Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Bankyfelin Notes.


Bankyfelin Notes. In the list of certificates awarded to success- ful scholars at the Old College School, Carmarthen, last week we are pleased to observe the name of Master J. T. J ones, of Warwenallt, as being the winner of a certi- ficate for excellence in shorthand. Master Jones being such a juvenile tyro at this fascinating art, it is gratifying to learn that his first efforts have met with such unqualified success. We have inspected his phonographic characters and consider them models of neat- ness, accuracy, and elegance. This is an art which should be included in the curricu- lum of all schools. Its study is not only fascinating and interesting, but it inculcates industry, perseverance, quickness of appre- hension, and improves the memory to a marked degree, and initiates one into the secret niceties of language. To any young man intending to embark in a literary profession or commeicial career we strongly advise its acquisition. What comical fellows those Cockneys arc indeed An individual in the neighbourhood unable to decide where he should spend his holidays wrote to a Londoner who had been to that pleasant sea-side resort —Margate, for a description of the place and this was the reply lie received MARGATE AS A HOLIDAY RESORT. "DEAR IR.- Yon could chrose many worse places to spend a ho'iday at than Margate. I do not say tlrat you would get any rest there, but yon would get plenty of recreation It is a jumpy ticklish sort of place, in fact cvertbing seems to be on the more It is ?ery lively, too, and there is no doubt that the "vast population" which the place contains makes strenuous efforts to place itself on familiar terms with each visitor, and there is no doubt that this effort has a marked effect on the majority of the visitors. The only drawback to the place is that owing to the vast population to which I have referred, it is utterly impossible to obtain a private bedroom anywhere in the place; in fact, every visiter is compelled to share his chamber with one or more of the inhabitants. Now, if these bed-fellows behaved like other individuals it would not matter so much, but they don't. They never feel sleepy, and at night they make a point of feeding, drinking, steeplechasing, nnd playing nil sorts of games, and sleep is out of the question. You have to stand this the whole of the time that you are down there, and in my case some of them insisted on returning to town with me. Barring this. Margate is a very lively place to spend a holiday. Yours fraternally, H P. P.S.-Lemc-n juice IS n ,ery good thing to take the freckles off." -0- A few miles from here lives a man of an extremely economical turn. Now, if it is within the realm of jiossibility, he will so thrive as to make a shilling into eighteen pence. He says he looks the troubles of life squarely in the face and he is determined to live. Now, the other day his hawk's eye alighted on a paragraph in a paper known as the Exchange and Mart. "Ah 1" says he, as he read the advertisement, here's a splendid tunic for 2s 3d. Well here's a bargain As he is a man who earns his daily bread by the sweat of his brow, he thought this a splendid piece of light apparel for the coming sultry weather. So the money and the order were forthwith forwarded to the dealer. Five days passed and no signs of the coat. His eagerness to see his new spec" was intense. He was sitting at breakfast one morning and was lifting a spoonful of porridge from the basin it was within an inch of his mouth when a knock shook the tenement. Down dropped the spoon with its contents and lie ran to the door. Ah here 'tis What?" demanded his wife, somewhat surprised. Why, the tunic now, half a minute," he said, as he cut the cord and opened the parcel, Oh d-, look look and what d'yer tkink it was ? Why, a soldiers' old scarlet tunic He says lie thinks the Exchange and Mart a fraud. --0- A dead and oppressive silence fell over the eisteddfod at St. Clears last Monday evening. Some of the people turned ashy white—some were shivering from fright at the presence of some object that had just entered—it was only Eos y Clocs -0- Y mas rhai beehgyn. ddim yn rahell o arJal Bankyfelin, yn ceisio d?nu serch y merched stynt drwy ddweyd wrthynt faint o atian sydd ganddynt yn y bank, a faint ccgeffylau sydd ganddynt yn yr ystabl gartref. Und druein o bonynt, nid yw merched glan Bankyfelin a'r ardil yn mynecl i gymnieryd en twyllo trwy y sothach dwl yna. Dyna dro ddijjwyddedd i fachgen pan yr oedd yn myned i ryw farm yn y nos i roi tro am y merched. Yr oedd y merched yn meddwl cael ambell i gusan a chofleicliad ganddo. Ond 0 y fath ddychryn a siomedigneth gawsanf, oherwydd y geiriau cyntaf a glywsant gan my lord cedd, fod ganddo bump o geffylau yn yr ystabl gartref, a r'un faint o gi-ooiiis yn fdrych ar eu hol; ae fod ganddo bum' cant o hunnau yn y bank. Dyna ffasiwn odd ogaru, onid £ ? Ond ri chofiodd y llanc ddweyd wrthynt am ti holl gyfoeth. Y mae ganddo fwlsyn eto yn ei feddiant, mor benwan ag ef ei huiisn ac efallai y bydd ganddo fochyn neu 16 neu ddafai yn ei ftddiant pan yr aiff yriO nesaf. Ond— Gwell iddo fyn'd i brynu ruoeh, A defuid, a riâ. tewicn, Nag i'Jdo geisio denu serch Y merched a'i lol wirion We arc much delighted with a dialogue wo heard at the concert last Friday evening, entitled Profi gyfeillioa it was gone through dramatically and effectively but this is nothing in comparison with a lively" dialogue" that took place the other evening between two persona. No. 1 proved con- clusively to Xo. 8 that the latter was not one of his pretended gyfeillion," but one of his bitter gelynion." A man has little or no conscience who can face you with a big lie It would be a rather difficult matter to make some people apprehend the meaning of the word conscience We regret to understand that Mr Albert Davies was not successful at the St Clears eisteddfod. However, the members of his choir acquitted them- selves in a manner creditable to Mr Davies, and he is to be complimented upon his first debut at an eisteddfod. We hope that this will not have a discouraging effect on Mr Davies' musical abilities, and we wish him better success next time. -0- The audience at the eisteddfod were entertained with some nmus:ng scents in the course of the evening, which evoked side-ppiitting laughter. One conductor marched np to the stage triumphantly, much elated with the success of his choir, to receive lis trophy, the bag cf coins." lie gripped the bag as if it were a Koh i-hoor, and shook hands triendiy with its presenter. He then confronted the audience, dangled the purse ex- ultingly/aiid smiled But really the conductor's ebullition was too much for the exasperable feelings of those who knew that Mr So-and-so had been down <; polishing up this conductor's choir, and their ire was vented when this Mr So-and-so's name resounded through the building whereat the natural smiles of the conductor changed into a broad sardonic grin, and to avenge himself he made use of his skill in cricket by flinging the purse into space. He tried to catch it as it descended, but he didn't, and down went the purse, and the brass lay scattered over the stage This was followed by a loud explosion of ironical laughter, which was still continuing when the conductor, after having collected every penny, got up and executed a couple of dances-somethirg like a mixture of a war-dance and an Irish-jig, and he finished up and few off the stage in a Highland fling -1;- The Secretary's error in announcing the name of a successful competitor was the next item to cause some amusement. The name of the wrong young man was pronounced, snd up he marched on air." The shock, indeed, was rery great, and he staggered a little when the puree was placed in his hands but. he gradually Tallied and made his way back to the gallery. But. (Ill lor the youtig tenor was hardly seated in the gallery, when a hue and cry was made for him. The Chairman pacitied the excited secretary by informing him of his belief in the young man's honesty and respectability, and he (the chairman) was perfectly convinced that the young man would not run away with the purse. Shouts were heard tbut he had already decamped with th-i purse (on the pretext of having tea). At this unexpected bit of the secretary was et&gpeicd, foLd he turned pale to think that the wrong man had made off with a purse con taining weil, 2e However, after a little flurry and no!se in the upper regions," somebody said, Here he is 1" But what d'yer think ? the young tenor wi-s not gciDg to be gulled to easily Sf) he said that ho would not bring back the purse, but." he ad 'ed in a coneitin.dug way, I'll halve with you So he cume down—without the purse, and gave back one shilling. Then there was a deuce of a row about the puree Someone shouted It's stole ? After a short search, howevtr, it was found, and thrown back to the tlage, amidbt the titters of the people. --0- What an extraordinary number of couples were epoouiujj on the loud from St. Clears last Monday night Why, they were thicker than the primroses on the hedges, and one could hardly see through the density of them. Yes, those wags know the best time for wooing. One young spark was so interested in them that he wasted two penn'orth of matches in trying to make out whether the couples harmonised according to the balancing laws of nature. A sad accident happened to one of these galiai t young men -one of King John's type, ysr know—why I he actually broke a p: ir of one and sixpenny braces and lost t-Ao ehirt s'uds and a colJar stud in trying to impress upon the negro lips of his Aneliner "-about six feet of flesh and bone—the burning temperature of his affection foi her -0- The grand treat given to the inhabitants ac well as the congregation of the chapel, by Mr and Mrs Davies, Waui;bricks, was quite unsurpassed for its excellence and sumptuosity, and we doubt v, hcLher such an enjoyable treat was given here before. After such a display of liberality Mr and Mrs Davies should be held in the highest esteem and admiration. 'Twero well for the inhabitants if there were more of these philantbropically-disposed ladies and gentlemen resident in the locality. AQUILÆ.

Social Tea and Concert at…

- Ferry side Gossip.

Priory Congregational Chapel,…








[No title]

Water-street Chapel, Carmarthen.

The Bankyfelin Squib.

" Squib Bankyfelin" eto.

The Great Need of the Age



Joint Agricultural Society…

IDetermined Suicide at Llanelly.

Sad Death of the Rev. Jonah…
