Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



fir is Soothing 1 and timr-Ni «M *»., ffKd Blukwn 9| VfaattaC and Healing I Every one who knows anything about petroleum is I Every one who knows anything about petroleum is I aware of its remarkable soothing and healing properties, whether applied locally or taken internally. The petroleum used in Angier's Emulsion is obtained from selected wells and carefully purified for internal use by our own special process by which all of its objectionable properties are removed while its full antiseptic and healing value is retained. Angier's Emulsion soothes the mucous membrane of the stcmach and intestines, arrests fermentation and keeps the digestive organs generally in a healthy condition. In this way it promotes the absorption and assimilation of ordinary nutritious foods, thus increasing weight and building up the health and strength as nothing else will. At the same time it soothes the lungs and air passages, relieving the most iroublesome coughs and healing any inflamed cr catarrhal condition. Pleasant to take and agreeing -.vith the most |6 delicate stomach, it is positively without an equal in the 8j treatment of Bronchitis, Consumption. Stubborn Coughs and for Wasting Diseases and Bowel Disorders. If you 3 mention this paper a sample bottle will be sent free on 8 receipt of 3d. for postage. I| E I Angier's Emulsion I I Prescribed by the Medical Profession and used in || I the Hospitals. || I Of all Chemists and Drug Stores, 1/1 J, 2/9 and 4/0. 8 M TH'* ANQiCR CHEMICAL COMPANY.^LTO.. 32 8NOW H!LL, LONDON. E.C. M h. i T INDIGESTION, -J*- JL -Jm JL. THE t' UICKEST AND MOST CERTAIN CURE, IS Yeno's Seaweed Tonic. Acknow-edged by Medical Men and used in Hospitals, because it is the best Remedy Science has yet produced 030 THE FOLLOWING i.ETTER PROVES THIS. Indigestion 3 the result of a weak ••stomach. The symptom," are, pain and fulness after gating, WH C 1 sore aad tender feel'-ig ht the pit of the stoimiek and frequently pain under th, -art, caused by wind G.1 the stomach, consequent upon the food not being properly dl. .ed; it sours and ferments. This condition, with. other causes, produces anaemia. Thea your food is prtpeilv digested, it a.^siniila.te.1 and nourishes the body, mak.v ood, and gives health, strer gtb.and vitality. If it, does not digest properly you lee;>ir» pale, thin, weak, languiI, and unfit for work; suffering from headaches, Poot- app t > and sleeplessness. Vent's Seaweed Tonic strengthens the stomach and cures iriti .tion- It enables you to fit and digest your rood, hence you get strong. It produce, natural and refreshing sleep, clears the head and brain, and invigorates the whole .stem. V& £ Z0!§ SdZeedTmic, A YOeXC LADY AT HUDDERSFIKLD CLRFD f'O\IPLETELY AFTER "MANY YEARS TERRIBLE SUFFERING. M, HAIGH, Houses Hill, Kirkheaton, near Huddehiidù; whites, January 17fch^ to M.. Veno:—I now taka tlie pleasure of wilting th.Ls notfe to inform you of what Yeno s bea sd Touic h-us dor^i for me. I suffered terribly from indigestion for over five years, i had it so bad that it caused me to have colic arid neuiulgia at the stomach. 1 have aiw < 1 been under the doctors, and had to give up my employment. Sometimes I felt all !• ..lit when taking the doctor's medicine, but as soon as I stopped taking it .1 would be Mi again. I never had above a, week cr two of pleasure until a friend told « me of youT Seaweed Tonic. I was so bad then that I could scarcely put one foot. before the other On September I got a small bottle of your Seaweed Tonic, a.nd I felt it had i ne mo good. I then began to gei Large bottles*. I have, taken four alto- gether. T lave had no need to take any since December 21st, for which I am very glad. I • nk I never felt better* in my life, thauks to your Seaweea Tonic. I can- not inmgh. I told a friend of rnineabomt it, and it is doing her good. i Yeno's Seaweed Tonic quickly ar: permanently cures all ailments arising from a. diseased condition ofv the stomach, i r, kidneys, and blood1. It is a veritable "life invigorater," hac marvellous tonic and engthening power, and ,s the natural cure for constipation. You will feel better ier the first dc*e. Price, Is lld and 2s 9d. CAL J.R/\ See that the name "Veno" is blown in each bottle, as wi-principled dealers may try to sell you a mixture of their own. SOLD BY MESSRS LAKH & CO., LTD. CARNARVON AND BANGOR # ANO ALL CHEMISTS AND MEDICINE VENDORS EVERYWHERE. I FREE TO EVERYONE. I i #I fit I 4 1 "I 9 tMLr t 11 As a. huge advertisment we give you your choice of either of these Valuable presents for selling FIVE articles of Jewel- lery (consisting of Studs, Brooches, Scarf- pin. Bangles, etc.) at Is 6d each. SEND NO MONEY, WE TRUST YOU Just send us a postcard or letter with your full Name and Address clearly written and say that you will either sell the Jewellery or return it to us I On receiving your postcard we will at once se»d on the Jewellery When sold send us the 7s 63 received for same and we will at once send you abso- lutely free either of the two Vaiuable presents as illustrated and described An additional long lists of presents (such as Musical Box, Phonograph, Muff and Boa, Cutlery, Silver Watches, Real Gold and J Diamond Rings, Marble Clocks, etc), that I a n 1 Jus Watctiold Gaseo, you may choose from will be sent out with fuaranteec r >rrect time- each packet o* Jewellery This handsome iteal Oak Draw eeper ,v.d I ever Move- The Jewellery will be sent to-morrow if ing Room Clock Ga .ianteed Free meat Fre- for selling you send your full name and addrees to-day for Selling FIVE articles at Is 6d FIVE úrtis at la 6d direct to our Head Office each each; Address as follows:— IT The Scottish Wholesale Jewellery EMPORIUM (Dept. 58), 205, BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. There s SECURITY in .^■WARTEtfS JWr VITTLE .rffSEpr Cure "b Jv'W&sLBIUOUSNESS- I %#E" El r\ jj S'CK HEADACHE. I il %4T0RP,D L,VER- H i tPm: ^FURRED TONGUE. ■ UB 1 1 /MB W fel INDIGESTION. ^j w W CONSTIPATION. DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN. i I 81 f 1=" Sma"Pn' SmaM D0Se* 5ma"Pr5ce: Th.y TOUCH .he LIVER I I Be sas CART £ .R,S

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