Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



ARWERTHIANT MAWR AR ANIFEIL- IAID TEWION A STORES. 0 BWYS I GIGYDHION, FFERMWYR, AC EREILL. Y MAE MR. C. N. BICKNELL Wedi ei anrhydedati si ehyfarwyddyd gan G. W. D. ASSHETON SMITH, YSWAIN, I GYNNAL ARWERTHIANT CYHOEDDUS, yn yr Home Farm, Pare y Faenol, (dwy filldir o Fangfor, a tnilltir oorsaf Portdinorwic,) ddydd Mercher, Ionawr y iiai, 1875, i ddechreu am ddeudcltg o'r gloch yu brydloft, sir g POLLED GALLOWAY BULLOCKS tewion iiedair oed, II o HEFFROD POLLED GALLO WAY tewion tair oed, t (j FUSTYCH West Highland tewion, 4 o HEFFROD West Highland tewion, 1 BtlWCH Ayrshire, 3 BUSTACH OfMRKIG rh>gorol, g. o HEFFROD CYMREIG blwyddiaid,40 o DDEFAID SHROPSHIRE DOWNS, 30 » WYN SHROPSHIRE DOWNS, 9 o FYHERYN SSReP- ShIIRE DOWNS, S o FYHERYN BLWYUD- lAID SHROPSHIRE DO WHS, CEtFYL CERBYD rhagorol,16 dyrnfedd o uohder.yn codiar bump oed,Hon ydd tnewn harness, 2 o GESYG CH ESTN Ci T'prydfertb _A o Caradoc a'r Cid o Claret "), yn codi ar dair a Phedair oed, tua 14 dyrnfedd o uchder. a wnant b&r. CASE 1 WINEU thorough bred o !S Stockwell" o Bessie Bell," tua 15-2, LADY'S HACK WINEU brydfertb, tua 15 dyrnfedd, yn codi ar 5 mlwydd, wedi bed yn Gael ei gyru mewn harness, EBOL GWINEU at hahieiW, CA8EG WINEU ragorol, perflaith lonydd mewn harness, MkRLYN DU cryf, CASEG WEDD LWYD gref, CEFtYL OWEDD (?WINEU cryf a defuyddiol.CEFFYL GWE DD Brown nerthol, BAEDD Berkshire rhagoro), a thair o HYCHOD MAGU, CERBYD PEDWAR OLWYN prydferth, dim gwaeth na newydd, gyda patent drag, barau, &c., yn Cludo 14 o'r tuallan a 4 oddimewu, &c., &c. Cyhoeddir Catalogues bythefnos cyn yr Arwerthiant, a gellir eu cael yu Liundaiu, LerpwJ, Caer, a Birming- ham, yn y Prif Webttai yn Mon ac Arfon, Mri. Nixon Jams, llyfrwerthwyr, Bangor, Douglas Brothers, North Wales Chronicle Office, a chan yr Arwerthwr. Dymuna Mr C. N. Bicknell alw sylw neilltfuol at yr Arwerthiant uchod, pa un o ran pwysigrwydd a nod. Wedd ni ragorir ami yn fynych. Parottoir Luncheon am 11 o'r gloch, a dechreuir yr Afwerthiant banner awr wedi unarddeg am ddeuddeg o'r gloch yn brydlon, Bangor, 1874. THE EIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. B EECHAM'T PILLS Ate admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea it box, for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in ihe Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiuess, Ful- ness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Childs, Flushing of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Short- ness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches of the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous tnd Trenioling Sensations, etc., etc. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. ° This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands it cases The Proprietor of these Pills haying obtained ■>i cases, xne e them, he challenges the at great expense) « medicine to equal them for re- vhole world to produce, a medicine ventolins' tue moving the above-named complaints, aud xes tojmgittte >atient to sound aud lasting health. earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and th y will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, and open ill obstructions, and bring about all that is required.- No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S PILLS, for removing my obstruction or irregularity of the system. It taken iccording to the directions given with each box, they wilJ ioon restore females ot all ages to sound and robust lealth. For a Weak Stomach, Tuapitired Digestion, and all Dis >rders of the Liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a 'ew doses will be found to work wonders on the most mportant organs in the human machine. They strengthen ;he whole muscular system, restore the long lost com- plexion, bring back the keen edse of appetite, and arouse nto action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, whole )hvsical energy of the human frame, These are "FAOTS" tdmitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, ,nd one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and De jilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the .Largest Sale :f any Patent Medicine in the world. BEECIiAA118 MAGIC COUGH PELLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Difficulty n breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppres ion of the Chest, Wheezing, etc., these Pills stand mrivalled; andaoy one labouring under any of the above Complaints need only try ONE BOX to prove that they Stfae KKST EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC, for Asthma- Sand Consumptive CougH Hoarseness andf Oppression >f the Chest. They speedily remove that sonse of Op- cession and Difficulty of Breathing ;he Patient of Best. They will give almost »nd comfort to those afflicted with the ^ve dib ressiug, nd, when neglected, dangerous complam y ^ersons troubled with any of the above Coaap g JEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and they wi 1 act ike MAGIC. The most violent Cough will m sn01t ime be removed. CAUTION.—The Public are requested to notice that he words«' Beecham's PiUs, St. Helens,' are on the government Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills if lot on, they are a Forgery. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Ketail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lanca- hire, in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sent Post I ree or 15 or 36 Stamps. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in he United Kingdom. i.B. -FULT, DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN WITH EACH BOX, 1073-9157 Now Ready. PRICE THREEPENCE. THREE HOURS IN THE GLEN OF ABER. A tossipiBg account of Aber and its attractions, by he author ot" A Russian Ghost Story," &e. Published ,y Messrs. Douglas Brothers, Bangor. Newsagents can btaiu supplies on the usual 4ri4s, COMPOSITORS. WANTED TWO GOOD JOBBING and News Hands. Welsh and English.— Permaner>cv for competent men.-Aiadress Overseer, N.W.C. Office, Bangor. DEDFRYDAU LLYS Y PAB Yn eu heffaith ar DEYRNGARWCH GWLADOL YMRESYMIAD GWLEIDYDDOL. Gan y Gwir Anrhydeddus W. E. GLADSTONE, A.S. Wedi ei gyfieithu trwy ganiattad yr awdwr gan R. J. PRYSE (Gweirydd ap Rhys), awdwr y I Geiriadul- Cy- uaniaidol,' Hanes y Brytauiaid a'r Cymry,' &c. Wi ex- ham Cybeeddedig gaa Hughes and S id, Hope-street. 168 RABBITS AND GAME. WANTED, BABBITS, GAME, and BIRDS of all kinds end in any quantities, for which the highest market prices will he given. pecial Contracts made with Estate Owners. Fanners and others for Consignment by Railway. The highest market price also given for RABBIT and HAUBi SKINS. Address, JAMES HOWABTH (Shed), West Lnd, Caln,if von Road,Bangor. 3169-140 H. F. SHILLINGFORD, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. London, IS prepared to treat all diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Dogs, with the utmost ere. Medicines, aic-, as used in the Royal CoUsgo, sold at moderate charges. Addres;i-OpposHe N. P. BANK, BANGOR 30-7 -o. TO THE CLERGY, PUBLIC SPEAKERS SINGERS, &e. ARE you troubled with Hoarseness, Hus- kiness. Weakness of the Voice, or any other de. ficiency in the vocal or respiratory organs for Public Speaking, or Reading, or Singing, &c. ? Try JON ES' (TRbMADOC) AROMA TIC VOICE GLOBULES, and you will be relieved at once. Sold in Bi xtfat Is I! d and 2s 9d. May be had of all Chemists, and from the Cambrian Pill Depot, Tremadoc. 8 ON SALE. A FOUR WHEEL one-htmse Sociable Carriage. Will carry four persons inside and two on dickey; leather top to be fixed aud uniixed. Is in a tirst class condition, been only used a few times. Price £40. -Apply at the North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. C'WRW DA! CWRW DA!! C W R W DA! ^ITKEN'S Celebrated Bitter ani Mild Ales. QWEW J3itter a Mild All KEN". ~7~ITKEN'/C> Ales celebrated throughout A Anglesey. 'AITKEN'S Ales celebrat Ieti throughoul Carnarvonshire. A I.TK-EN',S Ales celebrated througliotit Denbighshire. OOR Flavour, Purity, aud Keeping Quali- J- ties, AIT KEN'S Ales cannot be surpassed- AM Bereidd-dra, Purdeb, ac Ansoddau i gadw, nis gellir rhagori ar Gwrw AITKEN. -4_ ORDERS for AITKEN'S Ales should be sent direct td ACKERLEY AND SMITH, Liverpool, The Sole Agents for NORTH WEST OF ENGLAND, and NORTH WALES, or to YIK T. Ll. MORRIS, Garddvon Inn, Port Dinorwic, near Bangor, AOKERLEY AND SMITHS sub-agent for XJL Anglesey, Carnarvonshire, and Denbighshire. AITKEN"S MildTAles, price 48s, 56s, 70s, 4s, and 98s per Barrel. AITKEN'S Pale Ales, price 48s, 54s, and -t 3- 60s per Barrel. ^^IBERAir i)iscount allowed the iade. QjWNEIR gostyngiad haelirydig ,i'r Faa- /VlTKEN'S Ales cannot be surpassed in • quality. ■n^TXS gellir rhugori ar Gwrw Alii-KEN mewn ansawdd. « A TRIAL from the Trade is solicited. ^WAHODDIR i'r Fasnach wneud prawf. ^ITKEN'S Ales may be had in Anglesey. ,t ITKFN'S Ales may be had in Carnarvon- X3L shire. h_ 1 AXTK-EN'S Ales may be had in Denbigh- shire. SOLE AGENTS- AOKERLEY AND SMITH, 1, Irwell Chambers, Fazakerly Street, 1 160 LIVERPOOL- ,'¡ }! i) '-(¡ i KITANTED, situation, with a Clergyman V, preferred; willing to make himself generally use- fnl, gardening and looking after horse and cow, ke.- Apply, ptating wages aod particulars, to Elias Evans, Fringoch, Llanwrddyn, Oswestry. 172 H YSBYSIAD ~PWY SIG." YARD NEWYDD EA.NG A CHYFLEUS WILLIAM THOMAS YN MHORTH AMLWCH. DYM UNA WILLI AM THOMAS hvsbysu D ei h"ll gvfeillion a'r wlad yn gyflrediriol fod ganddo STOC HELAETK or psthau CHi.lynol at wasanaeth Joineci-iid a FtVrmw^r yu f>ffiedinoi :— Haia'n, Rodion, C>>ed, RhHif.u, C1"U"» Hi Ke8> Briieh- pa. Glo, R'icka, Tiles, &c., ac amrvwiaKh mwr mewn Ironmongery yr-lit)bitraia werrtdr am y PIUSIAU ISE;,4F.YN tWSEBL Hefvd, y mae r ENGINE (,IFIO, yr hon a w^iihir gan ytean, wedi ei i fynv, felly cedwir ar y premises bob inith o Goed WEDI EU LLIFIO YN BARO i Gall William Thomas xicrhau rawa dalant, ymwelild a'i Fasnach na chant si',medillaeth mewn amrywia^th nvfyddau na. _ao!Jr'Jdil prisiau. Cvmmera. William rhombs ycineusdra prppenrmi i ,yl flwyno ei d,i, -lelig;irweb difiuant i'r 001 o'i gwRtneriad am eu cefnogaeth i,jdo yr ams< r a aeth heibio, gau ddymuno parha.d o'r uurhyw yu y djfodol. Sylwer ar y eyft,ii-ia,i- WILLIAM THOMAS, Ship Builder, 169 A MI.WCH PORT. r ■■ 1 ■ ■ BRYANT & MAY'S MATCHES. 1,7 L ¡ ;7 DIPLOMA OF MERIT, VIENNA, 1873. OODALL'S BAKING T(j\Vl)EH. -iae VT best Pe-iuy Packet in the Worli Mtk » « 11 us Bread without Yeast;, Puddings, Pasr,r\, t o j Eggs, Butter, or LarifL Bifead made with k' V 3 j much easier to digest, and lUuch more ivhm, lo- c t t < raised with Yeast, and a larger quantity is ou il the same weigi-it of flour. ODe trial will c \t t 'te most sceptical or its rity over by Groccrs, Chemists, and Oilmen, iu Pi •'o lB. Is 6d, and 2s tins. Plep by GOODaLL BA<yK.I)0 aud Co,, L. d.6, DIPLOMA OF MEEIT„ VIENNA, 1373. r^OODALUS QUININE WINE. The x BKST aad'KOSJT AGREEABLE Tonic tú,t j:.J\(1uced. For Indigestion, General Debility, and loss of Appetite,, it, is TMVA? UABLE. Kmnnmended for its PUKITY by the Journa.L," Arthur Hill Hassall, M.I).,WentwortU L, U, Esq., F.O.S-, I'.A..o.L., F,K,S.S.A., etc. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen and Chemists in large BOTTLES at Is and 2S each. Prepared by. GOODALL, BACKHOUSE and Co., Leeds. -4- DII"LO,Nl, OFA'IEIIIT, VIF, RELISH, y ThetlJot DELICIOUS SAUCE in the WORLD to ijHoPS, FifeH, etc. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmtri in Bottl, 6d, Is and 2s each. Trade Mark, Willow-Pattern Plate. PBoiaMTOEa-GOODALL, BACKHOUSE and Go LEEDS. 'fJ.- u ONF, Box of CLARKE'S B 41 Pills is warranted to cure nil discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional,;Gravel ,tiid Pains in the Back.—Sold in boxes, 45 6d each, by all Chemists and patent medici.- Vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by th J. CLARKE, Consulting Chemist, High Street, Lincoln.Wholesale Agents, LABCli^t and Sons, London, and all the Whole. <ale Houses. Agent-H. G, Hughes and Son, 8, 9 and 10, Market treet, Holyhead. "11 WE LYE CARTES de YISITE, 2s 8d; J Six Is bd. Carte enlarged to 10 inches, 5s Cabi- net, 2s. Send carte with stamps. Perfect copies and original returned free. London Photo-Graphic Co., 304 Regent street, opposite the Polytechnic, and 1, Norfolk Terrace, Bayswater W. F. B. 1). PHILLIPS, Manager. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.— See Deutefouorny, chap. xii., verse 23. pLAFvKE'S WQRLD FAMED BLOOD 1 MIXTURE. Trade Mark. Blood Mixture." THE GBEAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER r or cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be to highly recommended. SW Scrofula, Scurvy,'Skin Diseases, and Sores of aU kinds it is.never-failing aud permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimple& on the Fsm- Cures Scurvy Sores.' Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. 4 As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test i -A-ic. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles & 3d each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity- il;ieach-sufficient to effect a per- manent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases, -BY ALL CHEMISTS A-i;-D PATEiST MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 •tamps by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale All.Patent Medicine Rouses. AttJER'—K. G. HUGHES and SON, 1: and 10, Mar- vet Street, Holyhead- SALE FLYKIDDOL, AM BEDWAB DIWBNOD AR DDEG YN UNIG, DYMUNA TREVOR & ROBERTS HY'^BYSTT eu lluosog qrwsmpriail y hy V^ «il Mt^nacridv dv d SADWRN, M trwv hvi.y v Ball,ntail far-io yr oil o STOCK OaLAK^, v;tj ago« i anuer y prisiau bUenorol. Y mae eu Sale FIjny idol i dd^chren a-a bed war o r gl >c'.i yu v prr asvQj .onawr 9te I. MIl OEDD 0 UMBRELLAS I DDYNION A MERCHED. DILL AD P -i Pi 0 D Top Coat* i DVnion a Becbgrn tre»n mawr, 5s 6 10* ac och' J,c-, i i IMyi inrj mewn Pi ot 1STap, Tweed, &c., 836c, ac nchod Trovp- Ban B>etb*n rhagor'w1, 5s 6c. "Rt.t. Melve, ed a FlJstiuI, 4s lIe.. B et.h\,n dll, trv" ifJn. d-j, dim ond 8; 9c ac uchod. Gwafffodan Br-" hyt), 3s 11c :.c uchod. Et»o F sti^n. 3^ 60. Siwtiju i.Feciigyn <> bo1' oed. rrtlwillI;¡1I n, Br»tiii'f.,P.if!t;»t>, a \t.1v.èreJ. n-was2"nu i Fecligyn am »-ris a.bair sywdod. j J ace -'i T.'iair-. diwt-ddat af. Col«'-i, Fr nta QnfFt-, &c., Hi-u a phapur, yn y ff-isiynan di\ddl nf. Scarf-. Ties Si-Un i Ddyuion yn y tjawydl HeHan Silk rha virawl,$•) 6n ac nchoc. Hetian Felt, Is 6d ac oc-hod. i Etto Yankee Hats, 2« 3c, l Capiau Brethyn, French peaks, 4c, 5^1, B^c, ac acbod, Aoarvw brisiau o Scotch Caps. I Sealskin Caps, 4s 6c ac uchod. Crysau Gwlaneni Dynion. Is lie ac uchod. Ett,) Brethyn trynion, da, 3s 6c Mufflers, 84c i ddynion, a Scarfs Gwlan, 4|c. c'. < Gwlaneni Crysau lliwiau, 74c y 11-itU. Ettn, 10c. gwerth Is 3c..) 2 ¡ Etto Wen dda, 8-i y Hath. Etto Navy Blae, 6ic.. fltto Coch, 8|c. Calico ceurog da, dwy lath o led, dim ond 9c. y Hath. LHan etto. Is 0%, gwerth Is 3e. Plafioedi trymion, da, o 38 i 4s dau y prisiau. j Cwiltiau 3s 6c trymion. M-ver dp Uv-iin. t I o; Witipev :1*°' t 3 Etto.60.. gwe" 9^. Breth^t dan leTt' wni, •'>, 2^ 6c y 1 Twe. d dwy !afh n 2.-> 6 &c. "-[.-pa -ill IK Hi; M "f I'l'i v i PUla't., TVi-w fi thi. t'. ShL"«d.- Hrethyn ois-wnor., is ('f. (\ H.H\C"¡¡ n"M.hVI1. ¡, t". B' "thvn 38 fie .tC ueh,) L Etto, A.picci r-u q • • • Satin, 13s 6i. ftt-> i F, Jackedi Br thyu, :k 6c ac uchud. \1 uffs, Pollaretts, &c. M^nygKil wedi ychydig, dim oad 6iJ y pir &e neho Stvisus Is ac nciiod. Hetuu Felf 1 F,che i a Phlant am hac uchod. Hetiau G^el't e't >, 6^c ac uchod. j Teis 4^c ac uch >d. 1 Flowers a Plu. 2ic ac uchod, c tleri -< Cufifs Llvan, 5c. ae uohod. 5 HairPiats, 4i:aciichod. Gaiters Gwlaa a Chrafats i Blauto OOFIER Y CYFEIRIAD,— TREVOR AND ROBERTS, SHOP YR ERYR, 175 j- BANGOR. 17 ESTABLISHED 1857. it; GRIFFITHS, MAYMAN, & (L&TE WM. GRIFFITUR, & C-.) SPECIAL MANURES FOR EVERY CROP. OFFICES-—56, DRURY BUILDINGS, 2, DRURY LANE, LIVERPOOL. SOLE DISTRICT IMPORTERS OF DR. FRANK'S POTASH SALTS. AGENT FOR NORTH WALES, GEO. J. R. SIMPSON, i: f 17, CORN EXCHANGE CHAMBERS, "J", QHESTER. Wantefl, Agents. for the sale of the above Manure (where not already repreSented).Apply to Geo. J R, Simpson, 17, Corn F-kchange Charabers, Chester. 141-3458 DR. J. cor,LIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONI-T GENUINE. CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Ooughs, Consumption,. Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLOR iDYNE effectuallv checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases -Uiptheria, Fever. Croup, Ague. CHLORODYNE acts like a chann Diarrhoea and is the only specific in Oholera and Dysentery. CHLOR JDYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. CHLORODYNE is the only palliate in NeuralSla> Rheumatism. Gout, Cancer. Toothache, Meningitis, &c. From LORD FRANCIS CONTNOHAM, Mount Charles, Donegal, ll th December. 1868. Lord. Fi-anciii Connyngham, who this time last year bought liouia ot Dr. J. Collis Brbwue's Chlorodyne from Mr Davenport, and has found it a most wonderful medicine, will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent at oaoe to the above address." „ 1(U "Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he reoeived a dispatch from her Majeety'a Consul at Manilla, to the effect that Cholera has beeni raging fearfully, and that the ONLY remedy of any servioe was CHLORODYNE." -See Lancet, 1st December, 1864. CAL'TION.-BEWARE of PIRAOY and IMITATIONS DATTTION —Vice-chancellor ir W, PAGE Wool) stated that Dr. J. CoLjIS BRowxE. was, undoabtodly. the Inventor of CHLORODYNE; that the story of the Defentiant, Feeema.s", was deliberately untrue, which, ha regretted to say, had been sworn to. See Times, I'M July, looh c tj • u ,,i 4. i„ ii,5 os 9d, 4s 6d nnrl IK each. None is genuine without the words Dr. J. COLLXj* BBOWNL^ CHLORODYNE on the Government StamP- OverWheimiag MediC;d testimony accompany bottle. SOLE MAN OFACTDBEB :-J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell Street. BloOmsbury, London. SEFYDLWYD YN 1874. j LLAIS Y WLAD j NEWTDDIADOE EHAD AT WASANAETH Y GWEITHIWR CYMREIG Yn cynnwys Wyth Tudalen, wedi ei argraffu mewn llythvrenau eglur ar bapyr da. Erthyglau Arweiniol ar Byngciau y Dydd. Hanes y Marchcadoedd, crybwyll- ion amaethyddol, a holl Newyddion yr Wythnos. PRIS UN GEINIOG. Y cyfrwng goreu yn Nghjmru i Ilysbysiadau, canys argreffir PEDAIR MIL AR DDEG 0 GOPIAU BOB WYTHNOS yn barod, ac y mae ei gylchrediftd yn cynnyddu yn barbaus ymysg boneddig a gwreng. Dyma yr unig newyddiadur Cymraeg sydd yn cael ei ddarllen gan BOB DOSBARTH 0 GYMDEITHAS. pobarchebion a tbaliadau i'w hanfon at Mr K. W. DOUGLAS, Bangor, yr hwn aydd hefyd yn barod 1 roddi telerau manteisiol i DDOSBAJKTHWYR Ylf MHOB ARDAL. V ill f FOR January, PMJGS ONE PENNY. DOUGLAS'S RAILWAY TIME TABLE COACHING AND STiEAM PACKET Guide for North Wales CONTAINING AtSO A. LIST OF FAIRS AND CALENDAR FOR THE MONTH, t with a I MAP OF NORTH WALES, SPECIALLY ENGRAVED FOR THIS GUIDE. The Guide may be obtained from most Bookselleo and at the Railway Bookstalls. On receipt of Eighteen Penny Stamps, the Publiahe will forward the Guide for twelvemonths to any address If booked to order the charge will be Two Shillings. Ç; ,I