Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Fashionable Weddings at Aberdare. HEPPELL—PHILLIPS. Considerable interest was evinced in the wedding of Miss Maggie K. Heppeil, Fforchneol House, Cwmama.n, and Mr. J. Arthur Phillips, Clifton-street, Aber- dare, which took place on Wednesday. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. W. J. Heppell (head manager of the Cwmaman Collieries, and chairman of the late Aberdare School Board), and Mrs. Reppell, while the bridegroom is the second son of the late Mr. James Phillips, of the Graig Coal Com- pany, and Mrs. Phillips, and is a member of the firm of Messrs. Phillips, George, and Co., Bute Docks, Cardiff. Cwmaman, where the bride's father is very popular, was all aster since early morning. The inhabitants were startled now and again by the loud reports of de-, tonators and fog signals, which were let off on the line. From the Aberaman Hotel to the top of J-LLbilee Road the streets were decorated with a profusion of flags and bunting, while there were hundreds of people lining the streets, watching the bridal party leave Fforch- neol House for Aberdare. The interior of St. David's Church had been profusely decorated with plants, etc., and it presented a gorgeous appear- ance. The vicinity of the church was thronged with interested spectators. The church itself was filled to overflowing. The following formed the bridal party:—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heppell, Miss May Heppell, Miss Lillian Heppell, Mr. Sydney Heppell, Mr. Wilfred Hep- "pell, Mrs. Hughes (Clifton-street), Rev. W. T. Phillips (brother of bridegroom), Mr. Jack Phillips, Miss Katie Phillips, Miss Rachel Phillips, Mr. Rees Rees (High Constable) and Mrs. Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Hannah, Ferndale; Mr. R. Wal- lace, Cardiff; Miss Ormsby, Cardiff; Mr. and Mrs. Rees Davies, Cwmaman; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kenshole, Mr. and Mrs. Emrys Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harri- son, Cardiff; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Powell, Danygraig, Aberdare; Mr. L. N. Wil- liams, Caecoed; Mrs. Walter Lloyd, Aberdare; Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibb, Aber- avon; Miss Jeanie Gibb, Miss Rachel Gibb, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas, Cwm- aman; Mr. and Mrs. Prichard, The Bee- hive. Aberdare; Mr. and Mrs. J. Llew- elyn Smith; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Thomas, Aberaman; Rev. H. A. Davies and Miss Davies, Cwmaman; Mr. George Travers, Barry; Mr. Harry, Jim, and Stuart Fowell, and Miss Mary Powell, Danygraig; Miss Hilda Edwards, Miss Gwladys Williams, Mr. J. A. Hair, Miss Jessie Jones, Hen- Mr. J. A. Hair, Miss Jesse Jones, Hen- goed, and Mr. E. J. Hughes, Aberdare. The officiating ministers were the Rev. J. Robertson, M.A., St. David's, and Rev. T. Jones, ex-pastor of Carmel. The bride was charmingly attired in a dress of cream silk merve, trimmed with Honiton point lace, with wreath of orange blossoms and bridal tulle as headgear. She carried an exquisite bouquet c: flowers, and wore a magnificent pearl spray brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. Heppell, Mr. Jack Phillips (brother of bridegroom) acting as best man. The bridesmaids were Miss May Hep- pell (sister of bride), and Miss K. Phil- lips (sister of bridegroom). They wore dresses of cream silk eoline, with cream lace hats to match; carried beautiful bouquets \Jf carnations, and wore gold bracelets, the gifts of the bridegroom. During the signing of the register, Men- delssohn's "Wedding March" was played by Mr. Tom Male, A.L.C.M. As the newly-wedded pair made their exit, they were almost "mobbed' by their friends, who pelted them with showers of confetti. Carriages supplied by Messrs. Thomas Bros. and Mr. Tom Dix conveyed the guests to Fforchneol House, on the grounds of which a special marquee had been erected. Here a sumptuous wed- ding breakfast had been prepared for the guests. There was also a large and mag- nificent bridal cake, supplied by Mr. F. W. Caunt. The health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed in felicitous terms by ifr. J. B. Robinson, Cardiff, and supported by Mr. Rees, the High Constable. The bridegroom suitably responded on behaJf of his wife and himself. The happy couple left early in the afternoon, amidst the hearty congratula- tions of a host of friends, for Cornwall, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride's travelling costume was of navy blue. The wedding presents filled one of the rooms at Fforchneol House. The follow- ing is a complete list: — Bride to Bridegroom, suit case. Bridegroom to Bride, pearl spray. Bridegroom to Bridesmaids, Gold bracelets. Bride's Father, household furniture, piano, etc. Bride's Mother, household linen. Mrs. Hughes, silver tea service. Rev. W. T. Phillips, B.A., end Yr. J. F. Phillips, dinner service. Miss Katie Phillips. tea set. Miss Rachel Phillips, silver tea spoons. Misses May and Lilian Heppell, sewing machine. Messrs. Wilfred and Sidney Heppell, silver turnover dish. Misses J. D. and P. Heppeil, toilet wa re. Mr. R. Kirkness (Ashford), oil paint- ings. Mr. and Mrs. E. Arnott (Monmouth), silver egg cups and stand. Rev. E. T. and Mrs. Davies (Penarth), cheque. Miss Harvey (Kidderminster), silver fern pot. ( I Miss Gwladys Williams, dessert ser- vice. Mrs. Ritch, quilt, etc. Mrs. Hair, table cloth. Mr. W. Hair, silver serviette rings. Miss M. Hair, piano cover. Miss J. A Hair, duchess set and aiter- noon table cloth. Officials of Cwmaman Collieries, din- ing-room clock and bronzes. Mr. and Mrs. Powell, cheese and bis- cuit dishes. Mr. Harry Powell, salad bowl. Mr. James Powell, jeAvel casket. Mr. Stuart Powell, Doulton tea pot. Miss Mary Powell, vase. The High Constable of Aberdare and Mrs. Rees, drawing room chair. Mr. and Mrs. Emrys Evans, afternoon tea service. Mrs. W. Lloyd, tea cosy. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harrison (Cardiff) dish covers. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb (Aberavon), draw- ing room clock. Mr. Percy flair, silver-mounted photo frame. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dobbins (Cardiff), table cloth. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morgan (Gates- head), oak tray. Mrs. Strachan, tray cloth. Rev. H. A. and Miss Davies, silver cake basket. Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Thomas, smoker's cabinet and afternoon table cloth. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davies, mantel border. Dr. and Mrs. Johnstone and family (London), pair of vases, and work. Mr. and Mrs. Fatherley (Durham), silver spoons and tongs. Mr. and Mrs. Hannah (Ferndale), cheque. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas, case of fish knives and forks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenshole, silver candelabra. Mr. R. Gibb, cheese and biscuit tray. Mr. and Mrs. Wardlaw, Irish linen bed spread. Rev. T. and Mrs. Jones (Barry), set of carvers. Mr. R. Wallace (Cardiff), oil paintings. Mrs. G. Young (Cardiff), silver photo frame. Miss A. Ornsby, table centre. Miss Jessie Jones (Hengoed), ctuysto- leum. Mr. T. Wilton, J.P. (Dartmouth), case of cutlery. Mr. G. Travers (Barry), silver coffee pot. Misses Phillips (Cardiff), silver toast rack. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Llewellyn (Builtli), silver dish warmer. Mr. and Mrs. John Slee (Earlestown), silver cake basket. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hughes, fish carvers. Mr. E. J. Hughes, silver salt cellars. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mander, silver cream and sugar basin. Mr. R.hys R. Davies, set of silver nut crackers. Mrs. R. R. Davies, dessert knives and forks. Miss Hilda Edwards, picture and card box. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prichard, sideboard cloth. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. AVilliams, silver tea tray. Mr. and Mrs. J. Llewellyn Smith, Wor- cester Fern Pot. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Richards, bread trencher and knife. Rev. J. Robertson, cream and sugar basins. Miss Richards, hand painted table centre. Mr. and Mrs. Alec S. Cameron, work. Mr. W. Thomas (solicitor), cheque. Mr. a,nd Mrs. W. J. Oliver, crumb tray and scoop. Mr.'T. Owen, fish knives and forks. Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Rhys, silver photo frame. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Malyon, silver photo frame Mr. T. Williams, Worcester jug. Rev. T. raid Mrs. Humphreys, salad bowl. Mr. L. N. Williams, silver afternoon tea service. Mr. Ernest D. Williams, sugar and cream stand. Mr. and Mrs. Gwilym Griffiths, silver sauce boat. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rosser, biscuit barrel. Mr. W. H. Hughes and Miss Keast, silver and glass fruit dish. Miss Ethie M. Scott, oil painting. Mrs. Chambers (Southend), clock. Mr. Joe Edwards, silver butter dish. Mr. and Mrs. Shiner (London), rose bowl. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawke, salad bowl. Mr. F. Coles, pictures. Misses Wilcox, album. Mr. and Mrs. J. Griffiths, brass kettle stand. Miss Katie Watkins, silver and china basket. Miss Morfydd Evans, table centre. Mr. A. Caldicott, silver salver. Mr. and Mrs. T. Roderick, case of silver spoons. Miss Emily Davies. silver jam dish. Mrs. Richards, silver breakfast cruet. Miss B. Whish, fancy tablecloths. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gregor, Worcester china. Mr. Tom Humphreys, fruit dishes. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Evans, silver photo frame. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Miles, silver and cut-glass lemonade jug. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams (Bryn- hyfryd), silver butter dish. Miss Evans, silver butter dish. Mr. D. Thomas (Ferndale), silver en- tree dishes. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias, oak coal vase. Mr. C. Reed, carvers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans, biscuit barrel. Miss Oeppen, purse. Mr. Lea, crumb scoop. Mr. Kaiser, silver mirror. Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans, travelling trunk. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harries, Worcester rose bowl. Mrs. W. Jones, silver jam dish. Mr. D. Tyssul Davies, household uten- sils. W. Thomas, solicitor, Aberdare, silver egg stand and toast rack. Mr. W. Cyrus Thomas, silver and cut- glasa fruit basket.

JONES—DAVIES. On Wednesday the marriage of Mr. Richard Llewelyn Jones, son of Mr. D. W. Jones, J.P., Aberdare, to Miss Jennet Margaret Davies (Nettie), daughter of Councillor D. P. Davies, J.P., Ynvslwyd, took place. Early on Wednesday morn- ing the upper portion of Aberaman and the lower portion of Aberdare presented a festive appearance. In the vicinity of Ynyslwyd Lodge, Curre-street, Henry- street, and Ynyslwyd-road, there was a profusion of flags and bunting. Beau- tiful festoons spanned the streets at I many points. Such mottoes as "Success to the bride and bridegroom," "Priodas dda i'r par ieuamc," "Long Life and Happiness," etc., were very conspicuous. By Ysgoldy Siloa in Ynyslwyd Road the words "Hir Oes" (Long Life) were wafted on the breeze, and even the lamp- posts were entwined with evergreens. Cardiff-road and Cardiff-street were also quite gay with flags, festoons, and mot- toes. Externally and internally Taber- nacle Congregational Chapel, where the nuptial ceremony was performed, pre- sented a, very beautiful aspect. The altar and its surroundings had been most artistically decorated with flow- ers and evergreens. Long before the appointed hour the door was besieged by an eagfer crowd. Punctually at one o'clock the bridal party arrived, the bride proceeding to the altar leaning on her father's arm and followed by the bridesmaids and the remainder of the wedding party. The bride was given away by her father, the best man being Mr Trevor Evans, barrister, Pontypridd. The bridesmaids were Miss Davies, Miss Jessie Davies, Miss Jones, and Miss Charles. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. Morgan Jones, M.A., Taber- nacle, assisted by the Rev. D. Silyn Evans, Siloa. The hymn, "Holy, holy, holy," was sung, and after the intro- ductory address and a sthort prayer by the Rev. J. M. Jones, Tabernacle Choir, under the direction of Mr. J. A. Wil- liams, chanted the Lord's Prayer. The nuptial ceremony over, the hymn, "The voice that breathed o,'er Eden," was sung, and the Rev. D. Silyn Evans prayed. While the register was being signed, Mr. E. Moses, the organist, played the "Wedding March." The service was most beautiful and impressive. The bridal party were entertained at a marquee erected near Ynyslwyd House. The bridal cake had been supplied by Mr F. W. Caunt. Messrs. Thomas Bros, and T. Dix provided the coaches for con- veying the wedding party. The following is a list of the invited guests: Dr. Evan Jones. Rev. and Mrs. J. Morgan Jones. Mr. W. C. Cox and Miss Cox. Mr. Chas. Edwards, Cardiff. Mr. and Mrs. Hankey, Merthvr. Mrs. Thomas, Brynawel. v The Misses Winson, Penarth. Mrs. Evan Evans, Cefnpennar. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, Pontv- pridd. J Miss Evans, Pontypridd. Mr. Trevor Evans, Pontypridd. Mj'- Mrs. Dd. W. Jones, Aberdare. JLne Misses Jones. Mr. and Mrs. D. Daniel, Llwvdcoed. Mrs. Hayhurst. The Misses Aeomb, Newport Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Richard, Llan- narran. Mrs. Thomas, Neath. Mrs. P. J. Charles and Miss Charles, Neath Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Sims, Neath. Miss Hannah, Ferndale. Miss Nessie Lewis. Aberdare. Miss R. Thomas. Treharris. Miss Evans, Mountain Ash Rev. and Mrs. M. Powell, Aberaman. Mr. and Mrs. R. Llewellyn, Bwllfa. Miss Llewellyn, Bwllfa. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Price. The Misses Price. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffiths, Mountain Ash. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Thomas. The Misses .Tones, Broniestin. Mrs. D. E. Williams and Mrs. E. Williams. Hirwain. Mrs. and Miss Daniel, Barry. Miss Roberts, Treforest. Mr. and Mrs. W. H..Tones. Miss M. Jayne, Talgarth. Miss Rees. Maesvffynon. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Williams. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunei White. Car- marthen. Mr. H. White. Rev. and Mrs. D. Silyn Evans. Miss M. Jones. Miss Brooks. Mrs. Edwards, Miss Edwards, Vedw- hir. fr. and Mrs. W. D. Phillips. Miss Price, Rose Cottage. Miss Martin, Cardiff. Miss Morgan, Cardiff. Mr L. N. Williams and Miss Williams. Dr. and Mrs. Martin Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. Meredith .Tones. The Misses Griffiths, Poplars. Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomas, Penarth. Mr. Ed. Morgan, Abernant.

WEDDING PRESENTS. Bride to Bridegroom, diamond ring. Bridegroom to Bride, gold bracelet. Bridegroom to Bridesmaids, gold curb bracelets. Mother of Bride, cheque and household linen. Father of Bride, cheque. Grand-mather of Bride, solid silver tea and coffee service. Father and Mother of Bridegroom, cheque. Mr. G. T. Davies, cheque. Miss Davies, oil painting and fancy work. Miss J. Davies, carved spinning chair stool, table, photo frames, and rug. The Misses Jones, brass fire screen. Dr. and Mrs. Martin Jones, cheque. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Jones, cheque. Mr. and Mrs. William Meredith Jones, cheque. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ll. Jones, coal scuttle. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Phillips, dessert service. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Brown, dinner ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. A comb, eilver vases. The Misses Acomb, table centre and d'oy- leys. M'rs. Bock, linen bedspread, tin and tray cloth. -Mrs. and Miss Nita Charles, entree dishes. Mr. and Mrs. C. "ox, Worcester china tea service. Mrs. M. Daniel, Maltese water pitcher. Miss Mary Daniel, silver rose- bowl. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, silver tea service. Mrs. j&. R. David, m'aid nicther cf pearl table. The Misses David, silver card case. Mrs George Davies, silver-mounted salad bowl and servers. Mr. Isaac Davies, set of tea things. Miss Mary Davies, red satin table centre. Mr. J. Didwith, sugar and cream stand. Mr. Charles Edwards, vases. Miss Dorothea Evans, silver-mounted biscuit box. Mrs. Evan Evans, linen bedspread. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, silver tea i spoons and tongs. Mrs. H. Evans, pair of flat irons. £ Miss Keziah Evans, pair of photo frames Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans, pickle stand. The Rev. and Mrs. D. Silyn Evans, Bible. Mr. Trevor Evans, cigarette case. Mrs. Phoebe Evans, set of tea. things. The Rev. and Mrs. C. A. H. Green, coal- port china vase. Miss and Miss Bessie Griffiths, silver fruit stand. Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith, silver salt cellars. Fraulein Hackenberg, table centre. Miss Hannah, Worcester china vase. Miss Harland, picture. Mr. and Mrs. C. Harris, Worcester china swan. Mrs. Hayhurst, brass fire stand. Mrs. W. D. Hughes, silver-mounted salad bowl and servers. Dr. and Mrs. Johnstone and family, silver flower vase and hand made lace. Dr. E. Jones, silver sugar basin and cream jug. The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Jones, silver photo frame. Miss Jones and Miss Lena Jones, table centre and silver fruit knives. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, cheese stand. Miss Maggie Jones, silver salver. Miss M. Jones, china vase. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan John, clock. Miss Pollie Jones and) Nurse Brooks, silver sugar sifter. Mrs. S. Jones, set of jugis. Dr. and Mrs. Trevor Jones, claret jug. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and family, silver mounted salad bowl and servers. Mr. A. Lea, sandwich server. Mrs. W. Llewelyn, silver spoons and tongs. Mr and Mrs. Llewelyn and family, silver mounted cruet. Mrs. C. M. Lewis, Worcester china bowl. Miss Nessie Lewis, Worcester china vase Mr. C. P. Lewis, silver-mounted celery stand. Dr. and Mrs. Martin, silver salt cellars. Miss Martin and Miss Morgan, silver candlesticks. Mr. Edward Morgan, drawing-room clock Mr. and Mrs. Howell Morgan, silver pepper boxes. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pardoe, silver fruit stand. Mr. and Mrs. D. Phillips, bread board and knife. The Rev. and Mrs. Powell, book. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Price and family, silver dessert knives and forks. Miss Emily Price, Worcester china vases. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Price, silver butter dish. Dr. and Mrs. Rees, revolving tureen. Miss Hannah Rees, silver jam stand. Mrs. W. T. and Miss Rees, silver fruit stand. Mrs.' W. Rees, china flower pot. Miss Roberts, silver mounted scent bottles. Mr., Mrs., and Miss Richards, silver fruit spoons. Mr. and Mrs, T. Roderick, silver tea spoons. The Misses Sands, fish knives and forks. Miss Sims, silver cake basket. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Sims, silver revolv- ing tureen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sholes, afternoon tea cloth. Mrs. Thomas Thomas, linen bedspread. Mrs. J. D. Thomas, silver vegetable stand. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas, case of silver serviette rings. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thomas, silver apostle tea spoons. Miss Bessie Thomas, silver butter dish. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thomas, silver vases Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, dinner service. Mr and the Misses Thomas, salad servers Mrs. Thomas, set of jugs. Mr. and Mrs. B. White, silver candle- sticks. Mrs. D. E. Williams, silver photo frame. Mr. L. N. Williams and family, silver jug. Miss Madge Williams, embroidered cloth Mr. and Mrs. O. Williams, silver cake basket. Miss C. Winson, work bag and case of labels. Miss K. Winson, two oil paintings. The Misses Pritchard-Evans, ° silver butter dishes. The Misses Morgan, china. Miss Nita Charles, silver jam case. Mrs. Edwards, Worcester vase. Mrs. Dudley, crumb brush and tray. Mrs. Isaac, wool mats. From a Friend, mirror. Mrs. Stevens, two vases. Mrs. Ben Jones, vases. Mrs. Wise, d'oyleys. Mr. J. E. Evans, china vases. Mrs. Gibbon, jam stand. Miss Jayne-, fancy work. Messrs Rees Evans and Son, photo frame Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies, tea caddv. Mrs. Williams, salt cellars.

DESCRIPTION OF DRESSES. The bride's dress, with a court t ra.:n, was of white duchess satin, tr'mmed with old Limerick lace, and true lover's knots in satin ribbons. The bodice had a transparent yoke, and bertha of Limerick lace, and was handsomely trimmed with pearl trimming. She carried a lovely shower bouquet of white bridal flowers. The bridesmaids wore white mouseline de soie with full skirts trimmed with frills and satin ribbons. The bodices had boleroes of silk lace and transparent V shaped yokes. They wore white hats, trimmed with large ostrich plumes, and carried bouquets of pink carnations, and wore curb bracelets, the gift of the bride- groom. The bride's mother wore black duchess satin, trimnied handsomely with black old Limerick lace and sequin trimming. The bodice had a white front, and a touch of mauve velvet. She carried a bouquet of mauve chrysanthemums. The bride's going-away dress was a skirt and bolero of grey cloth, and pretty shot silk blouse trimmed with pink, and hat to match. The bride's grand-mother, Mrs. Thomas, wore a handsome black bro- caded silk trimmed with Maltese silk lace. By an afternoon train the wedded pair, amidst showers of rice' and confetti and the most felicitous well-wishes of their numerous friends, left for London and Paris, where the honeymoon will be spent Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be "at home" ifter October 14th.

Mountain Ash Evening Classes Committtee. RESULTS OF TECHNICAL CLASSES EXAMINATIONS (SESSION 1905-6). BOARD OF EDUCATION EXAMS. Caegarw School, Mountain Ash. Machine Construction and Drawing.— Thomas Erasmus, first stage, first class; John Price and Edward Powell, 1st stage, 2nd class; A. W. Brynn, 2nd stage, 2nd class. Principles of Mining Thomas E. Griffiths, 1st stage 2nd class; Trevor Jones, 1st stage, 1st class; Dd. J. Jones, 1st stage, 2nd class; Jas. Minor, 1st stage, 2nd class; Jos. J. Thomas, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Thos. Lawrence, 2nd stage, 2nd class; John W. Thomas, 2nd stage, 2nd class; John Jones, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Samuel G. Milsom, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Richard B. Erasmus, 3rd stage, 2nd class; Alfred James, 3rd stage, 1st class; David E. Harris, 1st stage, 1st class. Applied Mechanics—Alfred James, 1st stage, 2nd class. Mathematics, Division 1. (External Candidates)—J. J. Beckerlegge, 3rd stage, 2nd class. Magnetism and Electricity—J. J. Beckerlegge, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Alf. James, 2nd stage, 2nd class. Penrhiwceiber Girls' School. Principles of Mining—A. A. Mossell, 1st stage, 2nd class; Win. L. Davies, 1st stage, 1st class; Wm. J. Davies, 1st stage, 2nd class; Henry Jones, 1st stage, .1st class; James Harris, 1st stage, 1st class; James Teague, 1st stage, 2nd class. Trerobert Girls' School, Ynysybwl. Principles of Mining—W. C. Williams, 1st stage, 2nd class; T,i,liesin Bevan, 2nd stage, 1st class; David Lloyd, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Wm. Jones, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Thomas Evans, 3rd stage, 2nd class; Silas Williams, 3rd stage, 2nd class.

COUNTY COUNCIL EXAMINATIONS. Caegarw School, Mountain Ash. French—Arthur Burston, 1st stage, 1st class; R. M. Jones, 1st stage, 1st class; D. H. Price, 2nd stage, hons.; G. W. Richards, 1st stage, 3rd class; J. W. Rowlands, 2nd stage, hons.; William Williams, 1st stage, hons.; Caradog Walters, 1st stage, hons.; Blod wen Isaac, 2nd stage, 1st class. Cookery—C. E. Thomas, 1st stage, 1st class (excellent); E. Wood, 1st stage, 1st class; A. Morgan, 1st stage, 1st class; A. Richards, 1st stage, 1st class; N. Har- land, 1st stagit, 1st class; L. Millar, 1st stage, 2nd class; S. Edmunds, 1st stage, 1st class; M. A. Phillips, 1st stage, 1st class; E. Reynish, 1st stage, 1st class; M. E. Tite, 1st stage, 2nd class. Geology-Dd. J. Davies, 3rd class; D. E. Harris, 3rd class; John Jones, 3rd class; Alfred James, 2nd class. Electric Lighting and Transmission of Power-J. J. Beckerlegge, 4th stage, 2nd class; Wm. Gillard, 4th stage, 2nd class; LI. Hughes, 4th stage, 2nd class; J. E. Jones, 4th stage, 2nd class; Alfred James, 4th stage, 1st class; Reginald 1. Lewis, 4th stage, 2nd class; Arthur Pugh, 4th stage, 2nd class. Practical Mathematics Joseph J. Thomas, 1st stage, 1st class; James H. Minor, 1st stage, 3rd class; Benj. Evans, 1st stage, 1st class; Thomas Lawrence, 1st stage, 1st class. Mining—Dd. K. Davies, 3rd stage, 3rd class; David J. Davies, 3rd stage, 3rd class; Wm. J. Davies, 2rd stage, 3rd class; Rd. W. Erasmus, 3rd stage, 2nd class; Benj. Evans, 3rd stage, 2nd class; Geo. B. Grant, 3rd stage, 3rd class; Ed. G. Godfrey, 1st stage, 2nd class; Thomas E. Griffiths, 1st stage, 2nd class; D. E. Harris, 4th stage, 3rd class; D. j. Jones, 1st stage, 3rd class; Trevor Jones, 1st stage, 2nd class; Alfred James, 2nd stage, 1st class; Thos. Lawrence, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Jas. Mason, 2nd stage, 3rd class; James H. Minor, 1st stage, 3rd class; S. G. Milsom, 2nd stage, 2nd class; J. W. Thomas, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Jos. J. Thomas, 2nd stage, I class. Duffryn Boys' School, Mountain Ash. Book-keeping Daniel Boundy, 1st stage, 1st class; John P. Callaway, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Ernest G. Howells, 1st stage, 3rd class; Ralph Powell, 3rd stage, 1st class; Ivor C. Phillips. 3rd stage, 1st class; A. E. Phillips, 1st stage, 1st class: Evan Phillips, 2nd stage, 1st class; Thos. Lewis, 3rd stage, 1st class; R. G. Shaw, 2nd stage, 1st class; Morley Tanner, 3rd stage, 1st class; Timothy Williams, 1st stage, 2nd class. Wood Carving—Gertrude A. Reynish, 1st class; Edith S. Long, 1st class (dis- tinction); W. H. Smith, -1st class; Thos. Rees, 1st class; M. Moyle, 2nd class; J. R. Jones, 1st class (dist.); Llewellyn Hughes, 1st class; J. Stretter, 2nd class. Penrhiwceiber Girls' School. Cookery—A. Thomas, 2nd class; F. Williams, 1st class (excellent); Eva Lewis, 1st class; M. Williams, 1st class; M. J. Thomas, 1st class. 11 Caegarw School, Mountain Ash. Welsh—M. A. Adams, 1st class, 1st stage; G. E. Crane, 1st stage, 3rd class; Amelia Davies, 2nd stage, 1st class; Hannah M. Davies, 1st stage, 1st class; D. L. Edwards. 2nd stage, 3rd class; T. Griffiths, 2nd stage, 3rd class; D. H. Price, 2nd stage, 1st class; Evan Phil- lips, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Elizabeth J. Roberts, 1st stage, 2nd class; Tegwedd Thomas, 1st stage, 3rd class; Gwen Wil- liams, 1st stage, 1st class; Timothy Wil- liams, 2nd stage, 3rd class; Caradog Walters, 2nd stage, 2nd class. Penrhiwceiber Girls' School. Mining—James Harris, 1st stage, 2nd class; Henry Jones, 1st stage, 2nd class; A. A. Mossell, 1st stage, 2nd class. Abercynon Cookery School. Cookery—Miss Mason, first class; Miss L. Carslake, 1st class. Ynysybwl Cookery School. Cookery—Mrs. Morgan, 1st class; Mrs. Evans, 1st class; Mrs. Instrell, 1st class; Miss Hughes, 1st class; Miss F. Hopkins, 1st class; Miss Jones, 1st class; Miss M. Jones, 1st class; Miss Rose Dawe, 1st class; Miss Davie-, 2nd class; Miss M. Hughes, 1st class; Miss M. Meredith, 1st class; Miss M. Johns, 1st class; Miss M. J. Jones, 2nd class; Mrs. Sharp, 1st class; Mrs. John (excel- lent), 1st class. Trerobert Boys' School. Mining—Thomas Evans, 4th stage, 2nd class; Rees Hughes, 1st stage, 3rd class; Wm. Jones, 2nd stage, 3rd class; David Lloyd, 2nd stage, 2nd class; Silas Wil- liams, 1st stage, 2nd class; W. C. Wil- liams, 1st stage, 3rd class. Mathematics Silas Williams, 2nd stage, 3rd class. Welsh—Mary A. Davies, 1st stage, 2nd class; Titus Davies, 1st stage, 2nd class; Bessie Edwards, 1st stage, 3rd class; Hy. J. Evans, 1st stage, 2nd class; Trevor Rogers, 1st stage, 2nd class; W. D. Rogers, 1st stage. 2nd class; G.I. Smith, 1st stage, 2nd class.

SOCIETY OF ARTS EXAMINATIONS, 1906. Duffryn Boys' School. Stage I., Book-Keeping—J. P. Calla- way, A. E. Phillips, R. G. Shaw. Stage II., Book-Keeping—Thos. Lewis, 2nd class. Stage III., Book-Keeping Ralph Powell, 2nd class; Morley Tanner, 1st class.


Abercynon Police Count. Wednesda y.—Before Major Morgan and Capt. F. N. Gray. DRUNKS. Ellis Jones, *Abercynon, a native of North Wales, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and with attempt- ing to take a prisoner from the custody of the police.—Fined 15s. and costs. J. Lleweilyn, in Ynysybwl, 10s. and costs. John Evans, in Abercynon, 10s. and cests. BAD LANGUAGE. Emrys Evans, collier, Penrhiwceiber. was charged' with using indecent lan- gauge at Abercynon Station, and was fined 20s. and costs or 21 days. DETAINED ON SUSPICION. Robert Templeman, of no fixed abode, was charged on suspicion with stealing a silver teaspoon. > P.S. Re« said he was sent,for by Mrs. Barnett, the pawnbroker, at Abercynon. The prisoner was there trying to pledge a silver tea-spoon. Asked where he had obtained it, prisoner replied it was on a rubbish heap. He had gone there to look for a pair of boots and he found a silver teaspoon. Prisoner was ordered to be detained seven days to enable the police to make further enquiries. LODGER ASSAULTS HIS LANDLADY. Catherine Smith summoned John Davies, Abercynon, for assault. Mrs. Smith said that defendant lodged with her. On August 25th he quarrelled with another lodger, so she told him to clear out. He went out, but returned and smashed the window, burst open the door, and struck her in the face, dis- colouring her eye. The police said that prisoner had ab- sconded. He was fined 20s. or 21 days for break- ing the window, and 40s. and costs or one month for the assault. BACK FROM HIS HOLIDAYS. ABERAMAN MAN'S EXPERIENCES. Benjamin Davies, collier, Abercynon, was charged with stealing one gentle- man's mackintosh, one gentleman's um- brella, a walking stick, one lady's um- brella, and one lady's parasol, valued al- together at £ 5. the property of John James, Aberaman. John James, farm bailiff, Aberaimm Farm, said that on Monday, September 3rd, he was at the Abercynon Railway Station waiting for a train to Aberaman. He was returning from his holidays. He had a parcel (the articles stolen) with him, and left it on the table in the waiting room. He noticed two women and some children, and the prisoner and another man there. He went out of the room leaving the bundle ou the table. After being out some time one of the women came to him and told him some thing. That was about 8 o'clock. He went back to the waiting room and found that the bundle had disappeared. He went in search of the prisoner, and found r him on the platform, a few yards from 2 the waiting room door. Witness asked him what he had done with the parcel, and he replied that he knew nothing all iabout it. Witness then said .\1Je would seek assistance to take hun to custody, and the prisoner thereupon ra" up the line. Witness found the parcel behind an automatic sweetmeat machine. Asked if he had anything to say. pril- oner said he caught hold of the bundle and walked out with it towards bl friend and said he was coming back fron1 his holiday. He placed it back where he found it. Mrs. Surfteld, Mountain Ash, said that about 8 o'clock on September 3rd she was in the waiting room. She saw Mr. James come in and place a bundle on the table. Prisoner went out of the room, and camo back again, and took the parcel. She then informed }Jr. James. By Maj or Morgan: The prisoner wat the worse for drink. A relief signalman at Abercynon stated that he was on duty on that evening From what Mr. James told him, he fol- lowed the prisoner up the Merthyr 1in8. He caught him up, and prisoner said: I "I iiavn't done wrong, have I?" V* ness replied, "You know ycu are tres- passing, and you must come back witl' | me." He was then brought back to the station. P.C. Wilson said he was sent for to the railway station. The prisoner waS given into custody. He proceeded to take him to the Police Station. When DB; the sub-way, prisoner made a. bolt, but witness quickly followed, and caught him. With the assistance of some civil- ians he was taken to the Police Station- He charged him, and in reply he said; "I didn't know what I was doing." P li: oner was under the influence of drink- j Prisoner pleaded not guilty, and committed to take his trial at 'l,e Assizes. r

———— ¡ In aid of a Mountain AsH Blind Boy. A meeting was held on Tuesday evew ing at the Workmen's Institute, tain Ash, to consider the best course to adopt for the purpose of assisting Staii- ley Gregory (son of Mr. George Gregm'?' of Albert-street, Miskin), who has I)Ce1 blind practically from birth, and r-ow reached the ago 'limit at SwallSerl Institute for the Blind. It appears that the authorities ;1.t Swansea strongly recommend him to to London to farther his musical ed uen- tion and to become a piano and orga" tuner, as he is at present a good musi- cian. The cost at the London Tnsti- tute will be £ 65 per annum, and it is ex- pected he will have to remain there for five years. The local Education miittee have very kindly promised to con- tribute the same amount as they paid to the Swansea Institute for the fÜ-st year. Unfortunately, the father, Mr. Geore Gregory, met with an accident just he- fore the Workmen's Compensation Act came into operation, injuring the spine- through which he was idle for five and is now only able to do some very light employment. Mr. Tudor Da.vies, M.E., who was ap- pointed chairman of the meeting, verY forcibly pointed out the nenessity of in- augurating a scheme to help the unfor- tunate young man to go to a London I»' stitue as suggested by the SW;lJlS:?;1 j authorities, and further pointed out otif bounden duty to assist the afflicted jt) every possible manner, and especially ill this particular case, as the boy, if he i-s not given some means of earning Ili. livelihood, will have to depend upon charity during his life. Messrs. John and Samuel Bowles, .J 011111 Bevan, and others, spoke to the san1(J effect, and it was unanimously decided that a concert should be held on Thurs- day, October 18th, 1906, in aid of the afflicted person. Mr. Tudor Davies; M.B., was appoint- ed chairman of the committee; Mr John Jones, Prosser-street, treasurer; Messrs John Bailey, Oakland-street, and D. If Davies (under-manager), joint secretar- ies. Another meeting will be held 011 Friday evening next, when all interested are very earnestly requested to attend to assist in furthering the arrangements- The committee hope that tho public will respond to their appeal on behalf of sucli a deserving and worthy cause in their usual large hearted manner.

Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED AT THE 'Leader' Office, Market St., Aberdare. p' Printed and Published at their Trv^ ng Works, Market Buildings, Market Street, Aberdare, in the County of Gla* norgan, by the proprietors, W. pugh mc1 J. L. Rowlands.