CO^O'JRSD, THICK, and depositing MUCH SPT^ILL^IX R, ]0SQ N0 time, procure a « FFPFTRR PILLS, and you will soon B* RIGFTT — OOXOF *EOKL*<- LLVEB, DIE sluggish and out of jrdar, this Remedy will gently STIMULATE If your K-L^' ^MO A OLOGGSD PAS3AU53, and prorc.ote the Secretion of HEALTHY BILE these important O'NS, op°n ^CTO L'NV)LGS3TLON, BILIOUSNESS, und CONSTIPATION, you have a SURE "MUYOA SUFFE^ROS AOPY BLOWEL Disorder such as PILES. JONSTIPATION FLATULENCE, COLIC, you H ,ve her a ^M^Y/PUAJ^PJT4XX0N ^AND are afraid that your HI ART s affected, you will find these Pill 3 If you suffer trom ELF BOIUCFUKOMRH^DAB:IE and GIDDINESS George': Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than 5Y IF YOU'HAVTPAINAFTER, EATING, and feel DROWSY ani L.STLESS, one Dose of George's Pills will j> :t Uke arrri^^ HJRNS SOUR rises into THE moutn, a tew doses of this Remedy will make your T OUIFLEOU EXCITABLE, and LOW SPIILIR pERfect ANTIDOTE will be found in eorace's Pills. NT,SAFTR,EE ABLE TASTE in the mouth, a SIN'GHS DOSE of George's Pile and Gravel If you have A ~TFH^ORVME before the dawn of another d*y. I iUs at oed-time wi c NKIST try George's Pills. Tiiey will make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, If NT'DWL^RTH and REVIVE S £ F ^vekTION, WEAK, and LIMP, this Remedy will RESTORE your ENERGY and If you feel U"FI^/°RM^ELIBOUR and Exercise the EN JO YMENT of your life. STRENGIH, and jjAUStSAand VO\I.ING at the thou *HO of eating, a box of George's Pills If YOA ARE troubled SAVOUPI anl PLEASANT. ° ° will make YON* PAEA RE ^ILL keep JFJEN all the important outlets of the body and thus give free exit IF Y°"J N?NJO and no more BLOOD IMPURITIES will be seon bursting through the Skin in to all GROSS SOREs, or BOILS. PIMPLES, „A<,E8! }JA8 removed from the Blood, root and branch, RHEUMATIC, SCORBUTIC, and 4 THAT had defied all other Remedies. 80 § on have A tendency to DROPSICAL SWELLINGS;-this remedy, by its action UP^N the KIDNEYS ^H^YOU HAV^DIFTFL^G^TI' of BREATHING, this Roaiedy will prove a friend to youjin the hour need. aprrieNT and therefore will remove CONSTIPATION J?;! ATJTTBILIOUS, and will, therefore, correct all irregularities of the LIVER; FT M DIURETIC, and will, therefore, keep open the WATER PASSAGES. 1A M TONIC and will, THEREFORE, give I ON and VIGOUR to the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. \Iah BLOOD-PURIFYING and NERVE STRENGTHENING. It is, therefore, ALL YOU WANT. ''WTfQTf WORLD RENOWNED PILLS ARE SOLD EVERYWHERE lHiv T J, AN(i 2s 9d each. By Post, Is 3d and 3s. PEOPKIEIOB-J. E GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIBWAEJN AMERICAN AOISNT-R. D. WILLIAMS, Chemist, Plymouth, Pa. — A Wonciertul Medicine. WlxASM'S For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH GUINEA A BOX.t,: BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. For a ,I WEAI Stomach; Impaired Diction; Disordered Liver; they act like magic -—a few doses will work wonders irpon the Vital Organs; Strengthening the muscular System; restoring the long-lost Complexion bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with cha BOSEBCD OF HEALTH the WHOLE PHYSICAL ENERGY of the human frame. These are factei admitted, by thousands, in all classes of society and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is thM Jleeeham's Pills have the Largest Salt of any Patent iledicine in the world. Full directions with each box. •{repaired Only by THOMAS BEECMAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, Engtamd. Sold everywhere in Boxes, 9?d., Is. I-ld-, and 2s. 9d. each. liOLLOWAY'KS" PILLS & O-tN MENT THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILYJCSE. THE PILLS purify the Blood, correct all disorders ofjfthe internal] organs,]|and are invaluable in all complairts incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT is the most reliable Kennedy for Chest and Throat Auction, Rheu- matism, Still Joints, Old Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, and all Skin Diseases. Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N,B. Advice gratis at the above address, daily, between tha hours of II and 4, or by letter. roTTcULTURAL GAZETTE DIRY FARMER, ESTABLISHED 1844. [MONDAY, PRICE ID,] THB AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE has for many years, by consent of all, stood at the head of the English Agricultural Press. It is unequaled as a high-class Farmer's paper, while the price—Twopence weekly, or cost free 10? Od for a whole year—places it within the reach of all Farmers. it is read very extensively in all parts of the United Kingdom, as well as throughout the Colonies and oreicn countries, and the following extracts from letters show how highly it is valued b" its Subscribers :— The best exair ple of a good agricultural paper we HAVE ever seen.' —M»-ning Post. I attribute whatever success I have bad to reading the A. G.H. T •« The most useful paoer I have ever read.T. B., JUN- I will tako it as long as I live. It is the best paper published. —J. 8. B. I am truly sorry I did not take the Gazette years ago, as am quite certain it would have paved me many ands. No farmer should be without it.W. t, Contains a great deal of useful information-T. C. I am highly pleased with the paper." W. K. I like the Gazette best of all farm papers." -H. L. I find it very interesting and instructive.G. R.S. FOKM OF SUBSCRIPTION. Wrrmt i 10 VINTON & Co., Limited, 9, New Brdge iStrset, Ludgate Circus, London, Please send me the AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE for months, commencing .$ or which I enclose a. d. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 12 Month*, 10s lOd; 6 Months, 5s od 3 Months, 2a 9d. Four weeks for Trials loit free for cd Remmittances to accomp ny Order. CHINES, &c., to oe made payable to V £ TF TOST & CI., LIAIIT^D tkade wMAKKS AGENCY CONDUCTED BY PATENT SOLICITOR AND LATE EXAMINER iJJ! HER MAJESTY'S PATENT OFFICE. ADVICE GRATIS on all sobjaots connected with the above on receipt of stamped addressed jnL envelope. PATENTS OBTAINED-British, Colonial and Foreign in fhe shoortest time consntent with safety, DRAWINGS OFMACHIMSRY, &c.,made from the roughest sketches. SUITABLE TRADE MARKS BOGGESTED, carefully drawn and engraved for Registrar-A at Jiome and Abroad. AGENCIES IN LONDON andall parts of the world for the Purchase and Sale or placir g on Royalty of good Patented InventioDs. INVENTORS with undeveloped i leas are advised to commm-icato at one, when reliable opiainn novelty will be speedily givon,and much trouble, expense and disappointment saved. ADDRESS— MANÂUPH. OFFIBE OF [THE JOURNAL INVENTION,- FLEET 8TR.RKT LONDON c. DKUNKENNEys^CUiiED WITHOUT the knowledge of the Patient It is tbe most certain and inexpensive Cure. It is perfectly harmless, and tasteless if given in a cup of tea, coffee, or aiiy food. It never fails. It has cured and restored happiness in thousands of families. It cures cases of however long standirg in men or women. Eeniedy sent for Is 3d, post free. Mr DEACON, Medical Botanist, York Housp, 205, High road, Tottenham, London. A SAFE 1N,TVESTillENT. GOOD SECUIUTY. THE SWANSEA IMPERIAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY is prepared to Receive Money in sums of jEoO and upwards. The Interest is paid regularly each half-year; cur rent rates on application. The society is old-established (1878), and has a!way8 enjoyed the fulJes*: confidence of the public, and is doing a good and safe First-Class Mortgage Business. In Fullest particulars free on application to the Secretary, HENRY F. HOOD, St. James' Crescent, Swansea, c TOOTHACHE I CURED INSTANTLY BY BUNTEh '8 *™rS,,aTC> -lT Sleepless Nights Prevented. Neuralgic iieaaeachc and Nerve „ v Pains removed by 3unter's \l li P "\7T\T I? Nervine Of all Chemists, Is ljd. A'-Lilt V I i\ Pi "Owing to the extensive decay in two double teeth I sufferod for days excruciating pain. I was recom- mended to try Bunter's Nevine. I did so. To my joy, the pain quickly and entirely ceased. I have since repeatedly derived thegreatest possible relief in severe neuralgic headache from four to five drops of Bunter's Nervine,taken upon a lump of white sugar" Rev Aubury C. Price, B.A. (late Fellow of New College, Oxford). REMNANTS. of a large quantity of beautiful hard wearing Serge I Remnants, ill suita ble lengths for Children's Dresses, 2 Ladies' Underskirts, &c. All Black, all Blue, all T A Grey, or Mixed Colours may be had— X I PRICE £ 5 per Bundle, Carriage raid. I X LutasLeathley&Co.,Uemnant Dcpt, Armley,Leeds 2 BiRECT FROM THE PATENTEE AND SOLE MANUFACTURER TO THE CUSTOMER AT WHOLESALE PRICES. M J| THE WONDERFUL ORCHESTRAL ORGAIMETTE.BgjB | SPECIAL OFFER-A FOUR GUINEA ORGANETTE FOR 35/- gg?7Ji } U AVHf(J for many yens m»nnf*otured and »old enormoui quantities of Antomatic Rwl Or^isOrpan_ rf.l B^J XT. jfco., it has ever been our aim to produce at a Price an Organette capable of a .YA, f. Lon e il tr J the OrKftnettes heretofore placed before the Public harinjr but a limited compel ?n«tn?.r«-its in the market we har« ■Without iacraasiag tho price of tlio Orchestral Orffanate Cour the veryACME' OF MUSICAL INVF.N- | iSlopi, Two Com'pldto Snrfw « in £ run>entwitU*much v»ri«y ..fton>a8 wor^eyty« ToT-Humaas s}<i, AMERICAN ORGAN REEDhFULL SIZ Sipresaioo, AMTPTrtUJ OKG AN REEDS, the same sis* ana quant} as iiiuia THREE STors lIS 1,,1;0" Flute, aud Vox is sheelS,hich. {he Orgallf'ttt.: in enJlf:'S:i HUloHng a tune 1. ,¡J:1ye,l Jl ",n!Vr th^> ■B-'t'-al Or*ar.e"ris ^OT~A TOY-bur sLARG-K fa jgy CPnn P inAPOWE3.FTJLJKSTSTTXENT x-ct.f on the pnncipl* ..o i ~J T-T3Y AP.3 TT^U"R?ASC'EI). 1' in nn.,1 that each COUPON. l ci jnirnxiuent h,s POXIRTESN MOKE KEE3S than any other .oi *ho forwards ,1 ti.pv 07?RAti E_>r.IiS. and tr.Q KEGrUliAH f lj;.lu3 Coupon 'before the <ea'-ur« is T'TltE''5 STOPS. n ehsmcu-n-tio of no in- REDUCED PBICE. £ 1 las. ^UCT„t.=»«:ro,ean. VveitEFUKDTHEMOIifET POOP TTNTrn >>, cyj, l.1 °lti AXO PAYCAP.3IAGE to^roue not.enurely s.^us!,ed «uer Signed J. PR A PER. |^d'i;ed oi 35. oA'l yTc,»-vZ7 DANCE. SACREC, OR r-SNTOENTAl MUSIC-^ much a.lirmtrf the coupon immediatelr Money Order to J. DRAPER, BLACKBTJRN. lot VzFJZZTO^mETaT&SMEiis!^J; DRAPER, ORUNETTE WORKS,BLACKBURN, LARGEST ORGANETTE WORKS IN THE WORLD. < m v. of ■■ VV !M WW ■■ Ms on Mm Owing to many enquiries asking ns to pnt th9 HW m# UfV JH JBm M US Bl a ■ Orchestral oat on easy payment system, wo have JB Of bUK ■■ mm HBflH Kb decided to sell a limited cumber on following HH W MM B BH ■ m ea.<y paymerts: 10s. deposit and 5a. monthly 'I f' I aVBaalV B l'xice <Ua. Full particulars oxi ^jlicatioiu* mi avi A0 To each of my Customers I GIVE FP £ E my Noted Book of Coupons, value 30a. ac.-i NOTICBi upwards. This is something new. and surprises everyone, Write .or list ol and full particulars. (Mention this paper). J. M, PRg^EK, Qrgannette Works, BIac>itaurn | THE JOHN NOBLE .Half-Guinea COSTUMES Three New Smart Designs, all one Price. Direct from the Largest Firm of Costume Manufacturers In the world. —Over i ooo Well-Paid Workers employed in John Noble's own Fac- tories, under jthe strictest conditions of Sanitation and Cleanliness. JOHN NOBLEi Ltd., are the Originators and Act- ual Manufacturers of the Half-Guinea costumes for Ladies, and Strongrly Caution the Public against the many unscrupulous Imitations that have been made of the present and other designs. Each Garment is guaranteed scientifically cut, a beautifully finished, and absolutely Mith- ■ fV out an equal in the World for Stylish ■ ■ IM Appearance, Durability, and Actual ■ Ul U money Value. ■ W'k W Two Gold Medals Awarded. These Costumes are made from the John Noble Cheviot Serge in three designs as follows model 374, as illustration.-Exceedingly smart mode, wide Godet skirt with belt, also very neat bodice with saddle back, full front and broad box pleat down centre, trimmed bold silk cord and three large buttons collar and cuffs finished silk cord saddle and sleeves lined. Model 37s.-Improved tailor-made Norfolk mode full wide plain Godet Skirt, and skilfully cut bodice with three perfect box pleats back and front and detachable belt; saddle and sleeves lined. Model 376.—Consisting of New Godet Skirt, trimmed round hem with bold silk cord; also smart bodice with pointed saddle back, trimmed cuffs, collar and saddle to match skirt. min Il Each Costume supplied complete for xo/6, packed in box and sent carriage paid for gd. extra. I I When orderinsr, please be careful to state model No. ot Deslirn reauired. I Sizes in Stock fit any figure up to 38 ins. round bust under arms larger sizes, 1/6 extra. Skirt only of any of above Costumes supplied for 5/6, carriage 6d. extra. THE JOHN NOBLE KNOCKABOUT FROCKS FOR GIRLS Are indisputably the most marvellous value ever oflered for Public FROM Sale. Every Frock is thoroughly well made in the John Noble mm ■ Cheviot Serge, with saddle top, long full sleeves, and pocket, )■ I and allows plenty of freedom for the limbs. Please consider these H I Hn^ prices ■ I Lengths 21 24 27 3° 33 36 39 42 45 inches. Postage 4'^d. ■ ■ Prices 1/6 a/- a;6 3/- 3 '6 4/- 4/6 5/- 5/6 each. extra. Every purchaser delighted. The lengths stated are from top of neckband to bottom of skirt in front. COLOURS: Any of the above garments can be supplied in Black, Navy, Brown, Myrtle, Bronze-Green, Electric Blue, Ruby, Dark Cinramons Fawn, or Grey. In -hich the aloye var The JOHN NOBLE CHEVIOT SERGE »«S?re0 £ £ °u<H fabric of world-wide lame and durability, measuring 52 ins. wide. Th'i full 7 £ Dress Length of Six Yards can be supplied for 7/6. Colours as above. I /D I "THE BOOK OF THE SERGE," also PATTERNS and FASHION SHEETS of other up-to-date I Costumes, &c sent Post Free on application. Please mention this paper when ordering. I JOHN NOBLE Ltd., The Warehouse. MANCHESTER. I JOHN NOBLE Ltd., The Warehouse, MANCHESTER. I I I JOHN NOBLE Ltd., The Warehouse. MANCHESTER. ) T;rolc 7' 01% WATER C50F T W' SOLD ALL GROCERS 3S CO-OPERATIVE STORES. I ►v .ujotfa gkfc c ■ t v. A BCTTIiB OF THE GELERRATED tAVtOORAT .TT—T— IE £ «OWN PERFIWERTCcmpahv CROWN LAVENDER SALTS Refreshing' and Invigorating. 2s and 4s per bottle. These renowned Smelling rfalts exhale a most delicious odour; they are a re- freshment to the invelid, a delightful deodorisar and luxuary for all. By leaving the stopper out for a few mo- ments a deligutful perfume e&capts which freshens and purifies the air mostenjoyably.—Le Iollet. Genuine only with tha Crown stopped an- abel of the 'Crown Perfumery Co, Reject worthless imitations offered under a similar name, and which only cause disappointment t the purchased Annual Sales exceed SOOOOO bottles THE CROW N PERFUMERY CO. 112, Fore Street LONDON F RAZ hP,S Tjp ABLETS F RAZER'S rpABLETS F RAZER'S rpABLETS F RAZER'S TABLETS F RAZER'S ABLETS J^RAZER'S rp ABLETS F RAZER'S T ABLETS R AZ' ^RAZER'S »|-ABLETS jjlRAZER'S rjp ABLETS F RAZER'S 1 pABLETS JjlRAZER'S rjl ABLETS u 'IRAZER'S fjp ABLETS J^RAZER'S rjpAELETS THE GREAT CLEARER AND BEAUTIFIER OF THE COMPLEXION. The Pest and Safest Remedy for Eczema, Kheuroatism, Constipation, Liver and Kidney Complaints, a- d a 1 Blood and Skin Disorders. JjlRAZER'S rj^ABLETS Allay Vevi-rishtiess, Dis- perse Eruptive and Inflam- I matory Matters, and Cleanse the System of all I purities. Men favour them, women hail them as a boon, and children take them readily. NOTIC3. Purchasers are specially requested to note that I I, Fra-,er' Tahltts" are now made oval in shape, and are packed in pale green boxes with the words Frazer's Tablets' in gold letters on the lid. Of all chemists, price Is lid per box, or post free for Is 3d from FRAZER'S TABLETS LIMITED, 186, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. jllaa,' EMIGRAjm f ALL who desire information about 4'anadn, the »e«i, Tcrriiaiw<>« and BritKli «:oIii:z8Wa, should write to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., 19, James Street, LIVERPOOL, for their Handbook of Information WHICH IS SENT FREE. EGGS □ £ SOMETHING QUITS NEW. We manufacture only one article, and were it no good we should lof.e your custom, our own money and have to close or.r factory. CUNNINT'H/IM'S DFSICCATET) ER-G FOOD MAKES DELICIOUS CAKES AND CUS- TARDS. Packet equal to 36 eggs, 7 s. Trial Packet (with choice Recipes) equal to 12 egas, 6d. Certified Pure and Effective.—Lawrence Briant, F.C.S., F.R M.S. The advantage of CUNNINGHAM'S DESICCATED EGG FOO j) over Custard Powder is, it not only makes richer Custard, but can be used in place of eggs for making cakes. SOLD BY GHOCERS AND THE STORES. Wholesale: ( unningham Mau'f'g Co., 11, Linn street, London E.C THOMSON'S LONG-WA1STED uUXtoJET PERFECT FIT. SOLD BY ALL DRAPERS ONE MILLION PAIRS ANNTT A LT.V :3 UK D 10/6. E 8/6 F 6/6. G 5/- Black Is extra Approved by the whole polite _v world, i Twelve First Medals, j If your Draper can't supply you, write direct to 112, Fore street, London, giving size and enclosing P.O.O., and the Cor- set will at once be sent tc you. THE CORSET FOR THE MILLION. No. 3403, in all Colours, 3s 6d. W. S. THOMSON & Co., LD. MANUFACTURERS. Agents in all towns. Write for name of nearest .v.cent. Carnarvon, D. Roberts, Waterloo House William .Tones, 16, Bridge street, Bangor, W.O.Williams, Manchester Wouse, 1 J. Ihomas. 29? High street. Hughes Llangefni; Jones, Llanfairfechaa WiUiams, Colwyn Bay Williams, Llandudno; Talbot, Rhyl. P —^ .Lt:



