Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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St. Islimael's ParIsh Council.i


St. Islimael's ParIsh Council. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Ti-e first rmr-tiog of the newly elected Parish Council of St" Ishmasl vvrs bold on Thursday c/r.ciuc. the i 6th inst., in the National Schoolroom, F<rrysi'ie. There weie prwent Mr Dudley Wil'.i-ms-Drummond, Mr Owen Davies (Bryncoch), iV H >!irchell, Mr A Goldsmith, Mr W C Bussolt. Mr John Edwards, Mr Evau Wi kins, Mr John Jones, Sir Jabcz Rees, Mr Daniel Thomas. and Mr Thomas 1 homsa, Cwm. Mr Owen Davies, ou the motion of Mr J Jones, fcecocded by Mr Drutnciond, was electcd chairmanpro ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Mr 0 Darius proposed the re-election of Mr D W Drtimmond "s chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year. It was a great pleasure for him 10 do so lie bad conducted the wlio;e pro. ceeding's during the past year iu a kind and impartial manner (cheers) He was very pleased that Mr D; :jrjnioiiiJ WHS amongst them that i i,, 4il' evening, find if, afforded him the greatest pleasure to propose his i J election. Mr John Jones brieily seconded the proposition, which was carried unanimously, Mr Drummond, upon resuming the chair, said that ha foil greatly touched by their kindness in re-electing him as their ohaiiman, also for the kind words'.utered by the proposer and seconder. He h-id thought it better to get some change in the chairmanship for the p.esent year. lie was of opinion that it was undesirable for him to he ngaiu re elected, bos iuastnuch as he was again callerl npjn by thiir unanimous vole to act in that capaci'y, he wouid try and do his beet to carry out his duties tn chairman for the Council. During the lflrt yeai eve.-ything went on pleasantly, and he hoped ie would be the same this rear as the lust (cheers), lie again wished to thank them for t'a k- irt()ip- of thinks, and trusted he would act worthy oi the confidence they had reposed in him. APPOINTMENT OF OVERSEERS. Nlr C Biyiicocli, prrpoFe(I tie re-appoint- ment of Mr Richard Jones, Tresihvood, as one of the overseers of the parish for the coming year. He was a gentleman who would satisfy everybody in the discharge of his duties. Mr Goldsmith seconded, and the motion was ccr;ied. Mr Rees, assistant overseer, in answer to the Chairman, said that ths custom was to elect one o^erse-v from the upper portion of the parish, and the other for the lower. At present the two over- seers were from the upper portion. Mr GoldMuitb proposed that Mr J Ities, Nimpwll, another overseer t;e re-appointed. Mr Daniel Thomas se.ouded, and the motion was carried. Mr E Wilkins thought that it was a great mistake that they appointed Mr Rees last jear, as ho was living in the upper portion of the parish, like Mr Jones. ASSISTANT OVERSEER'S SALARY. Mr J Rees. assistant overseer, desired to call the atcentioii of the Council to the fact that portions of some parishes had been added to St. Ishmael's parish, which meant extra work for him to collect the rates, and lie asked for additional remuneration for the extra work. Mr Drummord How many more additional people have you t.) call upon ? Mr R-es About 14. Mr Drummond What remuneration do you get ut present r Mr Rees £ 20 a year. Mr Drumnsond Bsfore deciding what steps we take to deal wi h Mr Roes's application, I think it i our fir-t duty to re-appoint him assistant-overseer or otherwise, lliey Ehould, lie was of opinion, discuss tho matter more fully. On the motion of Mr Jones, seconded by Mr Thomas, Cwm, it was resolved to re-appoint Mr Rees as assistant-overseer. It was further resolved to decide the question of additional salary to him later on in the meeting. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN. Mr Owen Davies was proposed as vice-chairman for the ensuing year by Mr Thomas, Cwm, and seconded by Mr Jones, Cwmturry.—Carried unanimously. ELECTION OF CLERK AND TREASURER. Mr Goldsmith proposed the re-election of Mr W. II. Mitchell as clerk. Mr Davies seconded. Mr Drummond said that he had great pleasure in supporting the motion. Mr Mitchell had done his duties remarkably well. He thought they could congratulate themselves that the duty had been taken up by a number of iheir council (hear, hear). Their most cordial thanks were due to him for undertaking the work and doing it so well (hear, hear). -Cr.rieLl unanimously. Mr 3iit:hcll. in response, 'hanked them for their hind. CA'n\"1 fch, ¿.I..i,Qt8u..&u.}l {.to -rtiuy were unanimous, he could noikssthan acocpt the position for another year. The work had not been very hard, but it was work to which was attached a great deal of responsibility. Ut.dLr the circum- stances he wouid accept the clerkship (hesr, hear). Mr Drummond I am sorry to say that the only thing you can do is ro give Mr Mitchell a hearty tote of thanks. We can do no more. Mr A. G-ddsmich, on the motion of Mr J Edwards, seconded by Mr Mitchell, was re-elected treasurer. Mr Goldsmith, in responding, thanked the Council of the honour they had again conferred upon him, and further remarked that he was greatly indebted to Mr Mitchell for the help he had given him. TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. The treasurer submitted his account, which showed that the expenditure for the year amounted to it 8s 6d, leaving a balance to the good of A:3 Ss 2-J. Mr Drummond thought that whatever charge could Le brought Rgsinst them as a Council, the charge of extravagant expenditure could not be levelled at CLIFF ON THE BRAIN. Mr Goldsmith drew attention to the proposed Cliff repairs, and 5ked whether, if toaxeihing were done, it would effect the rates. Mr Mitchclleaid that uny iats made with r, gird to the Cliff WT.u'.d come under the district rate. The Chairman was of opinion that whatever the District Council wouid tl > it would not come upon the Parish Council. Dees any gentlcmsn liere wish to raise the rates r Do you watlt an additional rate? (^ddres-sing Mr Wilkins.) Mr Wilkins No, thank you, sir. I have got (nough now (laughter). MR. RHES'S SALARY. The application oc Mr R:cs for an increased salary was then considered. Mr Wilkins was of cpinion that the Parish Council could increase the salary, as the vestry 1 ad don.; so in years g me by. Mr 0 Davies Can you, Mr WilkiDs, give a fair idea cf what extrs work Mr Rees had to no ? Mr Wilkins You It no. Mr Davics, just us well as I do. Mr Rees's salary was very small, and there was 20 yours since a rise was hot given him. Mr Drummond was of opinion that they, as a Council, v. ere able to ndvancs his salary They couid instinct their Clerk to w.ite to ti-c Clerk of the District Council and ask his advice on the question. Mr Davit" a I really think Mr Rees th uld hive amorc. for the extra work. Mr Drummond I am perfectly of the same opinion. Mr Wilkins proposed that an extra £ 2 be granted. Mr Davics seconded. Mr l'hom143 tail that there was a great deal of t- in gathering the rates, and the salary was not a very big one. Mr Drummond I should not like to do the work for X20 (laughter). Mr Mitchell suggested an extra L2 10s. Mr Goldsmith proposed that sum. which was seconded and carried by six votes to three, two of the members remaining neutral, viz., Mi John Jones and Mr Jabez Rwts. STANDING ORDKKS. The Chairman brought forward the matter of Standing Orders, and said that la-t ye-r they as a Council had left the conduct of tia business entirely in his hands. It would, however, be more com- fortable to himself, as Chairman, to lia-c Standing Orders. Many parishes he knew of had adopted the plan. Mr Jones All the paiishes I know of have Standing Orders. Mr Drummoud Things hive been going on very nicely with us, but I would prefer Standing Orders Mr Goldsmith proposed, and Mr Edwards seconded, that a 8Ulè.H Committee be formed to draft out Standing Orders, and that tho satnu be submitted to the Council for its consideration at the r.ext meeting.—Carried. PLACE OF MEETING. Mr D»niel Thomas submitted a notice of motion, to the effect that the meetings ot the Council be he'd i-Uematcly at and Llanguint. The majority of tho Council were iu favour of holding the mcsUDgs ao "t present, but Mr Thomas persis- ted in t i j noti -e. and the question will be thrashed pot at the next meeting of the Council. MR. GOLDSMITH AS A REFORMER. Mr Goldsmith desired to call the atten ion of the Council to the nuisance wbieh DOW existed on the sands, in hG P: a, e of rubbish, kc., which was thrown indiscriminately over the beach. Also to ths stalls which were h >id on the atatiou crossing in close proximity to tue p'id.fcrms. Ihoec stal s greatly affected the trade oi the business people, so he alleged, and he wished to know whether some- thing could not be done to put a stop to them.— Notices of motion bearing with the two snbjeetg were submitted. THE SCHOOL BUILDING. A Do4ice of motion was also given by Mr Bassett in reference to tht- re-roofing of the building, ar.d in doing so referred to the danger to which the children were now exposed, owing to its <!e!apidated condition. —A good deal of desultory talk was in- dulged in on the subject, Mr Goldsmith remarking thfit he was in entire 8ympahy N-, itli the clergyman in rot re-roofinz the bui'dinz botorc ho had the "wherewitbals," If the money were not in hand with the clergyman before starting, he should rever get it cfterwards. 1 hie concluded the business.

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